• 3 weeks ago
Childhood Love in Wiken. NEW Love Hallmark Movies.
#Movies #Romantic #Romance #Hallmark #Hollywood #cinema #viral #trending #Comedy
00:00:00I'm going to show you how to do it.
00:00:30I'm going to show you how to do it.
00:01:00I'm going to show you how to do it.
00:01:30I'm going to show you how to do it.
00:02:01Sorry. Sorry. Can I...
00:02:03One second. Yeah.
00:02:05Swift? Yes. Colby? No.
00:02:07Havarti's the new Parmesan.
00:02:09Well, don't stop there.
00:02:11What about Cheese Whiz?
00:02:18I'm going to have to call you back.
00:02:22Um, how long has it been?
00:02:24High school?
00:02:26Oh, it's been like a million years since prom?
00:02:29Uh, yeah.
00:02:30Oh. Oh. Oh.
00:02:34I can still see your parents' faces when I open that door.
00:02:36Yeah, well, I'm still seeing you in your shiny green tux.
00:02:39It was festive.
00:02:40It was pretty green.
00:02:42Well, I can still see you at the top of the stairs.
00:02:44You had the sparkly dress and your hair all...
00:02:46It's big. Really big.
00:02:47Whatever you call it, with the flowers.
00:02:49You're the prettiest girl I'd ever seen.
00:02:53What happened to you? You really let yourself go.
00:02:56So I've heard all these stories about you just traveling all over the place.
00:03:00What are you doing back here in the city?
00:03:02You remember Teddy from high school?
00:03:04Teddy, who sat behind you in algebra?
00:03:06Yeah, so he sold his tech company and I'm house-sitting while he's in California.
00:03:09Six months free rent plus valet parking.
00:03:12And I find a place of my own.
00:03:14Yes, and I see in the meantime you're dealing in driftwood.
00:03:17Yes, driftwood is the new plywood.
00:03:20Is it?
00:03:21When they sell, I do pretty well.
00:03:23These are really amazing.
00:03:25And you're running a corporate empire?
00:03:27No, still working for my dad at Mayfields.
00:03:29Oh, I just bought one of your spoons.
00:03:30Did you? Pasta? Salad?
00:03:32I have no idea, but he makes a great minute hand.
00:03:34That is pasta.
00:03:35Salad. Pasta.
00:03:36It's pasta.
00:03:38What is this, a sundial?
00:03:39Yep. It's 7.30-ish. 7.30.
00:03:43Well, that's... I mean, it's really 7.20.
00:03:45Yeah, your watch says 7.30.
00:03:46But I just... I said it ten minutes early, so I'm not late.
00:03:48Why not 15?
00:03:49Because that would be neurotic?
00:03:51Well, honey, I'm going to go, but would you like to share contact?
00:03:55Uh, I don't have a phone.
00:03:59But if you've got a pen, I'll write it on my hand.
00:04:01I definitely don't have a pen.
00:04:03Are you going to be here tomorrow?
00:04:04I'll be outside all week.
00:04:05Great. I will see you tomorrow.
00:04:08Behave yourself.
00:04:09No promises.
00:04:10Hey, let me know how that cheese thing turns out.
00:04:14Hey, sorry about that.
00:04:16No, really.
00:04:17Kidding me.
00:04:19Greetings. I'm Josie Mayfield.
00:04:2138 years ago, my father founded Mayfield's right here in my mother's kitchen.
00:04:25Since then, the name Mayfield's has been synonymous with cookware, bakeware, wooden spoons.
00:04:31And this year, we are thrilled to introduce our new Mayfield's tea line and lemon squeezer.
00:04:40Well, obviously, we will reshoot the lemon mishap, but you get the idea.
00:04:45And I look at this as a two-pronged approach.
00:04:47We have a weekly video blog and a way to introduce our customers to new exciting products,
00:04:52such as the Mayfield's Home Soda Maker, for the serious soda aficionado.
00:04:55Mayfield's is about coffee and tea, not soda.
00:04:57Yes, sir. I know.
00:04:58But the 18 to 49-year-old male is not drinking Earl Grey while watching Monday Night Football.
00:05:03Josie, do you know why Mayfield's is still in business?
00:05:05Yes, because we stay the course and give the customers what they expect.
00:05:09We're not growing, Dad.
00:05:10We're not shrinking either.
00:05:11Fine. All right.
00:05:12The reps are in. I will handle them.
00:05:15Frances in accounting just had her baby,
00:05:17so we sent her a very nice gift basket with the Mayfield bottle warmer,
00:05:20and the product testing for the cheese slicer is tomorrow.
00:05:23That does it.
00:05:24Not quite. You are coming home for the party this weekend?
00:05:26Of course.
00:05:28No, I'm bringing Richard.
00:05:29I see.
00:05:31Daddy, what is wrong with Richard? He's the perfect man.
00:05:34On paper, yes. He's ambitious.
00:05:37You love ambitious.
00:05:38He talks too fast.
00:05:41All right. I don't know exactly, but there's just something about him.
00:05:45Is there anyone I could bring home that you would approve?
00:05:49I guess you're just still my little girl.
00:05:58Hey, what are you doing here?
00:06:00I missed you.
00:06:03And I need five minutes with your father.
00:06:05He's not returning my calls.
00:06:07I know, but this client's a perfect fit.
00:06:09MBA from Penn, 10 years at P&G.
00:06:11He could run Mayfield's foreign sales with his eyes closed.
00:06:13And he speaks Mandarin.
00:06:14Trust me, the only Mandarin my father cares about is moo shu pork.
00:06:17You just put us in a room. You have his ear.
00:06:19I have his DNA, and you two have been in a room together.
00:06:21It did not go well.
00:06:22I really want him to like you.
00:06:24He will.
00:06:25No, he won't if you keep pitching him.
00:06:27Plus, he thinks you're a fast talker.
00:06:29What's wrong with talking fast?
00:06:30Fast talkers are untrustworthy.
00:06:31I'll wear him down, you'll see.
00:06:32What, like water erodes a mountain?
00:06:35You do know that takes billions of years.
00:06:37I can wait.
00:06:39Dinner tonight?
00:06:40Uh, clients. Breakfast tomorrow?
00:06:42Uh, reps. How about lunch?
00:06:44Can't. Tied up all day. Day after looks good.
00:06:46Oh, 12.30?
00:06:471 o'clock.
00:07:02This placement's not a walk in the park.
00:07:03We're not going to get this guy on a lateral hire.
00:07:05He's got options.
00:07:06Well, what do you want me to say to you?
00:07:08I'll call you back.
00:07:18Mr. Mayfield.
00:07:20Richard Wright of Wright, Silver & Gum Executive Search.
00:07:25Your daughter's boyfriend.
00:07:28Yes, I remember.
00:07:30Did you press all of those buttons?
00:07:33No, sir.
00:07:34Some kid must have been in here.
00:07:39But while we're trapped in here, I'd like to run something by you.
00:07:47So how's next week looking for you?
00:07:51Another time then!
00:08:05Well, we're invited to rec crew,
00:08:07so she'd like the napkins to be the same color.
00:08:09All right, just please remember the dessert forks.
00:08:11Sterling only.
00:08:16My parents are having a party this weekend.
00:08:17It's their 40th wedding anniversary.
00:08:19Oh, congrats. And my best.
00:08:21On second thought, why ruin their day?
00:08:22What are you making here?
00:08:23I'm thinking camel.
00:08:25Oh. Camels don't really sell.
00:08:29Oh, donkey?
00:08:30Ooh, political connotations.
00:08:32You don't want to limit your clientele.
00:08:34All right. How about a horse?
00:08:35Yes, yes.
00:08:36Horses are the number four favorite animal
00:08:38after dogs, cats, and dolphins.
00:08:40Then horse it is. Giddy up.
00:08:44You know what? My boyfriend's partners play polo.
00:08:46This might look really nice in their reception area.
00:08:49You have a boyfriend?
00:08:52Are you seeing somebody?
00:08:54Not at the moment.
00:08:59he's a lucky guy.
00:09:01Ooh, thank you.
00:09:02He is an executive headhunter.
00:09:06And what do your folks think of this boyfriend?
00:09:08You know my dad.
00:09:09He doesn't think anybody's good enough for me.
00:09:12I know he didn't think I was good enough for you.
00:09:13Don't feel bad.
