VeggieTales: Princess and the Popstar (Part One) (Smile)

  • 2 days ago


00:00What did you do?
00:11Don't worry, Bob. This paint is specially formulated for tile.
00:15Actually, now I'm more worried. Why did you paint the tile green?
00:20Well, two reasons. Reason number one, green is my favorite color.
00:25Reason number two, the tile is always greener on the other side of the fence.
00:30That's grass.
00:32Work with me, Bob. Grass don't grow in the kitchen.
00:34Grass doesn't grow in the kitchen.
00:36Yep, and that's why I used paint.
00:38Paint? Grass? AstroTurf? I'm confused.
00:42Well, I was just talking with Madison before the show.
00:46Yeah, over here.
00:49Madison Scott from Ogallala, Nebraska.
00:55Dear Bob and Larry, my friend Taylor has everything.
00:58It isn't fair. Why can't I have what she has?
01:01Your friend, Madison.
01:04That's a good question.
01:05It sure is. We have a...
01:07Okay, Madison. Imagine you're Bob, and I'm your friend Taylor.
01:11You're over there on the yellow tile, but you're thinking,
01:13Wow, that green tile is awesome.
01:15I want to go over there like Larry, who's really Taylor,
01:18but you can't because there's a fence, but no gate.
01:21And because your mom bought you new white pants and you might mess them up.
01:24You see the problem, Madison?
01:27Shh. I'm using an anomaly. She'll figure it out.
01:29You mean analogy, and nobody's going to figure that out.
01:35When you say the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence,
01:38you're saying you'd rather have something different from what you already have.
01:42That's what I said.
01:44I'll tell you what.
01:46I have the perfect story for Madison that might just answer her question.
01:50While she watches, I'll help you mop up the countertop before the paint dries.
01:55Did I mention it was formulated for instant drying?
01:59Oh, man.
02:01Roll film!
02:13I'm a star, yeah, I'm living the sweet life,
02:20But that's not everything, no, no.
02:25From Tulsa to Toledo, I'm a five-star hero.
02:30I can get whatever I ask for,
02:33But it never brings me what I really want.
02:37It's not everything.
02:41You're watching Veggie Meat Television, and that was Vanna Banana's newest hit,
02:46That's Not Everything.
02:48Only Vanna Banana could have everything she wants, and still want more.
02:52Oh, snap!
02:54Are you one of the special peeps who'll catch her sold-out show live this weekend at the Onion Flats Arena?
03:01I'm Rockin' Robin, and I'll see you there!
03:05You won't see me there.
03:07And then I said, no way, and she said, uh-huh, and I said, uh-uh, and she said, no way.
03:12Papaya, you ran into my squeezy fuzzy bunny with your dream Corvette.
03:17That's because she's filled with candy corn and rainbows.
03:19Paprika, Parsley, can't hear my show.
03:22This is our house, too.
03:25Forget it. The only thing around here that's really mine is...
03:30Where's my radio?
03:36No sign of life on Planet Pubbyseed.
03:39Wait, I sent a life form. Hopefully it's friendly.
03:44Pepper, you took my radio again.
03:47Ah! This is alien!
03:50Come up and play with me, Princess.
03:52What's going on?
03:53Dad, he won't come down and give me my radio.
03:58Just pretending.
04:01You need to go easy on your little brother.
04:03But he's always touching my stuff.
04:05He just wants to play with you.
04:07Vanna Banana doesn't have to put up with a grabby little brother,
04:11or a house crammed with people, or...
04:13I'm sure Vanna Banana has plenty of troubles of her own.
04:16Her life's perfect.
04:18How awesome would it be to hear yourself singing on the radio,
04:21be adored by millions of fans, wear fancy clothes,
04:24and be in a cool music video?
04:26God made Vanna to be Vanna, and he made you to be you.
04:30He put your life together just like he wants it to be, Princess.
04:33Well, I wish he put it together more like Vanna Bananas.
04:38What are you doing to my pogo stick?
04:40Turning it into a robo-pogo.
04:42Now you'll really be able to get the fruit down from those high branches.
04:45Here goes nothing.
04:51Yeah, that hops a lot higher.
04:54Loose in the wild, as nature intended.
04:57What are we planting today?
04:59Apples. Could you get the milk and eggs?
05:01Okay, Dad.
05:06What can I do to get away from my annoying brother?
