RIO Full movie watch very Amazing movie

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RIO Full movie watch very Amazing movie

A story of blue bird very amazing movie hope you like
00:04:14It's okay
00:05:30Tyler blue Gunderson, you know, these vitamins are good for you
00:06:14Join the new book. Thanks Linda. Bye now
00:06:18Yes, mom. I'd love to visit but who would take care of blue?
00:06:22Mom, they don't have kennels for parents
00:06:30I don't trust anyone. No, I don't have a birth
00:06:35This is the life the perfect marshmallow to cocoa ratio
00:06:53Very very funny real mature. Hey, hey, where are you migrating to this year? Huh the breakfast?
00:07:00Through all the snowballs you want I'm protected by this magical force field called glass
00:07:06It's what keeps us so toasty and warm in here while you guys are out there freezing
00:07:38Have come 6,000 miles
00:08:00Yes, yes
00:08:30Oh, no, no, no, she's in Brazil blue must come to Rio de Janeiro
00:08:45You misunderstand it's all arranged you will be with him every step of the way and I will be with you
00:08:52Look, I know you're doing your job
00:08:54But I can't blue is very particular and we have our little routine here and we're not big on travel
00:09:09What are you doing don't worry your natural instincts always take over
00:09:12Are you okay, perhaps it's too domesticated
00:09:24It was very nice of you to stop in and walk around and throw my bird, but now it's time for you to go
00:09:30I'm very sorry. I'm very sorry
00:09:34This could be our last chance
00:09:43If we don't do this his whole species will be gone
00:09:52Just think about it
00:09:59Natural instincts
00:10:00There's nothing natural about being thrown halfway across a room. I'll show him I
00:10:06Can do this. I just have to work out the physics. I have quadrated my vector angles
00:10:11I've adjusted for wind shear positive reinforcement good
00:10:17Let's see flaps open. Perfect binding gear check tail flaps
00:10:23operational and
00:10:24Actually, not bad
00:10:27This is it
00:10:28Let's fly
00:10:32Just keep it simple
00:10:34Trust lift drag and wait thrust lift drag weight thrust lift drag weight thrust lift
00:11:04Ever broken a promise
00:11:08I'm scared too, but I wouldn't make you do this if it wasn't the right thing to do
00:11:15What do you say blue
00:11:27We'll be back home before we even know it
00:11:35Let me take you
00:11:59You don't want to get me first
00:12:19Yes, it's the biggest party in the world, you know time to have fun
00:12:30No, in fact, she's my dentist dr. Barbara
00:12:35Don't forget to floss
00:12:38You got it
00:12:41Everyone will be dressed like that
00:12:53Yeah, I
00:12:56Am not from here. Hey Nico, you're the tourist funny. You don't look like what really?
00:13:03I don't except you got pigeon doodle on your nose. Oh, oh, no, this is just SPF 3,000
00:13:09So are you here for kind of all actually? I'm just here to meet a
00:13:14Girl little word of advice you make the first move Brazilian ladies respond to confidence. Oh, right
00:13:20Yeah, it's all about swagger. You gotta pop out that chest
00:13:24Swing that tail
00:13:26narrow like some kind of crazy
00:13:29But first we gotta bust you out, I'm gonna pop that cage over like a soda can
00:13:41No, no guys really I'm fine. The cage is great. Love the cage ever suit yourself. Hey, don't forget
00:13:50Yes, yes and to you as well
00:14:06This is the heart and soul of our aviar our treatment
00:14:29Many of the birds here were rescued from smugglers
00:14:38But with proper care they can be saved look here this poor guy was found last night
00:14:45Hey, buddy, you're looking great today much better much better
00:14:51Get well soon
00:14:56Where's jewel? Oh, we have a special place for joy. She's a very spirited bird. I'll say she did that
00:15:05Charming. Okay. I want to go home now
00:15:09I'm gonna make you look irresistible
00:15:45Come in peace
00:16:24You know, that smells really bad
00:16:44Are you ready for what?
00:16:54Hi, what are you doing? What would you want me to but just for argument's sake, what are you doing? I'm trying to escape
00:17:03Yeah escape that that's where I was going with that thing. I just wait. Wait, did you actually think we were gonna kiss?
00:17:13I mean, I know how my feathers look but I'm not that kind of bird
00:17:19Okay, I had nothing to do with that
00:17:21I think it's actually a pretty good song
00:17:36Lionel Richie works every time
00:17:47I'm not so sure. I should leave blue here alone
00:17:51No, no, no, don't worry. Sylvia will keep an eye on them all night
00:19:13Excuse me
00:19:14Please I am trying to sleep. Oh, I'm sorry sleepyhead. I'm trying to escape
00:19:23Escape why this cage is awesome. Okay. Oh
00:19:27What was I thinking? I wouldn't expect a pet
00:19:32Did you just call me a pet for the record I am NOT a pet
00:19:36I am a companion and you know what do whatever you want cuz tomorrow morning Linda will come for me and this whole nightmare will
00:19:42be over
00:19:45Human then what's your own kind?
