《988新闻线》:2024年10月03日 中东局势波及全球股汇 令吉涨势只维持不到两周 !

  • 4 days ago
#988新闻线 | “假拿督”乱象愈发严重,鱼目混珠多到每天都有人向拿督理事会查真假!
MyDigital ID app注册争议,在被交通部喊停后,单一登录系统官宣推迟 ,而当局也就不便向民众道歉…
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00:00988 News
00:05Hello, I'm Shu Ting.
00:06Hello, I'm Xinrui.
00:07Today, I'm with Xinrui at the same time
00:09arriving at the office.
00:10Yes, we were going to say that
00:11we were going to participate in the HR Day of this company today,
00:14our Children's Day.
00:15Originally, we were in a very happy mood here.
00:16As a result, the two of us were really angry in the car.
00:20We were heartbroken
00:21because we happened to be listening in the car at the same time.
00:23At the time of HoliGo,
00:25we were going to send this friend who is a fan hero.
00:29He couldn't guess this.
00:30It was really obvious
00:32because the name of the song had already been sung.
00:34You know, the point is...
00:37The point is that the bonus has been accumulated to a very high level.
00:40He just said goodbye to 1,400 yuan like this.
00:42But the next period of time,
00:44our friend made us feel very comfortable
00:46because he took the money back.
00:47Clap your hands.
00:48Yes, our money is in the form of ROU.
00:50That is, every period may add 200 RMB.
00:52Then ROU to the period that just ended,
00:54which is 1,600 RMB.
00:55Finally, someone took it away.
00:57Of course, this fan hero has been around since last week.
01:01I hope everyone can participate more.
01:03This week, you can also continue to participate.
01:06At a certain time,
01:07participate in our fan hero and take the bonus back.
01:15The school holiday in 2025 is the New Year of the Peasant.
01:18The teacher has a 30-day long vacation.
01:22To delay the implementation of this measure for the sake of justice,
01:25MyDigit's ID said it would help register offline.
01:29The situation in the Middle East is like a global stock market.
01:32The market is only maintained for less than two weeks.
01:36Claiming that Xun Xian is a fake.
01:39And Nadoli will suggest that he will be punished for faking.
01:46Maybe you have heard that many people in China are using fake Xun Xian.
01:51But do you know how serious the situation is?
01:54This person told you that he is Dato.
01:55That person told you that he is Dato.
01:57Who is real and who is fake?
01:59Malaysia's Nadoli Council MDDM revealed that
02:01they receive people's inquiries and reports almost every day
02:06to verify whether someone's Xun Xian is real or not.
02:09Or they have exposed that someone is actually using fake Xun Xian.
02:13How do these people abuse Xun Xian?
02:16Malaysia's Nadoli Council observed that
02:18at least four kinds of behavior are abuse.
02:21First, some people don't actually get Xun Xian.
02:25But they claim to use Xun Xian in various things.
02:29And some people have been using it for several years.
02:31But no one found out.
02:32It's like you're not Dato.
02:34But everyone says you're Dato Yao Shuting.
02:36But someone really believes it.
02:37Another kind is a scam of a fraud group.
02:41Some of them may even modify other people's photos.
02:45They will also create their own fake website.
02:48Let these so-called people who think they are crazy
02:50to search for such a website.
02:52The third kind is to obtain Xun Xian through non-netizens.
02:55The fourth kind is the Xun Xian obtained abroad.
02:58But in Malaysia,
02:59our government does not recognize
03:01and does not allow the use of these Xun Xian.
03:03In fact, these behaviors are also mentioned in Article 12 of Article 787 of the law.
03:07The perpetrator can face up to three years in prison.
03:10After receiving reports and inquiries from the Nadoli Council,
03:13they will actually guide the people to do something.
03:16They mentioned a key point.
03:19If you want to report, you have to report to the police.
03:22So the authorities said,
03:23if you don't want to call the police,
03:25you don't have to report to them.
03:27Because they can't do anything.
03:28The Nadoli Council is actually the latest law on Xun Xian in 2017.
03:33In the 787 legal forum just mentioned,
03:36it is to discuss how to improve and strengthen the existing law,
03:40and to curb the situation of using fake Xun Xian.
03:44And it includes the provisions of the perpetrator.
