• last year
مسلسل حبيبتي من تكون الجزء الثاني الحلقه الاخيره,حبيبتي من تكون الجزء الثاني الحلقه الاخيره,مسلسل حبيبتي من تكون الجزء الثاني,حبيبتي من تكون,مسلسل حبيبتي من تكون الجزء الثاني الحلقه 263,مسلسل حبيبتي من تكون الجزء الثاني مدبلج,حبيبتي من تكون الجزء الثاني,مسلسل هندي,مسلسل تركي,مسلسل كوري,مسلسل حبيبتي من تكون الجزء الثالث الحلقه 29,المسلسل الهندي حبيبتى من تكون الجزء الثاني,مسلسل حبيبتي من تكون الجزء الثاني الحلقه 290,مسلسل صيني ,مسلسل سعودى,مسلسل كروى,مسلسل اماراتى,مسلسل خليجى,بيت العنكبوت, الحلقه الاخيره, الحرام الجزء الرابع الحلقه الاخيره,التفاح الحرام الجزء الثالث الحلقه الاولي من مسلسل التفاح الحرام الجزء السادس,التفاح الممنوع,رامو,دراما,دراما هندية بالعربي
مسلسلات تركية,مسلسل تركي جديد,مسلسل تركي,مسلسلات تركية جديدة,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة,مسلسلات تركية مترجمة,مسلسل تركي مدبلج,مسلسلات تركية 2024,مسلسلات تركية اكشن,مسلسلات تركي,مسلسلات ,اسماء جلال,التفاح الحرام ,مدرسةالروابى,السعودية,احمد عز,ارطوغل,هندى,سعودى ,المتوحش,المؤسس عثمان ,مسلسل تركي جديد,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة,المسلسل التركي,مسلسلات تركية 2024,مسلسل الانتقام,مسلسلات تركية جديدة 2024,مسلسلات تركية اكشن,أفضل مسلسلات تركية,نور الغندور,مسلسلات تركية , مسلسل تركى,مسلسل هندى,مسلسل سعودى,مسلسل كروى,مسلسل اماراتى,مسلسل خليجى,بيت العنكبوت, الحلقه الاخيره,مسلسل , 2024,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة 2024,مسلسل تركي جديد 2024


00:00In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful.
00:30Good morning, Rajat. Are you ready?
00:36I'm ready.
00:37This is the last hearing.
00:39And of course, today the judge will discuss the case of Saeed's custody.
00:42And whatever you want to say, think carefully before you say it.
00:44Because just a wrong word can dampen our position on the case.
00:48You don't worry at all. We will pay attention to everything.
00:51But make sure that Rajat wins in the case of Saeed's custody.
00:54You know very well what Arsh and Amaylou are up to.
00:56He is ready to do anything for this.
00:58Rajat, be careful.
00:59Don't worry. I'll be careful.
01:01I'm just trying to tell you that...
01:28Why did they bring Saeed to court?
01:38They want to draw the attention of the media.
01:40That's why they brought a little girl to court.
01:42I won't have mercy on them today.
01:44Brother, brother, brother.
01:46Please, don't react in court today.
01:49Control yourself.
01:51It's not right, Rajat.
01:52Arsh is doing all this drama on purpose.
01:54Just to make you react now and benefit from this in the case of Saeed's custody.
01:59But don't react.
02:00Otherwise, you will hurt yourself.
02:03Mr. Arsh, today is the last hearing in the case of Mrs. Ashika's custody.
02:07What do you think about the custody?
02:09Today, we are here for the case of the custody.
02:11That's why we are focused on it only.
02:13And also for Saeed.
02:15So, I won't leave her custody to go to a man like this.
02:19A man who is not responsible.
02:21I consider her like my daughter.
02:23And I hope that soon, she will become an important part of my family.
02:29Mr. Arsh, you...
02:30No, no, no. I don't want to ask Rajat. That's enough.
02:33Mrs. Bahram.
02:34Yes, ma'am.
02:35Pay attention to Saeed. He is very nice inside and out.
02:37Come on.
02:38Come on, my daughter.
02:41Come on.
02:42Thank you, thank you, thank you.
02:45Oh, my soul.
02:47Are you ready for a new beginning?
02:49Of course, I am ready.
03:29Enough, ma'am.
03:30You can go wherever you want.
03:31To anyone.
03:32Go away.
03:37Mr. Wadia.
03:39Look, I don't want anything wrong to happen in today's case.
03:42There are some people who are acting.
03:44And I will definitely expose them.
03:52Take her from here.
03:54Come on.
03:55Come on, come on, come on.
04:06How are you, my love?
04:07Baba, where did you go?
04:09Why did my father go there now?
04:11He went there to have an important meeting, my love.
04:14But as soon as he finishes, he will come and see you.
04:18And now, please, aunt, pay attention to her.
04:20You don't worry about it.
04:23I promise you, my love, that I will bring your father to you.
04:30Case 1367.
04:33Mr. Rajat Taqar against Ms. Ashika Taqar.
04:38I am lawyer Sumit Sawant.
04:40And I represent Ms. Ashika Taqar here.
04:43Lawyer Rashad Wadia represents Mr. Rajat Taqar.
05:00Case 1367.
05:04Ms. Ashika Taqar and Mr. Rajat Taqar.
05:07Come forward.
05:22Before I tell you the results,
05:25I have two questions for you.
