d 10.02.24 [2]

  • 2 days ago
00:00Okada, but Nigel McGinnis, what about what we've witnessed just before break with Jack Perry cut your issue by the sky
00:05Go didn't take long to accept the challenge of Shabbat up the TNT champion determined to keep his title
00:23There's not a simple one ball with a 20-minute time limit
00:27Introducing first
00:34Dr. Brief Baker
00:42Well, I hear is welcome for Pittsburgh zone
00:49And Brent Baker she has had her share of memorable moments over the last five years of dynamite Tony
00:55Yeah, this happened during of course the pandemic
01:00Remember that blights out match it was absolutely incredible
01:03Was really one of the best women's match I've ever seen they pulled out all the stops in that matchup
01:10Thunder Rosa got the win at the end, but it was a classic really redefined
01:14Professional wrestling Nigel. It was it was a war
01:17I know it predates your time, but I mean it had reverberations throughout this industry ill being felt
01:22For your time in a W
01:30And her opponent from Oakden, Virginia the professor Serena
01:36D got the doctor against the professor. What a classic matchup. This is gonna be
01:42now very interesting
01:44Styles battle here tonight Serena Deeb highly technical
01:48Serena Deeb highly technical Rick Baker though oftentimes
01:53To wrestle with her hard night over her emotions can get the better of her
01:57Sometimes that serves her very well other times it can bite her when you have that anger
02:02Dwelling inside you it's all how you focus it
02:08That's your opponent how you channel the anger if you are Serena Deeb
02:13The professor the technical tyrant the Houdini of technical wrestling can she use her expertise
02:21Against the hometown hero here in Pittsburgh as we saw for an O
02:27Undefeated in Pittsburgh can deep change that statistic and fans before this match gets too far underway
02:34Shifting gears for a moment hurricane Helene has caused horrific devastation in the southeast
02:38AEW and Warner Brothers Discovery are supporting our partners who are assisting those who need it on the ground
02:42Please take action now to help provide life-saving resources those impacted text Helene 2 7 0 7 0 7 0 to make a donation
02:50To our partners at the American Red Cross save the children and the World Central Kitchen who are all providing support across multiple states
02:57text H E L E N E to 7 0 7 0 7 0 to help those urgently in need
03:05Very well said Excalibur
03:07Terrible time for our victims of Hurricane Helene
03:11You know Nigel you and I
03:13on collision
03:15Recently we saw that the professor called out. Dr. Britt Baker D&D. She wanted this match
03:21She called for it in Britt Baker's hometown
03:25Baker one of AEW's originals no question about the Australian to the UMA Plata
03:31Right here trying to end it early on the professor, but Serena Deeb slips free
03:36That's why she's known as a professor Nigel certainly thinking a couple of moves ahead is now
03:41The glamour is here Mariah May the AEW Women's World Champion listen to that reaction from Pittsburgh
03:48They are as in love
03:50With Mariah May as you are Tony. She's a student of wrestling. She's scouting the matches scouting potential
03:57Challengers to her. She's just bringing some glamour to Pittsburgh
04:01Surely needed can't talk about Mariah May without talking about timeless Tony Storm
04:06Who's pretty much dropped off the map here in AEW?
04:08But she popped up over the weekend competing in stardom tagging with Mina Shirakawa the so-called best friend of the glamour Mariah May
04:15Interesting now we saw this past week didn't we?
04:20interesting exchange between Mina
04:22And Mariah May look at this the trip by Serena Deeb transitions over single-leg crab
04:28Look how deep yeah driving with her hips
04:33Very awkward angle there, and you can see Rick Baker
04:37Agony etched on her face. We missed all that time Tony with the injuries
04:42Yes, she was out for quite a while ten months as a matter of fact. She was out in Excalibur
04:46You know you saw the determination on the face of a Serena
04:50She won in the match here in Pittsburgh because not only does she want to show up dr.