03:47When they use Xun Xian on a business card,
03:50they can add the source of the Xun Xian on the back of the name.
03:53For example, if you are in the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
03:55you can write PRS.
03:56If you are in Pengheng,
03:58you can write Pahang, etc.
04:00The authorities also recommend that the punishment be increased.
04:02For those who fake Xun Xian,
04:04they just said that the prison sentence is not more than three years,
04:06but it is directly increased to no more than five years.
04:08I hope it can play a role in the combination.
04:10It should also be possible to check
04:11whether their Xun Xian is real or not.
04:13You can go to the relevant unit to check.
04:15However, it is said to combine these fake Xun Xian behaviors.
04:18But how to combine?
04:19It may not be able to stop the situation in the Middle East from deteriorating further.
04:23Iran issued about 200 missiles to Israel the other day.
04:27After Israel said that they would retaliate,
04:30Iran warned that if Israel retaliated,
04:32it would pay a heavy price.
04:34And this wave of Middle East tensions that have not yet seen the end
04:38is still unknown in the market.
04:42The situation in the Middle East is not improving.
04:44The stock market continues to decline.
04:45It is a new low since mid-August this year.
04:48The Fossil Fuel Comprehensive Index rose 1.39 points this morning
04:51and opened at 1,640.70 points.
04:54Then it fell sharply.
04:56When it closed, it rose 3.62 points at 12,269.77 points.
05:02And it is not easy to rise.
05:04After two consecutive trading days in the past two days,
05:07it fell to 4.2175 at 5 p.m.
05:11That is to say, the interest rate rose 4.20 points
05:15and only lasted nine days.
05:17In addition, the strong rebound of the Chinese stock market
05:19will also inevitably trigger the global investment group.
05:23And market observers said that after Beijing's latest stimulus measure,
05:27the funds that had left the Chinese stock market and moved to Japan and Southeast Asia
05:31will return.
05:32And this kind of transfer has already started.
05:34Like in South Korea and Indonesia,
05:36the stocks of my country Malaysia and Thailand
05:38were out of stock last week.
05:41The information from the Damascus Exchange shows that
05:42foreign investors sold 5.270.3 million mangoes last week
05:47and sold them every day.
05:50I think no matter what the situation is,
05:52the common people just hope that the economy will always be good.
05:56Yes, because the international situation will still affect my country's situation.
05:59Okay, then I will take you to focus on several court cases.
06:02The first one is that eight non-Muslim parents
06:06received a temporary ban issued by the court
06:09and asked Huang Weixiong, a Chinese Muslim missionary, to delete a video
06:13that is said to be a TikTok video of him guiding non-Muslims
06:17to secretly convert to Islam for minors.
06:20In fact, in June this year, the Internet spread widely
06:23that Huang Weixiong secretly converted to Islam for non-Muslim students
06:28who were not minors.
06:31After that, many non-governmental organizations
06:34expressed disappointment and dissatisfaction with this matter,
06:36and believed that Huang Weixiong's practice of converting to Islam for non-Muslim minors
06:41had violated the federal constitution and was a crime.
06:46The Five Religions Consultative Council also called on the government to take action.
06:50After the video was broadcast,
06:53many people reported it to the police,
06:56and the police classified the case as Article 505 of the Criminal Code,
07:01which is intended to incite or possibly incite any class or community.
07:06Once convicted, the person can be sentenced to up to two years in prison or two years in prison.
07:14Another case is also of great concern.
07:17It is the case of OneMDB black money laundering.
07:20Will the former prime minister Najib be found guilty on the surface?
07:24The High Court will decide on October 30.
07:27Speaking of this case, Najib was on September 20, 2018, six years ago.
07:31Wow, it's been six years.
07:33Because this case was submitted to the court,
07:35the Supreme Court faced four cases of misdemeanors and 21 cases of black money laundering in this case.
07:40After 235 days of interrogation,
07:42the prosecution announced on May 30 that it had completed the evidence.
07:45On August 19, the prosecution entered the stage of oral testimony of both parties.
07:49The current judge is now deciding whether Najib needs to appear in court on October 30.
07:55Okay, after watching these two cases,
07:57it's time to watch the VEP-related news.
07:59The Singaporean car owners who often need to come back to Maxin are of course very concerned about the VEP measures.
