Flash vows part 2

  • yesterday


00:00Anything stand in the way of you adopting Sarah, I promise.
00:10Do we have a deal?
00:13All you have to do is sign away your rights and Sarah gets the loving home she deserves.
00:20She's all yours.
00:26Just make sure this check clears.
00:41If they adopt this kid together, it'll ruin everything.
00:45I won't let her take Robert away from me.
01:00Doctor, my wife's been in a car accident.
01:10Allison Miller, where is she?
01:12She's being prepped for a surgery, Mr. Johnson.
01:14We have our best team working on her.
01:23Allison, my love, I know you can hear me.
01:31I need you to fight, to come back to me.
01:36I can't imagine my life without you.
01:39Wow, isn't this sweet?
01:41A devoted husband keeping vigil by his wife's side.
01:45Who are you?
01:50I'm the one you should be with, Robert, not her.
01:54After all, you did sleep with me five years ago.
01:59Marry me, Robert, or I will tell everyone about our tricks.
02:05Enough. Leave now before I have security called and you're thrown out.
02:28Robert, you two have similar eyes.
02:35Actually, the resemblance is quite remarkable.
02:48I have some news about Allison's condition.
02:52The accident caused significant trauma to her abdomen and I'm afraid it's unlikely she'll be able to have children in the future.
03:01I'm sorry.
03:11Let's go over here.
03:15Allison, can you hear me?
03:22Allison, can you hear me?
03:26You! You need to divorce him. You're supposed to be with me.
03:31When are we getting married, Robert?
03:33Never, psycho.
03:37You just confirmed she was in your hometown five years ago.
03:43First try, Cynthia.
03:45I was just informed you were in your hometown five years ago, not at the Crown Hotel.
03:49This whole thing was a poorly executed scam.
03:51I don't know what you're talking about.
03:52Get out, or I'll have you arrested for fraud and extortion.
04:01Scum of a bitch! You couldn't handle one simple task?
04:05I'm sorry, Jude. I tried.
04:07Get out of my face before I make you regret ever crossing me.
04:11What is this mean? Difficulty conceiving in the future?
04:14It appears that you suffered some damage during a previous childbirth.
04:19It may make it harder for you to get pregnant again.
04:24I've never given birth before. You're mistaken.
04:27Allison, there's something that I should have told you.
04:31You did give birth, Allison.
04:34Five years ago.
04:37To a baby girl.
04:43I'm sorry.
04:45I'm sorry.
04:47I'm sorry.
04:49I'm sorry.
04:51I'm sorry.
04:53I'm sorry.
04:56Wait, a little girl?
05:00Where is she? What happened to her?
05:04We put her up for adoption.
05:06Your mom thought that it would be for the best.
05:11Wait, you guys gave her away without telling me?
05:18I'm going to find her. I'm going to bring her home.
05:22Allison, I think that you should consider how this might affect Robert and your marriage.
05:31Why should Robert have to bear the burden of my past?
05:35No, it's not fair to him.
05:39I think we should get a divorce.
05:57There's something I need to tell you, and it's...
06:02It's going to change everything.
06:10Whatever it is, we'll face it together.
06:14I love you, no matter what.
06:16I love you.
06:21I have a daughter.
06:25A little girl.
06:27That I gave birth to five years ago.
06:36I didn't know about her until now.
06:39My family, they...
06:42They gave her away without telling me.
06:46I'm going to find her.
06:49Robert, I'm going to bring her home.
06:53And if you can't handle that, then...
06:58I think we should get a divorce.
07:07I made a vow to stand by you no matter what.
07:12And finding your daughter is what you need to do.
07:16Then I'll be right by your side.
07:20No, you don't have to do that. This is just a contract marriage.
07:23I do.
07:25I see a future where we raise Sarah and your daughter together.
07:31Where we grow old, side by side.
07:34I want that more than anything.
07:37I want that too.
07:46I love you.
07:57Allison! Hi!