00:09:14Richard has everything that's on my father's checklist,
00:09:16and he still doesn't approve.
00:09:18Ah, the Mayfield checklist.
00:09:20Good job, good family, good manners, goodbye.
00:09:23Pretty much.
00:09:26Well, I'm just going to come out and say it.
00:09:27You know why your dad's repulsed by this guy?
00:09:29I never said he was repulsed.
00:09:30Look, it's his job.
00:09:31No father wants his daughter dating a cannibal in a suit.
00:09:34He's not a cannibal. He is a headhunter.
00:09:36What's the difference?
00:09:38Richard places clients in employment positions,
00:09:40and a cannibal chops people up and eats them for dinner.
00:09:44Tomato, tomato.
00:09:47Hey! Hey!
00:09:49Hey, that's my minute hand.
00:09:50It's okay, I'll get you another one.
00:09:53I'll just do it.
00:10:09Hello, this is Josie Mayfield.
00:10:11Please leave a message.
00:10:15Josie, it's your mother.
00:10:16I hope you're not bringing that Richard person to the party.
00:10:19Your father had a most uncomfortable incident with him in the elevator yesterday.
00:10:24At any rate, get back to me as soon as you can, dear.
00:10:31Dad, you should go to bed. You look tired.
00:10:47You're micro-shuffling again.
00:10:49How else is this place going to get in shape?
00:10:51Claire, there's not a napkin out of place that hasn't been in years.
00:10:54Please just sit.
00:10:56Rex, dear, come.
00:10:59Rex, come.
00:11:05Mindy's coming in tomorrow.
00:11:07You do recall you have two daughters?
00:11:09When Mindy wants to join the company, I will muster more enthusiasm.
00:11:12For heaven's sake, let the girl finish college in peace.
00:11:15She's been there for five years. Josie finished in three.
00:11:18Yes, dear, I know. I was at the graduation.
00:11:33I just talked a little business, that's all. I spoke slowly.
00:11:36He doesn't trust people who speak slowly.
00:11:38I thought he didn't trust people who speak fast.
00:11:40He doesn't. Honey, can we please just keep our relationship separate from Mayfield's business?
00:11:43You're right. I'm sorry.
00:11:45I thought we were going to lunch.
00:11:47We are, but first I want you to see a driftwood horse.
00:11:50I ran into a friend of mine, and I would like to buy one of his sculptures for your office.
00:11:54Please just indulge me. He's an old friend from high school, and I want to help him.
00:11:59Because we were good friends, you know?
00:12:01We did all the nerdy little clubs together, like Glee Club and prom decorating, and he seems a bit lost.
00:12:11Move your head there, buddy.
00:12:15Corporate takeover at the park?
00:12:17Gridley, this is Richard. Richard, this is Gridley.
00:12:19Richard Wright.
00:12:20Oh, so you are Mr. Wright. Literally.
00:12:23Good to meet you.
00:12:25You as well.
00:12:27So you two were friends?
00:12:29Yes, old friends. Maplewood, hi.
00:12:31Yeah, not to mention we went to prom together.
00:12:34Uh, sun tea, anyone? Fresh jug?
00:12:37Actually, we're just on our way to lunch.
00:12:39We're here to see your horse.
00:12:41Right. About that.
00:12:44I know you said camels don't sell, but I had to listen to my gut, and my gut just said...
00:12:50Camel. It said camel.
00:12:52Now, the only question is, dromedary or...
00:13:00It's more dramatic.
00:13:01All right, well, now that that's settled, you kids ready for the big anniversary weekend?
00:13:05Oh, by the way, do not wear green tux. They hate that.
00:13:08Thanks for the tip, but I'm actually not going.
00:13:10My parents are being... my parents.
00:13:12Ah, well, don't take it personally. Mr. M gives all Josie's boyfriends a rough time.
00:13:16I mean, I probably won't even go, so it's fine.
00:13:18Well, if you don't go, they'll blame Richard. There's no coming back from that.
00:13:21True, that is a lose-lose.
00:13:23Well, we should head off. Good luck with the, uh, camel.
00:13:26All right, thank you.
00:13:27Ooh, for you.
00:13:28What's this?
00:13:31The pasta and the salad spoon. Thank you.
00:13:34You're welcome.
00:13:35Now I can add a second hand.
00:13:37Good luck.
00:13:40I got it.
00:13:42I got it.
00:13:45Hey, what are you doing this weekend?
00:13:47Uh, well, I'd have to check my schedule.
00:13:51I'm wide open.
00:13:52You know what would make your parents roll out the welcome mat for me?
00:13:58Bring him to the party.
00:13:59I mean, your parents think that there's somebody better for you out there.
00:14:02What if they see that there's someone worse?
00:14:04No offense.
00:14:05Uh, none taken?
00:14:06It's a terrible idea, Richard.
00:14:08Well, actually, to be honest, it's kind of a brilliant idea.
00:14:11I mean, Mr. and Mrs. M probably still hate me.
00:14:15Yeah, and after a weekend with him, they'll think that I'm a prince.
00:14:18Okay, it's just I'm uncomfortable with this, and that's a bad position to put you in.
00:14:22Yeah, you're right. I don't...
00:14:25It's just a thought.
00:14:30So where do you want to go for lunch?
00:14:31Oh, I know this great new place.
00:14:33You know what?
00:14:34You know what?
00:14:36I'll do it.
00:14:40Hey, anything to help you lovebirds out?
00:14:42All right.
00:14:44Well, we owe you.
00:14:45What's this?
00:14:46This is gas money. It's a long drive.
00:14:48Oh, no, no. My truck runs on vegetable oil. Converted it with a kit.
00:14:51Or vegetable oil, then.
00:14:52No, I get a free supply from the Chinese food place across the street.
00:14:57Are you sure you're okay with this?
00:15:00When do we leave?
00:15:05Yes, we're going to need more testing on the soda maker.
00:15:07Well, it's just not up to our standards yet.
00:15:10Sorry about that.
00:15:11Boy, it never stops, does it?
00:15:13That is family business for you.
00:15:15We have to make it perfect if it has the Mayfield name.
00:15:17Personal soda maker? Sounds expensive.
00:15:20You know you can buy soda at the dollar store.
00:15:22Well, I'm sure it's not as good.
00:15:24No, it's terrible.
00:15:25But it's a dollar.
00:15:27Our target market can afford it.
00:15:29So how is it working for your dad?
00:15:31You know, the less things change, the more they stay insane.
00:15:34Change is good.
00:15:36It'll buy you a bottle of soda.
00:15:39Thanks again for coming this weekend.
00:15:42My pleasure.
00:15:43We owe you.
00:15:45Ah, what are friends for?
00:16:08Are you ready for this?
00:16:16We're here!
00:16:19Oh, hello, dear.
00:16:23Hi, Daddy.
00:16:24Hello, sweetheart.
00:16:25Mr. and Mrs. M.
00:16:26Happy 50th.
00:16:28Oh, 30, 40, 50.
00:16:30The thing is, you're still together, and you're so happy.
00:16:33Who's this?
00:16:34You remember Gridley from high school.
00:16:42All right.
00:16:43How do you want to handle this, Mr. M?
00:16:45High five? Knuckle bump?
00:16:48Your vehicle.
00:16:49It's leaking oil.
00:16:51Ah, well, no worries.
00:16:52It's vegetable oil.
00:16:53Good hose, and it'll wash that right off.
00:16:55Something smells like Chinese food.
00:16:57Oh, yeah, that might be me.
00:16:58Nankin Gardens.
00:16:59Good call.
00:17:01Well, we appreciate you bringing Josie home.
00:17:03Can I get you a glass of water before you leave?
00:17:05Oh, no, Mother.
00:17:06He's not leaving.
00:17:07He's staying for the weekend.
00:17:08I don't understand.
00:17:10He's my plus one.
00:17:11He's my plus one.
00:17:27What is this?
00:17:29We thought you were still seeing that Richard person.
00:17:31Oh, you two didn't approve of Richard, so I started seeing other people.
00:17:34He's on the back burner for right now.
00:17:35And Maxwell Gridley is on the front burner?
00:17:39I ran into him while I was out jogging, and we have a history together.
00:17:42He makes me laugh.
00:17:43He has a very contagious outlook on life.
00:17:46Let's hope that's all that's contagious.
00:18:18It's you all grown up.
00:18:19You look great.
00:18:20Oh, you need your eyes checked.
