Emma age 1 blender 4 1 1 part 01

  • 2 weeks ago
How to create 3D models How to edit 3D models and more

Emma age 1 blender 4 1 1 part 01 plane to a 3d box then hide in side

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00:00Hello everyone, welcome to Emma. Now this is Emma 8.1 which is available for download if you want to.
00:07Now this is Emma and the mouse. So this is an MS mouse if you're wondering where it is.
00:14You'll find it in the Windows 10 3D Viewer. If you open the Windows 10 3D Viewer, look in the Microsoft Assets, go to Library.
00:23It's the only place that I know you can get it from. Go in there, download the asset, mess around with it, play with it.
00:29Now of course, you can't animate it because there's no skeleton on it. My one has got a skeleton inside it.
00:34So I'll explain the mouse in a moment. So as I said, I'll give you credit where credit is due.
00:39And that's Microsoft's mouse. So I like it, I want it to be friends with Emma.
00:44Not only that, they've got some really great animals, I want to be able to use them.
00:48As I said, I talk about all different websites, all different people.
00:51They're out with your assets, Mugs of Assets, Sketchpads Assets, Blenders Assets, ActiCore Assets.
00:58It doesn't matter whose assets they are. If it's a great asset, it's a great asset. It's simple as that.
01:02So as I said, I've got a character here. I'll put a pencil in her hand.
01:06Because the whole point is to make the pencil is made properly. It's a 3D pencil.
01:11Well, it's a pen, not a pencil. Well, you get the idea.
01:15So obviously the colour of it is actually black, just to let you know that.
01:20Even though it's got a green top on it, it's not actually green, it's actually black.
01:24Well, anyway, so Emma uses the pen, basically, in the game world.
01:30And Emma's kind of a bit of a mysterious character.
01:34She's got a really kind of strange background, there's some really kind of strange characters going on in the world.
01:39The animals can talk, there's vampires, there's werewolves, there's no weapons, weapons are not allowed.
01:45There's hidey holes where you can hide.
01:48The whole point of the scenario, when the game doesn't run, is to try to avoid any kind of conflict at all.
01:56And see where the story takes you.
02:00But anyway, it's a different kind of story for a different type of player, basically.
02:05That said, some of the things in the game world, I think you'll be surprised.
02:08So before I can create the game, I've got to create all of the assets.
02:12Because of course, I don't want to create every asset.
02:14So I'm thinking, if I can kind of cheat along the way and borrow a few assets.
02:18The game is only free of charge, 110% free.
02:21So, obviously, when it's up and running, it'll be great.
02:24So I can use any assets that I don't have to make.
02:26It's going to save me a bit of time, I can get the game up and running.
02:29So as I said, this is Emma, this is her asset.
02:32So the platform belongs to me, the pen belongs to me, the character belongs to me, animations, the voices, the sounds, all belong to me.
02:41So, I do create all my own animations, I do create all my own animations.
02:46I do sometimes borrow some animations from Mixamo and from ActiCore.
02:52I like some animations, the animations are great.
02:54But, because I've got my own skeleton, and if you can't use a different website.
03:01Now the animations work great with the skeletons.
03:03If we use ActiCore and use our skeleton, the animations work great.
03:08Now, if I try to use the animations on a Mixamo rig, they don't work.
03:12I've got to use the Mixamo animations, I'm thinking, eh, yeah.
03:16But, I've got my own skeleton, so I'm going to show you the skeleton of this character.
03:21So, let me reveal the skeleton, that's the mouse.
03:26So if you look at this rig, this is an ActiCore rig.
03:30That's what this rig is.
03:31So if you look at it, you're thinking, eh, there's too much going on with the rig.
03:36I'm thinking, eh, you know, I don't understand really why, I do have the muscles and bits like that.
03:43Maybe I have items attached to the arm, things like that.
03:46But I'm thinking, my character is proper easy, proper simple.
03:50So, if she's only got an elbow, sorry, if she's only got a shoulder bone.
03:54Well, a collar bone, a shoulder bone, an elbow, a wrist, a palm and two fingers.
04:01That's exactly how I want my character to be.
04:04So, anyway, I'm using this character for now in the video.
04:07So, that's what I'm doing.
04:08As I said, the ActiCore skeleton is absolutely great.
04:11It moves fantastic.
04:12But, unless you actually go and purchase a license, there's certain restrictions that you have to try to avoid.
04:22So, like commercial games and things like that.
04:25Anything kind of like that, you can't really do that with this kind of skeleton.
04:31So, I can't put it in my game world.
