BTCC Crashes 2021

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BTCC Crashes 2021
00:00It's side-by-side for second as Cook tries to go around the outside into Campbell.
00:03There's a bit of a rub and Sutton spins on cold tyres.
00:06Around goes the leader, around goes the champion, and that puts George Cook into the lead of the race.
00:11He's got Ollie Jackson, Jake Hill, Rory Butcher all in front of him.
00:15Up to Noble, the fast left-hander, first time you lean on the right-hand side.
00:19Oh, they get into a bit of a tank slapper and across the road.
00:23And he gets collected by Smiley as he's coming back across the road.
00:28That was just a little bit of checking up of the cars in front as they go around that fast left-hander.
00:34Oh, there you see it from the other side.
00:37But Cook with the weight leads as they head up towards the complex for the first time.
00:41Drama in the background, cars are off. Big moment, big, big impact there.
00:45Yeah, just after this group coming into shot now.
00:50Do we see... Oh!
00:52That looked like neat into the back of Geddy.
00:56And Jade Edwards couldn't avoid...
00:58Jake Hill, good start, up the inside of Ingram.
01:00Lighter, of course, the Ford, so he backs second and wait for it to kick off.
01:05Yeah, it's already started, unfortunately.
01:07Jade was on the outside and couldn't avoid it.
01:10So whether Neat was trying to take the corner flat and Geddy had a bit of a lift,
01:16I'm not sure, but definitely into the back of the car.
01:19And there's so little runoff there and the grass still a little bit damp.
01:23Finn Geddy is ahead at the moment.
01:25Neat comes steaming up the inside into Geddy.
01:27And they both go across the track into the path of Jade Edwards.
01:30Honda, she had nowhere to go.
01:31No, absolutely the innocent victim out of all of that, definitely.
01:35And he was saved by the rear hitting Ingram.
01:37Otherwise, I think he might have spun.
01:39Butcher's off at high speed!
01:41Oh, big slam into the wall.
01:43And a sudden stop as well.
01:44So Rory Butcher off the road.
01:48Jake Hill was very close behind him.
01:49He was, but it was already sliding, wasn't it?
01:53It was already going.
01:55Oh, such a big hit.
01:56But the tyre's in exactly the right place to spread that impact.
02:03On board with Plato.
02:04Butcher in the middle.
02:09Well, it's impossible to know in terms of mechanical accident damage.
02:15This might show us what happened on the last lap.
02:17This is Sheddon's view.
02:18There is Morgan.
02:19And he just tagged the tail.
02:21It unsettles Adam who loses the back of the car.
02:23That delayed Gordon.
02:24But with teammates, of course, at VTC.
02:26Let's have a look at that moment.
02:29Oh, so sideways out of church.
02:32And that's the save of the day.
02:33And that's because the rain is getting a drama there.
02:36Bordley has got involved with Butcher.
02:38And those are two very crumpled cars.
02:41So there's Bordley.
02:44Tucks in, hits him up the...
02:46And then I think Butcher's going to collect him.
02:50Off-tyre grip initially.
02:52And there's the replay of what kicked off.
02:54With Geddy going around.
02:55Perfect getting involved.
02:56Others like Jade Edwards.
02:57That's Tom Chilton facing the wrong way at Wilson.
03:00So his BMW rejoins and forces Jess Hawkins way out wide.
03:04So let's see how he got there.
03:06There was a fast approach in Gordon Sheddon.
03:09Not sure if there was a touch.
03:10But either way, around goes Chilton.
03:13Knowing that the tyres are a little bit cooler.
03:15And it could be the best opportunity as off goes Carl Bordley.
03:20On board with Cook.
03:21Getting up there.
03:21Looking to get up the inside of Sheddon.
03:23Does he tap Sheddon into Moffitt?
03:25Yeah, Sheddon turns in.
03:28Oh, holds it.
03:30Comes back on the circuit.
03:32No, I think the Bordley incident was separate from that.
03:35Yeah, so there is Gordon Sheddon with Josh Cook in the dust behind him.
03:39Sorting out his dramas.
03:40And then...