04:54Baker in front of her hometown fans. She wants to make a statement of her own here
04:59Both these competitors have had title opportunities
05:03Recently I'm able to score the big victory so they certainly want to get back into title contention
05:10Yes, Serena Deeb most recently picking up a victory over Queen Amanada. She's trying to
05:17Maybe perhaps. Oh nice neck breaker there by Brent Baker perhaps in sincerely offers some guidance to Queen Amanada, but
05:24Serena Deeb got the last laugh in the end, but now Britt Baker though taking control of this match elbow smash
05:31Rattling the professor the chance of DMD breaking out here in Pittsburgh
05:34Oh, no block there by Serena Deeb and fans don't go anywhere because this match continues in picture-in-picture
05:46Clothesline now the near leg hooked Britt Baker able to kick out and capture the arm with a hammer lock from behind Serena kind of
05:54Did a little juke move that time and it really mixed up. Dr. Britt Baker, and that's why Serena's got the advantage right now a
06:02True veteran of the women's game. It wasn't long ago
06:05She was sidelined with what some considered herself included a potentially career-ending
06:12Medical condition. Yeah, I mean Nigel that speaks to the perseverance of both these competitors coming back from those those injuries being
06:19Medically disqualified from competing. I mean something that you're you're very well acquainted with
06:27You just gotta suck it up and get back no use crying like the AEW World Champion I
06:36Didn't hear much crying from Brian Dennison, but oh
06:39Did you not watch last week on Wednesday night? I did was crying like a little baby when I had him in submission
06:44I did watch I watched you say
06:49Serena deep stopping
06:52Back to the knees. Dr. Britt Baker DMD. You can hear everybody in attendance here upset at Tony Schiavone's last comment
07:01I've got my back Tony even if no one else says I was proud of you Nigel Russell the hell of a match
07:08Thank you
07:12Forgot there by Serena deep back in Britt Baker up to the ropes
07:17and now
07:18Deep look for the trip Britain. It's over but Serena with the elbow strike takes down Britt Baker
07:29Professor looks very confident now
07:32clearly in control
07:35Man you can see that coming to
07:37She telegraphed that European uppercut and Brit no defense for it at all Excalibur
07:43So we're gonna deep wound up and connect with the uppercut but Nigel
07:47we mentioned the the lengthy layoffs due to injury for both Britt Baker and Serena D, but
07:53Serena D has been competing much much more she
07:56May may have found her her sea legs, so to speak quicker than Britt Baker has
08:01Yeah, I definitely think there's a something to that Serena deep far more action in the ring far more ring time
08:08And that it can only help
08:11Tighten up the holds tighten up your timing
08:15Britt look at this just body shots trying to break the grip of the professor as the doctor accelerates to the ropes
08:22Sunset flip attempt Serena rolls through
08:25Again immediately going back after that leg
08:31Her submission defense just not there here tonight
08:33And that's that's a very dangerous territory to be in against somebody like Serena D
08:37Very hard to defend against a single-leg Boston crab once it is completed
08:42It's a cliche the way to get out of a single-leg Boston crab Tony
08:48Don't get in it. Did I wake you up? No, you didn't wake me up
08:51I was listening to your commentary and by the way, thank you for that
08:57Thank you
08:59One more time one more time Tony I'm getting out of this seat
09:06This zip chair
09:15Upper cuts now elbow strike from Britt Baker Serena deep elects for the uppercut
09:30The professor Serena deep looking to hand dr. Britt Baker DMD her first career loss here in Pittsburgh
09:39We thank you for joining us tonight on dynamite live on TBS our home for many more years to come
09:45After the announcement earlier today, but turning our attention back to the match Britt Baker persevering through that knee injury Tony and now
09:52Connecting with a series of strikes on deep great ripcord to send her down Britt though is hurting from those single crabs
09:59as you can tell
10:01As a member of the American Dental Association
10:04She's got plenty of use plenty of experience handing out pain. Well, she's got to suffer some as well