04:32If I make profit off it, it's not allowed, basically.
04:35So, I mean, okay, it's kind of great.
04:37So, I can't really use the skeleton and I can't really use the animations.
04:40But I can show this, I can show everything off, basically.
04:44That's what I can do.
04:45I'm thinking, I do have an account on there.
04:47I want to mix them up as well, which is great.
04:49It's nice to see, it's nice to use the animations with the skeleton.
04:53Just to see how my character can perform.
04:56Just to make sure there's no errors in my geometry.
04:59That's what I use it for.
05:00So, I use it kind of like a reference kind of model.
05:03That's what I use it for.
05:04And then I kind of make my own animations properly.
05:07That's what I do.
05:08But I don't like them, actually.
05:09They don't come with a skeleton.
05:10I added no skeleton.
05:11Anyway, this video is all about Emma.
05:14So, first of all, I'm going to have a conversation with my character.
05:18So, I'm going to say, hello, Emma.
05:20And if I come over here, I can have a temporarily me clicking on the text.
05:28Now, of course, this would be an auto-reply from Emma.
05:31She would say, hello, Ablebox.
05:34Say, what are we doing today, Emma?
05:37Say, can I sketch? Can I draw?
05:42Hang on, let me get rid of that for you.
05:44Can I sketch? Can I draw, please?
05:46I need some new items for my game world.
05:49Can you make it for me, please?
05:52Emma, I think I can do that.
05:56So, we're going through the videos.
05:58Let your message freeze.
06:00Can everyone see my sketch?
06:03If you mean the big pink square on the floor with the black edge, then yes, everyone can see that.
06:10Now, of course, I've got to go and make that, I suppose.
06:14I think that's the idea of it.
06:17So, I think, okay.
06:18As I said, I want to try to keep the video so simple.
06:20I'll just say, if you make it wrong, I will laugh at you.
06:24Thank you, Emma.
06:25So, anyway, this is Emma.
06:27Now, when she's kind of doing the sketch on the floor, you'll notice how she's just standing there.
06:32The mouse is standing there.
06:33Are they standing there for a reason?
06:35Do they have a skeleton for a reason?
06:37Okay, I can hide the skeleton so you can actually see the characters properly.
06:41I don't need the skeleton to do what I want to do.
06:44Okay, so I can just hide the skeleton.
06:46Now, if you're going to write a text on the floor, it's kind of great when the text appears on the wall.
06:50So, you can kind of get to see what I'm actually saying.
06:53Or you can get to read it, just in case you turn the sound off.
06:56Because my microphone's not too good.
06:59So, Emma would kneel down.
07:02Oh, hang on a minute.
07:03The mouse is copying what Emma's doing.
07:07So, whatever Emma does, the mouse copies her.
07:10So, Emma is going to write a text message, I think.
07:14Oh, thank you, Emma.
07:16She's got spelled pretty good for a one-year-old, I think.
07:19Oh, thank you, Emma.
07:20I'm pretty proud of you.
07:22So, anyway.
07:23So, yep.
07:24So, of course, the mouse is pretty great, too.
07:26I think.
07:28So, I think.
07:30Now, of course, the story will unfold later.
07:31So, as I said, I'm going to show you the main part.
07:33As I said, you can find the mouse inside Windows 10 Viewer.
07:37Of course, you can't animate the mouse because you don't have a skeleton.
07:40It does have a skeleton now because I gave you one.
07:43So, if I go over here, click on the mouse.
07:46If I go Skeleton, I'm going to zoom in and I'm going to show you the mouse.
07:50Because I want to show you the things that you're going to get from me.
07:53Not from me.
07:54From Emma.
07:55Because it's Emma's world.
07:56As I said, all of the characters, all of the skeletons, they're all available for any asset.
08:02So, if anything can move, if anything can be animated, I do make the skeleton.
08:08I do make the animation.
08:09Now, unfortunately for me, and unfortunately for you, I can't give you the mouse.
08:15I can't do it.
08:16So, you have to go to Windows 10 Viewer.
08:18Download it.
08:19Now, what you can do, you can download my skeleton with my animation.
08:23If you want it, then you can actually place it on the mouse.
08:26I think it's not a too bad animation.
08:28Of course, you need to move his arms a little bit.
08:30But I will talk about how easy it is to do animation later on.
08:34So, anyway.
08:35So, in this video, Emma, I suppose.
08:39As you can see, you can write down, write the message.
08:41So, I'm thinking, okay Emma, I'll get the message.
08:44I'm going to basically be drawing whatever it is.
08:47So, what I do, I come down here.