03:41And into the back of Gellick goes Oliphant.
03:42Ingram dives to the outside line.
03:44He's got second.
03:45He goes for the race lead.
03:46But there's more contact.
03:47Oliphant goes around.
03:48There's drama there with Jackson involved in it.
03:50So off the road is Tom Oliphant.
03:520.6 seconds back from Oliphant.
03:54And there is Turkington's dramas.
03:56Oh, he was lucky to get out of the gravel as well, wasn't he?
03:58He didn't lose too many, but...
04:00So Rowbottom this time does make a good start.
04:02Ingram to the outside.
04:03Sheddon's been tapped into a slide.
04:04Can he hang on to it?
04:05He can.
04:06He's out wide.
04:06He's losing pace.
04:07Rowbottom is second.
04:08Ingram is third.
04:08Fourth is Hill.
04:10Fifth is Sutton.
04:10Smiley runs sixth.
04:11The more drama there because that's Gelli and Sheddon into the gravel.
04:15Wow, Steven Gelli was up the inside.
04:19Looks like Sheddon might keep going.
04:22But yes, he has just.
04:24The BMW very quick in a straight line.
04:26Look, he moves to the right.
04:28And then Sheddon tries to close the door.
04:29But it's already too late.
04:31And that puts Gelli on the grass with all the wheels locked up.
04:34This is Jake's view.
04:36Yeah, I mean, Jake was up the inside.
04:38It was just first corner bunching because I think Sheddon had Ingram on the outside as well.
04:42Can't see very much of the moment except brake lights and tyre smoke.
04:46But he gets a clean run through.
04:48He dropped back a little bit just to give himself a little bit more room.
04:50At this point, he's now looking at the incident further ahead between Moffat and Chris Smiley.
04:58And he loses a place in all of that to Plato, who gets well stuck in with Moffat and hung out to dry.
05:05Although he gets back in front, actually.
05:08And then she's established.
05:10That was the position she...
05:12Oh, there's a touch there.
05:13Yeah, she ran into the back, got tapped herself.
05:16And that was why she lost so many positions.
05:19Here we go.
05:20Oh, no.
05:20It might have been perfect for the aggressor.
05:23It was.
05:24Look at that.
05:24A huge lock-up.
05:26He was so determined to get up the inside of Nick Hamilton.
05:28He left his braking impossibly late.
05:30Look, Hamilton, to be fair, left him some room.
05:33But he was like an Exocet missile there.
05:36Let's have a look.
05:37Here's your answer.
05:38Oh, Ingram.
05:39No, he just...
05:39Well, he missed his braking point.
05:42But had he had a...
05:43There's no damage on the back.
05:44So I don't see that he had a puncture.
05:47That's why.
05:48Oh, and there's a huge effort from Ingram.
05:51Huge effort results in some contact.
05:54Turkington, in the meantime, is 15th.
05:56He's got one solitary point.
05:57Leschet has got all sideways.
05:59Yeah, and he did that all by himself and in slowing himself up to warn them he was coming.
06:05But a good start.
06:06Oh, and out wide.
06:07Out wide.
06:09That's Colin Turkington, isn't it?
06:13Oh, it was a dive up the inside by Plato.
06:17Oliphant goes round.
06:18Lloyd just misses him.
06:20Smiley can't avoid him.
06:22The others all avoid him.
06:23I don't know how...
06:25I have no idea how Rick Parfitt managed not to see that.
06:29So we're on board with Daniel Lloyd.
06:31Watching his teammate, Plato.
06:33There is a bit of a gap.
06:34But I think it's just because Oliphant's taking a late apex.
06:38Plato doesn't get quite enough up the inside.
06:40And the rear-wheel drive car just spins round.
06:44So this is a different angle.
06:47There goes Oliphant's car spinning around.
06:49There's the initial impact.
06:52It's actually just out of the corner, Tim, isn't it?
06:53From that angle.
06:59He turns into the corner.
07:00Actually, he's about on line.
07:02Gets that tap from Plato.
07:05And then feel the force of this.
07:11Straight in the driver's side door.
07:13And winds up with a huge amount of damage as well.
