Guest: Cowgirl Amanda Baxter and Musician Casey Kearney

  • 2 days ago
Guest: Cowgirl Amanda Baxter and Musician Casey Kearney

Talked to Casey Kearney about her music and the cowgirl lifestyle.
Amanda Baxter the new Ranch Horse Team coach at Arkansas.
Mixed in a few random stories, PBR news, Free Rein Coffee, Teton Ridge, Stuck rides, and porch gators.
Shown a trailer for: Chimp Crazy


00:12Catch him in the pasture run him in the pen
00:15Work him on the Sundays do it all again
00:19race him in the sand
00:21Buck him in the mud trip a cowboy sweat bleed a cowboy's blood
00:37I'm Zeke Thurston 2016 world champion saddle Brock Ryder, and you're watching the peppered Stewart show
00:44Yeah, well
00:46Zeke Thurston, let's discuss that
00:49You are watching or you are listening, but here's what's happening people that make noise with music make a sounds
00:56we are
00:57currently looking to
01:00Update or possibly re up the intro to the show
01:04so if you're a musically inclined you want to take a stab at it, then
01:10Here's your shot to do that
01:12Stuff's happening today. We got a couple of guests for you guys. We've gonna discuss the collegiate
01:19Ranch-horse world talk about that
01:21We've got a musical guest
01:23Casey Kearney, we're gonna talk to her about some music and
01:28Stuff we've got a
01:31Hello, we got a lot of stuff. We got your random news that everybody likes. We've got some trailers for you some stuff that's coming up
01:37we've got
01:39Some news everybody likes news tell you what's happening and also what's happening is Randy's here
01:49You're here I am I'm excited about our guests
01:52Guest yes, we have dead guest. What do you have?
01:55We have guests, okay
01:57We do have some guests. We also have some coffee
01:59Do we have coffee over there? Because if you want some coffee, I'm gonna tell you right now don't click anywhere else, but
02:06Paper shoe calm go there. Look for the logo for this coffee. Click it and go get some and then I'll tell you why
02:17You know, it's 5 a.m. Somewhere
02:21So get up and get after it
02:25Full of flavor free rain coffee
02:31And that's that's good stuff the as you've seen there
02:35Pecan is what is what I'm on to right now is to the pecan. So it's pretty good stuff go to their site and
02:42click it depending on when you do it if you're one of the one of the
02:45Selected live viewers if you jump on it right now, they've got some
02:49Specials for Labor Day where you can get some discounts and stuff check it out
02:55And they're also doing a deal where depending on what kind of coffee you get and how you go about it
03:00You can even get a bandana for your dog
03:04But not coffee for your dog no, you don't want your dog to have coffee
03:11Is their dog safe coffee, I mean like I don't get them regular coffee
03:14Well, there's like an equivalent I've seen I've seen videos of
03:18people on the interweb net
03:20That go to a certain overpriced coffee shop and get a puppuccino
03:26I've heard of that. Well, I don't know about that shop and I don't have my dog doesn't do dairy
03:32But I think that's what it is. It's just like some whipped cream or something in a cup, isn't it?
03:36I've no idea. I've never had a puppuccino
03:39You should go ask
03:42I was like, hey, I need a puppuccino. You know, it's speaking of that that reminded me
03:45No, you said that but walking into that there was a lady
03:49there was a lady that was going into the in there and getting coffee and taking her kids in there and
03:56Getting the puppuccino for the kids. I
04:01Mean I guess
04:04No, I don't know what it is, so I don't know how to react to that cuz I don't know what the puppuccino it
04:09Well, there's a puppuccino over there somewhere
04:13Guess I don't know what it is. But yeah, there was a big uproar about you know, given the the puppuccino to the kids
04:20Coffee, yeah, you give the dog give it to the kid, right? Kids can eat dog food, too
04:29I don't know text you see dog food
04:31He see dog treats
04:33Did he know they were dog trees? Well, no, cuz I put him a cookie jar
04:39Opened the cookie jar. He starts eating. He's like man. He's kind of dry. They taste funny
04:44There's a story that we tell every year and my family's Christmas that we there's dogs. There's always dogs
04:49Everybody brings her dog with you to the holidays. There's a little dish out on the coffee table of some little Christmas cookies
04:56Several people may have eaten them not realizing that they were dog treats
05:00Huh? I thought you were gonna say they were special treats. No, they were dog treats
05:06I have no idea what they tasted like cuz I wasn't one of those people
05:11Yeah, it happens
05:13happens to the best of them
05:15happens to the best of them
05:17It generally happens a lot. So what you got something going on over there?