00:18:22No, I'm 20-20.
00:18:24Are you and Josie, like...
00:18:25Ah, yes and no.
00:18:26Or no.
00:18:27You just getting here?
00:18:28I wish.
00:18:29Just running errands for Mother Superior.
00:18:31What is that, a weapon?
00:18:32Grape scissors.
00:18:33Ah, crucial.
00:18:39Okay, does the driveway smell like Chinese food?
00:18:42Come on.
00:18:46Hiya, sis!
00:18:50Oh, honey, you look so good!
00:18:53Guess who is in town?
00:18:54Wade Wilson.
00:18:55Did you talk to him?
00:18:56No, I can't.
00:18:57Invite him to the party.
00:18:58Mom would be furious.
00:19:00You know how she feels about the Wilsons.
00:19:02Besides, he wouldn't come.
00:19:04Mrs. M, this place is even better than I remember.
00:19:08Oh, wow.
00:19:09Don't touch that, please.
00:19:10It's expensive.
00:19:11It's Fabergé.
00:19:13Dad gave that to Mom for the first wedding anniversary.
00:19:15Our second anniversary.
00:19:17Our first anniversary, we were poor.
00:19:19Well, poor in money, rich in love.
00:19:22Something like that.
00:19:25Hey, who's this?
00:19:27He's new.
00:19:29Rex, come.
00:19:31Rex, come.
00:19:38Rex, come.
00:19:46He doesn't like people.
00:19:51Hey, fella.
00:19:53There you are.
00:19:55Oh, that's a good boy.
00:19:56Hi, Rex.
00:20:00Hey, fella.
00:20:01What do you call a triangle with you?
00:20:03Gridley, you remember my grandfather, right?
00:20:05Yes, of course.
00:20:07How are you, sir?
00:20:08You took me fishing once, remember?
00:20:12Oh, I love this show.
00:20:14He doesn't speak.
00:20:15It's been almost two years now.
00:20:18Oh, cool.
00:20:19Like a vow of silence?
00:20:24Well, who doesn't have a touch of that?
00:20:30Oh, I know this.
00:20:31I know this.
00:20:32It's, um...
00:20:35William Howard Taft.
00:20:37Everyone, I have a thrilling announcement.
00:20:40It appears patients and hard work really do pay off.
00:20:43The Mayfield House has secured the coveted Beautiful Homes page in this Sunday's Chronicle.
00:20:49Kudos, Mrs. M.
00:20:50Mom, that is so great.
00:20:52Yeah, you've wanted that forever.
00:20:53Well, at least since the Wilsons' house was selected.
00:20:56There you go.
00:20:58The Wilsons, huh?
00:20:59They still live next door?
00:21:02He doesn't drink.
00:21:09At any rate, the photographer will be here tomorrow night to shoot the party.
00:21:13And it goes without saying, everything has to look perfect.
00:21:18And when hasn't it?
00:21:20Thank you, dear.
00:21:23To the Mayfields.
00:21:24To the Chronicle.
00:21:25To Josie and Gridley.
00:21:28I almost forgot.
00:21:30I brought presents.
00:21:33That isn't necessary.
00:21:36Hey, hey, hey.
00:21:37This really isn't necessary.
00:21:39Oh, no.
00:21:40It's no problem.
00:21:43All right.
00:21:47Thanks for welcoming me so warmly into your home.
00:21:59I remembered how much you liked hats.
00:22:01Favorite color, if I recall?
00:22:03Thanks, Gridley.
00:22:05Go on.
00:22:06I think you're gonna like it.
00:22:11I know you love the canines.
00:22:14Oh, he looks exactly like Prince.
00:22:20Who's Prince?
00:22:21It's your favorite dog. He died last year.
00:22:22Oh, that's terrible. Should I...
00:22:27Oh, uh...
00:22:29Bet you haven't seen one of those in a while, huh?
00:22:31No, I haven't.
00:22:34Quite unexpected.
00:22:40Come on.
00:22:42That's a good boy.
00:22:43Mrs. M, I am so sorry about Prince.
00:22:45Let's just not talk about it, shall we?
00:22:48Come on. Let go.
00:23:03I am so sorry. I'll clean it up.
00:23:05No. I've got it.
00:23:12And take off that ridiculous hat.
00:23:23Look what he's done to you.
00:23:29I ran into Tux in that color once.
00:23:31Yes, we remember.
00:23:32I think it looks best.
00:23:34Go wash that out right now.
00:23:38Can you please give us a moment alone with our daughter?
00:23:41Of course.
00:23:42And don't touch anything in there. It's for the party.
00:23:46Roger that.
00:23:48What were you thinking, bringing him here?
00:23:50I don't even have a word for him.
00:23:52Well, I'm sure you'll think of one.
00:24:00It's a bigmouth bass.
00:24:02For the fishermen and all of us.
00:24:04May I?
00:24:30Well, let's begin, shall we? Bon appetit.
00:24:34Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I could eat a horse.
00:24:36Or a camel.
00:24:40I thought I told you to wash that out.
00:24:42I tried. It wouldn't come out.
00:24:44Well, it better not look like that tomorrow night when the photographer gets here.
00:24:47It's not the end of the world, Claire.
00:24:49Maxwell, I assume you have appropriate attire for the party tomorrow night?
00:24:53Don't worry, Mrs. M. I won't embarrass you.
00:24:55Learned that lesson at prom.
00:24:57Nevertheless, Mr. Mayfield will lend you a jacket and a tie.
00:25:01Oh, quite the selection. You will have 30 dark suits and 30 matching ties to choose from.
00:25:05Your father has always been a creature of habit, haven't you, dear?
00:25:09Not always.
00:25:15Well, this chicken is fantastic.
00:25:17It's garnish game, hen.
00:25:19It's a bit dry.
00:25:21It's like I always make it.
00:25:23Yes, it is.
00:25:27Tell me, Maxwell.
00:25:29What exactly do you do for a living?
00:25:31And the inquisition begins.
00:25:33Well, to be honest, there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I'd like to do.
00:25:36And what might those things be?
00:25:38Really works with driftwood, Dad.
00:25:41There's a lot.
00:25:43There's a living in that?
00:25:45Well, my income ebbs and flows with the tide.
00:25:48It's just like our business, Dad.
00:25:50But I can't say enough good things about driftwood.
00:25:52It's got character, it won't rot, and it's free.
00:25:58Of course, I do have other ventures.
00:26:01And I teach water aerobics at the community center on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
00:26:06Driftwood, topiary, and water aerobics.
00:26:10Appears that you're a triple threat.
00:26:15Indeed? Do we really need that?
00:26:19Well, don't put it back. You've already touched it.
00:26:25It's more for you and me, Gramps.
00:26:27Maxwell, you'll be staying in the yellow room tonight.
00:26:30The yellow room? Where is that?
00:26:31It is as far from my bedroom as possible without being outdoors.
00:26:46I don't know what in the world she sees in him.
00:26:48I should never have told her that I didn't like Richard.
00:26:51Oh, Richard's a dream compared to this one.
00:27:01So, what is going on with you and Gridley?
00:27:05I mean, I have to be honest with you, out of all the guys that you ever brought home,
00:27:08he's the only one that I ever really liked.
00:27:11Alright, I'm going to tell you something, but you do not say a word to Mom and Dad.
00:27:14Are we clear?
00:27:17He's just here to make Richard look better.
00:27:21He's doing me a favor. You know how Mom and Dad are.
00:27:27You're really going to like Richard.
00:27:30Okay, well, um, what is he like?
00:27:33Well, he's sharp and really driven and good looking.
00:27:37So, he's you.
00:27:46Definitely yellow.
00:27:54Nothing to see in there, pal.
00:27:56But I did bring you a little treat from the dinner table.
00:27:59Come here.
00:28:02Here you go.
00:28:04I think today went pretty well.
00:28:06Sort of.
00:28:08I mean, as long as Josie's happy, I'm golden, right?
00:28:13What do you think, Rex?
00:28:15Can I pull it off?
00:28:17Ah, you're easy.
00:28:34Oh dear, is one of your daughters taking a handyman?
00:28:37I hear your son is in town. I hope he hasn't flunked out already.
00:28:42Quite the opposite. He's a perfect fit for an Ivy.
00:28:45Joseph went to Yale.
00:28:46Really? And now he sells wooden spoons.
00:28:49A lot of them.
