The truth about the Covid Vaccines

  • 2 weeks ago
Exploring tha Covid 19 vaccines and LIES


00:00Welcome to our new channel.
00:21The purpose of this channel is to provide hard evidence with documents that support
00:28some very serious allegations.
00:32So what if I could show you that our government are involved in a plan to reduce the UK population?
00:41What if I provided documents to support those allegations?
00:46What if the evidence I showed you came from the government's own website, the website
00:51of the United Nations, the Office of National Statistics, the WHO website, the NHS Freedom
00:58of Information Act, and even an interview with Prince Charles, now King Charles.
01:08We did have one of these on video, but coincidentally all the videos of him calling for population
01:15reduction have been removed.
01:19Now the first piece of evidence I'm going to show you was produced and published on
01:24the government website by our Four Nations Health Board.
01:29Four Nations Health Board would do this every year at the end of flu season to show the
01:36statistics of mortality and what dangers were expected and if there was any continuation.
01:46You'll see from this picture that they're quite clearly stating that at first they thought
01:52COVID-19 was a highly contagious infectious disease, and then as the season progressed
01:59they dropped that urgency about it, having seen that there was low mortality and low
02:06hospital admissions, so by the time this was published, four days before the country went
02:12into lockdown, there was no COVID.
02:16In other words, the country was already herd immune.
02:20Now Boris came back from his meeting at Davos, and they're all members of this rich club
02:27now aren't they, because the United Nations signed a document with the World Economic
02:34Forum on the 13th of June 2019.
02:39Now these dates are important because without signing the United Nations up, they wouldn't
02:44have the control they had to bring about a fake pandemic and bring in their population
02:53control or population reduction chaps.