05:22Hey looking at me funny like I should be talking about something else like I should be talking about about hogs
05:29We're not not going home. We're coming back hogs at the University of
05:33Arkansas they say we'll pig over there. Let's talk about that
05:36Let's get a man down here and talk about some pig pig stuff some pig suey over there in, Arkansas
05:46Amanda Baxter you here with us
05:50What is going on in in your world in Arkansas
05:56Both a lot and not a lot right now. It's a little bit of the quiet time the quiet before the storm
06:03we've got
06:06Shows and a lot of stuff gearing up for our ranch horse team
06:09But and then I just got here in Arkansas probably three weeks ago
06:14so I'm pretty pretty busy trying to get out dove into classes and then
06:20Team stuff, but right now I have enough time to
06:25To kind of take a breath and get everything moving pretty quickly
06:30All right. Well, let's let's do this. Let's step back a few years and discuss
06:35Kind of where where you came from which what you kind of grew up doing and and what what got you started on on the path
06:44So I grew up doing nothing related to a ranch horse team or to the the cow horse world, so I grew up
06:51I'm just showing and judging horses through 4-h
06:55And then I got into college. I did both my undergrad and my bachelor
07:00but my undergrad and my master's at Texas A&M and
07:05While there during my master's I started
07:09Teaching undergrad teaching undergrad classes and then
07:13Alongside of that I became the assistant coach to Texas A&M's ranch horse team
07:19With both of those I was like, I think I just found my my passion
07:22I think that I just found something that I want to do for the rest of my life
07:26so I was
07:28breaking Colts and riding horses for the team as well as coaching a team of 12 undergraduates at A&M and
07:35Then after two years or after a year and a half
07:38I was like I I need to start applying to jobs and looking for that forever place
07:43and so and then after that I got a job and
07:48Well, I had got an interview and then a job here in good old Fayetteville, Arkansas
07:53All right, so that's how you got there
07:56tell us a little bit about
07:58About the ranch horse competition and and what what you are what you guys will be competing in and on the collegiate level
08:05Yeah, absolutely
08:07So with the collegiate ranch horse team, there's a quite a few schools across the nation. A lot of them are focused
08:15in Texas
08:16Arkansas, Oklahoma and then a few in
08:22Wyoming, Tennessee and
08:26And Missouri as well and so each team has to have collegiate riders on it and we participate in four classes
08:33So they do the reigning with the big stops and the spins they do
08:38The cow horse and depending on which division they're in they'll either
08:42just box the cow on the short side as a novice as an intermediate or a
08:48Limited nonpro they'll do the box drive box drive taking the cow from short side down alongside to the short side again
08:55And then finally with that nonpro they do the full fence class
09:00And so they'll do the fence turns the circling whole shebang
09:04So and then they also do the stock horse pleasure or ranch riding
09:08To show the gates and transitions of those horses and then they'll end with a ranch trail class
09:15So these have to be some pretty versatile horses as well as some versatile riders
09:19To be able to take these horses and participate and do well in all four classes
09:24Okay, and I don't want to ask a weird question here when when they travel because we had
09:30It's been a couple years ago. We had SMU in here and they've been talking about their
09:34more more equestrian hunter jumper type stuff where it was and they and
09:38They were telling me that they don't travel with their own horses
09:41They just show up to where they're going and they get assigned horses and they rise was the same thing in the ranch horse
09:47Or do you carry your own horses?
09:49So these kids show up with their own horses. And so
09:52they are
09:54Fully rigged up and everything is on their own. So they come with their own horses. They come with their own tack
10:00Attire they've got it all and so they'll try out for these competitive riding teams
10:06And I guess some some schools will design it more as a club for these individuals. And so
10:12They have to try out and then it's most most of these teams are fully funded by the individuals with on within the team
10:19Not a lot of schools have a program that is
10:22Paid and supported by the university. Yeah, they like to blow their money on football for some reason
10:30Makes no sense
10:34Okay, so as far as you're riding, you know, you're you've been riding and stuff
10:39So what is that? What's it gonna be like for you?
