A Good Drama And Romance Story HD

  • 2 days ago
A Good Drama And Romance Story HD
00:00Oh my baby's back home. Hey mom. Hey mom. How are you? I'm good. You look good. Thanks.
00:13No dirty laundry? Plenty, but the airline's lost it. It's headed to Tokyo. Sweetheart, I'm sorry. Yeah.
00:19Ooh, go shopping! How's dad? Oh, he's dad, you know.
00:23I felt like a stranger in a strange land at home. Mom treated me like a three-year-old,
00:28and dad obsessed with his hobbies. Hey dad. Good to see you. Hey Rudy. You look good.
00:33So, what would you like to eat? I have all your favorites. It's alright mom. I'm not that hungry. I'm really tired.
00:39I gotta get up early and do the speech and... What would you like for breakfast, Cindy?
00:43Are pancakes or waffles? Waffles would be good.
00:46After graduation, I took my toothbrush and a pair of shoes and bailed as fast as I could.
00:53But I left one big what-if behind. And I knew that someday I'd have to go back and find out the answer.
01:04Hello. Where are you? I'm in my bedroom. Oh dear. Hold on one second. I don't get very good reception.
01:12I have read your handbook on heartbreak five trillion and two times. I know this is a painful place for you to be right now.
01:17Right here. I'm your manager. You call me ASAP. If there's anything Javier can do, I can be there in less than 24.
01:23Alright. I gotcha. Alright, Javier. I'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye.
01:36Hey, you're listening to John Ton in the morning. K-R-A-C-N-E-8.1.
01:47Girls were a mystery to me. I didn't know how to smell, or what to say to them, or how to dress for them.
02:04The girls weren't a guy with boxers or tighty-whities. I stuck to the tighties for comfort.
02:08I mean, my body was still changing and my testicles wouldn't drop like the other guys in gym class.
02:13Then I discovered Lionel. He was cool and knew things about women. Secret things.
02:20Lionel said things like, you mean more to me than words can ever say, and you're the rain that makes my life this foolish game.
02:27I studied him. He became my crash course and get in late.
02:40I'm bringing sexy back.
02:47Alright, hey, let's welcome in the studio live this morning, our local talent best-selling author, Henry McCarthy.
02:54Let's talk about your book, How Lionel Got Me Late.
02:57Folks, I gotta tell you, this is a serious look at high school heartbreak here.
03:01Hey, how about that girl in your book, Lauren, the cheerleader? Was she a real heartbreaker?
03:05You can't name names.
03:07Think she read the book?
03:09I would be surprised.
03:11Hey, thanks a lot, Henry.
03:14Listen, we'll be right back with a pause here for station identification.
03:17K-R-A-C-K-R-A-C in the morning. Be right back with John John. You know who it is.
03:23I think I'll have the T-bone steak and eggs.
03:27Well, that's it.
03:30And the strawberry pancakes. Just a short one. No whipped cream.
03:35Light on the whipped cream.
03:37Is that it?
03:39No, hold on.
03:41I'll be back in inches.
03:43I'm not gonna eat all of it. Just...
03:45Is that Mike Miller?
03:47Mm-hmm. It is.
03:48I don't think he recognizes us.
03:49No, he knew who you were.
03:51He's been here for two years.
03:53Stephanie Reed works at Bank of America, and Josh Williams works at the Duffy's Dry Cleaners.
03:57You're so wrong, man.
03:59You'll see the entire class of 88 scattered around and littered throughout Rockville.
04:04If you see somebody in the grocery store, they won't even look you in the eye.
04:08It's as though you share some dark, dank, deep little secret.
04:11And as long as you don't register the other person's existence,
04:14then you're not losers for not leaving and doing something more profound with your lives.
04:18It's just embarrassing. It is wrong. It is self-hating.
04:21And big girl will have none of it.
04:24What about, um, Scarlett Smith?
04:31Come on. No, no, no.
04:33No, no, no, no, no.
04:35I'm just asking. Nothing more.
04:37You poor, sad little creature. No.
04:39No, no, no. You may not do that.
04:43Forget about it.
04:45Yes, I will forget about it. And that's exactly what you should do. Forget it.
04:48Forget it, Henry.
04:50Forget I asked.
04:57This is our high school.
04:59What happened?
05:00Gone. They tore it down.
05:02Didn't want it to serve as a reminder of all the lives it ruined.
05:05Come on. Let's go.
05:07I'm not going in there.
