A brief call from a happy member who shares proof of his 400K cash out, along with verbal confirmation from witness who seen the emails and wallet balances.
00:00is Christian. And Christian, speak now for you and me, okay? Please tell the visitors
00:13all what we have for news today, okay? Okay, thank you, Big Mario, our big leader here.
00:22My name is Christian, I'm 59 years young, and I'm also a member of this wonder team from Mario,
00:31and I'm very happy to be in this team. And today is a special day. It's like a little bit
00:37an historic day, and we would like to give the proof that Cryptex is for real. You know,
00:45when we are talking about Cryptex, so many people say, ah, I don't believe it, I don't believe it.
00:52It's impossible. Out of $100, make $31, whatever, one second.
01:03Okay, sorry. He's live, he's live.
01:07So yeah, people always say, many people say, I can't believe it. And now today,
01:13we have the proof, and I would like to welcome all our guests also from Austria, from Switzerland,
01:20from America, Lori is here, from Germany. That's great, good to have you here for this special call.
01:27So, because we are here in a nice community, look here, yeah, and in front of us is the main person.
01:37And the main person, his name is Mo. And for sure, he doesn't want to be on the screen.
01:43Everybody can understand because yesterday was his big day, his big payday, his big Cryptex payday.
01:52He got paid yesterday almost $400,000. And for real, before we go into the details,
02:03I would like to ask Mr. Mo, yeah, Mr. Mo, nice welcome here. Mr. Mo, what is your story about
02:11Cryptex? Please tell me, when did you get first time in touch with Cryptex?
02:17Yeah, the first time was 2019. 2019 in Hong Kong, at a meeting with a parent supplier of me.
02:28And after the meeting, we have a lunch and we talk about the general investments and crypto,
02:35and we talk about Cryptex. But for me, it was something like, yes, no, this is something,
02:42I cannot believe it. And I saw he talked more and more about this. And even in this time,
02:51I don't believe that Cryptex is real or this can be function. And end of 2020,
02:58he calls me for Christmas time. And he said to me, I send you email with a wallet number and
03:05login password. And this I create for you and I open for you or activate a DeFi contract for you.
03:13And this is like a gift and you have no risk. Nothing is for free.
03:20Okay, that was and at least in 2021, around September 2021, he calls me again and say it
03:31was in London, we can have a meeting about our business. And after this meeting, we can have a
03:37look on a Cryptex party in London. And after I go and visit this party, I understand what is Cryptex.
03:48And the main problem was, I have no experience in network marketing.
03:56So I come back to Spain, and I talk with a good friend of mine, which is a lawyer.
04:05And he have also already a lot of DeFi contracts. And he said to me, he knows maybe two or three
04:13persons, which is he knows about the network marketing and have a good experience.
04:20And after three, four months, we got an appointment with Mario in Valencia. And
04:28yes, this was a story. So how we come together with Mario.
04:33Very interesting story. So you got a present, you got a special present exactly three years ago.
04:41Three, four weeks before Christmas. Yes. And then Christmas came yesterday to you. Yes. Yeah.
04:47So because he got yesterday, he got the email exactly three years after the special, special,
04:56special friend, yeah, made a present for more. And yesterday, you got this email, please explain us
05:05this email we are we are watching here. I got this email, this explains this,
05:10that my DeFi contract is terminated. And please withdraw
05:18all the money from your wallet to your external wallet. I mean, once again, that's what you always
05:24have to imagine. This company extra tells everybody, please move your money from our
05:32back office, from our wallet, from our back office to your safe wallet. That's amazing.
05:38That's amazing. Of course. So this. So that's what you did. And now we see the next screenshot here
05:46with 400. After the email. After the email was there. After the email. Yeah. Yeah. So I
05:55withdrew. You withdrew. Yeah. Yes. And around 30 minutes after 30, 40 minutes,
06:03I got the money on my wallet. And now we see another screenshot here with all your payments
06:09you got in the last two, three years, which is also very sexy. It's very, very nice. Very nice.
06:17When we watch it in details, it's nice, nice, nice commissions and they pay out immediately,
06:24right? Yes. Without any question, without any delay or something. Okay. And then Mo is a real
06:30expert and he's a, he's a, he's a big believer. You know, normal people, they would send the
06:38money step by step. Yeah. But Mo, he did it in one go. Yeah. He ordered, he withdrew the money
06:47in one go. The reason for this is very easy because I know people which,
06:56from Hong Kong part, which I know before, they already have their payments, which I already also
07:01forward to Mario. And you can see that we saw all amounts of more than 100, 200,000, 300,000,
07:08500,000. Yes. So this is something normally, I mean, if you got this money, you cannot
07:14restore every time 5,000, 5,000. So, in this case, you can also see that the system is
07:20functioning. Yes. You get the money, you have not any problem or any delay or something like this.
07:25And I also, until now, never heard something about the people that have any delay or any
07:33issue with any payment. But Mario told me before there was a little shocking moment,
07:40because when you did the withdrawal, suddenly the website went down. Yes. The website was down for,
07:48I think, around 8, 10 hours, I think. Nice. Another scam. Because this happens, yes,
07:58this happens many times. So I'm relaxed. But in this time, especially, it was
08:06maybe more than normally. So that morning, at around 7 o'clock morning, after I wake up,
08:12Mario sent me a message that the website is down and how it looks. And I said, okay,
08:19get relaxed. And maybe in a few hours, we'll be online. And then I will do with the bistro.
08:26And after it was online, I do the bistro and 30-40 minutes later, I got the money.
08:32Mario was sweating. You were sweating. And then you showed your screen from your
08:39cell phone with over 10 Bitcoins. We are seeing it. We are watching this. And by the way,
08:46we have witnesses here. Witnesses. We saw the real screen as well in live. Is that right?
08:54Yes. Is it right? Yes. Yes. Nice, man. And then the amount landed in your wallet.
09:04In my wallet. External wallet. It's not the wallet encrypted. It's my external wallet. Yes.
09:09Yeah. And maybe some people say now, hey, one contract, $400,000. How is that possible?
09:16Yes. Yeah. So maybe we can take a look again at the email. Because they had,
09:24at that time, also a different, a similar offer like we have today with buy 10 and get 50, right?
09:32This is the same. In this time, for $100, you've got two contracts. So it means at least you get
09:43$43,200 in your wallet. So here you can watch it. You can see it.
09:53At that time, it was $43,200 per each contract. So you get one for free, buy one,
09:58and get one for free. That's typical American. Yeah. At least for me, it was
10:02the whole contract for free because it was a gift from my friends, from my suppliers.
10:06And I heard in the beginning, you didn't realize that you got two contracts, right?
10:15So what a nice surprise, Mo. What a nice surprise. And he's always smiling here.
10:21He has a big smile on his face. Yeah. So no wonder. No wonder. Yeah. I mean, what shall we say?
10:28Cryptex is for real. Yeah. You can say three times, Merry Christmas. Yeah. Merry Christmas,
10:34for sure. One for the gift, the second for the second for this offer, and now you're happy.
10:42Yeah. Yeah. So for all the people who are always so critical and looking for the hair in the soup,
10:51today, it was really a special day for Team Mario, for all of us, for all of us in Europe,
10:58that, I mean, worldwide, that's a big team here worldwide, that Cryptex is for real.
11:06We see the realness in person here. And yeah, that is too good to be true. And let's
11:18do it again. Thank you, Mario. I love you. De nada. De nada. Also, thank you, Mo,
11:28for showing all the details here. And yeah. Yeah. Okay. So all the best wishes and
11:37very soon, Merry Christmas. Okay. Bye-bye. Ciao. Thank you very much.