Ear Licking ASMR Has Gone WAY TOO FAR

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Ear Licking ASMR Has Gone WAY TOO FAR


00:00Alright guys, in this video I'm going to be talking about the new ear licking meta that's
00:03blown up on Twitch over the past few months because I feel like this kind of shit has
00:06gone way too far and someone needs to get this under control.
00:09Like first it was the hot tub streaming and Twitch didn't really know what to do with
00:12that and they still don't really know what to do with it and now they got this ear licking
00:15stuff going on and they just do not know how to handle it.
00:18I think they tried to ban a couple streamers a few months ago when they realized it was
00:21starting to take off but that didn't stop anyone from doing it and now it's just more
00:24popular than ever.
00:25I feel like the platform needs to decide what they want to do with this kind of shit.
00:28I feel like Twitch needs to be like, listen, we're cool with all this sexual shit, we don't
00:32care if you're bringing in horny dudes that are just watching you to jerk off.
00:35Or they need to decide if they want to be more family friendly and tighten up the rules
00:38a little bit and get rid of this sexually explicit content.
00:40And I don't have a problem with it either way, but they need to decide what they want
00:43to do here because people are just going to take it further and further.
00:46And I think it's already gone far enough with this ear licking stuff because with Twitch
00:49people think of it as like live streaming video games or like IRL streaming or like
00:53vlogging or whatever, but they just keep getting closer and closer to just having like a straight
00:57up porn category on there.
00:59Because these girls that do these hot tub streams and ear licking streams, their audience
01:03is just a bunch of creepy dudes that are looking to get off.
01:05And I have no problem with these girls doing this stuff, actually I'm happy they're doing
01:08it because I fucking hate Twitch and I'm glad they're putting some pressure on them.
01:11And it also proves even more that this simp culture is out of control.
01:14Like I feel like I'm saying this stuff every video at this point.
01:17Like with the Twitch stuff, I feel like not enough people bring up like the audience for
01:20these hot tub streamers and ear lickers because no one really wants to talk about the fact
01:24that it's just a bunch of fucking creepy dudes that are desperate as hell.
01:27Like everyone wants to just be like oh I respect the hustle, good for these girls, they're
01:31making a bunch of money, but like no one talks about what's actually going on here.
01:34And that's why Twitch needs to make a decision on this because it's getting too obvious what
01:38the audience is for some of these girls.
01:40Like there's no way that you could convince me that the audience here isn't just a bunch
01:43of guys looking to get turned on.
01:44And if Twitch is okay with this stuff then I think they should admit it and say like
01:47listen we're cool with this content, we'll change the rules a little bit to allow more
01:51provocative stuff and like maybe make an 18 and over section, but right now they just
01:55seem confused.
01:56Like once in a while they'll ban people for this kind of stuff or they'll demonetize them,
01:59but then at the same time they'll promote this kind of stuff and they'll give it it's
02:02own category and they'll change the ASMR logo to this fake ears that these girls are licking
02:08And this stuff is just gonna keep going further and further as I'm sure they know.
02:11Like look what's going on here already.
02:12This girl's just licking these two fake plastic ears.
02:15And just look at this position she's in, like who the fuck sits like this?
02:19And look at this picture.
02:20What the hell is going on?
02:21Like is she farting into the ears or is she like shoving them up her ass or something?
02:25What are the rules for this site?
02:26At this point I'd say this is just straight up porn.
02:29Like how do you even deny that?
02:30If you look up the definition on dictionary.com of porn it says sexually explicit videos produced
02:35to elicit sexual arousal.
02:37Like that's exactly what these Twitch streams are for.
02:39Why else would someone watch this stuff?
02:41Like a girl licking an ear with her ass sticking up in the air?
02:44Like first of all I don't know how anybody could listen to this ear licking stuff.
02:47It's like fucking torture to me.
02:49But also even just regular ASMR I do not understand.
02:52But I definitely understand that this ear licking ASMR thing is a sexual fetish for
02:56some people.
02:57Like especially with someone's ass in focus and sometimes some cleavage.
03:00And some of the top people doing this on Twitch will be getting like 20,000 concurrent viewers.