08:04Traffic Minister Lu Zhaofu said that Singaporean car owners who have applied for foreign vehicles to enter the VEP are free to enter.
08:12Those who have not applied can still enter,
08:14but they will receive a reminder notice from the law enforcement personnel.
08:19He also mentioned that two days before the VEP started,
08:21the relevant authorities tested a total of 678 cars from Singapore.
08:25Only 7% of them, that is, 50 car owners, did not submit a registration application for VEP.
08:33Therefore, the car owners received a reminder notice.
08:36So, to sum up, most of the foreign cars that have entered Malaysia since the implementation of the policy have completed the VEP application.
08:43Data shows that the Ministry of Transport has received more than 112,000 applications so far,
08:48and more than 75,000 have been completed.
08:50The car owners have also successfully installed RFID.
08:53Currently, there are still 37,000 applications that have not received RFID.
08:57The Hong Kong government is also working hard to open more VEP application centers
09:02so that more people can apply more quickly.
09:04It is also considered to open shopping malls so that more car owners can apply for more locations.
09:11However, Lu Zhaofu said that this is still under discussion.
09:13If there are any new developments, it will be announced publicly.
09:20We have been following up on this progress.
09:23From the announcement at the beginning to the ceremony later,
09:26it is said that the iconic Duolun Bridge in Bincheng will cross the North Sea Swing Bridge for the last time.
09:33Although it was raining heavily when it passed,
09:37many people held umbrellas to witness this historic moment.
09:42And when it passed, the applause and cheers were very, very lively.
09:47We saw the news of the Duolun Museum in Bincheng.
09:50Actually, yesterday, we published the news that
09:53this is the last time the Duolun Bridge crosses the KTMB Swing Bridge after the Bayan Danan Slope Closed.
09:59It is currently being remodeled into the first floating Duolun Museum in Asia.
10:04The iconic Duolun Bridge in Bincheng is a yellow old Duolun Bridge.
10:08If you are a citizen of Bincheng, you must be very impressed with it.
10:12Full of memories, right?
10:13It also says the words of the Bincheng Duolun Museum, Penang Ferry Museum.
10:17And the Duolun Bridge has two rows of full murals.
10:20It started at 12.30 p.m. today.
10:23From the Bayan Danan Slope,
10:25it was delayed to the Suddenham Pier Cruise Terminal SPCT,
10:30which is the Swedish Pier.
10:31After that, the last part of the remodeling work will be carried out.
10:34So we will soon see the Duolun Museum start to operate.
10:41Singaporeans should be very interested to go there and take a look.
10:46Okay, let's look at the topic I want to ask you today.
10:48In fact, we also talked about the system of MyDigitalID yesterday.
10:52Do you plan to register for MyDigitalID?
10:56If you have registered, click Love.
10:58If you don't plan to register for now, click Haha.
11:01Come and tell us what your current situation is.
11:04Have you registered or not?
11:06We will tell you more details about MyDigitalID when we come back.
11:10Let's have a good chat when we come back.
11:12Let's listen to Li Jiuzhe's song,
11:13Think Too Much.
11:17988 News.
11:19Hello, I'm Shu Ting.
11:20Hello, I'm Xin Rui.
11:21We talked about MyDigitalID yesterday.
11:24The Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Road Safety, has announced the cancellation of the MyDigitalID app,
11:28which is a new measure that is forced to log in through MyDigitalID.
11:32At this time, the National Digital Identity MyDigitalID also issued a statement
11:36to apologize for the inconvenience to the people.
11:39MyDigitalID originally planned to start from October 10 this month.
11:43In the MyDigitalID app,
11:45the MyDigitalID Single Login System SSO is implemented.
11:49However, many people complained that
11:51how to face the problem of logging in or verifying the failure of MyDigitalID.
11:57Just now, friends from the news line also posted that
11:59they also tried to fail when they tried today.
12:01Of course, MyDigitalID posted today that
12:04the relevant measures will be postponed for the time being.
12:08MyDigitalID will no longer force everyone to log in to MyJPG through MyDigitalID.
12:14However, they emphasized that
12:16MyDigitalID can still be used as one of the login options for MyJPG,
12:21and encourage everyone to register for MyDigitalID.
12:24Speaking of MyJPG,
12:25this app is actually very important for drivers.