07:59It's so good to see you.
08:01Sarah and I were just having a little playtime.
08:03I see that. Looks like you guys are having a great time.
08:07You know, I was thinking.
08:09If you and Robert have children of your own, do you think that you'll still have time for Sarah?
08:16It appears that you suffered some damage during a previous childbirth.
08:21It may make it harder for you to get pregnant again.
08:26Actually, Allison and I may not be able to have children of our own.
08:31What do you mean, dear?
08:33I had some medical tests done and...
08:36Can't find the children.
08:40I can't believe that you didn't tell me about this.
08:44Is it true?
08:46It's okay. Don't show it.
08:49Sarah is more than enough for us.
08:59I just can't believe it.
09:02You're infertile.
09:06I just can't wrap my mind around this.
09:10Robert, you've always wanted children of your own.
09:14I know, Aunt Sheila, but he's been handling it really well.
09:19Well, that's my Robert.
09:30Robert, about the medical report.
09:34Are you really infertile?
09:37Yeah, the doctor confirmed it.
09:41It just seems like such a coincidence, doesn't it?
09:45Especially when I'm dealing with my own... issues.
09:51That seems strange, right?
09:57But life works in mysterious ways.
10:00Maybe this is the universe's way of telling us that we're good for each other.
10:11Yeah, you're right.
10:14We have each other. We have Sarah.
10:19We don't need anything else.
10:31Mommy, Daddy, I'm hungry!
10:37I guess we should go.
10:43Hey, I'm the broccoli boy! I'm gonna go after you!
10:47I'm gonna eat you!
10:52This looks amazing!
10:55I wanted to make something special for my two favorite people.
11:01What's wrong?
11:05I'm allergic!
11:07I don't know why that happens.
11:09Maybe we should go to the hospital.
11:11No, no.
11:13You're gonna take this pill and put it in water, okay?
11:17Here we go.
11:23God, I'm so sorry.
11:26God, I'm so sorry, Sarah. I had no idea.
11:29No, it's okay, Allison. You couldn't have known.
11:32She's safe now.
11:36You feel like mushrooms?
11:38Not really, my turn.
11:42Feeling better?
12:02Allison Miller?
12:04Never thought I'd see you again.
12:09I knew you were never my biggest fan,
12:12but I truly believe that Robert and I were meant to be together.
12:15Oh, June, let's cut to the chase, shall we?
12:18I never thought that you were right for Robert.
12:21Sure, he was infatuated with you once,
12:25but based on my observations,
12:27you don't have nearly the amount of talent
12:29that he thought you once had.
12:31How can you say that?
12:33Robert loved me for my skills and creativity.
12:35I'm warning you, June.
12:37Do not mess with this marriage,
12:40especially now that Robert has found true love.
12:44You think Allison is so perfect?
12:46Well, let me tell you something, Sheila.
12:48Your precious Allison
12:50has been hiding something from all of you.
12:52What are you talking about?
12:53Allison gave birth to a child years ago
12:56before she met Robert,
12:58and now she's been told she can't have any more kids.
13:00How do you think Robert will feel
13:02when he finds out his perfect wife has been lying to him?
13:18How could you give up your chance
13:20to have children on your own
13:21and all for Allison?
13:23You faked that fertility test too, didn't you?
13:27Mom, Allison is my wife.
13:30I love her.
13:32I've made my choice.
13:34And Sarah is our daughter.
13:36That's all that matters.
13:38But what about your future?
13:40What about your legacy?
14:08Come on, Allison. Pick up.
14:12Something's wrong.
14:14She should have been home by now.
14:38Hello, Allison.
14:39Hello, Allison.
14:42Remember me?
14:44The man you were supposed to marry?
14:48What are you talking about?
14:50I don't know who you are.
14:52You're a liar, Allison.
14:54You were meant to be mine,
14:56and then he betrayed me.
14:58Ran off.
15:00That rich, pretty boy.
