Princess adventure cartoon stories

  • 2 days ago
Princess adventure cartoon stories


00:008.41pm In the beginning of the movie, we see a prince named Edward who was very valiant
00:07and smart and the whole world recognized him his job was to help people Edward's biggest
00:12fan was a princess named Barbara who was obsessed with him and Edward also loves her and he
00:18keeps sending her love letters all the time Barbara also had a friend who was a flying
00:24bulb from here scene shifts to Barbara's castle who was seated there was a lot of
00:30robots in the castle who all were very skilled their job was to do every kind of stuff that
00:35needed to be done Barbara's dad King Eli is a considered all those robots as their family
00:42and he had a magical serum which had the ability to make any non-living things come to life
00:49it was princess Barbara's birthday today but as usual she was not in the castle so
00:55when King gets to know about it he goes to find her on the other hand who was upset for
01:02Edward as it's been a long time but she got no reply or letter from Edward right at the
01:07moment King comes there he was very protective for her daughter and he never let his daughter
01:14to do any kind of stuff that involved risk but Barbara was fed up with this and she wanted
01:20to visit outside world for adventure in the meantime a storybook falls from Barbara's
01:26hand which the King sees upon seeing Prince Edward in the storybook King gets angry and
01:32orders his robot to tell the post office to stop delivering such literature to palace
01:38on the other hand we see the post office of that town where there was a letter from Edward
01:44to Barbara but number one was ready to take it to Barbara because of the fear of the
01:48King but there was a junior male sorter named Joyce who agrees to do this work and goes
01:55to the palace to give the letter to Barbara and the palace Barbara was getting adorned
02:00for her birthday but as soon as she hears the sound of approaching royal mail she gets
02:06too excited and goes to receive that mail thinking it to be from Prince Edward but there
02:12Joyce start to show his obnoxious behavior he had already read that letter and knew that
02:18Barbara was refused from her father to stop receiving any mails from Edward so he starts
02:25blackmailing her and demands for her kiss seeing this Barbara runs away with that letter
02:30but during this time the letter slips out of her hand and reaches to the throne of the
02:35King when the King reads that letter he gets very angry and warns her for the last time
02:41to forgive about that Prince and come downstairs for reception by making yourself look respectable
02:47in front of every guest but Barbara plans to do exactly opposite on the other hand Joyce
02:53was wandering in the palace in the absence of guards during the time he sneaks into King's
03:00secret lab but as soon as he takes that magical potion King comes there and asks him to put
03:06it back but the potion mistakenly falls down by Joyce and it causes a blast seeing King
03:12so much anxious about it he understands that this potion isn't ordinary so he blackmails
03:20the King and demands him to get him married with her daughter and for that magical potion
03:26helpless King had to agree on this proposal till now almost all the guests had arrived
03:31for the celebration of Barbara's birthday there Barbara enters with a very weird dressing
03:38style to make her dad feel embarrassed but then King announced that this celebration
03:43was in the joy of my daughter's wedding with a junior male sort of Joyce along with Barbara
03:49everyone was shocked to know about it so to avoid this wedding Barbara calls her best
03:55friend fireballs there and runs away with him Joyce follows her and try to catch her
04:00but it was of no use he accidentally slips off from his motorcycle and unknowingly Barbara
04:07comes to a forest but their fireball hits with a tree branch due to which Barbara falls
04:13to the ground and gets unconscious soon Joyce shows up there and puts her in a sack but
04:20as he was about to go from there a wicked rabbit appears there and he calls his friend
04:25Boogie who was resembling like a monster upon seeing him Joyce leaves Barbara there and
04:30runs away and then Boogie takes Barbara and his cave on the other hand anxious Joyce falls
04:37down while running away and the magical potion slip out of his hand and touches a crisp which
04:43makes the crystal glows but when Joyce touches crystal with his one hand gets paralyzed next
04:50day Bulby comes in that forest in search of Barbara and when he sees that sack in the
04:55cave he releases Barbara finding herself in that cave Barbara start to investigate
05:01there but then Boogie comes there seeing such monster like being in a rabbit she considers
05:09them as robbers and try to escape from there artfully but Boogie closes the gate there
05:14when they find out that Barbara is King Eliza's daughter they think that they could demand
05:20pretty high ransom from King in return of princess but Barbara didn't want to return
05:26back to her palace as Joyce was waiting there for her rather she asked him to take her to
05:32Prince Edward's palace but they don't take her seriously on the other hand Joyce has
05:37returned back to the palace there he says the King that Barbara is kidnapped by Boogie
05:43the monster in that forest and he asks the King about the whole truth of that magical
