Leftists Smugly Dance On Hurricane Helene Mountain Graves - Rollin' Rambles - Jody Bruchon Politics

  • 2 weeks ago
The video speaks for itself, frankly.

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00:00What's up, everyone?
00:11Time for another Rolling Rambles.
00:14This might be a little bit more scattered, but I really feel the need to say something
00:18and get this off my chest.
00:20I live in North Carolina, Central North Carolina to be more specific.
00:25I don't live in the mountains.
00:27I don't live on the coast.
00:29I've lived in North Carolina my entire life, and it's a little bit annoying seeing what
00:38happened with Hurricane Helene, and it really kind of pisses me off, and not a lot of things
00:47really piss me off, but there is something about what happens in a hurricane becoming
00:56a political issue that makes me angry no matter what, because I understand that politics
01:02are basically the art of people living together.
01:07Anything that involves being social is basically political by default, because that's what
01:12politics is by definition.
01:15It's how people get along with each other and the rules we agree to abide by, and one
01:20of my problems is that there are a lot of really, really stupid, moronic, ignorant,
01:28completely fact-phobic, fact-free ways of looking at the world out there.
01:35One of those is the whole climate change thing, and I won't go deep into it, but the bottom
01:41line is the notion that humans somehow are capable of controlling the weather across
01:48an entire planet, a good chunk of which the humans aren't even able to live on in the
01:52first place, is a little bit absurd to me.
01:56I'm not saying that we have zero effect, but .001 of an effect is really not a big deal,
02:04and even if it is, at some point you have to acknowledge that there's no way that people
02:11could be responsible for it.
02:14And I normally don't really bother dipping my toes into the stupid climate change bath,
02:21because it's not very productive or informative.
02:28The arguments have been going on for a long, long time.
02:31And ultimately, based on all of the reading and research I've done, I have concluded that
02:36the whole notion is...all of environmentalism generally falls under a Marxist umbrella and
02:46should be discarded completely.
02:48I'm not saying that we should dump tar into rivers or allow trash to float down rivers,
02:56but I am saying that environmentalism is not a...it really doesn't care about the environment.
03:06It cares about making you behave differently, and that's really all there is to it.
03:11It's a classic example of many things that seem, on the absolute surface, to be some
03:17sort of good thing that have been co-opted and turned into a really bad thing, that have
03:24been turned into a means of control of the population.
03:27But anyway, believe it or not, the video is not supposed to be about that, but I had to
03:31give you an introduction, otherwise the next part won't make as much sense to you, especially
03:37if you don't know what we're dealing with in terms of the whole climate change thing.
03:42In North Carolina, Hurricane Helene managed to make it way past the coast.
03:48Most hurricanes, what they do on the east coast...I don't know where you live, who you
03:53are, what you do, what you know...but on the east coast of the United States, we have these
04:00big, spinny storms called hurricanes.
04:02If it's on the west coast, I don't think it's a hurricane anymore.
04:06I think Pacific Ocean stuff is a typhoon.
04:09But we have these big, spinny, scary storms called hurricanes.
04:12They're very powerful.
04:13They cause a lot of property damage, erosion.
04:17They devastate environments in a lot of cases.
04:20It's really bad for islands that they pass over.
04:24We have spent probably billions to deal with hurricanes in the United States over the past
04:3150 years, or whatever.
04:33The amount of property damage over time is staggering.
04:36But Hurricane Helene is special, although not as special as you might think.
04:41When I say Hurricane Helene is special, I don't mean that it's some sort of once in
04:46a lifetime, freakish, never happened before event.
04:50I mean that it's special in that in recent times, hurricanes have not penetrated that
04:56far inland.
04:59This has resulted in the absolute devastation and destruction of, I would say, based on
05:06what I have seen, the majority of the entire mountain portion of North Carolina.
05:13The Appalachian Mountains were completely reshaped.
05:18Entire towns were washed away.
05:21Chimney Rock, North Carolina, most of downtown, no longer exists.
05:26Asheville, North Carolina, a far-left stronghold full of activists and wacky university students
05:33that think that life should revolve around them and that the real world should live by
05:40wackadoo leftist policies, suddenly are in a position where they no longer have the ability
05:46to leave.
