Getting more out of your Mac

  • 2 days ago
To get the most out of your Mac, whether it’s for your own personal use or using it in your business, you need to make sure you’re using it to the fullest to help you get what you need to be done, quicker and easier.


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00:00The tools you buy are only as good as you being able to use them, whether it's a hammer, a drill, a rake, I mean anything, a sword, that's a weird one, but basically any tool that you have is going to be rubbish unless you know how to use it, and it's no different to your computer, your Mac.
00:25Now many people will buy the Mac, they generally know how to use computers these days and they'll just start using it, but they're missing out on so much that the Mac can actually do for them, for you.
00:41There are keyboard shortcuts, there are certain apps that the Mac actually has built in that do way more and so much simpler than getting third party apps, now third party apps are actually pretty good, some are, there's a lot that are not, but the apps that come with the Mac itself are so powerful you can actually use, you don't have to fall for the marketing of getting another app and waste your money and time learning it and then getting annoyed,
01:11blah, blah, blah, so your Mac can actually do a hell of a lot more than you think it can, right, so making sure you know those tools and know those tricks really helps.
01:23Many don't know command tab for instance, I'm amazed that no one knows it, to switch apps, yes there are people that don't know it, there are people even that don't know how to empty the waste, the bin, right, the trash bin, so they'll put things in it expecting it to be deleted, but no.
01:47These are really, really simple things that people should know, but generally they don't know and I help people to actually learn those things, there are many more, how to raise the volume by not full squares, you know when you press the volume you get those full squares, you can actually do it where it's part of the square, there's so many things that your tool can do for you, but you're probably missing out.
02:13Now I do want, I did create a, like a email list where you can get some things, but I stopped that because it was kind of out of date, so I got to redo it, but if you're interested in learning tips and tools, let me know, reply to this email if you get it via email, reply to this, or put a comment down below, you know how to get in touch with me by now.
02:40And then I'll see if I can help you or make a small video of some tips for you, so yeah, that's all I wanted to say, because yesterday I had a client that had issues and they didn't know what to do and I was showing them some things and how to move around the Mac and they were blown away and I'm like, I wonder if there's more people that don't know these tips, so if you're interested, let me know below.
03:06Anyway, have a great day and I'll see you in the next video.