ITS NAME WAS MORMO Movie Trailer HD - Horror/Thriller - Plot synopsis: A young family's life unravels into chaos as a sinister presence targets each member in its own malicious manner. Through the lens of police evidence, Mark, Diana, and Mia endure the torment of a demon deeply rooted in Greek mythology.
Director : Mark Andrew Bowers
Stars: Marcela Cardenas, Mia Bowers, Mark Andrew Bowers
Director : Mark Andrew Bowers
Stars: Marcela Cardenas, Mia Bowers, Mark Andrew Bowers
Short filmTranscript
00:00Emergency services, what is the address of the emergency?
00:05It's a lake! Lake!
00:10You can breathe. You can breathe. You can breathe. You can breathe.
00:24Mom! Mom! Mom!