
  • 12 hours ago
00:00:00Pretty face, funny hat, that's what my Blondie is.
00:00:24Lovable feet, both flat, that's what my Dagwood is.
00:00:28Blondie's not always right, I let her think she is.
00:00:32All of my thoughts are bright, long as he thinks they're his.
00:00:37Life for us is fun and crazy, baby dumpling.
00:00:40Us and Daisy, what a family.
00:00:43Incredible, bum-steadable, hurry you'll miss your bus.
00:00:47Watch out, you'll burn your stew.
00:00:50Nothing's too much for us, as long as with me there's you.
00:00:54Dagwood and Blondie, Blondie and Dagwood,
00:00:57always with me there's you.
00:01:19Here you are, Daisy.
00:01:27Thank you, Daisy.
00:01:40Good morning, Danny.
00:01:42Good morning.
00:01:46Hey, baby. Baby dumpling.
00:01:51Will you do something for me?
00:01:55Will you do something for me?
00:01:59See if Mother's fixing my lunch to take to the office, but don't tell her I asked, understand? It's a secret.
00:02:14Look, Mommy, I comb my hair.
00:02:16That's a good boy.
00:02:18I'll be good all day too, I hope.
00:02:22Are you fixing Daisy's lunch for the office?
00:02:25Did your father tell you to ask me that?
00:02:32Baby dumpling, do you know what happens when you tell stories?
00:02:38Yes, Mommy.
00:02:45You didn't do nothing wrong, Daisy. Let me sit down.
00:02:52I'm sorry, Mommy.
00:02:56It's hard to be good.
00:02:59Then come along and have your breakfast.
00:03:07Good morning.
00:03:09I thought I'd drop by with the contracts on my way to the office.
00:03:12My husband's here now. He'll be gone in a few minutes. Come back later.
00:03:16Oh, sorry. I'll wait down at the corner.
00:03:19Oh, no. Wait out at the corner. It's safer.
00:03:22Safer? Oh.
00:03:30Blondie! Blondie!
00:03:33Oh, look. One of my blue socks is green.
00:03:36Dagwood, I put two clean pairs in your drawer last night.
00:03:39Why didn't you put on the other pair?
00:03:41Well, the other pair's blue and green too.
00:03:43Now, Dagwood, keep the blue sock on your right foot.
00:03:46Keep the blue sock on your right foot,
00:03:48take the green sock off your left foot,
00:03:50and then put on the other blue one.
00:03:52Yeah, but I got the right sock on the wrong foot already.
00:03:55Now I'm mixed up. Never mind.
00:03:58Oh, thanks.
00:04:00Who was at the door?
00:04:02It was your brother, Gus.
00:04:04Well, I thought it was somebody else.
00:04:11I haven't any brother, Gus.
00:04:13You must know, Mr. Nosy, it was a salesman.
00:04:16Was he selling something?
00:04:18Now, Dagwood, that was a stupid question.
00:04:20I said he was a salesman.
00:04:22I didn't mean that. I meant, were you buying something?
00:04:25Why, whatever gave you that idea?
00:04:27Well, we just finished paying for the furniture,
00:04:29so I thought it was about time you bought something else.
00:04:32You talk as if I sit around all day thinking up things to buy.
00:04:36Maybe it just seems that way.
00:04:39Do you remember what we had
00:04:41when we first moved into this house?
00:04:43Sure, we had each other.
00:04:45What else?
00:04:47No, darling.
00:04:48You came after the dining room furniture.
00:04:50Did the shop bring the furniture, too?
00:04:53Your father seems to think so.
00:04:55He forgets that we have a happy home
00:04:57because I planned and schemed.
00:04:59Now he doesn't want to carry his lunch
00:05:01and save $3 a week.
00:05:05Poor baby.
00:05:06It looks as if he'll have to work his way through college.
00:05:09He will not.
00:05:10No son of mine will work his way through college.
00:05:12He'll go to college just like anybody else,
00:05:14and he won't have to carry his lunch either.
00:05:16I'll go to Harvard.
00:05:18No, dear, Princeton.
00:05:21Of course, if you got your raise.
00:05:24All right, I'm not saying another word.
00:05:28I'm not saying another word.
00:05:31Come here, baby.
00:05:58Come here, baby.
00:06:00Open the door.
00:06:05Stand back, dear.
00:06:06He comes by awfully fast.
00:06:31That was quite a joke.
00:06:32I'm so sorry, Mr. Beasley.
00:06:34Are you hurt?
00:06:35He broke my record.
00:06:36That's the first time he's gotten me in six months.
00:06:39Baby Dumpling, you run along and play with Alvin.
00:06:42I want to stay and take a look.
00:06:45Now, baby, you be a good boy and stay in the backyard.
00:06:47Now go on, run along.
00:06:48Hurry up.
00:06:49Remarkable, nobody was hurt.
00:06:51Oh, we've been doing it for years.
00:06:53Oh, I'll get him, Mrs. Bumstead.
00:06:55Oh, all right.
00:06:56Will you come inside, please?
00:07:05Did he start from upstairs?
00:07:07No, the kitchen.
00:07:09Surprising how much speed he got with such a short start.
00:07:12Will you step in here, please?
00:07:17Mrs. Bumstead, when do you want the new furniture delivered?
00:07:20I must have it tomorrow.
00:07:21I think we can do it.
00:07:22But I must have the furniture moved in while my husband's at work.
00:07:25You see, it's a surprise.
00:07:27It's our wedding anniversary, our fifth.
00:07:30Oh, all right, Mrs. Bumstead.
00:07:31Everything will be taken care of tomorrow afternoon.
00:07:34You have my word for it.
00:07:36Now, if you just sign this contract.
00:07:40This says $880.
00:07:42Well, that's the total.
00:07:43The trade-in value of your old furniture is $360,
00:07:46which brings that amount down to $520.
00:07:52Where does it say how much the payments are?
00:07:54Right there.
00:07:58It'll be a nice surprise for your husband, won't it?
00:08:00I hope so.
00:08:08Now, you're right, Alvin.
00:08:10I like playing with you, Baby Duncan.
00:08:12I like playing with you, too.
00:08:14I like playing with you better than you do with me.
00:08:17You do not.
00:08:18I like to play with you better than you do with me.
00:08:21No, I like better.
00:08:23No, I like better.
00:08:25Don't, don't, don't.
00:08:26Do, do, do.
00:08:34If you hit me, I'll tell your mother and you'll have to sit in the corner.
00:08:38I'll be back.
00:08:43$22.80 a month.
00:08:47Poor Dagwood.
00:08:49Mommy, have you done something wrong?
00:08:52I'm afraid so.
00:08:59What have you done?
00:09:00Nothing yet.
00:09:14In exactly seven seconds, you're going to owe me four bits.
00:09:16But I still think I've got a good bet.
00:09:18Come on, boost it!
00:09:29Attaboy, Dagwood.
00:09:30Well, I didn't know he was traveling light today.
00:09:32He isn't carrying his lunch.
