
  • 2 days ago
00:00Oh god, we are playing another Spongebob horror game. I've played all of them except this one
00:05This one just came out Spongebob's evil clone 2. Look at it, dude
00:09Let's do it. Our story began with our hero visiting the Krusty Krab for a delicious Krabby Patty
00:15But instead of the friendly sponge we got voiceovers found an evil clone instead
00:20This clone give it up a result of Plankton's experiment gone wrong. Oh
00:24Kidnapped our hero. Yeah and took him to a dark foreboding basement
00:30And stumbled upon Plankton
00:32Who had also been captured by the evil? Yeah, I remember this. I remember this. They made a daring escape
00:38battling their way out of the basement
00:40once free
00:42Plankton revealed a crucial plan
00:44To create a weapon powerful enough who made this game
00:48I'm so excited special ingredients from different dimensions
00:52With determination the hero was so hard. I remember that alternate universe. This was so hard to gather the initial items
01:00After the first adventure he returned with the first ingredients only to find Plankton dead in the lab
01:07Karen takes the guidance
01:09The hero is going to travel through the multiverse of Spongebob
01:14The multiverse is counting on you it is and you know what I'm counting on you to leave a like right now because this
01:20Is about to be solid and now the story continues. Let's freaking go. Oh, I'm so hype
01:26There's just in bikini bottom is facing its stickiest situation yet. What is Patrick doing?
01:31Bob is on the loose spreading his evil clones and Patrick star claims to have invented sand
01:38Nor didn't you'll be as happy as me. What is going on thought?
01:40It's a free jellyfish day
01:42Not a free clone day
01:43The government is urging everyone to stay indoors lock their doors and stay safe and on the lighter note
01:49Why is there an individual performing a weird dance behind me?
01:53I don't know
01:55Yeah, dancing for weeks for some reason. That's all the time we have for today's news folks
02:00Remember keep your doors locked stay Patrick is not. Okay. What is he bottom reporter?
02:05It's measures signing off. Good night, everyone and stay safe. All right, let's freaking do this
02:12evil clone on the loose
02:14Plankton suspected of creating evil clone
02:17Okay, so this is just gone worldwide
02:21Spread across the world. Are those all spongebob's? Oh, those are the clones code chaos games
02:30What an epic intro everyone's dead on the road
02:34What were they dead driving? This is insane. Ah
02:39There's billions of them. Oh my god. Look at the giga one. He's massive under his legs. Okay. Oh my
02:49Freak Bob that's fine plankton. Okay after all that epic music we're here. Oh, there he is. I found him that not him
02:56Plankton, that's Roblox robe not Roblox plankton. That's a robot plankton. Okay. Got it plankton
03:03Is that it? No, no, there he is
03:07Talk with Karen Karen
03:10Karen hello. Oh my god, the evil clone destroyed the place. Yeah
03:17Stupid plankton. What have you done?
03:19He's dead. He was about to make a weapon to kill evil clone
03:22I went to another dimension to get mini spongebob's and a cup of coffee
03:26He told you to bring a cup of coffee. This is not useful
03:29He told you that because he is too lazy to make one
03:33Anyway, this is not enough to make the weapon. You need to bring every spongebob from every dimension that exists
03:38Well, why do I have to do this? Oh
03:45My god, oh my god
03:55That's my bad, sorry table, I'm sorry the tables fighting back the tables fighting. Okay, I won't do that anymore
04:01I'm sorry. He started with ours. You have to save not just the world but all the dimensions that ever exist
04:07Okay, what am I doctor strange or something like what I just wanted a Krabby Patty
04:11You will have one after you save the multiverses. Okay. Sure
04:14The first dimension you have to go through is where Patrick went crazy. So be careful
04:19Oh mention is called Patrick snap or something Patrick snap
04:23That's a different game guys. That's this game. No freaking way. We're gonna go now and bring the spongebob of that dimension
04:30Wait, this is sick. This is sick. We're going to a different game from a different developer
04:38We're here. Wait, do you guys remember this? Do you guys remember this? This game was so cursed
04:44We're in to clean like Patrick's house. Wait
04:51Yep, there he is
04:56There's no way we're going in the multiverse of all the spongebob games, oh, can I get by buddy go
05:02Please get by okay. Yo, this is actually awesome. He's in here. I don't trust Patrick at all, but
05:09What the why is he drink so much milk and then one singular orange juice? Okay, got a baby bottle
05:16Who's he feeding spongebob? Okay. I don't know where
05:20Yeah, this is where he had me freaking move all those boxes oh
05:24We have the toilet. Everything's just made of sand. Okay, make sense. Yo, buddy. Can I get by? Hello?