08:49I go here.
08:51I go to zero and reset the text box.
08:54So, I'm thinking, okay.
08:55So, this is everything set back to zero.
08:57So, I'm thinking, okay.
08:58So, this is my very short animation about creating a service.
09:04So, I'm going to create a plane like that for Emma because that's what she wants.
09:08The colors have automatically been chosen by Emma.
09:11So, these are her colors.
09:13So, she wears blue, black and pink.
09:17So, I'm thinking, okay.
09:19That's her world.
09:20I'm thinking, perfect.
09:21So, I'm thinking, okay.
09:22What we want to do is click off everything.
09:25Go here.
09:28Add a plane.
09:29So, yeah.
09:30Leave it.
09:31Go here.
09:33Move the plane.
09:34Not like that.
09:35Go here.
09:36Go top view.
09:37Press that.
09:38Top view.
09:39Zoom out a little bit.
09:40Scroll down.
09:41Left click here.
09:42Drag it.
09:43Now, of course, if you want to move around in the world, just in case you don't know
09:48If you know it, it's great.
09:50So, just left click, hold, drag it.
09:53Left click, hold, drag it.
09:55Zoom in and out.
09:56Left click, hold, drag it.
09:58Left click, hold, drag it.
09:59If you want the side view, go side view.
10:01If you want this side view, go that side view.
10:04If you want top view, go top.
10:05Go to bottom.
10:06Go to bottom.
10:07So, anyway, it's up to you however you want to do it.
10:11So, I'm going to create a floor plane that looks like that.
10:16So, you want a border with a pink middle in it.
10:19So, this is that very first quest from Emma.
10:22So, this is the beginning of her world, which is Red Bandali, by the way.
10:27You can download quite a few assets.
10:29Not quite a few.
10:30Probably about 20 assets at the moment.
10:32So, as I said, click on the actual plane and go to...
10:37I forgot what I was doing.
10:38Yeah, go to plane.
10:39Go here.
10:40Go edit.
10:41Now, what you want to do, the only tools I'm going to show you at the moment,
10:45is these three tools here and this menu down here.
10:50There's three keys on the keyboard that I'd like you to learn.
10:53Very easy, very simple.
10:54The up arrow key, left hand side of the keyboard.
10:58The S key.
11:00The F key makes faces.
11:02That's what that does.
11:03The K, the K keyboard.
11:05The K on the keyboard.
11:07I'll show you.
11:08If you press K on the keyboard, you get a knife like this.
11:12You can basically put a line there.
11:14Click it once.
11:15Left click it.
11:16Hold it. Drag it.
11:17Left click it.
11:18Press enter.
11:20And now you've got a new line on your geometry.
11:23That's how you can draw on the surface.
11:25Go back over here.
11:26Press undo.
11:27Undo that.
11:28Press undo again.
11:29So, it goes away.
11:30So, the K on the keyboard basically is for drawing lines.
11:34So, draw the line and then press enter.
11:36If you like it as simple as that.
11:38You can draw on any surface basically.
11:40So, that's how you can add dots to a basically random surface.
11:44So, if you want to add more and more dots to your character, you can do.
11:48You can also make a point cloud like that if you want to.
11:51So, you can keep the point cloud very simple.
11:54Or you can make it as complicated as a character.
11:57So, of course, if you make a point cloud like a character, it's going to take you a while.
12:02So, as I said, if you want to extrude a little simple dot on the floor.
12:06Go here.
12:08Right click. Hold it. Drag it.
12:10And as you can see, we can drag a single point off the floor.
12:14Of course, you'd go into the wet angle camera.
12:16Go to move. Make it nice and straight.
12:19And then you've got the actual thing.
12:21If you don't want the line, check this out.
12:24If you click on the dot.
12:26Right click.
12:28And you go split.
12:29Go back to the dot.
12:31This time, we've already split it.
12:33So, go to separate.
12:35Right click. Go to separate selection.
12:37You'll get a new plain look.
12:39It makes a new object of it.
12:41Go to the line tool.
12:43Go here.
12:45Right click and delete the line.
12:47Now, we've got a single dot on the screen.
12:51And now, if you want to go and create a point cloud, all you have to do is keep copying and pasting that.
12:55So, right click. Copy it. Right click.
12:58Paste it.
13:00Go here. Paste it.
13:02Wherever it's gone.
13:04I think it's there.
13:06If you want to move that now, go here.
13:08Go object.
13:10Go here.
13:12Origin to geometry.
13:14Grab that. Move it over here.
13:16And now we've got two dots.