05:29Before I tell you the results,
05:31I have two questions for you.
05:34My aunt, the nanny.
05:36I want to see my father now.
05:38And I want to go to my grandmother's house too.
05:40And I want to go to my aunt, the angel.
05:43Do you eat biscuits?
05:45They are very tasty.
05:47Do you drink juice?
05:49My aunt, Raja'a.
05:50Call my aunt, the angel, on her mobile.
05:52I want to talk to her.
05:54Okay, my girl.
05:55I will call your aunt, the angel, now.
06:00Ms. Barera?
06:01Yes, ma'am.
06:02Talk to her.
06:04Hello, my aunt, the angel?
06:08My girl?
06:09What's wrong? Why are you upset?
06:11Because I miss you so much.
06:14Where are you?
06:15I'm going to school.
06:17Will you come?
06:18I don't know.
06:20My aunt, the angel, I want to come to you.
06:23Aren't you ready for school?
06:25Where are you?
06:26Aren't you ready for school?
06:28Where are you now?
06:29I don't know, either.
06:31I just came with my mom here.
06:33My aunt, the angel, is with me, too.
06:35My aunt, the angel, where are we?
06:37In court.
06:38In court.
06:42In court?
06:43And my dad is here, too.
06:45But he didn't talk to me at all.
06:47My aunt, the angel, come back to us.
06:50My girl, don't be upset.
06:52I will come to you.
06:53Bad girls don't get upset, right?
06:55Don't be upset and give the phone to your aunt, the angel, please.
07:01Yes, ma'am.
07:02Ma'am, where are you right now?
07:04We are in court, in Bandera.
07:06Today is the last case of Ms. Ashika's divorce.
07:10But why did Ms. Ashika take this child with her to court?
07:16Ms. Barrera, please don't leave me alone.
07:18I'll be right back.
07:26The court has approved your divorce.
07:43But are you both satisfied with all the conditions?
07:46Because according to the conditions you both agreed to,
07:49Gian is going to stay with his mom and Saisha is going to live with her dad.
07:56The court has approved your divorce.
08:08Is this right?
08:09Excuse me.
08:10My client wants custody of his daughter, too.
08:20Your Honor,
08:21we just found out that Sai and Nick are not getting along well.
08:26That's why my client wants you to take custody of Saisha, too,
08:30so that you can take good care of her.
08:33We are preparing the custody papers right now.
08:36And as soon as the papers are ready, I will submit them to the court immediately.
08:39Your Honor, I do not approve.
08:43The objection is rejected.
08:45Rajat, please, please sit down.
08:51Yes, Your Honor.
08:52My client does not want to give Saisha's custody to Ms. Ashika.
08:58Saisha was six months old when Ms. Ashika left her at my client's house.
09:04Since then, Saisha has been living with her dad and grandpa,
09:07and she has had a very good life, too.
09:09Your Honor, this does not change the fact that Ms. Ashika is her mother.
09:16The objection is rejected.
09:20But according to Ms. Ashika, Saisha's dad, grandpa, and grandma are her real family.
09:26Grandma and grandpa raised her and took care of her since she was little.
09:29During this time, Ms. Ashika never came to visit her daughter once,
09:33not even once.
09:34And Jian, who has her custody, has never lived with her in the same house.
09:42He has been in a boarding school in another city for seven years.
09:46And Ms. Ashika does not have time to go see him.
09:50She could not take care of one child, so how can we give her custody to another child?
10:00I object.
10:01The objection is rejected.
10:09Thank you, Your Honor.
10:10And I will also say that she herself decided to leave her daughter with her client and made this decision.
10:15And now, after all these years, she has no right to ask her daughter to be returned from her client.
10:36Ashika, please. Ashika, Ashika, Ashika, wait.
10:38You can't leave me. I can't live without you. I really love you.
10:41I will return you, Razak. Stop this drama.
10:44Arsh is waiting for me. I'm going.
10:48Arsh Gojiral?
10:50Yes, Arsh. Arsh, who is your manager.
10:57You didn't even think about our daughter?
10:59Our daughter is six months old.
11:01I stayed until now just because I was thinking about her.
11:04But not anymore.
11:06I can't hurt myself anymore.
11:08I want my happiness. I have my dreams. I have my goals.
11:11I feel like I'm suffocating and living with you here.
11:14I know very well that I'm a mother.
11:16But before that, I'm a human being.
11:18And because I'm a human being now, I have a lot of right to think about myself and my dreams.
11:24And if the story about our marriage is for me, it ended a long time ago.
11:29Our relationship died a long time ago.
11:31Are you listening to me?
11:33Our relationship is over. It's dead, Rajat.
11:36And that's why the sooner you accept this truth, the better, Rajat.
11:40And this relationship that's been in your eyes all this time, you can forget it.
11:45Because we don't have any love between us.
11:47You understand? There's no love.
11:51But I have dreams and desires too.
11:54I want a name. I want fame. I want a comfortable life, Rajat.
11:59That's why I can't spend my whole life with this relationship.
12:03I'm leaving.
12:04I'm leaving.
12:06And if the story is for the kids, Jiyan will go with me.
12:11He's grown up now, and he understands how life is.
12:13He can't live without me.
12:15And Sai is still young.
12:18You can take care of her.
12:20If you go now, it won't affect her.
12:22When she grows up, I'll explain this to her.
12:24And she'll understand why she made such a decision.
12:29I can't take responsibility for this now.