05:10My own space where I'm not always feeling smushed and smothered.
05:14Where can I go to find where I belong?
05:21My life's so crazy, it's more difficult than many others.
05:24If it were different, I'd be free without so many bothers.
05:28Where can I go to find where I belong?
05:35I'll play my music, sing my songs, one day I'll be discovered.
05:38The crowds will cheer, I'll live the life for me that's like no other.
05:42That's what I'll do to find where I belong.
05:5530 minutes until we leave for the music video shoot, sweetheart.
06:01Why aren't you dressed yet?
06:04What on earth is the matter?
06:08Little peas on the prairie?
06:11The little girl, she plays with her sisters.
06:14And their hugs.
06:16And skipping through a meadow.
06:18And a horsey!
06:21And a horsey!
06:25Thank you, Lord, for this food.
06:30Enough is enough, Vanna.
06:32You've got to pull yourself together and get dressed for the video shoot.
06:38Good morning!
06:40Let's make you beautiful.
06:42Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush.
06:44But, horsey, your life is amazing.
06:47Why would you want the one in that little box?
06:50They don't have anything you have.
06:53But they aren't lonely.
06:55How can you be lonely?
06:56At your last birthday parties there were 2,000 fans.
07:01I know how to cheer you up.
07:05Selection of foreign cheeses.
07:06Diamond studded cookie bouquet.
07:07Need help flossing.
07:08Wireless scalp massager.
07:13That's not what I want.
07:15I do music videos instead of playing.
07:18I wear a purse instead of making friends.
07:20What kind of a life is that?
07:22A special superstar life.
07:25But we leave in 20 minutes.
07:30What's so great about being special if it means I'm always alone?
07:34Never can say what I really want.
07:38It's not everything.
07:42Hoobie Scoobie, that girl can sing!
07:46And if you want to meet her, now is your chance to win!
07:51Be the 99th caller and sing me one of Vanna's songs
07:54to win a ticket and backstage pass for this weekend's concert!
08:02You took the head off my pony doll.
08:05He wouldn't fit in my lunchbox.
08:06Out of the way!
08:08Ow, ow, ow, ow!
08:21Oh, there you are, Princess.
08:23Can't talk.
08:24I gotta win a ticket.
08:29Wow, Bubba D, you're our 99th caller.
08:32What's your name?
08:35I'm Princess.
08:37Princess Poppyseed.
08:39Sing me one of Vanna Banana's songs to win!
08:48Move my feet to the beat down in my soul.
08:52Singing for the people, that's how I roll.
08:57Who would guess that a regular girl
09:01could get to sing for the whole wide world?
09:03Who turned on the radio?
09:04That's Princess.
09:07Vanna, Vanna, shouts the crowd.
09:09I'm a radio sweetheart.
09:11A radio sweetheart.
09:15Oh, no!
09:16Oh, no!
09:20Seem to have a bad connection.
09:22Whoopity doggy!
09:24Oh, well, I'm to call 100.
09:29How could you?
09:31I'm so sorry, Princess.
09:33That ticket was important to me.
09:35It was an accident.
09:37I was going to meet Vanna Banana.
09:46Princess, he was only dancing to your song.
09:49He tripped.
09:50I just really wanted to win.
09:54I need to go to the park to sell some pies.
09:57Why don't you come?
10:00Princess, invite Pepper.
10:04Can't you see how bad he feels?
10:09Invite Pepper.
10:16Pepper, you want to come to the park?
10:34I could stand
10:38And face this crowd alone
10:41But to me they only sound like thunder
10:48Look at me
10:51There are millions here who cheer
10:54But I don't really know one single other
11:00The world knows my name
11:03So why do I feel unknown
11:07With all of these crowds
11:10I should not be alone
11:15Is there something somewhere
11:18A special someplace out there
11:26Where I'm not on my own
11:32On my own
11:43Stay nearby, Princess.
11:45I just need to sell a few more pies, then it's back home.
11:52Hi, want a seesaw?
11:54You want to play with me?
11:56Sure, why not? We're about the same size.
11:58Perfect for seesawing.
12:01So you don't have any kids to play with either?
12:04Are you kidding? I've got way too many kids to play with.
12:09Too many?
12:11Vanna! Vanna! Steve! Rusty!
12:14What can we do for you, Mrs. Banana?
12:16Vanna is missing and it's time to shoot our music video.
12:19We are so on it!
12:22Yeah, on it.
