Freddie Woodman pre-Burnley

  • 4 days ago
00:00As a team, do you just think last night, loads of boxes ticked, it's like a really good night on the whole, did you feel it was coming as well as a team?
00:07I don't know, not that I felt like it was coming because in this league it's so unpredictable, you feel like you're always playing a decent side, a side that can cause you problems and Watford were one of them sides.
00:23But yeah, I just felt like the performance overall was just really good and to score three goals in any game is decent and I guess as the back legs we were buzzing to keep a clean sheet.
00:33Kane said after Millwall everyone just stayed really positive and that was key to it really, you being in that sense around the place and everyone keeping their heads up.
00:41I think it is key, but I think what also is key and obviously Kane didn't have time to reflect on this, is that during the week we'll review what we did wrong, the manager will highlight what we need to improve on and he makes it crystal clear.
00:57So then going into the next game, you know exactly what you need to do and what's required of you and that's been evident since he's come in.
01:06He highlights what we can do better, even when we win and we will try and do it in the next game.
01:13He's a real calm and composed talker, isn't he the manager? Does he give it to you as clearly as you can and some real clarity?
01:19Yeah, I think so. I think people won't mind me saying that footballers need it crystal clear and very black and white and we seem to get that which is good and takes away the uncertainty in football.
01:35Was he like that at half-time last night? Afterwards he said three things we need to improve and just for him to see that and give it to you at half-time, is that just you going out second half knowing exactly what you need to do?
01:44Yeah, it helps. You go out second half and obviously he's seen it from a tactical side of you and sometimes when you're in the heat of the game you don't really see certain things, so it's good.
01:54We went out second half and I thought it was a really good second half. We just dominated the game in and out of possession. I didn't really feel like they could hurt us too much. I felt like we were really solid, so it was a joy to play behind last night.
02:09A lot's changed since you last went to Burnley. Do you think this time you can really go and match them because it was a tough, reflecting half-on about it, but it was tough wasn't it two years ago and this time you can go and give them a game?
02:20Yeah, like I said before, Burnley are a decent side. They're up there for a reason, but we want to try and go and upset them as much as we can and put in a good performance really, as we all did last night.
02:35You didn't get Palace away in the cup, did you? Arsenal's not a bad team.
02:38Arsenal's a good one, yeah. I spent a lot of time as a kid in the clock end. My best friend was a massive Arsenal fan, season ticket holder. I spent a lot of time watching the Invincibles, which was obviously unbelievable. To finally go and play Arsenal in the cup, it will be quite special.