00:19:47Well, that human has given me love and affection for the past 15 years
00:19:51Whereas my own kind tried to strangle me after 15 seconds. Yeah. Well because of them I've lost everything
00:19:56You can't trust them. Of course, you can trust humans
00:20:05Hi there
00:20:15It's nice of you to join me for dinner. I often eat alone. Oh because of course my work
00:20:23Until I met you
00:20:25Right. Do you have a favorite bird? Well, obviously I'm a blue macaw kind of gal
00:20:32That makes sense. They are very handsome birds. Actually, it's the brains. I'm more attracted to I'm not so impressed by fancy feathers
00:20:39I know exactly what you mean
00:20:41My favorite bird is spotted out I've always been mesmerized by those big
00:21:55Don't understand Sylvia is the best card in the business. So let me get this straight you were attacked by a little white bird
00:22:21Okay, okay, there's no place like home there's no place like home
00:22:24Oh, how we wish I was back in my own cage with my mirror and my swing and my little bell
00:22:29Oh how I miss my little bell
00:22:34Dad I'm about to have a heart attack
00:23:04You see boys
00:23:08That's you're gonna pay him half as much as you said
00:23:10Oh, no, you idiot, but he reminds me of myself when I was that age smart
00:23:16Resourceful. Here you go kid
00:23:19Hey, this is only half of what you promised me. Ah, shut up kid
00:23:24What's up? I?
00:23:26Thought I told you I needed these birds alive. Tell me this look alive to you
00:24:04That was your plan take off and leave me gee, thanks
00:24:11Nice work, Nigel. Yeah, nice work, Nigel
00:24:15the last
00:24:41Bird I was brave. They got the wrong guy. Sorry guys
00:24:58So what's gonna happen to them don't worry we're gonna find good homes for them
00:25:05But I don't have a mama brother brother goldfish
00:25:09Oh, can we keep them boss?
00:25:17No, let's stop eating who cares I know is we're going to be rich
00:26:09Come on get started. Yes, you were very clear tomorrow or the deal is off
00:26:15Of course, I have both the macaws. Yes, I will deliver them myself
00:26:20Au revoir
00:26:22All right, you two you load the truck tonight first thing in the morning. We bring those birds to the airport
00:26:30And one of you
00:26:39Rock paper scissors shoot. Yes scissors cuts rock. Oh, man. You always win
00:27:11Wasn't talking to you I was talking to me but it's okay because any minute now
00:27:16And then she'll stick us behind another set of bars, right? Yeah, I mean no pet cages might work for you
00:27:22But I don't want to belong to anyone
00:27:32Something seems to be lodged in my beak
00:27:50Know I'm not a pretty birdie, but I used to be quite a looker
00:28:16Then they got a pretty parakeet to fill my shoe that's why I am so evil why I do what I do
00:28:22So young and vital
00:28:25American Idol
00:28:26Who said that about me?
00:28:28I'll have you wrote as a read. I'm a feathery freak with a beak a bird murderer. You think you're better than me
00:28:34I never heard of you. I'm evil. I'll fuck your cheese balls with beavers. I poop on people and I blame it on seagulls
00:28:46I'm invincible. I'm unwashable unprincipled like an abandoned school. I have no principle of you for a zillion
00:28:54on 80 million
00:28:56I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to make you
00:29:04It's just me
00:29:12Sweet nightmares
00:29:16Not cool man scary, but not cool
00:29:46Why don't you just open the door?
00:30:17No, yes, I can't fly I pick my beak and once in a while I pee in the birdbath happy
00:30:28Listen to me flying may not be my thing but walking is follow my lead
00:30:47I'm bilingual, too
00:30:56I'm the only bird in the world. You can't fly actually there are about 40 species of
00:32:19Will you quit it it's just a leaf turn around
00:32:27Leaf told you
00:32:33Safe safe we are in the jungle, you know when people say it's a jungle out there
00:32:37Well, I'm pretty sure they don't mean it as a good thing
00:32:39Look, I hate to break it to you. But this is where I'm high naturally lives. Hey, hey, don't talk to me about nature
00:32:45I watch animal planet. I know all about the food chain
00:32:51You see you see out here I'm just an order nothing more than a feathery spring roll
00:32:55That is why we stay in the trees and not on the ground after you
00:33:01No, I don't think so no, I would feel much more comfortable in something man-made
00:33:08Hey, how about up there I
00:33:13Can't believe I have to drag your clumsy butt up there drag me watch and learn
00:33:25This dragging who's butt now, huh?