12:26And then my brother danced on the phone cord and accidentally hung up.
12:31No way! It wasn't funny at the time.
12:35There he is over there.
12:41It sounds like you have such a fun life.
12:44Are you kidding? Living on a farm? Kids everywhere? Everywhere?
12:49Always out in the sun, smelling like horses?
12:52Horses. I'm telling you, it's not so great when you're never alone.
12:57Oh, never alone.
13:00Wow, that sounds like the exact opposite of my life.
13:06I'm lonely a lot because there are never any kids around.
13:09You should come to my house sometime.
13:12I'd love to.
13:14But I never get to stop working long enough to do anything fun.
13:19Work? But you're a kid.
13:24Who exactly are you?
13:27What would you say if I could get you a backstage pass to that concert?
13:38Over there! That's the unmistakable sound of a Vanna Banana fan!
13:48Shh! I don't want anybody else to know.
13:51So, do you want to come hang out with me backstage?
13:54Of course! But I don't have anything to wear. I can't go dressed like this.
14:00Oh, don't worry about that. I have tons of extra clothes.
14:06I'm wearing Vanna Banana's jacket.
14:10It smells famous.
14:15We look exactly the same.
14:17Exactly is a strong word, but I wonder...
14:28Wow! It's like looking into a mirror.
14:32We are looking into a mirror.
14:34Hey kids, have you seen Vanna Banana around here?
14:38They're here to take me back. I don't want to go back.
14:41What? But you've got the best life in the world. I'd do anything to be you.
14:46Oh yeah? Well, I'd do anything to be...
14:50Wait a second. I wish I were you.
14:53And I wish I were you. And we look exactly the same.
14:57Why don't we give it a try?
14:59You're the Vanna Banana.
15:01Here I am.
15:02Gotcha! The carrot has landed. I repeat, the birdie is back in the cage.
15:08Yeah, birdie.
15:09Whoa! What's going on?
15:11Quickly, get her to the stage.
15:17That was weird.
15:19Come on, Princess. Gotta go.
15:22Well, come on.
15:33You cannot just disappear like that, sweetheart. I was worried sick.
15:39It's time to stop daydreaming and start acting like the superstar.
15:43Now, play!
15:56And now...
16:02And one...
16:09Dude, sing!
16:14Move my feet to the beat down in my soul
16:19Singing for the people, that's how I roll
16:23Ooh, I guess that a regular girl
16:27Could get to sing for the whole wide world
16:31What happened to her voice?
16:34This is a dream come true! I can't believe I'm up here!
16:37I love the microphone and the camera lens
16:41Yes, I do
16:42You know the audience is my best friend
16:46And when the fans call out my name
16:49Hello, can you hear it?
16:51I take the stage and entertain
16:54Yes, I'm here
16:55When they sing along, it's such a rush
16:57So with all this applause, I must be a radio sweetheart
17:01A radio sweetheart
17:14I don't want to meet the president, Mommy. I want to ride the horsey.
17:19Princess, wake up!
17:22What? Princess?
17:25Good morning!
17:28What is that wonderful smell?
17:31What do you think?
17:32Family breakfast
17:34Family breakfast!
17:37Will you pick those socks up off the ground, please?
17:40Be careful, I'm coming through
17:42Can I have some fruit?
17:44Something smells delicious
17:46Morning, Princess!
17:48I got it! I got it!
17:50Oh, morning, Princess
17:52What have you got?
17:53A homing device for the robo
17:55A homing device for the robo-pogo?
18:04Guess I need to teach it to use the door
18:06Better go get my wall fixing tools
18:08Hurry up, children. We all have our chores to do
18:13What's this?
18:15What do you think it is?
18:16Breakfast pie
18:17Your favorite?
18:19It's perfect
18:22Hold on
18:23We haven't said grace
18:25Oh, sorry
18:27Thank you, God, for this food
18:32Oh, it's so sweet
18:35It's just like little peas on the prairie
18:44I need more bread
18:45Has anybody seen my basket of milk, please?
18:48No, honey, me neither
18:49No, I did not think you could do this
18:58Good morning!
19:01What's happening?
19:03Who are you?
19:05Save your voice
19:06Three different outfits to try on this morning
19:08And we've infused your eggs with all the nutrients you'll need for an energetic day
19:11I scraped the bums off your toes
19:13Dress number two
19:21Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, hairbrush
19:23Brush, brush, brush, brush, floss, fritz
19:28You leave for rehearsal in two minutes?
