Secret Succession

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Hey! Watch where you're going! You could've scratched my car! I doubt some delivery guy
00:07like you could afford it. Harry?
00:11Steven. Late to the villa, I see.
00:15F***, that's today? Of course you forgot. Race you there.
00:27If only people knew who Steven Adams really was, maybe they wouldn't treat him this way.
00:33Hey honey, what's up? Don't call me honey. If you don't get to
00:41the villa in the next half an hour, don't bother coming at all.
00:46No one else knew the truth about Steven's true identity. And now? He was late. He was
00:53already on thin ice with his wife Kim. Her family members were some of the most powerful
00:58people in Los Angeles. That useless husband of yours is still nowhere
01:08to be found, huh? Good luck explaining that to Grandma.
01:12Shut up, Harry. He's almost here. Honey, I'm so sorry I'm late. It's a long
01:24story. Who is that? It can't be a Cassidy.
01:28Oh, he is. He's the infamous son-in-law. Oh, the broke one who's contributed nothing
01:33to the family? Don't be too serious, Steven. To me, you could
01:39have at least won a clean shirt. I thought you were lying to me, you f****** jealous.
01:43Kim, I didn't do this on purpose. Just forget it. Let's pay our respects and
01:48talk about it after. Who gave you permission to go in?
01:53Harry, stop. You have no right. He has no right to enter my family villa dressed
01:57like that. Poor family villa.
02:00Not for long. Kim knew Harry was right. She was feeling
02:03more anxious than before, especially after seeing the mocking gazes of people around
02:08Move, Harry. For Grandma's sake. Grandma did say that every member of the Cassidy
02:14family had to attend. But he's an Addams. Notice this sign.
02:21Kim, why don't you go in and- Just do whatever you want.
02:28We didn't know your place.
02:39Wait till they see who I really am.
02:47Hello? Mr. Addams, I have wonderful news and heartbreaking
02:52news. Um, I guess I'll take the heartbreaking first.
02:56Well, sadly, last night, Arthur Klein passed away in his sleep.
03:01Oh, no. But he's left his family fortune to you.
03:05The Porsche family fortune. Did you say the Porsche family fortune?
03:09Arthur Klein believes you've passed the test. It's humble of you, and he hopes you'll continue
03:14to use it as his newfound fortune. Well, thank you.
03:19And, Steven? Yes?
03:21Careful who you trust. You are now one of the wealthiest men in the country.
03:35I guess the table's our attorney. Five years ago, Steven had tried to stand
03:39up to his father. He and his father seemed to have differing codes of morality when it
03:44came to running their family business. But as punishment for speaking up, his father
03:49kicked him out. He almost died living off the streets. Fortunately, Father Klein, a
03:55generous priest, saved his life. However, the priest had one condition.
04:01Steven had to live as a poor and powerless man without complaints for three years. He
04:06also had to keep his true identity a secret. And then he met Kim Cassidy.
04:11Rest in peace, good man.
04:25We must give thanks for how blessed our family has been.
04:31And I hope we shall prosper for years to come.
04:40Grandmother, under your wise leadership, the Cassidy family will rise to new heights.
04:45Harry's a genius. This year alone, he's increased our family profits significantly.
04:50The smartest man in the city. Thank you, Harry. But I couldn't have done
04:54it alone. I am grateful to the friends and support we have had all over this great city
05:00of ours. Speaking of which, I'm sure all of you are excited to introduce to me the guests
05:06you've invited tonight. The family couldn't hold in their excitement. The main event was
05:10about to begin. This was their chance to prove to their family's matriarch with their esteemed
05:15guests who amongst them had the best connections in the city. And whoever impressed their grandmother
05:21the most would be given the majority of the assets from the Cassidy Trust Fund.
05:26Grandma, meet the head of ...
05:29Thank you for coming.
05:31Grandma, this is Dr. Martens, the top plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills.
05:36I hope I never need your services.
05:38You're the only one here who requires no work.
05:43Grandmother, I'd like you to meet my guest. Meet Pete Rockford, the CEO of Rockford International.
05:53It's a pleasure.
05:55Pete Rockford was the head of the most powerful real estate company in the world.
05:59Isn't it time you introduced your guest?
06:02Is that really how low things have gotten for you and your delivery boy husband?
06:07You couldn't even swing some ... lawyer?
06:11Well, Kim and I actually invited the head of the Stein family, Jack Stein, ladies and gentlemen.
06:19Steve and I go way back.
06:21Kim couldn't believe it. Her husband had brought Jack Stein, one of the most influential businessmen in the state.
06:27But how?
06:28Here is a jade statue as a token of my appreciation.
06:32Harry was skeptical. The Stein family was even more powerful than the Cassidy family.
06:37How could someone like Steven have connections to them?
06:42Come on, Stevo. What hobo did you hire to play the role of Jack today?
06:47What kind of a knockoff statue is this?
06:50I would be careful with that if I were you, Harry.
06:52It's worth 10 million dollars and we all know how you are with money.
06:55Need I remind you of the Murphy deal?
06:58Harry was shocked. He had never heard Steven talk like this to him before.
07:02You're right. This is obviously fake.
07:10Actually, this is one of a kind.
07:16Very impressive guest, Kim.
07:20Kim wanted to explain that it was all Steven.
07:23Actually, grandma, it was...
07:24There's no need to explain.
07:27Who was this man? And what had he done with her doormat husband?
07:31I couldn't be more proud of Kim and Harry.
07:36And I was going to save this news for the end of the night, but...
07:39Unfortunately, our family's long-standing success may be coming to an end sooner than we think.
07:47My loves, our family is in crisis.
07:53As you know, we were the majority investor in the Century Garden project.
07:58But due to lack of funding, the project has been halted.
