I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World EP-07

  • 2 days ago
Anime: I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World.
Episode: 07
Language: English

#anime #cartoon #kids #isekai #watchanime #dubbedanime #onlineanime #demonslayer


00:00Magic is the materialization of one's imagination.
00:12However, without the magical energy which serves as the source, this power cannot be used.
00:21Begin by working to sense energy.
00:29Hmm... I bet if I imagine somewhere I want to go, then...
00:50We're in the forest! Can you believe it, Knight? I used magic to teleport us!
00:57I can only go to places I've been to, since I need to be able to visualize them.
01:02But guess what, Knight? By using this magic, I'll be able to teleport back home to feed you during the study trip!
01:09Alright, enough talking! It's time to explore!
01:27Let's go!
01:57I can't believe it!
01:59I can't believe it!
02:01I can't believe it!
02:03I can't believe it!
02:05I can't believe it!
02:07I can't believe it!
02:09I can't believe it!
02:11I can't believe it!
02:13I can't believe it!
02:15I can't believe it!
02:17I can't believe it!
02:19I can't believe it!
02:21I can't believe it!
02:23I can't believe it!
02:25I can't believe it!
02:27I can't believe it!
02:29I can't believe it!
02:31I can't believe it!
02:33I can't believe it!
02:35I can't believe it!
02:37I can't believe it!
02:39I can't believe it!
02:41I can't believe it!
02:55Let's take him down!
03:17Whoa, look at all the items they dropped!
03:21I'd say we're getting pretty good at this teamwork thing, don't you think?
03:27Man, these items are pretty amazing.
03:29We totally lucked out.
03:37Well, boy, it's time to call it quits for today.
03:41Hey, don't give me those puppy eyes.
03:43Listen, Knight, I want to keep exploring the forest with you, too.
03:47But I have to get ready for the study trip.
03:52Hey! Come back! Knight!
03:55What's wrong with you?
03:58I'm serious, I need to get back soon or...
04:03Are you telling me to stay out of sight?
04:22We have to help her!
04:30You're telling me to stay here?
04:48What the...
04:51Did she... Did she just do that?
05:24Great job, Knight. Thank you.
05:34There are still so many. How about we give this a try?
05:49Divine Lift!
06:04This is way too powerful.
06:13It looks like we killed off most of the monsters in this area.
06:17Hopefully Owen and the others feel safe here now. But what should we do about this girl?
06:23I guess we could bring her home with us.
06:28No, really?
06:31Well, we can't just leave her here like this.
06:38Let me go! Let me go!
06:46Try this. It'll heal you, I promise. It's juice from the cure-all herb.
06:53No way! No thank you!
06:58If you're scared, I can take a sip first.
07:20All the pain disappeared.
07:24Glad to hear it.
07:27Who are you?
07:29My name's Yuya Tenjou. And that's Knight.
07:35Hey, what's wrong, boy?
07:39It's nice to meet you. My first name's Luna. Just call me that.
07:44Uh, okay. So Luna, why are you all alone in such a dangerous place?
07:50I was training, and then I woke up here.
07:54Wait, I was ambushed by a pack of goblin elite. Where are they?
07:59They're all dead now. Knight and I killed them.
08:02Wow, really? You saved my life. I'm so grateful. Thank you.
08:08But Yuya, what are you doing here?
08:11Huh? Oh, uh, well, actually, I'm here to train, too.
08:16You are?
08:17I was hoping to improve my strength.
08:21Huh. No way. I can't believe someone is actually training here.
08:27Uh, it's nothing. Anyway, looks like we're both here for the same reason.
08:32Uh, yeah. I guess so.
08:39I wanted to ask, someone carried me all the way here. Was it you, Yuya?
08:44Uh, yeah, it was.
08:46I'm really sorry. I'm totally covered in dirt and sweat right now.
08:50You carried me like that. I'm super embarrassed.
08:53No big deal. I'm even dirtier.
08:56Still, I can't go back to town like this. I need a rinse off.
09:00I'd give anything to find a river right now.
09:03Well, how about a bath?
09:06A what?
09:12Is the temperature of the water okay?
09:14Way better than okay. Who knew something this relaxing even existed?
09:20You're amazing, Yuya. Where in the world did you find this thing?
09:24Actually, I got it from fighting a crystal deer.
