• 3 hafta önce
Almanya'nın Ankara Büyükelçisi Sibylle Katharina Sorg, Alman Birliği Günü'nün 34'üncü yıl dönümü dolayısıyla Ankara'da düzenlenen resepsiyonda, "Almanya, AB-Türkiye ilişkilerine stratejik ve ileriye dönük bir şekilde bağlı kalmaya devam ediyor. İş birliğimizi kilit alanlarda kademeli olarak genişletmemiz ve güncel dış politika konularını düzenli ve derinlemesine tartışmamız her iki tarafın da çıkarınadır. Bu nedenle ticaret, enerji ve diğer stratejik üzerine düzenli üst düzey diyalogların yeniden başlatılmasını destekliyoruz. Dışişleri Bakanı sayın Fidan'ın Ağustos ayı sonunda Brüksel'deki AB Dışişleri Bakanları Gayri Resmi Toplantısı'na katılması bu açıdan önemliydi" dedi.
(ANKARA) - Almanya'nın Ankara Büyükelçisi Sibylle Katharina Sorg, Alman Birliği Günü'nün 34'üncü yıl dönümü dolayısıyla Ankara'da düzenlenen resepsiyonda, "Almanya, AB-Türkiye ilişkilerine stratejik ve ileriye dönük bir şekilde bağlı kalmaya devam ediyor.



00:00Excellencies, Members of Parliament, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends of the German Embassy,
00:08Hoşgeldiniz. Sizi bugün, Almanya'nın Birlik Günü'nde, Büyükelçisi'nin bu güzel bahçesinde ağırlatmaktan çok mutluyum.
00:20Ankara'da yeni Büyükelçi olarak, bugünü sizlerle Birlikte kutlamak, benim için büyük bir onur.
00:51Ladies and Gentlemen, 35 years ago, on the night of 9th November, 1989, the Berlin Wall fell.
00:59Pictures of people from East and West Germany, families, friends, people who had never met before, went around the world as they embraced and celebrated.
01:09We owe the fall of the Wall and the subsequent German reunification to two main circumstances.
01:16To the courage of the people from East Germany who took to the streets to fight for their freedom and to the strong and cross-block international support without which reunification would never have happened.
01:31We continue to be grateful to all of you who supported us. Big thank you.
01:37We were very lucky indeed because reunification was achievable peacefully and because the unified Germany can rely on allies and friends, be it in EU, in G7, in G20 and NATO.
01:52And Turkey, of course, as a strategic partner, is very important among them.
01:59This year, we mark 100 years of friendship between Germany and the Republic of Turkey. Many things have happened since.
02:06Let me point to just a few of them.
02:09Not long after the signing of the Friendship Treaty in the 1930s and 40s, Turkey welcomed emigrants from Germany.
02:17Renowned German scientists and artists found refuge from the Nazi regime here.
02:22Traces of these people can still be found, especially here in Ankara, if you think, for example, about Bruno Taubes and the Bauhaus architecture, if you think about science, art and music.
02:34From October 1961, Germany welcomed the then so-called guest workers from Turkey to help build up the German economy.
02:42They not only found work, but also a place that over time became a home.
02:48Today, more than 3 million people with roots in Turkey live in Germany.
02:52As a Berliner, I have, of course, many acquaintances with links to Turkey.
02:57And here in Ankara, I already met many who have family and friends in Germany who have lived there.
03:03Today, Germany and Turkey are connected by millions of people who feel at home in both countries.
03:09The State Visit of the Federal President, which you might recall in April, highlighted these and many other issues.
03:15Germany and Turkey share particularly close economic ties.
03:19Our bilateral trade volume reached a new record in 2023, more than 55 billion euros.
03:25More than 8,000 German companies are active in Turkey.
03:29Last week's meeting of our Joint Economic and Trade Commission in Berlin, chaired by the Minister of Trade, Ömer Bolat, and the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Robert Habeck, showed that we both are eager to further enhance these economic ties.
03:46And very important to me, Germany remains strongly committed to strategic, forward-looking EU-Turkish relations.
03:53It is in both our interests to gradually expand our cooperation in key areas and to discuss current foreign policy dossiers regularly and in depth.
