
  • yesterday
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00:21Hear that the sickle
00:00:39Come with to other day, I don't care about that
00:00:54Recuerdas que día soy
00:00:59Saldrá después de cenar donde voy a recoger a Eve del hospital y la voy a dejar en la casa
00:01:05Pero es nuestro tercer aniversario
00:01:08En serio hoy justo hoy vas a ver a Eve
00:01:14Que te sucede esta noche
00:01:16Veo a Eve todo el tiempo
00:01:19Podemos simplemente comer en silencio como lo hacemos normalmente
00:01:26Eve, hey oye está todo bien
00:01:30Wes nunca me habla de esa manera
00:01:32Oye está bien no llores si iré a buscarte ahora mismo
00:01:38Hoy es nuestro tercer aniversario
00:01:42Lo es bueno
00:01:49Qué es esto dinero
00:01:51la única cosa que alguna vez quisiste hablar en serio
00:01:55pase todo el día cocinando esta cena tratando de hacer algo
00:01:58no empieces a actuar como si te importara Laura tú nunca me amaste
00:02:02entonces porque me casaría contigo te casaste conmigo por mi dinero
00:02:06Y también sé que me has estado engañando qué
00:02:12También sé que me has estado engañando que lo vi con mis propios ojos
00:02:20Maike Murphy el heredero de Murphy Enterprises el soltero más codiciado de LA fue visto intimando con una mujer misteriosa esta semana
00:02:29esto es una sorpresa para muchos ya que Mika Murphy es conocido por evitar a las mujeres
00:02:34la gente quiere saber quién es
00:02:43Pues de qué estás hablando y tenía razón sobre ti nunca ha sido honesta con mi
00:02:48de verdad vas a confiar en ella más que en tu propia esposa es como una hermana para mí su padre falleció
00:02:54salvándome la vida y tú hasta que estés lista para ser honesta conmigo no quiero pasar ni un segundo más aquí
00:03:00Pues por favor no me dejes por ella pues no esta noche
00:03:09Tengo que irme ella me necesita
00:03:21Pues tienes razón le estoy ocultando algo
00:03:26El cree que me ha dado un estilo de vida de fantasía
00:03:31Pero está equivocado
00:03:39Maika sabes qué hora es sé que está tarde pero lo necesito lo necesito ahora
00:03:47Iré por ti
00:03:50Con cuidado
00:03:53Con cuidado
00:03:54Oh Wes yo no me siento muy bien
00:03:57Oh ey ey te tengo
00:04:06Tienes frío?
00:04:11Vamos a ver
00:04:14Bueno tu temperatura está bien no tienes fiebre
00:04:17Te traeré un poco de sopa mañana pero tengo que irme a casa ok
00:04:21Pero Wes cuando estás aquí me siento mucho mejor quédate un momentito por favor
00:04:31Ok está bien solo un momentito
00:04:54Gracias por siempre cuidar tan bien de mí
00:04:57Oh Kira esta noche tu esposo no regresará a casa
00:05:09Todo esto fue un error
00:05:21Me siento como una boricol
00:05:23Eso es realmente asqueroso por favor nunca vuelvas a decir eso
00:05:28Ven aquí hermanita
00:05:35Esta bien vamos a mandar el top a mi tarjeta de crédito y olvidarnos del idiota de tu esposo
00:05:42Esto es lo que le he estado ocultando a Wes desde que nos conocimos
00:05:47Esto es lo que le he estado ocultando a Wes desde que nos conocimos
00:05:54Soy Rica
00:05:55Señor y señora Murphy que honor
00:05:57Lamento llegar tan tarde de nuevo
00:05:59Ya conoces a mi hermana
00:06:01Lo que sea por de tus clientes más importantes
00:06:03Señora Murphy esto acaba de llegar hoy de Italia
00:06:06Eres la primera persona que lo ve
00:06:17Eso es todo
00:06:23Este es un diamante rojo impecable
00:06:27Es único
00:06:29¿Cuánto cuesta este?
00:06:31Señora Murphy tu eres una de nuestras clientas más importantes
00:06:34Te lo venderé al precio de 2.6 millones
00:06:38Bastante, bastante rica
00:06:41Me lo llevo
00:06:47¿Te arrepientes de haber dejado todo esto para casarte con Wes Darling?
00:06:55Estoy feliz
00:06:58Tú sabes que papá siempre te va a recibir
00:07:00Siempre y cuando te divorcies
00:07:02No me voy a divorciar
00:07:05Así que es un perdedor
00:07:07Buenas noches
00:07:08Buenas noches
00:07:46¿Qué pasa?
00:08:10Maica tenía razón
00:08:12Este matrimonio fue el peor error de mi vida
00:08:17¡Oh! ¡Mierda! ¿Cómo me quedé dormido aquí?
00:08:23¡Gariño! Estás despierto
00:08:25Te preparé el desayuno
00:08:28Tengo que irme a casa
00:08:29Nunca he pasado la noche fuera
00:08:31Kira se va a volver loca
00:08:32De verdad ni siquiera llamó
00:08:34Hablamos más tarde
00:08:35¡Espera Wes! ¡No! ¡Espera! ¡Espera! ¡Me siento mal!
00:08:37¡Oh! ¡Sí! ¡Siento como si me estuviera muriendo!
00:08:40¡Oh! ¡Me estoy muriendo!
00:08:47¡Kira, maldita perra!
00:08:57¿Qué es esto?
00:08:59Son mis favoritas
00:09:04Debería irme
00:09:17Este es el último desayuno que preparo para ti, Wes Sterling
00:09:27Quiero el divorcio
00:09:33Quiero el divorcio
00:09:39¡Qué chistoso!
00:09:40No, Wes
00:09:41¿Sabes qué? Me voy
00:09:43Estoy cansada
00:09:44¿A dónde vas a ir, Kira?
00:09:46No tienes a dónde ir
00:09:48Sin mí no tienes ni un centavo
00:09:54Kira, espera
00:09:56Si haces esto
00:09:58No hay vuelta atrás
00:10:01No hay a qué regresar
00:10:04Eres el error más grande que he cometido
00:10:11¡Tú perra!
00:10:12¡Tú eres el error!
00:10:14Nunca fuiste digna de mi hijo
00:10:18De todos modos, una interesada de clase baja nunca perteneció a la familia Sterling
00:10:22Puedes llamarme como quieras
00:10:23Al menos yo no soy infiel
00:10:25Yo nunca te he engañado
00:10:26Cariño, no gastes otro aliento
00:10:28En esta perra irrelevante
00:10:30Te le pegaste a mi hijo por tres horribles años
00:10:35Cuando te vayas, no esperes ni un centavo
00:10:38No lo estaba esperando
00:10:44Kira, espera
00:10:47No vas a recibir dinero del acuerdo del divorcio
00:10:49Pero no voy a dejar que termines en la calle
00:10:53Toma este cheque
00:10:56Dios, sigues sin me entender
00:10:58Yo nunca quise tu dinero
00:10:59No me casé contigo por esto
00:11:01¿Por qué?
00:11:02¿Por qué?
00:11:03¿Por qué?
00:11:04¿Por qué?
00:11:05¿Por qué?
00:11:06Yo no quise tu dinero, no me casé contigo por esto
00:11:08Wes, ¿qué demonios estás haciendo?
00:11:10No le des ni un centavo
00:11:12Estoy harta
00:11:13Estoy harta de que tú y tu madre me traten así
00:11:16Estoy harta de pelear contigo sobre Eve
00:11:19No quiero volver a verte nunca más
00:11:22Kira, solo, por favor, tómalo
00:11:38Kira, ¿quiénes son estas personas?
00:11:41¿Qué está pasando?
00:12:06¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?
00:12:08¿No es un buen momento?