10:41I know you're just now getting into this and taking over there at at Arkansas
10:45so how does it feel for you kind of as a transitional role from
10:49You know being involved in one way and to be involved into the other in the other way as you know as a teacher
10:55Yeah, it's a it's a little bit different especially coming from a program that had
11:00At Texas A&M. They have a special program where
11:04They have some of their horses that are bred and owned by the university and then that they will train those
11:11With the help of the coach and all older students on their ranch horse team to actually have these horses
11:18Be used for members that don't have their own horse that know how to ride that maybe grew up riding
11:24But they don't have a horse that can take them in to be competitive on the ranch horse team. So I went from riding
11:32both a finished show horse as well as a three-year-old and then I moved here because all of my time was spent on those so
11:40I moved here without any of my horses
11:42So it's a it's a hard adjustment and it's on my to-do list within the next month
11:47If not a little sooner to get another young horse for myself to continue to train
11:52Because I do like to show I don't need to be next to my kids showing in the same classes as them or even
11:58same shows as them because
12:01My focus is on my team and I want their success to
12:05To rank over mine, but when we're not showing when the team's not showing I like to be
12:12right, okay, and so have you
12:14Know that you're getting settled over there
12:16Have you had time to meet you know meet your?
12:17Meet your team and your students to kind of kind of fill them out and see
12:21Who's who and where they're at and kind of what they need to work on what they don't stuff like that
12:25Oh, yeah, so we started with practice the first week of school
12:29I've got a group of seven kids
12:31That are fantastic. They are wanting to be competitive. They are wanting to learn and
12:37They greeted me
12:39So nicely, they didn't have any kind of hesitation. They
12:43Didn't tell me what happened in the past
12:46They were just like you tell us what you want us to do we're gonna do it
12:49and so I was I was really ecstatic about that and so we've got a
12:55Few riders in every division and so I think that we'll be able to hopefully remain competitive as this Arkansas team has been previously
13:03okay, and I
13:05Just went blank all sudden. Uh, so if so the the young kids out there that that compete in the youth events
13:12You know whether they're, you know, junior high school kids and they're looking to progress
13:17You know from a high school athlete to a collegiate athlete in the ranch horse
13:22Sporting world. What kind of what kind of advice or what kind of options do you?
13:27Do you would you tell somebody as far as what kind of path to take? Oh
13:31Yeah, I think the biggest thing is to go and talk to those coaches
13:35We are at all of the big events that those youth are at where we are at
13:40The NRCH a celebration of champions
13:42we're at the stock horse of Texas world show and we're a lot of these coaches are also at just
13:50Most of the shot shows or the stock horse of Texas shows in general
13:53And so just by putting themselves on our radar we want them
13:58I mean we want to have our team fully stocked and we want to have
14:02Youth that have the experience in riding. It doesn't matter if you have experience
14:08Riding out on the ranch if you have experience in the showpin riding cowhorses riding ranners
14:14It doesn't matter we want you. We're pretty excited about you, especially if you have that
14:19Just in the saddle experience. And so I think my biggest advice would be come talk to us
14:24Go see what school you're gonna best fit in at because I'll tell my students school is your first thing you come here to go
14:32to school then you just happen to be on my ranch horse team and
14:35Hopefully we're gonna happen to be a pretty competitive ranch horse team
14:39And so find a school that you like that you want to educate yourself at and then come come be on my team
14:45Okay. All right, we will do that
14:48We'll let them know as well and we appreciate you visiting with us and take some time out of your day getting settled in
14:53over there and in Arkansas get a little different than look gotta be a little different than A&M and
15:01We'll check check back with you probably in a year and kind of see how things are going
15:05Thank you. Thank you
15:10All right, so from going to Texas A&M to Arkansas has gotta be gotta be different because
15:19That's why she was at A&M A&M that's that's the place to go
15:22Yeah, if you want to do horse sports, you want to be a horse
15:25Involved that's where you go. That's where I did my equine reproduction at a Texas A&M. I
15:31Wasn't doing that it was studying
15:34Learning stuff you I didn't say anything. I know what they were thinking
15:38I was focused on the fact that you paused a little bit after you want to be a horse and then you pause
15:43Like am I just not gonna address that?
15:49But I don't know that's interesting because that that's why I always ask and people watching probably what was he talking about
15:54Why is he asking that because it seemed so strange to me
15:58When we were talking to SMU girls that were here, yeah, and they talked about that every event they went to
16:04They just were handed out a horse
16:07And had to ride it that makes it almost a different
16:11Sport almost like almost a different category of event is an unfamiliar horse
16:15so I'm guessing I'm guessing by what she's saying that maybe that's just a
16:21Hunter jumper
16:23top deal
16:25More the more
16:27Equestrian as they say, which it's all horses, but I mean
16:31Proper, it's horse proper to the equestrian
16:35Equestrian events and so that's what I'm thinking. That's it's got to be something to do with that
16:39But yeah, that was the weirdest thing when they told me that I was like what?