00:09:33Yeah, he forgot his school books, too.
00:09:36He's gone on a diet or his wife's gone on a vacation.
00:09:39My wife hasn't anything to do with it.
00:09:41I'm not like some guys I know who let their wives run them.
00:09:43I only bring my lunch when I want to.
00:09:46And today I didn't want to.
00:09:48Bet he's hiding it under his coat.
00:09:49I am not.
00:09:59Bumstead, I want to see you.
00:10:01Yes, sir.
00:10:03Nelson, you come in, too.
00:10:05Yes, sir.
00:10:08Nelson, what have you done about that Hazlip deal?
00:10:10Well, I've done everything I could, Mr. Dithers, but it's an impossible setup.
00:10:14He hates salesmen.
00:10:15Why, he throws them out as fast as they come in.
00:10:17Did he throw you out?
00:10:18No, sir.
00:10:19That's too bad.
00:10:20Well, you go on declaring a deal.
00:10:22You're going to be able to sell an old lady.
00:10:23I'll sell Hazlip myself.
00:10:25Yes, sir.
00:10:26Mary, get me Mr. Hazlip at the Brinkley Hotel.
00:10:32Yes, sir.
00:10:33You're in trouble again.
00:10:36I mean, sir?
00:10:37Did you endorse a note for Elsie Watson?
00:10:39Oh, that.
00:10:41Gee, I thought you said I was in trouble.
00:10:43She owes that money.
00:10:44You remember Miss Watson, Mr. Dithers.
00:10:46She used to be your secretary.
00:10:48I remember her.
00:10:49I fired her.
00:10:50You did?
00:10:52She told me she quit.
00:10:53Said her mother was sick in Seattle,
00:10:54and she had to go to her right away,
00:10:56and she didn't have the money.
00:10:57And that's the reason I signed the note.
00:11:00Why, she was crying so hard she could hardly talk.
00:11:03You understood her, though, didn't you?
00:11:05Oh, yes.
00:11:06I think that loan company must be a little mixed up about it.
00:11:09You do, eh?
00:11:10Well, one of their men is in your office now waiting for you.
00:11:13You go in there and straighten him out.
00:11:16Yes, sir.
00:11:23Get my wife.
00:11:28Hello, Dovey.
00:11:30Dovey, did you put my lunch in two packages this morning?
00:11:37Mr. Bumstead?
00:11:39I'm Hicks of the Borrowers' Loan Company.
00:11:41Yes, I know.
00:11:42Well, then I'll get right to the point.
00:11:44You endorsed a note for Elsie Watson.
00:11:47Well, she's disappeared, and we're unable to locate her.
00:11:50Well, maybe you haven't looked hard enough.
00:11:53She went to visit her sick mother in Seattle.
00:11:56She has no sick mother in Seattle.
00:11:58I doubt if she has a mother at all.
00:12:00Oh, now, she must have had a mother sometime, somewhere.
00:12:05But as far as the note is concerned, you're responsible.
00:12:07Oh, no, I'm not responsible.
00:12:10Anyone can tell you I'm not responsible.
00:12:12In this case, Mr. Bumstead,
00:12:15In this case, Mr. Bumstead, you are.
00:12:17The amount is $563.80.
00:12:20You guarantee the note.
00:12:21Naturally, we expect you to take care of it immediately.
00:12:24I haven't $563.80.
00:12:28I haven't even 80 cents.
00:12:30You gave us collateral of the furniture at your residence, isn't that right?
00:12:34Of course, our company doesn't want to take that furniture, but...
00:12:37Oh, you can't do that.
00:12:39Well, it so happens that we can, if necessary.
00:12:42No, no, now don't do that, please don't.
00:12:44Just give me a little time and...
00:12:46All right, I give you until tomorrow.
00:12:52I'll see you here at one o'clock.
00:12:54I may be a little late.
00:12:56I'll wait.
00:12:58Yeah, wait, will you?
00:13:13Mr. Morgan.
00:13:16I'd like to get some advice.
00:13:18That's all you'll get.
00:13:20If you owe $563.80 and you had to have it right away, what would you do?
00:13:25Let me get this straight.
00:13:27I owe $563.80.
00:13:30And I'm married.
00:13:32And I don't want my wife to know anything about it.
00:13:35And I work for dithers.
00:13:39And I work for dithers?
00:13:44I'd hang myself.
00:13:52When I dry dishes, I hate myself.
00:13:56So do I.
00:13:58I hate all of them, too.
00:14:00No, you don't.
00:14:02Oh, dear, there goes the bell.
00:14:04See who it is, baby.
00:14:06If anyone's selling anything, tell them we don't want any.
00:14:09Yes, ma'am.
00:14:20We don't want any.
00:14:22You like a cherry pie?
00:14:24Yes, sir.
00:14:25And your papa like a cherry pie?
00:14:32Yes, dear?
00:14:33Does daddy like cherry pie?
00:14:36Daddy likes any kind of pie.
00:14:41Come in.
00:14:48I happen to know Mr. Haislip is stopping there.
00:14:51I've called five times.
00:14:53We'll leave another message.
00:14:59Ah, Bumstead, I'm glad you came in.
00:15:02You can help me solve a problem.
00:15:04Yes, sir?
00:15:05When you were in here, did you leave your lunch?
00:15:07I guess so.
00:15:08You'll probably need it.
00:15:10But I need a raise worse, Mr. Dithers.
00:15:12Yes, I know you needed one last week.
00:15:14Yes, sir, but I need it worse this week than I did last week.
00:15:17You see, tomorrow's my wedding anniversary,
00:15:19and I made up my mind to surprise Blondie.
00:15:21Bumstead, I don't know anything about your home life,
00:15:23but I imagine Blondie has one surprise after another.
00:15:26Yes, but she never had a surprise like this if I don't get a raise.
00:15:30It isn't worth any more than you're getting.
00:15:32Mr. Dithers, I could sell if you'd give me a chance.
00:15:35I'm a born salesman. I'm aggressive.
00:15:38You mean impulsive.
00:15:39Yes, sir, and I have charm, too.
00:15:42All I need is an opportunity,
00:15:44and you'll just have to give it to me, Mr. Dithers.
00:15:46Tomorrow's our wedding anniversary,
00:15:48and unless I take home some news to Blondie, I...
00:15:51Listen, Bumstead, quit beating about the bush.
00:15:53You're in trouble, aren't you?
00:15:55Yes, sir.
00:15:57You wouldn't think I could get into so much trouble.
00:15:59I wouldn't think anybody could.
00:16:01You know, if Blondie finds out about that note I endorsed,
00:16:03it'll be pretty hard to explain.
00:16:05Hard? It'll be impossible.
00:16:08I'd just have to get a hold of $563.80.
00:16:13Bumstead, I'm going to give you a chance.
00:16:17You know that Hazelip deal?
00:16:18That's a $200,000 proposition.
00:16:20Hazelip's stopping at the Brinkley.
00:16:21If you sell him, I'll promote you to the sales force,
00:16:24give you a $10 raise and a bonus of $600,
00:16:27which will cover that note.
