Companion Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: New Line Cinema -- the studio that brought you THE NOTEBOOK -- and the unhinged creators of BARBARIAN cordially invite you to experience a new kind of love story...
directed by Drew Hancock
starring Sophie Thatcher, Jack Quaid, Lukas Gage, Megan Suri, Harvey Guillen, Rupert Friend
release date January 10, 2025 (in theaters)
directed by Drew Hancock
starring Sophie Thatcher, Jack Quaid, Lukas Gage, Megan Suri, Harvey Guillen, Rupert Friend
release date January 10, 2025 (in theaters)
Short filmTranscript
00:00My love must be a kind of blind love.
00:10All right.
00:14I only have eyes for you.
00:30I only have eyes for you.
00:47I know it's going to sound cheesy, but the moment we locked eyes.
01:00There was just a spark.