08:01Also halted are any prospects of returns.
08:05The only way to save the family now is by securing a large loan or being gifted a substantial amount.
08:13It is time for a brave soul to step up and help.
08:23You seem to have no trouble speaking up when it comes to dividends.
08:26But when this family needs your help, you are suddenly quiet.
08:29Grandma, relax.
08:32Think of your health.
08:36I'll think of a way to solve this.
08:39Actually, didn't Kim prove the value of her connections today?
08:43Harry's right. Kim, this family's always had your back.
08:46Now it's time for you to have ours.
08:49Actually, Grandma, Jack was Steven's friend.
08:53He's the one who brought him.
08:55So, I can't ask for an investment.
08:59It was finally Harry's chance to ruin Kim, so he could be the Cassidy family's only successor.
09:05How could you be so sure?
09:07This family is not only in crisis, but you won't help us?
09:11And you're lying through your teeth to our dear Grandma?
09:15How can someone like Steven know someone like Jack?
09:20Are you mad at Grandma for not prioritizing your family all these years?
09:23No. It isn't like that.
09:31I have an idea.
09:33I have an idea.
09:35Whoever can secure the $50 million needed for the Century Garden project in the next two days
09:41will become the sole successor
09:45to the Cassidy family.
09:49What do you think?
09:58And one more condition.
10:01Whoever fails will be forced to withdraw from the Cassidy family forever.
10:07Them and their immediate family.
10:11What's wrong?
10:14Scared, little cousin?
10:16We accept.
10:18We accept your bet.
10:22Trust me.
10:28That's right. We accept.
10:30You better not go back on your word.
10:32Don't worry.
10:34I'm not as shameless as you are.
10:41Okay. Time to spill.
10:43How do you know Jack?
10:45He's a friend's dad. An old friend.
10:50But do you think you can help us get a loan?
10:52Uh, no. It's not like that.
10:55Well, then, do you have any connections?
10:59Anyone who runs a bank who can help us get a loan of that size?
11:02Honestly, no.
11:04Then why did you accept the bet?
11:06Because I believe in you.
11:16It was time for Steven to put his plan into motion.
11:23Do you have an appointment?
11:25I'm here to see Dave.
11:27I mean, Jack would have called.
11:43Dave Marks.
11:45Steven Adams.
11:47I'm here to speak with you about a possible investment in the Cassidy family.
11:51Are you the Cassidy family's son-in-law?
11:53I'm sorry.
11:55I can't help you.
11:58What do you mean?
12:00You're gonna dismiss me without even knowing the turn of the deal?
12:03Because I don't know who you are.
12:05And you're not worth my time.
12:08Steven was sick of being told he wasn't good enough.
12:11This was the final straw.
12:16I'll give you one chance.
12:18Excuse me?
12:21I'll give you one chance to apologize to me and invest in the Cassidy group without charging any fees.
12:26I'll forgive the way you're speaking to me.
12:28If you don't,
12:30you'll regret it.
12:37Is this some kind of joke?
12:39I'm not afraid of somebody like you.
12:47I don't care how you do it, but I want global investments to be mine in ten minutes.
12:51You want to buy a five billion dollar company in ten minutes?
12:58That's a lot.
13:03Yeah, security.
13:05Can you come up here and remove Steven Adams from my office, please?
13:07Hold on, I'm getting another call.
13:09Hey there, boss.
13:15You sold my company.
13:18For ten billion dollars.
13:21To who?
13:25Steven Adams.
13:28Just had to get rid of some pocket change.
13:32Steven couldn't help but be thrilled at the shock on Dave's face.
13:36He was finally getting the respect he deserved.
13:46Steven, no.
13:48Mr. Adams.
13:50I'm sorry. You forget me.
13:52It's too late now.
13:57Dave, wait.
13:59What do you want, boss?
14:01I need you to dig up any dirt on Dave Marks and how he's ruined this company.
14:04You have two days.
14:06This command was worse than a death sentence for Dave.
14:08As CEO of Global Investments,
14:10he had committed all kinds of fraud over the years.
14:13And he would surely go to prison when they found out.
14:15What's your name?
14:17Mr. Adams, I'm Keisha.
14:20Keisha Daniels. Been here for five years.
14:22Loyal, smart, and kind.
14:25Keisha Daniels was surprised.
14:27Who was this handsome, powerful, yet kind man?
14:33Starting today, Keisha will be the new CEO of Global Investments.
14:36And you'll all be getting rights.
14:38If anyone causes Keisha any trouble,
14:40or disagrees with her,
14:42there will be consequences.
14:46Thank you, Mr. Adams.
14:48Everyone can go.
14:50I just need a word with Keisha.
15:00Oh, you're married to Kim Cassidy.
15:04Only the most beautiful woman in the city.
15:08And I need you to do something for me.
15:12Steven was proud of what he'd done.
15:14Now, he just needed to convince Kim he was worthy of her.
15:17Kim, hi.
15:19What are you doing?
15:21I'm just on my way to the bank to try to get a loan.
15:23Better to at least say I tried before I lose my family and fortune.
15:25I'm not going to let you lose to Harry.
15:27Let's go.
15:29I know somewhere you can secure a big loan.
15:39Seriously, Steven?
15:41Global Investments?
15:43You really think we can negotiate a deal with them?
15:46I already talked to Jack.
15:48He got you an appointment with the CEO.
15:50You just have to go in.
15:52I'll wait out here for you.
15:56I'll go in.
16:14Kim Cassidy?
16:18Please follow me.
16:20The CEO's been looking forward to your arrival.
16:22Will Steven's plan succeed?
16:24Will Kim be able to secure her place in the Cassidy family forever?
16:26Or will it all come crashing down around her?
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