• 2 weeks ago


00:00Good morning Miss Dennis, ma'am you're charged with driving while intoxicated you're facing
00:10six months in jail under a $2,000 fine. We are going to do probable cause you have the right
00:14to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you. You have the right to have
00:18an attorney present if you cannot afford one. One will be appointed to you. On September 12,
00:232024 officers observed a vehicle blocking a movement of traffic at the 13-600 block of
00:28Katy Freeway North Service Road in Harris County, Texas. The vehicle was turned off,
00:33had no lights and was in the rightmost lane and was at a high risk of being hit by other drivers
00:38due to it being nighttime with no street lights in the area. Officers observed the vehicle had
00:42no front driver's side tire and the wheel itself was ground down from driving on the road with no
00:47tire. The defendant was in the driver's seat and was the only occupant of the vehicle. The key fob
00:52was in the center console. The defendant was crying and saying how she was sorry and saying
00:56she is drunk. The defendant said she was driving from a bar and was on her way home. The defendant
01:00did not know the name of the bar. The defendant said she did not know what happened to the tire.
01:04Officers observed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage, slurred speech, glossy bloodshot eyes,
01:09very poor balance and the defendant continued to grab onto the officer's arms for balance.
01:13The defendant continuously cried saying that she was sorry, that she was extremely drunk,
01:17wants to go home and that her mother is on the way to get her. As standard filter variety tests
01:21were administered, HGN 6 out of 6. The defendant had an extreme difficulty following instructions
01:26for keeping her neck still during the HGN. Walk and turn was 7 out of 8 and one leg stand was 4
01:32out of 4. On the way to JPC, the defendant urinated inside the patrol vehicle and outside
01:36the patrol vehicle once she exited the vehicle. The defendant refused to provide a sample. A
01:40blood search warrant was obtained and executed. All right, Ms. Dennis, I'm going to find that
01:44there's probable cause to go forward with the case. Do you have a Texas driver license, ma'am?
01:50Do you have valid liability insurance in your name? Yes, I do. I am ordering you as a condition
01:55of your bond not to consume alcohol, illegal drugs, or unprescribed controlled medication.
02:00I'm going to randomly test you. If I find that you're consuming alcohol, I will put you in jail
02:04and you will not get more PR bonds. Do you understand? Yes. Can you look, guys, see any
02:09prior DWIs, any other criminal history that's anything concerning? No? Okay. How old are you,
02:15Ms. Dennis? What do you do for a living? I'm a hostess. Where at?
02:22Guerrilla. Okay. Are you in school? Did you want to apply for an appointed lawyer, ma'am?
02:33You want to apply for one or are you going to go hire a lawyer? I'll probably go hire one.
02:37Okay. Do it quick. Don't wait because there's a lot of timing requirements for the DWI,
02:42so don't sit there and wait a month or two months because you're only hurting yourself.
02:46For now, I'm going to have you go to Victoria's sign a reset. After that,
02:48you'll go with Rachel for your bond conditions and then you're free to go.
02:51You will be randomly tested. Don't consume alcohol. Don't use any dope. Otherwise,
02:55you're going to be spending a lot of time with them. Do you understand that? Okay. Good luck.
03:03All right, Judge. Next is page 10. Drew, come on up.
03:12Is it Jared? Yes, sir. Mr. Drew, you're charged with driving while intoxicated. You're facing up
03:22to six months in jail and are a $2,000 fine. We're going to do probable cause. You have the right to
03:28have an attorney present during questions and interviews. If you cannot afford a lawyer,
03:31a lawyer will be appointed to represent you, sir. On September 10th, 2024 in Harris County, Texas,
03:36officer was dispatched to a scene where the witness stated she was driving northbound on
03:40the 2,500 block of Scott Street when she observed a tan pickup truck stopped at the roadway in lane
03:45number two. The witness stated that when she pulled up on the side of the vehicle, she observed the
03:49vehicle running with the driver asleep behind the wheel. The witness stated she attempted to wake
03:53him up first by knocking on the window, but the defendant did not wake up, so she opened the door
03:57and poked him with a water bottle in an effort to wake him up, but stated he remained asleep.
04:02Witness stated she then called the fire department once she saw that he wasn't waking up.
04:06After Houston Fire Department completed a medical assessment of the defendant,
04:09the officer began an investigation. While speaking with the defendant, the officer immediately
04:13detected a moderate odor of alcoholic beverage emanating from this person. During the inventory
04:17search of the vehicle, the officer discovered a small baggie of what appeared to be powdered
04:21cocaine on the passenger seat. Further search revealed two additional small baggies of powdered
04:25cocaine on the driver's side floorboard. Officer then conducted standard fields of riding test,
04:30HGN six out of six, walk and turn two out of eight, and a one-leg stand score of four out of four.
04:35The defendant was detained and was read the DIC. The defendant consented to a breath sample
04:39in blue .91 and .94. The powder cocaine weighed approximately 0.64 grams. The described three
04:58small baggage contained 0.08 grams, each totaling 0.24 grams.
05:29Controlled medication. I'm going to randomly test you. If I find that you're using cocaine,
05:33I'm going to put you in the jail and I'm going to put you in a rehab facility.
05:36Do you understand? Do you have a Texas driver's license? Do you have liability insurance in your
05:41name? Can you also run his license, please? Got it. Okay. So I'm sending you now for a drug test.
05:48You must come back and then we'll get you with the rest of your bond condition, sir.
05:52I'm going to have you sign a reset and then we'll send you down.
05:56All right, judge. Next is Thompson. Come on up.
06:14William Michael Thompson. Sir, you're charged with driving while intoxicated. You're facing
06:18six months in jail. Sorry, is it class A? You're facing up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine.