00:29:02I just saw that dreadful Audrey Wilson.
00:29:05Here's your egglet and bagelette, dear.
00:29:08Photographer's coming at six. I'll never have everything ready in time.
00:29:12I don't know why you insist on doing everything yourself.
00:29:15Because that way I know things will be done right.
00:29:17I'm sure everything will be fine.
00:29:21Morning, Mrs. M. Mr. M. Rex and I were just about to go for a walk.
00:29:26The dog will get filthy. I'll have to bathe him again.
00:29:28It's a dog, Claire.
00:29:30Rex, dear, come.
00:29:32Rex! Come!
00:29:37Rex! Come on, boy.
00:29:40What's up, big man?
00:29:44No, no, no, no, no!
00:29:58What have you done?
00:30:00It wasn't me. It was...
00:30:02What am I talking about? It was totally my fault. I am so sorry.
00:30:07It's not so bad.
00:30:09The tray is fine.
00:30:11This is a nightmare.
00:30:12Mom, it's an accident. It's just a cake.
00:30:15This was my signature Dolce de Leche cake that was going to be featured in the Chronicle.
00:30:20I can fix this.
00:30:21Oh, you can't imagine my relief.
00:30:23Just give me an hour. Two tops.
00:30:25Why not take half an hour or 15 minutes? After all, I only spent half the night baking it.
00:30:30Claire, call Village Bakery. I'm sure they can do something.
00:30:33Oh, better yet, why don't I send Mindy to the supermarket to get a frozen pie?
00:30:43Are you protecting Rex?
00:30:44Hey, he's got to live here.
00:30:47Poor Rex.
00:30:51I'm going to fix this cake. Any ideas?
00:30:55Oh, I don't bake. I don't cook. I can't even use a lemon squeezer.
00:31:06I haven't had a Twinkie since we were little kids.
00:31:08Yeah, I bought them on sale.
00:31:10Look, Gridley, you don't have to do this.
00:31:13Yeah, I do. The point was to change her mind, not break her heart.
00:31:18Look alive.
00:31:21She's not going to like it.
00:31:24We'll see.
00:31:27Got it?
00:31:28Yeah, beautiful. Perfect.
00:31:29Do you want it level or do you want it staggered a little bit?
00:31:31Perfectly level, but slightly staggered. A little cantilever.
00:31:33It's like the arch we made for prom.
00:31:35Oh, yeah, that was awesome.
00:31:37It was awesome until it fell on all those poor little juniors.
00:31:40Oh, yeah.
00:31:41That was awesome.
00:31:42Stop it.
00:31:44Alright, where does this go?
00:31:46Tell me that isn't the same tree that I, uh...
00:31:51You knew?
00:31:52Yeah, I knew.
00:31:53Did your folks know?
00:31:54Oh, no. They blamed Wade Wilson for years.
00:31:56Oh, Wade Wilson. Whatever happened to that brat?
00:31:58That's Dr. Brat to you, sir. He. His first year of med school.
00:32:02Well, I knew he'd never amount to anything.
00:32:05You remember that trick that I used to do?
00:32:07Don't do it.
00:32:08You remember it?
00:32:09Don't do it.
00:32:10You mean this one? This trick?
00:32:11It's so annoying. It's like the most annoying thing.
00:32:14You did not...
00:32:16Stop it! Be an adult! Stop! My phone's ringing.
00:32:22Richard, hi. How's golf?
00:32:24What's in your hair?
00:32:26Huh? Uh...
00:32:27Do I have frosting? I have frosting in my hair.
00:32:29Um, uh, Gridley's making a cake.
00:32:32So, things are going well, then?
00:32:35Mm-hmm. Fantastic.
00:32:36Yeah, they hate me.
00:32:37They do. They hate him so much.
00:32:41Okay, honey, I gotta call you back, okay?
00:32:43Clock is ticking on this cake. Bye-bye.
00:32:52Mom, what do you think?
00:32:54Well, it's not my cake, but I suppose it will do.
00:32:57I can give you the recipe if you like.
00:32:58That will not be necessary.
00:33:00I'm not ashamed of letting her have it.
00:33:02Would you please put down that toy? It's annoying.
00:33:05Okay, girls, follow me. We have work to do.
00:33:08Anyone up for a walk?
00:33:10No, thank you.
00:33:11Well, maybe I'll take Granddad, then.
00:33:13No, he won't go.
00:33:14Okay. Rex?
00:33:15He won't go either.
00:33:17All right. Guess I'll go by myself.
00:33:38I always loved this town.
00:33:40I grew up near the gas station up on Hill.
00:33:42It wasn't the most glamorous address,
00:33:44but we did have nice big old trees.
00:33:49They're sycamore trees.
00:33:52Good call on the William Howard Taft, though.
00:33:58I thought you didn't talk.
00:34:00Dementia, or...
00:34:01Oh, no, it's nothing.
00:34:02It's nothing.
00:34:03It's nothing.
00:34:04It's nothing.
00:34:05I thought you didn't talk.
00:34:06Dementia, or...
00:34:07Oh, no, no, no.
00:34:08I'm sharp as a tack, yeah.
00:34:10This way I get to tune everybody out.
00:34:14Well, that's...
00:34:19That's genius.
00:34:21Who else knows about this?
00:34:24And I want to keep it that way.
00:34:26Hey, my lips are sealed.
00:34:27Time to turn around.
00:34:33What about Josie and Mindy?
00:34:36Ah, that's a tough one.
00:34:38Collateral damage, I guess,
00:34:40but don't worry, I'll make up for it my will.
00:34:54I thought the party was inside.
00:34:56Well, it's just in case someone looks out a window.
00:34:59What are we doing?
00:35:00Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
00:35:03Um, I wanted to mention to you
00:35:05that Richard really does have a lot of great contacts,
00:35:07so if you're ever looking for, like, a...
00:35:09A real job?
00:35:10Well, I mean, it's not like you need one,
00:35:12but should the driftwood thing ever drift away...
00:35:14I'll call Richard Wright, of Wright, Silver, and Gunk.
00:35:18It's gum.
00:35:21Oh, no thanks.
00:35:22Trying to quit.
00:35:24Hey, I'm sorry about the green hair.
00:35:26Actually, I owe you an apology.
00:35:29I lied, it does come out.
00:35:31I like having green hair.
00:35:33It makes me feel like I'm someone else.
00:35:35Mindy, why would you want to be somebody else?
00:35:38Uh, because I'm invisible in this family?
00:35:42I'm like an afterthought.
00:35:43That's not true.
00:35:44Come on, Josie.
00:35:46You've always been the favorite.
00:35:48You're the go-getter, like Dad,
00:35:50and I'm the Mayfield black sheep.
00:35:53Or the green sheep.
00:35:56All right, look, you're not supposed to know
00:35:58what you're doing at this age.
00:35:59But you did.
00:36:00But you're in college still.
00:36:05I... I dropped out.
00:36:07Mindy, when?
00:36:08Last year.
00:36:10Please don't tell Mom and Dad, okay?
00:36:12They're just gonna freak out.
00:36:14Look, I have a job at a coffeehouse.
00:36:16I'm singing there.
00:36:18And the thing is, I want to be a singer.
00:36:23I know how incredibly stupid that sounds, believe me, but...
00:36:26No, it's not. It's not stupid.
00:36:29No, remember?
00:36:30We used to go for it all the time,
00:36:31singing the oldies.
00:36:33Won't you come home, Bill Bailey?
00:36:35Yeah, but I was eight.
00:36:37How come you didn't tell me this before?
00:36:40I don't know.
00:36:41I guess I just assumed you wouldn't approve.
00:36:43That's crazy.
00:36:44Why wouldn't I approve?
00:36:47Uh, because you have an MBA
00:36:50and you went straight to the family business
00:36:52and you pretty much haven't made a misstep
00:36:54since you could walk.
00:36:56Mindy, you are a great singer.
00:37:00You always have been,
00:37:01and I'm really, really proud of you for doing this, okay?
00:37:04That other stuff, that's Dad.
00:37:05That's stuff he cares about, not me.
00:37:09Wait, are you saying that I'm like Dad?
00:37:12Heads up!
00:37:20Oh, my God.
00:37:28It's Wade Wilson.
00:37:30It's Wade Wilson.
00:37:31What do we do?
00:37:32We gotta throw it back.
00:37:33No, no, you hand it back.
00:37:35And then what do I do?