12:28So when you know that you need to log in through MyDigitalID,
12:32drivers will register immediately,
12:34so that their registration number will increase instantly.
12:38According to the authorities,
12:39the system attracts more than 150,000 people to register within 24 hours.
12:45This is far more than the normal registration volume per day.
12:48According to MyDigitalID,
12:50preliminary investigations show that there may be many factors
12:53that cause people to encounter some problems when registering.
12:56For example, MyDigitalID itself or MyJPG application system
13:01says that it has nothing to do with them.
13:03However, in the face recognition process,
13:05the picture of your face may not be clear enough,
13:08which will affect the system to accurately obtain information.
13:12The team also found that some users did not turn on the camera,
13:16which caused them to not be able to complete the face recognition process.
13:20In order to facilitate everyone's registration
13:22or to solve the problems encountered during registration,
13:24they have already launched offline services.
13:27Therefore, you can go to the JPN's office counter
13:30in the National Registration Bureau of 212 countries,
13:33or go to the designated T-Line branch,
13:35where there are specialists to search for registration services.
13:39However, with the government's policy of U-turn,
13:42that is, after the forced use of MyDigitalID
13:45to log in to MyJPG,
13:47Vice President Ma Hua, Liu Yaqiang,
13:49asked the Ministry of Transportation to explain in detail
13:52why there was so much chaos behind this decision,
13:55and why there was a U-turn.
13:57Liu Yaqiang asked,
13:59who initiated this decision in the first place?
14:02Why did this measure happen
14:04before the Minister Lu Zhaofu himself
14:06had made a decision?
14:08He believes that this kind of unclear operation
14:10undoubtedly deepened the people's trust in the government.
14:13He also said that although the measure was canceled
14:15after a strong rebound,
14:17he felt that the people's anger and uneasiness still lingered.
14:20Especially today, I still can't register.
14:22I should be angrier.
14:24Seeing this MyDigitalID problem,
14:26on the other hand,
14:28the Skill Development Fund,
14:30or PTPK,
14:31is going to solve the problem of delaying the loan.
14:34PTPK's Vice President,
14:36Rajiv said that so far,
14:38there have been 115,000 borrowers
14:40who have not repaid the loan
14:42after borrowing from PTPK.
14:44The situation is very similar to PTPN.
14:46The total loan delay
14:48is 933 million RMB.
14:50He said that the institution
14:52has only 90,000 borrowers
14:54who repay the loan on time.
14:56In order to encourage those borrowers
14:58who do not repay the loan on time
15:00to repay the loan as soon as possible,
15:02and to encourage those borrowers
15:04who repay the loan on time,
15:06PTPK also launched a lucky draw.
15:08If you don't repay the loan on time,
15:10you will have a chance to win mobile phones,
15:12mobile computers, electrical appliances, etc.
15:14It's really hard work.
15:16Speaking of PTPN,
15:18the Ministry of Higher Education
15:20said that 130,000 borrowers
15:22disappeared after graduation.
15:24They have not repaid a single cent to PTPN.
15:26The total loan delay
15:28is 6 billion RMB.
15:30Especially for those
15:32who borrow money to study,
15:34it is very important
15:36that you can gather your juniors
15:38after repaying the loan.
15:40Of course, the institution provides
15:42this loan service
15:44to give you a chance to learn.
15:46Speaking of learning,
15:48remember to buy books
15:50with the book vouchers provided by the government.
15:52Minister of Education Huang Jiahe
15:54reminded students that
15:56they need to exchange book vouchers
15:58through digital education learning
16:00measures DELIMA
16:02by the end of the year.
16:04The date is December 31.
16:06The number of book vouchers
16:08exchanged so far
16:10has reached 1.1875 million.
16:12In fact, the government seems to have
16:14a book voucher plan in recent years.
16:16For example, some students
16:18exchange book vouchers for money
16:20by the end of the year.
16:22So this year, the government
16:24has changed the online exchange
16:26and purchase method.
16:28Any transaction needs to be done
16:30on the digital education learning platform.
16:32And this exchange
16:34represents the end of the year
16:36in 2024, which means
16:38the beginning of the new year
16:40in 2025.
16:42I want to share a good news
16:44that from New Year's Eve to Lantern Festival
16:46next year, there will be
16:48a 30-day holiday.