03:04And they'll just sit there for like 3 or 4 hours straight licking a fake ear.
03:08And it seems like really boring.
03:10How could you sit there for that long doing that?
03:11But they're probably just thinking about the dollar bills racking up.
03:14And there'll be a bunch of guys donating hoping she'll pay attention to them.
03:17But the best they can get is her writing their name on a whiteboard or like on her forehead
03:21or on her chest or something.
03:22It's crazy.
03:23Some of these people need an intervention.
03:24If you're a guy that spends 2 or 3 hours out of their day watching a girl lick a fake
03:28ear and you're donating money to her, you gotta get a hobby or something.
03:31Like do anything else pretty much.
03:33This girl does not like you.
03:34If she wasn't making money here there's no way she'd ever interact with you.
03:38And still like I've seen guys spend like thousands of dollars on these girls and like
03:41they'll barely get anything from it.
03:43And sometimes they'll even get embarrassed from it.
03:45Like I remember one story where this guy gave a girl I think like 5 grand and she took
03:49the money and went on a vacation with her boyfriend.
03:51But I think the girl did at least give the guy a hug so I guess he paid 5 grand for a
03:55fucking hug.
03:56Man it's crazy.
03:57Like spend that money on a prostitute or something.
03:59Like anything is better than that.
04:01But there's no point in complaining here because I know this shit's never gonna end and it's
04:04only gonna get worse from here.
04:06But I can't wait to see what the next Twitch meta is because they just keep going further
04:09and further.
04:10Like I think soon they're probably gonna be sucking on fake feet right?
04:13But I'm sure people are already doing that.
04:15I hope they keep doing edgier shit so Twitch can finally come up with a stance on this
04:20And some of this shit is just so bizarre.
04:21Like look at this.
04:22This girl's got a pigeon mask on with like these yoga pants where you can see her ass.
04:26And also another one with a horse mask on and she's like just headbutting the fake ears.
04:30Like were her fans actually wanting this stuff?
04:32Like were they asking for this or did she just like come up with this idea?
04:35I hope she just came up with it to save these people a little bit of dignity Jesus Christ.
04:39But I'm sure these guys were asking for it.
04:41Like what is wrong with these people?
04:43They are down bad.
04:44And it's pretty easy to stumble upon this on Twitch.
04:46Like imagine some little kid finding this.
04:48Like if I were a parent and I found my kid watching this stuff I'd be freaked out.
04:52Which is another reason why Twitch needs to address this stuff because it's like a family
04:55friendly platform.
04:56But they have content like this that is clearly just sexual.
04:59Like I feel like it's at the point where people need to admit that Twitch isn't just gaming
05:02and IRL streaming.
05:04Like I feel like a good amount of people watch Twitch probably just to get turned on.
05:07And also I don't think we should be normalizing this simp behavior.
05:10Because obviously that's what's gotten these girls to start licking ears.
05:13Like people who find this ear licking stuff for the first time are probably like what
05:16the hell is this?
05:17Like who would ever watch this?
05:19But then they think like oh yeah these guys are so fucking desperate they'll watch anything.
05:23And I'm telling you there's like some kind of fetish where like these guys want to be
05:28I can't figure out exactly what it is but I think they like feeling like losers or something.
05:31There's definitely some simp phenomenon going on here that somebody needs to explain.
05:35I just don't get it.
05:36Like there's something about these guys where they want to throw money at girls and they
05:39don't really expect anything in return.
05:41They're just so obsessed.
05:42And like you know whatever these girls do next these guys are going to be following
05:47I guess it's just all up to these girls where they want to lead this horde of simps.
05:50And then Twitch needs to figure out how far they want to let this go.
05:52I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
05:55Maybe one of these girls will make a move and try to do something more explicit.
05:58Or maybe Twitch will finally just be like alright we gotta change the rules here.
06:01Like we need to be more strict with the content.
06:03So that's about it for this video.
06:05Make sure to leave me a comment.
06:06Let me know what you think of this whole situation.
06:08And also hit the like button, hit the subscribe button, and I'll catch you at the next video.