12:31I'm leaving.
12:32I'm leaving.
12:33And also, sign the prayers and send them to me.
12:44I won't forgive you, Arsh.
12:48I won't forgive you, Ashika.
12:52I'll tell you about Sai's decision in 15 days.
13:03And before that, the court will announce the investigation report.
13:07So we can know who this girl's guardian should go to.
13:11Depending on the situation.
13:14Depending on the situation?
13:16Everything will remain as it is until the decision is made.
13:18Mr. Wadi, this is a game from Arsh.
13:20He sent the Women's Welfare Association and the girl to my house.
13:23Because he wants to take my daughter from me.
13:25This is all a game.
13:26He's doing this on purpose. Tell them this.
13:28Calm down.
13:29Mr. Wadi, solve the problem.
13:31Calm down and tell him everything.
13:33He'll turn against you later.
13:34He'll turn against me, but you...
13:40Sign the final divorce papers.
14:01Sign the final divorce papers.
14:03Sign the final divorce papers.
14:30Rock it.
14:33Rock it.
14:46And she's my Shama.
14:48She brings me good luck.
14:51Our relationship ends here.
14:53Our story is over.
15:03Our story is over.
15:05Our story is over.
15:08Our story is over.
15:12Our story is over.
15:16Our story is over.
15:19Our story is over.
15:24Mr. and Mrs. Talkar, your divorce is over.
15:28From now on, you're not related to each other.
15:33In a year and a half, the police officers have arrested the girl and taken her to jail.
15:40The girl has been found alive.
15:50Mr. Wadia, she's not her daughter anymore.
15:54Do anything you want to do.
15:56I want my daughter's custody.
15:58If anything happens to my daughter, I can't live without her.
16:01I want to get back on my feet. Do you understand?
16:05I have to win at any cost.
16:12Today we learned about the long-awaited divorce.
16:15The CEO of RT, Rajat Thakar,
16:18and his best friend, Arsh Gujral, the famous Ashika,
16:22have been divorced.
16:25I'm so happy for you, my love.
16:27From now on, you're mine and only mine.
16:32That's strange. How did I lose her?
16:36Did you say something?
16:38No, no, nothing. I didn't say anything.
16:41Sai! Sai! Sai! Sai! My love!
16:46Your mother is very happy today.
16:50Mrs. Barrera, you can go home and take Sai with you in the other car.
16:54I'll see you there, okay?
16:57Why can't Sai come with us in our car?
17:01Because we're not going home.
17:04We have to celebrate your victory today.
17:07By the way, I've planned a very nice surprise for you. Come on.
17:13My love, we'll meet at home, okay?
17:16Mrs. Barrera, take me home.
17:18Come on, my dear.
17:20Shall we go?
17:23Come on, tell me what the surprise is.
17:25Be patient, my love. You'll find out soon.
17:29Mrs. Barrera, where's Mom?
17:31I want to see Dad.
17:34My love, your mother told us to go home, right? Let's go.
17:38But Mrs. Barrera, you're coming here, right?
17:41Yes, but we have to go home now, right?
17:45Come on.
17:48Just wait a little, my love.
17:58Rajan, try to understand.
18:02A car?
18:04Look at this.
18:11This will be the happiest day of my life.
18:15Because on this day, I'll be able to officially take the most beautiful and special thing from Rajan.
18:24This is a celebration of my victory.
18:28And Rajan's as well.
18:33So you're happy today because you defeated Rajan?
18:37Not because you're free and we can officially be together?
18:41My love, try to understand.
18:44Defeating Rajan today means you're free.
18:46And I'm very happy because of it. Very happy.
18:49Come on, we have to celebrate today. Come on.
18:52Come with me.
18:53Let's go.
18:58My angel uncle!
19:04My daughter?
19:07Why are you crying? I came to you now.
19:11I missed you, my angel uncle.
19:14Why? You're very late.
19:16I'm sorry, my daughter. I was in a hurry.
19:19And I missed you a lot too.
19:22Okay, where's your mother?
19:23My mother left to meet us.
19:25Left? Where did she go?
19:27Uh, madam.
19:28She didn't tell me, but she told me to take the girl home.
19:34Madam Ashika, how can you do that?
19:36My angel uncle, I don't want to go to my mother's house.
19:39I don't want to stay in that house.
19:42I want to stay with you.
19:44Please, my angel uncle, take me home.
19:47Yes, my daughter. I'll take you home soon.
19:51Chocolate too. He misses you a lot.
19:53You want to see chocolate, right?
19:55Take me now to see it.
19:57I don't want to go to that house.
19:59Please, my angel uncle.
20:05Sai, my daughter, be careful.
20:10Dad, take me with you.
20:12I want to stay with you forever.
20:14I'm not comfortable in that house, Dad.
20:17I want to stay with my grandparents too.
20:19I'm not a clever girl, and I promise you that I will never be a bad girl.
20:25I will find food on my own.
20:27Just take me with you.
20:31Please, Dad.
20:33I want to stay with you.
20:35Please, Dad.
20:39Please, Dad.
20:43My daughter, just 15 days.
20:45Then I'll take you with me, and you'll stay with me.
20:53I promise.
20:56You'll stay with me forever, I promise.
20:58Dad, please.
21:10My love, Sai.
21:13Dad is very close.
21:14He will come, my sister.
21:31My daughter?
21:32Don't cry, my love.
21:33Look, I'm here with you.
