Shortland Street 8020 2nd October 2024

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00:00Previously on Shortland Street
00:02I'm starting to think that you are ashamed of me
00:04It's because you're not Pakistani, you're not Muslim
00:06That's the unsaid expectation
00:08Don't me and Baba
00:10One day you'll have to tell them about your girlfriend
00:12You know what will happen then
00:14How can you give us up so easily when we love you so much
00:16It's not just the cold though, is it?
00:18No, try not to worry, okay? We're gonna get to the bottom of this
00:20Have you been on any farms recently?
00:22Near any animals?
00:26Maria? Maria?
00:36Come on, Maria
00:40Hands are on
00:42Alright, clear
00:46Oh, thank you, Lord
00:48Okay, I'll look after the baby
00:50Thank you, Madonna
00:52What caused her to arrest?
00:54I wish I knew
01:02What are you doing out here?
01:06Trying to get sleepy
01:08I want to work out here, come to bed
01:10Did you have a good chat
01:12with Sir Head?
01:16So you guys are all good now?
01:18No problems
01:22I heard you, I didn't
01:24I didn't mean to listen, and I didn't really
01:26understand everything
01:28We were just tashing over some old stuff
01:34My dad
01:36He's very strict on Zahid
01:38because he's the eldest
01:40Zahid's never been able to let that go
01:42Everything he sees
01:44is through that lens
01:46So he had nothing to do with me?
01:52I'm not the problem
01:54You never were, never will be
02:06Long time?
02:08I need to get a diagnosis
02:10I did just visit Maria in HDO
02:12How's she doing now?
02:14She still has a high fever, so we stay quiet, but she is stable
02:16Until she has another cardiac arrest
02:18They're monitoring her around the clock
02:22You know you can do this research at home
02:24What is taking the lab so damn long with these tests?
02:26They know it's urgent
02:28and they are on to it, but getting frustrated won't speed things up
02:32What if we're not on the right track?
02:34It has to be an infection
02:36and this baby's life is at risk, babe
02:38We're all worried, okay?
02:40But let's go home and we can work on it together
02:42And what if they don't make it through the night?
02:52Have you forgiven me
02:54for taking Cassie to Louisa's seminar?
02:56You do know that she was speaking directly to Cassie, right?
02:58It's like there was no one else in the room
03:00Yes, I saw that
03:02But at least she was speaking from the heart
03:04She's come a long way
03:06Yeah, well maybe I can accept that
03:08as long as she stays the way I am
03:12Hi Nicole
03:14What are you doing back here?
03:16Well, the feedback's been so good since yesterday
03:18that they've asked me to come back
03:20They've been so good since yesterday
03:22that they've asked me if I want to start training as an on-call support person for women
03:24You did speak really well
03:26Thank you
03:28That means a lot
03:30What did Cassie think?
03:32Well, I guess you'll be asking her yourself
03:34when you're ambushing her
03:36in the cafe
03:38I don't want to ambush anyone
03:44I'll try to keep my distance then
03:46Did you have to do that?
03:50I'm protecting Cassie
03:52I'm protecting her too, but you heard her yesterday
03:54We can't demonise the woman
03:56Honestly, Nick, I'm a bit freaked
03:58by how quickly you've forgiven her
04:00You've been there yourself
04:02in your own way
04:04and you were out of your mind when we lost Wilder
04:06Holding a grudge
04:08isn't healthy for any of us
04:10Honey, she's broken our trust
04:12time and time again
04:14I know, but I feel like she's turned a corner
04:16How about live and let live?
04:20Don't be scared, Mrs Bradley
04:22We're going to take good care of you
04:24Mrs Bradley, I thought you were heading home
04:26No, no, no
04:28She's found herself a new boyfriend
04:30Don't tell my girlfriend
04:32Her name's Phil, so pretty
04:34That's right, I forgot he's a man in love now
04:36Maybe I am
04:38How many times do I have to tell you?
04:40It's a hassle, steer clear
04:42What do you reckon, Harper?
04:44I am sticking out of this one
04:46I wouldn't mind your opinion
04:48Um, okay
04:50Are you and Phil in?
04:52I'm sorry, Mrs Bradley, let me sort that out for you
04:54Select sutures
04:56I'll give you 10 out of 10
05:00But I'd give you zero for your TIA
05:02What TIA?
