The Duke got the wrong girl part 2

  • 2 days ago


00:00Is this some sort of revenge thing for firing you? I'm calling security.
00:05No need. My boyfriend owns the place.
00:12Yeah. I'm Edmund Sinclair's live-in girlfriend.
00:19You're a good original.
00:22I told you. I'm Edmund Sinclair's live-in girlfriend.
00:31So what brings you here, Miss Archer?
00:34Thought that would change the tenor of this conversation.
00:37I heard you want to get rid of Ava Grant.
00:39And I heard the two of you are best friends.
00:41Not anymore.
00:43She seduced Edmund last night in our living room.
00:46I knew there was something up with her.
00:49What can I do? Edmund will never let me fire her.
00:52Well, he can't protect her if she keeps messing up her job.
00:56I have a feeling that today's important meeting may be a little more dramatic than expected.
01:06We'll now have Miss Grant present the strategy collaboration plan between Imhotel and JPG Chain.
01:20What? No! It's gone!
01:23After today, no one will be able to stop me from becoming the Duchess.
01:39I'm sorry. The presentation I worked on is gone.
01:43What do you mean it's... gone?
01:46I don't know. It's my fault.
01:48It's not your fault.
01:51It's our fault.
01:52We're allowing an entry-level employee to participate in our daily management.
01:57You've damaged our reputation in front of our valuable partner.
02:00And you've probably cost us millions of dollars.
02:03I'm sorry, Ava, but you are fired.
02:06Kristen, let her finish the presentation.
02:12Let her finish the presentation.
02:15Mr. Harrington, how can she even...
02:17I said, let her finish the presentation.
02:23It's okay, kid. You've prepared. You can present without the files.
02:32What we have here is an opportunity for both of our companies to grow together.
02:37What the fuck? Why is Mr. Harrington on her side every time?
02:42And through this symbiotic relationship,
02:44we'll not only give our guests the best possible experience,
02:48but increase profit margins in ways we never could possibly imagine.
02:56Well, Mr. Harrington, I hope that our proposal was helpful.
03:00Very impressive.
03:02I could go with it.
03:04But only with one condition.
03:08She handles all the details.
03:14Of course.
03:16From now on, Ava will be in charge of the entire collaboration project.
03:24Young lady, you have a bright future ahead of you.
03:27I really appreciate it, Mr. Harrington.
03:30Sir, I don't mean to speak out of turn, but I don't have much experience.
03:35Why do you want me to take this on?
03:37Because I see the potential in you.
03:41And you remind me of my daughter.
03:43Does she work at the company?
03:45No, I haven't seen her in years.
03:49I thought after my son's accident she would resurface.
03:53I've tried to find her, but I think she stays away from me because she hates me.
04:01I doubt that.
04:03I think if you're meant to find each other, you will.
04:08I hope so.
04:11Would I be fortunate enough to invite you to dinner sometime, Miss Ava?
04:17Of course. It would be my honor.
04:27How could I finally end this?
04:30Stop thinking about it.
04:32I'm taking you out to eat to celebrate the deal with Clifford.
04:35Pick anything you want.
04:39Of course.
04:41I'll drive, so you don't change your mind.
04:52How'd it go? Is she gone for good?
04:54No. She's actually become the project leader.
04:58And your boyfriend's taken her out to celebrate.
05:00What the hell? Just the two of them?
05:03They want me to kill that bitch.
05:05Don't resort to murder just yet.
05:09I have another idea.
05:12Hey, we've arrived.
05:14You sure we're in the right place?
05:17I don't see any restaurants.
05:22This is my favorite restaurant.
05:29Sorry, I didn't realize you meant something so down-to-earth.
05:34Oh, excuse me.
05:36These are the best tacos in L.A.
05:39You may have dined with royalty, but you've never had these.
05:42Every time something happy would happen, my mom would bring them here.
05:50No way.
05:52Is it your first time having a taco?
05:55I suppose today will be my first time.
05:57Well, then there's a first time for everything in your grace.
06:01Let's go.
06:05My lady.
06:26I'll handle this.
06:30What would you like?
06:31Whatever you order.
06:32Good evening, ma'am.
06:33I'd like to place an order for four of your finest carnivorous tacos, please.
06:39Four combination tacos, two fish tacos, and two barbacoa tacos, please.
06:48How many people are you feeding?
06:50Just the two of us. Is that enough food?
06:53Unless your girlfriend hasn't eaten in a week.
06:56I'm not his girlfriend.
06:59He's just my boss.
07:01Girl, what are you waiting for?
