Looney Tunes - Big House Bunny

  • 2 days ago
Looney Tunes - Big House Bunny


00:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:07Too bad to disappoint those eager nimrods.
01:16What's up, Mac?
01:18Trying to pull an X-scape, 777174, huh?
01:23Oh, you're mistaken, Mac.
01:25You see, I'm not 777174.
01:27I'm only three and a half.
01:29Three-and-a-half? Okay, so you're three-and-a-half.
01:38Yeah, my mother told me there'd be days like this.
01:44You'll do 50 years, or my name ain't Sam Schultz.
01:49Hey, prisoner escapin'. Quick, quick!
01:52Where? Where? Which way did he go?
01:54There he goes, over the north wall.
01:57Halt, or I fire!
02:02Toodle-oo, Mr. Schultz. It's been nice knowin' ya.
02:19Now get in there!
02:27Gee, I don't get it, Doc. How come you locked me outside?
02:32Outside? Why, you're inside.
02:36Oh, no I'm not. I'm outside. You're inside.
02:40I am? Well then, get in here!
02:49Boo-hoo! Now I'll never see my wife and kiddies again. Boo-hoo-hoo!
02:57I'm gonna give you solitary confinement for 99 years.
03:02Yeah, you wouldn't be so tough if you weren't wearin' that uniform.
03:07Oh, I wouldn't, huh?
03:12Right on.
03:14Yep, I guess you would all right.
03:27Let me outta here! Let me outta here!
03:31Get me a mouthpiece! I wanna hate Miss Corpius!
03:35I'm gettin' you outta here, see?
03:37I haven't forgotten what you done for Mary and the kids, see?
03:42Here, follow the map inside and you can't go wrong.
04:24Just what is the meaning of this?
04:27I won't stand for any more of your nonsense! Get out! Out!
04:34I hate him.
04:44Come back here, you mewly-headed maverick!
05:05Well, come in, Shultz.
05:11Have a cigar.
05:13Gee, corony-coronies.
05:16Yeah, pull up a chair and sit down, Shultz.
05:20Shultz, I've been getting some good reports about you.
05:25Oh, uh, pardon me. Have a light.
05:34Warm enough for you, Shultz?
06:03I got all the top jewelry I'm gonna take from you. Quiet!
06:06One more slip, you screw-brain bonehead, and you'll be looking for another job!
06:10Now get out! Out!
06:14Halt! Stay where you're at!
06:17Stay where you're at!
06:21Now get out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out!
06:33He's gone! He's gone! I'm rid of him!
06:43Oh, no.
06:47I'd like to know what dirty stool pigeon squealed on me.