05:09No, sir.
05:11That, my dear friend, is a teenage torture chamber.
05:13I wouldn't go back in there if you paid me a million dollars.
05:15Wish me luck.
05:1745 minutes. Is that good?
05:21Pull your pants up.
05:31That's mine now.
05:36What's that?
05:38Use your imagination.
05:40Let's go.
05:46It's a pen.
05:50Stop talking. Keep the line moving. Let's go.
06:03Principal Marshall.
06:05Good to see you.
06:06Good to see you, too. Thank you for having me.
06:08Well, you know, when they told me, uh,
06:10we have an alumnus who's a best-selling author,
06:12I knew right then and there you're the man for the commencement speech.
06:14Forgive me, I haven't read any of your books, but...
06:17yeah, you're the prime example
06:20of what a student can do with his or her life
06:22after he or she graduates from his or her high school.
06:26You are a winner. I always knew you'd do well.
06:28You're a winner.
06:29And these students need a winner to tell them how to be a winner.
06:32They do.
06:33I want you to feel free to use any of the facilities here.
06:36Of course, the library, the cafeteria, the gym.
06:41Whatever you need to connect you in some way in the commencement.
06:44Okay, so would there be any parameters
06:46or guidelines you'd want me to follow?
06:48Well, profanity's out.
06:50We really don't want to offend anybody.
06:52I wouldn't use the word, uh, shit or penis.
06:56Uh, but, uh, yeah, as I say,
06:58we just don't really want to offend anyone.
07:00No, we don't.
07:01No, right.
07:02Oh, there's something else I forgot.
07:04Here are some sample speeches.
07:06Some of my all-time favorites.
07:10These ones.
07:11Be good to look at, yes.
07:12I mean, think Gettysburg.
07:13Think, uh, Martin Luther, Can't We All Get Along?
07:16Or, you know, Bette Midler, Wind Beneath My Wings.
07:19Whatever she needed.
07:20And, uh, whatever invigorates you.
07:22You just go with it.
07:23Invigorate, energize our students.
07:25Make them feel confident.
07:27Make them feel, I want a higher education.
07:29Of course.
07:30By the way, the, uh, senior class committee
07:33will be in charge of the schedule and events, uh,
07:35so I want you to, uh, meet with them after you see me.
07:38And you're seeing me.
07:39Uh, they're in room 502.
07:42Oh, it's about the class committee.
07:47I understand you all have other obligations
07:49and other commitments,
07:50but this is a crucial time for the senior class committee.
07:56Mrs. Loach.
07:57May I help you?
07:58Uh, principal Marshall sent me over here.
08:01Please take a seat.
08:02I will see you later.
08:09Good-bye, Gina.
08:10I will see you after class.
08:12Now, everyone needs to volunteer,
08:14give up a little bit more time.
08:16Your families are well aware
08:17of how important this is for you.
08:19Wouldn't you like to head up one of these committees?
08:21That has to go to the yearbook publishing company.
08:24And Shasta,
08:29pay attention.
08:36I will need to review your speech
08:38prior to the graduation ceremony.
08:41Reason being?
08:43To assure the faculty and student body
08:44that your speech is sufficient
08:45while meeting the necessary requirements.
08:48And if it doesn't?
08:49We don't need to venture into that territory this early.
08:52It seems we already have.
08:55Oh, Liza, we have seen some times together, haven't we?
08:58Yes, we have.
08:59There's big girl.
09:00Who's your daddy?
09:03I don't know why they call it a bra.
09:05Looks like a G-string to me.
09:07What happened?
09:09Don't even ask.
09:10You just walked through a thousand memories.
09:11I told you.
09:11It doesn't matter if they tore our school down.
09:13It's all there.
09:13I told you.
09:16You managed to get out of there the first time.
09:19You may not be so lucky this time.
09:22Just trying to reprocess these memories here.
09:24It's all be fine.
09:25I told you that place ruins people's lives.
09:28That's its sole function on planet Earth.
09:31I know.
09:32I told you.
09:33You know what?
09:34When big girl talks, big girl means it.
09:35You see the kimono?
09:35The kimono means I'm right.
09:37You have to listen to me.
09:39Listen to the kimono.
09:40Reprocess your stupid feelings.
09:42What does that mean anyway?
09:43I'd like to process your feelings on wheat toast
09:45with mayo.
09:47I told you.
09:53Would you like a drink?
09:56No, I'm good.
10:04So how was school?