13:18So, if you want to draw from a single point,
13:20if you want to do that,
13:22that's exactly how you do it.
13:24As I said, of course, it's up to you what you want to do.
13:26You can go here.
13:28Left click, hold, drag it and delete them.
13:30Or you can go over here. Right click and go delete.
13:32So, that's how to basically do a point.
13:34The faces.
13:36Not the faces. You click on the face.
13:38Go here.
13:40Go edit.
13:42If you click the line tool, you can click on the line.
13:44You can pull the line out. You can push the line back.
13:46Press undo.
13:48OK. Now, we can click on the line.
13:50If you go to extrude, we can pull it up.
13:52Obviously, I'm pulling it through the floor.
13:54That's what I'm doing.
13:56Go here. Undo that.
13:58Go to side view. Grab a little bit and pull it up in the air.
14:00Go back to this side.
14:02As you can see, I've pulled it up in the air now.
14:04So, of course, it's up to you
14:06if you want to pull it up in the air.
14:08Put it back down on the floor.
14:10If you want to pull the face, click here.
14:12Click the actual face.
14:14Obviously, go to a side view, top view,
14:16wherever you want.
14:18Right click and pull the face.
14:20Then, of course, we can make a new box.
14:22But we don't want that.
14:24As I said, I'm trying to keep things
14:26nice, easy and nice and simple.
14:28I don't want to give you a big pile of tools to use.
14:32all of the tools you need
14:34is this one, object mode.
14:36This is one mode.
14:38That's standard mode. Go in here.
14:40Edit mode.
14:42In edit mode, all we really want
14:44is these three here
14:46and these tools here.
14:48So, it's not going to be a lot to learn.
14:50Later on, I'll be showing you how to
14:52edit and animate your character
14:54so your character can basically draw on the floor
14:56just like little kids do.
14:58And obviously,
15:00I don't really want to draw it on the floor.
15:02But, anyway, it's her world
15:04so she can do whatever she wants.
15:06So, I think it's great.
15:08The more hints
15:10that she gives me, the more things
15:12I know that she wants. So, it's kind of great.
15:14So, of course, I make the objects
15:16and then, of course,
15:18Emma herself picks up the object
15:20and takes it away
15:22and, of course, places it
15:24wherever she wants to place it.
15:26It's her world. It's her object.
15:28And it's hopefully going to be our game
15:30when it's made. Hopefully, it's going to be
15:32a great game. Hopefully, it's going to be a really great game.
15:34So, anyway,
15:36nothing too scary in it, but there is
15:38some funny parts in it.
15:40But, you know, I'm trying to keep it as friendly as I can.
15:42But, you know, anyway, as I said,
15:44it's all about hiding. It's like a game
15:46of hide and seek, like that kind of thing.
15:48But it's not. It's like a big, massive quest
15:50adventure. It really is. So,
15:52anyway, let's talk about
15:54the plane. So, go to the plane.
15:56We want to go top view because we want to
15:58create the plane. Go over here.
16:00Now, I'm making this thing here
16:02and I'm making a slab for the floor.
16:04So, what I want to do is, first of all,
16:06I need to scale the blender plane
16:08to the character size. So,
16:10the way to do that is go
16:12to line tool.
16:14Go to lines here. Go over here. Press this.
16:16Come down here. Press this.
16:18Line. See how I put a line in there for you?
16:20Put a line in there. Put a line in there.
16:22Now, what I'm going to tell you
16:24to do is cut it again.
16:26Cut it again. Cut it again.
16:28And cut it again.
16:30So, now it looks like this.
16:32Now, that's a
16:34perfect size for my character.
16:36Perfect. I mean,
16:38how easy is that? So, it's a 4
16:40by 4 square.
16:44Now, I do explain
16:46the blender squares. I really do.
16:48But, sometimes, it might
16:50be a bit too much for you.
16:52But, I will explain it just before I go
16:54any further. So, if you look at the blender
16:56square. Let me turn it off.
16:58If you look at a blender square, a blender
17:00plane. OK. It doesn't matter if it's a square
17:02or a plane. It doesn't matter. OK.
17:04When you look at it, it's made up of
17:064 boxes. OK. So, you split
17:08it into 4 boxes.
17:10That's what you do. Now, in each
17:12box, it's
17:14divided by 10
17:16by 10. So, the box
17:18in total is 20
17:20by 20. That's what it
17:22is. It's basically, it's like 2 metres
17:24tall. That's what it is. So, basically,
17:26that's like a standard default cube.