07:19Not what you want to be feeling as a driver.
07:21Yeah, Proki getting stuck in again.
07:23There's contact.
07:24Car spinning round into the barrier.
07:26Jack Garth.
07:27Well, we did put the curse of the common...
07:30The marshals.
07:30What a brave job the marshals have.
07:33Oh, poor fella.
07:34We haven't seen him all day, have we?
07:36That's why I sounded surprised.
07:37It just doesn't happen like that normally, does it?
07:39But they're ganging up.
07:41Oh, cooking two.
07:43Plato there.
07:44Getting very physical between the two.
07:46And Seneprox are making a fight of it.
07:47But Sutton goes through into the lead.
07:49Yeah, well, he did do it at Turn 1.
07:51And we've got a rotating Sam Osborne.
07:55Collected by Jack Butel.
07:57Lots of cars off.
07:59Gelli got away well up into third place here.
08:01We might see more from this.
08:03I think it was Chris Smiley.
08:04I think it was Chris Smiley that was in the Hyundai.
08:08Looking ahead to see if we can see Chris Smiley in the mix there.
08:11I don't think we're going to get...
08:13Yeah, you can see it.
08:14You can see it.
08:15The two were just rubbing as they approached the kink.
08:19And getting stuck in.
08:20I was worried he was going to get involved.
08:22Jack Garth in front of him.
08:24Well, it's already kicked off in front.
08:27Actually, he just got through.
08:32Yeah, thank goodness for that.
08:33Because bad enough for the guys that were involved.
08:35But he's had enough today.
08:37Yeah, look.
08:37You can see it's Chris Smiley in the Hyundai that has been alongside Sam Osborne.
08:44Then he's come back on.
08:44The others are actually checking up on the brakes.
08:46Jason checks up, doesn't he?
08:47Anticipating him coming back across the track.
08:50And, well, that worked out very well for Tom Oliphant, didn't it?
08:54Because he seems to be holding his own as they go down into Old Hall.
08:56But Ashton's going to go for the sweep round the outside.
08:59Got his nose in front and gets tagged by Procter.
09:02The script has been torn up again.
09:04Sutton manages to recover.
09:06But it was a tag for Procter.
09:07Well, Procter knew what was coming and Sutton braved it out round the outside.
09:12He was fortunate.
09:13Oh, he's now tagged his teammate, Karl Bordley.
09:17That wheel's come off, so that's going to be a problem.
09:20Now, 2.145 seconds.
09:26Oh, Bordley's off!
09:28Oh, Bordley attacks Butcher.
09:31Goodness me.
09:32Big crash there.
09:33That's the fastest corner on the track.
09:36Let's have a look at this, Tim.
09:37Let's see if it was cold rear tyres as he leans on it coming out.
09:41Oh, he completely straight-lined it.
09:44Completely straight-lined it.
09:46That was very strange.
09:48It was like he made no attempt to...
09:50And clouts the kerb.
09:52That unsettles him and he's...
09:53Yes, it's a big heavy landing there.
09:55Yeah, the launch was actually off that first kerb, wasn't it?
09:57It just threw him.
09:59And the car was already bouncing before it hit the second kerb.
10:03That was Jack Goff way, way off.
10:06And it just shows if you get that chicane fractionally wrong,
10:10it just throws you off the track.
10:12Smiley is third quickest.
10:14He jumps up to third with that lap.
10:16That is...
10:17Now, Sutton who's had a boat with the chicane.
10:19They were really struggling.
10:20Here we see it looking in the background to see how he comes into shot.
10:25Oh, well, slightly strange.
10:28He was in close proximity to one of the other BMWs.
10:31I don't know if there was...
10:33Let's have a look at the start.
10:34Keep an eye on Chris Smiley inside of the third row.
10:36Just doesn't go anywhere.
10:38And then everybody is avoiding him.
10:39A lot of cars diving left to...
10:42Right to left.
10:43And then...
10:45Oh, the contact with Hamilton was further back.
10:47Yeah, as Nicholas Hamilton moved across,
10:50there was a Tom Oliphant alongside
10:52and that was where the contact came from.