16:45Yeah, so they can just like hey, we've got some terrible horses over here here give them to them
16:51Yeah, it feels like a setup to the visiting team. That's what I would think
16:54But anyway, Amanda set us straight on the ranch horse stuff. Yeah, it's exciting. That was a good deal
17:03Speaking of events, you've got a schedule here a skit with schedule events for what what did you find an events for? I don't know
17:10I just have the list of dates and places you were gonna tell us what happens there
17:19Bull poop happens there. Well, probably yeah, I mean there's gonna be a lot of animals
17:24Yeah, yeah, it's the
17:29It's the future
17:302025 is in the future and that's going to be the PBR's unleash the beast schedule
17:35they threw it out there dropped it for the people to
17:39To go see so if you're wanting to catch some professional bull riding in 2025, there is a ton of places
17:46You can go
17:49And it starts this year, so wait a wait a minute guys
17:54Why does it say 2025 schedule? It starts in November?
18:05So it starts this year in what two months three months
18:09I will say if I want to be in Arizona any time of year. I'd be November. Oh, it's probably a good choice
18:16Yes, I wasn't June I was in Arizona in June back in Corona time that was not the best time to be there
18:25That's hard. So they're gonna kick it off in Arizona in
18:29November and they're gonna go to California, which apparently it's still allowed in California for now
18:36Depends on who you listen to why they got to sneak that in early in
18:39Because California's trying to shut it, you know, California's trying to push
18:43They're trying to push some kind of ban on stuff to where they're trying to push it to the fact where
18:51You can't even ride a horse
18:54Or nearly even own a horse anymore there because when they when these
19:00Activists people whatever when they
19:03go after something they
19:05Know but none of them ever go at it logically, which sounds weird, but they don't think logically or common sense
19:11It's just a hundred percent
19:13No end it and that's what they're pushing for over there because I see it all the time on the internet
19:18Go sign this petition go call so-and-so and California is gonna end the horse ownership stuff like that
19:24But anyway, that's California for you. Then. Where do they go? Oh
19:30Several places. I mean we can just skip ahead we can skip ahead to the important parts. Yes, because there's New York City
19:41New York City, they're in Houston. The first Texas stop is in January. It's my birthday
19:47I think that's a weekend January 17th and 18th. They'll be in Houston, but then kind of traveling around the country and
19:53back to Fort Worth for
19:56My brain freezes I want to call it the playoffs, but that's not yes
20:01Yes, the playoffs will be the first of May will your be your your playoffs
20:07Which is your guys are working to the actual final which is gonna be the end of May at AT&T Stadium
20:14So you are correct
20:17They called the playoffs because now they're trying to be
20:20PBR teams and they're trying to revolutionize
20:24Bull running sport so they're doing that. They're also a merit straight, aren't they?
20:31All right, who's that on the
20:41The toughest sport on dirt has a new home PBR is now live on Merritt Street
20:48It all starts Fridays with PBR now game day then every weekend. It's live coverage of the PBR's camping world team series
20:55Plus you wrap it all up with the postgame report right from the arena
21:02We're going live every Friday Saturday and Sunday and it's all free on air on Merritt Street
21:10It's on Merritt Street, it's on your phone. I
21:14Think they've never I think they even have a channel on spectrum
21:16They also on your antenna Merritt Street is on your antenna. If you get a digital antenna, it's on your antenna
21:21It's on all it's on
21:24All your local cable
21:28Outlets, whatever have it. It's on your phone. It's on your tablet
21:32And it's free
21:34So there's no excuse why you're not watching it
21:38If you have a phone you can watch it and don't start saying because you're the internet
21:43They used to be the big thing in the old days when I'd say
21:48You can watch the show for free and they're like, yeah, but you gotta have internet
21:52Phone well, it's on your phone. If you don't have internet now, then you've got bigger problems
21:58It's on your phone. You got a phone you're on your phone
22:01Topping this crap on the internet. So yeah, you can watch it. So yeah, Merritt Street check it out
22:07And watch it. I
22:12Do you ever go Six Flags?