05:48There is no way for them to get food or resources or whatever because there are now, well, there
05:54may be now, some people have found some routes, but when this storm landed Friday, last Friday
06:00as of this recording, nobody had any way to get in or out of Asheville, North Carolina
06:06by road.
06:08Anything that needed to come in would have to come in by helicopter or airplane.
06:11Actually, I don't even know if airplane.
06:13I think it's just helicopter.
06:16I don't know if you know this, but it's really expensive to fly a friggin' helicopter somewhere.
06:20So not exactly a good situation to be in, but here's my problem, and I know this feels
06:26like I've just gone off on a bunch of wackadoo tangents, but let me bring it full circle
06:30for you.
06:32So I saw someone on Facebook.
06:36I think it's an account called Left Way Forward.
06:40They made a post.
06:42They reposted a stupid failure of a leftist meme that said something about this hurricane
06:49that destroyed the western portion of North Carolina.
06:54That would never have happened.
06:55Nobody ever imagined that something like this could ever happen here in the entire past.
07:02So now are you going to believe that climate change is real?
07:07Fuck you.
07:10How could you do that?
07:11I'm not the kind of person who generally gets easily offended.
07:15I don't usually make arguments to taste unless, you know, it's just something trivial.
07:21But this is not one of those situations.
07:23This is a thing where these parts of North Carolina were completely devastated, if not
07:31Thousands of people probably lost their lives.
07:34We won't even know for a long time.
07:37But tons of people have been displaced and are at serious risk even today.
07:42And by the way, before I go forward, there were a bunch of people holding up signs at
07:47my local Walmart where I live saying, pray for western North Carolina.
07:51And it pissed me off because these people are standing around in front of Walmart just,
07:56you know, oh look at me.
07:57It's Sunday and I'm holding up a sign saying, I believe in Jesus and you should think about
08:02this place that's having problems.
08:03Well, look, you assholes.
08:05If you actually cared, you Jesus bucket freaks, then you would actually go to western North
08:10Carolina and do something.
08:11But the thing is, it's a lot cheaper to go into Walmart, buy a poster board and a Sharpie,
08:16and write, pray for western North Carolina on a piece of paper, stand around for two
08:20hours and feel good about yourself, than it is to drive over as far as you can toward
08:25Asheville and go, how can I help?
08:29So don't act like, you know, we're not going to act like the Christian right wing whatever
08:34is necessarily better.
08:36But in this particular instance, this dickhead posted something saying, all these people
08:41suffered and died and all that, and I'm ignorant of how hurricanes work and history and all
08:48Don't you believe in climate change now?
08:51Dude, this is beyond tasteless.
08:54This is absolutely disgusting.
08:57I have 100% contempt for anybody who posts this trash.
09:03And here's the thing, alright?
09:05It's not even a good political argument.
09:06It's not a good argument at all.
09:09Because you have to be a moron to say, this never, never would have happened, no one ever
09:14would have thought this would have happened in the entirety of history over there.
09:18Like hurricanes don't make it to the mountains.
09:20No one ever could have imagined that this happened.
09:23Are you stupid?
09:24Are you a fucking idiot?
09:26Did you really just make this moron leftist meme talking about how, oh, well all these
09:32dumb rednecks in Appalachia, never mind that it's Asheville that's actually one of the
09:36most impacted areas, oh, you dumb rednecks in Appalachia that are probably all Trumpy
09:41McTrump supporters, oh, you're all suffering now because of a big bad storm that we told
09:46you was going to come because of climate change, well, are you going to change your beliefs
09:51Hey, hey, hey, hey, pricks, hey, guess what?
09:56You ever heard of Hurricane Hugo?
09:58I was alive during Hurricane Hugo.
10:00I was not very old, but I was old enough to at least vaguely understand what happened
10:05during Hurricane Hugo.
10:07Hurricane Hugo was this absolute beastly behemoth of a hurricane in 1989.
10:14This thing was humongous.
10:16It covered both North and South Carolina at the same time.
10:21Helene barely managed to cover Central North Carolina with itself.
10:25Helene was a monster, and Hugo penetrated inland, wrecked the crap out of North and
10:31South Carolina, mostly South Carolina, but it wrecked the crap out of North and South
10:36Carolina, then it made it to the mountains.
