• last year
00:30I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't
01:00know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do
01:20with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with
01:50my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my
02:20life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't
02:50know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what
03:20to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life.
03:50太皇太后当真没有话要对群臣讲 莱洛芝你竟敢带兵围攻意图谋反 天命攸归实乃人心所向 莱洛芝你放肆 想不到啊
04:19太皇太后竟还当真要誓死一搏 可惜了本可不必如此 事到如今你也知道该如何写这让位诏书了吧
04:34荒唐 你有什么资格能继承一统之位
04:41当应天授命 祭天立吉
04:46真是狼子野心哪 其心可诛
04:50国造 把这些迂腐都给我拖出去 割了他们的舌头
04:59沈渡 还不动手
05:03你想坐这个位置 还不够格
05:21内卫府沈渡已彻查锦吾卫 肃清其中谋逆 今日领兵护圣 只为擒拿反贼
05:31沈家上下几十条枉死的人命 难道你不想为他们报仇了
05:36想想你父亲沈炳竹 你就不想为他平反了
05:40真相我自会查清 还我沈家一个公道
05:44你与我为伍 不配
05:51所以 依你的推测 这些年火蛾门 都被你炒了
05:57你的推测 这些年火蛾门 悄无声息地滋养壮大 是因为朝中有人在协助 这个人 极可能是赖珞之
06:10虽无事证 但种种迹象表明 赖珞之与此事脱不开干系
06:15火蛾门觊觎朝堂 妄图拿捏永安公主等人的把柄 挑唆皇室纷争
06:21可见背后之人 所藏之身 图谋更甚
06:25连朝堂 管控的丹莎都敢染指 可以肯定你的推测 是十有八九啊
06:38嫡在案 不如顺势而为 请君入瓮
06:47好 我倒要看看 你这瓮中捉鳖 会有什么效果
06:54太皇太后 这是沈渡 特意从金屋部落 寻来的灵药
06:59暗中派人送入宫的 说是正对此症 喝了半月便能好
07:05好一招暗渡陈仓 你假意投诚 竟不惜用自己和身边的人来赌
07:14与其说我假意迷惑 不如说是你的自大 引你掉入早就预设好的陷阱
07:20多说无益 鹿死水手还不一定呢
07:26火蛾起 显众生
07:37我也从未完全信任过你 如今六镇府兵的都尉都以为我是从
07:43就在刚刚 他们带兵围攻 你拿什么跟我斗
07:48如今大势已去 你们后悔了 晚了
07:53沈渡 你本可以是我开国第一功臣 可惜了
08:02一个不留 杀
08:53不会有事的 我会保护你的 你一定会登上 登上皇位的
10:57镇远将军兵行神速及时平乱 不愧是我大仓镇守边境的第一大将
11:19先王殿下 六镇府兵暗中投靠莱罗支 城内可调遣的兵力恐难相敌
11:26如今各局都被火恶门的人监控洞下 唯有一人可破此局 为免打草惊蛇
11:32还望先王公亲相助 即相安之危 平大仓之乱
11:38多亏先王亲自派人密函 传达圣意 想不到朝中竟有人胆敢勾结通敌
11:44妄图制造边境混乱 困制住我
11:48他怎么也不会想到会有一队精锐 早已抽身奔赴襄安
11:53莱罗支蛊惑人心 却不曾想过 这殿内皆是本王至亲之人
12:00如今陛下更是本王的亲侄 身为大仓子民 此时此刻定要与国与民同在
12:09我火恶门徒数不尽 大仓之内火恶门各分部 今日与我同时揭竿而起
12:16你要如何破 要让所有襄安城的百姓跟你一同殉葬吗
12:22大格良 殿外叛军已全部消灭
12:44莱罗支 束手就擒吧 就在刚刚 你部署在各地的火恶门已全数被剿
12:52属于你的大势 已去
12:57大朝会之日 莱罗支必将集中兵力于皇宫 襄阳行将消息带与各地一两头
13:22众义良人听令 清理外郡火恶门所有拒点 拿下所有邪教徒 一个都不许放过
13:29众义良人听令 清理外郡火恶门所有拒点 拿下所有邪教徒 一个都不许放过