22:14I've not been in a long time, but I used to go quite a bit
22:18Yeah to Six Flags
22:20Here, you know Six Flags Fiesta, Texas and not San Antonio and you got Six Flags of Texas
22:27And Arlington and I did not know
22:30That they have a Six Flags in Mexico. Oh
22:34Yeah, I didn't know that either. I knew they were across the country. There's various
22:38Various versions of the Six Flags. I didn't know was internet like a
22:42international, you know top thing but yeah, apparently it's across everywhere and
22:47If you get bored, you want to go hang around that's Six Flags. You can do that in Mexico like these people did. Okay
23:01New video of riders stuck nearly 250. Oh, I was picturing the like Superman thing where you're like
23:10Dangling there for about 10 minutes
23:12The theme park says the storm disrupted operations for this ride
23:29So, yeah, you can go go hang around over there
23:33Not just stuck but in a storm be stuck in the storm, yeah
23:38Just some good times. Okay, I got a few minutes. So let's do this
23:43Teton Ridge
23:45It is unveiling their short film series called window to the West
23:50It's Teton, which is the leading force in Western sports entertainment. They launched the announced the launch of the new series. So
23:58The series opener is going to be called horse sense brought to you by Brumball furniture and design and it's going to debut
24:06September the 23rd
24:09featuring the NCH a
24:11Hall of Famer
24:13Don Benuelos and
24:16You know, he's a back-to-back champion of the American Foreman's Horseman and it's gonna start off with him
24:22So here's a little sample. What's gonna happen?
24:29As much as I can as much as possible
24:31I'm grateful for every time I get to but with that comes a lot of fails
24:36I don't really think that people understand how much goes into what we do to be competitive
24:42More than six million
24:57This job is something that if you don't absolutely love it
25:00It doesn't matter how talented you are being able to go that fast and turn that hard and a horse is literally giving you their
25:07Everything to put on a show in two and a half minutes by separating a cow
25:12The best that you can and keeping that cow from the herd is our entire goal
25:16Whoever looks the best and does it the most correctly is gonna come out on top
25:26You know people just see
25:28The winds they just see like the the good moments. I'm only responsible for really about 20% of our success
25:35There's so much pressure and fatigue and frustrating moments that people don't get to see watching your team and your family and everybody
25:43Give a hundred percent to get me to town in the best way to feel the most competitive that I can
25:49It's a beautiful process that goes into to what we do
26:01Have heard of this story
26:03Texas police officer in
26:07Got a call about an alligator on the loose. This body cam video is kind of entertaining
26:19Right up here. Oh right there. I got a pole but this one's kind of small so I'll grab it
26:31Come here, come here, come here
26:57Look at you, you're a hero
27:01Angry little thing. It's just little
27:05So were you picturing a giant
27:11I mean, it's in town. It's on their front porch. So I
27:17Know but I guess they were sure that it was an alligator not a crocodile. I'm guessing
27:24Cuz it said see you later
27:34That's what it does I was speaking of jokes I was conversing with people on the interweb net
27:40That watch this for some reason or other
27:43And they said their their favorite part is the dry humor
27:47And I don't even know what that means
27:54So what happened we got we got something going on over there am I just staring into outer space
28:01Are we gonna watch some music video?
28:05We got a music video
28:08Wow, let's do that. Let's do a music video of Casey Kearney and then we'll talk to her
28:41Go buckle on the waist of hissing jeans
28:51Deep red clay covers faded leather boots the same kind
28:57He was too
28:59I've celebrated wins and cried at bloody Falls after all these years. I've seen it all
29:09But I still see his face as the little boy he was in the saddle learning his first love
29:19If he never is a legend in the Cowboy Hall of Fame, I'll still be right here
29:26cheering his name
29:49We'll steal his heart away truth is you'll be some kind of gray
29:54To compete with the rush and the time that he has to chase this
30:27Fuck the fun with live lives always fun right here. We've got Casey Kearney Casey Kearney. What is happening?
30:37We are doing good checking out a little video there saying what's happening
30:43Casey Kearney the
30:45country music singer who also
30:48did sneak off and do a little national anthem at the NFR so
30:55So, how was that when you got that when you got that call
31:02It was like the most
31:04It was the best moment. Oh my gosh. I loved it so much. It was so exciting
31:08I had we had been talking for a while
31:11It's been a year or two that we had been talking trying to make it work out and stuff
31:15And I when he called he was like, hey, are you still interested? I'm like, yeah for sure
31:20All right. So let's let's dive back. Let's dive back a little bit and
31:24Go back to so growing up you grew up on a farm ranching rodeo and or how'd that go?
31:31No, not really
31:33We didn't start my kids
31:35Wanted to rodeo and we didn't start doing that till about five or six years ago
31:38me and my husband barrel raced and he team wrote I've been arrested he team wrote for
31:44Early on and then the kids weren't interested
31:46So we thought what everything and then we got back into it about five years ago and we go hardcore now
31:51Okay, we usually have about ten horses here and we travel everywhere all the time just like all the regular rodeo people, right
32:00I mean, maybe I'm skipping ahead a little bit, but something caught my eye. I saw the song and music video of her Waffle House
32:08I was looking at the little write-up about that that now Waffle House is in Waffle House jukeboxes around the country. That's pretty cool
32:15Yeah, how did that?