07:03Who cares if he's your boss?
07:05If I was your age, I'd snatch him.
07:11Where do I swipe this?
07:15Are you serious?
07:20Here you go.
07:22If he's your boyfriend or boss or whatever, Pennsylvania?
07:28Kind of.
07:29Oh, then I'd definitely bag him now.
07:33What are you laughing about?
07:37Slightly embarrassing. I've never let a woman pay for my meal before.
07:42Here you go.
07:46Well, enjoy your first meal paid for by a woman.
07:56Oh, my. It appears I've made a mess of myself.
08:01You know what to do.
08:12You're actually fun when you're out of the office.
08:15Well, now I know what you really think of me.
08:17I must say, this barbacoa does seem interesting.
08:21It's barbacoa, and you'll love it.
08:34Can I ask why you're so determined to keep this hotel?
08:40Well, my dad let my mom design one of our hotels.
08:45This was the one.
08:48She poured all her love into it.
08:52It was the last and only hotel she ever designed before she passed.
08:57I used to ride around the lobby on her roller carts.
09:04I'm sorry.
09:07I know what it feels like to lose someone you love.
09:12My mom.
09:15She has late-stage brain cancer, and she's barely awake now.
09:26Do you want a bite of that?
09:33It's mine.
09:46It's not right.
09:49Do you have a girlfriend?
09:51She's not my girlfriend.
09:54Then why does she live in your house?
09:58It's complicated.
10:04Have you changed up a few?
10:11Have you changed up a few?
10:15How did you know? It was a gift from a friend.
10:19My mom always told me that I had the sense of smell of Wilbur.
10:25Our dog.
10:28I'll take that as a compliment.
10:33Were you with a woman that night?
10:37In the hotel room?
10:46No, I don't know what you mean.
10:49In the presidential suite?
10:53I leave work every day.
10:56I'm not going to be renting presidential suites.
11:01Well, I guess I was wrong then.
11:13This is the necklace I had custom-made for Vic's twelfth birthday.
11:17How does Ava have it?
11:19Find out who she really is.
11:24You're back!
11:26Look, I made you shots. Try one. Tell me what you like.
11:32What's that?
11:34The earring. I was so out of it when you asked me about it last night,
11:37I totally forgot what you were talking about.
11:40You remember it, don't you?
11:42I was wearing them the night we met.
11:44I lost the other one, but I figured it symbolized our meeting,
11:48so I thought I'd wear it anyway. You like it?
11:51It was you.
11:53What do you mean?
11:55Nothing. Wait here.
11:59Now you have no reason to doubt me.
12:07You found it! Oh my gosh, this is like a real fairy tale!
12:10The prince putting his last slipper on his true Cinderella.
12:14Can you put it on me?
12:16So they can be reunited like you and me.
12:24Chloe, I offered you a place to stay here temporarily.
12:29You've been here a month. I think you should move out.
12:32What's wrong? Why are you being so cold? I lost my job because of you.
12:37I offered to give you a new one.
12:39I'd like you to leave first thing tomorrow morning.
12:42You want me and the baby out?
12:44Fine. We'll leave tomorrow.
12:46Wait a minute. What do you mean, baby?
12:52I'm pregnant.
12:59Miss Chloe, you're absolutely fine. Just take some rest.
13:05Miss Chloe, you're absolutely fine. Just take some rest.
13:09I'll be fine once I have an ultrasound and a positive pregnancy test.
13:16I'll see to it the test results are sent to you.
13:23How is this possible? We were together once.
13:28I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to freak out.
13:32I'm fully prepared to take care of this baby on my own.
13:35If you still want to sleep, we'll leave tomorrow.
13:37It's okay. Just stay here comfortably. I'll have the staff look after you.
13:44What I really want is for you to take care of me.
13:48I want it to be like the way we were.
13:51I need time.
13:54For God's sake, what the hell does it take?
14:01Okay, what was so urgent that I needed to get here right away?
14:04Leopard Harrington from JPG has invited Ava to a private dinner at his house tonight.
14:12What? Why?
14:13Exactly. Why would a stubborn asshole who's been hell-bent on acquiring a motel
14:18suddenly change his attitude for that bitch?
14:23Because what's between her legs, that's why.
14:28I can't believe she'd be that low.
14:31Clinging on to Edmund and now seducing Clifford?
14:34He's old enough to be your grandfather.
14:36Soon the whole world will know she's a whore.
14:39Kate's already following.
14:48Mom, I think I've fallen for someone I shouldn't.
14:54When I was young, I fell in love with a man no one wanted me to be with.