13:37众义良人听令 清理外郡火恶门所有拒点 拿下所有邪教徒 一个都不许放过
13:47梁兄 若你会设的新式弓弩之初 数剑齐发 神威无敌 便可以让我军以一敌十 到时只需一队精锐便可以少胜多
13:59梁府的兵器果真玄妙 此次震乱 梁府功不可没
14:04都是沈兄一掷不弃 勉励相助
14:35你们这些蝼蚁 装模作样 放任太皇太后独揽朝政 昏庸无道 荼毒我大仓之本的罪魁祸首是谁 是他 周旭
14:51莱洛智 你建立火恶门 装神弄鬼 残害忠良 被你所害之人不计其数 你有什么资格在这里大言不惭
15:02我火恶门能在大仓无所不致 是因为我给世人创造了一个起死回生的美梦 生而为人 谁能逃得过生老病死 谁能躲得掉 失去至亲至爱的痛
15:25别说寻常百姓 就是那些达官贵人又如何 莫迁之不一样听信于我 被我所控行事
15:36无耻之徒 我就讨厌你这种满口仁义道德 自命不凡的
15:45你妄图颠覆国本我岂能赴你 若是我赴在世 也绝不会应允
15:52我沈都先是大仓儿郎 后才是沈家子
16:05只求无愧于心 无愧于黎民百姓 岂能和你们沆瀣一气
16:13他自以为守政不阿 却不想早已树敌无数 想要置他于死地的大有人在
16:21你呀 同你那个爹一样蠢 我不过是用了点小手段 就能让你们沈家万劫不复
16:30残骸忠良 丧心病狂 妄想当道 天理都难容
16:38那我问你 沈家的罪是谁裁断的 残害沈家的真凶到底应该算是谁
16:57周徐 你挟着个小哑巴皇帝把持朝政 可曾一半惊醒 觉得愧对先帝
17:06我的父皇 我才是天宣之子 拥有至高无上的血脉 今日我定要为萧家王朝拨乱反正
17:20先帝 难道他是
17:25我乃先帝 淑妃之子
17:29凤饮酒除 天下太平 正本清源 再定乾坤
17:45正本清源 再定乾坤 难道国师预言真有下半
18:04刑部督官主事严庆 拜见圣上 拜见太皇太后
18:15回禀太皇太后 当日国师预言确有下半 未曾来得及呈上 却绝非方才来罗之所言
18:40碧空落日 来岁返之
18:45没错 国师当日作出预言 后半段 一指朝中潜藏的狼子野心
18:52意在提醒太皇太后 提防身边人
18:56来罗之苦心经营火蛾门多年 邪教徒暗中作祟
19:01国师察觉端倪 更是因此对来罗之的身份产生了怀疑
19:06但苦于没有证据 国师只好将他的怀疑 以预言来告知世人
19:13可能是发现自己的行踪 已被来罗之暗中监控
19:18他只好将预言绣于锦布之上 藏于花纹之中
19:25却不想 被来罗之派出的人 先一步暗杀灭罗
19:35但天望昏灰双眸 却不知是何事
19:39但天望昏灰疏而不漏 携有预言下半的锦布
19:46做成了婴儿小衫的内部 就这么留了下来
19:58若是元娘只是普通民妇 怎么能买得起这种布料呢
20:03这内里的布料 绝不是寻常人家能够寻到的
20:12国师迂腐 冥顽不灵 难道真要把江山交给无知小儿不成
20:18还是那个窝囊的贤王 骄横跋扈的永安公主
20:23只要太皇太后还在朝一日 就没人能自安
20:28曾几何时 那汝宁长公主不也一样至尊至贵
20:34不过是被人 叼换了衣衫的绣样
20:39就被指腹腻僭越 落得如今的下场
20:47原来 汝宁长公主 原来是汝宁长公主
20:52原来 汝宁长公主 也是被你设计构陷
21:00若非你一心生鬼 我怎能轻易得逞
21:04要怪就怪你自己 你周絮才是我萧氏宗室的大患
21:10我身为萧家子孙 自当为大昌拨乱反正
21:15皇位于我 乃是天经地义
21:22可你并非先帝之子 而是先帝宠妃淑妃
21:46本是一段佳话 却被她的父王南狼王一道圣旨逼嫁大昌
21:52同先帝和亲 碧落郡主誓死不从
21:56南狼王一怒之下杀了空山将军 更以其一族性命威胁
22:01碧落只能买通内事 逃过宫廷检查
22:08从此失去了她的爱情 也失去了她的性命
22:12而她活下去的理由 除了保全空山将军一族
22:32这不可能是真的 不可能 我母妃不会骗我的
22:40我是萧家子孙 是大昌先帝的皇子
22:44当年南狼护送碧落郡主来大昌的随行中 有人察觉到她身体有恙
22:51发现了此事便被他暗中灭口 好在此人侥幸逃生
22:56莱罗芝 你根本就不是萧氏血脉
23:00莱罗芝 你的人生 彻头彻尾就是一场谎言
23:24不可能 母妃不会骗我的 母妃不会骗我的
23:30你们这些庸碌鼠辈 都是在周旭地走狗
23:34你们捏造狂花 昧地瞒天 都是为了阻止我登基即位 匡扑天下
23:59飞蛾扑火 招生
24:23So, this is what you've been up to all this time?