10:10Looking for that neck breaker that fishman's neck breaker was Britt Baker, but Britt quickness ducked under and now
10:18Deep comes up clutching the back of her head, but Britt comes up clutching her knee
10:23Both competitors injured now Britt fisherman neck breaker connects deep turned inside out great execution
10:31Baker covers leg hooked and deep able to kick out
10:37While we have a moment to breathe want to remind everybody that dynamite next week special night special time title Tuesday
10:43Coming up 9 8 central next Tuesday night live on TBS is Britt Baker going for the glove
10:49This usually means a lock on her opponent's future Nigel. Oh, it's the glove fits
10:55Other way, we'll be in Spokane Washington this Tuesday as the world champion looks on
11:01Great seats still available. You can join us at EWTIX.com
11:07Nights from tonight as then
11:10Dragon screw in the ropes that is only gonna exacerbate what damage has been already done to the knee of Britt
11:20Britt keeps hold though kicks out and now the horse collar
11:25Serena looking for perhaps a version of the stretch muffler
11:29And she's got her hands locked together Wow
11:36Leg that's a heck of a counter as Britt thrust kick
11:41Staggers the professor and now the ripcord elbow strike no deep anticipated
11:48Counter break free back elbow there by Britt Baker
11:53German suplex
11:57As now
12:00On the receiving end of the thrust kick staggers into the rope fires back lariat of her own
12:06Back and forth these ladies go man. They are pulling out all the stops in this one deep thinking deep talks here
12:18But a heads-up move by deep Nigel she took herself out of pinning position better an experience when you feel yourself susceptible and look
12:26Right now even a little impressed there
12:29The AEW Women's World Champion the glamour Mariah Mae looking on
12:34Now here Britt covers near like hook but deep counters
12:39That tilt and now brick though. She's got it
12:42The glove is on doesn't have the hand in yet, though
12:46Nice escape looking for lockjaw, but instead deep again that single-leg crab has been punishing Britt Baker all match
12:53Left leg wide open able to kick out and the up kick sends D back to the corner
13:01As Britt accelerates in catches the leg
13:05Deep fakes high changes the level on Britt Baker landed the kick Britt staggered back towards center
13:12Elbow strike as the doctor against the ropes Oh
13:19Right hand shot though from Britt Baker
13:22Crowd ain't trying to will on the dentist
13:26Yes. Oh
13:28Look at this could be an avalanche air raid crash. Oh my gosh
13:35That's got to do it
13:42Showing tremendous toughness how tough is Serena Dave
13:46I hope we don't see a replay of that because that was brutal. Just watch the back of the neck
13:53Ribbon into the mat all the way from the top rope
13:55But now back to live-action deep counters the roll-up Britt able to kick out
14:00Searching for lockjaw once again deep she gets her hip underneath
14:12Dr. Britt Baker
14:19Serena Dave chase her own blood
14:22Britt Baker
14:24Chase victory again in a hotel of Pittsburgh
14:28That title of Dr. Britt Baker
14:33Practicing dentist she knows about all those nerves in the mouth. She knows
14:42We saw our mother and father front row ringside, we also just saw Serena Dave, yeah
14:48Look at this deep
14:50She was about to have a nice moment with her parents and Serena is ruining it and now trying to take the leg out trying to
14:56try to permanently injure
14:58the knee of Dr. Britt Baker and
15:02But it's like a Queen Aminata grab some unfinished business with Serena Davis. Look at this. I'm a nada
15:08We've seen our colleges a rivalry between these two Nigel
15:11Yeah, the professor and the regal Queen Aminata who looks to have the physical advantage over DB
15:18So the professor doing the smart and erudite thing escaping an unlikely assist for dr
15:26Britt Baker DMG by Queen Aminata
15:30Who still has some unfinished business it seems with the professor Serena D
15:35As the glamour Mariah May she enjoys that now loving what she's seeing and fans
15:41Throughout the evening. We've been taking some
15:43Taking some looks at some of the greatest moments
15:47In the five-year history of AEW dynamite is
15:53Let's take you back to January earlier this year
15:56One of the most memorable moments of the year when Samoa Joe and the cold-hearted handsome devil hook cross paths