00:16:29Thank you, Mr. Dithers. I appreciate this.
00:16:31And I'll show you I'm worthy.
00:16:33You've saved my honor and my furniture.
00:16:36Now you're talking like a man.
00:16:39Yes, sir.
00:16:40I've always known I had it in me.
00:16:42Just never let it come out before.
00:16:44But from now on, I'll prove to you I have courage.
00:16:47These cheese sandwiches have been making a mouse out of me.
00:16:58Mary, get my wife on the phone.
00:17:04Blondie, we've just gotten out of a lot of trouble that you never knew about.
00:17:08I've been a sap, but I've changed all of a sudden.
00:17:11From now on, you're going to be proud of me.
00:17:13I'm going to do big things.
00:17:15Baby Dumplin, you're going to Harvard.
00:17:18I'm going to be a doctor.
00:17:20I'm going to be a doctor.
00:17:22I'm going to be a doctor.
00:17:24I'm going to be a doctor.
00:17:28Oh, I thought you said something.
00:17:31Mrs. Buttle?
00:17:34Make Alvin come over and play with me.
00:17:37Why, of course. Run along and play, dear.
00:17:39I don't want to.
00:17:41Why, Alvin, is that nice?
00:17:44Mrs. Buttle?
00:17:46Now run along and play, dear. Go along.
00:17:48I have something for you.
00:17:50Would you like a nice box of cherries?
00:17:52Oh, you're sure you don't need them?
00:17:54Oh, no, I have more.
00:17:55Come on over here and play with me, Alvin.
00:17:59Oh, come on. Daisy wants to play with you, too.
00:18:02Don't you, Daisy?
00:18:06Will you play nice?
00:18:07Yeah, sure.
00:18:10All right.
00:18:13I suppose you're all excited about buying new furniture.
00:18:16Oh, yes, I am.
00:18:17In a way, the payments are larger than I expected,
00:18:20but if Dagwood gets his raise...
00:18:22Oh, I know just exactly how you feel.
00:18:24I'd just about given up hope of Ed ever getting a raise
00:18:27when it happened.
00:18:29An old beau of mine came to town.
00:18:31We had him out for dinner,
00:18:32and the minute his big car drove up in front of the house,
00:18:34there was a change in Ed.
00:18:37All during dinner, he kept talking about business
00:18:39and what he said to his boss and everything,
00:18:41and Ed kept getting hotter and hotter,
00:18:43and, well, all I knew is,
00:18:45the next day, Ed came home with a raise.
00:18:48Oh, dear, I just remembered I must make a call.
00:18:52It's Alvin.
00:18:56Let's go.
00:19:13You weigh 163 pounds.
00:19:16You are a very stupid fellow
00:19:18and not likely to succeed.
00:19:21You weigh 163 pounds.
00:19:24You are a very stupid fellow
00:19:26and not likely to succeed.
00:19:36You weigh 183 pounds.
00:19:39You are about to consummate
00:19:41a very successful business.
00:19:43You are a very stupid fellow
00:19:45and not likely to succeed.
00:19:47You weigh 183 pounds.
00:19:49You are about to consummate
00:19:51a very successful business deal.
00:20:04Save your money, sucker.
00:20:06I've told you twice already.
00:20:09Good morning, Mr. Hazlett.
00:20:11There's some messages for you.
00:20:15J.C. Dithers.
00:20:17J.C. Dithers.
00:20:19J.C. Dithers.
00:20:21S.W. Carey Company.
00:20:23J.C. Dithers.
00:20:25Rather persistent, aren't they, Mr. Hazlett?
00:20:27Fine state of affairs when a man can't move
00:20:29without having a pack of salesmen yapping at his heels.
00:20:31I'll take them, Mr. Hazlett.
00:20:33Is Mr. Hazlett in?
00:20:35Are you selling something?
00:20:37Yes, I'm Mr. Bumstead of the J.C. Dithers Company.
00:20:39Well, fortunately for you, he's not in.
00:20:41Oh, you mean he's out?
00:20:45Listen, will you do me a favor?
00:20:47I'll be thrilled to death.
00:20:49I'm going to sit right over there,
00:20:51and when Mr. Hazlett comes in, will you tip me off?
00:20:53You know, give me a high sign.
00:20:55Let's see, what can we use for a signal?
00:20:57Oh, like this.
00:20:59I'll give you a high sign.
00:21:01Oh, like this.
00:21:08Never mind, never mind.
00:21:17Is Mr. C.P. Hazlett in, please?
00:21:19Are you a salesman?
00:21:21Yes, I'm with the S.W. Carey Company.
00:21:23Mr. Hazlett is not in.
00:21:25Oh, thanks.
00:23:01What are you doing?
00:23:05I could fix it in ten minutes.
00:24:31I have a suite here.
00:24:33Got a kit of tools, too.
00:24:37Never get it on the elevator, though.
00:24:39What about the stairs?
00:24:41Bright boy, sure.
00:24:43Over there.
00:24:47Take this.
00:24:49Walk over there.
00:24:51Pull it.
00:24:53Be careful.
00:25:25That's a fine place to leave a thing.
00:26:07I got the right thing on.
00:26:17Mr. Brickler?
00:26:21Mr. Brickler?
00:26:23No, no, look.
00:26:25You're sure you had a vacuum cleaner
00:26:27in the first place?
00:26:29I think I did.
00:26:31It looked like one,
00:26:33and I was using it for one.
00:26:35But it got broke,
00:26:37so I went downstairs
00:26:39to get a screwdriver.
00:26:41How long were you gone?
00:26:43I don't know how long I was gone,
00:26:45but I was gone too long,
00:26:47because when I got back,
00:26:49it was gone.
00:26:51It couldn't have walked out of here,
00:26:53couldn't it?
00:26:55The whole thing sounds crazy to me.
00:26:57Where did you leave it?
00:27:01Over there.
00:27:03All right, let's have a look.
00:27:13That's the one mistake we made.
00:27:17We didn't pay enough attention
00:27:19when we were taking it apart.
00:27:21Maybe we ought to take it back downstairs.
00:27:23No, it may require a little longer
00:27:25than I thought at first, but we'll fix it.
00:27:27I'm better at engines.
00:27:29I'm good at watches.
00:27:31I've taken this apart three times,
00:27:33only had to go to the jewelers twice.
00:27:35Gosh, I must be going.
00:27:37I have to see a man in this hotel,
00:27:39and he's probably in now.
00:27:41Can you come back later?
00:27:43Not tonight, but I'll come back tomorrow
00:27:45when I finish a big deal I'm closing.
00:27:47Well, we'll put it away
00:27:49and get a fresh start in the morning.
00:27:51Put the problems aside for a while.
00:27:53They don't look so complicated.
00:27:59It's all right.
00:28:03You're at it again.
00:28:05Excuse me.
00:28:07Excuse me.
00:28:09This is my daughter, Elsie.
00:28:11Glad to meet you.