15:00Dad? But he was the perfect guy.
15:04He was. And he was our family's driver.
15:09Wait, why did you have a driver?
15:13I never told you this. I was born into a wealthy family.
15:19When I ran away with your father, I gave up everything.
15:24But I never regretted it for a second.
15:28So Ava, if you love someone, be brave.
15:34And if you need help being brave, just look at that lock.
15:40I'll always be with you.
15:43Don't say that. You're with me now.
15:49Mr. Harrington? What are you doing here?
16:00Mr. Harrington? What are you doing here?
16:11I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have kicked you off like that.
16:17I'm sorry we lost so much time.
16:20Mom, what's going on?
16:25He's your grandpa, Ava.
16:29This is for the best.
16:32When I'm gone, you'll have each other to rely on.
16:37You're going to be okay.
16:39I've arranged for the best cancer control team in the country.
16:46Thank you, Mr. Harrington.
16:49No more Mr. Harrington.
16:58Oh my god, it's actually true.
17:03Oh my god, it's actually true.
17:07He's meeting her mother?
17:13I've been here for a while. It's really comfortable.
17:16That house up there is beautiful.
17:18Yeah, it is.
17:19The fountain over here.
17:25It's still surreal how I found you two.
17:30You know, Ava.
17:33I'd like you to inherit JPG.
17:36And we should make our relationship public.
17:41I appreciate it.
17:43But I'm not ready for everyone to know.
17:46And besides, I'm not ready to leave M Hotel just yet.
17:50You mean you're not ready to leave Edmond.
17:55I understand.
17:58Just let me know when you're ready.
18:05Book two flights to Seattle.
18:07We have a visit with a partnering hotel.
18:10You're going with me.
18:14You're going with me.
18:27You're going with me.
18:43Wait, what happened?
18:57Don't tell me we...
18:59We what?
19:00You accidentally slept with your boss twice in a month?
19:03What is wrong with you?
19:06Whatever happened last night.
19:08Just forget about it.
19:10You don't know what happened last night.
19:17Watch your step.
19:19Give me your key.
19:23There we go.
19:28Oh no.
19:31Oh no.
19:37Ava, what are you doing?
19:39Just get comfortable.
19:47Ava, we really should...
19:56Looks like my night just got better.
19:59Ava, what are you saying?
20:01Come on, Eddie.
20:04Do you like tequila?
20:26No, no, no.
20:30I'm really sorry.
20:32Okay, but so we didn't...
20:35We did not.
20:37We did the other time, though.
20:44I'm not sure what you're talking about.
20:51Looks like my night just got better.
20:53Looks like my night just got better.
20:55Do you like tequila?
20:57Do you like tequila?
21:03You were the mysterious woman that night.
21:06That Mr. Sinclair.
21:08I think you're having me confused with someone else.
21:11I think I'd remember if we...
21:14You know.
21:18Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed.
21:21I've been trying to ignore my feelings, but...
21:25I can't.
21:27I care about you, Ava.
21:30More than I should.
21:32You shouldn't.
21:33Why shouldn't I?
21:34You know why.
21:36I just want to be with you.
21:38To talk to you.
21:40To dream beside you.
21:42To explore your life.
21:46Above all, to shield you from the sorrows of this world.
21:52You're not single.
21:55What am I supposed to do?
21:57Be your mistress?
21:59What about your girlfriend?
22:02What about your girlfriend?
22:06I'm pregnant.
22:10It's complicated.
22:13So then this isn't happening.
22:16And the only relationship between us is a professional one.
22:21Excuse me.
22:29I'll have your shirt dry-cleaned, sir.
22:36Edmund hasn't been in the house for two days. Do you know where he is?
22:39You should probably ask your best friend.
22:41She's traveling with him.
22:44What the hell? They're together all the time now.
22:46Probably sharing a hotel room at this very moment.
22:51Horny slut. It's none of your school.
22:53And for now you have to have Edmund too?
22:56Um, ma'am.
22:57That vase was acquired by Mr. Sinclair at an auction for two million dollars.
23:03And I don't give a shit.
23:19Why'd you make it so hot?
23:21Stupid me.
23:24What have you done?
23:29What have you done?
23:30You lost your mind.
23:32Oh my god, Edmund, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?
23:35Pregnancy hormones, you know?
23:37I just get so sad when you're not home.
23:40Where have you been?
23:41On a business trip.
23:43With that little bitch.
23:45You know, I think it's time that we talk about our future.
23:48I think we should get married as soon as possible, for the baby.
