• last year
امام زمانہ علیہ السلام سے توسل کرو دعا ضرور پوری ہو گی


00:00We had a cousin, he had nothing, no job, no work, nothing.
00:06He came to me and said,
00:09Even I want to visit Karbala on Arbaeen.
00:15On the first day of Muharram, he came to me.
00:18I said, you do tawassul.
00:20Do tawassul from Maula.
00:22These gatherings are coming.
00:23In every gathering, do tawassul from Maula while reciting Masahib.
00:27I said, take this from me.
00:29This one amount, take it.
00:31The first amount from me.
00:34That's it. Believe me.
00:37He had nothing.
00:40Zafar bhai, he went with him.
00:43He went with him.
00:46He visited him.
00:48Everyone was worried seeing him.
00:51He had nothing.
00:54What did Imam Hussain make him visit?
01:00He can make everyone visit.
01:04You need to suffer. Suffer.
01:10That's why Imam Hussain said,
01:12Someone can come with me,
01:15Who can exchange his blood.
01:19Bring it in his hands.
01:23Karbala is asking for existence.
01:26This gathering is asking for your existence.
01:31Not only this.
01:33Appearance is also important.
01:38All these things.
01:40Appearance is also important.
01:41But existence is important.
01:43Doors and walls don't have meaning until there is a human being.
01:50A human being should exist.
01:53If you are sincere,
01:55Angels will come to listen to your gathering.
01:59But if you are not sincere,
02:01There is no use.
02:03And this is the thing,
02:05Due to which,
02:07Not that there is a lack,
02:09But we were put in some other direction,
02:13So that we don't get to know the real Imam.
02:17Dhanasta or Ghairdhanasta.
02:19Whatever you call it.
02:21A lot of things can be done after Muharram.
02:25It can be done.
02:27It is a whole year.
02:29But these days are special for Imam Hussain.
02:33Special for Imam Hussain.
02:35If we are not reaching Karbala,
02:39Then there is something wrong.
02:41There is something wrong in me,
02:42Or there is something wrong in you.