24:52It's a big dream after all.
25:18Open the door.
25:22Greetings to the Imperial Guards.
25:24The intruders have been captured.
25:25The Grand Guardian has ordered me to send you home.
25:27You have worked hard these days.
25:28If the Imperial Guards have any complaints,
25:29please let us know.
25:31That's great.
25:32Imperial Guards, you are too kind.
25:34The Grand Guardian locked us up in the Imperial Guards' prison
25:36to protect us from the intruders.
25:39How could we not know?
25:41That's right.
25:47Shen Du, you have to understand.
25:50There is no turning back now.
25:54I've made up my mind.
25:56Please let the Empress Dowager know.
26:21I'll come back another day.
26:23The Empress Dowager wants to see me later.
26:26She has no time to see you.
26:28The officials who came here
26:30have all been investigated.
26:32Why do you want to see
26:34the Empress Dowager today?
26:39I ordered the Pingding Rebellion
26:41to make a contribution to the Great Wall.
26:43I asked the Empress Dowager for a reward.
26:45What reward?
26:47I asked the Empress Dowager for a reward.
26:50Do I need to talk to a sixth-rank official?
26:54Then I have to go home with Shen Dalin.
26:57You are not the only one who has contributed to the Great Wall.
26:59I also contributed.
27:01You can't get this reward alone.
27:04If you want a reward,
27:06let your head of the Ministry of Justice
27:08write a report and give it to me.
27:10Master Yan, go back.
27:12No one wants a reward
27:14and wants to give it himself.
27:19I think the evidence
27:21in this box
27:23is the evidence that shook the court.
27:25You are here today for the Shen family.
27:27Master Yan.
27:29Watch your mouth.
27:33Now you and I are divorced.
27:35You are no longer the Shen family.
27:37It's none of your business.
27:48Even if I'm not the Shen family's wife,
27:50I'll get to the bottom of this.
27:52I'm standing here
27:54not as your wife,
27:57but as the head of the Ministry of Justice.
28:00Re-investigating the injustice
28:02and bringing justice to the world
28:04is my dream.
28:10Brother Shen is here.
28:12The Empress Dowager wants to see you.
28:16You are an official in the Ministry of Justice.
28:18You should know that
28:20the Empress Dowager wants to see me.
28:22How can you not invite me?
28:25Are you trying to break in?
28:29If you go in alone,
28:31we don't have to see each other again.
28:42The Empress Dowager wants to see you.
28:44The Empress Dowager wants to see you.
29:10His Majesty caught a cold.
29:13He will rest for a day.
29:15The court session will be tomorrow.
29:17My dear subjects,
29:19do you have anything to report?
29:27Qiao Wenzhi,
29:29you are in charge of the Gan Nan Dao.
29:31Do you have anything to report today?
29:35Your Majesty,
29:37ever since the Lai Party came to power,
29:40our Great Cang has been prosperous and prosperous.
29:43The Gan Nan Dao is even more prosperous.