17:28My whole world is based on
17:30that. It really is. So, if I
17:32say to you, scale it
17:34down a little box. I'm talking about the
17:36little boxes inside the little box.
17:38OK. So, whatever box I'm talking
17:40about. It doesn't matter if it's a big box, a small
17:42box, a medium box.
17:44When I say scale it down again,
17:46make it look
17:48zoom into the box and
17:50go even smaller. So, what I'm going to do
17:52I said, this is a blender square. I hadn't
17:54cheated. It's the same square.
17:56But the whole point of it
17:58if I go to object mode, if I
18:00click the object, I'm sure it's a snappy
18:02to the edge of any
18:04platform, which is kind of great.
18:06I can't turn on snappy because I'm recording
18:08the screen and
18:10blender doesn't like it. So, I think, OK.
18:12So, let's just talk about this part.
18:14Now, what I need to do is go
18:16back into edit mode. Look at
18:18my square. Take all these squares here.
18:20Go to faces.
18:22You want to get rid of everything
18:24and leave one square.
18:26Of course, you don't have to do
18:28this. Put this out. I won't do it.
18:30So, it's a 4x4 square.
18:34Not 4x4.
18:36Let me have a look.
18:38I've forgotten what it was.
18:42So, it's 4x4.
18:44So, it's 4.
18:488, 9, 10, 11, 12,
18:5013, 14, 15,
18:5216. So, it's actually a 16-sided
18:56So, what are you carrying them for?
18:58I'm carrying them just in case
19:00there's a young generation who actually maybe can't
19:02count. Maybe you don't have to do it.
19:04So, leave one square on the floor.
19:06Don't forget to show your 16 squares here.
19:08To make up the floor. To make up a
19:10blender plane. Well, I'm not making a blender plane.
19:12I'm making an Emma plane.
19:14So, OK.
19:16So, this is what I'm doing. As I said, I can't
19:18exceed the 4x4. I can't exceed
19:20the square. So, if I'm making a
19:22house, a car or whatever, I can't
19:24exceed that. Anyway, click on
19:26the square. Go to top view.
19:28I don't want to talk too much.
19:30So, we'll zoom into it.
19:32Go here.
19:34Go here. Turn into wireframe
19:36so we can actually see.
19:38Press this one.
19:40To be able to see through it, click off it.
19:42We can see through the block.
19:44Hmm. Great.
19:46So, now, what we want to do is click faces.
19:48Click on the face.
19:50If you go in the middle of it, which you want to click on the face,
19:52you can't click on it.
19:54Go back here. Go to object. Click on the face.
19:58OK. We'll click the edge in this case.
20:00Go here. Go edit.
20:02I want to be able to click on the face.
20:04So, we'll go here. Faces.
20:06Click the face. Go down here.
20:08I want this one this time.
20:10Insert faces.
20:12Now, you want to zoom in to see the little boxes.
20:14Zoom in.
20:16And kind of just scale it a little bit.
20:18Now, you see the boxes behind it?
20:20Left-click, hold and drag it
20:22until it goes about
20:24one box inwards.
20:26It's not actually perfectly kind of one box.
20:28If you don't get it right, just go up here.
20:30Undo it and then do it again.
20:32It's up to you how you want to do it.
20:34So, go there.
20:36If you can't get it perfectly perfect,
20:38just press the line tool. Click on it.
20:40Go to move.
20:42And you can kind of move it like this to where you want it.
20:44OK. As I said,
20:46when you're happy with it, just leave it.
20:48So, I'm going to undo because that's perfect.
20:50Once you're happy with it,
20:52I'll take it again.
20:54Don't forget I'm creating the same thing that Emma wants.
20:56Turn it off.
20:58Turn it off.
21:00Go back over here.
21:02OK. So, what I want to do,
21:04I want to left-click, hold, drag it.
21:06You don't have to do that.
21:08Just click on the actual model.
21:10Drag this and drag it over to Emma
21:12because I want to be able to see the character.
21:14Now, this is the same cube.
21:16It's no different.
21:18Obviously, it's just a smaller version of it.
21:20It could be a window, a picture frame,
21:22a light on the ceiling.
21:24Anything that's called a square.
21:26This could be a drawer for the cupboard.
21:30So, zoom in.
21:32Now, we're going to go over here.
21:34Now, what I want to do,
21:36I want to click on the face.
21:38Now, you see I want this one.
21:40I picked the wrong one. Go here.
21:42Press faces. Click on faces.
21:44Right-click and split.
21:46Right-click. Separate.
21:48Now, I've got two faces.
21:50So, I've got this one.
21:52This is the middle.
21:54And this is the outer edge.
