Entrenando a tu esposo pelicula completa en español
00:01:00And here with us is Jillian James,
00:01:02with her new book called How to Choose Your Second Husband.
00:01:05Hi Jillian, welcome.
00:01:06Thank you for inviting me.
00:01:07You present us with a practical vision for choosing a husband.
00:01:10What inspired you to write it?
00:01:12Well, every 36 seconds a divorce occurs,
00:01:15which is a problem and we could improve it.
00:01:18Do you insinuate that we choose the husband as the meat in the supermarket?
00:01:22If I want to buy a used car, I explore my options,
00:01:26as well as making sure I don't have any damage.
00:01:30If we go out to dinner, we want to go to the best restaurant.
00:01:33That's true, that's how I do it.
00:01:36And why do we make the most important decisions with our feelings?
00:01:41Yes, but don't you think the heart is the boss?
00:01:44But the question of the viewers is,
00:01:47was that how you chose your husband?
00:01:50Justin and I met at school,
00:01:52and we had so much in common, the same friends, the same goals.
00:01:57And yes, that's how it was.
00:01:59He fulfilled the profile I had.
00:02:01How interesting.
00:02:02Unfortunately, we have to go.
00:02:04By the way, congratulations on the recognition you will receive today.
00:02:08Thank you again.
00:02:09And if you don't have a copy of the book, buy it.
00:02:12I'll be back.
00:02:13Don't go.
00:02:15I wish you good luck.
00:02:17I will recommend you to two friends, Lauren and Jack Murray.
00:02:20They were the perfect couple until, well, they decided to explode.
00:02:24Oh, that's bad.
00:02:25Well, in fact, now they speak very badly of each other.
00:02:28It's a big mess, you know?
00:02:30I see.
00:02:31Come, I'll tell you.
00:02:32Of course.
00:02:51Are you okay?
00:02:55Remember what we talked about.
00:03:00When Harry brought me here, all he did was yell at me.
00:03:04Do this, do that.
00:03:06At least Harry was coming.
00:03:08Can you imagine?
00:03:10I don't know.
00:03:11I don't know.
00:03:12I don't know.
00:03:13I don't know.
00:03:14I don't know.
00:03:15I don't know.
00:03:16I don't know.
00:03:17I don't know.
00:03:18I don't know.
00:03:20Can you imagine Bob here?
00:03:22Never can you get him out of home on weekends.
00:03:30Hello, Hudson.
00:03:31Hi, Justin, confirming your date from today at 7pm.
00:03:34Justin is not funny.
00:03:36I don't know.
00:03:37They have a dinner...
00:03:38I'll be there!
00:03:39I will not fail!
00:03:40Well, at 7pm you must arrive in time.
00:03:42I bring you.
00:03:43Jillian already left it ready for you.
00:03:45Please do not go late.
00:03:47Is not going to happen.
00:03:48No pasará.
00:04:18No pasará.
00:04:48¿Qué puedo decir?
00:04:55Estoy muy emocionada.
00:04:59¿Me das un momento?
00:05:03Te ves divina.
00:05:04¿Y tu traje?
00:05:05También me da gusto verte.
00:05:08Nadie se fijará.
00:05:09Todos te ven a ti.
00:05:11¿Las botas de escalar?
00:05:13Nadie me verá los pies.
00:05:26Hubieras lucido perfecto.
00:05:29Ya olvídalo.
00:05:32Fue una linda velada.
00:05:33Diste un buen discurso.
00:05:35A lo que sigue.
00:05:38¿Cómo me gustaría que te ajustaras a mi plan?
00:05:41Disculpa que llegué unos minutos después.
00:05:45Olvídalo, está bien.
00:05:49No doy terapias, pero suenas pasiva agresiva.
00:05:54Tienes razón.
00:05:55No eres terapista.
00:06:06Si te lo guardas, un día vas a explotar.
00:06:10Si mal no recuerdo, dijiste olvídalo.
00:06:12Y entiendo.
00:06:13Tú no cambias.