04:05Therefore, we propose to reintroduce regular high-level dialogues on trade, energy, and other strategic challenges.
04:15That Foreign Minister Fidan attended the informal Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels at the end of August was significant and important in this regard.
04:24And I should not forget, the EU Committee of the German Bundestag is here with us today, taking a full week for intensive talks in Turkey.
04:32This is an important signal for German-Turkish, but also for EU-Turkish relations.
04:37A warm welcome, therefore, to Gunter Krichtbaum and the colleagues from the Bundestag.
04:42Ladies and gentlemen, given the state of the world around us, both our countries have a role to play.
04:51In times of severe conflict in our neighborhood and of global challenges, our two countries must be part of the solution for the most pressing issues.
05:01This is firstly true for Russia-Ukraine.
05:05Russia's terrible war of aggression against Ukraine has lasted for 953 days now.
05:10953 days without peace for Ukrainians or fora of violence.
05:15Neither Turkey nor Germany recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea.
05:21The territorial integrity and sovereignty must stand.
05:26Germany and the EU will not let up in their comprehensive support for Ukraine, with Germany being the largest European supporter in both military, financial, civilian terms.
05:37Secondly, it is also true for the Middle East.
05:40Since the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel almost one year ago, and Israel's military response, violence has kept the entire region in a stranglehold.
05:52And now we witness a further dangerous escalation.
05:56Germany and Turkey might come from different perspectives, but we are ultimately working towards the same goal.
06:04To end violence and human suffering and to prevent a full-scale regional conflagration.
06:11This entails ceasefires and the release of hostages, unimpeded humanitarian assistance and a two-state solution.
06:19Let me be clear, de-escalation is the order of the day.
06:24Our two governments will work tirelessly and in close cooperation with allies and relevant actors in the region to this end.
06:33Thirdly, it's true for Armenia-Azerbaijan, where for the first time since very long we both, Turkey and Germany, see a window for a lasting arrangement.
06:43And lastly, it applies to the global challenges of climate change and migration.
06:49Ladies and gentlemen, let me close by thanking you for the warm welcome you, to Turkey, you extended to me personally.
06:57I'm really touched about it.
06:59Turkish-German relations are a treasure thanks to the people and to the potential of our cooperation.
07:07Taking up my post in Ankara 100 years after the first German ambassador to Turkey arrived is both a mission and a responsibility to safeguard the treasure and to increase it.
07:20I'm happy to accept this challenge and I'm looking forward to working with all of you.
07:25And now it gives me great pleasure to invite our guest of honor, Vice Minister Bozay, to address us.
07:32Thank you very much.
07:37Thank you.
07:45Excellency, dear Ambassador Stone, excellencies, distinguished guests, it's a pleasure to join you today for the national day of Germany, the day of German unity.
07:56I'd like to extend our sincere congratulations for this day, which marks the reunification of Germany 35 years ago.
08:04This important event for the people of Germany was also a remarkable milestone in the world history.
08:11Dear friends, as we celebrate the significance of German unity day, we also take stock of the strong relations between our two countries.
08:21Germany is an important partner and a strategic partner for Turkey.
08:27We have historical ties dating back to 1763, when our diplomatic relations were established at that time.
08:35We have deepened our relations and strengthened our friendship throughout centuries.
08:41Today, we are close trade partners and NATO allies.
08:45We are working together towards ensuring stability and increasing welfare in our region and beyond.
08:53These strong relations are exemplified by frequency of high-level bilateral visits.
08:58My dear colleague also referred to them.
09:01We welcomed President Steinmeier last April.
09:04Our ministers of foreign affairs are frequent contacts.
09:08Economy and trade are important pillars in our relations.
09:12Germany is the biggest export destination for Turkey.
09:16We aim to reach $60 billion of trade volume in the period ahead.
09:23Green and digital transformations, as well as Turkey's central role in supply and value chains and connectivity, provide us with many more opportunities.
09:33German tourists continue to visit our cultural and historical heritage and beautiful coasts.
09:39Exchange of students also promises a greater understanding between future generations.
09:46Dear guests, another very important dimension of our relations, as also my dear colleague mentioned, the Turkish community living in Germany.
09:53In 1961, West Germany had welcomed a sizable Turkish community seeking new…