32:18Pretty fun. Yeah, I was gonna say I have you ever like gone in and then I heard it play there while you're at the Waffle House
32:24Now everybody just sends me videos all the time when they go eat there
32:28And so they send me videos of them dancing or them playing it and them eating and all that
32:34So yeah, everybody sends it to me all the time
32:37It's fun
32:39And they love to tell all the employees about it, but I know her
32:43Oh, yeah, that is awesome!
32:46Do you have
32:47Maybe you were gonna ask about this and again
32:49I'm sure I'm jumping all over the place and the questions you had planned and would you like to tell us a little bit about
32:54this project
32:56Bands of 30A
33:00Yeah, we had a great time doing that
33:03We had put it was just me and a couple other moms and we were doing charity concerts down in the area
33:08And I'm just helping out different
33:10charities and foundations. It started with
33:12Hurricane and that was the first one and then we ended up helping out a bunch of different causes and it was it was
33:18really great one of those moments of and
33:21Sections of time that we're super proud of that. We got to do a lot of really good cool things. It was big concert
33:28Events that mostly local bands, but it was like full days and it was fun. It was really good
33:34Yeah, it's great when things like that come together and I know that wasn't the only charitable thing on here
33:39We were also looking at the project called life and lyrics
33:43That was some of your songs and live performances
33:50Sorry, I'm frozen in my brain freeze because I was waiting for pepper to step in with us
33:54Where it was a project writing a personal story or putting poems and ideas to music
34:00And providing that organized outlet for the creativity. Can you tell us some about that?
34:05Yeah, I kept getting these requests I would play shows and they would hear my songs that I had written because Waffle House
34:11I wrote about a couple. It's a true story. And so people were hearing
34:16Oh, no
34:19I don't we froze we froze or did it?
34:25Internet she should be back the internet shortly as soon as the internet will allow that's what like I said before
34:32fun with live shows
34:35On the live shows guys
34:37Do it live. All right, I'll do it. So we're doing it. All right, so let's see if we do happen to
34:44Get her to ring-a-ding-ding back in here
34:47The internet we just got to talk about the internet now the internet's mad
34:51I didn't even get to praise her for the rhinestone ranchie. That was actually what I was gonna say
34:55I was trying to skip ahead cuz you were looking at me like oh I gotta ask about this
34:59Try to get it get the
35:01Filler in there and
35:08There you are
35:11Sitting right next to my starling. I have no idea why it just cut off but whatever
35:17but we'll have people were hearing me write songs for these other people and tell their stories and
35:23So then they started asking me to who do songs for them
35:26Can you write a song about this or that and so or I have these poems?
35:30Can you make them a song and so we just kind of started doing that me and my producer Doug and it was it's been
35:35Fun. We like doing that
35:37One of the things I was saying when we were cut off there was like
35:40Oh, I didn't even get a chance to praise the rhinestone ranchie because I saw the video and I feel like that is just coined
35:46A term and I love it and I know the song kind of describes it
35:51But how about for yourself? Can you just tell us how would you define rhinestone ranchie and that attitude I guess
35:58So basically I you know, I live on this ranch we rodeo we're around all these like cow girls all the time
36:06But when I play my gigs then I'm very much a musician and I'm very much like, you know
36:10I play a lot of some of them are really high-end events and some of them are just just fun cool fancy
36:17Whatever, you know, I mean I'm in sequins and I'm in but I'm just as comfortable in both. I'm just as comfortable in sequins and
36:24Dresses and just fun as I am in muddy jeans and boots and I love both worlds
36:29I feel like I'm a little too much for each world, you know, I feel a little too fancy
36:34It's a little too country in the fancy world and too fancy in the country world
36:38But anyways, that's where I literally wrote. It's very personal kind of
36:42thing that I just kind of wrote it and wanted to write it and I was like the people who get it will get it the
36:47People who don't are gonna be like, what are you talking about?
36:49I really didn't know the crowds were crowds really like that song usually so it's been pretty fun to see that many people
36:55Just even if they don't understand like Western people understand
36:59The only Bronc I ride is sitting in the driveway on 35 you understand that means a Bronco
37:05And not a horse, you know what I mean?
37:07But I don't know how many other people actually get that line, but the people who get it it's like if you know, you know situation
37:14Absolutely. Yeah, I'm right there with you. I love it. That's a new anthem for me
37:21So some of the
37:24some of the stages you shared with
37:26With a lot of big-name folks. What was the your most memorable or your most favorite, you know?