00:06:15¿Ahora cuál es el problema?
00:06:20Estoy cansada.
00:06:21Me voy a dormir.
00:06:29Buenos días esta mañana de miércoles.
00:06:31Soy Cindy.
00:06:32Este sería el día más hermoso del verano.
00:06:35Completamente despejado y escasa humedad.
00:06:38Ahora veamos la temperatura.
00:06:40Estará templado en toda esta área y fresco en esta otra,
00:06:43pero sin lluvias.
00:06:45Muy agradable temperatura por la tarde.
00:06:48Esto gracias a la alta presión que nos trae el viento seco del
00:06:51norte y la humedad corre hacia el sur y al oeste.
00:06:54Pero nada de consideración.
00:06:56Y para el viernes y este fin de semana esperamos cambios
00:06:59muy ligeros.
00:07:00¿Aún tienes dentadura luego de apretar la mandíbula?
00:07:05Me recordaré a usar mi guarda.
00:07:08¿Sigues molesta porque anoche no usé traje?
00:07:11Con tu modo de preguntar me haces sonar engreíta.
00:07:14¿Entonces qué tienes?
00:07:16Siento que me faltas al respeto cuando no eres puntual.
00:07:23Pero llegué.
00:07:24Pero déme la gana.
00:07:30Dime qué necesitas.
00:07:32Necesito que de vez en cuando seas confiable.
00:07:42Bueno, adivina qué te daré de aniversario.
00:07:47¿Crees que me calmarás con algún brillante?
00:07:52No, sé que las joyas no funcionan contigo.
00:07:55Reservé el viaje que queríamos.
00:07:57Iremos a París en nuestro aniversario.
00:08:02Qué buena sorpresa.
00:08:09Pero eras tú quien soñaba con ir.
00:08:14Además sabes que ahora no puedo ir.
00:08:17No puedes o no quieres.
00:08:18No, no puedo.
00:08:20La casa editora me pidió un manuscrito del próximo libro
00:08:22para este mes.
00:08:26¿Y si hubiera un aparato electrónico donde pudieras
00:08:30escribir mientras estamos allá?
00:08:35Pero aún no sé de qué escribir.
00:08:48Mucha gente dice que es mi mejor libro.
00:08:52Haga su lista.
00:08:54Su esposo ideal haría...
00:08:56Okay, ¿quieres parar con el sarcasmo?
00:08:58Mi esposo ideal haría...
00:09:03Lo imposible por llegar a tiempo.
00:09:14Es lo que pensabas que haría.
00:09:20Pero éramos felices.
00:09:23Y ahora tú no lo eres.
00:09:25Pero mi felicidad no depende de ti,
00:09:29no está en tus manos.
00:09:32Pero si iba de traje, lo hubieras ido.
00:09:37Tengo una cita a las nueve.
00:09:41Siempre tienes compromisos cuando empezamos a hablar.
00:09:45Y ya hablamos.
00:09:57Te entome el mío.
00:09:58No es necesario, gracias.
00:10:16Justin trajo esto, pero estabas ocupada.
00:10:20Cena a las seis en nuestro restaurante.
00:10:23Jake nunca tiene esos detalles.
00:10:26Enseguida regreso con el menú de postres.
00:10:31Fue la mejor carne que he comido.
00:10:34Yo digo que vayamos a empacar.
00:10:35¿Tú qué opinas?
00:10:36Ya te dije que no puedo.
00:10:38Ya sé que odias las sorpresas, pero solo así podía...
00:10:43¿Tenderme una trampa?
00:10:46¿Por qué le llamas trampa?
00:10:50¿Cómo puedo ir cuando tengo tanto por hacer?
00:10:57Pero si no puedes ir, entonces yo tampoco.
00:11:02¿Quieres irte a París sin mí?
00:11:10¿Algo más? ¿Café?
00:11:11No, es todo.
00:11:14Solo una cuenta.
00:11:17¿No piensas que la solución es el viaje? ¿No lo es?