05:06Mrs Bradley
05:08Not a migraine like you diagnosed
05:10Okay, I'll be there in one second
05:12I've dealt with it
05:14No, I need to own that, that's my mistake
05:16It's an easy thing to miss, especially if you're under pressure
05:18And that mysterious caller rocked you
05:20Not in a good way
05:22Why are you letting me off?
05:24I caught it
05:26You should be blasting me and hauling me in front of Esther and Harper
05:28The patient's being monitored, I've given clopidogrel
05:30She could have gone home and died, Emmett
05:32But she didn't
05:34And I'm going to cover your shifts this weekend
05:36You're benching me?
05:38Knit yourself a jersey, whatever you do for fun
05:40Reprimand me, correct me, but don't you dare give me time
05:52Where's Nazar?
05:54Ah, he's running really late
05:58It's okay, I organised it that way so me and you, we could chat
06:00I don't understand
06:02I know your parents, they're never going to accept me
06:04That's the truth, isn't it?
06:06It's okay, just help me understand
06:08Educate me
06:10You really want to know?
06:12Hit me
06:16Number one, family is everything
06:18I understand that
06:20No, you don't
06:22It's about honour
06:24I know that sounds old fashioned
06:26And it is
06:28But we have to do the right thing
06:30It's in our DNA, you can't just take it out
06:32So my love for Naz
06:34That doesn't count for anything
06:36It's not about just you and Naz
06:38It's about the whole family
06:40Consensus, this is right for everyone
06:42It's me, isn't it?
06:44They're not going to like my personality and you know it
06:46It's not about liking you, Monique
06:48It's about girlfriend
06:52See, in our family there's no such thing as girlfriend or boyfriend
06:54Either you're in
06:56As a daughter or a daughter-in-law
06:58Or you're out
07:04So what can I do then?
07:06What is my leverage? How could I negotiate?
07:10This will take time, Monique
07:12Lots of time
07:14Don't pressure Naz to meet our parents
07:18Don't even talk about our parents
07:22Understand that they're more treasured than you can ever imagine
07:26I'm sorry
07:28You must be the same though, right?
07:30You must love your parents just as much
07:34Not really
07:38I mean I would say there's like a strong 30% of love there
07:42I guess
07:44I guess that's the culture clash
07:46I don't really
07:48I don't really know what family means
07:52I'm sorry
07:54No, no
07:56This is exactly what I need to hear
07:58The truth
08:00So what else?
08:04Hey, why don't we eat dinner after work tonight? Somewhere nice
08:06Maybe not last night
08:08Sorry, Nana Whitley, didn't realise you needed a cup of tea on a lie down
08:10Do not call me Nana
08:12Come on, Harper, don't be boring
08:14Right in the chat seat, please
08:16Don't miss me too much
08:20What for?
08:22Poking my nose in
08:24Oh, it's fine
08:26I just wanted to say I really like Lily
08:28For you, I think you guys are great together
08:30Did it hurt to say that?
08:32Nah, just maybe a little bit
08:40Okay, say goodbye, New Zealand
08:42Goodbye, New Zealand
08:46Okay, do we have time?
08:48Yeah, sure
08:50What's going on?
08:52We talked before you got here
08:54Yes, yeah, no
08:56I just have a better understanding of it all
08:58And I'm not taking it personally
09:00Taking what personally?
09:02That I will never be accepted by your parents
09:06That's okay, don't tell him off, it's the truth
09:08He knows it, we all know it
09:10Let's do this later, okay?
09:12No, no, no, I want him here as my witness
09:14Who's carrying me?
09:16He's your family, he should know
09:18I want to make it clear that I am never going to come between you and your parents
09:22You might have to make a choice
09:24But there is no choice
09:28Your Ami and Baba, they come first
09:30And I don't ever want you to give them up for me
09:36You have a good flight
09:38It was actually so nice to meet you
09:40You too, Mum
09:48I can buy you some time
09:52I'll tell Ami when I'm ready
09:54But you'll have to be in the room
09:56And Gigi as well
09:58Then all of us together will convince Baba
10:00That's a good plan
10:02But without a marriage
10:04There's no point in this plan
10:06Yeah, I know
10:08Are you ready for that?