21:34Don't cry now.
21:39I've never seen such a heartless person.
21:42It's true that he can't take his daughter with him.
21:45But at least he could hold her and calm her down a little.
21:48But this man left without looking at his daughter or anyone else.
21:53I mean, his father's child is like this.
21:55It's hard for someone to have the worst of luck.
21:57I love you.
22:01What does this mean?
22:04She left Sai, and now what?
22:08You mean, my love, Sai will stay with Ms. Ashika?
22:18What's wrong, Mr. Lawyer?
22:20Don't do anything.
22:21This case needs to be solved.
22:24Sai and I can't live apart.
22:27Sai has to come back to my house.
22:28I want my little girl to come back.
22:30If anything happens,
22:31first, that woman took my little girl and left.
22:34She ruined my son Rajat's life,
22:36and now she wants to take Sai away from me as well.
22:40This is a woman's case.
22:42If you love the girl so much, why did you leave her and go?
22:45And why does she need a nurse now?
22:48She can't ruin my family's happiness.
22:51But I won't leave Sai away from me.
22:54If you allow me to do anything,
22:55I want my little girl back.
22:57She's a piece of my heart,
22:59and I can't leave her away from me.
23:01That's why I'll do anything.
23:02Madam Takar, don't be afraid at all.
23:04We still have 15 days.
23:06I'll keep my hand on Sai's shoulder
23:08until you go to your son Rajat.
23:10I was always there for Rajat's divorce,
23:13and I know all the details about them.
23:16We have nothing to do with that woman.
23:18They have nothing to do with this family,
23:20or with Rajat,
23:21or even with Sai.
23:22Mom, mom,
23:23please sit down.
23:24You're going to get tired.
23:25Please sit down.
23:27That's enough.
23:29She ruined Rajat's life,
23:32and now she wants Sai.
23:39My son was always happy.
23:42He was nice to everyone,
23:44and he cared for everyone.
23:46At the time, we didn't have any money,
23:48but we were very happy.
23:55And look at today.
23:59My son isn't as happy as he used to be.
24:05Sheikah's reputation is like a nightmare for our family.
24:09First she took my grandson and left.
24:11Then she ruined Rajat's life,
24:13and now she wants Sai.
24:17My little darling,
24:18she's a piece of my heart.
24:22At least she'll think of me,
24:24and tell me she loves me.
24:26I can't live without my grandson.
24:29I want my grandson with me.
24:32But I won't give up.
24:34The happiness she ruined with her own hands is gone.
24:37I'll make her come back to this house.
24:41And I'll make your life beautiful again.
24:46I'm sure that fate
24:48will bring a suitable mother for my grandson's life.
24:54She'll take care of him,
24:55and she won't let him cry.
24:59I won't go.
25:00I want to stay with you.
25:02You're my angel.
25:03Don't be sad, and don't cry now.
25:05I'm sure that fate
25:07will send a good mother for Sai.
25:10And as soon as you enter his life,
25:13all his sadness and fear
25:16will disappear from his life.
25:18I don't want to go.
25:19I don't want to go.
25:20I don't want to go.
25:26I don't want to go.
25:27I want to stay with you.
25:29Don't cry now,
25:30but I'm here with you.
25:31I'm saying this with confidence.
25:34And you have to remember,
25:37my grandson will have a mother.
25:40You'll make her happy and secure
25:42for the rest of her life.
25:45Don't leave me and go, my angel.
25:47Please, stay with me.
25:49No, my girl, don't cry now.
25:51And there's no need to be sad.
25:53But I can't stay here with you.
25:57I have something beautiful
25:58that I want to give you.
25:59Get it.
26:01Stay here.
26:11whenever you feel like you're missing me,
26:13you can wear this shawl.
26:15Then you'll feel like I'm with you.
26:18And all your fear and sadness will go away.
26:26This shawl has a very nice smell,
26:28just like you.
26:31Do you know something?
26:32You look very nice now,
26:33and you look like a Barbie doll.
26:36You're so sweet, my angel.
26:40I have faith in fate.
26:44My grandson will find his mother,
26:46and love her.
26:49She's not his mother,
26:50but I'm sure she'll love him
26:51and take care of him
26:52more than his real mother.
26:57And she'll be a mother
26:59to my grandson with all her heart.
27:02She'll be his mother.
27:06Fate won't let Sai suffer anymore.
27:09He's only 15 days old,
27:10and his life has to change for the better.
27:16Otherwise, I won't be responsible
27:18for what I do to him.
27:31Sherry, wait!
27:35Mr. Wadia,
27:36we've been together for 15 days.
27:38Do whatever you need to do,
27:40and in whatever way you can.
27:43I want to take care of my daughter.
27:46Do you understand?
27:52Madam, sit down.
27:58Okay, here you go.
28:00Your hands.
28:14The coffee's ready,
28:15and I'm running late.
28:16I have to go.
28:17Drink your coffee.
28:19What is it?
28:21What are you reading?
28:28I'm free, Tali,
28:29if only it had reached us
28:30a while ago.
28:33Because my daughter's life
28:35is full of problems.
28:37If I read this letter,
28:38I'm sure she'll be shocked.
28:41Why does fate always test me?
28:44What did I do wrong?
28:46You don't have to read the letter.
28:49What are you talking about?
28:54We weren't talking about anything.
28:57Just a normal conversation.
28:58Tell me,
28:59how did you get here so early?