00:37:36Oh, just think about what your mother would do
00:37:38and do the exact opposite.
00:37:40Right, right.
00:37:41Okay, now.
00:37:42No, no.
00:37:43Yes, yes, yes.
00:37:44No, no, no.
00:37:45Good luck.
00:37:47You should probably go.
00:37:48I mean...
00:38:01You're welcome.
00:38:02I like your hair.
00:38:09Is that Gridley?
00:38:11That guy got me blamed for teepeeing your yard.
00:38:14Yeah, I think there's still some left up on our roof.
00:38:17Hey, so how much longer are you in town for?
00:38:20Just the weekend.
00:38:22Just until my parents' party's over.
00:38:25We weren't invited.
00:38:26Oh, lucky you.
00:38:35Come on.
00:38:36Let's give these kids some privacy.
00:38:40Hey, you don't think I'm like my dad, do you?
00:38:42Nah, you're way prettier.
00:38:44Maybe a little.
00:38:47I could be wrong.
00:38:48No, you're right.
00:38:49I mean, he's like a Swiss watch, and I suppose I am too.
00:38:51I haven't had a spontaneous moment in forever.
00:38:53Hey, you invited me home.
00:38:54You wouldn't have done that.
00:38:55Oh, Richard invited you home, actually.
00:38:57Man, I got through the front door this time.
00:38:58Good work.
00:39:03Dulce de leche?
00:39:05I think we just found your mom's signature cake.
00:39:10It's from a bakery.
00:39:11I cannot believe that all these years she's been pretending to make this.
00:39:15I mean, what am I saying?
00:39:16I can't believe it.
00:39:17Let's put it back.
00:39:21Who's out there?
00:39:24It's just me.
00:39:26Maeve Wilson.
00:39:37All right, all right.
00:39:38But what about the time Mrs. L put on the panda suit?
00:39:42She was talking to everybody.
00:39:46That's so dumb.
00:39:48She was a good teacher.
00:39:49Oh, she was all right.
00:39:52Oh, my.
00:39:53How many times did we skip chemistry to play frisbee?
00:39:56Well, it's because that auditorium window was always loose.
00:39:59They made it too easy.
00:40:00Probably still is.
00:40:14I'm winning.
00:40:15I'm winning.
00:40:16I'm winning.
00:40:17I'm winning.
00:40:18I'm winning.
00:40:21Wait up.
00:40:22Wait up.
00:40:23Wait up.
00:40:25These have bars.
00:40:26Yeah, it's for the fricking naughty kids.
00:40:27I was there a lot.
00:40:29Hold on.
00:40:30Maybe there's another door there.
00:40:37There, there, there.
00:40:38One more.
00:40:40I'll go.
00:40:42No, no, no.
00:40:43Hold on.
00:40:44I'm going to go.
00:40:45I'm going to go.
00:40:50Oh, my God.
00:40:51I know.
00:40:52It's great.
00:40:53My hands.
00:40:54It's all right.
00:40:55Watch out.
00:40:56It's all right.
00:40:58I did it.
00:40:59Get the door.
00:41:10Good work.
00:41:15It's so small.
00:41:21Welcome home.
00:41:24I wonder if they got the number back in my locker.
00:41:28Where is it?
00:41:30And they took the Green Day sticker off.
00:41:32How dare they?
00:41:35Where are our pictures?
00:41:36I don't know.
00:41:38Where are our pictures?
00:41:39Are they in the trophy case?
00:41:41We have to look.
00:41:42I mean, we were a pretty big deal.
00:41:44I mean, pretty big.
00:41:51No, this is sports.
00:41:52No, this is sports.
00:41:53We weren't even allowed to look at this.
00:41:54Not us.
00:41:55Really, here we are.
00:41:57Senior Prom Decorating Committee.
00:41:59Look at that.
00:42:02Why did you let me wear my hair like that?
00:42:04That's awful.
00:42:05Clearly, hair was my thing.
00:42:06No, you were captain of building things.
00:42:08Yeah, sometimes I even stayed up.
00:42:11That was all so much fun.
00:42:13What happened?
00:42:14Why did we lose touch?
00:42:15We were such great friends.
00:42:17I don't know.
00:42:18Life goes on, I guess.
00:42:19You went to Wharton.
00:42:20I went to Walmart.
00:42:22Hey, what did happen with school?
00:42:23I mean, you had really good grades.
00:42:25Yeah, I went for a year.
00:42:26A scholarship.
00:42:30Really, you did not drop out of MIT?
00:42:32You know, my mom got sick, and I wanted to help out.
00:42:35And then, after she died, I just kind of lost interest in school.
00:42:38Hey, I didn't know any of that.
00:42:40I'm sorry.
00:42:41It's all right.
00:42:42It's horrible.
00:42:43It's all right.
00:42:44It pushed me in another direction.
00:42:45I groomed horses in Kentucky.
00:42:47I taught English in Guatemala.
00:42:49I did ski patrol in Utah.
00:42:51I even crewed a lobster boat in Maine.
00:42:52I won't be doing that again.
00:42:55You've lived, like, ten lives.
00:42:57I can barely manage one.
00:42:59Oh, I think you're managing pretty well.
00:43:02I should have defended you back then.
00:43:03No, it's all right.
00:43:04It's not.
00:43:07I mean, it did bother me that your parents didn't think I was good enough, but it was a long time ago.
00:43:11They were wrong.
00:43:12They're wrong now.
00:43:16I'm sorry.
00:43:17I want you to know that.
00:43:19I'm really sorry.
00:43:21Apology accepted.
00:43:23Oh, no!
00:43:29Go, go!
00:43:48Ah, sorry to interrupt.
00:43:50Apparently, I'm supposed to borrow a dark suit, a white shirt, and a tie.
00:43:59And losing.
00:44:11Broke the queen's bishop.
00:44:15I wouldn't have taken you for a chess player.
00:44:18I wouldn't have taken you for a chess player.
00:44:21My dad taught me.
00:44:23Pull up a chair.
00:44:27What does your dad do for a living?
00:44:29A mechanic.
00:44:31Actually, he fixed your car once.
00:44:33He worked at the station up on Hill.
00:44:36That's a long time ago. You probably don't remember.
00:44:38Big guy, red hair.
00:44:42That was him.
00:44:43I do remember.
00:44:45He did a really good job.
00:44:47Very reasonable, too.
00:44:49Dad, he was.
00:44:51He still working?
00:44:52Yeah, a little.
00:44:53Moved to Florida after my mom died.
00:44:54Oh, I'm sorry.
00:44:56Yeah. They had a lot of good years together.
00:44:59Not as many as you and Mrs. M.
00:45:01We've had a lot of years, I'll say that.
00:45:07That's a lifetime.
00:45:09Sometimes it feels like two lifetimes.
00:45:14She's working really hard to make this party nice.
00:45:17Must mean a lot to her.
00:45:19What means a lot to Claire is getting on the cover of The Chronicle.
00:45:22Your move.
00:45:24By the way, thank you for the slinky.
00:45:27It reminds me of a time when things weren't so ordered.
00:45:32You're welcome.
00:45:37You know, it's good manners to let your host win.
00:45:42Not a chance.
00:45:48I'm sorry.
00:46:02Wow. You look...
00:46:04Like my mother.
00:46:06Well, I was gonna say beautiful, but yeah, that works.
00:46:08Well, look at you. You're just like...
00:46:10CEO of Driftwood, Inc.
00:46:13Full Windsor, Half Windsor, Eldridge, or Cape Knot?
00:46:17Full Windsor, Eldridge is the new Half Windsor.
00:46:19Oh, it's a tough call.
00:46:30I'm gonna go fix that before the National Guard gets called in.
00:46:34Yes, of course.
00:46:38Okay, there you go.
00:46:40All right, easy now. Watch your step.
00:46:44Slippery. Careful.
00:46:45I'm fine. I'm not fine.
00:47:03Oh, um...
00:47:07That's right.
00:47:11Hi. Sorry to intrude.
00:47:12The door was open.
00:47:14I just wanted to drop off an anniversary gift.
00:47:17May your next 40 years be as happy as the first 40.
00:47:20Thank you, Richard.
00:47:22You wanna open it?
00:47:24I know how much you like coffee and tea products.
00:47:27And this, baby, is straight from Switzerland.
00:47:30It's the next generation in espresso machines.
00:47:33Hasn't even hit the market yet.
