Countries That Will Pay You to Live There

  • 2 days ago
Countries That Will Pay You dollor pound and euro to Live There


00:00Life can feel expensive these days. Between the cost of living and the cost of housing,
00:04sometimes you may feel like you can barely afford to pay your regular expenses, let alone save.
00:10But can you imagine the opposite? Not paying to live somewhere, but instead being paid to live
00:16there? This may sound too good to be true, but I'm here to tell you that it's not.
00:20Today on Across the Globe, we're going to look at the 10 countries that will pay you to live there.
00:25Number 1. Italy. Italy has several areas that have been reported to pay people to move there,
00:32including Candela, Sardinia, and Presice Aquarica. Today, we're going to focus on
00:37the most lucrative among these, which is Presice Aquarica. If you look at photos of this town,
00:43it's hard to believe that such a beautiful place will actually pay you to move there.
00:47Located in the heel of Italy's boot, this town is a short drive from the coast and,
00:52with it, breathtaking beaches. The town itself is equally incredible, with plenty of historic
00:57buildings and great food. But let's get into the details of what I know you're wondering about.
01:02The money. Presice Aquarica is offering 30,000 euros to those who move there,
01:08which is the equivalent of a little over $32,000 USD. This town, like many others on this list,
01:14has been suffering from a population decline, so the cash bonus is an effort to get people
01:19to move there. In order to meet the grant requirements, you will need to buy a house
01:23that's been built before 1991 and move your official residency here.
01:30Canada. Saskatchewan, a province in western Canada, has recently launched a program meant
01:35to combat brain drain, the term used to describe the outflux of educated or professional workers
01:40from an area. To be eligible, you need to be a recent college grad from one of the universities
01:45on a list of pre-approved institutions. In exchange for agreeing to stay in this province,
01:50they'll give you $15,000 annually in tax returns, which you can benefit from for up to 10 years.
01:57If you find yourself here, you may choose to settle in one of Saskatchewan's mid-sized cities
02:02like Saskatoon, which has a population of about 273,000. But wherever you decide to live,
02:08you'll find an affordable cost of living and plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation.
02:13As an added benefit, you'll also receive free medical care. That's right, Saskatchewan is
02:19known as the birthplace of Medicare, and you can bet that its residents take advantage of this.
02:26Spain. If a daily siesta sounds like your kind of life, you might want to consider being paid
02:32to move to the quaint little town of Ponga. Located in Spain's northern mountains,
02:36Ponga has a population of about 600 people and is seeking new residents to help boost
02:42its local economy and combat population decline. To incentivize people, Ponga is offering new
02:47residents about 3,000 euros, which is about $3,200 USD. As an added bonus for those who
02:54want to have kids, this town is also offering an additional $3,200 for each baby that's born there.
03:00The catch is that you'll need to stay for about five years, but that shouldn't be too hard given
03:05this town's incredible peaceful location in the mountains. For instance, you can take advantage
03:10of the temperate Mediterranean climate through year-round hikes in the UNESCO-classified nature
03:14reserve that sits adjacent to Ponga. Chile. If you're an entrepreneur,
03:21listen up. Chile's capital, Santiago, is offering about $40,000 to entrepreneurs who are willing to
03:27relocate both themselves and their businesses here. This program, known as Startup Chile,
03:33began all the way back in 2010. It's basically a seed accelerator program started by the Chilean
03:38government in an effort to bring new businesses to the area. To be considered, you'll need to
03:43submit a proposal, the details of which can be found on the program's website. If you decide to
03:48move here, you'll find yourself living in a vibrant, bustling city with a population of about 5.6
03:54million. According to former expats who have relocated to Santiago, what they love best about
03:59this city is the street art scene, vibrant culture, and relatively affordable cost of living when
04:04compared to other cities of comparable size. Ireland. Another great option for business
04:12owners looking to make some money by relocating their businesses is Ireland. It's probably no
04:17secret by now that Ireland offers some amazing benefits for business owners, and while this
04:22country isn't directly paying you to live there, the incentives are so good that it may feel like
04:27they are. After all, there's a reason why companies like Apple, Google, and Facebook have used
04:32Ireland as a so-called business tax haven for years, and smaller entrepreneurs may be able to
04:38take advantage of these benefits too. Ireland is a great spot for business owners who are looking to
04:43live in an English-speaking country. It's equally great for those who like country or city living as
04:48Ireland has both. For instance, you can find yourself in a little cottage nestled in a verdant
04:54valley or live in Dublin, recently named one of the best cities in the world for its music,
04:59nightlife, and maybe most important, safety. Now I will note, before we move on, that Ireland,
05:04in response to some backlash, recently adjusted their tax policy slightly to try and reduce the
05:10prevalence of tax avoidance. However, it seems like businesses will still be able to benefit
05:15from moving here, as Ireland's adjustment is an increase on taxes on profits from 12.5% to just
05:2115%, which isn't a huge change. Number 6. Croatia. In the US, the median house sale as of April 2023
05:31was about $408,000, but what if I told you there was a place where you could buy a house for as
05:36little as $0.16? You might think I'm making this up, but I'm not. In fact, the municipality of
05:42Ligrad in Croatia has been seeing a decline in population, so in 2021, it started to offer some
05:48pretty crazy incentives to try and get people to move there, including selling homes for $0.16.
