独步逍遥 第457集(720P_HD)

  • 2 days ago


00:09这夜明兽还能免疫地象阵啊 This Night Beast can also be immune to Earthquake?
00:12天龙墓是我族重地,设置了许多地象陷阱,想要平安进入必须要有夜明兽,而且族人们还会相互攻击,有不同的人马来进地。 The Sky Dragon Tomb is an important place in our tribe, and has set up many underground traps. If you want to enter safely, you must have the Night Beast, and the tribes will attack each other.
00:24有不同的人马来进地? There are different people coming in?
00:26没错,我们不死天龙族的八脉传人,都会在不同时间进入禁地取诞。这本就是对传人的考验,所以古代少爷才处处针对我们小姐。 That's right. The Eight Meridians of the Sky Dragon Tribe will all enter the forbidden area at different times. This is a test for the descendants. That's why the ancient young master always targeted our young lady.
00:40如果是哥哥,这些都不是问题了,他还在就好了。 If it were my brother, none of this would be a problem. As long as he's still here.
00:47哼,听你这么一说,天龙族还有高手。 Heh, hearing you say that, the Sky Dragon Tribe has a master.
00:54雪莲姐,那我们是不是应该再挑一挑,才能决定成为谁的贵客? 刚刚有点草率了呀。 Sister Xiao Yan, then should we pick one more to decide who will be our guest? It was a bit hasty just now.
01:02我,我乃天龙族主脉传承人,而且我最先取出了天龙蛋,肯定不弱于其他人的,没有比我更好的选择。 I, I am the successor of the main meridian of the Sky Dragon Tribe, and I was the first to take out the Sky Dragon Egg. I'm definitely not inferior to others, and I don't have a better choice.
01:12你啊,又在捉弄小姑娘。 You're fooling the little girl again.
01:14我是在帮她转换心情,她刚才可都快哭了。 I'm helping her change her mood. She was about to cry just now.
01:19顾小姐,你说是吧? Miss Gu, don't you think so?
01:21谁哭了?我可是谷之云,将来要撑起天龙族的人。 Who's crying? I'm Gu Zhiyun. I'm the one who will support the Sky Dragon Tribe in the future.
01:26有志气,我的眼光向来很好,选择的人从不会差。 You have ambition. I always have good taste, and the person I choose will never be bad.
01:34我不会让你后悔的。 I won't let you regret it.
01:42想哭也没关系。女孩子的眼泪可是会变成珍珠的。 It's okay if you want to cry. A girl's tears will turn into pearls.
01:54金龙就在附近。 The Golden Dragon is nearby.
02:07烧弹壳能召唤金龙? Can a burning shell summon the Golden Dragon?
02:11我们一组体内自带神源火种——荒林火。 We have the Fire of Abyss in our tribe.
02:14若它点燃弹壳,能散发出金龙最熟悉的灵力,一定能引它过来。 If it can emit the most familiar spirit of the Golden Dragon with its burning shell, it will definitely lead it here.
02:20那只乱喷火的金龙可不像是会听话的乖宝宝。 That fire-spitting Golden Dragon doesn't seem like a obedient baby.
02:24你看,它回来了。 Look, it's back.
02:30当初是小姐用荒林火将它召唤出来的,它肯定也熟悉小姐的气息了。 It was Miss Gu who summoned it with the Fire of Abyss. It must have known Miss Gu's scent.
02:36小金龙,来我这里,我带你回家。 Golden Dragon, come to me. I'll take you home.
02:46走! Go!
02:57竟然将禁地寒冰融化了? 难道它喷出的火是荒谷圣火? It actually melted the Ice of Abyss? Could the Fire of Abyss be the Fire of Abyss?
03:04那可是天龙化形后才能在火雷复苏的顶级神元呢。 它的天赋太惊人了。 That's the top god that can resurrect after the Formation of the Dragon. Its talent is amazing.
03:11你们俩清醒点,怕被黑暗星云腐蚀。斩杀它才是最好的解决方法。 You two, wake up. It's the best solution to kill it when it's corrupted by the Dark Clouds.
03:18可是,它也是我们的族人…… But, it's also a member of our tribe.
03:22易云,你有办法吗? Yiyu, do you have any idea?
03:25这小家伙或许还保留一丝神志,不如…… Maybe this little guy still has a bit of his mind. How about...
03:30既然两位美少女都开口了,谁让小爷是宇宙护花使者呢? Since both beautiful girls have spoken, who told you to be the Guardian of the Universe?
04:01这火焰好强! This flame is so strong!
04:10易云! Yiyu!
04:12荒土圣火能融化世界的气…… It can melt the world with the fire of the sacred fire.
04:14她,她竟然能为小姐做到这个地步…… She, she can do this much for the young lady.
04:19这火看起来确实不凡,不过…… This fire does look extraordinary, but...
04:27一盘之火! A plate of fire!
04:31啊! Ah!
04:43小姐! Miss!
04:45太恐怖了!只是鱼波就能溶解寒冰,毁了所有地下陷阱! It's too scary! It's just that the fish wave can melt the ice and destroy all the underground traps!
04:55荒土圣火?还差得远呢! The fire of the sacred fire? It's not even close!
05:00有什么火能比得上你的涅槃之火? What kind of fire can compare to your plate of fire?
05:04竟然能将涅槃之火修炼到顶尖水平,难怪你能打败荒土圣火。 You can even master the plate of fire. No wonder you can defeat the sacred fire.
05:11打败?我可都没用力。 Defeat? I didn't even try.
05:19小意思,还能跨行? You're kidding. You can even transform?
05:22小姐,不好!她去的是禁地方向! Miss, this is bad! She's heading for the forbidden area!
05:26族内的天龙蛋都会在那里诞生,不能让她破坏禁地! The dragon eggs in the tribe will all be born there. We can't let her destroy the forbidden area.
05:30走! Let's go!
05:32雪莲姐,我们可不能落后吧? Miss Xueyan, we can't fall behind.
05:36有谁能追上你的逍遥游呢? Who can catch up with you?
05:50喂,别跑了!马上要撞墙了! Hey, stop running! You're going to hit the wall!
05:55谁骗你吧? Who lied to you?
05:57你!你别过来!你要杀我!我怕我杀了你! You! Don't come any closer! If you want to kill me, I'm afraid I'll burn you!
06:03谁烧谁? Who's going to burn who?
06:07放心,我们是想帮你。 Don't worry, we just want to help you.
06:10是啊,我们是同族。你看,我们有同样的神源,我不会伤害你的。 Yeah, we're from the same tribe. Look, we have the same spirit source. I won't hurt you.
06:26不!只有这股黑暗力量才能保护我!你们都是骗子! No! Only the power of darkness can protect me! You're all liars!
06:39不好,他启动了墓穴里的地象阵! Oh no, he activated the Earth Formation in the tomb!
06:46粉花三千! Three Thousand Flower!
06:53你! You!
06:54你再用一次邪恶力量,我必杀你! If you use the evil power again, I'll kill you!