10:06I don't know what I'm gonna write
10:07that's gonna even inspire these kids.
10:10Let me see.
10:12Let me see.
10:13Just flipping through my yearbook.
10:14Oh, the old yearbook.
10:16Who else is in there?
10:23Scott, thank you for being you and sweet.
10:28And I love you.
10:29I love you.
10:29I love you.
10:30I love you.
10:31I love you.
10:32I love you.
10:33I love you.
10:34I love you.
10:38Call me this summer.
10:41Scarlett Smith.
10:43Scarlett Smith.
10:44Oh, you mean, I'm sorry Mama, I don't know what to do.
10:50That's Scarlett Smith.
10:51Are you done?
10:54Call her.
10:56Call her.
10:58That was 19 summers ago.
11:01Tell her you love Straketown.
11:03Come on, dig deep.
11:07Atta boy.
11:08Oh, yes.
11:09All right, what's her number?
11:10Ooh, she is a cute little wafer.
11:11There you go.
11:13Eight, six, nine.
11:14Do you want me to get that, Mom?
11:15If it's Brad, I'm not here.
11:16Is this it?
11:17I'm not dumb, that's all I can find.
11:37What'd you do that for?
11:38Because I shouldn't be calling her.
11:39No, no, no, no, no.
11:40Fuck you.
11:41Just don't call her.
11:42I'll call her for you.
11:43What the fuck?
11:45Just let me call her for you.
11:46No, we don't have to call her.
11:47Give it to me, I'll call her.
11:49That's my man.
11:51You just need to loosen up.
11:52That's what it was.
11:53What's her number?
11:54This one.
11:55I'll get that.
11:57Listen, freak!
11:58It's over!
11:59No deal!
12:01Too harsh?
12:03Is Scarlett there?
12:05Who is this?
12:06This is Henry.
12:07Henry McCarthy.
12:08Who's this?
12:10This is her best friend of 30 years, Darcy.
12:11What the?
12:12Henry McCarthy?
12:13High school?
12:27I was just, um.
12:28I was flipping through my yearbook and, uh.
12:29She'd written in the yearbook, uh.
12:30You're a great, sweet guy.
12:31And, uh.
12:32You better call me this summer.
12:33That was with, uh.
12:34One of those exclamation like you're screaming thingies kind of thing.
12:36Well, she has no idea who you are.
12:37She doesn't.
12:38Get your yearbook.
12:39She doesn't.
12:40Hold on one second.
12:42If you turn to pages in your yearbook.
12:43Can you turn to pages 12, 133.
12:45Well, we'll have to take a look.
12:46Get your yearbook.
12:47I don't think I even have it anymore.
12:48I don't have it.
12:49I don't have it.
12:50I don't have it.
12:52There's a.
12:53It's 132.
12:54There's a pretty good picture of me there, so.
12:55But it's not listed.
12:59Well, listen, Harry.
13:00She doesn't have it right now.
13:01She can't find it.
13:05It's not like it's sitting on her nightstand next to her retainer underneath her unicorn
13:07All right.
13:08If you just tell her that, uh.
13:09Henry McCarthy called.
13:11I'm going to get off the phone now, Harry.
13:12But, thank you so much for your interest.
13:14That's great.
13:22All right.
13:23All right.
13:26This is so weird.
13:27I don't know, but he's in love with you.
13:28I'm so weak.
13:30I'm serious.
13:33That sucked.
13:36You did what?
13:37I called Scarlett Smith.
13:38Well, we did.
13:40You did not.
13:41We did.
13:42I can't eat.
13:44I can't eat.
13:47You are mad.
13:49Let it go.
13:51Stop being such an enabler.
13:52He has nothing to...
13:53He has nothing to gain, either.
13:55Look, I was just wondering what she's up to.
13:57That's it.
13:58I'm sure she was wondering the same thing about you.
14:00Yes, she was.
14:01Let it go.
14:02Let it go.
14:04Let it go.
14:05And you may be proud.
14:08She rendered me down to the geek like in two seconds flat.
14:11I mean, that's some serious power, dude.
14:13That's the first thing you've said that I absolutely agree with.
14:16Rendered you a geek means that you're not a geek now.
14:18You are, in fact, still a geek.
14:20Let it go.
14:22Let it go.
14:23You do not need that in your life.
14:25All right?
14:26Smoking crack is easier on your heart.
14:28That's for sure.
14:29She's going to take one good look at that yearbook photo
14:33and remember why she doesn't remember me.