00:11:22¿Entonces quieres decir que me quede? ¿Que no vaya?
00:11:26Solo porque no puedo, no te da derecho a irte sin mí.
00:11:29¡Pues entonces vamos!
00:11:31No, tengo la entrega.
00:11:33Toda tu vida te la pasas haciendo entregas.
00:11:36Alguien tiene que ganarse el pan.
00:11:40Qué bien.
00:11:49Ya me quiero ir.
00:12:02¿Y qué les digo a todos?
00:12:05Me da igual.
00:12:11Si pudieras regresar el tiempo y volver a empezar...
00:12:17¿Me habrías elegido?
00:12:24Es muy simple, Jill.
00:12:26No lo tendrías que pensar.
00:12:29Solo vete.
00:12:59¿Qué te pasa?
00:13:02¿Qué pasa?
00:13:05¿Qué pasa?
00:13:08¿Qué pasa?
00:13:11¿Qué pasa?
00:13:14¿Qué pasa?
00:13:17¿Qué pasa?
00:13:20¿Qué pasa?
00:13:23¿Qué pasa?
00:13:26¿Qué pasa?
00:13:44Si me da permiso, estaré grabando las sesiones.
00:13:47¿Las verá alguien más?
00:13:48No, no, por supuesto que no.
00:13:50De acuerdo.
00:13:52¿Y cuánto lleva de casada?
00:13:55Dos años.
00:13:56¿Y hace cuánto que tienen problemas en su matrimonio?
00:14:00Honestamente, desde el noviazgo.
00:14:03¿Por qué no le prestó atención?
00:14:07Por el miedo de quedarme soltera.
00:14:09¿Y si quería casarse?
00:14:12La boda fue hermosa.
00:14:15Entonces se casó, pero vio que el matrimonio no resuelve nada,
00:14:19porque los problemas no se esfuman.
00:14:21No, se diluyeron.
00:14:23Nos fuimos de luna de miel, pasamos un mes por Italia,
00:14:27pero al volver, todo se volvió...
00:14:33Casi aburrido.
00:14:35Peter es un inversionista.
00:14:37¿Usted sabe lo que hacen los inversionistas?
00:14:41Todo el tiempo.
00:14:42Incluso en casa, no para.
00:14:44¿Y nunca hablaron al respecto?
00:14:47Cuando lo intento hacer, se enoja y peleamos.
00:14:51¿Por qué decidió tener un bebé?
00:14:54Pensé que era una buena idea.
00:14:57¿Y su esposo también pensó que esto ayudaría?
00:15:00Hasta que quedé embarazada, le dije.
00:15:03Así es más romántico.
00:15:05Como de película, amo las películas.
00:15:09¿Pero no era mejor incluirlo en esa decisión?
00:15:13No era necesario.
00:15:15Tomé anticonceptivos, los dejé, y llegó el bebé.
00:15:20Bien, ya veo.
00:15:22Bueno, ¿por qué vino hoy?
00:15:26Quiero que Peter quiera estar más tiempo conmigo.
00:15:30¿Creo que con el bebé lo lograría?
00:15:32En verdad creo que el problema es él.
00:15:36¿Es él?
00:15:39Muy bien.
00:15:45¡Buen chico!
00:15:47¡Eres el mejor!
00:15:48Es fácil ganar simpatizantes con esos ojos.
00:15:51Mira, le agrada.
00:15:52Ay, no empecemos.
00:15:53Siempre insistes que me lleve un perro a casa porque están en adopción.
00:15:57Uy, estás de mal genio.
00:15:59¿Quieres saber lo que hizo Justin?
00:16:01A menos que sea un canino, creo que no te soy de mucha ayuda.
00:16:04Pretendía que dejara todo para acompañarlo en un viaje absurdo.
00:16:08¿Y no quisiste ir?
00:16:09Porque no puedo.
00:16:11Entonces él se fue solo.
00:16:14No es normal en Justin.
00:16:16Dime, ¿por qué piensan que él es el bueno y divertido y yo soy...?