10:53Sam Smelt's the one on the grass.
10:55But look at the top of the screen.
10:56Look, there's the BMW.
10:58And Nicholas Hamilton's gone across the front of Oliphant.
11:00And that puts him into the wall and he slews back across the road.
11:03Tom Chilton comes up to have a go as well.
11:06So Procter goes through.
11:07Chilton goes through.
11:08That's Ingram getting ahead of Butcher and getting all crossed up.
11:10There's damage on the back of the Hyundai.
11:12One in the gravel on the left as well.
11:14Clash of the two Scottish drivers.
11:15It's Rory that comes off worse.
11:16He's okay, he says to the marshal,
11:18but he is decidedly angry about it.
11:20He's already through.
11:22In fairness, he's driving quite straight.
11:25But Aidan Moffat is sort of coming back from the pit lane exit.
11:30And they just ran out of road together.
11:32So, oh, I mean, Rory doesn't give much room there, does he?
11:39Really doesn't.
11:41And he had the inside for the corner.
11:44Of course, off the road, Rick Parfitt.
11:45This is how he did it, Tim.
11:46Just got a twitch coming through Clark.
11:49Dropped a wheel in the gravel,
11:51and that was enough to spin him around.
11:53In that third place, Cook's hung on to fourth somehow.
11:56Ahead of Gordon Shett.
11:57Really good drive, this, by Josh Cook.
11:58As they're targeting his wide, he's in the gravel,
12:00and Sutton's going to go through for the lead.
12:01Smiley has done it.
12:02Hyundai goes ahead of the Ford.
12:04Jake Hill doesn't give it up without a fight on the outside line.
12:06He's off the road.
12:07Toboggan's his way down the hill through the gravel, over the grass.
12:10Let's have a look at this ball.
12:11He just gets wider and wider, I think, coming out of the corner.
12:14And heads for the kerby, sideways, coming into view.
12:18Oh, my word, that is your worst moment.
12:22And just, he got, the best thing was, he stood on the brakes.
12:25Give a squeeze from Hill.
12:26Butcher cops a blow or two on the outside line.
12:29Drama in the background.
12:30There's a Honda off at high speed.
12:31That was either Shedden or Robot, I'm afraid to say.
12:33So Drama's right from the start to the field.
12:36Dives down towards Allard.
12:37So Shedden was behind Jade.
12:39Now, where does it all kick off?
12:41Shedden goes for a gap, just glances off the side of her.
12:44Fires the car into the barrier at high speed.
12:46Can we see again what happens?
12:49It will be a decent view, this.
12:50You might not be able to see the oversteer.
12:51You'll see two cars spear, probably.
12:53Yeah, oh, my word, that, Jade Edwards, that is, I'll tell you what, that's big damage.
12:58That's a big, big damage, Bill, that, yeah.
13:00So there's the impact.
13:01And you see Gordon Shedden backwards into the barrier.
13:03Spins around.
13:04But he copped a lot of damage as well.
13:06I know he was able to drive away.
13:08Shedden must make an absolute stormer of a start.
13:10There he is, right in behind Smelt.
13:13So that's Rowbottom.
13:14Oh, it's Rowbottom.
13:15Sorry, there's, oh, that's.
13:17There, there's your contact.
13:18Yeah, that's bizarre, because there was three cars.
13:21That was, that was Smelt.
13:23Close to the back of Cook as the leaders now come through.
13:25And there, Ronnie Jackson gets turned around.
13:27I fear that was Dan Rowbottom getting involved with him.
13:29So that's going to delay the Honda.
13:31And let's have a look at what was going on up at the hairpin.
13:33Further back, well, you see they all concertina.
13:35Got Smiley on the inside of Rowbottom,
13:38which forces him out into Jackson.
13:41And we're seeing Rowbottom off.
13:44Oh, that's the left-hander coming up to the complex
13:47and into the tires.
13:48Yes, he got a bit of help in that, didn't he?
13:50From one of the Coopers, by the look of it.
13:53And a replay here of Tom Olyphant getting up the inside.
13:56Jade Edwards gets sideways.
13:58And then there's the impact.
