• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia. For those
00:05who are watching, I thank you for watching. This is just going to be a quick video, Shia,
00:09because I wanted to let you know something, a notice I got on the door, a rent increase.
00:17And this is not how much I pay, because I'm low income, and because I'm disabled, I get,
00:23I only pay $311, 3-1-1, $311 per month to live here. But they've increased it 2,167
00:34to 2,803, effective on February. So, I just emailed, I wouldn't even know how to fill
00:45this out. I think I, I'm supposed to leave that blank. Actually, no, I think I'm going
01:00to say my name. Yeah, I have to write my name. So, this is very stressful, and $636
01:27increase. So, I emailed San Diego Housing Commission. I thought that, it says the increase
01:41should only be 10%, however, per year. However, I've lived here for three years and it hasn't
01:50increased. So, it may not be, because I'm disabled, and I'm very qualified to live here,
02:10I have like six different disabilities. So, I said, so San Diego Housing Commission is
02:23the one that pays the rest of the rent. So, I said, well, I'll just show you. I attached
02:38the letter, I attached the letter to San Diego Housing Commission. I just, this is when my
02:46brain injury, when this happens with my brain injury and I can't figure things out, I have
02:51all these fears and anxieties, because I don't really know. I mean, I'm going to have to
03:00stay here though, even if it increases like $100 or $200, I'm going to have to stay here
03:06because of all this proof and evidence. So, I emailed the person that I, that helps San
03:19Diego Housing Commission. Like, it's possible, I mean, it's possible, I mean, I don't know
03:43how other people could afford it that live here. I mean, there's people that only pay
03:49like a cent or a dollar that live here per month. So, this might not be something to
03:56out over. However, like, I could, when I read this, occupancy for household, I couldn't
04:15figure this out, to how to fill this out. But then I, but now I see that I probably
04:28have to put my name in it. This is part of the problem with my brain injury. I get very
04:35stressed out because I can't figure everything out completely right away. So, it's a notice
04:48to change the terms, addendum. I'm not very happy that it's increased. However, I will
05:00find out by San Diego Housing Commission. It's going to increase in February, so I
05:06have several months before it increases. Well, three months. This could be a way to naturally
05:23force me to leave so that this doesn't get proven and people don't go where they need
05:37to go. So, I'm going to calm down, but they're using AI weapons to like freak me out, give
05:45me extreme panic over this. However, I'm repeatedly told to not be stressed out. I'm
05:54going to return the envelopes because they're not business envelopes. I'm going to return
05:58the bread and the potatoes and the can of sauce tomorrow and not buy any more food.
06:08I'm going to try to attempt to buy at least $40 worth of Hanna Herb Shop products because
06:18I got an email. Hanna Kroger's birthday was on October 5th. She'd be 111. It was really
06:32nice. It's basically saying, uh, that it's the hacker that's messing with our grandson,
06:44Shia. So, I'm going to try to buy at least $40 worth of Hanna Kroger Shop this month.
07:15This is making me really happy.
07:19And there, by the way, Shia, there's, um, not everybody that lives here is bad. But,
07:44um, so they're trying to use our grandson, like, because of the possession to try to
08:01use all these programs that the hacker used against me and you. So, um, I drank all that
08:19orange juice, so I'm getting a little bit of, um, gas from it, but that's okay. So,
08:26I have to get organized. I have everything. Everything's kind of unorganized. I'm really
08:38getting, I got wicked attacked from this. That's why I'm telling it to you so that maybe
08:43it'll make me calm down. They'll use anything and everything to, uh, mess with me. So, I
09:03am not going to, I'll probably make a video tomorrow, not at 8 p.m., because I'll have
09:14a few things to show you. Will I have a few things to show you? Yeah, I'll have a few
09:20things to show you. I'm not going to wait until 8 p.m. tomorrow. I'm going to, after
09:25I get done with my laundry, go to Walmart, get a few things, go to the oil change, probably
09:33Valvoline, make them look under my car to see if it's broken, and then come back here,
09:41and then I will not have to go out again for four weeks. So, I'm going to talk to you,
09:56uh, but just so you know, I can tell you because anyone with AI can tell you with my SSI and
10:08SSDI, I get $1,200, so I only have to pay $311 to live here. With that rent increase,
10:18it's probably going to be a lot more than $311 because that's not 10%, but I, they can
10:27get away with all kinds of things, uh, property managers and leasing, they can get away with
10:43all kinds of things in regards to increasing the rent, but I will, I will, I will just
10:52be more poor than I already am because I'm not moving, I'm not moving out. I have to
10:58wait for you, Shia, in order to, for that, to, to get help. I can't do anything about
11:05this wall and evidence until you're here. There's, so, there's nothing I can do, but
11:13there's a plan, the Marians have a plan, and we're both following instructions, so I will
11:20talk to you tomorrow, Shia, and I'm going to, I'm going to do my laundry, get the rent
11:29check, and come back very quickly because I do not want to be, I don't want to be, um,
11:41out in public because it is kind of dangerous to go out because not everybody doesn't like
11:49me, but there's a lot of people that don't like me, and it seems like it's like, oh,
11:54there's a lot of effort on, uh, all the good people with the good AI. So, I'll talk to
12:05you, I'll talk to you tomorrow, Shia. I will look at the pendulum to figure this out. I'm
12:14going to have to, this is what I have to do, I have to make a photocopy of this, so
12:20I have to hook up the printer. I have to hook up the printer. Well, I don't know if I'm
12:28going to hook up the printer tonight, it's 946. Well, I don't have to, I don't have to
12:40give this back and sign it until, I have to get the business envelopes anyways because
12:47I got the small envelopes, those are just for letters, for small letters, I need the
12:52business envelopes. So, I'm going to talk to you tomorrow. I love you, Shia. Thank you
12:59everybody for watching. Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