05:55In addition to a really cheap home, Ligrad will also pay you $4,000 towards home refurbishments.
06:01The catch is that you'll need to be able to prove financial stability, be under 40, and commit to
06:06living there for at least 15 years. If you decide to make the move, you'll find yourself living in
06:12northern Croatia amongst a population of about 2,240 and enjoying a rural, peaceful way of life.
06:19If you decide to travel around Croatia, you can get to Dubrovnik in about 7 hours or Croatia's
06:25capital, Zagreb, in about an hour and a half by car. Number 7. Switzerland. If your dream is to
06:32live in a place that looks like it's straight out of a postcard, Switzerland may be your spot. In
06:38fact, Switzerland has been named one of the most beautiful places to live in the entire world,
06:43and if you play your cards right, you may even be able to be paid to live here.
06:47After years of suffering from a significant population decline, especially when it comes
06:52to young people, the Swiss town of Albinon is trying to recruit more people through good old
06:57fashioned cash. That's right, this town of about 240 people is offering approximately $27,000
07:03to those who move here, plus what's equivalent to approximately $11,000 if you have children.
07:09To be eligible, you do need to meet a few requirements. First, you have to be under 45
07:14and agree to be a resident here for at least 10 years, and you also need to be a citizen or
07:19permanent resident of Switzerland. Additionally, you need to agree to purchase a property that's
07:24a minimum of about $214,000. If you decide to try and make the move here, you'll find yourself
07:30living in a peaceful, quaint little village that's off the beaten path. Given its small
07:35population, you'll also get to know pretty much every one of your neighbors, plus every morning
07:40you can enjoy a cup of coffee overlooking the breathtaking Swiss Alps.
07:44Number 8. Taiwan. If you're looking to be paid to move somewhere without needing to establish
07:49a permanent residence, Taiwan may be a great fit for you. While this isn't exactly being paid just
07:55to move there, Taiwan will pay you a pretty handsome sum if you move there to teach English.
08:00In fact, out of all of the countries that pay native English speakers to teach,
08:04Taiwan pays some of them most, at anywhere from $2,000 to $3,000 per month. That may not sound
08:11like a ton, but according to Nomad List, you can easily get by in cities like Taipei on that
08:16salary. And on the weekends and during holidays, you can find yourself lounging on white sandy
08:21beaches or exploring the streets and food scene in the bustling city of Taipei.
08:26Number 9. Greece. Have you dreamed of living on a remote island somewhere and waking up every day
08:33to the sound of ocean waves lapping on the shore? Well, the Greek island of Antikythera may be just
08:39what you're looking for. This island is only about 7 square miles, has a population of only a few
08:44dozen residents, and is located a 9-hour ferry ride from Athens. I wasn't kidding when I said
08:50remote. Because the population of this island is so small and continues to decline, the Greek
08:56Orthodox Church is paying families to move there. If you decide to make the move here, you'll not
09:01only get a home and land as part of the deal, but you'll also be paid 500 euros or about $535 USD
09:08each month for the first three years. Number 10. Mauritius. Mauritius is a little
09:15island community in the Indian Ocean just east of Madagascar. For those of you looking for an
09:20island paradise with maybe just a little more to do than the Greek island of Antikythera that I
09:25mentioned earlier, this may be a great fit for you. And with this nation's white sandy beaches,
09:30turquoise water, and tropical climate, every day can feel like a vacation living here.
09:35And the best news is that you can get paid to live here. That's right, Mauritius is paying
09:40startups 20,000 Mauritian rupees, which is about $433 to move here. No, it's not a ton of money,
09:47but keep in mind that the cost of living is very affordable here. In order to be eligible,
09:52you just need to present your existing startup or startup idea to a committee,
09:57who will then decide whether to approve you for the grant.
10:00What about 10 tropical islands you can live on for under $2,000 per month?
10:05Watch this video to learn about that.
