Girl Wakes Up in a Bunker With Two Strangers forced her to do s*x

  • 22 hours ago
#webseries #actress #hotactress #kissing #bollywood
00:00I want her to respect me the way that she respects you I'm not saying that I
00:06was right okay and I'm sorry
00:12you're sorry I'm sorry I accept your apology
00:22the movie starts in New Orleans where a fashion designer named Michelle is in a
00:31rush to pack a suitcase she leaves behind her keys and diamond ring as she
00:35drives away feeling troubled later that evening while filling her car at a gas
00:39station she notices a suspicious truck parked behind her but ignores it as she
00:44continues her journey Michelle gets a call from her ex-fiance Ben who pleads
00:48for her to return they had fought and she isn't ready to talk frustrated with
00:53his calls she ends the conversation and turns on the radio the news mentions a
00:57power surge causing a blackout in the city just then before she can answer
01:01Ben's call something crashes into her car flipping it off the road Michelle
01:05wakes up in a plain concrete room injured and chained to the wall the
01:09lights flicker and she feels confused and scared she tries to escape her
01:13shackles but can't determine not to be a victim she uses an IV pole to reach her
01:18phone only to find there's no signal suddenly she hears heavy footsteps
01:22approaching covering herself with a blanket she waits for her captor a large
01:27man named Howard enters carrying food and a gun Michelle begs for her life but
01:31he ignores her and adjusts her IV bag Howard says he just wants to keep her
01:35alive and gives her crutches telling her to practice walking when she lies about
01:40her fiance calling the police Howard confidently claims no one is looking for
01:44her and tosses her the key to her chains once he leaves Michelle frees
01:48herself and changes her clothes she tries to open the locked door but finds
01:52it won't budge determined to escape she sharpens the end of her crutch with the
01:56key Michelle then opens the vent in her room setting her shirt on fire to create
02:00smoke and trigger the fire alarm forcing Howard to return ready to fight she
02:05waits by the door to ambush him but Howard grabs her and injects a sedative
02:09into her arm Michelle wakes up in the same room with food waiting for her
02:13Howard admires her spirit but says she should be thankful he found her Michelle
02:18begs for her freedom again but Howard tells her there's nowhere else to go
02:21Howard recounts saving her from the car crash he explains that a potential
02:26nuclear attack occurred but they are safe in his bunker hoping to get on his
02:30good side Michelle thanks him but suggests she needs a hospital this
02:33frustrates Howard who claims the air outside is contaminated and that it
02:37could be a few years before it's safe to go out Michelle wants to call her family
02:42but Howard is convinced that everyone outside is dead the noise from outside
02:46alerts Michelle that someone else is in the bunker with them Howard locks her in
02:50the room again before dealing with the other person hours later Michelle wakes
02:54up to find the door finally open she walks out and sees a hallway filled with
02:58supplies there she meets the other resident Emmett whose arm is injured
03:02Michelle suggests trying to escape with him but Emmett is also convinced that
03:06the air outside is contaminated Howard finds them and explains that the noise
03:11earlier was Emmett knocking over a week's worth of food Howard gives them a
03:15tour of the common area which is stocked with DVDs books and other
03:18entertainment he lays down some rules including a strict no-touch rule Howard
03:24shows Michelle his private room where the only bathroom in the bunker is
03:27located and asks her to take a shower despite Michelle's insistence on privacy
03:32Howard decides to keep watch by the door saying he doesn't trust her yet while
03:37preparing a meal Howard mentioned someone named Megan but only says she is
03:40no longer with them when the power fluctuates Michelle suggests it might be
03:45caused by a car above them Howard insists there is no one above them
03:49seeing that Michelle still doubts him he takes her to the exit where a window
03:53shows the outside world there Michelle sees his decaying pigs which Howard
03:57claims died from the poisoned air Michelle's attention is drawn to Howard's
04:01truck parked across the field her mind replays the moments before the crash and
04:06she becomes convinced it's the same truck that ran her off the road her
04:09suspicions about Howard grow Emmett shares some information about him
04:14revealing that Howard worked on satellites for the military before
04:17moving to the farm where Emmett helped him build the bunker Michelle shares her
04:21theory that Howard purposefully caused the car crash to kidnap her but Emmett
04:25doesn't believe it the day Emmett came into the bunker he saw the explosion
04:29knowing that Howard's theories about the apocalypse were coming true Emmett fought
04:34his way into the bunker to survive injuring his arm in the process Michelle