05:50potion King says that back then when Barbara was born she was very weak and we were afraid
05:56that she wouldn't make it so I really needed to find a little of this water of life and
06:02finally we found its source but despite of the legend saying that nobody dared take this
06:09water I took some of that water but this made the mother nature very angry and we see
06:15the havoc in front of us somehow we all managed to escape from there but after that the road
06:23got blocked with boulders hearing this Joyce orders the King to prepare a dozen of soldiers
06:28with that potion so that Boogie couldn't stand a chance against him on the other hand Barbara
06:34was threatening Boogie with Prince Edward's name so that he let her go but when Boogie
06:40trees shut her up she bites it thumb which makes Boogie fall into the river seeing this
06:47rabbit gets involved in rescuing Boogie meanwhile Bulby unhitch his barber's rope but when she
06:55finds Boogie in danger she decides to help him and by applying her acumen she managed
07:01to rescue Boogie after saving them Barbara started boasting her and claims herself as
07:06the queen of that forest but hearing this Boogie gets offended so we lifts her and take
07:13her to one of the highest point of the forest and says her that you humans hiding there
07:18in your little world of concrete thinking you know everything but you don't there he
07:24shows her the mother nature and says that she's been here a thousand princess before
07:29you mother nature is source of all life and this land is hers alone this makes Barbara
07:35to realize her mistake and she understands that she is just a speckle of dust there she
07:41opens herself to Boogie and asks for his help to save her from her kingdom on the other
07:47hand Joyce was busy preparing for his army of robots by using the magical siren and crystals
07:54he fixes his paralyzed arm too with that but he wanted a bird's eye view to guide his army
08:00the way to Barbara so when he runs out of crystals he takes one from the king's peculiar
08:07robot and using that he makes a steel at robot alive who could fly high in the sky after
08:13that he sends his army of robot dogs along with steel eye to find Boogie and rip him
08:20to pieces on the other hand Boogie was ready to take Barbara to Prince Edward seeing in
08:26about turn of Boogie money was also surprised Barbara is fun loving nature has made Boogie
08:33kind-hearted toward her during evening they stay in a cave where bunny notices that Boogie
08:40was getting attracted toward Barbara upon seeing this he admonishes Boogie that she
08:45isn't your time you both are different from each other this makes Boogie upset and he
08:51goes away from there seeing this Barbara asks bunny to tell the story about how they to
08:56meet Bonnie explains that initially Boogie was a human and I found him when he was very
09:03young he got lost in the forest and had no idea about where his parents were alone he
09:10would have perished but mother nature saved his life and sent him on a noble mission to
09:15protect this forest from the people who cut down trees and scare care animals it's the
09:22mother nature who gave Boogie the strength of ten bears and ever since he's protecting her
09:27but in the meantime the army of robot dogs along with steel I had come in that forest in search
09:34of them now even after morning when Boogie didn't return to the cave bunny and Barbara
09:40starts looking for him but upon hearing bunny signal for calling Boogie a robot dog comes
09:47there and when he sees them he starts chasing them for attack but money and Barbara somehow
09:54managed to escape from him and at last bunny crushes that robot with a big rock seeing
09:59seeing this Barbara got very scared and misses her dad there she got to know that bunny also
10:06knows about her dad because one time King Eliza had saved his life when he was torn
10:11upon by foxes and brought back from dead in the same way but due to this his children
10:18were scared of him and that's why he used to consider himself as a thing but their Barbara
10:24comforts her on the other hand as soon as those robots enter the forest the chaos start all the
10:31animals get scared and starts running for their lives as soon as bunny and Barbara realized this
10:38they also evade from there but the robots were after them soon Boogie reaches there and when
10:43he sees his friends in danger he comes to defend them and finally managed to save them from all
10:50the robots safely but through the stelae robot King and Joyce get to know about their actual
10:56location but their Joyce also sees the source of that magical water which was in tons of quantity
11:03seeing this Joyce to understand that the king has been keeping it a secret from him so as a
11:09punishment he ordered his guards to lock him up there wasn't much of that magical water left so
11:17he decides to get there and get enough of that water to take over the world after that he leaves
11:23for there with his army and cavalry on the other hand Barbara was heading toward Prince Edward's
11:29castle along with Boogie and bunny but when they finally approached to Prince Edward's castle Boogie
11:36gets downhearted as it was the time for Barbara to go alone to castle Barbara has to go as Prince
11:42Edward was the only man who could now save King Eliza in their kingdom from Joyce seeing Barbara
11:49leaving but before leaving they give her a whistle to signal them in case of emergency when Barbara