14:35That's positive thinking.
14:36That's the power of positive thinking right there.
14:38I found it.
14:40I got the yearbook.
14:41Here it is.
14:42Thank you very much.
14:43Here you go.
14:45Color works on you, Bob.
14:48You find him?
14:49Was he hot?
14:52You know him?
14:53We had chemistry.
14:54You had chemistry with him?
14:55We had chemistry class.
14:57He was such a sweet guy.
14:58He always tried to help me.
15:00No, he was taking advantage of your lack of intelligence.
15:02That's how geeks work.
15:03I feel bad now.
15:05Are you kidding me?
15:06There's like a thousand reasons why you forgot him.
15:08Looks like something from the olden days.
15:10Like my dad.
15:12You're not going to call him back?
15:13I can call him.
15:15I mean, he probably thinks I'm a total bitch.
15:17Well, you are.
15:18I mean, come on.
15:20Hey, what would happen if I took one of these right now?
15:22Anal leakage.
15:29Already ditching, huh?
15:33Shasta O'Neil.
15:34Senior class committee.
15:39You weren't in class today.
15:41I didn't do my homework.
15:43Oh, that is not good.
15:47I figured.
15:48If I came in here, I'd probably get better insight into the class.
15:52As far as I can tell,
15:54the library is still a sanctuary for the socially challenged.
16:00Get down! Get down!
16:02Come on, you know the drill.
16:03Get down!
16:07Get down!
16:09Crisis alarm.
16:11How are we supposed to leave with a fire alarm?
16:13It's not a fire alarm.
16:14It's a crisis alarm.
16:16A crisis alarm?
16:18Someone could be on campus with a gun.
16:23Nobody has a gun, okay?
16:25It's just a drill.
16:27How often do you guys do this drill?
16:30A couple times a week.
16:42Oh, I'm sorry.
16:43Is this too late to call?
16:44This is Scarlett Smith from high school.
16:49You called me?
16:52Um, no, it's all right, Dad.
16:53I got it.
16:54It's a little late for both of us.
16:56Dad, it's a girl.
16:57Come on.
17:00How are you?
17:02My life's just a little bit crazy right now.
17:04I'm in the middle of moving.
17:06I'm sort of in the middle of everything.
17:09It's good to hear from you.
17:11I'm temporarily living with my mom right now.
17:14And, uh, so I'm dealing with that too.
17:18Ah, Henry McCarthy.
17:20How are you?
17:23How are you?
17:24It's good to hear from you.
17:25And then I saw her.
17:27Lauren Landers.
17:28And something extraordinary happened.
17:30Now, even though we'd gone through grade school together and she'd never noticed me,
17:34suddenly, she had blossomed into a woman.
17:37And from that point on, she haunted my every moment.
17:41She's what?
17:42One day in the middle of our junior year, Lauren bumped into me in the hallway.
17:45I caught the feel on my lower arm near the elbow.
17:47It was lightning.
17:49Tomorrow night.
17:53That sounds great.
17:54That sounds fun.
17:55That's perfect.
17:56All right.
17:58She walked away and I stood there like an idiot, whispering to myself,
18:05I wondered, so is this what love feels like?
18:26Henry, wake up, it's Javier.
18:27Hold on, I don't get that.
18:29Just a second, I don't get reception.
18:31Hold on.
18:32I have some news.
18:34Hey, man, are you okay?
18:36I don't understand.
18:37Guess what?
18:38Great news.
18:39A major studio wants an itsy-bitsy option on your book.
18:42I doubt it's itsy-bitsy, but...
18:44The only thing is they tested the name of the book and they want to update the title from Lionel.
18:47What would they want to do?
18:49What do they want to change it to?
18:50They want to go with something more modern, like Linkin Park.
18:53Linkin Park.
18:54I don't think Linkin Park gets you laid, but...
18:56I guess women 15 to 25 tested best in Linkin Park, and males 15 to 35 seem to like it hands down.
19:04Trust me, remember you wanted to call your last book My Testicles Were the Last to Drop?
19:07And I said I know you went through that, but that's not a great name, remember?
19:10I doubt Linkin Park gets you laid.
19:12Of course they do.
19:13Do they get you laid?
19:14Great, I'll tell them you agree.
19:27You treat Desiree nice, she'll treat you nice.
19:33She does like to be manhandled now and again.
19:40I'm not going to take her anywhere you don't want her to go.
19:43She needs to get out and get socialized.