00:33:27Haha, very funny
00:33:36See it's flying birds birds need flying flying is
00:33:42It's freedom and not having to rely on anyone
00:33:49Don't know
00:33:53It's asleep, uh
00:33:55I'm probably gonna be up for a while because I'm still on Minnesota time. Good night
00:34:02Good night you
00:34:07Good night
00:34:15Excuse me, sir. Have you seen my bird? Have you seen my bird?
00:35:10Wow, I know your birds are
00:35:15It's his
00:35:23You're right, okay, where is he? Come on, let's go. I'll take you to him. No, no, no Linda Linda. Wait
00:35:30We don't know this boy. We can't trust him. I
00:35:36Have to trust him I don't have a choice
00:35:45Do you think I am an idiot there were two birds
00:35:52Chained together in a cage. How could you lose them? They have spoiled us boss, but don't worry
00:35:59We'll get them back. I have a plan. Oh great. What are you gonna do wonder the city calling here birdie birdie birdie?
00:36:07Anything sounds dumb when you say like that. Oh, I don't know. I don't know
00:36:11Here birdie anything sounds dumb when you say like that
00:36:17We have to get the birds to the airport tonight
00:36:19But it's carnival all the roads will be blocked by the parade. That's why I wanted to go this morning
00:36:27This bird is ten times smarter than the two of you combined. Yeah. Well if he's so smart
00:36:32Then why don't you put him in charge? I am putting him in charge
00:36:39Go find a major
00:36:50If we can't get through the parade we'll have to be in the brain
00:37:05Comforting. Thank you. Look, let's just get this chain broken right then we can go and find Linda
00:37:11You can go find Linda. Once this chain is up. I'm gonna go back to be free in the jungle
00:37:24Nice try Brainiac
00:38:04What's going on down there
00:38:24They're giving me great feathers, oh this Papa needs a break
00:38:29So you two lovebirds headed for carnival?
00:38:33We're more like acquaintance birds and not even that we're more like chained to each other
00:38:41I have no idea. We're having them tested. So, do you think you can help us get this thing off?
00:38:49Lucky for you, you know Rafael
00:38:51And Rafael knows everyone
00:38:53Ow! I did it with the eye
00:38:55Okay, you want me to call your mother?
00:38:57That works every time. They're scared to death of her
00:38:59Call me for what?
00:39:01Eva, my love
00:39:03I must take this young couple to see Luis
00:39:07You don't fool me for a second
00:39:09You and your Mew just want to sneak off to carnival
00:39:14That magical time when I met the most beautiful bird in the world
00:39:20I still remember the song that was played
00:39:22When I first laid eyes on you
00:39:24Tall and tan
00:39:26And young and lovely
00:39:28The girl from Ipanema
00:39:30Goes walking
00:39:32Come on baby, sing it
00:39:34And watch fast as he, watch fast as he goes
00:39:38Like a river of the sweetest honey
00:39:41I guess love is deaf too
00:39:43Come here
00:39:49Take them to Luis
00:39:51Hurry back
00:39:53You are an angel. I'll miss you, my juicy little mango
00:39:55I will miss you, my punchy papaya
00:40:01Put your brother down, now!
00:40:03I can't believe she actually let me go
00:40:05So, how far is this Luis?
00:40:07Not far. 30 minutes as the crow flies
00:40:10And how long as the macaw walks?
00:40:12Bobo here can't fly
00:40:14But he's a bird. Not all birds fly
00:40:16There are ostriches. You're not an ostrich
00:40:18Well, not technically, but...
00:40:20My friends, I want to help, but to walk the whole way
00:40:22It can't be done
00:40:26But hey, we might as well give it a shot
00:40:28Let's go quickly
00:40:30Don't look back, they sense fear
00:41:09No! No!
00:41:11Hey! My watch!
00:41:37Hello, boys. Seems like you've had a busy day.
00:41:41What's this?
00:41:42This is just some stuff we found. Right, boys?
00:41:47I'm not interested in your nicked knick-knacks.
00:41:50Your burgled baubles bore me.
00:41:52There are two blue macaws out there,
00:41:55and I need your multitude of eyes to help me find them.
00:41:59Oh, yeah? What's in it for us?
00:42:02Well, that's a fair question.
00:42:08Let's discuss it.
00:42:12I certainly see your point,
00:42:14but what could I possibly do for you in return?
00:42:17Save me! Save me!
00:42:19Oh, that's a thought, yeah.
00:42:21This is enough. I don't want to feel like I'm cheating.
00:42:24Help me! Help me! We'll do it! Save me, please!
00:42:27Save me!
00:42:31All right, you've twisted my wing. Deal.