00:47:35I had a client pull a few strings.
00:47:37That's very generous.
00:47:40Hi, Granddad.
00:47:42Richard, this is my Granddad.
00:47:44Hi. Nice to meet you, sir.
00:47:48You can hear he just doesn't speak.
00:47:50It's okay.
00:47:52Hi. And this is my sister, Mindy.
00:47:55Mindy, I've heard so much about you.
00:47:57You too.
00:47:59Lost your Mindy?
00:48:02So I can see that you've all got a lot going on here,
00:48:05so I will just head out before your guests arrive.
00:48:08I won't hear of it. You'll stay for the party.
00:48:10No, thank you, but I've got a long drive back.
00:48:12Nonsense. We insist you stay.
00:48:14In fact, you'll spend the night.
00:48:16You can have the blue room upstairs at the end of the hall.
00:48:20You know, we used to stock this line,
00:48:22but the frother always broke.
00:48:24Not on this one. This is a Jura Impressa from Switzerland.
00:48:26Top of the line.
00:48:28Why don't you let me show you?
00:48:30Let's go to the kitchen.
00:48:41This baby is the Lamborghini of espresso makers.
00:48:43All the bells and whistles.
00:48:45Die-cast aluminum boiler.
00:48:47Overheating protection device.
00:48:5520-bar high-pressure pump.
00:48:57I'm just going to plug it in and fire it up,
00:48:59and I will show you how amazing...
00:49:10Oh, I don't believe it.
00:49:12That stupid fish knocked the power out.
00:49:14What did I do to deserve this?
00:49:31Mom, where are the extra candles?
00:49:33I don't know. I can't see a thing.
00:49:35Joseph, get a flashlight.
00:49:38Flashlight app.
00:49:40Thank you, Richard.
00:49:42Where's the panel? I'll check the breakers.
00:49:44You've done quite enough.
00:49:46How do I get out of here?
00:50:11You know what, Mrs. Mayfield?
00:50:13I'll be happy to check the breakers.
00:50:15They're downstairs. I'll help you.
00:50:22Don't you know how hard it is to get candle wax out?
00:50:25Next thing you know, there'll be a fire.
00:50:27The electrician can't get here until tomorrow.
00:50:29It's a disaster.
00:50:31The photographer's going to be here any minute.
00:50:33You know, I saw a generator in the Wilsons' yard.
00:50:35We don't associate with the Wilsons.
00:50:37Claire, take a deep breath, sit down.
00:50:38I'm sure everything will be fine.
00:50:40I don't see how.
00:50:42Come on.
00:50:43This door is...
00:50:45Just slow down. It's on the left, right here. Turn.
00:50:47Okay, shine the light. It's over here.
00:50:51What are you doing here?
00:50:53Why were your arms around him?
00:50:55Oh, Richard, I lost my balance.
00:50:57This was a bad idea.
00:50:59No, he's doing us a favor.
00:51:01Oh, yeah? Well, it looks like he's having too good a time.
00:51:03He's not. And besides, my parents just invited you to spend the night.
00:51:06You're right. I'm sorry.
00:51:08I just, I saw you with him and I got a little bit jealous.
00:51:10How crazy is that?
00:51:30Come on.
00:51:32Do you know what this reminds me of?
00:51:33Our first date.
00:51:35Oh, this is worse.
00:51:37Well, the electricity went out in that restaurant.
00:51:39Don't remind me.
00:51:41I forgot my wallet.
00:51:43I know. I lost my contact lens.
00:51:45I couldn't even pay the bill.
00:51:47Couldn't pay a lot of bills in those days.
00:51:58All right, we should do the trick.
00:51:59Oh, perfect.
00:52:01Thanks, guys.
00:52:03Hey, no problem.
00:52:08You know, it's nice to see Mindy open up.
00:52:11Well, maybe we should get you some green hair.
00:52:13No, no, no, no. I'll stick with the gray.
00:52:17Can I be honest with you?
00:52:19Well, if you have to.
00:52:23Kind of like being in a relationship.
00:52:25Even if you don't want to.
00:52:26Kind of like being in a relationship.
00:52:28Even if it's pretend.
00:52:30Still pretend, huh?
00:52:32Does it matter?
00:52:34She's with Richard.
00:52:36That guy's a stiff.
00:52:40I don't know, Gramps.
00:52:42Might be an over my head here.
00:52:44Let me tell you something.
00:52:46If you never commit to anything,
00:52:48you're gonna miss out on some of the best things in life.
00:52:53You know you're a guy who hasn't spoken to his wife.
00:52:56He hasn't seen his family in two years.
00:53:02All right. Fingers crossed.
00:53:10Oh, just in time.
00:53:15Easy. Watch your step.
00:53:18We can't thank you enough.
00:53:20Well done, Richard.
00:53:23My pleasure.
00:53:24You gonna let that suit take credit?
00:53:28That's what I'm here for.
00:53:30Well, you say so.
00:53:34All right, let's get going.
00:53:36We have so much to do before everyone gets here.
00:53:38Just go check on the food.
00:53:40Richard, get those candles.
00:53:42Uh, sure.
00:53:44Okay, Dad, you need to get dressed.
00:53:46Go on. You too, Richard.
00:53:48And how do we think today went, Rex?
00:53:52Yeah, that's what I thought.
00:53:58Oh. Oh, thank goodness.
00:54:01Help me get this noose off my neck.
00:54:03What are you doing?
00:54:05What? Parents love Richard. They hate me.
00:54:07My work here is done.
00:54:08You're not leaving.
00:54:09Well, you don't need me anymore.
00:54:10Yeah, I do.
00:54:12You do?
00:54:14Gridley, just stay. It's a party, okay? Just...
00:54:18Wait, so let me get this straight.
00:54:19You want me to be your plus two now?
00:54:22Or am I your plus one and Richard is your plus two?
00:54:28Just stay.
00:54:35Josie, where are you?
00:54:37So you're going to stay?
00:54:41But I'm sticking with plus one.
00:54:43I was here first.
00:54:45Thanks for fixing the lights.
00:54:50How do you like that?
00:55:01It's not here.
00:55:03Well, it couldn't have just disappeared.
00:55:05Well, that's it. We've looked everywhere.
00:55:07What's wrong?
00:55:09Your mother's Fabergé egg is missing.
00:55:11We've combed the room. It's gone.
00:55:13I hate to be the one to say it, but I think we all know where it's gone.
00:55:15What do you mean?
00:55:17Where's Gridley?
00:55:19I don't really know about him, Josie.
00:55:21Stop it. I've known Gridley my whole life.
00:55:23It's been a long time since high school.
00:55:25Gridley is not a thief. He would never do anything like that.
00:55:27He doesn't care about an egg.
00:55:29Do you know how much that egg is worth?
00:55:31Mother, yes. We all know.
00:55:33It'll show up, Claire. And if it doesn't, we'll get another one.
00:55:35It's the Chronicle.
00:55:40Did you take that egg to make him look bad?
00:55:43No, he's done that all on his own.
00:55:45So you didn't take it?
00:55:47Of course not.
00:55:49Ready, Mrs. Mixon?
00:55:51Welcome to our happy home.
00:56:11Hi, John.
00:56:15Can I introduce you to two of my colleagues?
00:56:19Excuse me. Pardon me.
00:56:21Hi, Ray. Nice to meet you.
00:56:28Hi, Richard.
00:56:30Gentlemen, over here, please.
00:56:38And can I get your names for the Chronicle?
00:56:41I'm Richard Wright of Wright, Silver & Gum.
00:56:43This is my card.
00:56:44Gridley of, uh...
00:56:46Well, just Gridley.
00:56:48Been there.
00:56:50Haven't we all.
00:56:52And who are you gentlemen to the family?
00:56:54I'm Josie Mayfield's boyfriend.
00:56:56And I'm her...
00:56:58He's an acquaintance.
00:57:00But Josie and I did go to prom together.
00:57:02Maplewood High.
00:57:04My alma mater.
00:57:06You're kidding.
00:57:08Bear down, Maplewood. Fight, Leaves, fight!
00:57:10Well, roots in the community, enduring friendship.
00:57:12The Chronicle loves this stuff.
00:57:14Are you from here, too?
00:57:16Sadly, no.
00:57:18Miss Mayfield, I'd love to get a shot of you and your old high school boyfriend.
00:57:21Oh, no. We only went out the one time.