00:16:20Quizás solo quería viajar o...
00:16:23Está pasando por una crisis existencial.
00:16:26Oye, no está en los 40.
00:16:28Sí ha pasado.
00:16:29No me puedo ir y dejarlo todo.
00:16:31Pero luego dicen que la distancia acerca...
00:16:34¿Cómo va?
00:16:35A los corazones.
00:16:36Pero yo no...
00:16:37No tengo un problema.
00:16:39Es él.
00:16:40Solíamos tener un mismo ideal y ahora no le puedo sugerir que use trajes sin pelear.
00:16:44¿Entonces es por la ropa?
00:16:45¿Dónde está con quien me case?
00:16:48Siento que ya no nos conocemos.
00:16:49Quizás no tenga un problema.
00:16:51Ya volverá y verás que todo estará muy bien.
00:16:57¿Y si no sucede?
00:17:00¿Vamos a comer algo?
00:17:01No, no tengo hambre.
00:17:03Si tienes, vamos.
00:17:07No debo ir a la oficina.
00:17:09A que otros me hablen de todos sus problemas.
00:17:13La distancia te hace apreciar lo tuyo.
00:17:42La distancia te hace apreciar lo tuyo.
00:18:12And? How did the week go?
00:18:16Jack, let's start with you.
00:18:18Well, I tried to do everything Jack wanted.
00:18:22That's the problem.
00:18:23I don't want you to try to do what I want.
00:18:26I want you to want to do it too.
00:18:28Yes, and I don't even appreciate that I'm trying.
00:18:31What's the motivation?
00:18:32What's the motivation?
00:18:33Well, let's start again.
00:18:35I say it's good that you two are here.
00:18:39And that there are still issues to resolve.
00:18:42Let's see marriage as a sport.
00:18:46You two are a team.
00:18:48You don't compete against each other.
00:18:50I don't practice sports. I trot.
00:18:53But can you trust Jack?
00:18:55Can you count on him?
00:18:57I can't.
00:18:58Well, we have to talk about that because if you can't...
00:19:00What did I miss?
00:19:02This is not just about you, Jack.
00:19:06Both have had childhood experiences or past relationships that formed them.
00:19:15Here you are, Lauren.
00:19:19And this is Jack.
00:19:22They are full of stones.
00:19:25Also known as antecedents.
00:19:28And when they met, they were reserved with the stones they were carrying.
00:19:34And when you're in such an intimate relationship, you start crashing.
00:19:39It's very normal. It's part of the trip.
00:19:42It's inevitable.
00:19:44What's inside of us comes out and we have to deal with everything.
00:19:50Are you okay?
00:20:00Let's continue next week.
00:20:22I'm going to have lunch. Do you want something?
00:20:27You think I'm closed?
00:20:29That I don't show any emotion?
00:20:31I mean, we all have a past, right?
00:20:37Unless you've solved your problems, you'll show them sooner or later.
00:20:41One of my classes was about self-awareness.
00:20:45How all the pieces of our being add up to the total of who we are in our relationships.
00:20:54I think I want a salad.
00:20:57Very well. A salad.
00:21:01And don't forget the vinaigrette.
00:21:04I know.
00:21:09I think his goal is to annoy me.
00:21:12I don't think he realizes it.
00:21:13He's innate in them.
00:21:15I would have wanted Justin to take Gary on his expedition.
00:21:18I even envy you.
00:21:20I also want time for myself.
00:21:22Well, time for you is important.
00:21:24It's necessary.
00:21:26What I want is to sleep.
00:21:28Tommy sleeps in our bed, and Larry goes to another room so he doesn't hear him cry.
00:21:34It's not therapy, but being frank, Tommy should sleep in his bed.
00:21:39He's not that little anymore.
00:21:40And how do I do it? I'm so tired that I don't know.
00:21:45They're the best couple in the world. Tell me, how are they so happy?
00:21:51And how are you doing without Justin?
00:21:54There's a lot of silence.