29:03I always come at this time.
29:04What's wrong?
29:07Yes, it's time.
29:10I knew you'd come at this time.
29:13That's why I went
29:14to make coffee,
29:16and I made coffee for you.
29:17Here you go.
29:18This coffee is very good.
29:21Are you okay, Dad?
29:22Yes, why?
29:23No, because you know very well
29:25that I drink tea,
29:26not coffee.
29:32Honestly, I was going to make coffee
29:33and make tea for you,
29:34but I made coffee for you
29:35by mistake instead of tea.
29:38I'll drink it.
29:39Okay, I...
29:40No problem, I'll drink it.
29:43What are you doing?
29:44Take it easy, Dad.
29:45What happened to you?
29:46Why did you drink it like that?
29:50What's this letter?
29:51No, no, no.
29:52No, it's nothing.
29:54Show me what it is.
29:55It's nothing.
29:56You were going,
29:58Me too.
29:59Mom and Dad stopped.
30:00You're behaving strangely.
30:01What's this letter?
30:02Show me what's written in it.
30:06Show me, Mom.
30:07Mrs. Ormella?
30:09What did she bring?
30:10Sabi, no.
30:11I'm sorry about this.
30:13Calm down.
30:14Sabi, stop, dear.
30:15Adoption Agency?
30:16What's wrong with you?
30:18Sabi, no.
30:19I'm sorry, Sabi.
30:20I'm sorry.
30:22after our investigation,
30:23we have to tell you
30:25that we cannot accept
30:26your request for adoption.
30:31You're Ormella,
30:32and on top of that,
30:33you and your family
30:34are being accused
30:35of adopting a child.
30:38And because of this,
30:39our agency will not help you
30:40adopt any child.
30:42Because according to our standards,
30:44you are not qualified
30:45to adopt a child.
30:56my daughter Irzan.
30:58Why me?
31:00Is this happening to me, Mom?
31:02No, my daughter.
31:03Fate punished me
31:04by not letting me be a mother.
31:07And I endured it.
31:10And now they also
31:13prevented me from adopting a child.
31:16What? I'm not qualified
31:17to be a mother?
31:18No, Sabi.
31:22Don't say that.
31:23Let's decide.
31:24Who are they?
31:25They will decide
31:26if I'm going to be
31:27a good mother or not.
31:28No, they will decide.
31:29They will decide.
31:30Who allowed them to do this?
31:32Okay, they know me.
31:34They know
31:35how I deal with children
31:36and how much I understand them.
31:39Look at this.
31:41They saw this at first.
31:42They saw it
31:43and they know
31:44how much my students
31:45love me
31:46and how much I love them too.
31:48I dedicated my entire life
31:49to my students.
31:50Okay, if I love my students
31:51this much,
31:53how much will I love my son
31:54and take care of him?
31:55Who will explain this to them?
31:59My son,
32:00who I was going to adopt.
32:02I will take full responsibility
32:03for him and do
32:04everything I can for him.
32:08Now they have a problem
32:09with me being alone.
32:16If I'm alone
32:17or there's someone
32:18living with me,
32:19what does this have to do
32:20with me being a good mother?
32:22People become
32:23my family because of their children.
32:24They don't become like this
32:25because of marriage.
32:27Does marriage
32:28change a person?
32:30No, it doesn't, right?
32:31If I get married again
32:32and put on my wedding dress,
32:33I will learn
32:34how to be a good mother
32:35if my name is
32:36before the word madam.
32:37Will this make me
32:38a better mother?
32:39How will they be able
32:40to judge me
32:41based on a false accusation
32:42like this?
32:43They are saying
32:44that I kidnapped Sai,
32:45but I didn't kidnap Salek.
32:46I saved this child's life.
32:49I spoke out loud
32:50and revealed the truth.
32:51I came back to life
32:52in front of everyone.
32:54I told them,
32:56that this case
32:57has nothing to do with me
32:58and that it was misunderstood
32:59because of the stupidity
33:00of your husband
33:01and his misunderstanding.
33:02I was able to prove
33:03to everyone that I am innocent.
33:05But what did they do to me?
33:07They used this case
33:08against me.
33:11Tell me,
33:13this is what they did, right?
33:15they made a mistake, right?
33:16I can't live happily
33:17at all.
33:18I can't achieve my dreams.
33:19Mr. Eshan wanted this.
33:21What did he want?
33:22For me to become
33:23my own family.
33:24What will happen
33:25to his dreams
33:27if all the young people
33:28refuse me?
33:30Because I can't
33:31become a mother.
33:33The adoption agency
33:34refused me
33:35because I was alone
33:36and because there was
33:37a case against me.
33:39Dad, I don't deserve
33:40to be happy.
33:42I can't live happily.
33:45I mean,
33:46I'm not destined
33:47to live happily.
33:48I can't live happily
33:49at all.
33:55Why does this
33:56keep happening
33:57in my daughter's life?
33:59Why doesn't my daughter
34:00find happiness?
34:02Eshan, stop.
34:03Eshan, stop.
34:05Why are you doing this?
34:08Eshan, calm down.
34:10Eshan, please,
34:11calm down.
34:14Until now,
34:16my daughter was
34:17taking care of us.
34:19And now,
34:20we have to be
34:21her father and mother.
34:23we have to take care of her.
34:24And for this reason,
34:25you have to calm down.
34:27Eshan, please.
34:28I'm dead.