00:12:10Dios mío, lo siento mucho
00:12:12Es solo que, tú sabes, es el aniversario de mis papás
00:12:16Ya están muertos
00:12:17No quería estar sola
00:12:19Cariño, qué bueno que viniste con nosotros
00:12:21Quédate la noche
00:12:22De hecho, quédate el tiempo que quieras
00:12:24¿Estás segura?
00:12:25Es que, no sé si a Kira le agrade mucho la idea
00:12:29¿Wesla corrió de la casa y se divorció de Kira?
00:12:34¿Wesla corrió de la casa y se divorció de ella?
00:12:36Esa interesada probablemente esté ocupada buscando a qué hombre torturar ahora
00:12:41¿No te molesta que me quede, Wes?
00:12:43No quiero ser una carga más grande de la que ya soy
00:12:46No eres una carga, Eve
00:12:47Le prometí a tu padre que te cuidaría como si fueras familia
00:12:51Está decidido entonces
00:12:52Quédate en la habitación de Kira
00:12:59Papá, estoy en casa
00:13:12Papá, ¿se terminó?
00:13:14¿Se terminó de verdad?
00:13:18Ven aquí
00:13:22No llores
00:13:24Sabes que te dije que casarte con él era un error
00:13:26Pero aún así te fuiste
00:13:27Lo hiciste de todos modos
00:13:28Tenía razón, papá
00:13:30Vio que no tenía nada sin él
00:13:32Y se sintió con el derecho de ser infiel
00:13:34Hay lecciones que tienes que aprender por tu cuenta
00:13:37Pero siempre contarás con nosotros, tu familia
00:13:40Ahora dicho eso, si quieres regresar
00:13:43Es hora de que hagas lo que diga
00:13:45Pero papá, mi primer matrimonio acaba de terminar
00:13:48Todavía quieres heredar tu fortuna, ¿verdad?
00:13:51Bueno, tienes que casarte con el hombre que yo elija
00:13:55El correcto
00:13:58Papá, por favor, no me cases con un viejo aburrido
00:14:01Tiene que haber otra manera
00:14:03Quizás yo podría ponerte a trabajar en una de las empresas
00:14:10Cosa que a Kira nunca le interesó
00:14:14Las princesas no trabajan, dijo
00:14:17No, pero si le doy un trabajo en una de las empresas
00:14:20Sin que nadie sepa quién es
00:14:22Ella tendrá que valerse por sí misma
00:14:25No, eso sería muy difícil
00:14:27No, pero puedo hacerlo
00:14:29Empezaré como Kira Mitchell, igual que mamá
00:14:31Nadie tiene que saber que soy una Murphy
00:14:33¿De verdad? ¿Tú?
00:14:35Permitiré que empieces en una de las empresas por dos meses
00:14:39Y si nadie se entera, tú ganas
00:14:41Pero si fallas
00:14:42Entonces te volverás a casar, hermanita
00:14:46Puedo hacerlo
00:14:49¿Escuchaste de la nueva sale?
00:14:51Va a llegar una chica joven desconocida
00:14:53Sí, de fuera
00:14:54Apuesto que se acostó con alguien para tener el puesto
00:14:57Ah, ¿eres la nueva recepcionista?
00:15:01Ay, esta oficina nunca tiene buen café
00:15:04Ambos somos sus CEOs senior aquí
00:15:06Gánate nuestro agrado y nos aseguremos de que sobrevivas a la nueva CEO
00:15:09Que probablemente sea una perra
00:15:13Buenos días a todos
00:15:15Es con gran emoción que les presento a nuestra nueva CEO
00:15:24Tienes razón
00:15:25El café de aquí no es bueno
00:15:27Consígueme uno nuevo y consideraré no ser una perra esta noche
00:15:30Hola a todos, soy Kyra Mitchell
00:15:32Desde hoy, la nueva CEO
00:15:42¡Feliz primer día!
00:15:44Luego no digas que no soy amable contigo
00:15:46Te conseguí un asistente
00:15:49Señorita Mitchell, lamento mucho lo de esta mañana
00:15:53No te preocupes por eso
00:15:59Nuestra prioridad ahora es una colaboración con una empresa llamada Bottle Corp
00:16:04Todavía estamos en negociaciones, pero no pintan nada bien
00:16:07Su CEO, Daniel Prescott, es famoso por ser difícil
00:16:10¿Difícil? ¿Difícil cómo?
00:16:12Bueno, el...
00:16:13Mierda, tienes una junta con el consejo en tres minutos
00:16:20Un problema de seguro ahí mismo, para que podamos probablemente...
00:16:23Sí, tú lo tienes todo
00:16:25Hola, soy Kyra Mitchell
00:16:27¿Qué demonios?
00:16:29No puede ser
00:16:31¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?
00:16:33¿Qué estás haciendo tú aquí?
00:16:34¿Qué demonios está pasando aquí en mi ex?
00:16:36Es mi ex
00:16:38Okay, déjenme lo vuelvo a intentar
00:16:40Mi nombre es Kyra Mitchell y soy la nueva CEO de Morphe Cosmetics
00:16:44Eso no es posible, esta mujer no ha trabajado ni un día de su vida
00:16:48¿Kyra Mitchell es la ex esposa de Wes Stern?
00:16:50¿No sigue en proceso de divorcio?
00:16:52¿Desde cuándo dejamos que el drama familiar entre a las juntas?
00:16:55Esto es muy poco profesional
00:16:57Ya puedo ver los titulares
00:17:01Es mi primer día en el trabajo y ustedes ya están tratando de manipularme
00:17:05Primero dicen que soy poco profesional por mis asuntos privados
00:17:08Y cuando reaccione van a decir que estoy exagerando
00:17:11Si me molesto van a decir que soy inestable
00:17:15Bueno, adivinen qué
00:17:17Es 2024 y es hora de que aprendan a callarse los hijos
00:17:21Yo soy la jefa aquí, así que o trabajan conmigo o se salen a la chingada de mi junta
00:17:39Vamos a hablar
00:17:40¿De qué tenemos que hablar?
00:17:41Por eso me dejaste, por Micah Morphe
00:17:43Porque te dio un trabajo en una empresa pequeña
00:17:45Micah, ¿de qué estás hablando?
00:17:48No entiendo, ¿cómo de pronto eres CEO después de ser ama de casa por tres años?
00:17:52Hay muchas cosas que no sabes de mí, Wes
00:17:54Ahora, si me disculpas, tengo que regresar a mi trabajo
00:17:59Señora Sterling, ¿necesita algo?
00:18:04Un ramo de flores, el más grande que puedas encontrar
00:18:17¡Kira Mitchell! Un placer
00:18:20¿Quién eres?
00:18:22Soy Glenn Banks, CEO de Rattata Tech
00:18:26¿Tú me regalaste esto?
00:18:29Sí, lo hice
00:18:33¿Tú me regalaste esto?
00:18:36Sí, lo hice
00:18:40De nada
00:18:43¿Cómo te puedo ayudar?
00:18:45Tu padre me envió
00:18:46Así es, sé cuál es tu secretito, señorita Morphe
00:18:51¿Qué quieres?
00:18:52Tu padre opina que deberíamos cenar un día de estos
00:18:55Él cree que yo podría ser tu próximo esposo
00:18:59Lo dudo mucho, señor Banks
00:19:03Bueno, o vas a cenar conmigo o...
00:19:06¡Revelo tu verdadera identidad!
00:19:11Y no creo que eso le dé mucho gusto a tu papá
00:19:15¿Sí, señora Sterling?
00:19:16Sí, ¿qué fue lo que dijo? ¿Le gustaron?
00:19:18Eh, bueno, ella las...
00:19:20¿Ella qué?
