Ekspor Batik Lesu, Ini Ulasannya

  • 17 hours ago
Kementerian Perindustrian mencatat, ekspor batik masih mengalami kontraksi sebesar 8,39% pada kuartal II-2024. Hal tersebut disebabkan, karena adanya produk-produk impor yang membanjiri pasar di dalam negeri.


00:00Back with us in the news screen
00:02Ministry of Industry notes that batik export still experienced a contraction of 8.39% in the quarter of 2024
00:10This is due to the presence of imported products that flood the domestic market
00:19Ministry of Industry notes that batik export still experienced a contraction of 8.39% in the quarter of 2024
00:27This is due to the presence of imported products that flood the domestic market
00:32The Ministry of Industry notes that batik export still experienced a contraction of 839% in the quarter of 2024
00:38This is due to the presence of imported products that flood the domestic market
00:45In the quarter of 2024, the textile and clothing industry contributed 5.72% to the GDP of the non-gas processing industry
00:54Meanwhile, the export of the textile and clothing industry in the second quarter of 2024 is still quite good at US$1.77 billion
01:03And the batik industry also contributed to the export of textile industry and textile products worth US$8.33 million in the same period
01:13The Ministry of Industry also said that it is still difficult for domestic textile products, including batik, to compete with imported products in terms of price
01:21Keep an eye on the possibility of China's production of batik