16:50In fact, this is the same as this year,
16:52but it coincides with the school's
16:54end of the year holiday.
16:56The Lunar New Year in 2025
16:58will be on January 29,
17:00and the Lantern Festival
17:02will be on February 12.
17:04The end of the year holiday
17:06in 2024-2025
17:08will be from January 17
17:10to February 15 or 16.
17:12This is because of the
17:14COVID-19 pandemic,
17:16which has changed the students'
17:18school schedule for the past two years,
17:20but the government is slowly
17:22adjusting it.
17:24Anyway, when it comes to
17:26school learning,
17:28of course, we can't leave
17:30the teacher's guidance.
17:32Recently, the Ministry of Education
17:34launched a teacher transfer
17:36operation, and found that
17:38many Chinese teachers were transferred
17:40to other schools.
17:42As far as I know, there are
17:44more than 10 Chinese teachers
17:46in the Baxi Gu Dang area,
17:48with 134 senior teachers in total.
17:50Another piece of news is that
17:52they will be transferred
17:54within a week.
17:56This is the most exaggerated
17:58case of transferring
18:00Chinese teachers to other schools
18:02in Xinshan.
18:04Because the number of
18:06transferred teachers is
18:08so large,
18:10this is the first time
18:12in the history of the school
18:14to face such a large-scale
18:16transfer of senior teachers.
18:18In fact, the transfer of teachers
18:20is very common in the education
18:22industry, but at the same time,
18:24more than a hundred teachers
18:26in the same area were transferred
18:30Parents urged the Ministry of Education
18:32to stop re-evaluating the
18:34teacher transfer operation
18:36because parents are worried
18:38that it will affect the
18:40sixth-year graduates
18:42and that there will be
18:44insufficient teachers to fill the gap.
18:46The Minister of Education,
18:48Huang Jiahe, said that
18:50he also received feedback
18:52from members of the Rofo Congress
18:54and parents.
18:56He believes that this issue
18:58will arouse attention,
19:00but it may be a bit wrong
19:02to move it widely.
19:04This is the part that parents
19:06may pay more attention to.
19:08Drivers or ordinary people
19:10may pay attention to another thing,
19:12which is the weather in the past few days.
19:14It's really bad.
19:16Friends in Shui Long,
19:18especially yesterday,
19:20the situation of traffic jams was
19:22very serious.
19:24The Deputy Director of the Meteorological Bureau,
19:26An Ben-Ding, said that the
19:28northeastern season of 2024-2025
19:30is expected to start in November
19:32and continue to rain.
19:34He also mentioned that the
19:36rainfall in most areas
19:38is expected to remain at an
19:40average level,
19:42not too much,
19:44except in the northern and
19:46eastern regions of the peninsula.
19:48It is expected that
19:50there will be more rainfall
19:52in the early days of the
19:54northeastern season in the
19:56eastern part of Shaba.
19:58The Basheng County Natural Disaster
20:00Management Bureau said that
20:02people living in the Basheng Port
20:04must be careful to prevent
20:06flash floods.
20:08It rains every Chinese New Year's Eve.
20:10It's true.
20:12Today is the first day of
20:14the Chinese New Year's Eve.
20:16The weather is not ideal.
20:18The Thunderstorm Warning issued
20:20by the Meteorological Bureau
20:22at 5.45 p.m.
20:24showed that most areas in the
20:26central region, such as
20:28Shaba, will be flooded.
20:30It rained heavily last night
20:32and flooded the
20:34Anbang South Sky Palace in
20:38The area is about one foot
20:40below the knees of
20:44The Jiuhuangye Palace in
20:46Jiuhuangye held a
20:48round-trip ceremony
20:50on August 30th.
20:52Even if it rains,
20:54it attracts more than 2,000 people
20:56and is very lively.
20:58The weather in northern China
21:00is very good.
21:02The Mogong Doumu Palace
21:04is the largest yellow boat
21:06in Taiwan.
21:08It is 38 feet long,
21:107 feet wide,
21:128 feet tall,
21:14and 15 feet high.
21:16It is a symbol of
21:18welcoming the emperor
21:20of Jiuhuangye.
21:22The Mogong Doumu Palace
21:24held a round-trip ceremony
21:26on August 30th.
21:54For more UN videos visit www.un.org