00:21:56That's something that's not here.
00:22:01I want someone to see me with those eyes of love.
00:22:04Well, adopt a dog.
00:22:06Turns out I don't want one.
00:22:07We invite you to the park.
00:22:09It's Saturday. Have some fun.
00:22:11I have to work on my book.
00:22:13Oh, that's what I call fun.
00:22:15That's right. I finally have an idea.
00:22:18It's Discovering the Secret of Stable Marriage.
00:22:21It'll be a quantitative method, I don't know, something you can list.
00:22:26I already did this, I need...
00:22:27Yes, yes, but Nicole will throw the ball to Maddie and me.
00:22:30So, do you already have that secret?
00:22:32Not yet.
00:22:33But, comparing the features of the relationships of my clients in therapy,
00:22:38or of my friends like you, who have achieved it,
00:22:42finding the common denominator, I'll have the secret.
00:22:47But go to the park.
00:22:49Goodbye, friend.
00:22:51Thank you for breakfast.
00:22:55Why did Dad and you get divorced?
00:22:57I know he left with another woman, but...
00:22:59Was it because of that?
00:23:01Do you think it's not enough?
00:23:03Well, infidelity is a symptom, not a problem.
00:23:06Your father's girlfriend was my problem.
00:23:09Communication was lost.
00:23:11We drifted apart.
00:23:13There was nothing in common.
00:23:16Blah, blah, blah.
00:23:17Don't help me.
00:23:18So, Justine...
00:23:19No, no, no, no.
00:23:23You are a victorious and independent woman.
00:23:26You don't need a man.
00:23:28Don't you miss having company?
00:23:31That's why I have a cat.
00:23:34Don't look at me like that.
00:23:35I love that cat.
00:23:36And with that, your life is complete?
00:23:39Love and share your life with the cat?
00:23:41I'm not going to spend my time going after something that doesn't exist.
00:23:44But it does exist.
00:23:46It's true.
00:23:48It's weird, but it exists.
00:23:50You've seen it.
00:23:52Grandparents have it.
00:23:54They're happy.
00:23:55Very well.
00:23:56It exists.
00:23:57But it's exceptional.
00:23:58And my mother lived to please my father.
00:24:02Are you willing to live like that?
00:24:10Hey, Jill.
00:24:12Let your grandfather finish that because it's going to rain.
00:24:15I'll go with her.
00:24:34What's wrong?
00:24:35You look too worried.
00:24:37Well, I'm writing another book.
00:24:39Discovering the Secret of Happy Marriage.
00:24:42It's wonderful.
00:24:43It sounds good, but...
00:24:45I'm short on material.
00:24:48So, you want me to give you my point of view?
00:24:54I'm going to give you my mother's advice.
00:24:57The key to a marriage is not to exhaust yourself,
00:25:01because it's a whole adventure.
00:25:05But I was hoping you'd give me a list of yes, no, the secrets.
00:25:10Don't complicate yourself.
00:25:11It's not that hard, or that easy.
00:25:13Oh, it's hard, I know.
00:25:15It hasn't been easy for us.
00:25:19You found the ideal man.
00:25:21How did you do it?
00:25:22Your grandfather?
00:25:24Of the two boys he had, he had a car.
00:25:28My family was from a small town, and he was my neighbor.
00:25:33You chose him because he had a car?
00:25:37Back then, everything was more practical, you know?
00:25:42He was also attractive.
00:25:48And with a car.
00:25:54Hi! How are you?
00:25:58Jill, have you found the secret?
00:26:00You make it sound easy.
00:26:01Whoever says relationships are easy doesn't know what he's saying.
00:26:05What are you talking about?
00:26:06Hi, do you need help?
00:26:07No, I have...
00:26:08I have almost everything ready.
00:26:11I love you.
00:26:12Aaron, do you want to try it?
00:26:15Let's see...
00:26:20That's all for dinner.
00:26:22Can you please put some ice in the glasses and light the candles?
00:26:27Thank you, honey.