15:04I don't know what you're talking about.
15:06Let me go!
15:12You're not going anywhere.
15:16You can see out.
15:19You're gonna be my new wife.
15:21Jason, do something.
15:23She's still not answering.
15:25I'll hack into the city surveillance system.
15:27See if I can track her movements.
15:33Hold on, Allison.
15:35I'm coming for you.
15:39You know,
15:41I've been watching you.
15:44Seeing you play house
15:46with that rich bastard
15:49will make you sick.
15:55You're Bob Johnson, the guy
15:58who responded to my ad.
16:05Look, you don't have to do this, okay?
16:07We can...
16:08We can talk about it.
16:12It's over.
16:14You're mine, Allison.
16:17All mine.
16:19And if I can't have you,
16:23I don't think anybody can.
16:28Boss, I've got a name.
16:30The man who took Allison,
16:32it's Bob Johnson.
16:34Bob Johnson?
16:36That's the guy Allison was supposed
16:37to be with.
16:40You're so
16:47I've been waiting a long time
16:49for this moment.
16:54And now,
16:57I'm going to make you mine
17:01No, please!
17:08Please don't!
17:15That's enough, Bob.
17:38Robert, be careful!
17:40I can't!
17:44Robert, stop!
17:53Allison, are you okay?
17:55It's okay.
17:56I'm here, I'm here.
17:58You're safe now.
18:07You're safe.
18:19what is this place?
18:26is my home.
18:28Our home.
18:30Wait, I'm sorry,
18:31I don't understand.
18:32I thought
18:33you were just an employee.
18:35I need to tell you the truth.
18:38I'm not an employee
18:40at MJ Group.
18:43I'm the CEO.
18:45Wait, so you've been lying
18:47to me this whole time?
18:53Allison, when I
18:55first saw you
18:56at the coffee shop,
18:58I was captivated.
19:00You were so beautiful.
19:02You were so beautiful.
19:04So special.
19:06I fell for you instantly.
19:09I wanted
19:10to tell you sooner, I did.
19:12But you sat down before
19:14I had the chance.
19:15Why didn't you just trust me enough
19:16to tell me the truth?
19:19Because I was afraid.
19:22I know
19:23I should have told you sooner
19:24and I am sorry for that.
19:27I just wanted you to love me
19:29for who I am.
19:34I love you for your heart,
19:37not your bank account, okay?
19:39You should have known that.
19:42I love you for everything
19:43that you are.
19:45You're never gonna lose me.
19:58I am so happy
19:59that you're safe.
20:00Sheila, I'm so happy
20:01you're here.
20:03Yeah, a couple of good things.
20:06Sheila is
20:07my mom,
20:08not my aunt.
20:10And Peter
20:11is my brother.
20:14Well, I am so happy
20:15to meet you guys as
20:17Rumford's family.
20:21I realize that you've been
20:22through a lot.
20:28But we need to have
20:29a conversation
20:31about MJ Group.
20:35With a company this large,
20:37it is essential
20:39that we have an heir.
20:54Robert, if you continue
20:55to prioritize
20:57this marriage
20:58for your family,
20:59I simply cannot support it.
21:04I cannot accept
21:05Allison as your wife.
21:14Look, I understand
21:15where she's coming from.
21:17I mean, she just wants
21:18what's best for you
21:19and the company.
21:31I need you to start preparing
21:32to take over as the heir
21:33of the MJ Group.
21:36Are you seriously giving up
21:37your birthright?
21:38Your legacy?
21:40For Allison,
21:41she means everything to me.
21:43I won't let anything
21:44come between us,
21:45not even the company.
21:47I hope you know
21:48what you're doing, brother.
21:50It's a huge sacrifice.
21:54Okay, we're going to
21:55have so much fun today.
21:58come here,
21:59I want to show you something.
22:00Okay, I want you to
22:01go play outside
22:02and I'll go meet you
22:03in a second.
22:04Okay, have fun.