23:51I had a long day of traveling. I need some rest.
23:57Emily, where's my vase?
24:00I'm afraid...
24:03I'm afraid madam knocked it over.
24:07It wasn't intentional. I was just holding it in my vase.
24:18Smirk all you want, dumbass maid.
24:20I'll fire you when I'm the duchess.
24:30I heard the only reason she became the host of her annual press conference
24:34is because she went on a business trip with the CEO.
24:37Bitch was definitely in that business.
24:41She's ruthless.
24:43Doesn't she care that he has a girlfriend, you know?
24:47She even seduced him right in front of her.
24:50And there's something else about her.
24:53It's unbearable.
24:55She hooked up J.P.G.'s chairman.
25:00No fucking way.
25:04That's gross.
25:06And these Sinclairs are hot.
25:12Mr. Sinclair, you wanted to see me?
25:15Yes, it is for you.
25:18What's this for?
25:19Today's a big day. You're leading the press conference.
25:22So you should look upon.
25:29This is gorgeous.
25:31I've never worn anything this beautiful.
25:33Good. Wear it. Mail the press conference.
25:36I will, sir. Thank you.
25:38This just came from Mr. Harrington.
25:41Poor Ava.
25:48Apparently Mr. Harrington also thinks I dress too plainly.
25:52Go get ready. We sauna now, huh?
25:59Sir, why is Harrington the second year secretary at Goose?
26:02True at all.
26:05I don't pay you to gossip, James.
26:12Photographic evidence is much more impactful.
26:21All of the shareholders will be at the press conference this afternoon.
26:26We will make sure Ava is destroyed.
26:31Once this gets out, Clifford Harrington will have no choice but to distance himself from Ava to protect his reputation.
26:37And Edmund will be done with her.
26:40Well, in that case, there is no need for the disguise, Duchess.
26:45Your competition is about to lose.
26:48And your position is secure.
26:55What are you doing here?
26:56Well, um, I was just here for lunch.
27:00At our office building?
27:02Why didn't you tell me? We could catch up.
27:06Wait, how do you have both of my earrings?
27:09I only lent you one.
27:11I lost the other one that night at the hotel with Edmund.
27:21I'll take this off your hands.
27:23Never mind, thank you.
27:25I paid for your little hotel room.
27:27And cleaned up your mess with your special guest.
27:30You're with a millionaire?
27:31A trillionaire, actually.
27:33I didn't want you to feel bad because he's everything you ever wanted.
27:38It was you.
27:41You're the girl who moved in with Edmund.
27:43That's what Edmund said.
27:45That he mistook someone else for me.
27:48You've been pretending to be me since that night. I have to tell him.
27:51You ain't been able to listen to me.
27:54It was an accident.
27:56I... I was trying to help you.
27:59And we fell for each other.
28:01I wish I could give you everything back, but...
28:04It's complicated now.
28:06It's not just about you.
28:08I'm done taking care of you.
28:11I'm having this baby.
28:16You're pregnant?
28:17Please, please don't tell him the truth.
28:20If you do, he's gonna leave me and the baby and I can't be a single mom.
28:24I don't know how to do that.
28:25Chloe, you're such a fool.
28:28This is the only thing I've ever wanted.
28:31Please, please take care of me like you always do.
28:36Please let me have him.
28:40I promise I won't tell him.
28:43I'll quit after the press conference.
28:45And I'll never see him again.
28:47You can have him.
28:52I'm so, so sorry about everything that I've done to you.
28:58You'll always be my best friend.
29:20Is that the same secretary?
29:25Miss Grant looks absolutely incredible today.
29:29Hey, she's wearing the dress sent by Mr. Harrington.
29:35First off, I want to thank you all for attending our press conference.
29:40I am thrilled to announce the strategy collaboration between M-Hotel and JPG.
29:46As you all know, this has been a huge undertaking.
29:50I didn't know that cow could clean up that well.
29:53And we are glad to have finally reached an agreement with JPG
29:57and welcome Mr. Harrington and his company into our family.
30:13What's happening?
30:15What's happening?
30:21What's happening is you're Clifford Harrington's mistress
30:25and you've been spying on M-Hotels.
30:32How much did Clifford pay you to make this deal?
30:35Are you crazy?
30:37This woman is trying to set me up. She's a liar.
30:39I'm a liar?
30:40I'm a liar?
30:41Why would the chairman of JPG go to such great lengths for a mere secretary unless he was screwed?
30:49Is this true?
30:51M-Hotel could not allow behavior like this.
30:55These photos don't prove anything.