00:26:30You definitely have the formula.
00:26:32Of what?
00:26:34You have Aaron eating out of your hand.
00:26:37That's not funny.
00:26:38No, it's serious.
00:26:39He does anything you ask of him, and he does it with pleasure.
00:26:42He loves you.
00:26:44Anything else, honey?
00:26:45Some music?
00:26:48Take the toy to your daddy.
00:26:54You are the Sovereign.
00:26:56I know them very well.
00:27:03I can't believe it.
00:27:08I get so high in springtime...
00:27:13I thought you guys had something special.
00:27:15Something I've been looking for.
00:27:17It's not fair.
00:27:18I suffered a disenchantment.
00:27:20Aaron, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and we're very happy.
00:27:24Go back to your charm.
00:27:25Is he bewitched?
00:27:28Maybe there's no secret.
00:27:29Like Al Capone and his empty vault.
00:27:32I spend all day listening to marital problems,
00:27:36and I'd like to tell you why he got married.
00:27:39I think you need to rest.
00:27:41All those people have the expectation that they will be from the exclusive group of people who will find the ideal person.
00:27:47But guess what?
00:27:49There are seven billion people in the world.
00:27:51Yeah, well, good luck.
00:27:53How much coffee did you drink?
00:27:55Did you sleep?
00:27:57I must finish the book and know the secret of marriage.
00:27:59Because when Justin gets home, and I hope he does,
00:28:03I already know the secret.
00:28:05This is between the two of us, understand?
00:28:09I treat my husband as I want him to treat me.
00:28:13That's not funny.
00:28:15Don't you see how vulnerable I am?
00:28:17What did you expect?
00:28:18Why don't those who know exactly the secret of a good marriage share it?
00:28:23Does something happen to them if they do?
00:28:26If you repeat what I tell you, I'll stop talking to you.
00:28:32We didn't have much of a marriage, but we were fine, adjusting to our new life.
00:28:38And I decided I wanted a puppy.
00:28:40We went for one, and it was beautiful and naughty.
00:28:44We read so many books that nothing worked.
00:28:47So we decided to go to a class.
00:28:49An impressive coach, she was wonderful.
00:28:52She made it look so easy.
00:28:54She suggested we get another dog to keep company during the day while we were away.
00:28:59I asked her if I could train that dog.
00:29:01I wanted to learn how to do it.
00:29:03And she was the one who taught you how to be a coach?
00:29:06She taught me everything there is to train a dog.
00:29:21And you, did you accidentally train your husband?
00:29:24No, but I saw the cordial mechanics of the dog.
00:29:27They do something good, and you reward them.
00:29:29Who doesn't like that?
00:29:31You call them, and they come, and you pet them.
00:29:33And if you walk them, they live happily.
00:29:35Let's see if I understand.
00:29:37The walks and the rewards are the secret of your marriage?
00:29:40Does that sound weird?
00:29:42No, it doesn't sound weird.
00:29:44It's ridiculous.
00:29:57It's ridiculous.
00:30:20Can I help you find something?
00:30:22Yes, I'm looking for a book to train a puppy.
00:30:25What breed is it?
00:30:27I don't have it yet, but I'm considering it.
00:30:29Oh, well, take some time.
00:30:31I recommend you look for one already trained.
00:30:34We had a bad experience at home.
00:30:36We threw the rug because it smelled really bad.
00:30:39Over here.
00:30:41Let's see.
00:30:43Take this one.
00:30:45And think about it, to choose the right breed.
00:30:50I will. Thank you very much.
00:30:52You're welcome.
00:30:55You're welcome.
00:31:26About what we were talking about the other time...
00:31:29I know, you think it's ridiculous.
00:31:31Turns out I looked up some books on the subject.
00:31:34I'm surprised that they look like the behaviors I've seen in studies I've done.
00:31:39So I'll try some of these points.
00:31:42Who wants a prize?
00:31:44Who wants one?
00:31:50Oh, you're excellent.
00:31:52Let's go.