00:19:21Cariño, deja de trabajar tanto
00:19:23Yves se siente mejor y se ve absolutamente preciosa hoy
00:19:26¿Por qué no llevas a la pobre a cenar?
00:19:28¿Por qué no llevas a la pobre a cenar?
00:19:38Te preguntaría por qué te arreglaste tanto, pero ya me sé la respuesta
00:19:41Soy difícil de resistir, ¿no?
00:19:44De hecho, me visto para mí, señor Banks, no...
00:19:47Es lo que me han dicho
00:19:48Que tengo una especie de encanto irresistible
00:19:51Dios mío, alguien por favor ayude a mí
00:19:53Sabes, tu padre es un hombre sabio
00:19:58Es lo que Wes Sterling te dijo
00:20:00Y la verdad es que soy mejor
00:20:05¿Es Kira? ¿Con otro hombre?
00:20:08Pero acaba de divorciarse
00:20:11Tienes que estar rompiendo
00:20:14Ah, el temido ex, con su nueva novia supongo
00:20:17¡Qué belleza!
00:20:18Ya puedes mandar tu recibo a mi asistente
00:20:20Lo siento, señor Banks
00:20:21¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?
00:20:22No es tu asunto, y ya me voy
00:20:24¡Wes, muero de hambre! ¡Qué demonios!
00:20:29Entonces, ¿cómo te llamas, preciosa?
00:20:31Vete de aquí
00:20:34Kira, ¿por qué estás con Glen Banks?
00:20:36¿No sabes cómo trata a las mujeres?
00:20:38No te debo ninguna clase de explicación
00:20:40Además, no estás realmente en la posición de hablar sobre cómo tratar a las mujeres
00:20:43Kira, ¿ya te vas? ¿Necesitas que te lleven?
00:20:46¿Quieres que llame a un Uber? Probablemente no tienes auto todavía, ¿verdad?
00:20:50Señorita Michelle, su auto
00:20:53Tenga bonita noche
00:20:54Kira, ¿dónde?
00:21:05¿Es ese un McLaren?
00:21:07¿En eso gastaste los 10 millones que te di cuando nos casamos?
00:21:10¿Qué? Kira, ¿no los regresaste? Pensé que querías salirte de ahí con las manos vacías
00:21:14Nunca gasté ni un solo centavo tuyo, Wes Sterling
00:21:18Quédate el dinero
00:21:19¿No lo necesitas entonces?
00:21:20No lo necesito ahora
00:21:43Hey, hermana, ¿dónde estás?
00:21:45Papá está súper molesto porque rechazaste a Glenn
00:21:47Mayka, por favor, necesito tomar algo
00:22:02Ahora, ¿por qué una chica tan bonita como tú está tomando sola?
00:22:05Porque quiero
00:22:06Ya veo
00:22:08Eres de esas putas independientes y fuertes, ¿no?
00:22:12¿Quién te crees que eres con un vestido así en un club como este?
00:22:15Vamos, ¿eres rica o algo así?
00:22:17Hey, vamos, solo estamos hablando
00:22:20¿Por qué te haces la difícil?
00:22:21No me toques
00:22:26¡Quita tus sucias manos de mi esposa!
00:22:34¡Quita tus sucias manos de mi esposa!
00:22:43¿Qué carajos, hombre? Ni siquiera trae anillo puesto, pendejo
00:22:47No quiero volver a verte hablando con ella
00:23:03Dios, Kira, ¿estás bien?
00:23:05¿Cuántas veces tengo que decirte que no tomes sola cuando estás molesta?
00:23:09Es peligroso
00:23:10¿Por qué te importa, Wes?
00:23:11Ya no soy tu esposa
00:23:13Supongo que es un viejo hábito
00:23:19Viejos hábitos
00:23:23Mira, estoy con Reggie y los chicos en la mesa de siempre
00:23:27¿Por qué no vas a saludar?
00:23:29¿Dónde está Eve?
00:23:31¿Por qué estaría Eve aquí?
00:23:33¿Por qué son pareja?
00:23:34Vamos, sabes que es como una hermanita para mí
00:23:37Solo quédate un rato
00:23:38Los chicos te extrañan y no dejan de molestarme al respecto
00:23:49¡Dios mío, Kira! ¿Eres tú?
00:23:54Ok, entonces por favor dime que Wes admitió ser un completo idiota y que ustedes ya están juntos de nuevo
00:24:00No lo hizo y no lo estamos
00:24:02Solo me topé con él y pensé en venir a saludar
00:24:05Tienes que quedarte una ronda de dados
00:24:06No lo sé
00:24:07¿Qué? ¿Tienes miedo, Wes?
00:24:09Vamos, sé que Kira siempre fue mejor que tú, hermano
00:24:12Por favor, nunca he perdido un juego de dardos
00:24:24¡Oh, mierda!
00:24:25¿Acabo de ganarte?
00:24:29Supongo que hay cosas que nunca cambian, ¿eh?
00:24:31Sí, supongo que algunas cosas no cambian
00:24:37El que pierde, bebe
00:24:39Toma un shot, Wes
00:24:47Así que, ¿mis amigos te siguen queriendo?
00:24:50¡Claro que me quieren!
00:24:51Es difícil no quererme, al menos en la mayoría de los casos
00:24:55¿Quién dice que no te sigo queriendo?
00:25:02¿No verás a Glenn Banks esta noche? ¿O Maika?
00:25:05No, no puedo creer que te haya dejado ser mi infiel
00:25:08¿De verdad quieres saber sobre infidelidad?
00:25:10Mira, yo nunca te fui infiel
00:25:11Besaste a Eve
00:25:12¿De dónde sacas eso? ¡Qué asco!
00:25:14Es como incesto
00:25:15No trates de darle la vuelta a esto
00:25:17Porque yo te vi besar a Mika Murphy con mis propios ojos
00:25:20¿Qué? Eso es como incesto
00:25:23Es como si no pudiera alejarme de ti
00:25:25A donde vaya, ahí estás tú
00:25:29¿Por qué no me dejas seguir con mi vida?
00:25:31¿Eso es lo que quieres?
00:25:33Sí, no quiero verte por la ciudad con Mika o Glenn
00:25:36O algún otro hombre rico
00:25:38Y yo no quiero verte
00:25:39No te pedí que vinieras esta noche a rescatarme
00:25:41No te pedí que vinieras aquí
00:25:43Actuarás como mi esposo
00:25:44Ok, bueno, lo lamento
00:25:46No volverá a pasar
00:25:48Muy bien
00:25:51¡Has rechazado todos mis candidatos para Yerno!
00:25:55Y hueles un poco a tequila
00:25:57Papá, no me voy a casar con Glenn Banks
00:25:59Ni con nadie
00:26:00Me diste dos meses y estoy haciendo mi parte del trato
00:26:03Espero que tú hagas lo mismo
00:26:04Para ser justos, nos sorprendió a todos en el trabajo
00:26:06Las personas la respetan, lo está haciendo bien
00:26:11¡Has rechazado todos mis candidatos para Yerno!
00:26:14Y hueles un poco a tequila
00:26:16Papá, no me voy a casar con Glenn Banks
00:26:19Es hora de que tengas más exposición
00:26:22Maika, quiero que lleves a Kira a la fiesta de este fin de semana
00:26:25Pero, ¿no es de Wes?
00:26:27Maika irá como representante de Murphy Enterprise
00:26:30Y tú irás como su acompañante
00:26:32Estoy teniendo flashbacks de cuando me forzaban a llevar a Kira a fiestas
00:26:37Y que no se te olvide
00:26:39Que irás como Kira Mitchell
00:26:43No te voy a decepcionar
00:26:49¿Qué demonios quieres?
00:26:51¿Qué tan sinvergüenza puedes ser, Kira Mitchell?
00:26:57¿Qué demonios quieres?