21:56OK. Now,
21:58what am I going to do?
22:00Now, I need to paint it.
22:02I apologise for that.
22:04I need to paint it the same colour Emma chose.
22:06Now, there's a couple of different ways you can paint it.
22:08I'm going to show you this way first.
22:10Pick the outer one first.
22:12Decorate the edge.
22:14I think it's perfect. Open it.
22:16Now, to paint it,
22:18go into object mode.
22:20Go into painting mode because you'll paint everything.
22:22Go into object mode.
22:24Click the edge. This one here.
22:26OK. Look down here.
22:28Press this one. Material.
22:30Add a new material.
22:32Once you do that,
22:34click on the shield.
22:36Now, you can click here
22:38and you can pick any colour of the rainbow.
22:40And then you can make it
22:42lighter. You can make it darker.
22:44Lighter. It's up to you. Whatever you want.
22:46We could have it yellow.
22:48Click here. It didn't change.
22:50If you click on it, it doesn't change.
22:52You have to go into live view to see it.
22:54You see the live view?
22:56You can see it.
22:58When you export this,
23:00even though I'm in this mode,
23:02you can't see the colour.
23:04When you export it and bring it back in as an OBJ,
23:06whatever, it will be this colour.
23:08If you want to see it,
23:10press that.
23:12First of all, it's not that colour. It's that colour.
23:14Click here. Go here.
23:16You can pick any colour.
23:18Anywhere on the screen. Anywhere inside here.
23:20A bit over here. Doesn't matter.
23:22I'm going to click right on the edge of that
23:24because that's her colour.
23:26Now, you notice that box
23:28has changed colour.
23:30I don't know what colour that is.
23:32I'm going to click on it. It's like a grey. It's not a blue.
23:38It's not actually black.
23:40I don't actually know what colour that is.
23:42It's just a dark colour.
23:44We'll have that.
23:46If that's the colour she wants, that's the colour we'll have.
23:48It could be the lighting.
23:50Let me just tilt it.
23:52Let me just re-click it.
23:54It's just engaged on lighting. It's a different colour.
23:56No, it is that colour.
23:58That's the colour it is.
24:00Once you've done the H,
24:02click this one.
24:04It changes up to this one.
24:06When you click on it, go here.
24:08Click this one.
24:10Go to new colour.
24:12Go to this one.
24:14Press this colour.
24:16That colour is not that colour.
24:18That colour is that colour.
24:20Because there's more light in the world,
24:22when the shadows land on it,
24:24this will actually look like that.
24:26I know it sounds kind of weird,
24:28but watch when you export it.
24:30Bring it back in.
24:32It won't be that kind of colour.
24:34It's going to be that colour.
24:36Just so you can see that.
24:38If you look at this one here,
24:40when you import it,
24:42it's going to look like that.
24:44When you put the light on it, it should look like that.
24:46Anyway, leave it like that.
24:48This is now
24:50an actual cube.
24:52What I want to do, I want to hide
24:54her platform.
24:56I want to select this platform,
24:58go here, set origin
25:00to geometry,
25:02bring it over here.
25:04I want to align the finger
25:06with the red thing on the floor.
25:08Pull it over.
25:10Zoom in.
25:12Pull it over here.
25:14To get it perfect, I'll go back into the wireframe.
25:16So I can actually see through it.
25:18Pull it over. Zoom in a bit more.
25:20Of course you can zoom right in
25:22so you can actually get it perfect.
25:24Along with the green on the green and the red on the red,
25:26I think it's perfect.
25:28Now what I want to do is go
25:30to this orange thing over here.
25:32You see where it is?
25:34Look at the location. It's wrong.
25:36Go here.
25:38Apply all transforms.
25:40You want to go to zero.
25:42I think it's absolutely perfect.
25:44Now of course, what I want to do.
25:46Now I've just made
25:48the exact thing that you wanted.
25:52because that's exactly what you want,
25:54I think, OK, now we can leave it like that.
25:56This is our basic flat template.
25:58Of course, it's got colour,
26:00as you can see.
26:02Now what we want to do, because this is our platform,
26:04this is what I want to tell you to do.
26:06I'm going to have to hold drag it.
26:08I'm going to go in here, right click and make a new file.
26:12Now I want to just find these ones.
26:14Copy these two.
26:16Right click. Copy.
26:18Go down to your file.
26:20Right click.
26:24Put them in there so we've actually got
26:26an actual copy of it.
26:28So leave that there because obviously
26:30we might mess it up.
26:32So that's kind of hid out of the way.
26:34Go over here.