04:38insists that she heard a car above the bunker earlier but Howard interrupts her
04:42and invites them to dinner at the dining table Michelle feels uneasy wondering if
04:47Howard heard what she said Emmett tries to start a casual conversation which
04:51helps Michelle relax much to Howard's frustration Emmett's jovial mood angers
04:56Howard but he suppresses his irritation simply telling Emmett that he'd prefer
05:00to eat in peace noticing how easily Howard gets annoyed Michelle formulates
05:05a plan she begins focusing her attention on Emmett appearing to flirt with him
05:09Howard becomes visibly jealous and enraged when Michelle touches Emmett's
05:14hand Howard slams the table and corners her accusing her of insulting him Emmett
05:18tries to calm Howard down but is also clearly afraid of him after they sit
05:23back down Michelle discreetly hides keys in her hand having taken them from
05:27Howard suddenly the sound of a car overhead catches everyone's attention
05:31seizing the opportunity Michelle grabs a bottle and smashes it across Howard's
05:36face she scrambles onto the table and heads for the bunkers exit her hands
05:40shake as she unlocks the door Howard clambers up the steps barely reaching
05:44her before she opens the first door and closes it behind her Michelle begins
05:48opening the second door and spots a car outside she starts calling for help
05:52while struggling with the locks suddenly a woman covered in lesions crashes
05:57against the door begging Michelle to let her in Howard orders her not to
06:01finally realizing that Howard may be telling the truth Michelle stops
06:05unlocking the door and asks if they can help the woman the woman begins banging
06:09her head against the door frightened Michelle backs away after the incident
06:14Michelle is confined to the concrete room again Howard confesses that he did
06:18crash her car but insists it was an accident he explains that he knew the
06:22attack was coming after hearing the news and in his panic to return to the bunker
06:26he accidentally caused her crash he offers Michelle a set of Megan's old
06:30clothes to clean up after showering Howard tells her that the woman outside
06:34was a neighbor Leslie who may have known about his bunker he then has Michelle
06:39stitch up the wound she caused on his face later Howard gives Michelle her
06:44belongings from her car and opens up about his estranged daughter Megan who
06:48was taken to Chicago by her mother Emmett also shares that he was once
06:51accepted to Louisiana Tech University for track but fear of failure kept him
06:56from going this prompts Michelle to reveal that she had a brother who
06:59always protected her when their father got mad she recalls a time when she had
07:03the chance to help another girl with an abusive father but got scared and ran
07:07away she regrets her actions but Emmett reassures her that their lives can still
07:12mean something because they are still alive over the next few days the trio
07:16adjusts to life underground enjoying each other's camaraderie one day the
07:21bunker shakes and they hear helicopters flying overhead as the power flickers
07:25Howard speculates that even if it's the military it could be the enemy sweeping
07:30the ground for survivors an alarm sounds there's a blockage in the air
07:34filtration system Howard assigns Michelle to climb into the vents and
07:38restart the system inside the cramped space Michelle struggles but eventually
07:43reaches the mechanical room she restarts the system as Howard instructed and is
07:47relieved to hear it running again then she notices a ladder leading up to a
07:51hatch to the outside on the window she finds scratches that spell help at the
07:56bottom of the ladder she picks up a familiar looking earring later Michelle
08:01shows Emmett the earrings which appear to have blood on them she also shows him
08:04a photo of Megan wearing the same earrings but Emmett recognizes the girl
08:09in the photo as Brittany a girl who went to high school with his sister and went
08:13missing two years ago Michelle tells him about the word help scratched on the
08:17inside of the mechanical room another photo slips out of Howard's book
08:21showing him sitting with Brittany who is wearing the same shirt Michelle is
08:25now wearing Emmett plots to take Howard captive and make him confess what he did
08:29to Brittany Michelle questions who Howard could confess to as there's no
08:33one else around but them Howard interrupts them and tells Michelle to
08:37shower while preparing her shower Michelle stares at the shower curtain
08:40formulating a plan she later shows Emmett a drawing she made on a magazine
08:45convincing him to go along with her plan that night Emmett grabs a pair of
08:49scissors from the kitchen he convinces Howard that Michelle may have
08:52contaminated his bathroom when she showered after fixing the air filtration
08:56system as a precaution Howard disposes of the shower curtain but
09:01Michelle secretly retrieves it using various materials in the bunker