10:12Okay, anyway
10:14Take care of yourself
10:16Golden boy
10:28I need to give you a heads up
10:30Um, Louisa is back in the hospital
10:32As a support person in training
10:36Yeah, everyone was really impressed
10:38With what she said yesterday
10:40Hard not to be, I felt sad for her
10:42Okay, well I've asked her
10:44Not to hassle you while she's here
10:46Keep her distance
10:50You feel the shock of seeing her now
10:52I'm not sure I am
10:54But Nick thinks
10:56I should be a bit more forgiving
10:58It reminded me that I've had
11:00My fair share of mental health
11:02Struggles too
11:04Yeah, like when Wilder died
11:06And the cops arrested me
11:10They realised they were wrong and let you go, right?
11:12It didn't stop me
11:14Losing my mind though
11:17We've never really talked about this, Cassie
11:23I tried to take my own life
11:28Maybe if I didn't know
11:30It was before I knew you were pregnant
11:32I was in hell
11:34I didn't care what happened to me
11:36What it might do to Nick
11:38How did you
11:40Get better?
11:42Was it just thinking about your grandchild?
11:44That was a big part of it
11:48And um
11:50You know other people in my life
11:52Giving me permission to forgive myself
11:54That's hard
11:56I know
12:00So yeah, I still don't want Louisa around
12:02I don't think it's healthy
12:04But Nick might be right
12:06I could try to be more tolerant
12:08At work anyway
12:12I have to go
12:14Can you just keep your guard up?
12:24How are you?
12:26I feel awful
12:28I'm really scared
12:30We are doing everything we can
12:32To find out what's going on
12:34Well, I had a heart attack
12:36What if that happens to my baby?
12:38We are monitoring both of you closely
12:40And we are expecting more test results
12:42I asked you before about farm visits
12:44Or contact with animals
12:46Are you sure there's been nothing like that?
12:48Not that I know of
12:50What about birds? Have you been feeding ducks or anything like that?
12:54Any possible contact with bird feces
12:56On anything you could have handled
12:58Or Te Kahatu might have touched
13:00We did go visit my auntie a couple weeks ago
13:04She has budgies and canaries in a big cage in her back garden
13:06Unfortunately, you're full of advice and tips
13:08Not that I'm asking
13:10But it is a big date night with Phil
13:12So yeah, I'm asking
13:14Is it her birthday?
13:18Then why are you acting like a 17 year old going to his first school ball?
13:20Um, might tell her I love her
13:24Is that too soon?
13:26Well no, but love is special
13:28You know, it shouldn't be something that's chucked around
13:30It's long term
13:32You can only say it if it's real
13:34And is Phil being honest with you?
13:36I hope so
13:38Okay, well maybe you should quiz her before you launch in
13:40About what?
13:42About how does she care about your family
13:44I know Selina's very important to you
13:46You need to know everything there is to know
13:50I'm just
13:52I'm preaching because I actually really care about you
13:56I'm just so grateful for this opportunity
13:58You know
14:00A real chance to help others
14:02And to see Knox again
14:06I won't deny I thought about that
14:08But I get why you're weary
14:10You know
14:12It's all part of being a protective mum
14:16Because I still can't let you be around him
14:18I understand
14:20We're not judging you Louisa
14:22We're just being careful
14:24Knox is a lucky little boy
14:26To have two loving grandmothers like you and Maeve
14:28And then such an awesome mum
14:30I am not an awesome mum
14:32I think you are
14:34Well I have been giving Nick
14:36A hard time for one thing
14:38We don't need to get into all of that
14:40I am sorry though
14:42For playing up
14:44It's not very mature
14:46I'm sorry too
14:48For overreacting but we'll be alright
14:50I think as long as we keep communicating
14:52Yeah I hope so
14:54Well that's what family's for
14:56Love can get you through anything
14:58It's true
15:16Go home
15:18Don't tell me what to do
15:20Mrs Bradley is stable now
15:22I know
15:26Look you made one mistake
15:28You got caught
15:30So why are you still beating yourself up?
15:32I'm not
15:34You are and we both know why
15:36It's because of your mystery caller
15:38I don't want to talk about it
15:40Who are they?
15:42You know I had a girlfriend once
15:44Who couldn't stop calling me
15:46We could say stalker
15:48She wasn't stalking me
15:50Well what does she want? Money?
15:54Dead and buried
15:58That's what my mum told everyone
16:00Dead, dead, dead
16:02I didn't realise it was so
16:04A nightmare
16:06So no talking to anyone from that part of your life
16:10Even if they just want to say hi
16:12Hope you're doing ok
16:14I can't
16:16Maybe she just needs a friend
16:18Misses you, maybe you miss her
16:20I don't miss anyone
16:22Life's easier that way eh?