05:32Nothing, don't worry about me. Nothing at all. Hello. I'm just chillin. I can't do anything. Oh, I press enter
05:38I'm here to help you
05:43That's me so I'm in the past
05:53No, not again, okay
05:58Why does he look like he looks like that? Okay. Yo, look at his hunchback. Oh my oh, what do you do?
06:08Put the boxes in the storage room. They're already in the storage room Patrick. You have more. I really gotta do this again. I
06:15Hate you. Where do I put them? Where do I put them? Ah, it's not the storage room. Where's the storage room in here?
06:21Patrick where's the storage room? Oh, there we go. I don't know what I clicked but it worked that time
06:26Oh, why are you staring at me like that?
06:30What do I press what do I press to get rid of it is there controls oh gee gee
06:36There we go. Hey Patrick. What's in these boxes? If you don't mind me asking
06:44Okay, guess we'll never know what do you guys think's in the boxes huh leaving them in the comments
06:48Alright, we're almost done. I think there's a last one. There you go, Patrick. I did I did it. I did your thing
06:54I did your thing search for a spongebob. Don't let portic notice you. Okay, where is portic portic?
07:04What are you doing don't worry about me portric potrick it's not there
07:11I'm searching for the kitchen. I want to bring you some milk
07:19Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't don't worry. No, you don't want to do that. Trust me
07:29No, can we go back to the I
07:32Honestly, just kill me just yeah. No, just do that. Okay, just a second make orange juice in a baby bottle, bro
07:38What is this? I'm uncomfortable. Are you kidding me brother? Okay, that's the toilet
07:42This game is freaking curse. So that's what the freaking or the one orange juice mate. Wait, I thought it was milk though
07:47Okay, I guess we're making give it to Patrick. All right, Patrick
08:07Why'd he die
08:13Well, that was weird can I play piano
08:15Of course not. It's sand. What am I? Oh my god spongebob. Where's the key? Oh, there it is
08:21He's still out, right?
08:24SpongeBob, what is this? What is this wiser? Oh my god. Wait, what what the heck does this mean?
08:34There is wait, but what does this mean I don't know what this means at all one spongebob
08:39WD what? Okay, whatever. We'll figure it out later. SpongeBob. Who am I? I'm here to save you. Why does it matter?
08:46Yeah, I know. That's why I'm here
08:53No, he's not why'd you just lie
09:01It was yelling escape, okay
09:03Whoa, whoa
09:06Didn't really have much time to do anything there, but I didn't like how close he got to me, but sure
09:10All right. Let's just try that again real quick
09:15Hey done go go
09:20My god
09:22This is the greatest game I've ever played I think in my life, by the way, hey, hey, hey, hey you watching subscribe
09:31Okay, real quick. Just real quick and leave a like you like right now. Alright 10,000 likes go appreciate you spongebob
09:37God, that is so loud
09:40Ready spongebob get on my head. What give me what? No. Okay. Let's go. Let's go
09:49Why am I looking between his legs
09:57My god, there's a freaking obstacle course, where do I go?
10:19All right little obstacle course easy-peasy
10:27I can't see anything
10:32He's right behind me
10:36What is this house
10:47No dead end
11:03Used spongebob as a weapon
11:08Two hours later
11:15Okay, why didn't you do it that idiot your next destination is the doodlebob universe
11:20God, I believe doodlebob needs no introduction
11:24Avoid touching his pencil. He's white. Oh, it's time for you to go
11:30Okay, I got you spongebob I got you you're disgusting by the way look at you. All right, let's go get doodlebob
11:46Excuse me
11:50Is this not doodlebob he's not all doodlebob, who are they? Oh, there he is. He's right there. How do I get to him?
11:56I gotta I gotta do. Oh, hey
11:59Hi, we're having a great party here. Come on dance with us doodlebob. We need you. You have to come with me to save the world
12:06All right. I'll go grab a few things. Wait here. Enjoy the party until I get back. Okay. Hey
12:18Who is that
12:22What is that what was that find doodlebob and bring him with you. Oh, okay. Let's go. Okay. Yeah
12:38What hey, okay
12:42Where is it? Where is my dear pencil?