19:46Damn it.
19:48If you'd like, if it makes you feel more comfortable, I'll just rent a car.
19:51No, no, no.
19:52It'd be easier.
19:53This is caviar on the book.
19:59Oh, dear.
20:00She's already making me break out.
20:05Let's have a little look here.
20:07My God, what is that?
20:08Your parasitic twin?
20:09I think I see an arm.
20:11Okay, good.
20:13Come on, some privacy, please.
20:14This isn't a tourist attraction.
20:15Let's have a look here.
20:19Okay, ladies.
20:22I'm going to need a cold compress, some herbal tea, a nice light foundation, and a donut.
20:29It's for me.
20:30I know, I know.
20:32Come on.
20:33What are you going to do?
20:34Well, not much at this point.
20:35It's subterranean.
20:36I mean, we could attack it, but the outcome would be disastrous.
20:39I mean, we're talking a seven-day war that the world would notice.
20:44This is scarlet-related.
20:45It's stress-related.
20:46I can't do something.
20:47What can I do?
20:49You know what else?
20:50A little whale sounds.
20:54Let's go, cold compress!
20:56Senior year.
20:57Somehow, I had the karmic good luck of sitting beside Lauren in chemistry class.
21:01But all I could say to her was, would you like some help dissecting that frog?
21:11This is really weird, huh?
21:13No, I don't.
21:14I'm just...
21:15I keep thinking about Henry from chem and, you know, like, a kid, and I'm sitting across from you.
21:24I'm just getting used to it, you know?
21:26That bad?
21:30No, it's just, you know, Henry from class is...
21:34And now you're this...
21:35You know, you're a man with facial hair and beard.
21:39Yeah, that...
21:40That just happened, like...
21:42I just...
21:43You still look the same.
21:45Is that good or bad?
21:48You're really pretty.
21:51That was awkward, huh?
21:55I'm a pharmacist.
21:56That's good.
21:57It's depressing handing out antidepressants.
21:59It's all right.
22:00I can spin it, though.
22:02I'm Sam.
22:03I've been a small-town drug dealer for the past ten years.
22:05I don't feel like I'm where I shouldn't be, you know?
22:08We all kind of ain't where we think we should be, but, you know...
22:12Well, you've clearly done something as you do the commencement speech.
22:17I, um...
22:18I read a few books.
22:19You write books?
22:20Well, if people actually read it, it would mean something.
22:24I'm sure you have many fans out there who read your books,
22:27and I would like to be one of them.
22:29So I'm gonna get it.
22:30Where do I get it?
22:31Where do I get it?
22:32I'll get you a copy.
22:33No, I want to buy it with my own money.
22:35I want to buy it.
22:36All right.
22:37No, bookstores have it.
22:39They'll have the most recent copy.
22:42It was good to see you.
22:44It was really good to see you, too.
22:53So what's the name of your book?
22:55Uh, How Lionel Got Me Laid.
22:59Okay, just a moment.
23:00Um, who's Lionel?
23:04As in dancing on the ceiling, Lionel Richie?
23:06Yeah, yeah.
23:07Lionel Richie got him laid.
23:08I don't...
23:10Maybe I have to read it.
23:12Sounds like a winner.
23:13Um, the book is in aisle E, and that's alphabetical by author.
23:19Okay, fess up.
23:20Nothing happened.
23:21No, you are smiling like either he was really cute,
23:23or you're totally embarrassed you even went on a date with him.
23:26It wasn't a date.
23:27Oh, come on.
23:28I will not tease you, I promise.
23:30He was bald and fat, right?
23:31No, he was...
23:32What, mustache?
23:33He was okay.
23:34Was he wearing pleated jeans?
23:35Was he one of those, like, weird divorced guys with, like, 18 kids?
23:38He was okay.
23:40Well, he must have been pretty okay if you're willing to invest in this relationship.
23:42I'm not.
23:44I wouldn't...
23:45You are buying his book.
23:46I would never read something for a guy.
23:49Ooh, got it.
23:51Bingo, author's photo.
23:53Let's see what okay looks like.
23:55Does that really matter?
23:56Uh, yeah, it's the only thing that matters.
23:58Do you want to dilute your gene pool?
23:59Well, betting it all on looks got me living with my mother at 36 years old.
24:04Yes, I love your mother.
24:05Wait a second.
24:06Is this him?
24:10Are you sure?
24:13Well, he is actually kind of cute.
24:15I know.