06:25We're going to do probable cause. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can
06:28or will be used against you. You have the right to have an attorney present during questions and
06:32interviews with the state of Texas. If you cannot afford a lawyer, the lawyer will be appointed to
06:36represent you, sir. On September 12th, 2024, officer was traveling westbound on the South
06:41San Houston Parkway, a public roadway in Harris County, Texas, when the officer observed a
06:45stopped car in the third moving lane of traffic with its light off. The officer found the driver
06:50to be asleep in the driver's seat and made contact with the driver, waking him up with his flashlight.
06:54The officer observed him to be confused, unable to unlock his door, and upon opening the door,
07:00the officer observed glassy eyes, slurred speech, and the odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting
07:04from the defendant's person. The defendant admitted to coming from a party where he had
07:07been drinking. The officer detained the defendant and relocated the scene to a nearby parking lot
07:12for scene safety. Defendant consented to a stand-up guilt sobriety test,
07:168GN, 6 out of 6, walk and turn, 8 out of 8, one leg stand, 3 out of 4. Defendant was read to DIC
07:22and consented to breath. The defendant blew a 0.167 and a 0.168. Defendant found to be on bond
07:29for DWI out of Fort Bend County from 2024. He's on bond right now for another DWI? Yes, your honor.
07:35Oh, hell no.
07:42Leroy, your honor, it looks like it may have been disposed. I'll check, please.
08:06All right.
08:10There's no disposition known in the NTSC, so I don't know. It's just open. I can
08:15see if I can find out. Is your DWI currently open in Montgomery County?
08:19Or Fort Bend County. Or Fort Bend County. Yes, sir.
08:26They gave you a PR bond in this case. I'm taking away your PR bond, sir. I'm taking you into
08:32custody now. And I'm going to tell you now, I'm taking away your privilege to drive and I'm giving
08:37you a curfew so you're not out in the middle of the night and I'm going to put an ankle monitor
08:41on you. If I find that you're out in the middle of the night or you consume alcohol, I will have
08:46a contempt hearing. You'll be facing an additional six months in jail and a $500 fine every time you
08:52either get in the car and drive, consume alcohol, I will have a hearing. If they prove it to me,
08:58I will slap you with 180 days. And if you continue to consume alcohol,
09:02I will put you in a rehab facility. If I find that you drive a car,
09:06then I'm just going to put you in jail for up to six months. Every time you drive. Do you understand?
09:20Don't send them down, please, because I'm going to need them to sign a whole host of conditions.
10:16Good morning, Mr. Rodriguez. Good morning, sir. So you're charged with possession of a
10:20controlled substance. You're facing up to a year in jail and or a $4,000 fine. You're going to do
10:26probable cause. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used
10:29against you. You have the right to have an attorney present. If you cannot afford one,
10:32one will be appointed to you. I see that you are on probation for a felony DWI.
10:40And as it looks like that's in warrant status, you're being held at no bond on that case.
10:45And now you've picked up this case. So
10:48how long ago has it been open for a while? So just two days ago.
11:18Okay. So we're going to do probable cause. Like I said,
11:27please don't say anything, sir. Okay. On September 11th, 2024, officers observed the
11:32defendant's vehicle traveling at the 6,000 block of South Highway 225 in Harris County,
11:38Texas without front license plate. A traffic stop was initiated. The officers made contact
11:42with the defendant, the driver and still occupying the vehicle and observed the defendant to be
11:46extremely nervous and to begin looking for something inside the vehicle, opening the center
11:50armrest container. Officers observed a glass bottle recognized as Xanax. Defendant stated he
11:55was not prescribed medications, admitted the bottle to be filled with Xanax and that the
11:58bottle belonged to him. The officer retrieved the bottle and observed three white and colored
12:02rectangular pills recognized as Xanax based on training experience. The weight was 0.76 grams.
12:08Defendant was identified with his Texas ID.
12:17Mr. Cavazos. Yes, sir. I find that there's probable cause to go forward with the case.
12:23Every single criminal case that you have in here and the reason that you're constantly locked up
12:30in custody in and out of jail since 2015 is because one reason and one reason only.
12:37Why is that reason?
12:42Sir, honestly, just there's one reason why you keep going to jail. Why is that reason?
12:51I don't know, sir. To be honest, you keep getting into a car
12:55when judges repeatedly tell you not to get into a car and you get into a car over
13:02and over and over and over again. And at some point you're going to get the hint that we don't
13:09want you in a car. They gave you a PR bond on this case now for a hundred dollars. It's nay
13:18on the PR bond. If you get my drift and I'm going to tell you now while you're on bond in this court,
13:26if you so much as even step into a car, I will have a contempt hearing.
13:32You'll be facing an additional six months in jail and a $500 fine every time you get into a car.
13:40Do you understand? Yes, sir. Over and over and over and over. And if you get into a car multiple
13:47times, I can have multiple contempt hearings and I can stack it. Do you understand? Yes, sir.
13:57This is an affidavit that you're going to sign and promise to me today that you're not going to
14:01drive a vehicle, that you're not to drive any vehicle without a Texas driver license, liability
14:06insurance, and you're supposed to have an ignition interlock. In the motion to revoke probation here,
14:13the first and foremost thing we're supposed to do is get an interlock and they're alleging you
14:16haven't gotten an interlock, failed or that failed to blow, just consuming alcohol, marijuana,
14:23and now this new case. You know what's expected of you. I'm taking you into custody now. We're
14:32not giving you a PR bond. Do you understand? I will appoint your lawyer today and then I'll
14:36have you talk to a lawyer and then we'll go from there. Thank you, sir. Stephen, I need him to-