29:45The world is at peace.
29:47I have nothing to report.
29:49The world is at peace.
29:52The Lai Party is corrupt.
29:55But this book
29:58is very useful.
30:01Qiao Wenzhi,
30:03you committed a crime in Xichen.
30:06Through the Gan Nan Dao
30:08you entered the Great Cang.
30:10You committed a crime.
30:12Your Majesty,
30:14I am wronged.
30:15The so-called evidence left by the Gan Nan Dao
30:17cannot be used as evidence.
30:19It is not credible.
30:20It is not credible?
30:30how do you explain
30:32these two books?
30:35This is not handed down from the Lai Party.
30:38In the Ming Dynasty,
30:40the real accounts and the fake accounts
30:43are two times worse.
30:47But the Ming Dynasty
30:49was not involved.
30:50It was not me.
30:51Qiao Wenzhi.
30:54Nonsense. Nonsense.
31:01Your Majesty,
31:03Qiao Wenzhi
31:05is a subordinate official of mine.
31:07He committed a grave crime
31:09for embezzling money from the court
31:10due to his personal interest.
31:12It is all my fault.
31:15Please punish me, Your Majesty.
31:18Your fault?
31:21Prime Minister Zhang,
31:22you are really good at using words.
31:25But Qiao Wenzhi
31:27is loyal to you.
31:30Most of the embezzlers
31:32are in Zhang Xingwei's pocket.
31:37Zhang Xingwei,
31:38what else do you want to say?
31:43I have nothing to say.
31:47Prince Xian.
31:52I am asking you
31:54how to punish her.
31:57Mother, you are wise and decisive.
31:58You have your own decision.
32:00I have my own decision.
32:02I am asking you
32:04how to decide.
32:08I have been a teacher to Prime Minister Zhang since I was a child.
32:10Prime Minister Zhang has been
32:11teaching me by himself.
32:13Everything should be done according to the plan.
32:15I don't believe
32:16Prime Minister Zhang committed this crime
32:17for embezzling money.
32:19There must be a secret behind this case.
32:25Prince Xian, Prince Xian.
32:27You are so muddle-headed.
32:29I am the one
32:31who is muddle-headed.
32:32I have kept it from you for so many years.
32:34You are still pleading for me.
32:43What a touching poem.
32:45Prime Minister Zhang,
32:47I will say it for you.
32:49You got this money
32:51not from yourself.
32:53You bribed your accomplices in the court
32:56to support Prince Xian
32:58together with you.
33:12Your Majesty,
33:14since it has come to this,
33:16I will
33:18keep it from you.
33:21This matter
33:23Prince Xian
33:25did nothing wrong.
33:29It was all done by me.
33:32Your Majesty, please punish me
33:35and spare my life.
33:37Do you think your crime
33:39will be solved
33:40by sparing your life?
33:44Because of you, my family was destroyed.
33:47The loyal officials who died unjustly
33:50will never
33:52come back to life.
33:55Your Majesty.
34:01Prime Minister Shen,
34:03bring it here.
34:15By the will of Heaven,
34:17I, Shen Bingzhu,
34:19the guilty minister,
34:21have written a secret letter
34:23to destroy our army's rations
34:25and leak the weapons' map.
34:27I know foreign countries well
34:29and know the enemy well.
34:31I should be executed for this crime.
34:33All members of the Shen family
34:35should be banished
34:37and banished to a faraway place.
34:41I don't ask
34:43for fame and power.
34:45I only ask for a clear conscience
34:47and a clear conscience of the people.
34:49I, Shen Bingzhu,
34:51am a simple man.
34:53I don't want to get involved in politics.
34:55I only care about the people.
34:57No matter where I am,
34:59I only do what I should do
35:01for the peace of the people.
35:03I, Shen Bingzhu,
35:05will do everything I can
35:07for Your Majesty.
35:15I, Shen Du,
35:17for my father, Shen Bingzhu,
35:21I, Shen Du,
35:23the son of the guilty minister Shen Bingzhu,
35:25swear that
35:27my father
35:29will unify the foreign countries
35:31and betray the enemy.