24:17I wonder what other geeks got hot after high school.
24:30You're so pretty.
24:31Oh, your pretty blonde hair.
24:33Oh, you're so pretty.
24:34Why can't Scarlet be 500 pounds with five fat kids and then all would be fine?
24:40All would be wrapped up.
24:42Life would go on.
24:44Why can't that happen?
24:45World peace depends on it, my friend.
24:48I'm going to act like that made complete sense.
24:53Nice choice.
24:58Henry, hey.
24:59Hey, Shasta.
25:01Hey, how are you?
25:03Good morning, Mr. McCarthy.
25:05May I see your speech?
25:07I'm still working on it.
25:10Is there a problem?
25:11Indeed, you do have a problem.
25:13As stated before, I, the faculty, and the committee will need sufficient time to review your speech.
25:18Without our review, it is highly unlikely you will be able to deliver the speech.
25:21That being said, when can we expect to see something, Mr. McCarthy?
25:25As soon as I do.
25:52Hey, Scarlet.
25:53What are you doing?
25:55Just seeing what you're doing.
25:57Oh, the speech.
25:59Just trying to get it going.
26:03How does it go?
26:05It's not going.
26:07Well, how about a distraction?
26:09I could use that.
26:10I could do that.
26:13Meet me out front.
26:15Oh, okay.
26:18I want to know who this Lionel guy is.
26:20I'm going out.
26:21Hey, hey, hey, hey.
26:23It's a school night.
26:24I'm done.
26:25I'll be back later.
26:29To Mrs. Looch, who's looking for any reason to crap on me.
26:32Mrs. Looch.
26:36How can we call Mrs. Loochdenburger Mrs. Looch?
26:39Say her last name.
26:46Like Loochdenburger.
26:52Did you not have a Looch ready to hock?
26:54Why did you do that to me?
26:55That's so gross.
26:56That's where she gets her name.
26:57Right there.
26:59She's still trying to fail me.
27:01Gotta let it go, Henry.
27:04Those who can do and those who can't turn into Mrs. Looch.
27:11Do you think you could drive?
27:12Are you sure you don't mind?
27:13Yeah, I'll drive.
27:14Hold on.
27:15Watch it.
27:16All I need is a DUI.
27:29Get any more lights on that car?
27:31It's Brad.
27:32Oh, God.
27:34Hey, Brad.
27:35You're Brad?
27:36No, my ex, Brad.
27:37Does he wear that?
27:38Well, you know, he has a disability.
27:40He doesn't hear things that he doesn't want to hear, so...
27:43Can you move him?
27:45Yeah, just...
27:46Trust me.
27:47If you can lose him, do it.
27:48You think you're gonna kick my ass?
27:50He doesn't want us to go and have a tea party and, like,
27:52shoot the breeze about the great times we had in high school.
28:03Did we lose him?
28:04I don't think so.
28:05I think we lost him.
28:08Hold it right there, driver.
28:09Hands where I can see them.
28:10Nice and easy.
28:11Out of the car.
28:12Come on.
28:13Come on.
28:15Hands on the hood.
28:16Take it easy.
28:17Let's spread them out.
28:18Oh, my goodness.
28:19Going a little fast, don't you think?
28:21Sorry, officer.
28:23You know, this is a school zone through here.
28:25You know what the speed limit is, don't you?
28:27Uh, uh, 25.
28:29Been drinking tonight?
28:30No, sir.
28:31You sure about that?
28:33New York, it figures.
28:38What the hell, McCarthy?
28:42Come on!
28:43Bird, you look good!
28:44Hey, thanks!
28:46Didn't recognize me dressed like a pig, huh?
28:47Well, it's, um, you're...
28:49Yeah, I dropped a couple pounds.
28:50I'd say more than, like, two.
28:52Too bad.
28:54Had the surgery done.
28:55No more deep dish pizzas for me.
28:57I was gonna shoot you there, man.
28:59That was intense.
29:00Glad you did.
29:01Who's your buddy here?
29:05That's, uh, Scarlett Smith, isn't it?
29:08Yeah, Scarlett.
29:09Right on.
29:10Um, you got Scarlett Smith in your car?
29:14Yeah, she were just...
29:17Isn't she with, um, Brad now?
29:19I think, um, Dick broke up with her.
29:20Hey, I ain't saying nothing.
29:22You sleeping with her now?
29:23No, no, no, no.
29:24We're just talking.
29:25No, I'd rather not.
29:26Um, Office 320 responding.