00:26:58¿Qué tan sinvergüenza puedes ser, Kira Mitchell?
00:27:01Dijiste que no tomarías ni un centavo
00:27:03Pero decidiste robar mi collar más caro
00:27:05¿Qué? Yo no robé tu collar
00:27:08Toda la ciudad sabe que estás en quiebra
00:27:10Y que Wes se dejó por infiel
00:27:12Eve me dijo que estás manejando un McLaren
00:27:15Me pregunto, ¿de dónde sacaste ese dinero?
00:27:17Ahora todo tiene sentido
00:27:19Ah, ¿tú crees?
00:27:21Mi collar vale un millón
00:27:23Tú, de avariciosa, lo vendiste para comprar tu auto, ¿verdad?
00:27:28Un millón ni siquiera cubre una noche casual de compras para mí
00:27:32Mira, cree lo que tú quieras, Carol
00:27:34Yo no me robé tu collar
00:27:36Díselo a la policía
00:27:37O me regresas mi collar
00:27:39O puedes pasar el resto de tu vida en la cárcel
00:27:42Wow, Wes
00:27:43Todo el mundo vino a tu fiesta
00:27:45Debes estar muy orgulloso
00:27:47Yo lo estoy
00:27:49Gracias por traerme como tu pareja
00:27:51Sí, no hay problema
00:27:53Wes, ¿no quieres que las personas nos vean juntos?
00:27:55¿Te avergüenzas de mí?
00:27:57Claro que no
00:27:58Pero no quiero que la gente se lleve la idea equivocada
00:28:00La idea equivocada, vamos
00:28:01¿Por qué nos importaría?
00:28:03No es como si siguieras casado con Kira
00:28:05No, no, no, no
00:28:07No, no, no, no
00:28:09No es como si siguieras casado con Kira
00:28:11Esto es soltero
00:28:12Está bien que me toques, ¿lo sabes?
00:28:18¿Ese es Mika Murphy?
00:28:20¡Mierda, sí es!
00:28:21¡Es mucho más guapo en persona que en las noticias!
00:28:26Voy a ir con él
00:28:34¿Viene con alguien?
00:28:36Más vale que me expliques esto, Maika
00:28:38Porque estamos en la casa de Wes Sterling
00:28:40Solo sonríe, hermanita
00:28:43¡Dios mío!
00:28:44¿Es Kira con Mika Murphy?
00:28:46Pensé que estaba con Glen Banks
00:28:48¿Cómo cambia de hombre tan rápido?
00:28:54Felicidades por tu éxito
00:28:58Y buena fiesta
00:29:00Entonces, Kira
00:29:02¿Este es el hombre con el que le fuiste infiel a Wes?
00:29:06¿Sabes qué, Wes Sterling?
00:29:08Siempre pensé que eres inteligente
00:29:10Me sorprendió mucho cuando te casaste con Kira
00:29:12Pero supongo que te juzgué mal
00:29:14No eres más que un hombre estúpido que piensa con su pene
00:29:17Como todos
00:29:18¿Qué quieres decir con eso?
00:29:19Kira, podemos hablar
00:29:22No, no podemos
00:29:23Estoy aquí con Mika Murphy
00:29:25Vamos a hablar con personas que no sean tan aburridas
00:29:31Kira, espera
00:29:33Tengo que saber
00:29:35¿Están juntos?
00:29:37¡Claro que estamos juntos!
00:29:39Wes incluso me regaló una reliquia familiar
00:29:42Este collar vale un millón de dólares
00:29:45Mi madre se lo regaló
00:29:46Karol le dio ahí ese collar
00:29:47No, no estamos
00:29:48El mismo que asegura que me robé
00:29:51¿De qué estás hablando?
00:29:57Dale esto a tu madre
00:29:58Dile que es por todos los problemas
00:30:00Y para que nunca vuelva a buscarme
00:30:06¿De dónde estás sacando todo ese dinero?
00:30:09¡No es justo!
00:30:11No, no, no, espera
00:30:12No voy a aceptar ni un centavo de Kira en su nueva pareja
00:30:20¿Se te está complicando encajar con gente educada?
00:30:22Dios, vete Eve
00:30:24Tu verdadera personalidad es horrible y está arruinando mi noche
00:30:27¡No, tú vete!
00:30:28Sé que estás intentando ponérselo a Wes
00:30:30Pero pronto nos contrameteremos
00:30:32Claro, ¿como cuando te besó?
00:30:34Maldita perra, ¿no me crees?
00:30:49¡Tu ex esposa me atacó!
00:30:52¿Qué demonios?
00:30:53Yo no hice nada
00:30:54Solo le estaba diciendo lo triste que me sentí por su divorcio
00:30:58Y luego se puso como loca
00:31:00¡Y me arrejó el vino sobre mi ropa!
00:31:02¡Ahorré por tres meses para este vestido y ahora está arruinado!
00:31:06¡Eve está mintiendo!
00:31:07Otra vez
00:31:08Y otra vez le eliges a ella en lugar de a mí
00:31:11Vamos, Kira
00:31:13Esta es la última vez que me haces esto, Wes Sterling
00:31:16Mira, tengo que explicar esto
00:31:17¿Explicar qué?
00:31:18No te amo
00:31:23Mira, me voy, ¿ok?
00:31:24Debiste haberme dicho que estará la fiesta de Wes
00:31:27Te hice un favor
00:31:28Estás súper celoso
00:31:30¡Eve está cubierta de Cavernet!
00:31:32Y ahora todos creen que estoy saliendo con mi hermano
00:31:35¡Es asqueroso!
00:31:37Lo siento, ¿ok?
00:31:38Pero necesitamos mantener tu identidad en secreto por más tiempo
00:31:41Así que vamos a dejar que esto fluya
00:31:44Es medio divertido, ¿no?
00:31:52¿Te puedo ayudar?
00:31:55Vine a decirte que necesitas disculparte con Eve
00:31:58Te dije que estaba mintiendo y ella se tiró el vino sola
00:32:01¿Sabes qué?
00:32:06Eso debería cubrirlo
00:32:09No quiero el dinero de Maika Morphe
00:32:11De hecho, Wes, no es dinero de Maika
00:32:13Es tuyo
00:32:14De hecho, Wes, no es dinero de Maika
00:32:17Es tuyo
00:32:18Así que ya me regresaste los 10 millones
00:32:20¿Cuándo lo dupliqué?
00:32:21Invertí todo el dinero y lo dupliqué en 3 años
00:32:24Convertí tus 10 millones en 20
00:32:26Y ahora acabo de devolvértelo todo
00:32:28Así que no te debo nada
00:32:29¿Vienes de nada?
00:32:30¿No sabías nada?
00:32:31¿Cómo es eso posible?
00:32:33Me diste esos 10 millones para probar que me querías
00:32:36Nunca quise gastarlos
00:32:37Iba a sorprenderte con las inversiones
00:32:40Pero dejaste que tu madre me dijera interesada
00:32:42Y no me defendiste ni una vez
00:32:44Chira, yo...
00:32:45Adiós, Wes
00:32:46Espero no volver a verte
00:32:57¡Está todo arruinado!
00:33:00Eve, sé sincera conmigo
00:33:02¿Empezaste tú esa pelea con Chira?
00:33:04Chira es una resentida
00:33:06¡Claro que ella lo empezó!
00:33:09¿Vas a venir o no?
00:33:11Creo que cometí un terrible error
00:33:16Bueno, ustedes causaron toda una escena
00:33:19¿Qué hacen ustedes además de empezar drama?
00:33:22Voy a ir a trabajar en la cuenta Watercourt
00:33:25No te vale
00:33:26Daniel Prescott tendrá una fiesta de aniversario mañana
00:33:30Y ustedes dos serán una aparición
00:33:33¿Vas a enviar a Chira a otra fiesta después de lo que pasó?
