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Adam Devine Gets Real About Losing ‘Dad Weight’ After Wife's Pregnancy
SEO: Adam Devine Details Losing ‘Dad Weight’ After Chloe Bridges' Pregnancy


00:00How would you say that being a jet dad has changed you in the
00:03past few months with everything kind of that you expected or
00:06was it totally different.
00:08No it was kind of what I expected, I think what people
00:12try to scare you so much there like your life's over oh my
00:15gosh, your life is over you'll never get to do anything ever
00:21I think I was ready for that part of my life to be a little
00:24bit over I was ready to just be home and be a dad and not
00:29necessarily feel like I have to go out all the time, I'm tired
00:32I work a lot so like when I'm off work. I used to feel like
00:36what we should try to go to something now I'm like let's do
00:39not the let's lay at home with the baby. So I think for my
00:46wife it might be a little different because she is
00:48bearing the brunt of the parental responsibility right
00:51now because I'm wrapping up gemstones sure righteous
00:54gemstones season for HBO and
00:59I'm working just 1214 hour days, you know 5, 6, days a
01:04week so she's she's doing a lot of it and I'm really proud how
01:07she stepped up to the plate. Yeah, he's good.
01:10I saw that you are also shedding the baby weight as
01:15My gosh what a what an uphill battle that was I didn't even
01:18realize how plump I have gotten. I was like I look like
01:22I was like a blueberry right about ready to pop. I was like
01:26violence from Willy Wonka when she gets filled with all the
01:29liquid. Yeah, and then I grew like a bad year to cover up my
01:34neck fat at the end of last year. I was like a little
01:36ashamed at all the extra roles down here so I could it was a
01:40bad luck and in I've been just really watching what I'm eating
01:45and working out like a maniac to try to get it off and I
01:49I dropped like 20 or 25 pounds, something like that so
01:53it has finally been shed and I can breathe a sigh of relief,
01:57but yeah, dad weight is real that we Israel. I gained more
02:02I gain more weight than Chloe did and she had a baby.
02:06Yes, it's the same thing happened to my husband to after
02:08I had my daughter he gave the baby weight as well. I don't
02:11know I and because it was just fun. So
02:16we're going to get like a hankering for pizza, I'm like
02:19well, what do a little taste test and order pizza from 3
02:22different spots and I don't know. John's pretty good.
02:26Yeah, totally garlic crust on the dominoes has me go.
02:33I'm loving the turbo tax by is so much fun. Was it just as
02:40much fun to film for you.
02:43It was super fun. I you know me Christine, I'm a song and
02:47dance man at heart so any time I get a shock, my wares but on
02:52my dancing shoes, I'm ready to go.
02:54Ready to go so what was it about this that made you want
02:57to team up with turbo tax for their tax breakup.
03:00I just thought it kind of I love the campaign. I thought it
03:03was it was funny me being like a boy band member and coming
03:06out of a cloud of smoke and also when they cast Eric Griffin
03:10my workaholics co star as the old CPA I thought that was
03:14funny because I always love an opportunity to dunk on him.
03:20I think I'm just the perfect age right now.
03:25Where people look at me and be like you should start doing his
03:28taxes right, he's getting older. He needs to take more
03:32financial responsibility and I think my fans as well people
03:36that grew up watching.
03:37You know workaholics are pitch perfect or whatever they also
03:41were at that age where they're like we should take this more
03:46I've been writing off everything in my life. It is
03:49that going to get me in trouble. I talked to someone
03:51professionally about this.
03:53The answer is yes, you should. They're they're great company
03:58they they've been great to me and
04:01I mean they're doing a really cool thing called beat your
04:03price with a will beat the price of your old tax pro by
04:0810% if you go to them and filed your taxes within this year.
04:12I would so they're they're they won me over a turbo tax man
04:17through and through.