10:40Hurricane Hugo in 1989 devastated the mountains, maybe not quite as much as Helene did, to
10:46be 100% fair, but I'm not ceding any ground by saying this.
10:52Even though the hurricane may not have caused quite the level of devastation we've seen
10:57with this most recent one, your stupid climate change thing is completely disproven.
11:02If you really want to go with the whole, ooh, bad hurricane, you dumb rednecks, suffered
11:07enough yet?
11:08Because Hugo did it first.
11:11Hugo was 1989.
11:12It is 2024, which means if I can do math in my head, 99, 09, 19, that's 30, and then we
11:18got another five, so it's been 35 years since Hurricane Hugo.
11:22In the 35 years since Hurricane Hugo, we've never had a hurricane go that far in the mountains,
11:27but guess what?
11:2835 years ago, it happened.
11:30Maybe not quite as strong, but close enough.
11:33Trashed the place all over both states.
11:35It was not just the coast.
11:37It was not just the Piedmont.
11:39It was the mountains, too.
11:41And it was 35 years ago.
11:43This whole anthropogenic, global warming climate change that used to, by the way, in the 70s,
11:48be, oh, there's going to be an ice age coming.
11:51In fact, I distinctly remember watching, shot on film, 1977, I think, Leonard Nimoy
11:57narrated In Search Of, a TV show, about, there was an episode about the coming ice age.
12:06That's in 77.
12:08And then it became global warming in the 80s and 90s, and then they realized that if they
12:12keep bouncing between global warming and an ice age, it's not going to go over very well.
12:16So let's just call it climate change, which is the most generic, deluded term possible,
12:21and we'll just go with that.
12:27So these psychotic, dehumanizing leftist pricks are taking all of this human loss, this very
12:33real and significant suffering that is politically indiscriminate, and exploiting it to say,
12:41well, oh, this is what you get for not believing in our bullshit political philosophy that's
12:47really just a joke that's meant to control you and your behavior.
12:54Let me know how well that goes for you.
12:57You know, Kamala Harris is going to go to Western North Carolina and, you know, whatever,
13:02the devastation.
13:06What are you going to do, Kamala?
13:07Not a damn thing.
13:08This is Maui 2.0.
13:09Frankly, this is Puerto Rico 2.0.
13:12In the past, the federal government has been complete shit at helping anybody in the United
13:18States that has a major disaster, a major humanitarian crisis, actually recover from
13:25The shenanigans in Puerto Rico were ridiculous, off the charts.
13:28I don't remember all the details because it was so long ago, but I know that just being
13:35there and watching all the news fly by at the time, I could not believe how completely
13:40mismanaged and incompetent the federal government actually is.
13:44For God knows how long, probably before Obama, to be completely frank, the federal government
13:51is a bunch of babies that are charged with the duty of making sure that everybody in
13:56the country is okay, yet somehow all they do is make things worse for everybody in the
14:01country every time something happens.
14:03And when they have the opportunity to step up and they actually can do something of value
14:08to the American people, they can actually take care of people, they don't.
14:13They don't do it.
14:14They don't give a shit.
14:16Some state has a severe problem, like tons of people that are at risk or potentially
14:21even dying, displaced, homes gone, everything that they ever had in life washed away in
14:28a landslide.
14:30The federal government's like, well, you know, we don't know if we have the budget, since
14:36we sent it all to Ukraine and we have our thumbs up our asses, how can we make this
14:41benefit us?
14:42You know, if we can find a way to make this benefit us, maybe if we could launder some
14:45money through the relief efforts, that would be good, right?
14:50And it's really funny because, you know, I grew up, most of my memorable childhood was
14:54spent in the 90s.
14:56And I remember watching The Simpsons, and I remember one episode of The Simpsons stuck
14:59out to me.
15:01It was this crazy idea, right?
15:03The Simpsons had this thing where Lisa got upset about the way that things were being
15:08run or whatever, wrote a letter expressing her disappointment, sent it to the federal
15:13government or whatever, and the government goes, oh my God, a little girl's losing faith
15:18in democracy.
15:19And suddenly, they don't attach riders to bills and they don't vote themselves pay raises
15:25and they just magically do everything that they actually should be doing as representatives
15:30of the people.