13:59She's got a tire off.
14:01She's got a tire off on the right-hand side.
14:03So she's got a puncture.
14:05Jake Hill leads the way.
14:08And drama's here.
14:10Nicholas Hamilton getting into the back of the traffic
14:12before the green flag.
14:13Oh, that was, uh.
14:14Come up alongside Turkington.
14:16It's brave.
14:17But Sutton's under attack from Cook.
14:19So Turkington leads.
14:20Shedden goes second.
14:21There's a sideways Astra in the middle of the track.
14:23Oh, that was, that was, that was, that was,
14:25that was a bit of a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
14:28That's a sideways Astra in the middle of the pack.
14:30And off the road has gone Dan Lloyd.
14:31And there's mayhem.
14:32Jade Edwards is involved in it.
14:34Olyphant is off the road as well.
14:36Jack Goff has picked up big Dan.
14:38Nice and clean at that point.
14:40Then all hell's breaking loose ahead of him.
14:43He manages to slow right down and avoid it.
14:46That was good, good driving by Nick Hamilton
14:48to spot that going on in front of him.
14:53There is Jake Hill.
14:54A big, big off for Jason Plato coming down towards Sonny.
14:57And he is off the road.
14:59But thankfully avoids anything Sonny.
15:01But that was quite a moment.
15:03That looked like a failure.
15:04How did he not hit anything?
15:05Yeah, one thing Hill's got in his favor
15:07is his car's still very good on the brakes, isn't it?
15:09Even though it's carrying that extra weight.
15:11But here, change of direction.
15:17Now that was Gelli and Rowbottom getting together.
15:19And they've been delayed.
15:20I think that was partly Gelli checking up to avoid the slowing cars.
15:24Still on board with Sam Smelt.
15:26And you just see it all kicking off in front.
15:28He's, which way do I go?
15:30I'll go through the middle.
15:31Thank you very much.
15:32Then Osborne.
15:33And it's three wide into the hairpin.
15:35Chilton gets into the side of Osborne.
15:36Rory Butcher gets collected.
15:38He's on the outside.
15:38There's damage.
15:39Oh dear.
15:40Let's see.
15:40Osborne is delayed as Butcher escaped.
15:43He's ahead of Josh Cook.
15:44And now the cars make the run up towards Becketts for the first time.
15:47We've got drama in the background.
15:48Is that Osborne or Neaton has gone out wide?
15:50Adam Morgan involved in that as well.
15:52A spinning Ford it is.
15:52Andy Neaton in the background.
15:54The leaders dive through Brooklands for the first time.
15:55Dan Lloyd's up to third place.
15:57He's had a mega first lap in the Vauxhall.
15:58Fourth then is Moffat.
15:59Fifth is Cook.
16:00Sixth is Turkington.
16:01And there's more mayhem which involves Gordon Shedden and Sam Smelt.
16:04Side-by-side contact.
16:05But this is on board with...
16:07Oh, you heard the whack!
16:09Heard the whack from behind.
16:10I thought I'm not...
16:11I just caught a glimpse...
16:12Lloyd said the gap's come down.
16:14And this is the incident.
16:15Oh, it's with Gordon Shedden.
16:17They clashed at Thruxton.
16:18They've clashed again.
16:20Gordon was on the grass it seemed.
16:21And Jade Edwards in the contact ends up in the gravel.
16:25Yeah, that looked messy, didn't it?
16:27As you say, they had that contact at Thruxton.
16:30Let's watch what happens as they come into view behind.
16:34That was Turkington making contact.
16:36And then Chilton goes across the front of Osborne.
16:38Yeah, I think Chilton moved across not knowing that Osborne was there.
16:46And there was contact watch.
16:47He moves to the right, yeah.
16:48I think he may have been trying to check up a little bit and avoid the slower car in front.
16:53But you're right.
16:54That was Ollie Jackson, wasn't it?
16:55Trying to dive up the inside of the Adam Morgan BMW.
16:58And now Jake Hill gets involved.
16:59And Morgan is off the road.
17:00And that's going to get into the tyres big time.
17:02And it'll bring out a safety car for sure.