00:33:36Sí, nada de drama, esta vez
00:33:39Asegurar esta asociación con Daniel es tu última oportunidad, Chira
00:33:43Lo que ocurrió esta noche me hace pensar que no puedes ser profesional
00:33:48Seré profesional, no importa lo que pase
00:33:50Glen Banks preguntó por ti hoy
00:33:53Está bien conectado y ha trabajado con nosotros antes
00:33:56Podrías llevarlo
00:33:58Yo tengo una cita
00:34:00Qué suerte
00:34:02Cúmprete algo bonito y no me avergüences
00:34:19Os tienes que estar bromeando
00:34:20¿Quién le dejó entrar?
00:34:21Muy apenas puede ver estos vestidos, menos pagarlos
00:34:28No puedes probártelos si no los puedes pagar
00:34:31Es nuestra política
00:34:35Todo está bien por ahora
00:34:37Claro que están juntos
00:34:39Chira, no es lo que...
00:34:40Señorita, necesito que por favor te quites el vestido
00:34:43Antes de salir del área de vestidores
00:34:45Por? Seguir en la tienda
00:34:47Si no puedes pagar el vestido
00:34:49Cómo sé que no te irás corriendo de la tienda con él
00:34:53Eso es ridículo, puedo pagar cualquiera de estos vestidos
00:34:56Por favor, quítatelo, antes de que llamen seguridad
00:35:02Eso sería un grave error
00:35:09Eso sería un grave error
00:35:10Oh, señor Murphy
00:35:14No sabía que estabas con ella
00:35:15Para que sepas, ella podría comprarse el vestido que quiera
00:35:17Diablos, ella podría comprarse toda esta tienda si quisiera
00:35:21Por supuesto, lo siento mucho
00:35:24¿Qué te gustaría probarte?
00:35:32No, no puedes, este es mi vestido
00:35:34Ese vestido, usado en los Oscars del año pasado
00:35:37Es una ganga por $30,000
00:35:40¿Cuánto cuesta?
00:35:42Pues, ¿podrías comprármelo?
00:35:45Te prometo que intentaré pagarlo
00:35:46No hace falta
00:35:48Yo me lo llevo
00:35:49Claro, señorita
00:35:52Quítate el vestido
00:35:57Lo siento, no puedes probártelo si no lo puedes pagar
00:36:02Ya está todo listo
00:36:13Ese de ahí es Daniel Prescott
00:36:15Deberías hablar con él lo antes posible
00:36:18Oh, oh, la broja malvada y el ex están a las 12
00:36:21Dios, ¿por qué tengo que topar con Daniel Prescott?
00:36:23¿Por qué?
00:36:25¿Por qué?
00:36:27¿Por qué?
00:36:28¿Por qué?
00:36:29¿Por qué?
00:36:30¡Dios! ¿Por qué tengo que topármelo en todas partes?
00:36:32Ok, rápido, rápido
00:36:33Actúa como si estuviéramos platicando de algo serio, así no vendrá
00:36:37Demasiado tarde
00:36:41Kira, vamos, necesitamos a Daniel
00:36:43No, no es verdad
00:36:48¿Daniel Prescott?
00:36:50Kira Mitchell
00:36:51Señorita Mitchell, justo la mujer que esperaba ver
00:36:54¿Qué dice si vamos a un lugar un poco más privado?
00:36:58Por supuesto
00:37:00I'm glad to finally meet you in person.
00:37:04When I heard that Wes Sterling's ex was the new CEO of Morphie Cosmetics,
00:37:10I was a little worried about working together,
00:37:14if I'm being honest.
00:37:16But after seeing you tonight,
00:37:19I'm sure we could do something magical.
00:37:23I think Morphie Cosmetics and Vodacore could have a very fruitful collaboration, yes.
00:37:29This is what I propose.
00:37:31An association.
00:37:33Between you, me, and another highly qualified businessman.
00:37:39Who were you thinking of?
00:37:41Look, I'm sorry to interrupt.
00:37:43Kira, I can't stand it anymore. We have to talk.
00:37:47How do you feel about working with your ex-husband?
00:37:52How do you feel about working with your ex-husband?
00:37:56I've always admired Wes's ferocity in business.
00:37:59I think you would be a great option for Vodacore.
00:38:01I really don't think it's necessary. I'll do it on my own.
00:38:04Really? You'll do it?
00:38:05Because what I see is that you've gotten into trouble everywhere.
00:38:08All I see is that you're ashamed of yourself,
00:38:10accompanied by someone like Eve.
00:38:13Well, it's obvious that there's still something between you two.
00:38:16But I'll let you two fix it on your own.
00:38:19This is my position.
00:38:21Either we work together in a tripartite society,
00:38:24or we don't work together at all.
00:38:29If I don't get this client, my father won't waste time marrying me again.
00:38:40Now, I think we should celebrate our new association and...
00:38:44new friendship.
00:38:48Well, first I have a little idea in mind.
00:38:54And now, to start the party,
00:38:58a dance between my new commercial partners,
00:39:01Wes Sterling and Keira Mitchell.
00:39:11Is this okay?
00:39:12If it's necessary.
00:39:15Are you going to tell me what else you've been hiding from me?
00:39:21I'm going to pretend that you learned all this from Mike.
00:39:24The car, the job, the investments.
00:39:27Is that what you think of me?
00:39:29That I would dishonor our marriage like that?
00:39:31You're with him all the time, girl.
00:39:33What else could I think of?
00:39:34I would dare to say that you're jealous.
00:39:40No, I think you're the jealous one here.
00:39:42You show up wherever I go, and you get into business with me.
00:39:44I would dare to say that you're still in love with me.
00:39:47I can't do this.
00:40:13Keira, Keira, wait!
00:40:14I hope you're happy playing with my feelings and embarrassing me in front of everyone.
00:40:17Look, I wasn't playing with your feelings.
00:40:19And I didn't want to embarrass you.
00:40:20So, did you kiss me, Wes?
00:40:22Yes, I did.
00:40:23So, why would you be ashamed of that?
00:40:25Because you're with someone else.
00:40:26You left me.
00:40:27I didn't leave you.
00:40:28You left me for someone richer and younger.
00:40:31No, I didn't.
00:40:32It's not what you think.
00:40:33Then tell me what it is.
00:40:35Explain it to me.
00:40:36I can't.
00:40:37I can't.
00:40:38Not you.
00:40:39You don't understand.
00:40:40You're right.
00:40:41I don't understand.
00:40:46I still don't understand why
00:40:51I want to do this.
00:40:58God, I miss you, baby.
00:40:59Please don't say that.
00:41:00I haven't stopped missing you.
00:41:01Shut up.
00:41:08I'm sorry.
00:41:15Honey, where are you?
00:41:18You should go back to your girlfriend, Wes.
00:41:21This was a mistake.
00:41:23Kira, let's go.
00:41:28So, that's why you always reject me.
00:41:31I knew it.
00:41:32I'm not in the mood, Mr. Banks.
00:41:34You're alive, Sarah Wes.
00:41:35Everyone did it.
00:41:37I don't want to talk about it.
00:41:43Do you still love him?
00:41:44That's very unfortunate because he already has someone else.
00:41:47So what?
00:41:48Are you just playing with your brother?
00:41:51Kira and Glenn.
00:41:53I forgot.
00:41:54Who are you with now?
00:41:56Just leave me alone, Eve.
00:41:58Well, I would.
00:41:59Look, there are dates.
00:42:00You can sleep with whoever you want.
00:42:02Are you done?
00:42:10I'm just worried about...
00:42:11No, you're not.
00:42:12You're trying to embarrass Kira.
00:42:14And I won't let you do it.