37:32act to team up with I
37:39Have loved them all and every single one of them
37:41I think this is my favorite one ever so I have a hard time picking
37:45When we got to meet Brandi Carlile and do that moon crush that was a really really fun one
37:49Of course, the Braves is always fun when I just got to the anthem at the Braves the NFR was the top top top for
37:57but yeah, it's it's been and I don't know a long time ago I got to do when I was called the mall festival and
38:03That festival doesn't even happen anymore and because I grew up going to it and it's been in our area forever
38:09That was really special. I got to do that one. I don't know. They've just there's been so many
38:13I think I enjoy them all and I've played so many like smaller
38:16Shows too, but I think there's so much fun just smaller venues Eddie's attic in Atlanta was one of them
38:21We just recently played that was so much fun and like even just random listening rooms
38:26Like I just I think I just love playing so I think I just it doesn't even matter how big or small it is
38:32I love playing. I love meeting people
38:35Famous or not. I love me a mall
38:39So where
38:41Where are you headed next? What's your schedule o'clock?
38:43To finish out this year
38:46So we have quite a few things coming up
38:49But I just finished off like a two-week run of just being everywhere. So I know we're in Baton Rouge
38:55I think we're going back to Atlanta
38:58I'm always in the 38 area
39:00Just near where I live in Florida, and so I'm just kind of around where we're just doing the thing around
39:08I've got some new projects. I'm launching new songs. We're getting it back in the studio
39:12I'm trying to finish up the second half of another album. And so we've got half of it done
39:16I got to get the other half finished. And so I'll spend some time in Nashville next month and
39:22Yeah, just doing the thing. Yeah. All right. So the folks out there that are wanting to check out
39:27Check your stuff out your schedule and all that. Where's the best place for them to go?
39:33Casey Kearney calm is my website and it kind of has the hub of everything
39:38But bands in town is where I'm at and I want to take out Facebook Instagram all the streaming platforms
39:43I'm kind of everywhere. Okay. All right, we will let the folks know
39:47Where to check you out and I wish you luck down the road and maybe we'll catch up with you again
39:52Yeah, sounds great. Thank you so much. Thank you
39:57All right, just a little technical difficulty, you know fun with lines fun with lives as I say, that's what you know people
40:05Always ask that question, that's one of the most asked questions that I get is
40:12Why are you still doing it live?
40:14recording it live and
40:17sending it and
40:19It's because I don't want to edit anything
40:23I'm lazy and I want to chop nothing up. You don't get this
40:29Lovely last-minute. Oh, yeah
40:32Live feeling if you do it any other way to me to me, I think the I think the live is
40:40Better because there's so many people out there
40:44That put out stuff different shows different things and they put it out and they cookie-cut it and they cut out the ums and the ahs
40:52And the stumbles and all that or the something doesn't work. They you know, they can chop it up and make it look a certain way
40:59But 90% of time didn't happen that way yeah, it may be more polished but it's not
41:05Conversational right? It needs to be real. It's to be
41:08real life
41:09Right. We have real life over there speaking of real life. What has happening now?
41:14Oh, this is what's happening real life for the people with the cows
41:18This is coming up October the 1st
41:21October 1st
41:23The Texas Southwestern Cattle Breeders Association is going to have an educational webinar
41:27That is free to watch on the internet. If you have the internet, it's free on the internet at 7 p.m
41:33Probably going to be Texas time
41:36and they're going to talk about the newly finalized animal disease traceability rule and
41:42I don't know what it is yet, or I would tell you because I just learned this information a couple hours ago
41:48So I didn't dive into it yet to see what?
41:51What the rules gonna be well, it's gonna be the same rules always been just updated or they do a new technism
41:57It's a new technology. They're gonna change up the RFID tags. I don't know
42:01It's gonna feature a panel of livestock industry experts
42:05So you can always go about what the experts say
42:08and some cattle raisers webinars are gonna answer the important questions about the requirements for the electronic identification various classes of beef and
42:15Dairy cattle response to the USDA's plant and animal health inspection services
42:21Final rule for traceability goes in effect, November the 5th
42:26They're going to talk about the impact
42:28impacted classes of livestock
42:30the electronic identification tag requirements
42:33the industry responsibility for implementation data program security resource for the cattle raisers
42:39Including how to access free tags. I've still got some free tags
42:44panelists include
42:45Dr. Alex Turner
42:48the USDA a
42:50CHIS veterinary services director of national animal disease traceability
42:56You're gonna have Austin Brown from Brown little cattle out of Beaville
43:00the NCBA
43:02Senior director is going to be there
43:04Some more random folks are gonna be there
43:07Telling you stuff about it. I don't know what they're gonna do
43:10I know the I know that they are trying to go away from the old metal tags
43:16because they're just hard to read the old metal tags was like a
43:20Big staple you put here and it had a little
43:24Like a VIN number like your car has been number a little VIN number thing on the deal
43:27In order to read it you had to catch whatever animals on you had to catch them get their head still
43:32Where you can look on this tiny?