09:05Michelle starts building a hazmat suit so one of them could go outside and find
09:09help while playing a board game Emmett becomes flustered which makes Howard
09:13suspicious later that day Michelle continues working on the hazmat suit
09:18when Howard arrives barely giving her time to hide everything Michelle Howard
09:23and Emmett transfer a barrel from the kitchen to Howard's room Howard explains
09:27that the acid inside can dissolve most biological material including humans
09:31Howard begins interrogating them about his missing tools threatening to dissolve
09:36them in the acid hoping to calm him down Emmett lies saying he took the tools to
09:41make a weapon and that Michelle had nothing to do with it he tells Howard
09:45that he wanted Michelle to respect him the way she respects Howard Emmett
09:48apologizes and Howard appears to accept it then shoots Emmett in the face
09:53Michelle cowers in fear as Howard holds her telling her that Emmett would have
09:57hurt her he asks her to go to her room while he disposes of Emmett's body alone
10:02Michelle mourns Emmett looking at the ID from his wallet when Howard reenters she
10:07notices he has cleaned up and shaved he leaves her a bowl of ice cream Michelle
10:12finds the bus ticket that Emmett was supposed to use to go to the University
10:15not wanting Emmett to have died in vain Michelle decides to carry out the plan
10:19alone she continues working on the hazmat suit until Howard calls her for
10:23dinner she hides the makeshift gas mask in the vent just before Howard enters
10:28however a screw from the vent falls Howard notices and asks why it's loose
10:32then he spots part of the suit sticking out from under her mattress furious he
10:37drags her off the bed revealing the suit beneath it Michelle locks the door
10:42with Howard still inside and searches his room taking a chemical coolant Howard
10:46catches up to her but she kicks the barrel of acid towards him causing him
10:49to stumble gurgling in pain Michelle climbs over him and escapes the acid
10:54ignites a fire in the living room setting off the alarm Michelle quickly
10:58gathers the hazmat suit and mask from her room Howard now half-burnt staggers
11:02toward her she pulls down a shelf to block him and climbs over it to escape
11:06the fire blocks her path to the bunkers main exit so Michelle crawls into the
11:11vent hoping to escape through the hatch in the mechanical room Howard hears her
11:15inside the vent and starts stabbing a knife through it he grabs her ankle but
11:19she kicks until he lets go in the mechanical room Michelle hurriedly puts
11:23on the hazmat suit using duct tape to seal the seams she climbs to the hatch
11:27and uses the chemical coolant to freeze the padlock after several attempts she
11:31breaks it and escapes above ground breathing heavily she looks around for
11:35any sign of life she spots Howard's old truck and climbs inside but she
11:40accidentally rips a tear in her suit fearing contamination she seals the tear
11:44with duct tape as she fixes the suit Michelle notices a flock of birds flying
11:48overhead realizing that if the air were poisoned the birds would be dead she
11:53takes a risk and removes her mask nothing happens relieved Michelle
11:57chuckles but a rumbling sound catches her attention she climbs on top of the
12:01truck and sees an aircraft in the distance hearing movement from the
12:04nearby shed Michelle hides thinking it's Howard instead the bunker explodes
12:09Michelle sees an explosion that catches the attention of a nearby aircraft she
12:13realizes it's an alien ship panicking she runs to a truck to find the keys but
12:18can't she rushes to Leslie's car accidentally setting off the alarm
12:22scared Michelle hides in a shed where she finds Leslie's body she checks
12:26outside and sees a creature coming out of the field frantically Michelle
12:30searches Leslie's body for the car keys as the creature looks into the shed she
12:34finds them and turns off the car alarm distracting the alien Michelle sneaks
12:38out of the shed and runs toward a house the creature chases her but stops when
12:42another noise comes from behind the house an alien ship appears and releases
12:46gas causing an explosion Michelle seals her mask just in time she
12:51runs to the truck but before she can shut the door the creature grabs her
12:55mask she shuts the truck but the alien ship lifts it into the air feeling
12:59hopeless Michelle sees a lighter and gets an idea she finds a bottle of
13:03liquor and makes a Molotov cocktail when the creature opens its mouth again
13:06she throws the firebomb into it the creature explodes and the truck crashes
13:10back to the ground dazed Michelle crawls out of the truck after a moment she gets
13:15into Leslie's car which still works and drives away as she leaves she knocks
13:19down a mailbox with the address 10 Cloverfield on the radio a message tells
13:23survivors to go to Baton Rouge or Houston to help others at a crossroads
13:27Michelle decides to head to Houston to fight and help survivors thanks for
13:32watching don't forget to subscribe see you next time