00:42:16She cheated on you and then she left you.
00:42:18That's not...
00:42:19I'm the only one who's ever loved you.
00:42:21That doesn't change the fact that she's the only person I've ever loved.
00:42:25Even if she's no longer in love with me.
00:42:30Wes, wait.
00:42:32It's not what you think.
00:42:34Look, Kira got into my head.
00:42:36All this time, you've been against Kira to try to break our marriage.
00:42:41No, that's a bad...
00:42:43I want more of your lies.
00:42:44Kira never loved you.
00:42:46Glenn married you for the money, but I...
00:42:48I know what you mean to me, Eve, but I'm tired of listening to you.
00:42:57I'm tired of listening to you.
00:43:08Why did you divorce me?
00:43:10What a ridiculous question, Wes.
00:43:12Just tell me why.
00:43:13You know why.
00:43:14You stopped paying attention to me.
00:43:16You believed all the lies Eve told you.
00:43:18And you allowed your family to mistreat me.
00:43:20Who wouldn't want a divorce?
00:43:21Family matters are complicated, okay?
00:43:24There are reasons why things are the way they are.
00:43:26And you know that Eve was never more than a sister to me.
00:43:29I'm the one who stopped paying attention to you.
00:43:31You're still seeing the man you lied to me about.
00:43:33And apparently, he's just one of many.
00:43:35I told you it's not like that.
00:43:36Then, tell me how it is.
00:43:41Tonight was a mistake, just like our marriage.
00:43:46Damn it.
00:43:50What the hell does Kira want?
00:43:52I don't understand.
00:43:54I can't believe you don't see it.
00:43:56She still loves you.
00:43:57But she was unfaithful to me.
00:43:58I saw it with my own eyes.
00:44:01And the way Micah treats her...
00:44:03She loves him.
00:44:05He loves her.
00:44:06I can't believe you don't see it.
00:44:07She still loves you.
00:44:08I don't know.
00:44:09I always thought she was a good woman.
00:44:10A good wife.
00:44:11But if she makes you feel so sad...
00:44:13You should get over her.
00:44:15I should get over her?
00:44:17Well, try harder.
00:44:18Oh, wow.
00:44:20Look at that girl.
00:44:23I guess you have to try.
00:44:25I'm not interested.
00:44:26Yes, you are.
00:44:27Where are you?
00:44:29What did I say?
00:44:31Excuse me.
00:44:33Do you see that handsome man over there?
00:44:35The one from the bar?
00:44:36He's my friend.
00:44:37He would love to buy you a drink.
00:44:47I'm sorry about my friend.
00:44:49Sometimes he gets a little drunk and...
00:44:51I'm Amy.
00:44:53I'm a writer.
00:44:55It shows that you're a real character.
00:44:59Yeah, man.
00:45:02What are you drinking, Amy?
00:45:04A mojito.
00:45:08I'll have a mojito for my friend.
00:45:10And another brandy for me, please.
00:45:13I'm Wes.
00:45:15So, Wes.
00:45:17Who hurt you?
00:45:21Hey, whoever it is.
00:45:23I can help you.
00:45:25Forget her.
00:45:27Look, I can't do this.
00:45:28I'm sorry.
00:45:29I don't care what she thinks.
00:45:31I still...
00:45:32I still feel like her husband.
00:45:37I'm sorry.
00:45:39What are you doing?
00:45:42Oh, God.
00:45:46I have to admit that I'm a little more than worried about your collaboration with Wes Sterling.
00:45:52I don't want you to get close to him again.
00:45:54Especially after that scene you caused last night.
00:45:57It's not a scene, sis.
00:46:00Believe me, I'm not a fan of Wes either.
00:46:04But, come on.
00:46:05If we want to be on the same page, I have to put my preferences aside.
00:46:08I always thought you would be my spoiled little daughter who always had what she wanted.
00:46:13But I see that you have learned and matured.
00:46:18I had to do it.
00:46:22Well, I knew she was capable.
00:46:25Am I capable?
00:46:27I don't know what you're talking about.
00:46:35What are you doing?
00:46:38When were you going to tell me you were a Muffy?
00:46:43When were you going to tell me you were a Muffy?
00:46:45I never planned to tell you.
00:46:48So you were going to let me think you cheated on me?
00:46:51Well, it's a marriage, it's about trust.
00:46:53Okay, don't talk about trust when you've been lying to me since the day you met us.
00:46:57About all this, what are you doing here?
00:46:59I just came to talk to you, before the council meeting, to apologize, to talk about us.
00:47:04But that's not true.
00:47:05It's not about us, right?
00:47:06You weren't even going to tell me who you really are, Kira.
00:47:08Why would you lie about being the heir to the richest family in the city?
00:47:12All this time, all these years, I thought you needed me.
00:47:15I thought I offered you the world.
00:47:17And it turns out that all this time you have been a billionaire.
00:47:19Was I a kind of joke to you?
00:47:21I never wanted your money.
00:47:23That's not the point, Kira.
00:47:25I feel like, God, I feel like an idiot.
00:47:28I feel like I was married to a stranger.
00:47:30I just thought you needed me, but you...
00:47:32Yes, I needed you, Wes.
00:47:34I also loved you.
00:47:35I gave up everything because I loved you.
00:47:37You married that person.
00:47:39What do you mean?
00:47:41I gave up my family, my fortune, everything, to be with you instead of the person my father chose.
00:47:48How could I tell you that?
00:47:50How could I let you carry that responsibility?
00:47:59How could I tell you that?
00:48:01How could I let you carry that responsibility?
00:48:06Do you regret it?
00:48:08Regret what?
00:48:10Sacrificing everything to be with me.
00:48:15Do you regret marrying me?
00:48:18I don't know.
00:48:19Then why did you give up so easily?
00:48:21I thought you were cheating on me with Maica.
00:48:24Even when I believed it, the divorce never occurred to me.
00:48:28He's my brother, Wes.
00:48:31And no matter what you say, Eve is not your sister.
00:48:34You wanted that, not me.
00:48:36How many times do I have to tell you that you have nothing to do with her?
00:48:38I have to go.
00:48:40I will tell the council that we cannot work together.
00:48:42Who says we can't?
00:48:44We can.
00:48:45Kira, I'm not going anywhere.
00:48:48And I won't let you get away from me again.
00:48:51Let's do this together.
00:49:04Did you kiss?
00:49:05Yes, I was there.
00:49:07Nothing professional.
00:49:08This should be illegal.
00:49:10This is the amount that Daniel Prescott agreed to pay us when he signed it as a client.
00:49:14The only condition is that he would like a three-party association with Wes and Sterling Corporation.
00:49:21Because I feel that you only want the opportunity to return with your ex-husband.
00:49:26You kissed him at a business event.
00:49:28Those are Daniel's terms.
00:49:29I have nothing to do with this.
00:49:31This is ridiculous.
00:49:33All you know how to do is look pretty and sleep with executives.
00:49:36Look, I'm not going to let just anyone turn this company into a soap opera.
00:49:40Hey, I don't have to sleep with anyone in my own company.
00:49:43My name is Kira Murphy and I know what I'm doing.
00:49:49My name is Kira Murphy and I know what I'm doing.
00:49:52Oh, Kira Mitchell.
00:49:54It seems that you forgot your own name.
00:49:56You are a Mitchell, not a Murphy.
00:49:59I wouldn't be so sure if it were you.
00:50:01I don't like it when people disrespect my little sister.
00:50:04Little sister?
00:50:05Murphy Enterprises has always been a family business.
00:50:08Do you think we would put someone unknown in charge of our most profitable company?
00:50:12Well, in that case, Miss Murphy, about everything we have said ...
00:50:17There are two options.
00:50:18One, you accept the conditions of the association and help this company grow.