00:28:13Elsie? I once knew a girl named Elsie.
00:28:15Yes, you must tell me about her sometime.
00:28:17My dear, this is Mr...
00:28:19Elsie, we haven't had time to introduce ourselves.
00:28:21Dagwood Bumstead.
00:28:23Glad to meet you, Mr. Bumstead.
00:28:25Whose vacuum cleaner was this?
00:28:27Dagwood Bumstead.
00:28:29Funny what names folks have.
00:28:31Now, take your last name.
00:28:33Of course, you can't help that,
00:28:35but somebody's to blame for your first name.
00:28:37That's right. Any middle name?
00:28:41Well, that's a break.
00:28:43My parents named me Clarence Percival.
00:28:45However, since I've been big enough to write,
00:28:47I've used initials.
00:28:49Now everybody calls me C.P.
00:28:51I think I'll call you Dag.
00:28:53Is Dag taking his vacuum cleaner with him?
00:28:55Uh, no, he has an appointment.
00:28:57I hope I haven't made you late.
00:28:59Oh, that's all right, but I have to hurry now.
00:29:01Glad to have met you, and I'll see you tomorrow.
00:29:05Okay, Dag.
00:29:07Okay, C.P.
00:29:09Ain't no use of looking around here.
00:29:11Cold as long gone from here.
00:29:13Let's go over this one more time.
00:29:15Where was the vacuum cleaner?
00:29:17Right there.
00:29:19All right, the vacuum cleaner is right there.
00:29:31Is Mr. Hazlip in yet?
00:29:35I can't wait any longer, Dag.
00:29:37I'll catch him tomorrow.
00:29:39That's not too bad.
00:29:41I'm sure Mr. Hazlip will be very disappointed.
00:29:43Oh, Mr. Phillips, is that Mr. Bumstead?
00:29:45Yes, that's me.
00:29:47Mr. C.P. Hazlip would like to speak to you on the telephone.
00:29:49Mr. C.P. Hazlip?
00:29:55This is Bumstead speaking.
00:29:57Hey, Dag.
00:29:59Bring a couple of half-inch bolts with you tomorrow.
00:30:01Yes, sir.
00:30:03I'm trying to get here early, will you?
00:30:05Okay, C.P.
00:30:13Hello, darling.
00:30:17You're late tonight.
00:30:19Yes, I was tinkering.
00:30:21I mean, I had to work.
00:30:25Well, everything around the house
00:30:27is just the same as usual, isn't it?
00:30:29Dagwood, you have the strangest look on your face.
00:30:33I look the same to me.
00:30:35I was wondering
00:30:37if you'd like to come in.
00:30:39I look the same to me.
00:30:41I was, um,
00:30:43talking to Mrs. Buttle today.
00:30:45She asked me
00:30:47if you'd gotten your raise.
00:30:49What'd you tell her?
00:30:51I told her, that's it.
00:30:53Well, that's right.
00:30:59He ran away again.
00:31:01The trouble with you
00:31:03is you don't bring him up right.
00:31:09Good evening, baby dumpling.
00:31:11Good evening, Daddy.
00:31:13I hear you ran away again.
00:31:15I once knew a little boy
00:31:17who ran away, and do you know what happened to him?
00:31:21When he came home, his mother and father
00:31:23and even his little dog
00:31:25didn't love him anymore.
00:31:27He kept running away
00:31:29and running away, and when he came home,
00:31:31do you know what happened?
00:31:33His mother and father were gone.
00:31:35His little dog was gone.
00:31:37And there wasn't a soul
00:31:39in the empty house.
00:31:41Wasn't there anybody there
00:31:43to make him sit in the corner?
00:31:53You ought to do something about him, Blondie.
00:31:55Did you hear me?
00:31:59Are you going to do something about him?
00:32:01Of course, dear. I saw Laura today.
00:32:03Well, that's more like it.
00:32:05Who's Laura?
00:32:07Laura Franey.
00:32:09Oh, Chester's sister.
00:32:11She says Chester's in charge
00:32:13of the Western Division now.
00:32:15That's what he says.
00:32:17What makes you dislike Chester so much?
00:32:19I'm not jealous, if that's what you mean.
00:32:21Oh, I didn't say anything
00:32:23about you being jealous.
00:32:25Jealous, that's silly. He annoys me.
00:32:27Hasn't brains enough to dot an I.
00:32:29Now, Dagwood, I think that's unfair.
00:32:31He has been made general manager.
00:32:33What's that got to do with it?
00:32:35After all, you married me.
00:32:37Gee, he's lucky.
00:32:39How did you mean that?
00:32:41I mean being made general manager.
00:32:45Laura says he'll be in town tomorrow.
00:32:47Well, I hope he doesn't come out here
00:32:49bragging around with his big mouth.
00:32:51He's not any smarter than I am.
00:32:53Of course he's not.
00:32:55I wouldn't trade you for ten Chesters.
00:32:59Well, you'll see.
00:33:01I never even spoke about him.
00:33:03I just said he was doing well, that's all.
00:33:05General manager, general nuisance.
00:33:15Dagwood, what on earth are you doing?
00:33:17Just seeing what we're having for supper.
00:33:19What difference does it make?
00:33:21You cover everything with ketchup anyway.
00:33:33Yes, dear?
00:33:35Where are you going now?
00:33:37I thought you wanted me to wipe the dishes.
00:33:39Do you know how long ago that was?
00:33:4345 minutes.
00:33:45You mean you've already wiped them?
00:33:49My, time surely does fly.
00:33:51Yes, it flies faster in the living room
00:33:53than it does in the kitchen.
00:33:57I'm sorry, dear, I forgot.
00:33:59I was sitting here thinking.
00:34:01About what?
00:34:03I was thinking how this room would look without this furniture.
00:34:07What did you say?
00:34:09I was...
00:34:11I don't know what I said.
00:34:13Something about furniture.
00:34:15Oh, yes, I remember. I said...
00:34:17Did I?
00:34:19This furniture is a little out of date.
00:34:21I guess we're lucky to have it, though.
00:34:25I had a letter from Mother today.
00:34:27Oh, my love, dear.
00:34:29Dagwood, I don't believe you've heard a thing
00:34:31I've said to you all evening.
00:34:33Yes, I did. Dear, you just said you were going
00:34:35to write your mother.
00:34:37I said I had a letter from Mother.
00:34:39Oh, I thought you said something like that.
00:34:41How are things at home?
00:34:43Mother finally bought that new car.
00:34:45Said she and Doc might drive down tomorrow
00:34:47for our anniversary.
00:34:55I couldn't think of anything
00:34:57all day but tomorrow.
00:34:59Oh, darling.
00:35:01You say the sweetest things.
00:35:03I guess that's why I love you so much.
00:35:05You wouldn't believe that we've been
00:35:07married five years, would you?
00:35:11I'll never forget the day of our wedding.
00:35:13You were so scared.
00:35:15Sure, it was the first time I'd ever been married.
00:35:17It better be the last, too, young man.
00:35:19Nobody could ever take your place.