29:28Sorry, duty calls.
29:29I want to take it a little bit slower there.
29:31It's good seeing you, McCarthy.
29:33You look good, Bird.
29:34You do, too.
29:35Watch your back.
29:36And, uh, you need to borrow my handcuffs.
29:38You let me know.
29:39Have a good night.
29:45Look, I'm so sorry, man.
29:47I should have told you that Brad is totally still Brad.
29:51Yeah, he's Brad.
29:52Yeah, I've kind of figured that.
29:53Yeah, he just hasn't really accepted that we're over for good.
30:00It's all good.
30:06You can drive.
30:09All right.
30:10Okay, good night.
30:12All right, I'll call you.
30:16Coach Nelson, please!
30:17Come on, come on, come on!
30:18Come on, coach!
30:19You're doing it very well!
30:21You're late!
30:22You're standing out there scratching your ball!
30:23Check it out!
30:24Speaking of a set of balls, you and I need to have a little chat.
30:28About what?
30:29About Scarlett.
30:30Nothing's happening.
30:31You're damn right nothing's happening.
30:32If you're planning on something happening, you and I are gonna have problems.
30:35Hey, hey!
30:36Coach Nelson's gonna throw down!
30:37Coach Nelson's gonna throw down!
30:38Come on, stop coming at you.
30:39Don't worry about it.
30:40All right, boys, let's take this into my office.
30:42Come on.
30:43Coach is in trouble!
30:52All right, boys, what's the issue?
30:59Oh, we can sit here all day.
31:01If that's what you both want.
31:03I'll tell you this.
31:04We will resolve this issue today in my office before either of you leave.
31:09Step there.
31:13Let's start with you, coach.
31:17No, I'm sorry, Chuck.
31:18I was just minding my business, teaching my students,
31:20trying to coach my team when Numb Nuts decides to confront me.
31:23Really, Brad?
31:24Numb Nuts?
31:25Can we just stick to the story?
31:27Can you just tell them what happened?
31:28Yeah, I'll tell you how it happened.
31:29I'm walking the hall without a badge.
31:31He's walking the hall without a badge, Chuck.
31:33I wasn't issued a badge.
31:34They didn't give me a badge.
31:35I didn't need a badge.
31:36I don't need a badge.
31:37I'm walking down the hallway, Principal Marshall, minding my business.
31:39He's walking down the hall, he pops his head in,
31:41he tries to interrupt my practice,
31:43just trying to win another state championship, Chuck.
31:45That's so unnecessary, Brad.
31:47Have some knees, Lee.
31:51Now, you have some issues, Henry.
31:55You really should just be grateful.
31:58You really should just be writing.
32:01But zip it.
32:02Zip it.
32:07I think I understand Brad's frustration.
32:10I do. Think about it.
32:11He's around a ton of hot teenage boys,
32:14half naked, half his age.
32:17He could take its toll on anybody.
32:19It is. It's taking it.
32:20Come on, man.
32:21Dude gives losers a bad name.
32:23You know what I mean?
32:25You know what I'm saying?
32:26He's gonna stay away.
32:28Henry, honey, some people don't evolve.
32:31He'll kick your ass.
32:32He's an ass.
32:33Don't be a young buck and lock horns with him.
32:35Brad will break your neck.
32:38Sometimes you have to do with what nature gave you.
32:41All right?
32:42The geek doesn't get the girl.
32:44It hurts him a lot.
32:45Check, please.
33:12All right!
33:23I have one small announcement to make.
33:27To all those seniors attending the prom
33:29and fellow students attending the prom,
33:31please, please, I urge you,
33:33use your best judgment.
33:35Don't let this dance be your last.
33:39And one other thing.
33:42Go, Wildcats!
33:49I found the nerve to ask Lauren to the senior prom,
33:52but I did it in writing.
33:53The thought of asking her face-to-face was terrifying.
33:56I slipped a note in her chemistry book.
33:58Why are you saying that?
33:59She never even acknowledged my request.
34:02I began to count not only the days,
34:04but the hours until graduation,
34:07waiting for my liberation.
34:16Are you okay, Shasta?
34:19You okay?
34:21You okay?
34:23It's so stupid.
34:25I just need a hug.
34:27My boyfriend just broke up with me.
34:32Not appropriate.
34:36Are you good?
34:39Please just tell me that your senior ball sucked butt
34:42you regret ever going.
34:43Actually, I didn't go.
34:50Dumb reasons.