00:50:22Or two, you keep talking bad about me and you take the company to ruin.
00:50:25I'm very sorry, Miss Murphy.
00:50:28I had no idea.
00:50:29These terms sound acceptable.
00:50:32Ah, and one last detail.
00:50:34All in favor of removing these two from the board.
00:50:42You can't do that.
00:50:44You just did.
00:50:45It can't be.
00:50:54God, I'm so screwed.
00:50:56Kira, what do you mean?
00:50:58You were super cool.
00:50:59No, I promised my dad that I would not reveal my identity.
00:51:01That I would prove that I can do it on my own.
00:51:03But now I ...
00:51:05You know what?
00:51:06Forget it.
00:51:07It's not important.
00:51:09No matter what happens to your father,
00:51:11we're going to deal with this together.
00:51:24You're going to break my heart if you call this a mistake later.
00:51:33I'm sorry.
00:51:49Miss Mitchell.
00:51:50Well, well.
00:51:51What do we have here?
00:51:58Miss Mitchell.
00:51:59Well, well.
00:52:00What do we have here?
00:52:03We were talking about business.
00:52:04We set up the Vogue Group account today.
00:52:06You know?
00:52:07What are you doing here?
00:52:08Ah, I was here to invite my dear Kira to dinner.
00:52:10But ...
00:52:11It looks like she's busy.
00:52:13She will be.
00:52:14I don't want you to get close to her.
00:52:16Or the Murphy family.
00:52:18You already found out, right?
00:52:19That's why you're clinging to her again,
00:52:21instead of leaving her.
00:52:23My relationship with Wes is none of your business.
00:52:25In fact, my relationships in general are none of your business.
00:52:30The door is out there.
00:52:31Don't make me call security.
00:52:36We'll see what your father has to say about it.
00:52:38She never liked Wes Terling.
00:52:40I was always her first choice.
00:52:42Remember that.
00:53:00I heard about what you did.
00:53:03You used the name of the family
00:53:05to force not one,
00:53:07but two of our most loyal members of the council.
00:53:12Sister, I tried to talk to ...
00:53:14We had a deal, Kira.
00:53:17You were going to keep your identity a secret.
00:53:20And you failed.
00:53:21I didn't.
00:53:22I set up the Vogue Group account myself.
00:53:24And those two council members were sexist and disrespectful.
00:53:26You made that deal.
00:53:29With your ex-husband.
00:53:31And you embarrassed me.
00:53:35I thought you had matured.
00:53:36But you didn't.
00:53:41You leave me no choice but to do something about it.
00:53:44Dad, please don't do this.
00:53:45Come on, dad.
00:53:46You're fired.
00:53:50You're fired.
00:53:51And I'm going to put you in a new project.
00:53:55I told you, beautiful.
00:53:58Congratulations on your commitment
00:54:00to Glenn Banks.
00:54:02We'll let the media know
00:54:04about your new partner.
00:54:06And that should erase
00:54:08all the scandal you've caused
00:54:10and fix everything.
00:54:11Fix everything?
00:54:12What? I'm just a mistake for you?
00:54:15But obviously I can't leave you alone.
00:54:17And you're even worse with that Wes Sterling.
00:54:21Now look, I know you didn't want to marry Glenn before.
00:54:24But now you don't give me another option.
00:54:26It's a fact.
00:54:27Can we talk in private?
00:54:29Can we talk in private?
00:54:32Can we talk in private?
00:54:34Can we talk in private?
00:54:38Why do you want to marry me?
00:54:40I don't love you.
00:54:41And what does that have to do with it?
00:54:42I can give your family the technology they need.
00:54:44You can give me unlimited funds.
00:54:46You should know a couple of things about marrying for money.
00:54:51You're not going to receive a single cent from me or my family.
00:54:53And I'm not going to marry you.
00:54:54It's not going to happen.
00:54:55Damn ungrateful bitch.
00:54:57Your father was right about you.
00:54:59You're not made for anything more than being a trophy wife.
00:55:04Take care of yourself, Keira Murphy.
00:55:06Your little ex-husband is no longer here to protect you.
00:55:08And I have a whole life to make you love me.
00:55:22Eve, what are you doing here?
00:55:24I told you not to come back.
00:55:25Your mother let me in.
00:55:26But she's not even here anymore.
00:55:27I'm so sorry.
00:55:28Did you hear the news?
00:55:29What are you talking about? What news?
00:55:31It's in all the newspapers.
00:55:34Keira and Glenn are engaged.
00:55:41How is that possible?
00:55:43In the middle of the day?
00:55:45That's right, Keira.
00:55:47I told you.
00:55:48Now we can finally be together.
00:55:49Eve, no.
00:55:52Why can't you admit that you're in love with me?
00:55:54Because I'm not.
00:55:55Eve, please.
00:55:56Go home.
00:55:57But Keira, you're bothering us.
00:55:59Now we don't have to hide.
00:56:00Look, Eve.
00:56:01You're always going to be important.
00:56:03And I promised your father that I would protect you.
00:56:05But I don't love you.
00:56:06I never loved you.
00:56:11I don't love you.
00:56:12I never loved you.
00:56:13No, no, no, no.
00:56:14It's because of her, right?
00:56:15You still love her.
00:56:25Hey, are you there?
00:56:26Damn it!
00:56:27What the hell is going on with you?
00:56:40He heard the news.
00:56:42That's why he's not answering.
00:56:44I'm sorry, Wes.
00:56:45I don't know where that came from.
00:56:46I should never have put myself on your side.
00:56:48And not Keira's.
00:56:49You're not serious.
00:56:50Get out.
00:56:51Get out before the little patience I have left runs out.
00:57:08Hi, do you remember me?
00:57:09Oh, so now you need me.
00:57:11Yes, he still loves her.
00:57:13I tried everything.
00:57:15Do you have a plan?
00:57:16I always have a plan, beautiful.
00:57:18We'll take care of it together.
00:57:20You'll have Wes, and I'll have my money.
00:57:23Thank you, Glenn.
00:57:25I want that bitch out of Wes's life.
00:57:33What's all this?
00:57:34What do you think?
00:57:35I'm packing.
00:57:36Who said you were fired?
00:57:38My dad.
00:57:41As his favorite son,
00:57:43he may have gotten you
00:57:45the third and last chance.
00:57:50As his favorite son,
00:57:52he may have gotten you
00:57:54the third and last chance.
00:57:57Are you playing with me?
00:57:59Little sister,
00:58:00I wouldn't be playing with your marriage.
00:58:02Glenn Banks is a weirdo.
00:58:04So what do I have to do?
00:58:05Another important CEO asked to see you for dinner tonight.
00:58:08He's offering us a huge investment.
00:58:10He wants you to close the deal.
00:58:12So you got me out of an arranged marriage
00:58:14so I'd end up in another one?
00:58:16That's what Dad thinks, but...
00:58:18You know,
00:58:19I can't control what's going on in that room.
00:58:22Get the money.
00:58:24I trust you.
00:58:26Thank you!
00:58:28Thank you, thank you!
00:58:32Mr. Barnes.
00:58:33Brandon Barnes from Barnes Creative.
00:58:35You must be Guido Murphy.
00:58:36It's an honor to meet you.
00:58:39A pleasure.
00:58:42God, you're much prettier than on the news.
00:58:48You know,
00:58:49I've never heard of Barnes Creative.
00:58:51I'm a very reserved person.
00:58:53I only do business with high executives
00:58:55from big companies.
00:58:56And you,
00:58:57you suddenly have $8 million to invest.
00:58:59Come on, you know how it is.
00:59:02Glenn said 0.5 should make her pretty dizzy.
00:59:06What if I...
00:59:10I've done everything.
00:59:12Oh, Kira.
00:59:14If you die, that would be...