19:29The band is waiting on you
19:31Looks like you're done here
19:32Good morning!
19:37What a way to wake up
19:41La, la, la, la, la, la, la
19:44Uh, sounds like you are getting sick
19:48La, la, la, la, la, la, la
19:50La, la, la, la, la, laaaaaaa
19:56Oh, third pair today
19:58Vanna, what's the matter?
20:00Nothing's the matter, just a little nervous
20:03Let's do it again
20:04Uh, okay
20:05After the pianoman fixes his glasses
20:08And buys some earplugs
20:11I don't need the piano
20:12I'll just sing an acapelco
20:15It's acapella
20:17Vanna, you are not yourself this morning.
20:21What? Who else would I be?
20:23I mean, it'd be impossible for me to trade places with some other girl.
20:31Vanna, if the performance is as bad as your rehearsal, this tour will be over.
20:37We've both worked too hard to lose everything now.
20:41I don't want to lose everything.
20:43Vanna, you must decide right here and now to put aside this foolishness
20:48and do whatever it takes to be the superstar you were made to be.
20:52Whatever it takes?
20:54Are you ready to do that?
21:00I'm ready.
21:03Got my fancy outfit on
21:07While I sing my favorite song
21:10Yeah, I'm living the high life
21:13But that's not everything
21:21My dinner's one huge chocolate bar
21:25Diamonds and jet planes, I'm a star
21:29Yeah, I'm living the sweet life
21:32But that's not everything
21:35I gotta get lazy.
21:37From Tulsa to Toledo, I'm a pop star hero
21:41I can get whatever I ask for
21:44But it never brings me what I really want
21:48It's not everything
21:52How hard could this be?
22:03It's not everything
22:08Look at my fancy mansion home
22:13Yet I live here all alone
22:16Yeah, I've got everything that my money can buy
22:19But that's not everything
22:23That's not everything
22:28Good night, Princess.
22:30Good night, Pepper.
22:33Pepper, what are you doing up?
22:35Best day ever!
22:38I've enjoyed seeing you be so kind to Pepper today.
22:41It's almost like you even like him.
22:44He's a great little brother.
22:46So you don't want a life like Vanna Bananas anymore?
22:49I guess not.
22:51I'm glad.
22:52You know, the Bible says you are so special to God
22:56that if you tried to count every time he ever thought about you
23:00it would be like trying to count every single grain of sand
23:05in the whole wide world.
23:07Wow, that's a lot.
23:10It is a lot.
23:12God thinks about you all the time, Princess.
23:15And do you know what he thinks?
23:18He thinks you're really, really great.
23:22And so do I.
23:25Let's say our prayers.
23:28God, we are grateful for the life that you have given us.
23:33Even when it's tough, we know that you made us special
23:37and you put us right where you wanted us.
23:40Even when it's tough?
23:42Princess, God uses the good times and the tough times
23:46to make us who he wants us to be.
23:49Every life has both.
23:51Every life has both.
23:54Good night, my sweet girl.
23:56You grow up so fast.
23:59But you'll always be my little princess.
24:14Good night, sweetie.
24:16Oh no, she has run away again!
24:19I'm over here.
24:21Oh, you're sleeping in a dresser drawer?
24:25The bed's too big.
24:27This just feels more like home.
24:31Vanna, I appreciate you working so hard today.
24:36But I cannot help feeling something about you has changed.
24:40No, no it hasn't.
24:42I promise I'll be back to myself in no time.
24:46I've never heard this song.
24:48When did you write it?
24:50I... I don't remember.
24:55You've never hidden one of your songs from me before.
24:58Would you mind singing it for me?
25:04I could stand
25:08And face this crowd alone
25:11But to me they only sound like thunder
25:18Look at me
25:22There are millions here who cheer
25:25But I don't really know one single other
25:31The world knows my name
25:34So why do I feel unknown
25:38With all of these crowds
25:41I should not be alone
25:48I did not know
25:50Didn't know what?
25:52I thought being a superstar made you feel special.
25:56I did not know it made you feel alone.
25:59It is good that I know this, Vanna.
26:02It gives me much to think about.
26:05Good night, sweetheart.
26:07Good night.
26:12Well, that's all the time we have for today, kids.
26:15Always remember, God made you special.
26:18And he loves you very much.
27:07Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