34:29I just want her to be happy.
34:30I know.
34:31I know.
34:33Please calm down.
34:36Yes, Reno.
34:37You take care
34:38of Esha and Savi.
34:39I brought the medicine
34:40and I'll be right back.
34:41Yes, I'll be right back.
34:42Don't take too long.
34:53Come in.
34:56Come in.
35:04Are you okay, Mr. Bawassi?
35:07Yes, Mr. Taqar.
35:08I'm fine.
35:09I know
35:11that in the last two days,
35:12there has been a lot of misunderstanding
35:13between your family and mine.
35:14I mean, my wife and your wife.
35:16Both of them left me
35:17without saying a word.
35:18But with this girl,
35:19you can share
35:20your pain with me.
35:23we are the Gujaratis.
35:24We have an example.
35:26The neighbor before the house.
35:28Mr. Taqar,
35:30my wife and my daughter,
35:33both of them are married.
35:36Savi was ready to accept
35:37the child.
35:41But they refused to accept the child.
35:46this was the last option
35:47for my mother.
35:50You know,
35:52the adoption center said
35:54that she was the only one
35:55who didn't sleep with her husband
35:56and she was accused of kidnapping.
35:58they won't let her adopt a child.
36:00I can understand your pain,
36:01Mr. Bawassi.
36:03Our granddaughter
36:04is still young.
36:06And her grandmother
36:07is afraid of losing her.
36:09I'm worried and I'm very tired.
36:10Mr. Taqar,
36:12sometimes I don't wish
36:14that if we had
36:16a great power,
36:18we would be able
36:19to control these things.
36:20And with this power,
36:21we would be able
36:23to save those we love
36:25from all this pain,
36:26sadness, and tiredness.
36:28Yes, you're right.
36:31it's not going to happen,
36:32right, Mr. Bawassi?
36:34Everything depends on time.
36:36As long as it takes.
36:37We live our lives like this.
36:39But yes,
36:40this time will change eventually.
36:42You'll see.
36:43Everything will be fine.
36:46I'm praying with all my heart
36:48that the pain
36:50will end eventually.
36:54go ahead.
36:56Yes, after you.
37:04Okay, Mr. Taqar.
37:06Good night.
37:07You too.
37:08Good night.
37:20Mr. and Mrs. Taqar,
37:21your divorce case is over.
37:23From now on,
37:24you have nothing to do with each other.
37:28As for Mr. Taqar's
37:30custody decision,
37:31I'll tell you about it
37:32in 15 days.
37:43how could you do this to me?
37:45I'm your husband.
37:47I'm your father.
37:49how could you do this to me?
37:51How could you destroy my family
37:52while I'm working with you
37:53with all my heart
37:54and do whatever you want from me?
37:57How could you leave my wife?
37:59We have a six-month-old baby.
38:01You can't do this.
38:05first, I'm sorry.
38:08I'm sorry.
38:13Not today.
38:18I didn't steal anything from you,
38:19my friend.
38:21I just lightened the burden
38:22on your heart.
38:24And the burden of feeling
38:25that you're a loser
38:26and you can't do anything.
38:29Look, my friend.
38:30Your wife is like
38:32a very expensive car
38:33and you won a lot of money
38:34with it.
38:40you didn't go out
38:41to keep this car.
38:42And forget about
38:43trying to make your dreams come true.
38:46Because you can't
38:47make anyone dream.
38:49I just lightened
38:50the burden on your heart.
38:52That's why you have to
38:53thank me now.
38:55Shabak, Taqar,
38:56why are you so upset with me?
38:58I'm going to keep the baby with you.
39:00And look,
39:01this deal has benefits for you.
39:03I'm going to handle
39:04the expenses
39:05and pay you your salary.
39:07You're going to pay me my salary?
39:09You think I'm going to stay with you?
39:10I don't care about your job anymore.
39:12Listen to me, Arsh.
39:15Black days are going to start.
39:18And you're going to see
39:19what I'm going to do to you.
39:22What you did to me
39:23wasn't right.
39:26No, Taqar.
39:30You shouldn't have
39:31done this to me.
39:33Because you
39:34will always be a loser
39:36because of your stupid behavior.
39:39And because you're
39:40emotional and stupid too.
39:41And because you don't
39:42think with your mind.
39:44You only think with your heart.
39:46That's why your wife
39:48is with me now.
39:51The truth is
39:53I've been
39:54all this time
39:56counting the candles
39:57and their places in her face.
39:59And you...
40:05My character,
40:06your boss,
40:07and your teacher
40:08let me give you this advice.
40:11Go and look for your daughter.
40:14You can handle
40:15the difficulties in your life.
40:18And make sure
40:19she doesn't leave you
40:20and go away again.
40:23It's not going to end here, Arsh.
40:26It's going to start today.
40:31Remember this day
40:34because you'll never forget it.
40:37The day you stole
40:38your family from me.
40:40But I'm going to steal
40:41everything from you.
40:43Make sure, Arsh
40:46that I'll make you
40:47kneel in front of me.
40:52You scared me.
40:54Go and show her
40:55what you can do.
41:10You're the first person
41:11I'm going to tell you
41:12this good news.
41:13Honestly, Vicky
41:14had a baby
41:15and I'm in the hospital now.
41:19I tried to call
41:20Mrs. Isha as well
41:22but she's not answering.
41:24That's why you have to
41:25deliver this good news
41:26to your family.