00:42:34Now then, any more questions?
00:42:37No? Good.
00:42:39You will spread out and you will find these macaws by the end of the day.
00:42:43Or it's flying lessons for everyone! Go!
00:42:48Go do your monkey business.
00:43:05I've changed my mind.
00:43:07Maybe we can find a bus schedule or something.
00:43:10Come on, you're not gonna back out now?
00:43:12Not in front of the lady.
00:43:14Uh, yeah. Okay, yeah. Yeah, yeah, sure.
00:43:17All right, that's the spirit.
00:43:19You sure you're up for this?
00:43:21Yeah, I mean, it's not like we're just hurling ourselves off a mountain or something.
00:43:26Actually, that was pretty much my entire plan.
00:43:29No, don't worry, Blue. It's in your DNA.
00:43:32Featherless friends can do it. How hard can it be?
00:43:34Wait, wait!
00:43:37Help me!
00:43:39Fun, right?
00:43:40Yeah, fun.
00:43:42Okay, I need you two to get closer.
00:43:53Now put your wings around each other.
00:43:56Come on, amigos. Not like she's gonna bite.
00:43:58Will you?
00:43:59We'll see.
00:44:01You flap your right wing. You flap your left wing.
00:44:03And together, you fly!
00:44:05Uh, but this doesn't seem aerodynamically possible.
00:44:08Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you think too much.
00:44:11Flying is not what you think up here.
00:44:13It's what you feel in here.
00:44:15And when you feel the rhythm of your heart, it's like samba.
00:44:18You fly!
00:44:24See? It's easy.
00:44:27Easy? Easy for you to say, because from here, it looks really, really hard.
00:44:32Hey, if you want to see Linda again, this is the only way.
00:44:36Okay, you're right.
00:44:37Yes, I am.
00:44:38This is for Linda.
00:44:40Keep it simple.
00:44:41Easy breezy.
00:44:42Rest, lift, drag.
00:44:43Oh, come on, let's go.
00:44:45Inside, outside, inside, outside, inside, outside.
00:44:46Come on, Blue, you can do it!
00:44:47I can do it! I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!
00:44:50Not again!
00:45:02Am I dead?
00:45:04We're still alive!
00:45:17This is incredible!
00:45:28Wow, this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
00:45:32See what you've been missing?
00:45:41All right, Blue, you're flying!
00:45:43Sort of.
00:45:44Not really, but do you feel it?
00:45:46Yes, I do feel it.
00:45:57Oh, buddy, I know.
00:46:03No, no, Blue, wait!
00:46:15Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!
00:46:17We're gonna die!
00:46:44You did not feel it in here.
00:46:46You think?
00:46:50Let's catch a ride to Luis!
00:46:54Hurry, you two! Vamos, vamos!
00:46:57Last of the species here!
00:47:00Solve it!
00:47:01Wait, wait, wait!
00:47:02Come on, Leopard!
00:47:05Come on!
00:47:06You need it!
00:47:07I would love to go for five minutes without almost getting killed.
00:47:10Is that too much to ask?
00:47:11For a bird who can't fly, oh, yeah.
00:47:19We're starting to close off the streets for Carnival.
00:47:21You better be right, kid, because we're running out of time.
00:47:27Come on, come on, come on!
00:47:36I'll never be able to get my car through this crowd.
00:47:38Don't worry, I'm on it.
00:47:45Hey, kid, how'd you get this bike?
00:47:47I traded it for your Jeep.
00:47:49Yeah, it's in great condition.
00:47:52Well, good condition.
00:47:55Hey, out of the way!
00:48:00Hold on!
00:48:14I'm going to chew through my own leg if this doesn't come off soon.
00:48:17Relax, if I know Luis, we're right where we want to be.
00:48:20Hey, Ralphie, if it isn't the King of Carnival!
00:48:24Pedro, what up, family?
00:48:25Where you been hiding yourself, bird?
00:48:27Man, I thought you were dead.
00:48:28Hold up, rewind.
00:48:30Ain't that the bird from the cage?
00:48:32I think our love lessons went down smooth.
00:48:34You work fast.
00:48:36This baby got big.
00:48:37You was locked up and now you're rolling with a hot wing?
00:48:39I wouldn't be like you.
00:48:41Oh, no, no, it's not what you think.
00:48:42We're just, uh, team together.
00:48:43Hey, I'm not judging you.
00:48:44Keep it classic.
00:48:46Hey, guys, we're looking for Luis.
00:48:47Have you seen him?
00:48:48Yeah, I seen him.
00:48:49But you didn't kill this bastard.
00:48:50He took the trolley back to the garage.
00:48:53Oh, great.
00:48:54Relax, baby bird.
00:48:55You can catch the next one.