00:35:23What pretty waltz we loved so much
00:35:25before we were married.
00:35:27Mrs. Bumstead, may I have this dance?
00:35:31Do you remember the first time you kissed me?
00:35:55It was while we were dancing to this.
00:35:57But you weren't looking then.
00:35:59You weren't looking then.
00:36:07Dagwood, you're going to drop
00:36:09one of those sandwiches on your foot someday
00:36:11and you'll be crippled for life.
00:36:57Blondie, you ought to do something
00:36:59about that light in the kitchen.
00:37:01I could hardly see to make my sandwich.
00:37:03If you could see what went into one of those sandwiches,
00:37:05you wouldn't eat it.
00:37:13There you are on the floor in your clean pajamas.
00:37:15What are you doing?
00:37:49Dagwood, if you don't stop bolding your food,
00:37:51you're going to die of indigestion.
00:38:03What are you reading?
00:38:05About that epidemic of mumps over on the east side.
00:38:09Has baby dumping been over there?
00:38:11Of course not.
00:38:13What would he be doing on the east side?
00:38:15Well, he's always running away.
00:38:19What are the symptoms of mumps, anyhow?
00:38:21Oh, I don't know.
00:38:23Swollen jaws, I guess.
00:38:25That's not a symptom. That's mumps.
00:38:29Now, Dagwood, don't start imagining things.
00:38:32I'm not imagining anything.
00:38:40Did you hear something?
00:38:48How would you like a glass of water?
00:38:50No thanks, dear.
00:38:55Well, I'm thirsty.
00:38:57I think I'll get a drink.
00:40:16He hasn't any mumps?
00:40:47Hello, Dagwood.
00:40:49Hello, Chester.
00:40:50I'm glad to see you.
00:40:52What are you doing here?
00:40:53Oh, just up here to see a man on business.
00:40:56Oh, Dag.
00:40:57Come on in.
00:41:02I'll see you later.
00:41:16Well, we've nearly finished.
00:41:18Gosh, I'm glad.
00:41:19C.P., there's something I want to tell you.
00:41:21Well, what is it?
00:41:22The phone's ringing.
00:41:23Well, answer it.
00:41:28Daily Gazette calling.
00:41:30I speak to C.P. Hazlip.
00:41:32It's the Daily Gazette.
00:41:33Ask them what they want.
00:41:34What did you want to speak to him about?
00:41:39He wants a statement about that building project on the south side.
00:41:43Tell him to go chase himself.
00:41:45He said go chase yourself.
00:41:46Wait a minute.
00:41:48We can't tell him that.
00:41:49All right, tell him anything.
00:41:57What do I tell him?
00:41:59Here, give me that phone.
00:42:04This is Hazlip.
00:42:06I've abandoned the whole idea.
00:42:13But you haven't abandoned the whole idea, have you?
00:42:15No, but I'm tired of being bothered.
00:42:17Then you're going through with the development?
00:42:20As soon as they get this thing fixed, we have to get it back before they miss it.
00:42:24You know this town pretty well, don't you?
00:42:27Well, when I get ready to go through with that plan,
00:42:29I want to ask your advice about a few things.
00:42:31I can give you a lot of advice, C.P.
00:42:33What do you want to know?
00:42:38I want to know why you brought this thing up here in the first place.
00:42:50Baby dumpling, see who's at the door.
00:42:58Oh, dear.
00:43:07How do you do?
00:43:08Mrs. Bumstead?
00:43:10Is your husband in?
00:43:11No, he's at his office.
00:43:12No, he isn't.
00:43:13I just came from there.
00:43:14He isn't?
00:43:15That's strange.
00:43:16Yes, under the circumstances it is.
00:43:18Are you sure he's still in town?
00:43:21Today's our wedding anniversary, and my mother and sister are driving down.
00:43:24I'll wait for him at the office.
00:43:25What is it you wanted to see him about?
00:43:27Perhaps I could help.
00:43:28It's a personal matter.
00:43:29Well, you needn't mind telling me.
00:43:31We have no secrets from each other.
00:43:33Won't you come inside, please?
00:43:34It's about that Elsie Watson note.
00:43:36Elsie Watson?
00:43:39Who's Elsie Watson?
00:43:40Why did he write her a note?
00:43:42Your husband understands all about it.
00:43:44Oh, of course, but who is this woman?
00:43:46If I don't find him, I'll be back.
00:43:48But wait a minute.
00:43:49You haven't told me.
00:43:53Elsie Watson.
00:44:01He saw Mr. Ditters early this morning and then left.
00:44:04I don't know when he'll be back.
00:44:06Well, where can I locate him?
00:44:08I hate to bother you, but...
00:44:11If you will, please.
00:44:17I'm on my way, Dad.
00:44:19Now, don't you little boys get messy.
00:44:26Who... who is this, please?
00:44:32Is Dagwood Bumstead there?
00:44:34Just a minute.
00:44:35Hey, Dag.
00:44:36It's for you.
00:44:44What are you doing in that hotel?
00:44:46I'm helping a man fix a vacuum cleaner.
00:44:49That's just dandy.
00:44:50And I suppose that Elsie woman is his daughter.
00:44:54How'd you guess?
00:44:55You know all the answers, don't you?
00:45:02Dag, don't stand there saying hello like a nanny.
00:45:04Plug this thing in.
00:45:06Now, hold your breath.
00:45:37If I were a drinking man,
00:45:41I'd go out and get a drink.
00:45:46I think I will anyhow.
00:45:53You told me this morning that you had that Hazel deal in the bag, didn't you?
00:45:57Yes, sir, but look.
00:45:58You look.
00:45:59Eastern millionaire to abandon building projects.
00:46:02CPA's obsessed housing plan is off.
00:46:04Does that surprise you?
00:46:06Why, no, sir.
00:46:08Well, maybe this will.
00:46:09You're fired.
00:46:11You mean I don't get a bonus?
00:46:14You're fired.
00:46:17And that answers your question, Mr. Hicks.
00:46:20All right.
00:46:21We'll take other steps.
00:46:23Mr. Ditters, wait a minute.
00:46:25Mr. Ditters.
00:46:26The loan company is attached to your final check.
00:46:29The loan company is attached to your final check.
00:46:47Now, if you'll just be patient, darling,
00:46:49there's so many things I have to explain.
00:46:51Remember what the minister said when we were married?
00:46:54A perfect marriage must be based on truth and understanding.
00:46:58Yes, there was a girl in the hotel with me, but we weren't alone.
00:47:02Her father was there all the time.
00:47:04You see, her father and I had a big deal on.
00:47:07I know I didn't tell you anything about it.
00:47:09I wanted to surprise you.
00:47:12No, the girl didn't have a thing to do with me losing my job.
00:47:18Honestly, dear, I was just up there helping her father fix a vacuum cleaner.
00:47:25You'll never get away with that one, buddy.
00:48:01See the new car, Dagwood!
00:48:05Yes, nice.
00:48:09I didn't know mother and daughter were here.
00:48:11It's a good thing for you, they are.