31:00Miss Grant and Mr. Harrington's friendship has absolutely nothing to do with our meeting today.
31:07Clifford has been paying for all of her mother's medical bills.
31:10That's more than a friend, don't you think?
31:13Mr. Harrington and I's relationship is an unusual one.
31:16So you finally admit it.
31:18Miss Grant, you are fired.
31:21We will investigate the corporate espionage and our lawyers will be in touch.
31:28We will do no such thing.
31:40Is this true?
31:41She is doing it on purpose.
31:45See? Look at them. I wasn't lying. She's a whore.
31:52How dare you talk about my granddaughter like that.
31:58What the fuck?
31:59This shit just got freaky.
32:01I wanted to respect Ava's wishes and keep her true identity private.
32:06But I couldn't let her reputation get ruined like this.
32:11May I introduce Ava Harrington.
32:15My granddaughter and heiress and future president of JPG Hotel Group.
32:32She's your granddaughter?
32:34Oh my god, that's why you gave all that money to your mom.
32:37I was getting the wrong information.
32:42How dare you frame Mrs. Grant?
32:46You wicked bitch.
32:48You blamed her for stealing a job that you wanted.
32:51And then you set her up and you used me in the process.
32:55I never should have listened to you.
32:57Get out!
32:58I never want to see your disgusting face again.
33:02But boss, I did exactly as you told me to. Don't fire me.
33:05Ava, behind you, I have always admired your talent.
33:11This whole situation is just a big misunderstanding.
33:14Let's go behind us.
33:16I think we should.
33:18And you should leave.
33:20Don't we need to finish the meeting?
33:22Yes, we'll continue.
33:24Without you present.
33:27You're no longer the GM.
33:29You're fired.
33:32You're fired.
33:33Mr. Sinclair, everything I've done has been in the best interest of this company.
33:38You can't just kick me out of here.
33:54There's one more.
33:57In the back.
33:59I started investigating the moment I heard these outrageous rumors.
34:04This morning I learned that this woman and Christine had been working together to destroy my granddaughter.
34:18After everything I gave up for you, you do this to me?
34:22You know me and you lie to me like this?
34:25You're my best friend.
34:27I don't even recognize you anymore.
34:29Best friend?
34:31I was manipulated by Christine.
34:33I really thought you and Clifford were involved.
34:36The first time my presentation got deleted, it was you, wasn't it?
34:40You had Edmund, but that wasn't enough.
34:42You had to ruin my career too.
34:44You were the only one with access to my computer before the meeting.
34:47Ava, I would never do anything to hurt you.
34:50You have to believe me.
34:51No, I don't.
34:53I don't.
34:54You lie again and again.
34:56I don't know who you are anymore.
34:58I don't understand.
34:59You two know each other.
35:01She's my roommate.
35:03You told me you lived alone.
35:08Edmund, I didn't say anything because I didn't want to make things weird.
35:11I didn't think you'd like me being your secretary's best friend.
35:15Besides, we were close, but we barely know each other now.
35:19This woman knows nothing about me.
35:24Chloe, I'm done being manipulated by you.
35:27I don't care that you have a baby.
35:29Edmund, it was me that night.
35:31Not her.
35:33It was you the whole time.
35:39Okay, maybe it was her the first night, but it's been me ever since.
35:43We have a connection.
35:46Chloe, I want you to leave.
35:49I don't want to see you ever again.
35:53We never child.
35:55There is no child.
35:57We never slept together.
36:07There's something we need back.
36:13I don't want you having any part of me.
36:19You win.
36:24I'm going to announce my retirement so that I can spend more time with your mom, Ava.
36:32Will you take over JPG?
36:35What do you say?
36:39If you ever mistreat my granddaughter again, I'll ruin you.
36:45You have my word.
36:47I won't let her down ever again.
36:54Part of me knew it was you.
37:01Just a feeling.
37:03What are you feeling right now?
37:07I'm feeling like we're in the middle of a meeting and everyone's watching.
37:16All I care about is you.
37:23I love you.
37:40Excuse me, sir, madam.
37:43A special delivery.
37:46Just arrived.
37:54Oh my God!
37:56It's a handwritten letter from the King of England.
37:59He's attending our wedding?
38:01Sorry, I didn't say anything.
38:03I sent him an invitation.
38:05Technically, he is family.
38:07This is incredible.
38:09I mean, I know you make a deal, but...
38:14I know I'm a duke, but first and foremost, I'm your husband.
38:20You're it.
38:37So, Palmer Hotels, this is the high notes we can make.
38:43I like it.