43:34Yeah, like okay, and you had to read it with a newer RFID tags like the one I try to tell everybody about from AgEx
43:41They don't pay for this but AgEx has the best ones on the market and their RFID tags
43:46You can scan them with your phone their barcode on them
43:48Yeah, scan it with your phone or if you got a big RFID reader like the wands you can just walk into a pen just
43:55One like that and you got all your information be a wizard. Yep. You could be Harry's Potter
44:01Or as Potter's Harry, I don't know
44:03But yeah, this and it just it makes things a lot simpler even for like if they would move to that
44:09it would make things in the cell barns a lot smoother because
44:14Instead of them having to go in there and catch every single
44:17Animal over the age of 18 months and look at their tag and read it or put a tag in their ear
44:23They could use the Harry Potter wand and just scan the area. I feel like that that sells it. I mean, there you go
44:30What wizard is not riding a horse out there?
44:33playing Quidditch
44:36But yeah, so makes a lot easier
44:37So anyway, October 1st go watch it and find out and if I remember I'll be watching it, too
44:42So all this time that you're saving by waving this wand around and not checking all of these tags
44:48Are you gonna be watching some TV?
44:50Probably you like that transition there. Yes. Yeah, I'm gonna watch TV. Yeah, what's it? What's the new what's the new show? Oh
44:58man, I get stumbled into so many different shows, but I did stumble upon one and it it was kind of tricky at first because
45:08You folks probably know by now. I don't watch trailers for shows on Netflix or anything
45:13I just I'm scanning through and if the picture whatever the ad picture is looks interesting
45:17I'll click on I start watching it. Well, it's got one episode or 50 episodes. Okay?
45:22well, I kept seeing this thing pop up on on max for
45:27crazy chimp
45:28I'm like, what is this crazy, but it looked like
45:31The ad the ad flyer for it look like some stupid
45:36spoof movie
45:37Like, uh, I don't know look like a parody. Yeah. Yeah a parody show. So it's like that looks dumb. What is that?
45:43So I was doing something else watching another show and they popped up
45:48The trailer for that. All right, it's like Oh made from the people that did Tiger King
45:52I'm what what what is this? And then I started seeing other white. Well, this is real life. This is a real thing
45:58So I watched all two or three episodes and I don't want to give away the ending
46:02Because the ending when you see the end you're like, oh wow I
46:06Did not expect that. All right. So now you have me interested
46:11But I can't say the ending
46:13Yeah, but you can watch for yourself as if you want to watch it and if you do, I don't know
46:18It's just think just think Tizer Tiger King with monkeys
46:25You can't tame wild things
46:32There is this culture of almost entirely women who raise chimpanzees and monkeys as if they're babies
46:41There is nothing like holding loving being around a champ
46:46especially Tonka
46:49And I'll do anything to protect that primate anything
46:53Tonka and I just found each other. It was meant to be it was just natural
46:59And talk about me as much as I love Tonka. It's like your love for God
47:06People fall in love with these chimps and you can't tame wild things. Do you want these nuggets?
47:13Here's your soft. I'm just afraid that she might get too caught up in the world
47:18Here's your soft, I'm just afraid that she might get too caught up in this
47:24PETA seized the chimps with US Marshal oversight. Okay roll film
47:30The chimpanzee lady now making national news a movie star chimp named Tonka and its disappearance
47:35It all has the makings of a Hollywood plot. But no, this is real life
47:39I keep getting to be the bad guy here and I'm tired of it when you're in love your brain is out of control
47:46There's chemicals and hormones and things happening to you that makes you irrational they're gonna have to bring sheriff and everything that they can
47:54I've never seen her that passionate about anything in my life ever and that includes her house
48:07Adult chimpanzees are incredibly dangerous
48:10Mr. Baker, it's insane when you think about it, it's insane
48:18They can throw me in jail for a year I don't care I
48:21Would give anything that I had possession wise up for that child. I would give my life for him
48:34Chimps are my whole thing. You can shape them into being you
48:43Speaking of crazy pepper doesn't want to talk to y'all anymore. So I
48:49Guess he will see you in two weeks in all of these various formats that you are listening or watching to this show now
48:55There will be a fresh one a couple of weeks. Have a great time. Good night