17:04Head into the gravel.
17:05But let's have a look at how it all started.
17:07There's the Ford.
17:08It was Ollie Jackson up the inside.
17:10Then he ran wide.
17:10Morgan got up alongside him.
17:12Jake Hill tried to get alongside as well.
17:13And they just touched.
17:14Yeah, Jake thought there was going to be an opportunity.
17:17Because they'd slowed each other down off the corner.
17:19And as Adam moved to his right,
17:23he turns himself effectively around the front of Jake Hill.
17:28And, well, Jake is lucky not to hit the barriers himself.
17:32One of our championship contenders.
17:34Driven that very well.
17:36He took some risk early on.
17:38Had to...
17:38Oh, Turkington!
17:39Turkington spun!
17:40I can't believe it!
17:42And he's just out of everybody's way.
17:44But Sutton gets ahead of him.
17:45And Colin Turkington makes a rare mistake.
17:48Just keeps the inside kerb.
17:49Takes a little bit too much inside kerb.
17:51That unsettles the car.
17:53And round she goes.
17:56Well, that is one of the most surprising elements of the season.
17:59Because Turkington rarely makes mistakes certainly like that.
18:02So Andy Neat's car looks undamaged.
18:04But it's sad to say it's out of the race.
18:07And how does he get there?
18:09Let's see.
18:10Just comes across the front of Jade Edwards.
18:12And there's light contact.
18:13And that's enough to turn the car around.
18:15Well, it had to be Jade Edwards to get those two out.
18:18She's good.
18:18And this is what she did.
18:20Well, way off.
18:21Way off, yeah.
18:22Lucky to keep that under control there.
18:25That, I fear, might have been Chilton getting into the rear of Sutton for the race lead.
18:28There's drama at Druids already.
18:30Because off the road goes Santa Procter.
18:32That, I fear, would be a safety car.
18:34They've survived it just about.
18:36Yeah, it was Turkington getting that good start.
18:38It was Tom Chilton just getting into the rear quarter.
18:42And the round goes in front of everybody.
18:45That's only Jackson.
18:48Adam Morgan hits him.
18:49And that's Morgan's race.
18:50Oh, no, that's Ingram being delayed.
18:51Look, Tom Ingram is in the gravel.
18:52And that's crucial for third place.
18:54Scottish drivers lean on each other.
18:56Chris Smiley tries to get into that as well.
18:57But look at the lawn in the front of the Toyota now.
18:59That's going to make it really hot.
19:00There's contact as Moffat hits Smiley.
19:02And gets hit by Gelli.
19:04More mayhem in this race.
19:07Turkington's demise.
19:08Let's see what happened to him.
19:09Yeah, watch Butcher.
19:10Butcher goes down the inside, look.
19:13And then on the exit of the corner,
19:14there's a bit of a touch.
19:16Oh, actually, it looked like his right rear suspension is broken.
19:20Yes, you're right.
19:21And I think that crash earlier was what the problem was.
19:26Because he's already got the incident.
19:29Either that, yeah, that's what's put him off wide.
19:31So suspension breakage.
19:35Right rear.
19:35Yeah, let's work out how he got there.
19:38Was it with a bit of an assist?
19:39It's going up towards Hawthorne.
19:41He spins into view.
19:43And off the road he goes.
19:44Yeah, not quite sure what caused the start of that.
19:47But it's been an impressive season from Jack.
19:49He's been foiling Ingram, opening the door for him, hasn't he?
19:52He has indeed.
19:52He just needs to sit there.
19:53And there's drama in the background because that getting turned sideways.
19:56Was that Gelli?
19:57It was.
19:59Thankfully, he's out of harm's way.
20:00Here we are on board with Jake Hill coming out of Graham Hill.
20:04He's got a bit of a run.
20:05He goes to the inside.
20:07Gets halfway down the inside.
20:09There's a little contact.
20:10And on the rear wheel drive BMW, there's no way Gelli can stop it.
20:13Here it is again from the outside.
20:15Gelli up the outside hill to the inside.
20:17They touch.
20:18Steven gets sideways.
20:20And around the car goes.