26:36Save it. Now, what we want to do,
26:38we want to turn this into a 3D slab.
26:40I think in AM.
26:42OK. Click on the face.
26:44Go to side view.
26:46Zoom in.
26:48Pull it up a bit.
26:50Work out roughly.
26:52Oh yeah, your feet are in the floor, are they?
26:54Come on, we can't have that.
26:56OK. Now, when you do that,
26:58go here. Edit.
27:00When you go to edit mode, it will automatically
27:02click off your look.
27:04So what you want to do is just go to phases.
27:06Hold the up arrow key left side of the keyboard
27:08and click the faces
27:10on the edge.
27:12Click the faces.
27:14Go back into side view.
27:16Any side, doesn't really matter.
27:18Zoom in. Go down here.
27:22Extrude this down about two.
27:24So it looks like a concrete slab
27:26on the floor.
27:28So when you snap them together,
27:30it's going to snap together perfectly.
27:32OK. Now, what I do with my
27:34slabs, I only do this
27:36because I like to do it.
27:38But you don't have to do this.
27:40I press K on the keyboard.
27:42I go from this point.
27:44Go here.
27:46When it turns red, click that down here.
27:48Click that.
27:50Press enter. You don't have to do this.
27:52I'm doing this so my world
27:54snaps together. Go here.
27:56Come over here.
27:58Make up a big X in the middle of the screen.
28:00And you put you a
28:02center dot right in the center.
28:04How great is that?
28:06That's absolutely perfect
28:08so I can snap all the things together
28:14Oh yes, I'm zoomed in.
28:18if that bothers you,
28:20if this bothers you, go here.
28:22Turn it off. Press K on the keyboard.
28:24Go in the corner.
28:26You don't have to do this part.
28:28I'm just doing this part because
28:30I want to show you how to
28:32draw lines, how to make points,
28:34how to stretch them, how to pull them,
28:36how to get them absolutely
28:40So I'm going to spin this around to the back.
28:42Zoom back out a little bit.
28:44Pull it over. Zoom back out a bit more.
28:46Pull it back over.
28:48I'm only getting close so you can actually
28:50see what I'm doing. I'm pressing K on the
28:52keyboard and I'm drawing
28:54the line, waiting to turn red
28:56and then press left
28:58clicky and then press enter.
29:00Press K on the keyboard.
29:02Waiting to turn red. Clicky.
29:04Waiting to turn red. Clicky.
29:06Press enter.
29:08One more side and then
29:10we're done. And then I'm going to
29:12turn it into something else.
29:14So we're not going to have one
29:16asset. So at the moment we've got
29:18a flat surface.
29:20Just in case we want to do a 2D game.
29:22We've got
29:24a 3D surface just in case we want to
29:26add it into a 3D world.
29:28Or you can add a 2D into there.
29:30It's up to you. And then
29:32I'm going to give you a brand new asset
29:34that you haven't actually got yet.
29:36So once you've done that.
29:38That box now is absolutely
29:40perfectly green. It's actually
29:42better than the original.
29:44So what I'm going to do, I'm going to keep
29:46that one. I'm going to
29:48re-open the
29:50second one.
29:52So this is
29:54that one.
29:56So let's bring
29:58this one back. Because this is a different
30:00box look.
30:02Now of course I can still use the same one if I want to.
30:04But I'm not going to do that. So what I'm going to do
30:06I'm going to go here.
30:08Now this time I'm going to do the exact same thing.
30:10Except I'm going to do something different.
30:12Go in here.
30:14What I'm going to do is click on the edge of that.
30:16I need to basically turn on.
30:18No it's already on.
30:20Click on the edge.
30:22Make sure you're on faces.
30:24Click on the face.
30:26If you can't click the face.
30:28Click off it. Click off it completely.
30:30Make sure it's not going to click off it.
30:32Click the face.
30:34Go back here. Edit.
30:36Click the faces.
30:38Click this face.
30:40Hold it upright. Click this face.
30:42Click this face.
30:44Hold it. Drag it.
30:46Go over here.
30:48Hold it upright. That's on the keyboard.
30:50Click that one.
30:52Go back to side view.
30:54Now we know our box is 4 by 4.
30:56Basically. So what we can do here.
30:581, 2, 3.
31:04Is it 4?
31:061, 2, 3, 4.
31:08It looks slightly bigger than 4.
31:10It could be 5 actually.
31:14Let's just do 4.
31:18If you had snapping turned on.
31:20It would be perfect straight on.
31:22But I can't turn it on.
31:24So go.
31:261, 2, 3, 4.