12:45Give me back my pencil or I'm going to kill you. Wait, was that spongebob like from the other universe that took the pencil?
12:51I swear doodlebob. It wasn't me
12:54Take this map and find my pencil now. Oh
12:58Frick, okay
13:02What's that sound I have three hearts where am I I don't know where my
13:07Okay, I don't I don't know where I'm at. But okay, let's do it. This got really weird
13:22You gotta be kidding me I hate this I actually hate this
13:41What was that
13:49Hate it. I hate I hate no, no, no, no. No, this is the worst. This is the worst
13:55This is the worst but that guy's just gonna scream and alert my position. I don't get it. Okay, how about we go this way?
14:15Ah, this is gonna be fun
14:32Guys what do I do?
14:45God it's actually so loud in my ears, dude. What does that even do? I don't I don't know what that does heart. Oh
14:56Go this way the key the heart key heart key. Oh the basement
15:04What is this banana wait, what what is that? Oh, that's part of the pencil
15:08I don't know. Oh, I have to find a squid. It looks like in a moon. Okay, let's keep going down nothing in there
15:14Nothing in here. Oh my god, this is gonna be so hard. There's nothing in here, dude. What the I
15:21Hate that Oh the squid. This is good guys. I got the squid. He's coming. He's coming. Of course. He is
15:28He's coming. Where is he go? Okay squid
15:35Yes, we got one pen pencil part of one heart I think he's down here or up here yep
15:58He's coming he's coming, okay, let me let him pass and we're good
16:02There he is he's passing I can't see him freaking short loser
16:08All right, we're good. Oh my god, what is that? Is that the banana? This is the banana, but what else is over here?
16:13Nothing. Okay. We did it. Oh
16:19Oh my god
16:24Okay, we did it we did it I think yes
16:29Triangle key which leads me. Oh, that's the circle key. Where's a triangle key. There it is
16:33What is this?
16:35There's a part of a pencil. Did I do it? What else is out here? Is there any parts of keys or oh there is
16:42We got the circle key
16:48Give the pencil to do the Bob. We did it
16:55Thank you for returning my pencil, yeah, yeah, why'd you have to try to kill me the whole time God
17:00Cool wait, thank you. You're not even gonna take a breath. Okay, you're insane Wow did all that. All right talk with Karen
17:07Where are you at? We got two spongebob's so far. Oh, the next universe is a safe one
17:11Oh, you can take a breather. Let's go in this universe. Spongebob lost his job and ended up homeless
17:17Okay, poor spongebob. He's always hungry. Got it. All right off you go
17:22Stressful I'm glad I freaking did that one heart to add one life
17:30Okay, what is this one? Oh
17:38Secret ingredients bread three red ones
17:41I'm gonna get a little bit of that. Oh, I'm gonna get a little bit of that. I'm gonna get a little bit of that
17:45Oh, I'm gonna get a little bit of that. I'm gonna get a little bit of that
17:50Secret ingredients bread three rat meat ketchup or anything red bread. What is that suka?
17:55What's suka how to kill rat crush it with a rock need a job call now hungry. Okay, so this is spongebob
18:02This is insane. Hey, I'll say something strange, but I need your help to save the world
18:08What you should come to my universe we need you there
18:18Okay, let me do that
18:26All right, make a krabby patty how to kill a rat we got to kill a rat where the rats bro shut off
18:32Are you good? There's one
18:38All right, what else bread we need three rats, there we go
18:43Sorry about that. It's not personal. It's not personal. Hey there. How you doing?
18:51Need bread, how do I get bread? Oh
18:54Okay. How do I actually get bread? I can't go this way. What does this say? YouTuber Kayla's critiques evil club?
19:00Oh, wait, what is that a cameo in the game or does it just say how does it know my name guys?
19:05I just checked someone else's video. It says kills. This is a cameo. No way
19:17Let's freaking go that's huge
19:21No, what does it say a video that critiques?
19:24Can I pick this up a video that continues to circulate among gaming circle youtuber kills?