34:51Just dumb.
34:52Looks like you need a hug.
34:53No, it's okay.
34:54I'm good.
34:55Are you sure?
34:57A good hug can just, like,
34:58unlock all those years of pent-up pain.
35:03One good hug would probably get me locked up
35:05for another good 20 years of pain.
35:07Yeah, I know.
35:09It's okay.
35:10You're good.
35:11Let's go.
35:13You all right?
35:15Come on.
35:16Thank you for making me feel better.
35:18Hey, what's this about?
35:21So, before we discuss your book,
35:23can I ask you a few questions?
35:26So, is there any truth to getting into a fight
35:28with Coach Nelson?
35:30Are you denying that you threw down with Coach Nelson?
35:32There are eyewitnesses.
35:33Would you like to comment on what exactly happened?
35:36Not really.
35:37Does that mean yes or no?
35:39It means neither.
35:40Any truth to the rumors about Shasta O'Neil?
35:42Sources say they saw you two embracing.
35:47We hugged?
35:49The average hug lasts 3.2 seconds.
35:51Witnesses say it was closer to 20.
35:53I would say that the hug qualifies as an embrace.
35:55She was upset.
35:56So, are you or aren't you seeing each other?
36:00You have the opportunity to set the record straight
36:02on both of our findings.
36:04Tell the truth.
36:05We promise we'll blog it word for word.
36:07Do you even read the book?
36:09The back cover's really good.
36:12I like the title.
36:13I want to meet Lionel.
36:14Me too.
36:16Miranda, the front please.
36:17I need you to turn.
36:18Miranda, the front please.
36:19Hey, cool ranch.
36:20Looking good like I knew you would.
36:22Oh, look at this.
36:24This is sweet.
36:25This is nice.
36:27Oh, baby's breath.
36:28How classy.
36:29Yep, Brad's a real charmer.
36:31Boy, you know, you got him in a jealous rage.
36:33He called me 20 times today.
36:35Well, that's not what I was intending to do.
36:38Oh, really?
36:39How did you think Brad was going to respond?
36:41Exactly like this.
36:44I mean, I can't allow him to dictate my behavior,
36:48how I live my life, or who I'm going to see.
36:51Listen, you got him where you want him.
36:53All right, now just make some demands and it'll change.
36:56Brad doesn't change his underwear.
36:59Brad's all about Brad.
37:01It's over.
37:02I think you've got to come to terms with that too, Darcy.
37:05Oh, my God.
37:06You really like this guy.
37:08Yeah, I do.
37:09Wait, no, no, no.
37:10You like him like him, don't you?
37:12I like him like him.
37:14All right, well, just remember what happened to the last guy you really liked.
37:18Glass eye.
37:23All right, I think we're being followed.
37:26Oh, it's not him.
37:28Hey, Brad.
37:56You knocked us off.
37:57Can't be worried.
37:58You can be worried, but you're being a freak now.
38:00Look, I just think you need a little more protection
38:02than what's in your wallet.
38:03I get it. I understand.
38:04I totally appreciate it.
38:05Is that Scarlet Smith?
38:06Can I say hi?
38:07Just a little hello?
38:08Let's say hi.
38:09Stay still.
38:14Yeah, how you doing?
38:17Listen, girl to girl.
38:19You break it, you own it.
38:24You kids have a good time.
38:26Start it up.
38:33You're a big, strong man.
38:34Come on, you can do it.
38:44You're being very quiet.
38:47I've always been quiet.
38:50You are a cheerleader, right?
38:55I'm sorry.
38:56I'm just, um, just remembering, just thinking.
39:03Are you not happy?
39:05No, I'm not sad.
39:06I know that.
39:07I mean, God, I see so many depressed people every day.
39:12I mean, no, seriously, you'd be shocked
39:15at the sheer number of people in this town
39:17that are taking something for something.
39:20I mean, it's just their way of coping
39:23and it's mundane.
39:24I think I've made just about every bad decision
39:28there is to make, ever.
39:30Yeah, well, we don't stop making them.
39:33You're gonna make one a minute from now
39:35that's gonna affect your life.
39:36And the minute you start realizing
39:37that every decision you make is gonna affect you
39:40it's gonna affect you, too.
39:42It's gonna affect you.
39:43It's gonna affect you.
39:44It's gonna affect you.
39:45It's gonna affect you.
39:46It's gonna affect you.
39:48I don't know what to do.
39:49I don't know what to do.