31:28I can always extrude it.
31:30I can always pull up even further.
31:32Later on.
31:34Go back to the box.
31:36Now if you notice.
31:38Our character is playing inside a cardboard box.
31:40How great is that?
31:42So not only now do we have a
31:44raw asset.
31:46We've also got a box asset.
31:50Of course we can add some sides to that.
31:52We can add these.
31:54I'm not going to do this.
31:56But this is what you can do.
31:58If you want to do this.
32:00I'll have it like a cardboard box.
32:02Basically kind of push these back out.
32:04A little bit like this.
32:06Now it looks like a cardboard box.
32:08Of course you fix the edges.
32:10So it looks perfect.
32:12You kind of get the idea.
32:14I kind of like that little box.
32:16Of course the mouse is not fair for the mouse.
32:18The mouse can't get in there.
32:20Come on Emma.
32:22You've got to play with the mouse as well.
32:24Now if she's inside the box.
32:26We can play animation.
32:28Hide inside the box.
32:30If she's going to hide inside the box.
32:32I'd bring the character back a little bit.
32:34So what I would do here.
32:36I would click on Emma.
32:38This is what I would do.
32:40Click on my character.
32:42I'd go here.
32:44I'd bring her back a little bit.
32:46Not too much.
32:48Just a smidgen.
32:50And then bend her back down.
32:52So if she hides inside the box.
32:54Oh yeah.
32:56Of course you know.
32:58Maybe she's hiding inside the box.
33:00Now that would look great.
33:04Now if you're looking from this point of view.
33:06You can't see her.
33:08If you look down you can't see her.
33:10And that's what kids do.
33:12I think it's great.
33:14But how about if I do one better.
33:16If I bring back this plane.
33:18See this plane that's here.
33:20What I can do.
33:22I can take the plane.
33:24And put it back on top of the box.
33:26Because it all snaps together.
33:28Now of course.
33:30If you hide inside the box.
33:32Now you can't see her.
33:34Because now she's actually inside the box.
33:36I think it's perfectly great.
33:38No I'm not going to do that.
33:40Because this is not the top of the box.
33:42This is a slab.
33:44That connects to the front.
33:46Of the box.
33:48So I think it's perfect.
33:50Now of course.
33:52All I have to do.
33:54Is go around and make the whole entire world.
33:56However I want to make it.
33:58So at the moment.
34:00I've got a map floor tile.
34:02So that's one asset.
34:04We've got a box.
34:06Which is thanks to Blender.
34:08We've now got a box.
34:10Of course you can have whatever colour you want.
34:12So if you want to change the colour of that.
34:14You just go here.
34:16Leave it in live view.
34:18Click here.
34:20Let's say you want the box inside green.
34:22Or let's say you want the slab outside.
34:24Let's say green.
34:26And if you want to make it darker.
34:28Yeah we can do that.
34:30As I said they're all individual pieces.
34:32So you can do with it whatever you want.
34:34As I said you can change the colour.
34:36To whatever you want.
34:38It's entirely up to you.
34:40So I'm going to undo that.
34:42Because I want to keep pink.
34:44Because my world is pink.
34:46My character is pink.
34:48And my world is kind of pink.
34:50So I think it's pink, blue and black.
34:52Basically in certain parts.
34:54Depending on where you are in the world.
34:56I've got quite a few assets for Redman Valley.
34:58If you go and look up the rest of the assets for Redman Valley.
35:00I've got quite a few assets at the moment.
35:02I've got a lot of fire escapes.
35:04I've got climbing frames.
35:06I've got subways.
35:08I've got toilets.
35:10I haven't made the toilet yet.
35:12But I've made the cubicles.
35:14So anyway there's a big pile of assets out there.
35:16If you want to use them.
35:18As I said there's no license, no fees.
35:20Nothing to play.
35:22You just download it.
35:24And then you can do with it whatever you want.
35:26You can put it in a game.
35:28Put it in a render. Put it in a video.
35:30Put it back on the video channel. Talk about it.
35:32Anyway it's up to you.
35:34Whatever you want to do.
35:36If you want to alter, change, twist it, bend it, shape it.
35:38Then of course do that.
35:40The only thing I do ask.
35:42And I want it to be your choice.
35:44Because I want to keep it your choice.
35:46So if you wouldn't mind subscribing.
35:48I would very much appreciate it.
35:50Of course you don't have to do that.
35:52But anyway.
35:54As you say.
35:56Keep it friendly.
35:58Because kids watch the channel.
36:00Kids read the text.
36:02Anyway. See you soon.