00:48:56Yeah, it's time to take it to the next level.
00:48:58What's wrong with this level?
00:49:00Come on, this ain't the level.
00:49:01The next level's the level.
00:49:02You gotta shake your tail feathers.
00:49:04Oh, yeah.
00:49:05We gotta get this chain off.
00:49:06Come on.
00:49:07Bird, you're in Rio.
00:49:08You should enjoy it.
00:49:09Yeah, live a little.
00:49:22We got him.
00:49:31Welcome to paradise.
00:49:42It's a party, huh?
00:49:43This is the coolest place I've ever seen.
00:49:45Despite all the obvious health code violations.
00:49:49I like you.
00:49:50Nothing you say makes any sense.
00:49:52All right, everyone, listen up.
00:49:54Raffy has some special guests from out of town,
00:49:57and let's show them some love,
00:49:58because I don't think they get out much.
00:50:00Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!
00:50:01Everybody put they wings together
00:50:03and clap them as loud as you can.
00:50:05Clap them, clap them.
00:50:06I don't care, slap them.
00:50:08Party in Ipanema, baby.
00:50:11I wanna party,
00:50:15I wanna sun,
00:50:17I wanna party,
00:50:18I wanna party,
00:50:19I wanna sun,
00:50:20I wanna party,
00:50:22and live my life,
00:50:23my life,
00:50:24I wanna party,
00:50:26and fly.
00:50:29I'ma fly,
00:50:30fly just like a bird.
00:50:31But you are a bird.
00:50:32Okay, you're right,
00:50:33so let me fly just like a rocket then.
00:50:36Fly so high,
00:50:37where I need to come down from oxygen.
00:50:39Cause once we started, baby,
00:50:40ain't no ain't no stoppin' then.
00:50:43Cause I just wanna live my life and party.
00:50:46All I want is to be free and rock my body.
00:50:50And go round the world,
00:50:51and I wanna live my life.
00:50:52And be open,
00:50:53to be open,
00:50:54to be open,
00:50:55to be alive.
00:50:56What are you doing?
00:50:57Uh, I don't know.
00:50:58I wanna party,
00:50:59I wanna party,
00:51:00I wanna party,
00:51:01I wanna party,
00:51:02and fly.
00:51:03I'm that samba,
00:51:04samba master,
00:51:05master, master, master, master.
00:51:06Big shout,
00:51:07sound from my ghetto.
00:51:08Blast up, blast up, blast up, blast up, blast up.
00:51:10You dance fast,
00:51:11but I dance faster.
00:51:12What are you talking about?
00:51:13Haven't you been listening?
00:51:14No, I've been watching.
00:51:15You just be yourself.
00:51:16Go on, clap.
00:51:18I'm that samba,
00:51:20I wanna party,
00:51:22I'm that samba,
00:51:24I wanna party,
00:51:26and fly.
00:51:27I wanna party,
00:51:29and fly.
00:51:30Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:51:34Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:51:37La, ya, la, ya, la, ya, la, ya.
00:51:44La, ya, la, ya, la, ya, la, ya, la, ya, la, ya, la, ya, la, ya.
00:51:51Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:51:54Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:51:57Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:52:00Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:52:02Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:52:11You two are coming with me.
00:52:13In your little monkey dreams.
00:52:19That was meant for you.
00:52:21Come on, can we all just get along?
00:52:23This isn't your fight, big nose.
00:52:26You mess with my friends, you mess with me.
00:52:30Yeah, little king kong.
00:52:40I don't know what's going on here.
00:52:42Flowers versus monkey!
00:52:44Get them!
00:52:50Yippee-ki-yay, monkey man.
00:53:00Ya, ya, ya, ya.
00:53:06Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:53:10We gotta go.
00:53:12You know this?
00:53:26Take that.
00:53:28Take that, you funky monkeys.
00:53:38That's what I'm talking about.
00:53:39Man, we threw down.
00:53:41Yeah, we threw down.
00:53:42You guys were like fire and ice.
00:53:44Thunder and lightning.
00:53:45Hip in, out.
00:53:46Cheese and sprinkles.
00:53:48It's a Minnesota thing.
00:53:50See, nothing you say makes any sense.
00:53:57Come on, follow me.
00:54:08But the birds were here.
00:54:10Yeah, sure they were, kid.
00:54:11I swear, the birds were right here.
00:54:13Well, how do you know?
00:54:14Because I'm the one who took them.
00:54:19I didn't want to hurt anybody.
00:54:21I just, I needed the money.
00:54:23But, Fernando, I trusted you.
00:54:25I know, but...
00:54:27Oh, man, that's good.
00:54:30Hey, guys.
00:54:31What are you doing here?
00:54:33I just wanted to see if you had any work for me.