15:31And I was like, wow, yeah, why don't they do that?
15:36And here we are.
15:37It doesn't matter.
15:38It doesn't matter.
15:39They are not going to do that.
15:41They just don't give a shit.
15:42They don't give a shit about you.
15:43They don't give a shit about me.
15:44All they give a shit about is how can we take the money from anybody that we can get it
15:49from in this country and then put it through a little nice federal laundromat and put it
15:55back in our back pockets?
15:57Because if you think for one second that Jeff Bezos or Larry Page or Larry Ellison or any
16:06of these other CEOs that run huge tech companies and amass wealth, if you think that that's
16:12the real story in this country, you are dead wrong.
16:16We are talking about a very small number of people.
16:19You want to know where the real scandal is financially?
16:22It's the politicians on the state and federal levels kicking back money, getting contracts
16:30for their families.
16:31And if you think for one second that that whole contract system really is fair, you're
16:35full of it.
16:36All they have to do is write the contracts a certain way and then have whoever submitted
16:40a certain way and then all the other contracts, well, those contracts aren't going to actually
16:47So we have to hire this one contractor that happens to be able to do the job and we're
16:51just going to assume that the price is fair and so on and so forth.
16:55And there's nothing that can really be done about it.
16:57These absolute prick-asshole politicians, all they do is siphon money back into their
17:02own bank accounts.
17:03Look at how much Nancy Pelosi is worth.
17:05Do you think, and I'm not picking on her because she's a Democrat, I normally would do that,
17:09but that's not why I'm doing that this time.
17:11Do you think that Nancy Pelosi or any of the other ultra-rich politicians that are up
17:16in the House or Senate or whatever, in the government of this country, do you think they
17:21got rich through natural, organic, no cheating, no insider trading means?
17:30No, absolutely they did not.
17:33In fact, Congress sets a whole lot of the policies that determine what businesses can
17:38or will do anyway.
17:40How would you prove the insider trading?
17:42It's basically impossible.
17:43If some guy calls me up and says, hey, hey, hey, hey, we're about to have a thing happen.
17:50You might want to move your money out of this business or you might want to move your money
17:54into this business because we're about to do a thing.
17:58You can't prove that.
17:59It was verbal call.
18:00Who's recording that call?
18:03Even though I think, actually, that once you become a politician, everything that you do
18:07should be scrutinized from the top down.
18:09You shouldn't be able to have private conversations.
18:11You're not a private citizen anymore.
18:13You've elected to be a public citizen.
18:15You've elected to be a representative of the people.
18:17You've taken public office.
18:18You shouldn't be having private backroom deals and calls.
18:21You shouldn't be able to have a private conversation with the cable television people of America
18:27or whatever or the advertiser's asshole union or whatever.
18:32You shouldn't be able to have talks with John Deere where they'll convince you with steak
18:35dinners and backroom deals and a little money that you shouldn't actually put through a
18:40bill that makes it so that the products that you purchase actually live up to what is expected
18:45and are repairable.
18:46Anyway, I've gotten a little bit off track there, but the fundamentals remain the same
18:50no matter how you cut it.
18:52And you know what?
18:53You want to bring it right back?
18:54The bottom line is that these assholes exploiting all of these people that are suffering in
18:59Western North Carolina for clout, they're not even getting paid to do it.
19:04The leftist assholes are doing it for free.
19:07They are exploiting Western North Carolina for free.
19:13Nobody's paying them.
19:14They're basically the Reddit mods of society.
19:18And they're just running around going, hey, idiots, you need to believe what we tell you
19:22to believe.
19:23That'll teach you, you stupid redneck podunk idiots.
19:27Yeah, W for the L. I'm just tired of it.
19:34I'm tired of pretending like these people are, you know, like somehow they're equal
19:39to me.
19:40Like somehow these people deserve equal consideration or equal time or even deserve to be given
19:48the same level of consideration that I am whenever I open my mouth.
19:53Now, I understand that everybody has a right to free speech, but these people are cancer.
19:59And frankly, I won't complain too much if they can no longer speak.
20:04At the same time, I don't want my principles to be compromised, so I propose a possible
20:10solution here.