00:57:23But it was memorable.
00:57:25It was.
00:57:27Would you mind putting your arm around her?
00:57:29Think I can do that?
00:57:33Great. Thank you.
00:57:37What are you guys, best friends?
00:57:39Can you take that around to the back? Thank you.
00:57:41Why aren't you socializing?
00:57:44Because he isn't coming.
00:57:46Who isn't coming?
00:57:48Wade. Invited him to the party.
00:57:50Well, what do you expect with those horrible parents of his?
00:57:53Well, I like him.
00:57:55And I thought he was starting to like me, too.
00:57:57You'll find someone else. Come on.
00:58:01What if I don't want to find someone else?
00:58:03Excuse me?
00:58:05How about a picture of you two?
00:58:07Of course.
00:58:08Could you shoot it from the right, please?
00:58:10Do you have to control everything that I do?
00:58:12Somebody has to.
00:58:14You're right.
00:58:20Could you keep that behind your ears for a minute?
00:58:22Mom. Mom.
00:58:24I like the green hair.
00:58:26And I'm keeping it.
00:58:28Okay, I know it doesn't fit into the Mayfield image,
00:58:30but I don't fit into the Mayfield image.
00:58:34My whole life, I've been under Josie's shadow,
00:58:36trying to be who you want me to be.
00:58:38And I heard something.
00:58:40And I dropped out of college.
00:58:45When did this happen?
00:58:47Two semesters ago.
00:58:49And where has my tuition been going?
00:58:51It's in a bank account.
00:58:53You can have it all back. I have a job.
00:58:56I'm singing.
00:58:58In a coffeehouse.
00:59:00You can't be serious.
00:59:02This is who I am.
00:59:04And who exactly might that be?
00:59:29Won't you come home, Bill Bailey?
00:59:35Won't you come home?
00:59:39She moans all day long.
00:59:44Look, this really isn't a pro...
00:59:46I'll do the cooking, honey.
00:59:50I'll pay the rent.
00:59:53I know that I've done wrong.
01:00:01Remember that rainy evening
01:00:05I kicked you out
01:00:08With nothing but a fine-tooth comb
01:00:17I know I'm to blame
01:00:22Ain't that a shame?
01:00:26Bill Bailey, won't you please come home?
01:00:32Come on, everybody!
01:00:34Won't you come home, Bill Bailey?
01:00:37Won't you come home?
01:00:39She moans all day long.
01:00:43I'll do the cooking, honey.
01:00:47I'll pay the rent.
01:00:49I know that I've done wrong.
01:00:54Remember that rainy evening
01:00:57I kicked you out
01:00:58With nothing but a fine-tooth comb
01:01:04I know I'm to blame
01:01:06But I ain't got no shame
01:01:09Bill Bailey, won't you please come home?
01:01:13Come on, Bailey, now!
01:01:15Bill Bailey, won't you please come home?
01:01:18Oh, Bailey!
01:01:20Bill Bailey, won't you please come home?
01:01:38Wow. Yeah, it's Richard.
01:01:41I need a favor.
01:01:43I need you to check someone out for me.
01:01:50What you decided to do
01:01:52Was invite all the other retailers
01:02:11Enjoying yourself, Granddad?
01:02:13I noticed people were starting to sweat
01:02:14People were starting to sweat, so finally I walked into the middle of the room and I said,
01:02:17Listen, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen business.
01:02:21Dad's telling jokes and Mom's laughing. Who are these people?
01:02:24You tell me they're not going to turn back into our parents again.
01:02:27You remember that?
01:02:28Of course I remember that.
01:02:31Do you remember what you were like when you started the business?
01:02:34You were so full of ideas.
01:02:36Mayfield's was your idea.
01:02:38No, I may have contributed a bit.
01:02:41More than a bit.
01:02:42There would be no Mayfield's if it was not for your kitchen.
01:02:49It was sort of fun back then, wasn't it?
01:02:52We were a team.
01:02:53We were.
01:02:58You know,
01:03:00Oh, this probably isn't the right moment, but
01:03:02I have had a thought about the business and
01:03:05Oh, no, I shouldn't say it.
01:03:07Of course you should say it.
01:03:12I was thinking about a line of dog wear for the kitchen,
01:03:15you know, plates, bowls, etc.
01:03:18Do you remember Prince's favorite bowl?
01:03:21Didn't he eat at that bowl?
01:03:23Yes, he did.
01:03:27let me introduce you to my daughters, Josie and Mindy.
01:03:29Hi, how are you?
01:03:31Nice to meet you.
01:03:32And how's business, Joseph?
01:03:33Oh, could be better.
01:03:34Right, Josie?
01:03:35It could be worse.
01:03:36We're certainly not shrinking.
01:03:37The fact is, is that we're not growing.
01:03:39And actually, Claire just had a very interesting idea.
01:03:43I think that Mayfield's is going to introduce a line of
01:03:47dog wear.
01:03:47A canine line.
01:03:49Oh, mom.
01:03:50I love it.
01:03:50It's great.
01:03:51Why don't we do a line for cats as well?
01:03:54Smiles, please.
01:03:59I've got everything I need.
01:04:00So you enjoy the rest of your evening.
01:04:01No, we were just about to cut the cake.
01:04:05Take care of it, Mrs.
01:04:07Twist my arm.
01:04:24To Mr.
01:04:24And Mrs.
01:04:25Still together after all these years.
01:04:28The tide may have taken you here or there, but true love,
01:04:33like driftwood,
01:04:34reinvents itself and stands the test of time.
01:04:42To love.
01:04:47May it always find its way.
01:04:54Well, that is certainly fantastic.
01:04:58Yes, it is.
01:05:00I love that.
01:05:02Did you make this?
01:05:04Oh, well, she did.
01:05:07It's not what she normally makes, but this time she decided
01:05:10to try something a little different.
01:05:12It's incredible.
01:05:17I'd love to get some shots of the family with the cake.
01:05:22And smiles everyone.
01:05:26What's that shiny thing over there?
01:05:28This is a Euro impress a coffee machine.
01:05:31This is imported from Switzerland.
01:05:33Yeah, I'm getting a reflection from that.
01:05:35Do you think we could move it somewhere preferably out of
01:05:37the room?
01:05:39Oh, not a problem.
01:05:53Smiles everyone.
01:06:02What a cake.
01:06:06What's it made of?
01:06:07That's my little secret.
01:06:35I'll have a second.
01:07:00Hey, it's delicious.
01:07:04Thank you, dear.
01:07:05What is that taste?
01:07:06It's so familiar.
01:07:35I need to know what's in the cake.
01:07:43What's in the cake?
01:07:45It's incredible.
01:07:47Oh, my I don't believe it.
01:08:08We made the front page.
01:08:09Congratulations, dear.
01:08:11Oh, when the Wilsons were in, they only got page 9.
01:08:14Oh, listen to this to my great relief.
01:08:19The Mayfield house was not yet another picture-perfect
01:08:22postcard instead.
01:08:24It was a delightful combination of whimsy warmth and fun.
01:08:27Claire Mayfield has created a true home and an anniversary
01:08:31cake made of Twinkies Twinkies.
01:08:35I knew that tasted familiar.
01:08:38Oh, congratulations on the Chronicle after waiting all
01:08:42these years.
01:08:43Yes, and the cover too.
01:08:47I'm sorry.
01:08:49What page was your little story on again?
01:08:51You know, we're so proud of our way to be so nice to have
01:08:54another doctor in the family.
01:08:56Perhaps you'll specialize in plastic surgery.
01:09:00And what are your daughters doing nowadays?
01:09:02You know, I'm so glad you asked Josie is still in wooden
01:09:06spoons and Mindy.
01:09:08She sings in a coffee house.
01:09:10Oh dear.
01:09:12She's very good.
01:09:14In fact, we couldn't be prouder.
01:09:17Enjoy your day.
01:09:23Good grief.
01:09:24That woman is a snob.
01:09:29You know, it's funny.
01:09:31I wanted this party so I could get in the Chronicle.
01:09:34Guess I was so caught up in appearances because they're
01:09:36all I really have.
01:09:38That's not true.
01:09:40It is.
01:09:41The girls are grown.
01:09:43You and I we drifted like a piece of that wood.
01:09:48I mean until last night.
01:09:51I'd forgotten what it was like to have you listen to me.
01:09:55I like being a team again.
01:09:57So do I.