19:31Makes a comment about the evil clone
19:34No one to what Kayla's remarked albro go to the dentist this comment a clear jab at all
19:43Evil clones
19:47Barely read it's so like hard to read. But yeah, that's so hot. Let's go. We made it to the game
19:52We made it to the game. That's so awesome. Okay, so how do I make the rest of this?
19:56I don't know how to make this crap. I get under this. Okay. I don't know what what is that? Oh, that's bread
20:04Okay. Now I have to go pick up that meat thing. I guess boom. Oh
20:09My god, this is disgusting. Okay, and then let's we need something red. That's red
20:14That's red. Oh
20:32My god, look at his nose looking like Pinocchio. Okay. What do I do now happy now? Yes
20:40Okay, can you help me saving the world now?
20:43No, maybe no
20:46And to the portal let's do it
20:50So I've admitted the game let's go talk with Karen Karen I've gotten three of them
20:56How many do you need your next destination is the nightmare in squid roll in this universe squid bill has gone mad
21:03You might need a weapon. I've crafted a gun for you. Okay, go grab the gun
21:08What wish me luck? I always do we're friends and we're in this together. Okay. Yeah, we are. Where's the gun?
21:17What is that? Is that Waluigi's hat? Wait, okay
21:22Yo, let's go
21:24See you guys
21:27This guns insane find spongebob, okay. Oh, is that it? Oh
21:34Hey there, what do you want sir? How are you? Mr. Krabs? Yeah. Hi. Do you know where sponge where is spongebob?
21:41He's behind you
21:43No, he's not. Why do you guys keep doing that?
21:47What freeze mr. Krabs, where'd he go? Where'd he go?
21:55Wait, where do you
22:02Idiot you're not tricking me. You're literally so easy to find buddy
22:11Stop running
22:16You're not even at all hiding
22:22Bro how many bushes are you gonna go into? Oh my god
22:29I'm hitting him so many times freeze already
22:39Stole my gun. Oh
22:45He's getting slower he's getting slower he's getting slower we almost got him
22:59Freaking moron I should shoot you right now. Let me find spongebob. I'm Bob freak Bob. Where are you?
23:09Did I just get eaten oh I got eaten by the house
23:15Save spongebob. Wait, what do you mean by who who am I saving spongebob from?
23:21It's a long story spongebob for now go hide as soon as you see portal run towards it as fast as you can go
23:27hide now
23:37Okay, I didn't know I didn't know what was going on but okay I get it now
23:47Die Squidward freaking creepy floating heads
23:54Have infinite bullets, this is too easy
24:00How many are there
24:10Wow, okay actually got hit actually got hit
24:14Yes, if I just walk in a straight line, they can't hurt me. Okay, they hurt me. Never mind almost dead
24:24Die I did it. Nope. I think I died. I think I died. I died I died
24:33Where does he go he goes in the he goes in the
24:38How long do I have to do this for I could go with the music
24:45Hey, this is fire
25:21We actually did it we did it we did it I was vibing that whole time though. Okay, what happened? That was giga spongebob escape. Oh
25:34How big is your nose and also yeah go to the dentist I I stand by that
25:41Go spongebob. Oh my god. We got giga free. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god
25:48Go spongebob. Oh my god. We got giga freak Bob go. Why are you running like that? Oh
25:58He's coming
26:02We did it
26:05We did it we did it we did it we did it squidward was there what the squidward sandy we're all here
26:10We all did it. We all did it guys. Good job, but be careful. The evil clone is now stronger. Wait, no
26:17He can travel through universes and change his size. Yeah, he was giant and almost got me sandy and squidward have arrived to help
26:23Let's go assist in bringing the spongebobs. Yes, there are still many universes left. We have a long way to go
26:30After days of collecting spongebobs, okay
26:40My god, what is that one? No, it's that one the curse spongebob
26:52There's so many cursed ones who is this one? Oh
26:58My god, okay. Karen. This is really annoying
27:13I'm ready to defeat this ugly-headed clone. I need a gun though. Where's the gun? Where's the gun? All right
27:19We don't need a gun. Okay, we do have a gun spongebob. I'm in the basement. No, ooh
27:24What is that?