20:12I would like to see me be forced to live by my principles, and I would like to see them
20:19be forced to live by their principles.
20:22I don't want to live by their principles.
20:25I want to live by my own.
20:27So what I would like to propose is that we hold leftist psychos to the principles that
20:33they claim to hold or to establish or to expect of other people.
20:40But then people like me and you that are actually remotely reasonable, we get to live by our
20:47So if you're a wacko that thinks that Western North Carolina deserve what they got because
20:52climate change is totally real, you guys, and all the political beliefs that tend to
20:58float along with that, all the restrictions on freedom, you know, the whole hate speech
21:02thing and all that, well, how about this?
21:05How about your social media gets strictly moderated by a moron AI that will turn against
21:15you in ways you couldn't even possibly fathom, while my social media goes unmoderated and
21:21I get to say all of the n-bombs that I want to, and we all have a good laugh about it
21:27while you cope, seethe, and dilate.
21:30That sounds like a pretty great compromise to me.
21:32Because if we're really going to do this thing, why don't we do it all the way?
21:36Live by your principles, you dickheads.
21:38And you know what?
21:39The next time there's some sort of bad thing that happens to you, the next time you're
21:43in need and you're just going to dance on the graves of all the people in Western North
21:47Carolina who have suffered and died because of something that is no fault of their own,
21:52that there's no way that they could possibly have done anything, if they bought an electric
21:57car, it wasn't going to stop downtown Chimney Rock from washing away off the mountain.
22:02So if you're going to hold people responsible for that bullshit, maybe we should hold you
22:05responsible for your bullshit.
22:07Maybe we should put strict laws on you.
22:10Maybe we should hold you to your own standards.
22:12And I think in the end, that's what I'm actually advocating for here, is that any of these
22:17people that do not even live up to basic fundamental standards of being a decent human being, because
22:24they love to use that phrase, right?
22:26Oh, I believe in trans rights, not because I've gone through the ideology and I've actually
22:33thought it all the way through in all of the various multiple aspects that it will apply
22:37and the network effects it will have.
22:39No, I believe in it because I'm a fundamentally decent human being, because that's what just
22:44fundamentally decent human beings do.
22:46Well, if you don't live up to my standards of a fundamentally decent human being, maybe
22:49you shouldn't be allowed to speak on the internet.
22:51Maybe you shouldn't be allowed to have a bank account.
22:53Maybe you shouldn't be allowed to do business.
22:55Maybe you shouldn't be allowed to have housing.
22:57Maybe you shouldn't get government aid.
22:59Maybe you shouldn't get tax breaks.
23:00Maybe you should be forced to pay more taxes.
23:03Maybe you should be forced to live by your own ideals.
23:06And that ultimately is the message I think we should walk away from this with.
23:10Because these people do not live by what they preach.
23:12If they did, it would not take very long for them to change their tune.
23:15And you've seen it.
23:16You've seen it thousands of times.
23:18For some reason, all these psychopathic leftists that think that, you know, we should have
23:22open borders, let millions of people in a year to dilute the labor pool, and to drive
23:28wages down, to drive housing exponentially up, 20 people to a house, nobody will complain
23:33because they don't want to get deported, you know.
23:35All these people think this is a good idea.
23:37Once their own policies impact them directly, once they feel it in their pocket, once they're
23:42suffering under the weight of their own bullshit, all of a sudden, they start sounding like
23:49the most right-wing nutjobs that you've ever heard in your life.
23:53They start sounding awfully racist, awfully sexist.
23:56They start sounding an awful lot like people that otherwise, 30 years ago, were moderate,
24:03centrist, leaning, you know, just normal libertarian people.
24:07And that's it.
24:09Maybe we should make them live by their standards.
24:11You want to crap on the people of Western North Carolina so that you can get a little
24:15bit more clout for your bullshit climate change thing?
24:17Okay, that's fine.
24:19Next time you have a problem, we're coming after you.
24:21You know what?
24:22You can float down the river on the remnants of your house.
24:24We don't care.
24:25We're not sending in the choppers to pick you up.
24:27Good riddance.
24:28Get gone.
24:29You know what?
24:30Maybe you should move to Asheville.
24:31Next hurricane, hopefully, you can live by your standards.
24:34Like, comment, subscribe, you know.