01:10:00And suddenly
01:10:03our anniversary means so much more to me than any newspaper.
01:10:11This little snap.
01:10:15Here it is.
01:10:17So better than I even imagine.
01:10:20Oh mommy.
01:10:20I'm so excited for you.
01:10:22Thank you, dear.
01:10:26Where's granddad?
01:10:27He went for a walk by himself.
01:10:29I don't worry.
01:10:30He's been around the block a few times.
01:10:31Well, that's true.
01:10:33Nonfat latte.
01:10:34Thank you, Richard.
01:10:42I thought you might be able to use this for your vehicle extra
01:10:44virgin olive oil.
01:10:46This is the good stuff.
01:10:48Of course.
01:10:49We are Mayfield's after all I can get an extra five miles to
01:10:52the gallon with this.
01:10:54Put it by my bag.
01:10:56You're welcome.
01:10:58You know, I was I was thinking about your driftwood now.
01:11:01We normally go with Acacia on our salad bowls, but I wouldn't
01:11:04mind mixing things up a bit.
01:11:06I know you're not exactly a corporate guy.
01:11:08Although you did look good in my suit can't argue with that.
01:11:12Why don't you pop by the office and we'll discuss some ideas
01:11:14your schedule permitting my schedule?
01:11:18I'm wide open at the moment.
01:11:20Sorry to interrupt but that's not exactly true.
01:11:23Is it Gridley?
01:11:26Something on your mind dick actually there is just wondering
01:11:29why you're leaving next week on a one-way ticket Puerto Rico
01:11:33this time is it what's going on?
01:11:35I made a few calls and I'm glad I did this guy moves every
01:11:39six months.
01:11:40Obviously, he's running from something Richard.
01:11:43Why are you doing this?
01:11:44I'm just trying to protect you Josie and your family.
01:11:46Okay, but just so you know Gridley is going to Puerto Rico
01:11:51because it's a place.
01:11:51He's never been before and a friend asked him to crew on a
01:11:53boat, you knew of course.
01:11:56I knew I mean, it's just Gridley being Gridley.
01:11:59No Josie.
01:12:04Wright here is right.
01:12:06I haven't been completely honest.
01:12:13I have some confessions to make number one.
01:12:19I tped your house in 12th grade.
01:12:23It was a brilliant job, but I feel bad nonetheless number two.
01:12:28I do move around a lot.
01:12:32Never stayed anywhere very long because I really had a reason
01:12:35to but I think I might have a reason now.
01:12:40You are in three.
01:12:48I still have feelings for your daughter, sir.
01:12:56Josie, I my egg.
01:13:05Oh, no.
01:13:08And I was just starting to like you.
01:13:11I have no idea how that got in there.
01:13:13This is this is just disappointing.
01:13:15This is em.
01:13:16I didn't I didn't take your egg.
01:13:19I don't even like eggs.
01:13:20Well, I'm sure there's an explanation.
01:13:23Isn't there probably?
01:13:28I don't have one.
01:13:32Look, I am a lot of things that you don't approve of but I am
01:13:34not a thief.
01:13:37I think I should go.
01:14:01Oh Rex, you're a good boy.
01:14:05Go to mrs.
01:14:11Oh Rex.
01:14:26I know you didn't take the egg.
01:14:30Look about what I said in there.
01:14:37I shouldn't put you on the spot like that, but I meant every
01:14:44I don't know.
01:14:46I don't know.
01:14:49Hey, hey, don't tell it's okay.
01:14:54What did I expect?
01:14:55I mean, this wasn't the plan everything worked out the way
01:14:58it was supposed to.
01:15:00I just want you to be happy.
01:15:04Well, this brunch is excellent.
01:15:31Thank you Richard.
01:15:36If you have a moment before we leave, I love to talk with you
01:15:39about my client.
01:15:40Well, how about right now?
01:15:43Great, but this guy is perfect for your foreign sales.
01:15:46He's an international marketing genius and he speaks Mandarin
01:15:53What is it?
01:15:54Well, I was just thinking of Gridley's van running on Chinese
01:15:58Do you know how hungry I was driving up in that thing?
01:16:00All I could think about was beef and broccoli.
01:16:01I could kill for some orange chicken right now.
01:16:03Kung Pao shrimp Mugu guy pan.
01:16:06I just can't believe he was going to steal my mother.
01:16:08He wasn't going to steal your egg.
01:16:09We've been over this.
01:16:10I know but where forget the egg.
01:16:13How can I because?
01:16:17Because it's a fake what I couldn't afford to buy you a real
01:16:22one back then.
01:16:23I was just trying to impress you and I know you were disappointed
01:16:26on our first anniversary.
01:16:28I wasn't disappointed but it was only a rose.
01:16:34I've kept that rose for 39 years.
01:16:59All right.
01:17:01Here we go.
01:17:04My signature Dolce de leche cake from a bakery.
01:17:12Never made it not even once.
01:17:13I never liked that cake.
01:17:16Neither did I Josie.
01:17:19I have some news for you.
01:17:21I believe your mother is going to be returning to the company.
01:17:25Oh mom mom.
01:17:27That's I mean, it's perfect.
01:17:29It's perfect.
01:17:30You could have my office.
01:17:31You can redecorate you can do anything you want.
01:17:33I don't understand.
01:17:37I will always be a little girl, but you've laid my whole life
01:17:41out for me.
01:17:44I don't care about tea caddies or mixing bowls.
01:17:46I don't cook.
01:17:47It's like I woke up one day and I was in my 30s and I can't
01:17:51even take a walk without map questing.
01:17:55What are you saying then?
01:17:57Are you quitting?
01:18:00I just think I definitely need some time to figure things
01:18:04Isn't this a bit sudden?
01:18:07Actually, I think it's very long overdue.
01:18:13Well, maybe you're right.
01:18:14Maybe you're right.
01:18:16We trust your decisions.
01:18:18If you and Richard want to be together.
01:18:19It's with our blessing.
01:18:21Oh honey.
01:18:23Isn't that great?
01:18:25And we trust your decisions to Mindy even if they involve
01:18:29green hair.
01:18:32I don't know what to say.
01:18:34Me either.
01:18:35What if we say it's about time?
01:18:42Wade's coming to hear me sing next week.
01:18:44Maybe you guys could come too.
01:18:46We'd love to.
01:18:47Wouldn't we Joe?
01:18:50You haven't called me Joe in ages.
01:18:55That's that's my watch.
01:19:04What did you do?
01:19:17There's your thief.
01:19:18So Gridley was telling the truth.
01:19:22Excuse me.
01:19:23You know, if this client works out, he's got another one in
01:19:27He's a genius.
01:19:28Why don't we just stick with the one for now?
01:19:41So what now?
01:19:45What do you mean?
01:19:47I mean,
01:19:49I mean,
01:19:49What do you mean?
01:19:54you've been bringing guys home like Richard for years and just
01:19:57using dad's disapproval as an excuse to say goodbye.
01:20:01That's not true.
01:20:06it just seems to me that if you have really liked any of them,
01:20:10you'd have fought for them.
01:20:15I'll talk to her and I'll call you right back.
01:20:19Hi, babe.
01:20:19I just got off the phone with my guy at R&L.
01:20:21I think I can get you a job, but I have to act fast.
01:20:25I can't.
01:20:27You know, you don't want the job?
01:20:29Okay, you and I don't make sense.
01:20:32I mean, maybe we do on paper.
01:20:33I'm just
01:20:35I'm so sorry.
01:20:37I don't
01:20:39Well, that's the problem.
01:20:44It's about your little high school sweetheart.
01:20:48You can't be serious about Ridley.
01:20:50I mean, the guy is a complete loser.
01:20:52No, he's not.
01:20:54And I let him walk away once before.
01:20:58I can't do it again.
01:20:59Take my car.
01:21:07You're going after Gridley.
01:21:10you go girl.
01:21:14I knew it.
01:21:21I guess I have some explaining to do.
01:21:25You certainly do.
01:21:27How long have you been able to speak?
01:21:31I don't care.
01:22:29bet you regret tearing up that ticket.
01:22:33I really think it all the way through
01:22:35speaking didn't turn out like I thought it would.
01:22:39Nothing ever does.
01:22:40Well, I have a confession to make to
01:22:42kind of confession.
01:22:43I don't want mr.
01:22:46I want mr.
01:22:51Totally wrong.