41:28Yes, auntie.
41:30Here, take this.
41:33I'm going to hold
41:34a very important
41:35naming ceremony
41:36for my grandson
41:37and you have to come.
41:39Come with your fiancé.
41:43I forgot.
41:45I forgot that
41:46after that problem,
41:47Shashank left you
41:48and left before
41:49your engagement.
41:51you have to forget
41:52the marriage
41:53and all that
41:54and if you forget
41:56your son will be
41:57very sad.
41:58Come on.
41:59It's over.
42:00Forget it.
42:01But you have to
42:02remember to tell
42:03your family
42:04about this good news.
42:06Come on.
42:13No problem.
42:15At least,
42:16something happened.
42:18realized his dream.
42:21Maybe happiness
42:22is not meant
42:23to be in my life.
42:29Mrs. Sabri.
42:31I've been trying
42:32to reach you for a while.
42:34I received your message.
42:35No, ma'am, I definitely don't agree with your message at all.
42:39Why did you do this to me?
42:41You know that I'm a self-sufficient girl,
42:44and I'm educated, and I have a decent job, and I make good money.
42:48But why did you do this to me?
42:50How did you feel that I wasn't suitable?
42:52Is there a rule that says that only the married can adopt a child?
42:57Why did you do this to me?
43:00Why did you do this to me?
43:02What? But this claim was a false claim.
43:05There was a misunderstanding.
43:07Before you rejected my request, you had to make sure of this, right?
43:10You had to ask me, right?
43:12Did you ask me about this?
43:14You know very well how much this job means to me.
43:18And you also know that I'm a responsible girl.
43:22How did you allow this to happen to me?
43:26Okay, tell me. I don't have the right to become a mother.
43:29Answer me.
43:32Mrs. Sobria? Hello?
43:36She hung up.
43:44Okay, why does this always happen to me?
43:48Why can't I be a mother at all?
43:58We get hurt when someone takes something we love from us.
44:12Look, Mr. Takkar.
44:15Right now, I can't wait to hear your empty talk, if you'll excuse me.
44:20You were asking me, why is this happening to me?
44:24This question bothers you a lot.
44:27Why is this happening to me?
44:34When someone you don't know comes to you,
44:37and gives you a certificate that you're a good father,
44:40and takes your little daughter from you,
44:42it hurts a lot that you sold your daughter to him.
44:44Do you have an idea?
44:46Do you have an idea of what you feel?
44:48What do you feel at that moment?
44:51You told me in front of everyone that I'm a responsible father.
44:57And those people took my daughter from me and left.
45:02They took my daughter away from me.
45:06Do you know how I feel?
45:14I'm not saying that I'm happy because this mistake happened to me.
45:18And that all of this made you hurt.
45:20But I have to say that everything that a person does,
45:23he gets punished for it after a while.
45:30The good thing is that you're getting punished for what you did.
45:34And right now.
45:37What were they saying?
45:39You don't have the right to adopt a child.
45:43And that means that
45:46you don't deserve to be a mother.
45:53What is this, Savi?
45:55Usually, you're always trying to fight your problems,
45:58but today,
46:00it's like they're looking at your voice.
46:02Because I deserve this.
46:04I deserve to be a mother, and how can you say that I don't deserve this?
46:08I deserve, do you understand?
46:10I deserve to be a mother.
46:15But that I deserve this is not enough.
46:19As long as this happiness is not from my share,
46:24you don't have it.
46:26Maybe in my whole life,
46:28I won't be able to feel that I'm a mother.
46:31I won't live this feeling.
46:35This happiness will never be from my share.
46:45This happiness will never be from my share.
46:48This happiness will never be from my share.
47:14You chose this pain for yourself, Savi.
47:18If you didn't torture me,
47:20fate wouldn't have punished you like this.
47:24The pain I'm going through,
47:27you're going to go through it.
47:40My love, I'm very, very, very happy today.
47:45We should have stayed at the party longer, right?
47:48It was nice.
47:50Anyway, I'm going to drink something.
47:52Do you want to drink with me?
47:54Right now, I just want to fix my leg.
47:56I know, it's really not comfortable at all.
48:02I know.
48:04Every story needs to be done and requires a lot of effort from you.
48:07You end up telling me that it's not comfortable.
48:10Did you say something?
48:12Yes, I was saying that...
48:14How did you find today's appointment?
48:19I mean, I was expecting something else.
48:23But it seems like I'm going to have to do some things on my own.
48:29What happened to you?
48:31You still don't get it?
48:34I know.
48:35I was finally able to get it.
48:43I know.
48:46You don't have anything to tell me right now, do you?
48:50You've been waiting for this for a long time.
48:54Mom, I want to sleep with you in your room.
48:58I can't believe this girl.
49:03Tell me why you haven't slept with me yet?
49:06And why do you want to sleep with me in your room?
49:09My dear, you have your own room, right?
49:11That's why you should sleep in it.
49:14Now you're starting to look suspicious.
49:18He kidnaps kids at night and leaves.
49:20Go to sleep.
49:23What Arsh?
49:24You ruined my mood.
49:26I'm going.
49:27Arsh, wait.
49:30Mrs. Barreira, please take her to her room.
49:33My daughter is sleeping with your aunt today, right?
49:40Mom, mom.
49:41I want to talk to you. It's very important.
49:43My daughter, please.
49:45Give me two minutes.
49:46Your mom is busy right now.