16:26Room 6 needs to be assessed by a cardiologist
16:28And room 3 needs to be discharged
16:30If you agree
16:32Easier with the walls up eh?
16:34I know that one
16:38Don't ask me anything else
16:42I'll follow up on room 3 and 6 eh?
16:54What is it?
16:56We have a diagnosis
16:58You and Tikahatu both have antibodies in your blood
17:00For psittacosis
17:02What is it?
17:04It's also known as parrot fever
17:06Your aunties birds were the clue we needed
17:08Oh my god you're joking
17:10Well it is very rare but it's treatable
17:12So we're starting you both on different antibiotics
17:14To eliminate the infection and we'll get that fever down
17:16Thank you so much Marty you're amazing
17:18Just doing my job
17:22We would have been dead if it wasn't for you
17:26Billy is my friend
17:28And he has been through so much gross stuff
17:30That creep haunting his memories
17:32Yeah I know all that
17:34Why the interrogation?
17:36You guys are going out for dinner tonight yeah?
17:40It's going to be special so just dress nice
17:42What do you know?
17:46People tell me their secrets because they trust me to keep my mouth shut
17:50Because I'm keeping one of yours
17:52Yeah I know
17:54And I do not like it for many reasons
17:56He doesn't need to know
17:58Fine but before you go for dinner tonight
18:00You better think long and hard about what love really means
18:02Because it's not dirty and it's not cheap
18:04And it's not sneaking around
18:06And everyone should be on the same page
18:12What's that about?
18:14She knows
18:36About this afternoon
18:38What about it?
18:40You could have joined us you know
18:42No actually I couldn't Nick
18:44It's just too much for me
18:46Progress Louise has made
18:48Boundaries are important
18:50Of course they are
18:52But clearing the air has been really helpful for Cassie
18:56And we're actually talking to each other again
18:58We're not jumping down each other's throats
19:00That's something
19:02Yeah silver linings I suppose
19:04It's better than you talking to strangers on the internet
19:08Forgiveness is good for the soul
19:10Okay thank you Leanne
19:16So I was thinking
19:18You should go get on a plane and see your parents
19:20Give them a hug
19:22I will at some point
19:24My family is just like
19:26So messed up
19:28And broken you know but you really love yours
19:30And I love you
19:34But this you and me
19:36It's not about love it's bigger than that
19:38That's not your problem
19:40I'm not Muslim
19:42I'm not Pakistani
19:44I can't have children
19:46You didn't tell Zahida did you?
19:48No of course not
19:50But how would you tell your parents that?
19:52Like oh FYI
19:54You're never going to have grandkids
20:00Did you just shush me with a kiss?
20:02Just letting you know
20:06Know what?
20:08It's going to be okay
20:10It just doesn't
20:12Feel like it
20:16Made a big declaration today
20:18Now it's my turn
20:34Even if love is scary
20:36Love is dangerous
20:40Love you
20:44Love you
20:52I know I'm not panicking over this
21:08How was money?
21:10Massively relieved
21:14Yeah talk about sweating bullets
21:16But we're on the right track
21:18Make a good team you and me
21:20We do
21:22Look about the Mayhews
21:24It turns out it was a clerical error
21:26In accounts
21:30They don't like fraud to begin with but no
21:34Believe me I wouldn't joke about this
21:36Our lawyers explained it to their lawyers
21:38And it is done
21:40I mean we do have to pay
21:42Well you have to pay
21:44So no more fancy nights out
21:46I will give up all my fancy nights out
21:48Thank you
21:50You're worth it
21:52I promise
21:58Your man's amazing
22:00I know
22:14Yeah proud new dad
22:18Who else knows
22:20I need names
22:22Just Monique
22:24I cannot believe you told her
22:26I was going out of my mind I had to talk to someone
22:28What if she tells Drew?
22:30She won't
22:32You're playing games
22:34I am not
22:36Yeah you've got nothing to lose
22:38I'm married with three children
22:40Maybe you should have thought about that
22:42Before you hooked up with some unhinged slutty surgeon
22:44Who made you feel young again
22:46Can you please keep your voice down
22:48I am of my life with Billy
22:52I think things are getting serious
22:54Okay that's great I mean I've told you I think you guys are good together
22:56So go for it
22:58I can't if I'm not honest with him
23:02He's important to me
23:04It'll just hurt him
23:06That's a chance I have to take
23:08I can't take that chance with Drew
23:10You can
23:12No I can't
23:14It's time