00:54:36Well, if you were here two hours ago,
00:54:38you could have helped us load the...
00:54:41Shut up.
00:54:42So, why are you guys dressed for Carnival?
00:54:45So no one will notice us when we smuggle these...
00:54:48Shut up.
00:54:51We made a float.
00:54:53Oh, a float.
00:54:54So you guys are going to the parade.
00:54:56Can I come?
00:54:57I'm a great dancer.
00:54:58Kenny, come.
00:54:59Come on, please.
00:55:00Three's better than two.
00:55:03We gotta hurry, though.
00:55:04Oh, I almost forgot.
00:55:07Where was it?
00:55:08I thought it was right here.
00:55:11There it is.
00:55:12Got it.
00:55:14Let's go.
00:55:16Hurry up, kid.
00:55:17Can you get on the plane with us, too?
00:55:19Shut up.
00:55:21We can't let them get on that plane.
00:55:24You can't drive a motorcycle, right?
00:55:28You insult me.
00:55:38No, I can't drive a motorcycle.
00:55:52It's just like riding a snowmobile.
00:56:12What happened?
00:56:15What happened?
00:56:21Stop your chirping and talk to me.
00:56:23No, no, no.
00:56:24I don't know anything.
00:56:26With a bite down on your head, will it go...
00:56:28Or will it go...
00:56:31Where are the subliminals?
00:56:34That means blue, by the way.
00:56:36They escaped.
00:56:37Went to the waves.
00:56:38Anything else?
00:56:39They said you were very nice.
00:56:41Who did they?
00:56:44And handsome, too.
00:56:48Never send a monkey to do a bird's job.
00:57:10Don't worry.
00:57:11I got it.
00:57:18There he goes.
00:57:19That's my boy.
00:57:24Is it hot?
00:57:25I think I'm sweating.
00:57:26I didn't even think that was biologically possible, and yet...
00:57:31Yeah, that's your boy, all right.
00:57:32Okay, so he needs a little help.
00:57:34Oh, come on.
00:57:35Let's get him some.
00:57:36Set the mood.
00:57:37Isla, come on.
00:57:38I know how to set the mood.
00:57:41Check it out.
00:57:42Get it, get it, get it, get it, get it, girl.
00:57:44Get it, girl.
00:57:45Take her, take her to the floor.
00:57:47Show her, show her how you roll.
00:57:48Drop it, drop it, drop it low.
00:57:50Drop it, drop, drop, drop it low.
00:57:51Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:57:52What kind of mood is that?
00:57:53Pedro, Pedro, a little too aggressive.
00:57:54Not hating on your creativity, but I think I got this one.
00:57:57Follow my lead.
00:58:05Now that's more like it.
00:58:31What a beautiful sunset.
00:58:36Lou, down here, just tell her you have beautiful eyes.
00:58:41That's a great idea.
00:58:43I have beautiful eyes.
00:58:46Yeah, okay, sure, they're nice.
00:58:49No, her eyes, her eyes.
00:58:52Oh, right, yeah, your eyes.
00:58:53Your eyes are great, not mine.
00:58:55I mean, you know, mine are okay, but yours, I bet you can see right through them.
00:59:00Lou, just tell her how you feel.
00:59:07I've been wanting to tell you that I, that I...
00:59:12Have a sleep, you're getting choked up.
00:59:14Ow, ow, you're choking!
00:59:16Okay, all right.
00:59:20Come on, buddy, you gotta help me stay with me, Blue.
00:59:23One more, come on, one more!
00:59:27Yep, that's my boy.
00:59:35Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Louisa's Garage.
00:59:49After you.
00:59:50No, no, no, no, first.
00:59:51Yes, I insist.
00:59:56I guess this is it.
00:59:58Yeah, quite an adventure.
01:00:00End of the line.
01:00:02Ah, yes.
01:00:03I guess things like this don't happen in tiny soda.
01:00:05Tiny soda?
01:00:06Oh, wait, mini soda?
01:00:09Oh, that's pretty good.
01:00:10That's very funny, actually.
01:00:12Are you here, Louise?
01:00:13Hey, buddy, I got some friends I want you to meet.
01:00:49I've gotchus!
01:00:52I could've ripped your throats out!
01:00:53But I didn't!
01:00:54Starts I do when they're drooling on me
01:01:04We need your help I think I know what to do
01:01:18Are you sure this is safe? Oh sure. There's nothing to it
01:01:24Scream really loud because I can't hear too good with this thing on there. I pay get the switch, please
01:01:30Don't worry. He's a professional
01:02:24I'm free
01:02:26Joel Joel, we're free slimy, but free contaminated probably but free you believe it's finally
01:02:54Yep, I know just how you feel watching them up there makes you want to chase them and grab them in your mouth
01:03:11I'm just kidding bro. Yeah chasing them is plenty
01:03:24Hey, where are you going?