00:48:14Put your arms around me.
00:48:15Now, smile.
00:48:17What's so funny?
00:48:19Nothing's funny, but we'll make the best of it while mother and daughter are here.
00:48:22I don't want to have any trouble in front of them.
00:48:24Are they going to stay long?
00:48:25Shut up.
00:48:26Keep smiling.
00:48:28You've broken my heart, but I'll smile too.
00:48:30Now, turn around.
00:48:32Walk slowly.
00:48:35Isn't it lovely to see them so happy?
00:48:43Listen, Blondie, if you'll only give me a chance, I can explain.
00:48:46I don't want explanations. I want alimony.
00:48:48But you wouldn't.
00:48:55Such a lovely dinner.
00:48:57And isn't Blondie the grandest cook?
00:49:00And doesn't Dagwood look handsome all dressed up?
00:49:04Say, I think I'm going to save a piece of this cake to put under my pillow.
00:49:07But this is an anniversary cake, Dorothy.
00:49:09You wish on a wedding cake.
00:49:11That's right.
00:49:12On an anniversary cake, you just hope.
00:49:18Save me a big piece, dear.
00:49:21More, mommy, more.
00:49:23Darling, you've had enough.
00:49:25Oh, such a face.
00:49:27I can't help it, grandma. My chin links.
00:49:29Here, dear. Hold still.
00:49:31But you'll wear my face out.
00:49:33Oh, there.
00:49:35Do you like mommy and daddy's anniversary, baby?
00:49:38Not much.
00:49:39Why not?
00:49:40No fireworks.
00:49:45Well, maybe the fireworks will come later.
00:49:48Well, is everybody finished?
00:49:51I am.
00:49:52Then, then we'll all go into the living room.
00:49:55I have a big surprise for Dagwood.
00:49:58Mother, you know what it is.
00:50:00Yeah? Can't it wait?
00:50:02But Dagwood, you've got to know sooner or later.
00:50:05Then I'd sooner know later.
00:50:07Come along. You've got to face this like a man.
00:50:11Blondie wants to be the first to see your face.
00:50:14Blondie wants to be the first to see your face.
00:50:16Now, you stand right here.
00:50:20Yes, dear?
00:50:21Can Daisy see the surprise, too?
00:50:23Yes, dear. You run right along and get her.
00:50:44It's an anniversary present.
00:50:46To us, from me.
00:50:48But the old furniture.
00:50:50Oh, I traded the old furniture in on this.
00:50:57Oh, he's fainting.
00:50:59Get some water, darling.
00:51:00Stand him.
00:51:01Of all things.
00:51:03I knew it would be a surprise.
00:51:05But I didn't know it would be so big.
00:51:07I'm sorry.
00:51:08It's all right.
00:51:09It's all right.
00:51:10It's all right.
00:51:11It's all right.
00:51:12I knew it would be a surprise.
00:51:14But I didn't expect it to be a shock.
00:51:18Oh, Daisy, get down.
00:51:20Has he said anything yet?
00:51:22Here, give me that.
00:51:27What's the matter?
00:51:28Is Daddy on fire?
00:51:30No, baby.
00:51:31He's just surprised.
00:51:33Where am I?
00:51:34Your home, dear.
00:51:35I'm your wife.
00:51:36Or don't you remember?
00:51:39New furniture?
00:51:41Yes, dear.
00:51:42That's what I thought.
00:51:43What did you expect to see?
00:51:46I mean, nothing like this.
00:51:47Are you all right now?
00:51:49I think so.
00:51:56How do you feel now, Dagwood?
00:51:58Not very well.
00:51:59I'm expecting a headache.
00:52:03I'll get it.
00:52:08Hello, Blondie.
00:52:09Hope I'm not intruding.
00:52:10Why, Chester Franey, of all people.
00:52:13Mother and daughter here.
00:52:15Come on in and say hello.
00:52:16They'll be so glad to see you.
00:52:18Mr. Franey.
00:52:19Chester, how nice.
00:52:20How do you do, Mrs. Miller?
00:52:21And Dorothy.
00:52:23What a beautiful young lady she's grown to be.
00:52:27Oh, thank you.
00:52:28How did you remember?
00:52:30Well, it's one day I'm not likely to forget.
00:52:32What a pretty speech.
00:52:34Chester always could say the nicest things.
00:52:36And baby dumpling.
00:52:38My, you're getting to be a big man.
00:52:40Where's the dog?
00:52:42Over there.
00:52:44Oh, hello, Dagwood.
00:52:46Hello, Chester.
00:52:47Dagwood, aren't you going to shake hands with Chester?
00:52:50You two aren't rivals anymore.
00:52:52Oh, I saw Dagwood today at the Brinkley.
00:52:54Oh, you didn't tell us you saw Chester.
00:52:57Well, I forgot.
00:52:58Lots of people forget.
00:52:59Most men forget sometimes.
00:53:01One thing about Chester, he never forgets.
00:53:05Aren't those beautiful flowers?
00:53:07Aren't they?
00:53:08Let me smell.
00:53:10I must put them in water.
00:53:12Let me help.
00:53:14We haven't done the dinner dishes yet.
00:53:16I hate to let you see my kitchen.
00:53:17It's such a mess.
00:53:19I'll keep my eyes shut.
00:53:21And your mouth, too, I hope.
00:53:33Dot, let's do the dinner dishes, huh?
00:53:35No, Dagwood, you don't feel well.
00:53:37Give me time to get my breath, and Dorothy and I will do them.
00:53:41How's everything going, Blondie?
00:53:43Just grand.
00:53:44Well, I received your note, and...
00:53:46And we're glad to have you.
00:53:47Here, let me help you.
00:53:50Are you happy?
00:53:51Of course.
00:53:52What a question.
00:53:54Well, how's Dagwood getting along?
00:53:56Oh, he's doing awfully well.
00:54:01Gone long enough to grow the flowers.
00:54:03What did you say, Dagwood?
00:54:05I could say a lot of things if I had a chance.
00:54:07Well, what do you want to say?
00:54:08Well, nothing.
00:54:21Look, Mother, aren't they lovely?
00:54:23And so artistic.
00:54:25Well, I'll answer it.
00:54:31By the way, Blondie, haven't you some new furniture since I was here last?
00:54:35When were you here last?
00:54:37It's for you, Dagwood.
00:54:38Who is it?
00:54:40Who is it, please?
00:54:42It's Elsie.
00:54:52Yeah, Elsie.
00:54:55Hey, Dag, Dad wants to know where you put the handle to the vacuum cleaner.
00:54:59It's in the closet.
00:55:04In the B-E-D-R-O-O-M.
00:55:16Blondie, don't.
00:55:21You take your hands off my wife.
00:55:23What Blondie needs now is a friend.
00:55:25Since when do you know what my wife needs?
00:55:27Why, you...
00:55:28Daddy, a fur coat.
00:55:31All right, you asked for it.
00:55:36What a fright, huh? What a fright.
00:55:38Dagwood, upstairs. Don't you dare.
