Pasangan IDOLA, Ikfina dan Gus Dulloh, tak hanya kuat di panggung politik tapi juga di dunia Mobile Legends! Dalam gameplay mereka, Ikfina dan Gus Dulloh dikenal sebagai "duo maut" yang tangguh dalam membasmi bocah EPIC. Dengan kombinasi skill Ikfina yang penuh perhitungan dan kepemimpinan Gus Dulloh yang strategis, mereka menyusun serangan terkoordinasi, menghancurkan turret musuh dengan cepat. Seperti di dunia nyata, mereka selalu kompak, fokus, dan menunjukkan kepemimpinan yang kuat untuk kemenangan Mojokerto! Bersama IDOLA, Mojokerto pasti naik level!
00:00The pair of idols who gave guidance to Boca Epic,
00:02Ikvina and Busdulo,
00:04not only strong on the political stage, but also in the Mobile Legends world.
00:07In their gameplay,
00:08Ikvina and Busdulo are known as the deadly duo
00:11who are tough in defeating Boca Epic.
00:13With Ikvina's combination of skills full of calculations
00:16and Busdulo's strategic leadership,
00:18they organize coordinated attacks,
00:20destroying the enemy's turrets quickly.
00:22Like in the real world,
00:24they are always compact, focused,
00:25and show strong leadership for the victory of Mojokerto.
00:29Together with Ikvina and Busdulo,
00:30Mojokerto will definitely level up.
01:59Thank you for watching!