01:03:41Well, what's wrong
01:03:43Nothing. Everything's perfect. You'll be off to the rainforest. I'll be back with Linda just like we planned
01:03:54I guess I thought maybe what that you come to Minnesota
01:03:58Great. I guess I'll get you a scarf. No, that's not what I meant
01:04:02Look, I can't spend my life walking around following you wherever you're going. Hey, it's not my fault. You can't fly
01:04:12Okay, okay, you know what this is good just clear the air just be completely honest with each other you want honesty fine
01:04:19Fine I can be honest. I don't belong here. In fact, I never wanted to come here in the first place and
01:04:26And you know what I hate samba
01:04:37I said it every song sounds exactly the same
01:04:45Taco out of here fine
01:04:47See you around
01:04:49Come back you belong together. You are Juliet to his Romeo
01:04:54Sure, they both die in the end, but you get my point Oh
01:04:58young love always
01:05:01All right, please
01:05:04Luke come back here. Come on. Yeah, I'm ready for kind of
01:05:15Help me
01:05:25Wait up
01:05:57Oh, did you see the talons on that guy talons, maybe it's on
01:06:11Rafael what following me you're going in the wrong direction. Isn't carnival that way? I'm not going to carnival
01:06:19But I thought you looked carnival I do but I love my family much more and that's a choice I made with this
01:06:27not with this
01:06:35Then Joel was there and he snatched you look like it snatched him up and then he was like you coming with me a little
01:06:40princess and you was like
01:06:45Stop just tell me what happened. He got you man. He's taking it to the parade
01:06:53Let's fly
01:06:58Here we go
01:07:02You will get wet on this ride
01:07:11These guys
01:07:21Very nice
01:08:34Look ridiculous
01:08:53The parade it's about to start
01:09:26I am looking for a bluebird
01:09:30Birdo, yes!
01:09:31Vambora, vambora, vambora!
01:09:32Vem pra cá, vem pra cá, vamo!
01:09:33Wait, what are you doing?
01:09:37Let me out!
01:09:51This is not good.
01:09:52This is not good.
01:09:53This is not good.
01:09:55Cheese and sprinkles.
01:10:01Okay, you can bring me down now.
01:10:03I think we're done here.
01:10:13I think they like my moves.
01:10:15Hey, keep dancing, egg boy!
01:10:24One down, and one to go.
01:10:26You'll never find him.
01:10:28He's already gone.
01:10:29Whoa, I don't need to find him.
01:10:31He'll find you.
01:10:38Ha ha!
01:10:39This is the spit!
01:10:42Yeah, baby!
01:10:43Now I can get my freak on!
01:10:45Ha ha!
01:10:46Luis, please!
01:10:47Rescue first, freak later!
01:10:49Come on!
01:10:50Out of my way, people!
01:10:55All right, guys.
01:10:56I'll fly ahead and look for Jewel.
01:11:00Hello, ladies.
01:11:03Mr. Big Nose!
01:11:04Hold up!
01:11:08Habala, habala, habala.
01:11:13Excuse me, excuse me.
01:11:22In English!
01:11:24You gotta shake your douches!
01:11:27We don't shake our douches in Minnesota!
01:11:33Coming through!
01:11:41I saw Blue!
01:11:43Habala, habala!
01:11:44Hold on, Blue!
01:11:45I'm coming for you!
01:11:47Habala, habala!
01:11:48Habala, habala!
01:11:49Habala, habala!
01:11:50Habala, habala!
01:11:51Habala, habala!
01:11:52Habala, habala!
01:11:53Habala, habala!
01:11:54Habala, habala!
01:11:56Mi Dios!
01:12:00Wind up!
01:12:01Wind up!
01:12:09Blue, we found her!
01:12:10She's on some lights!
01:12:11We're a chicken float!
01:12:12Come on!
01:12:13Come on!
01:12:16Let's go get Joy.
01:12:17Wait, Blue!
01:12:18Where are you going?
01:12:49Effloat is a crime in itself!
01:12:53Anything left?
01:12:55There he is!
01:12:59I'm going to get you out of here.
01:13:17No, Blue.
01:13:18You can't be here.
01:13:19You have to go.
01:13:20Nigel is here.
01:13:21Hello, pretty bird.
01:13:22So kind of you to join our little soiree.
01:13:25Oh, come on.
01:13:26You really think I came alone?
01:13:27I got three of the roughest, meanest, craziest birds in all of Rio right behind me.
01:13:33You hear that, guys?
01:13:34We're saved!
01:13:35That's right.
01:13:36That's right.
01:13:37I think you can tell.
01:13:38That's right.
01:13:40Oh, love.