35:33I, Shen Du,
35:35the son of the guilty minister Shen Bingzhu,
35:39swear that
35:41my father will unify the foreign countries.
35:47I, Shen Du,
35:49will unify the foreign countries
35:51and betray the enemy.
35:53I, Shen Du,
35:55swear that
35:57my father
35:59will unify the foreign countries
36:01and betray the enemy.
36:03I, Shen Du,
36:05the son of the guilty minister Shen Bingzhu,
36:07swear that
36:09my father
36:11will unify the foreign countries
36:13and betray the enemy.
36:15The other day,
36:17I was at war with Xichen.
36:19When I was in urgent need of food,
36:23the main food storage
36:27caught fire.
36:31The fire burned
36:33all my food.
36:35Shen Bingzhu,
36:37who guarded the food,
36:39was found to have colluded with the enemy
36:41and was sentenced to death.
36:45I, Shen Du,
36:47swear that
36:49my father
36:51will unify the foreign countries
36:53and betray the enemy.
36:55I, Shen Du,
36:57swear that
36:59my father
37:01will unify the foreign countries
37:03and betray the enemy.
37:05This food storage
37:07should have been
37:09burned down.
37:11But it appeared
37:13that the letter
37:15you sent to the late emperor
37:17was not written
37:19by Shen Bingzhu himself.
37:21Prime Minister Zhang,
37:23what do you think
37:25the reason is?
37:27When the war broke out,
37:29my nephew found the fire
37:31and I found out
37:33that he colluded with the local officials
37:35to sell grain from the national treasury.
37:37When the price dropped,
37:39he bought the grain.
37:41When the war broke out,
37:43he bought the grain.
37:45When the war broke out,
37:47the grain from the national treasury
37:49was sold out.
37:51There was only a pile of straw left.
37:59Prime Minister Zhang,
38:01I have never thought
38:05you are the one
38:07who could
38:09control the war.
38:13Your Majesty,
38:15I have never thought
38:21one day
38:23I would do such a terrible thing
38:25in order to
38:27cover up
38:29the crimes of my disciples.
38:31It was me
38:33who sent someone
38:35to imitate
38:37the handwriting of
38:39Assistant Minister Shen
38:41and wrote the letter
38:43of collusion with the enemy.
38:45You forged the letter
38:47of collusion with the enemy.
38:51how did the fire
38:53break out?
38:55Prime Minister Zhang,
38:57Prime Minister Zhang,
39:01do you want me
39:03to investigate further?
39:05Your Majesty,
39:07it was all
39:09my fault.
39:11I deserve
39:13to be punished.
39:15If I continue to investigate,
39:17the foundation of Cang
39:19will be shaken.
39:21At that time,
39:23I will be punished
39:25for going back without accomplishing anything.
39:27Your Majesty,
39:33you are angry.
39:37Who are you angry at?
39:45There are some words
39:49I can't say
39:59Brother Shen, please.
40:25You trust me so much.
40:27Aren't you afraid
40:29that you and Jinghe
40:31will disappear together?
40:33All these years,
40:35I have seen the Grand Empress Dowager
40:37working hard for the people of Cang.
40:39I believe that
40:41you will make a fair decision.
40:43I don't believe
40:45that I can't
40:47risk my life.
40:57I will speak for you.
41:01Assistant Minister Shen
41:03took over Cang,
41:05the local official
41:07who assisted him
41:09was my nephew,
41:11Zhou Miao.
41:13He was afraid that
41:15the matter would be exposed
41:17and would not hesitate to collude with the Lai party.
41:19He used the golden house
41:21to help Ranshu
41:23to give
41:25the granary of Cang
41:27to me.
41:31Grand Empress Dowager,
41:37Drag Zhou Miao out and interrogate him.
41:39All the members of the Zhou family
41:41will be punished
41:43according to the law.
41:45Grand Empress Dowager,
41:47please spare my life.
41:53Your Majesty,
41:55I ask you again.
41:57How should
41:59Prime Minister Zhang
42:01be punished?
42:03I beg you
42:05to punish
42:07Zhang Xingwei
42:09according to the law.
42:13as a member of the Zhang family,
42:15I hope you will
42:17consider the past achievements
42:19and punish him lightly.
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