09:27Wait, are you serious? You really defeated a crystal deer?
09:32That's insane. No wonder you train in the darkest regions.
09:36Uh, thanks, but I mean, you train here, too.
09:39Well, to be honest, I'm only here because of a customer.
09:44Sorry, I missed that last part.
09:47It's, um, nothing.
09:50Hey, Yuya, I was thinking, what if we trained with each other for a while, huh?
09:56I can't explain, but there's a reason that I have to stay in the darkest regions a bit longer.
10:01You're gonna be training here anyway, and, well, I'd really love to join you.
10:08What if I told her no? Would she stay here all by herself? I'd be really worried for her safety.
10:15Well, Yuya?
10:18Yeah, sure. Let's train together for a while.
10:21You really mean it?
10:23Well, I won't be able to stay with you all the time, but if that still works...
10:30Thank you, Yuya. With you guiding my training, I'm sure my strength will improve super quickly.
10:35I can see you if you're not behind the veil, you know.
10:38Oh, sorry, I forgot.
10:40Although, if we're gonna be working up a sweat together anyway, we may as well...
10:44No, that's a terrible idea!
10:54Okay, nice!
11:06And so we trained together, helping each other grow.
11:11I taught Luna a lot, but she taught me just as much.
11:15Ultimately, I think we both got stronger.
11:23Luna! It went that way!
11:29Okay, nice!
11:44You were amazing back there. You defeated those goblin elites without even breaking a sweat.
11:50Well, thank you, but I couldn't have done it without you and Knight.
11:55Hey, that's not true. That fight was all you. You were great with those threads even when we first met.
12:03I could be better. To complete my mission, I have to.
12:09I know you don't want to stop training, but starting tomorrow morning, I won't be able to help you for a while.
12:18I have an off-campus trip. I guess you don't know what that means, huh? Let me think...
12:24It's okay. It's not like I'm surprised. You warned me this would happen.
12:29Sorry, Luna.
12:30Uh-uh. Don't be sorry.
12:32You've done way too much for me already. I'm so thankful.
12:37You've got it wrong. Luna, I'm the one who should be thanking you.
12:41Well, since it's our last day, what do you say we give it our all?
12:45All right. One last bath after training. Let's earn it.
12:56What a great way to end our training. Luna totally pushed herself out there, huh?
13:02It's kind of weird, but Luna normally wants to take the first bath. I wonder why she let me have it today instead.
13:10For this last time, I wanted to bathe together.
13:17I'd like to join you.
13:20Wait a sec! You don't have to! I'm getting out now!
13:33When I first met you, I was such a selfish person. But you still accepted me.
13:39Because of your kindness, I've grown so much stronger.
13:43Yuya, you saved me.
13:47But you helped me grow too. And what do you mean, saved?
13:53If only for a little while, I found light in the darkness.
13:58The time I've spent by your side, I'll treasure it forever. Thank you, really.
14:05What are you saying?
14:07Please, let me say thank you by washing your back. No need to be shy.
14:13Is the water too hot? Your face is getting red.
14:18Your, um, towel fell.
14:24Don't! Don't look!
14:27I-I wasn't going to!
14:43What's wrong? Didn't get much sleep?
14:46No, not really. I'm a little tired.
14:49Oh, another pair.
14:52No way, that's crazy! That's five times in a row already!
14:56Really? Oh, uh, I guess it's just beginner's luck.
15:00Beauty's such a curse, even the old maid finds me irresistible.
15:04She probably likes your flair for the dramatic.
15:07Uh, I'm tapping out. I really need some sleep.
15:12You have been yawning every two seconds. We'll wake you up when we get there.
15:16Thanks, you guys.
15:20If this game is based on luck, then why do I keep winning?
15:26Is it all the points I added to my luck stat?
15:30It wasn't like I did it on purpose, but it still feels like I'm cheating.
15:38Was that also because of my luck?
15:40No, don't think about it!
15:48Hey, Yuya! We're here!
15:53Huh? Already?
16:03This is where we're doing the study trip?
16:06Wow, it's enormous!
16:08Just what you'd expect from Osei. I bet it's even better on the inside.
16:13After you get changed, meet me in the hall.
16:16Then I'll explain how the study trip's gonna work.
16:22So, to sum it all up...
16:25This trip is a part of your training.
16:27As an Osei student, one day you'll be an elite member of society.