01:13:41It's such a powerful and stupid thing.
01:13:52Well done, Nigel.
01:14:00Wait, wait!
01:14:01We actually made it!
01:14:02Hey Marcel, can we do it again next year?
01:14:03Please, please?
01:14:04Can I drive next year too?
01:14:12Come back!
01:14:18Get in.
01:14:20I don't know how I got up there, but I ain't never coming down!
01:14:36Come on, kids.
01:14:46I'm gonna get you guys out of here.
01:14:49What do you think you're doing?
01:14:51You shouldn't have done that. Come on.
01:15:02Just forget them. Forget the birds.
01:15:08They're getting away!
01:15:11We'll see about that!
01:15:16Watch out!
01:15:23You did it, boys!
01:15:24Yes, we did it!
01:15:25You're the best!
01:15:26Is that a float?
01:15:28Wow, look at the detail on that thing!
01:15:31Pull up, you idiot! Pull up!
01:15:49Oh, Blue!
01:16:07Sorry, Eva. I'm not gonna be home for dinner.
01:16:11What are you doing?
01:16:12I'm gonna pop this cage open like a soda can.
01:16:22Now that's popping!
01:16:24Hurry! We gotta help the others.
01:16:26I'm a pretty bird! I'm a pretty bird!
01:16:28I'm a pretty bird! I'm a pretty bird!
01:16:32Come on!
01:16:33Come on!
01:16:34Come on!
01:16:35Come on!
01:16:36Come on!
01:16:37Come on!
01:16:38Come on!
01:16:39Come on!
01:16:43I'm out!
01:16:58They're running!
01:17:06Go! Go! Go!
01:17:14Come on!
01:17:15Come on, we gotta get out!
01:17:16Wait! Wait! Wait!
01:17:21Um, it's okay.
01:17:23Hey, it's okay.
01:17:25We'll figure this out together.
01:17:31Let him go!
01:17:32Let him go!
01:17:37My wing!
01:17:38Oh, pity.
01:17:40Now we have two useless, flightless birds.
01:17:49Not cool, man! Not cool!
01:18:01We're going down!
01:18:05Okay, okay, rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
01:18:08Hasta la vista, losers!
01:18:11Hey, wait for us!
01:18:35Blue, you're crazy! What are you doing?
01:18:38I'm not gonna let you go!
01:18:40We're chained to each other, birds, remember?
01:19:04Blue, you're flying!
01:19:06Yeah! Woo-hoo! I'm flying!
01:19:08I'm really flying! You're right!
01:19:10I'm not an ostrich! I'm not an ostrich!
01:19:26Whoa, Dad, look!
01:19:32Ah, idiots.
01:19:45It's Blue! Look, it's Blue!
01:19:47And he's flying!
01:19:49My Blue is flying! He's flying!
01:20:07Here, let me see.
01:20:09Don't worry, I'll take care of you.
01:20:39That's my big, brave boy.
01:21:10That's what we love about the birds!
01:21:18Loving our life in the jungle,
01:21:21Everything's wild and free.
01:21:24Never alone, cause this is our home.
01:21:28Magic can happen for real, in Rio.
01:21:33Whoa, what is that?
01:21:35What are you doing?
01:21:36You can't see it coming.
01:21:39You can't find it anywhere.
01:21:41I'm the capoeta, kinga, kinga, kinga, kinga, kinga.
01:21:44Birds like me cause I'm a hot winger.
01:21:46You better hot the winger!
01:21:48Give everybody love samba.
01:21:50I like the samba.
01:21:51Rhythm you feel in your heart.
01:21:53I'm the samba master.
01:21:54Beauty and love, what more could you want?
01:21:57Fantasy can be for real, in Rio.
01:22:02Here's something else to do.
01:22:05Trust me, you can't see.
01:22:09You won't find it anywhere.
01:22:12I love you, Rio!
01:22:33Every part of my heart, I'm giving out.
01:22:37Every song on my lips, I'm singing out.
01:22:40Any fear in my soul, I'm letting go.
01:22:44And anyone who asks, I'll let them know.
01:22:47She's the one, she's the one, I say it loud.
01:22:51She's the one, she's the one, I say it proud.
01:22:54Ring the bell, ring the bell for the whole crowd.
01:22:58Ring the bell, ring the bell.
01:23:00I'm telling the world that I found the girl.
01:23:07The one I can live for.
01:23:10The one who deserves.
01:23:15Every part of my heart, I'm giving out.
01:23:19Every song on my lips, I'm singing out.
01:23:22Any fear in my soul, I'm letting go.
01:23:26And anyone who asks, I'll let them know.
01:23:29She's the one, she's the one, I say it loud.
01:23:32She's the one, she's the one, I say it proud.