22:10always had
22:11such a kind heart,
22:12even as a little boy.
22:18But the wife
22:19of a wealthy CEO
22:21is not an easy path.
22:26I want to give you something.
22:28This was handed down
22:31through generations
22:33of Johnson's women.
22:45if you truly love him,
22:48you might need to think
22:49about letting him go
22:52so he can fulfill
22:53his destiny
22:54to the MJ Group.
23:26Dear Peter,
23:28transfer of power,
23:29corporate structure,
23:31you're officially the
23:32heir of the MJ Group.
23:33Are you sure about this, Robert?
23:35Once done,
23:36there's no going back.
23:37I've never been more sure
23:38of anything.
23:39Allison is my life.
23:45what have you done?
23:48Allison has already
23:49agreed to leave you
23:50so you can fulfill
23:51your destiny.
23:54She can't
23:57Robert, Robert!
24:08What's wrong?
24:11Are you sick?
24:21Here, this will
24:22settle your stomach.
24:38I can't do this anymore.
24:41I can't be the reason
24:42that you give up everything.
24:46Just promise me
24:47one thing, okay?
24:50Promise me
24:51that you'll let me
24:52keep Sarah, okay?
24:54You can still
24:55have children
24:56with someone else.
24:58I can't do this.
25:01I can't imagine my life
25:02without you.
25:04I love you
25:05more than anything.
25:08But I cannot
25:09be a burden to you.
25:16And this
25:18belongs to you
25:19and your family
25:22and your future wife.
25:24I can't keep it.
25:35Maybe it's better this way
25:37in the dark.
25:40We can't see the pain
25:41in each other's eyes.
25:48I'll never stop loving you,
26:20Here's my resignation.
26:24I guess that's what happens
26:25when you cross
26:26the future CEO's wife.
26:28You should have known better
26:29not to laugh against Jude.
26:37I will pack my things.
26:38It'll be up
26:39by the end of the day.
26:46I know you care
26:47about the company,
26:49but can't you see
26:50how in love Robert and Allison
26:51are with each other?
26:53It's not what should come first.
26:54I don't know what to do.
26:56I want
26:57Robert to be happy.
26:58I do.
26:59But I also want to
27:00ensure the future
27:01of MJ.
27:08Not so fast, Allison.
27:10I know what you're
27:11trying to do.
27:12What are you talking about?
27:13Can't we just walk
27:14out of here with
27:15company property?
27:16I won't let you
27:17get away with it.
27:21Company property?
27:22No, I haven't taken
27:23anything that isn't mine.
27:24Oh, but you have.
27:25And until you return
27:26what you stole,
27:27you're not going anywhere.
27:43This is the necklace
27:44that she stole
27:45from our client,
27:47Adam Rodriguez.
27:49No, Adam gave that
27:50to me for his bad behavior.
27:52I didn't steal it,
27:53I promise.
27:54She's just trying
27:55to cover her tracks.
27:56Once a thief,
27:57always a thief.
27:58You can't trust her.
27:59She's probably been
28:00stealing all along.
28:06What do we have here?
28:08Little Miss Allison
28:09caught stealing red-handed.
28:12Can't say I'm surprised.
28:17Perfect timing.
28:18Allison has just
28:19been caught stealing
28:20from our client.
28:21I trust that you'll
28:22handle this matter
28:25Actually, Jim,
28:26this is all a big
28:28And I have evidence
28:29to prove it.
28:32These are designs
28:33created by Allison,
28:34dated seven years ago.
28:37And these are the designs
28:38June submitted as her own
28:40six years ago.
28:43That is absurd.
28:44Allison must have
28:45stolen them from me.
28:46Things don't lie, Jim.
28:47No, but Allison does lie.
28:48Allison's designs
28:49predate yours.
28:50It's clear that you're
28:51the one who's been stealing,
28:52not her.
28:53This is ridiculous, Jason.
28:54When I have to see
28:55you go to his wedding,
28:56he will pay for your insolence.