11:56enters into the castle she sees Prince Edward's poster everywhere seeing what she becomes very
12:02glad excitedly she entered into the castle by avoiding the security guards but there she meets
12:10a lady named Princess Edward Dina there Barbara gets to know that Prince Edward isn't even a real
12:16person it's just a made-up name by Edward Dina because nobody bought the adventure of Princess
12:23Edward Dina so for that Edward Dina and her team came up with their storyline to boost up the cells
12:30of their storybook and they got massive success after that and the message that Barbara got was
12:35just auto reply that they send out to all their female subscribers this breaks Barbara's heart and
12:43she gets hurt very badly but before leaving she tells Edward Dina that my dad and their kingdom
12:50is in danger because of an evil postman and Boogie the beast and a talking rabbit helped
12:56let me to get there I came here to marry Prince Edward and asked for his help hearing all this
13:02Edward Dina thinks that Barbara must have been tired so she orders her manager to arrange dinner
13:09for Barbara actually she thinks that Barbara is delusional but she could write a storybook by
13:16using her imagination and she didn't take her word seriously she says to Barbara that you'll
13:23head off home to your dad in the morning as she read in newspaper that the person who will find
13:28King's daughter will get a seven figure sum as reward hearing this Barbara requests her not to
13:35send her there and asked for her help to get rid of Joyce but as Edward Dina considers her childish
13:42so she didn't take her seriously now Barbara was locked up there and couldn't do anything but then
13:49Bieber comes there and reminds her to signal Boogie by that whistle but accidentally her whistle falls
13:56down so Bulby himself goes to find Boogie there in the kingdom nanny and Steven all together
14:03distract the robot of choice and killer robot take its crystal back using which they reactivate
14:10Theodore and they plan to get King Eliza out of the imprisonment in the forest Bulby finds Boogie
14:17and Bunny and tells everything about the problem hearing the news of Barbara getting in trouble
14:22Boogie leaves to save her without thinking much but Bunny doesn't go with him Bunny goes to the
14:28kingdom clamorously which scares everyone there he finally gets a Barbara and meets her but as
14:35they were about to leave from there they get surrounded by the armed guards but soon Edward
14:42Ayer comes there and orders them to let them go she does that because she thinks that today she
14:48was lucky to be part of a real life fairy tale on the other hand Joyce had now reached to the
14:54forest and to get more of that magical spark he had started getting the play excavated but Boogie
15:02was also on the way to stop him when he hears a signal he thinks that it's his friend Bunny
15:09but actually it was Joyce who had captured Bunny there Joyce orders his robots to cut off Boogie's
15:15horns so that he could nail them to the town gates but seeing Boogie in such helpless situation
15:22Barbara gets ready to marry with Joyce hearing this Joyce leaves Boogie to mercy then there
15:29comes King Eliza who advises Joyce not to take any amount of magical spark from here
15:35otherwise you can't escape the wrath of mother nature but voice didn't listen to him but then
15:42King Eliza shows him his actual trick actually he had already made himself a super button to
15:49control Joyce's robot army using the button he soon deactivates all those robots at once
15:57this also makes Joyce's one arm paralyzed again seeing himself powerless Joyce takes all those
16:04remaining sparks at once but it wasn't enough for him so to make himself even more powerful
16:11he embodies very huge amount of that spark which soon turns him into a vicious creature
16:17in the meantime Boogie for himself with the help of Bunny then the battle starts between them but
16:24Joyce proves to be weak now Joyce's strength has gone to his head and he start to challenge mother
16:30nature this makes the mother nature very angry and there comes a horrendous storm which engulfs
16:36Joyce into it but after that Boogie Barbara and everyone else also starts to get drawn to that
16:44the situation was getting very terrible but at last Joyce gets swallowed by mother nature forever
16:51and Boogie and Barbara gets saved by the combined effort of King Eliza and Bulba King and Barbara
16:57gets very glad to meet again but the next moment when everything seems normal suddenly the entire
17:04source of that spark get dried up and Bulba and Bunny becomes unconscious as they were brought
17:09back by spark but there Barbara also starts feeling uncomfortable and it is revealed that
17:16she was also brought back to life by that spark and when Boogie sees Barbara lying there unconsciously
17:23he begs mother nature to spare his friend's life and request her to take his life instead after
17:29this a bright light shine through the sky and revised Barbara returning Boogie into a statue
17:37the time flies and we see Barbara who comes there to meet Boogie she was obliged to Boogie for his
17:44favor and after kissing his statue Barbara and everyone leave from there emotionally
17:50but then they see a miracle and by mother nature grace Boogie comes back to his human form and
17:56everything becomes normal finally Barbara and Boogie reunites with each other which
18:02makes everyone happy and with this the movie comes to an end