00:55:40Dorothy, take the baby upstairs.
00:55:42I don't want to stay. I don't want to stay.
00:55:44I don't want to go upstairs. I don't want to stay.
00:55:46I apologize to everyone.
00:55:48I suppose I'd better leave.
00:55:50Blondie, if you need me, just call.
00:55:53Oh, you've made a fine mess of our anniversary.
00:55:57Control yourself, dear.
00:55:59I can't. I can't control myself any longer.
00:56:01No one knows what I've gone through today.
00:56:03I tried to smile and bear up, but this is the last straw.
00:56:06That woman calling you up in my house in front of my baby.
00:56:09Oh, how could you?
00:56:11Blondie, I can explain everything if you'll give me just 15 minutes.
00:56:14You couldn't explain nothing in 15 years.
00:56:16The man was here and told me about her and the note.
00:56:19Blondie, that's different from what you think.
00:56:21That's serious.
00:56:23Sure, she's a different Elsie.
00:56:25I can explain her too.
00:56:27Two Elsies? No wonder you fainted.
00:56:30Blondie, listen to what I have to say.
00:56:33It would only be more lies.
00:56:35Blondie, Blondie, darling.
00:56:37You, you philanthropist.
00:56:42If you won't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to somebody else.
00:56:47Oh, darling, you mustn't.
00:56:50This is a time to be brave.
00:57:05Oh, my car has been stolen.
00:57:07Police, police.
00:57:09Dorothy, Chester.
00:57:11Where are you?
00:57:13Where is somebody?
00:57:15Oh, dear, oh, dear. Help me, help me.
00:57:17Are you a policeman?
00:57:18No, but I have a seizure order for the furniture in this house.
00:57:21Go ahead, boy.
00:57:22But my car has been stolen.
00:57:23Oh, help me, help me.
00:57:24Somebody help me.
00:57:25Dial operator and say I want a policeman.
00:57:32Oh, hello, operator, operator.
00:57:36I tell you, you have to help me.
00:57:38It's a matter of life and death.
00:57:39My wife, she's leaving me.
00:57:40Everybody's leaving me.
00:57:41They won't even let me talk.
00:57:43We've been letting you talk for 10 minutes
00:57:44and I can't make heads or tails of it.
00:57:46Can you, Elsie?
00:57:47No, but I'm beginning to think
00:57:48we're mixed up in it somehow.
00:57:50Of course you are.
00:57:51That's why you have to help me.
00:57:52Dag, get a grip on yourself.
00:57:54This time you've really hit the jackpot
00:57:56with your tinkering.
00:57:57No, Elsie, that isn't it.
00:57:58It's something about another Elsie
00:57:59or Elsie isn't making himself clear.
00:58:01This is no time for puns.
00:58:03Easy, Dag.
00:58:04You're getting yourself all worked up over nothing.
00:58:06That's a trouble.
00:58:07She won't believe it's nothing.
00:58:09Well, what do you want us to do?
00:58:10Help me.
00:58:11Oh, that's easy.
00:58:13Elsie, get your raps.
00:58:14We'll all go over to your house and straighten it out.
00:58:17Would you?
00:58:18Sure, I was wanting some fresh air anyhow.
00:58:25It still won't work.
00:58:27All right, I'm ready.
00:58:30Please, Dad, get that thing out of here
00:58:32before it causes any more trouble.
00:58:34Maybe we ought to take it along to prove things.
00:58:36Yes, let's do.
00:58:37Here, Dag, you take it.
00:58:41Here, wrap this around it.
00:58:43Just in case.
00:58:44Oh, yeah.
00:58:47Wait a minute.
00:58:48There's one thing I want to know.
00:58:51Your word of honor on this.
00:58:53Did your wife give you that black eye?
00:58:57Very well.
00:58:58I'll talk to her, and in no time at all, I'll fix it.
00:59:00You'll fix it.
00:59:01Well, here we go, ready or not.
00:59:08Dag, is this the first time you've ever driven this car?
00:59:12This is the first time I've ever driven any car.
00:59:16Don't look now, but I think we hit a police car.
00:59:27In a big hurry, pal?
00:59:28Yes, sir.
00:59:29You see, I'm going.
00:59:30We know where you're going.
00:59:31I'm sorry, officer.
00:59:32So are we.
00:59:33We're all broken up about it.
00:59:35I held my hand out.
00:59:36What's your name?
00:59:37Dagwood Bumstead.
00:59:38And this is Mr. C.P. Hazlett and his daughter, Elsie.
00:59:42Let's don't get too formal.
00:59:43Hey, Art, this is a stolen car.
00:59:45We had a report on it.
00:59:46OK, break up that crowd, and we're
00:59:47falling into the station.
00:59:48All right.
00:59:49Keep your hands on that wheel, pal.
00:59:50You stay where you are, too.
00:59:51But this isn't a stolen car, officer.
00:59:53It belongs to my mother-in-law.
00:59:55I suppose that's your mother-in-law's body.
01:00:01Who does this belong to?
01:00:03It's mine, but you can have it.
01:00:07Property of the Hotel Brinkley.
01:00:10Property of the Hotel Brinkley.
01:00:12Do not remove from premises.
01:00:14No thanks, pal.
01:00:15You're stuck with it.
01:00:17Dad, this is the most fun we've had since you took
01:00:19that farmer's tractor apart.
01:00:21Move over.
01:00:23Move over.
01:00:26I should have known better.
01:00:28Never speak to strangers in a hotel lobby.
01:00:34Don't worry, Dag.
01:00:35I'll have you out of here in no time.
01:00:37Sergeant, this is unprecedented, unconstitutional, and...
01:00:42I can explain it all in 10 words.
01:00:44You've got a chance in the morning.
01:00:45Lock him up.
01:00:47Let me be the last to congratulate you.
01:00:49You've done it again.
01:00:51What's this girl got to do with it?
01:00:53You tell him, Dag.
01:00:54I've been trying to figure that out myself.
01:00:56She hasn't anything to do with this, Sergeant.
01:00:58She's just an innocent bystander.
01:01:00Innocent bystander.
01:01:01They probably have a love list.
01:01:03Well, she can go, but we're holding you.
01:01:06Can I just say a word to my wife?
01:01:07All right, but be quick about it.
01:01:11At least you'll have a bed to sleep in.
01:01:14How can I sleep when I may never see you again?
01:01:17But I want you to know I love you.
01:01:23That's a fine speech for a cab to make.
01:01:27Chester, you've had this coming for a long time.
01:01:30Hey, wait a minute.
01:01:32Don't you know better than to hit a man in a police station?
01:01:35I'm going to jail. I'm going good.
01:01:37Good. Lock him up.
01:01:39No, no.
01:01:41Is your name Elsie?
01:01:44Then if it weren't for you, this never would have happened.
01:01:46Oh, me?
01:01:47Just how do you mix me up in this?
01:01:49Listen, any more trouble around here tonight and I'll lock you all up.
01:01:52Yes, sir.