00:59:16a shame.
00:59:19Oh, Kira.
00:59:21If you die, that would be a...
00:59:26Could I give this to the waitress?
00:59:30Could I give this to the waitress?
00:59:32This is Mr. Barnes.
00:59:36This is Mr. Barnes.
00:59:38Yes, yes.
00:59:40On my behalf.
00:59:43I've heard a lot about you.
00:59:45It's good to see that everything was true.
00:59:48We're here to talk business, Mr. Barnes.
00:59:50Because if not, I'll have to go.
00:59:51Of course, of course.
00:59:52It's my fault.
00:59:53It's hard not to be captivated by your beauty.
00:59:59To the beginning of a beautiful partnership.
01:00:06Oh, baby.
01:00:07Um, it's okay.
01:00:08Well, I was thinking that for the contract,
01:00:10I don't know, we could get a team,
01:00:12we could have a meeting between our companies,
01:00:15have a meeting.
01:00:16Oh, yes.
01:00:17You know, this is very good for cleaning the palate
01:00:20before a good meal.
01:00:22I have a little...
01:00:23Okay, okay.
01:00:24I'll take a little.
01:00:28It's not good manners to force a lady.
01:00:36It's not good manners to force a lady.
01:00:39Uh, who are you?
01:00:41I'm Wes Sterling,
01:00:43Ms. Murphy's partner.
01:00:45Here it is.
01:00:46Wes is here.
01:00:47It doesn't matter as long as Kira drinks the wine.
01:00:50Okay, but what if Wes sees me?
01:00:52Woman, are you stupid?
01:00:53Get out of there and don't call this number again.
01:00:56Wait, Glenn.
01:01:00You have nothing to do here.
01:01:03I'm not going to let you abuse my wife, old man.
01:01:07Do you want to drink something?
01:01:09Let's drink.
01:01:12I'm going to be happy to see this arrogant idiot pass out.
01:01:16Well, I have to admit it.
01:01:18You're a good man.
01:01:20But I wonder,
01:01:23what can you do?
01:01:26You can't equalize my investments for Murphy Enterprise.
01:01:29You don't have his father's blessing.
01:01:31Don't touch me.
01:01:36Hey, what's going on?
01:01:42Wes, no!
01:01:43I'm sending you to the restaurant.
01:01:44Present your orders.
01:01:49Wes, no.
01:02:09My God, I thought you were dead.
01:02:12It would have been worth it, just for that hug.
01:02:15Don't say that.
01:02:17God, you saved my life, Wes.
01:02:19How did you know I was there?
01:02:21Well, I called Maika after you didn't answer.
01:02:24At least there's a Murphy who still supports us.
01:02:27I'm so sorry about the engagement.
01:02:30You don't have to apologize.
01:02:34I trust you.
01:02:35I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.
01:02:55I'm sorry.
01:03:01Wes, what are you doing?
01:03:04What are you doing?
01:03:05You just got poisoned.
01:03:06Well, I've never felt better.
01:03:24I can't believe we just did that.
01:03:27Yeah, I'm ready for a second round.
01:03:31Oh my God.
01:03:35Okay, I was going to tell you that you'll be fine, Mr. Sterling.
01:03:39But I see you already know.
01:03:42What happened to him, Doctor?
01:03:44He was poisoned.
01:03:45There was enough poison in his body to kill him.
01:03:48He was poisoned.
01:03:49There was enough poison in his body to kill him.
01:03:52He was poisoned.
01:03:53There was enough poison in his body to kill a woman like you.
01:03:56But with Mr. Sterling's body mass and I guess with some luck, he survived.
01:04:01I'm glad he was the one who took it and not you.
01:04:03You can go now.
01:04:05And please, wait for him to be at home.
01:04:12Bad influence.
01:04:14We are all.
01:04:18Why would an unknown CEO want to poison me?
01:04:21Something tells me he's not behind this.
01:04:23Well, if it's not him, who is?
01:04:25Someone who hates you enough to want you dead.
01:04:27Honestly, I can think of several names, but I have no proof.
01:04:30Someone said proof?
01:04:33I hate that I'm constantly doing all the work while you little turtles do whatever you do.
01:04:39Micah, you're the best brother in the world.
01:04:44It turns out that Barnes Creative is not even a real company.
01:04:47Mr. CEO left the city, but he couldn't have done it alone.
01:04:54Damn it, I wish we could see his face.
01:04:59My God, Wes, look how expensive he told me.
01:05:06I don't need to see his face to know who he is.
01:05:10Wes, I swear it's not me.
01:05:12Ah, do you want me to contact the waiter you bribed?
01:05:18Take it.
01:05:29I would like to report someone for attempted murder.
01:05:34Please, please, I'll give you whatever you want, whatever you want.
01:05:36No, no, no, I'm innocent, I swear.
01:05:38Wes, silence, I'm innocent. Wes, please.
01:05:42What the hell happened? How could you do something like that?
01:05:45You, you passed me Wes Sterling.
01:05:48I loved you and you chose her.
01:05:51You're still choosing her.
01:05:53Yes, and I regret every day I didn't do it.
01:05:56You did this to yourself.
01:05:58I feel sorry for you.
01:06:01I hate you.
01:06:03Rich bitch.
01:06:05If they're going to put me in jail, put Glen Banks in jail too.
01:06:12Uh, did you just say Glen Banks?
01:06:22Woof, it's crazy.
01:06:25I can't believe how many excuses you have.
01:06:28Why? You said it was me this time.
01:06:30I did, and it was serious.
01:06:32No more secret identities, no more lies.
01:06:36Well, about that, I have something I want to show you.
01:06:52What is all this?
01:06:54Please don't get mad.
01:06:55This is all I bought when we were married.
01:06:59I just didn't want you to think I was buying it with the money you gave me.
01:07:03So I hid it all.
01:07:04Come on, that's nonsense, Kira.
01:07:06It wouldn't have bothered me if you bought whatever you wanted with my money or yours.
01:07:11I promise I won't be insecure anymore.
01:07:18Come here, billionaire heiress, liar and liar.
01:07:36No, no, no, no, no.
01:07:58I love you, Kira.
01:07:59I never stopped loving you.
01:08:01I love Akira Mitchell, Akira Sterling, and I love Akira Murphy.
01:08:06I didn't stop loving you either.
01:08:22Rick, is everything ready?
01:08:24Yes, I'm ready. Where the hell are you?
01:08:27Why are you here?
01:08:43Kira, you have to come and save me.
01:08:46Kira, you have to come and save me.
01:08:49I'm in the banquet hall. I'm in trouble. Please come here.
01:08:52Is Glyn there? Is Eve there?
01:08:56I have to go with him.
01:08:58Wes? Wes, where are you?
01:09:22Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
01:09:25Luciernagas! Wes, I thought I had to save your life.
01:09:29Yes, I need it. My whole life depends on it.
01:09:34Kira, I know you have much more than I could offer you.
01:09:39And damn, you're much more than just my wife.
01:09:42And I also know I'm nothing without you.
01:09:48Would you be Kira Sterling again?
01:09:52This time forever?
01:09:54Well, I...
01:09:58Would you be Kira Sterling again?
01:10:01This time forever?
01:10:03Well, I...
01:10:12You saved my daughter's life, Wes Sterling.
01:10:15I'm sorry I doubted you. You have my blessing.
01:10:22You have to promise not to forget another anniversary.
01:10:25I promise.
01:10:26And you won't help more sisters.
01:10:27I promise.
01:10:28And I need...
01:10:29Well, let's go.
01:10:30Yes, yes.
01:10:40Oh, it's beautiful.
01:10:46Brother, you are very, very rich now.
01:10:50It doesn't matter.
01:10:51It never mattered.
01:10:59It never mattered.