16:31Two days outdoors with one night. Good luck!
16:35Miss Sawada, where do we get food and water?
16:38From the mountain, of course. It's covered in edible mushrooms and plants.
16:43And there's a river filled with fish. Easy peasy.
16:47She's kidding, right?
16:49Oh, you'll also each get a serving of rice.
16:52It won't be enough to fill you up, though, so you'll need to find food.
16:55Unless, of course, you like going to bed hungry.
16:58Excuse me? Isn't it dangerous to let us eat a bunch of potentially poisonous foods?
17:03Definitely. So before any of you consider eating something,
17:07bring it to us and we'll tell you if it's edible.
17:10In an emergency, our school's doctor, Miss Yomikawa, will be right there to help you.
17:16Children, there's no reason to worry.
17:19See here? You'll just take this medicine.
17:24There's no way she's the school doctor.
17:27Oh, that's right. You haven't met her yet.
17:30You should see what Miss Yomikawa's office is like.
17:33It gives off this really dark energy.
17:35When you walk by, you can hear people screaming in agony.
17:39Well, that's pretty strange for a doctor's office, right?
17:42Ugh, come on. If there's a chance of being poisoned,
17:45we should probably just go without food for a day.
17:48Hey, you! Don't be a baby and man up.
17:51This is a part of your class's coursework. Also, it's a competition.
17:55It's a competition? Does that mean we win something?
18:00I told you all that this assignment affects your teacher's yearly bonus!
18:04So give it your all.
18:06Wait, it only helps you?
18:08Ugh, whatever. Let's just get it over with and we'll be allowed back inside the building.
18:12Yeah. Once it's dark out, I bet the mountain's, like, super creepy.
18:16You don't seem to get it. Only teachers are allowed to stay in the building.
18:21Huh? Then where do we...
18:31So, what now?
18:34Ugh, I've never used a fishing pole or built a tent before.
18:38Yeah, we were given supplies, but, like, really?
18:40Just relax. You guys have me.
18:43Listen, whether it's fishing or foraging, I'll learn it easily.
18:49So, I think we should split things up. That dummy can't do anything.
18:53Split it?
18:54You guys can all go fishing together.
18:56And in the meantime, I'll look for edible plants with the dummy.
18:59Oh, that seems like a good plan.
19:01So, fishing, huh? Not sure I'll catch anything.
19:05Well, as the three non-dummies, let's do our best!
19:08Okay, that's kinda harsh. You guys agree, right?
19:12Hey, are you still listening?
19:14Wait, don't leave me!
19:20So crowded. I wonder if it's too late already.
19:24I really hope not.
19:26Hey, Yuya!
19:29You got here late, huh?
19:31Yeah. You all got here so quickly.
19:35You have to get here early enough, or you won't get a spot.
19:38Ooh, hey, a bite!
19:40I don't know. Maybe we should give up on fishing.
19:51I have a feeling there's a good spot that way.
19:55Oh, wow! Look at all the fish in here!
19:59But isn't it too shallow for fishing poles?
20:02It is, but...
20:05Wait, what are you...
20:09Uh, Yuya?
20:12It's just like I thought.
20:14They're not nearly as agile as the monsters are.
20:18It might not make a difference to someone as strong as you, Yuya.
20:23But monsters are living things, too.
20:25It's surprising that they can also feel fear, and we can predict their behavior.
20:30If I watch how the fish are feeling...
20:33and try to guess their movements...
20:40Wow! Incredible, Yuya!
20:42I'll get more!
20:47What the... Did he just catch another one?
20:50There's no way! How can he have reflexes like that?
20:53Is he an alien or something?
20:57Hey, Yuya! That's more than enough!
21:00The four of us can't eat all that!
21:04Oh, right. I just got really into it.
21:10This is all because of Luna.
21:36They're sharper than before.
21:38Is that because of the training?
21:44He was beautiful, wasn't he?
21:48I've been an assassin since I was a child.
21:51I'm covered in my victim's blood, but something about him...
21:56If I'd met him sooner, maybe things would be different.
22:02No. That's not who I am.
22:05I'm an assassin for the Dark Guild, known as the Headhunter.
22:11So... Goodbye, Yuya.
22:17To be continued...
22:47Thank you for watching!
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23:22Thank you for watching!
23:47Please like and subscribe!
23:52Now, shall we get going?