01:02:02That is of no interest to this court.
01:02:04Your willingness to reimburse the hotel might interest the hotel.
01:02:07But the facts are that you removed a vacuum cleaner from the premises of the hotel
01:02:11and it wasn't your vacuum cleaner.
01:02:13Look at the court.
01:02:15And you took an automobile that didn't belong to you.
01:02:19The fact that the car belonged to your mother-in-law may alter the situation somewhat.
01:02:24Nevertheless, you're guilty of a criminal action.
01:02:27Mommy, why doesn't Daddy say something?
01:02:32Order, order.
01:02:34In addition, you have both been most inconsiderate of others.
01:02:37You jeopardized the properties which you say you only borrowed.
01:02:40Borrowing technically requires the permission of the lender.
01:02:43That you did not obtain.
01:02:45Your conduct has been thoughtless and reckless.
01:02:47I might say criminally thoughtless and reckless.
01:02:49And therefore deserving of severe punishment.
01:02:51Judge, Your Honor, don't. Please don't.
01:02:54Order, order.
01:02:56What is your connection with this case?
01:02:58I'm his wife.
01:02:59Whose wife?
01:03:00The one who stole the automobile.
01:03:02In that case, proceed with what you have to say.
01:03:05It's all my fault, Your Honor.
01:03:07Why, he wouldn't do anything wrong for the world.
01:03:09He's just like a baby.
01:03:11You can't send him to jail.
01:03:13Well, what would he do?
01:03:14He needs me, Judge.
01:03:16Last night was the first night he's been away from me since Baby was born.
01:03:20Just one night and he's a wreck.
01:03:23Look at him.
01:03:25I lost my hat.
01:03:26Mother would have loaned him her car.
01:03:28Only he forgot to ask her.
01:03:30It's all my fault.
01:03:31I'm the one to be punished.
01:03:33I was jealous.
01:03:35And he went after Mr. Hazlip and his daughter to prove I had no right to be.
01:03:39You see, it all started because I kept nagging him about a raise.
01:03:43No, you didn't.
01:03:45Yes, I did too.
01:03:46No, you didn't, dear.
01:03:47Now listen. Make up your mind.
01:03:49Did she or didn't she?
01:03:50She did.
01:03:54As for the vacuum cleaner, neither one of them meant to steal it.
01:03:57They just like to tinker.
01:03:59Dagwood's always tinkering.
01:04:01It's the little boy in him.
01:04:02Most men have a lot of little boy in them.
01:04:05I bet even you like to take things apart and put them back together.
01:04:13So that hasn't anything to do with it.
01:04:16It's just me.
01:04:17I promise I'll never do it again.
01:04:19Can't you let me off, Judge?
01:04:21Let you off?
01:04:22Just a minute, young lady. You're not on trial here.
01:04:25Oh, yes, I am.
01:04:26If it's a criminal action, then I'm the criminal.
01:04:29Mrs. Bumstead, it's refreshing to hear a wife express her willingness to share her husband's troubles.
01:04:34That, after all, is an attitude of give and take which makes marriage a success.
01:04:38But I suggest that you confine your obligations to your home.
01:04:42Don't be an office wife.
01:04:44Mr. Bumstead, you're to be congratulated in having such a mate.
01:04:49But you must learn to curb your impulsiveness.
01:04:53Mr. Haslam, a man of your means could devote himself to higher and more worthy pursuits
01:04:59than dissecting vacuum cleaners.
01:05:04Business dismissal.
01:05:05Next case.
01:05:07From now on, I'm attending strictly to business.
01:05:09So am I.
01:05:10By the way, Dag, what is your business?
01:05:11Oh, he works for the J.C. Dithers Company.
01:05:13Dithers? No.
01:05:17And you came over to see me about that south side development?
01:05:20Well, why didn't you say so?
01:05:22The deal's yours.
01:05:23Just tell your company to submit their plans.
01:05:25Dagwood, isn't that wonderful?
01:05:27But I lost my job.
01:05:29You lost your job?
01:05:31Oh, you poor boy.
01:05:33Don't worry about that.
01:05:35They'll take you back when they find out you have my proposition sewed up.
01:05:38Oh, Mr. Haslam.
01:05:39Mr. Haslam, I'm J.C. Dithers.
01:05:41I just wanted you to know that we're not responsible for the trouble Bumstead's caused you.
01:05:45He's no longer connected with my firm.
01:05:46Oh, that's too bad.
01:05:48Goodbye, Dag.
01:05:50Come along, dear.
01:05:51You've been so sweet.
01:05:52We'll expect you over at the hotel this evening, and thanks again, Mrs. Bumstead, for my freedom.
01:05:56Now, about that south side development.
01:05:58It's all in Mr. Bumstead's hands.
01:06:00Excuse me.
01:06:04Sir Dagwood, how are you?
01:06:06I was just on the way over to see what I could do for you.
01:06:09Well, you look all worn out.
01:06:10Maybe you'd better take the rest of the day off.
01:06:12Just a minute.
01:06:13Dagwood isn't working for you anymore.
01:06:15You fired him.
01:06:17It's a quiet little disagreement, but we understand each other, don't we, Dagwood?
01:06:21The only thing Dagwood understands is he's fired.
01:06:24But we have a gentleman's agreement.
01:06:26He's to get a $10 raise or $600 bonus.
01:06:29You had an agreement, Mr. Dithers, but you fired him, and that changes everything.
01:06:33What do you mean, Blondie?
01:06:35I mean it's not enough.
01:06:36I mean Dagwood can take this contract and go into business for himself.
01:06:40Why, he wouldn't do anything like that to me, would you, Dagwood?
01:06:44Oh, yes, he would.
01:06:46Little old $10 raise and $600 bonus.
01:06:50Your salesmen get 2.5%.
01:06:52But that's $5,000.
01:06:55And as for a raise, Dagwood ought to get $20 after all he's been through.
01:07:00Dagwood, you're a hard man to do business with.
01:07:03All right, it's a deal.
01:07:04No, it's not a deal.
01:07:05We want $1,000 right away.
01:07:07But it's only $563, isn't it?
01:07:10$1,000 in advance.
01:07:12All right, come over to the office and get the check.
01:07:15But don't you be late tomorrow.
01:07:17I mean, send him over at a reasonable time, will you?
01:07:22Dagwood, you were wonderful.
01:07:25Yeah, with $1,000 we can get the furniture and pay off everything.
01:07:30Baby Dumpling, I thought he was with you.
01:07:33He's lost.
01:07:34You go that way and I'll go this way.
01:07:36Baby Dumpling!
01:07:37Baby Dumpling!
01:07:39Baby Dumpling!
01:07:41Baby Dumpling!
01:07:46Baby Dumpling, what are you doing?
01:07:48I'm helping the man fix it.
01:07:50That's right, but I think we'll have to take the whole thing apart.
01:07:53You will?
01:07:56Oh, boy.
01:07:58Baby Dumpling!
01:08:17But I...
01:08:23Sometimes I think it's harder to raise a husband than a baby.