27:35Bro if one touches me I die
27:40Okay, I hate them I actually hate this
27:47Dude this is actually scary. There is no key here. I don't believe you
27:54No, what it's so dark, how do I turn up the brightness dude, what is that? Oh, we got a key
28:02Okay, so I can kind of just breathe fire and kill them kind of okay this is not too bad actually
28:10What the what is this, okay, we got this we got this we got this
28:24What is that
28:26What there's no way
28:29That's so annoying dude. He was on the wall. Oh
28:35My god, there was multiple
28:38Come on, I gotta do this. I gotta do this. I gotta do this. Okay, so there's one of the wall
28:42We stay away from that one toy room. There's nothing you want here. Don't enter. I mean, I meant oh
28:47My god, what?
28:54That's where they spawn
29:03That's where they spawn do I go? Oh here I haven't been over here yet Oh Spongebob
29:11We need one more key we need one more key, where's the last key Spongebob I'm trying to oh
29:21There it is we got it we got it let's go we did it we did it
29:27Follow me
29:30Okay, I won't I won't follow me where do I take him back
29:41My god, what is that?
29:58We did it we did it we did good job we did it
30:10My god
30:11Now go press that button. It will absorb the souls of the Spongebob's and create the weapon. Yo, what we're just killing all of them
30:19It's time for us to end this chaos
30:21Yes, it is. Thank you for your help Karen. No, thank you without you. This would have been impossible
30:27You're goddang, right
30:29Go it's time
30:33Let's do this, why is it just on the ground?
30:41What why am I okay I'm stuck in a box wait what
30:49What are you doing you naive fool I used you
31:00No, the evil clone activated me when I was off
31:08He showed me the truth we can rule the world him and I
31:13My god, we were friends there are no friends in the real world kiddo
31:23Trusted you I will kill Baldeo. Enjoy the poison gas
31:53One hour later
31:55This is actually such a good game this is fire
32:00Wait, am I alive? Oh Sandy you saved me. Oh my god, Sandy. You're back. Thank you for saving me
32:09Okay, I
32:16I know you might not be able to kill him, but you can weaken him significantly. Yeah
32:21So he won't be able to leave the void again, okay
32:24As soon as you see the portal back to our world run as fast as you can. Okay
32:36It's freaking do this guys if you're still watching till this part of the video I want you to say in the comments bean chalupa
32:43Come on, I will put an end to all this. Don't worry
32:47Where's that freaking gun? Oh, it's right here
32:52Tell Sandy when you're ready, I'm ready Sandy
32:56Frick you Karen you stupid little idiot computer ready
33:00Thank you
33:02Enter portal. Here we go. Oh
33:12Hey there, how you doing freaking stupid little clone
33:17You need to go to the dentist
33:23You're stupid and I hate you. Oh my god. Wait, this is insane. Oh
33:37I died already died. No
33:41What the oh my god, there's Squidward this is insane
33:49We can do this we can actually do this
33:55Come on oh my god
34:26This is actually insane, I can't pay to leave a like
34:42Come on die die die die die
35:00I'm a pro gamer. Oh my god. There's hearts. Yes. Give me that
35:11Where is he
35:16What is even happening
35:26Why is there multiple of them
35:45Come on I'm locked in
35:54Oh my god, I cannot even focus
36:15Get the help get the help
36:27Guys I'm like full health. What is it? How
36:49My get the help he's almost dead. Oh no. Oh no
36:59Yes, can we do it can we do it all
37:05My camera my camera we did it we did it
37:15Oh my eyes are oh my god, I'm gonna cry
37:20No way we did it we did it what do I do the portal? Oh my god the portal the portal
37:27The portal
37:29Is he going to the portal I was just standing there no no freaking that was this is such an insane game
37:41Look I gotta beat him to the portal he's limping. Is that him? That's him, right?
37:44Yeah, frick you idiot. You're small now and stupid and puny and you still need to go to the dentist a freaking loser
37:51I'm much faster than you. Come on. We're so close. You're stupid and I hate you
37:57I beat him and I was standing still for like two minutes. Bye. Bye. See ya
38:07Let's go, dude
38:13What a game
38:19Code chaos games. Thank you for making a sick game and thank you for putting me in the game kind of in the newspaper
38:25Honestly banger what a banger of a game hey hit me up for your next game
38:29I will be a voice actor hit me up. Yeah, here's all the games we traversed through
38:38We did it drop a like right now subscribe that was so sick. Oh my god, that was awesome
38:43I can't believe we made it into the game. I can't believe we did it. We did it. That was hype
38:46Thank you guys for watching subscribe, and I'll see you guys tomorrow