28:57I'm afraid that
28:58won't be happening, Jim.
29:10I'm actually glad
29:11each of you are here,
29:12because I have an
29:13important announcement
29:14to make.
29:15Allison and I are married.
29:17She's my wife.
29:18And the future
29:19of MJ Group.
29:23Robert, how could you?
29:24You cruel bastard!
29:26I loved you!
29:27You want to talk to me
29:28about cruelty, June?
29:30You don't know
29:31what cruelty truly is.
29:38She deserved it.
29:40And you, Adam,
29:41don't think you're
29:42getting off so easy.
29:48What are you talking about?
29:49The $50 million
29:50you extorted from me.
29:51Did you really think
29:52you could get away with it?
29:54Blackmail and extortion
29:55are serious crimes.
29:57You'll be in prison
29:58for a long time.
29:59I'd like to see you
30:00in prison.
30:04Adam Rodriguez
30:05and June Davis,
30:06you're under arrest
30:07for attempted murder,
30:08blackmail, and extortion.
30:12Go ahead.
30:13This is ridiculous.
30:16You ruined everything,
30:17you little faggot!
30:23Oh my God,
30:24I'm so sorry, June.
30:25Someone call an ambulance.
30:38I'm sorry, June.
30:39I'm sorry.
30:40I'm sorry.
30:41I'm sorry.
30:42I'm sorry.
30:51What happened?
30:53You fell, dear.
30:55But you're going to be okay.
31:01Mrs. Johnson,
31:02you're awake.
31:03I have some wonderful
31:04news for you.
31:06You're pregnant.
31:11I'm pregnant?
31:12I'm going to have a baby?
31:16This is amazing!
31:18I can't believe it.
31:21Are you okay?
31:22Meg said something
31:23about a growth.
31:26A growth, yes.
31:28But not the kind
31:29you're thinking of, Robert.
31:38I'm pregnant.
31:40We're going to have a baby.
31:45Our baby?
31:52I love you so much.
31:54You make me the happiest man
31:55in the world.
32:08Hi, everyone.
32:10Allison and I
32:11have some incredible news.
32:15We're expecting a baby.
32:26it's Sarah.
32:27There's been an accident
32:28at the daycare.
32:29What? What happened?
32:30Is she going to be okay?
32:31She's in critical condition
32:32and needs an immediate
32:33blood transfusion.
32:34Her blood type is RH negative.
32:36The hospital is struggling
32:37to find a match.
32:40RH negative.
32:42We can donate the blood.
32:44Let's go to the lab right now.
32:47Oh, my gosh.
32:49Mr. Johnson,
32:51according to the test results,
32:53you're not just
32:54a match for Sarah.
32:58You're a direct relative.
33:08is everything okay?
33:09Is everything okay with Sarah?
33:11Can we talk?
33:16Allison, there's, uh,
33:18something I need to tell you.
33:20About five years ago,
33:22at the Crown Hotel,
33:25I slept with someone I didn't know.
33:29I've heard about it.
33:31I'm sorry.
33:35Five years ago.
33:38It's a night I can't remember.
33:41Do you think it's
33:42possible that we...
33:45There's only one way to find out.
33:58I don't know how to explain this,
33:59but, Mrs. Johnson's,
34:01you're the biological mother.
34:11Sarah's my daughter.
34:13We adopted our own child.
34:17Last time,
34:19she was ours.
34:21A piece of us.
34:34Hey, Allison.
34:36My love.
34:38Even though our journey
34:40started by chance,
34:42with everything we've been through,
34:44I know we're meant to be.
34:47You've loved me
34:51even when I didn't deserve it.
34:55And now I want to ask you,
34:58this time,
35:00will you marry me?
35:02Allison Miller,
35:04will you do me the honor
35:05of becoming my wife?
35:08Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes.
35:10Mom, me and Dad
35:11are getting married again.
35:13That's right, princess.
35:15This time.