"Our Lord, increase us in knowledge and understanding, and guide us to the straight path."

  • 2 weeks ago
"Our Lord, increase us in knowledge and understanding, and guide us to the straight path."
00:00Allah says in Quran that the worshippers who come to pray are often destroyed.
00:05Fawailu lilmusalli is a destruction for the worshippers.
00:09Allah is for the worshippers.
00:11Allah says, Allazina hum ansalatihim sa'ahun.
00:14These are the people who have forgotten their prayers.
00:17Allazina hum yura'oon.
00:18They prostrate in front of me, they show it to the people.
00:21Fawailu lilmusalli is a destruction for the worshippers.
00:25Don't be under the misconception that we prostrate long.
00:28We go in prostration, so people look at us.
00:31No, no.
00:32You are under the misconception.
00:34Get out of this trap.
00:36Be on one side, you will know what your status is.
00:39Humbleness, humility, and everything else.