49:48Arsh, listen to what I have to say.
49:51You told me...
49:52No, tomorrow.
49:53I'm very busy. We'll talk tomorrow.
49:55I want to talk to you now.
49:56You can't go like this.
50:00Arsh, I've been waiting for this moment and this day for a long time.
50:06I thought when I got divorced, you would come and ask me.
50:12Mom, I'm very scared. Come on, please.
50:16My daughter, please.
50:17Your mom is busy right now.
50:19Give me two minutes, please.
50:21Mrs. Barreira, take her to her room.
50:24Come on, my daughter.
50:29You promised me before.
50:30You told me that as soon as my divorce was decided, you would marry me.
50:33That's why you can't change your mind now.
50:35What do you mean?
50:36You don't have any patience in you, right?
50:40It hasn't been 24 hours since you got divorced.
50:42And we're talking about getting married again.
50:46And also...
50:48What's wrong?
50:49What's wrong with me?
50:50You have to take care of me now.
50:52So that your relationship with me is right.
50:54Look, listen to me very well.
50:55We have a lot of things we have to think about and study well before we make any decisions.
51:00I wanted to get married and get a wife in this house.
51:02Not a mother to anyone.
51:07And with your daughter here, how are you going to give me time?
51:10Mom, please come.
51:11I'm very scared.
51:13And I'm hungry and I want to sleep.
51:15Get out of here.
51:16Go to your room.
51:18What do you mean by what you're saying?
51:21I didn't want to bring her here.
51:22You forced me to bring her.
51:24Yes, I forced you.
51:26What do you mean?
51:27Can't you see that I lost this thing?
51:29Today, because of this plan of mine, I finally got my son out.
51:32And my revenge is not over yet.
51:33No, it's impossible for it to end.
51:35I'm going to take his daughter away from him.
51:37But I'm never going to accept him as my daughter.
51:39Because he doesn't care at all that I'm raising and taking care of other people's children.
51:46And when he gets out, we can talk about getting married.
51:51And when this case is over?
51:53What do you mean when this case is over?
51:55Haitham, you're going to go and live like an animal.
51:58So that someone can teach this princess that when two adults are talking to each other like now,
52:05she doesn't have to cut them off.
52:07She has to learn manners.
52:08When you have to defend yourself there,
52:10it's time to stop being a coward.
52:13If you wanted to send her there, why did you do all this?
52:17Why did you make me ask him to take her?
52:21Arsh, we could have gotten married right away.
52:23Because I wanted to take revenge on Rajas.
52:29Because I wanted to take everything from Rajas that was precious to him.
52:32First, I stole his wife.
52:35And now I'm going to take his daughter as well.
52:37And what's your problem if we send her to live with us?
52:40Jan is going to live with us.
52:41And she's going to go there.
52:42And I'm going to take care of all the expenses.
52:44Don't worry about me.
52:46And now, can I please go to sleep?
52:48Look at my eyes, they're all swollen.
52:50I'm very tired.
52:54Arsh! Arsh! Listen to me, Arsh! Arsh!
52:58Mom, I'm very scared.
53:01That's enough.
53:02Stop talking. Please.
53:04Please, go to sleep.
53:06Don't worry, I'm very tired.
53:08Mrs. Barreira, please put her on her bed now.
53:16Okay, my daughter.
53:17I'm going to sleep with you in your room today.
53:20Okay, my daughter?
53:21Let's go.
53:23Come on.
53:34My daughter, you have a room for yourself, right?
53:37That's why you should go and sleep in it.
53:39Otherwise, the ghost will come out of here.
53:41It will kidnap the children at night and leave.
53:49Sai, every time you feel like you miss me,
53:52you can give me this tea.
53:54Then you'll feel like I'm with you.
54:16My dear angel.
54:24Come and have breakfast, my son.
54:26Where is Rajat?
54:28He went to the office a long time ago.
54:30To the office?
54:31He had breakfast and left like that?
54:35This boy is not normal.
54:37He left without having breakfast.
54:45Why didn't they tell me?
54:47Madam, when he started working,
54:49I found the pillows you used to sleep on every day.
55:09My dear, this is for you.
55:11My dear, this is for you.
55:19It's very nice.
55:20It's mind-blowing.
55:31What did you just do?
55:36You can't pay attention to her!
55:40You ruined my laptop!
55:42Let me turn it off!
56:00What happened?
56:01What's wrong with your daughter?
56:03Ask her.
56:04What happened, Sai?
56:06Why are you so scared?
56:07My uncle is worried about me.
56:10I'm going home.
56:11I'm going to draw a song.
56:14What did you say?
56:15No, wait.
56:20Which house is this?
56:21Dad's house.
56:22You're not going.
56:23Do you understand?
56:24You're going to stay here in this house.
56:26I'm not going to let your father get close to you at all.
56:29She's going to her father's house.
56:33What are you doing?
56:34Didn't you hear me?
56:36I don't want Barera.
56:46What happened to you, Arsh?
56:48Is this how you talk to your little daughter, Arsh?
56:51What should I do?
56:53What should I do?
56:55That Rajat?
56:56Look at what he was thinking when he was a kid.
56:58I'm going to make it very clear to you.
57:00If anything happens to your daughter,
57:02you should never go back to Rajat's house.
57:05You have to understand this.
57:06Because when the court asks this girl
57:08who she wants to stay with,
57:10there has to be only your name on her lips.