00:31:54See? That's what I'm talking about.
00:31:57Do you want one?
00:31:58No, I don't eat cookies.
00:32:00But I do want one of the dogs you have.
00:32:04It'll be a loan.
00:32:08Let's go.
00:32:13Oh, look.
00:32:14This little friend is still here.
00:32:16I wonder why they don't want him.
00:32:18So it's for you.
00:32:21It's for you.
00:32:22Come here, little one.
00:32:27Is he trained?
00:32:29Henry is obedient.
00:32:32Are you sure?
00:32:34He's perfect for you.
00:32:43No, no.
00:32:47Well, we'll get used to it, right?
00:32:50Let's go, Henry.
00:32:53Very good.
00:32:54Let's go out for a bit.
00:32:56Everything will be fine.
00:33:01Why don't you walk?
00:33:03Henry, let's go.
00:33:07Very good.
00:33:11Let's see...
00:33:14Let's go, Henry.
00:33:15It's okay.
00:33:17Take your time.
00:33:18You should get used to it.
00:33:25Did they give me a fluffy dog?
00:33:27Hey, Henry!
00:33:29Do your thing.
00:33:31Wait, there's an app.
00:33:34So you can go to the bathroom and avoid accidents.
00:33:43Is it there?
00:33:46Planning is the key to everything, Henry.
00:34:05And tell me about Joan.
00:34:09What's that?
00:34:14It's a puppy.
00:34:16Go on.
00:34:17Can I see it?
00:34:19I'm afraid it's not the best.
00:34:22No, I think she wants me to take it out.
00:34:27Hi, buddy.
00:34:30Come here.
00:34:32It's the best.
00:34:34You just wanted to go out, right?
00:34:37This isn't very professional.
00:34:41Well, I should charge more.
00:34:43Because this is therapeutic.
00:34:45Well, the puppy isn't mine, but I appreciate the suggestion.
00:34:49How does it behave at night?
00:34:51We're getting used to it.
00:34:53She'll be doing her routine.
00:34:55I made her a schedule.
00:34:58And what about Joan?
00:35:01Nothing I can do to please her.
00:35:03No, that's not it.
00:35:05You can do things together that please both of you,
00:35:08but happiness is individual.
00:35:10She's responsible for her emotions.
00:35:13I don't know.
00:35:14I should do something.
00:35:16Why don't you invite her to therapy?
00:35:20You should come with me.
00:35:22That would make her happy.
00:35:24Very well.
00:35:25See you next week.
00:35:27But with Joan.
00:35:36Very well.
00:35:37Hey, what am I going to do with you?
00:35:43Are you hungry?
00:35:49I don't understand.
00:35:50Because Justin is traveling and you adopted a dog.
00:35:54What's going on?
00:35:56I didn't adopt him.
00:35:58I help Nicole take care of him.
00:36:00It's only temporary.
00:36:02Aren't you denying that your biological clock is still running
00:36:06and your husband is on the road?
00:36:11Did you learn that in class too?
00:36:14I don't divulge my personal life or my reproductive cycle with anyone, Hudson.
00:36:20A dog means nothing.
00:36:22It's just that your doctor calls every day and I don't know what to tell him.
00:36:26That's all.
00:36:27Well, obviously you know that Justin isn't here.
00:36:30But I thought you didn't...
00:36:32From now on, I schedule my visits to the doctor.
00:36:36I'm sorry.
00:36:37I didn't know it bothered you.
00:36:39Oh, no, it doesn't bother me at all.
00:36:42What I do want is a coffee.
00:36:58Hudson only talks for talking, right?
00:37:01What does she know?
00:37:03Why does she talk to me about babies?
00:37:05I'm not one of those who die for having a baby.
00:37:09I'm a professional.
00:37:11What would I do with a baby?
00:37:14I can't bring it here with me.
00:37:19I don't even know how to take care of you.
00:37:27How are you?
00:37:53Hi, Henry.
00:37:54What's wrong?
00:37:56Are you afraid of the dark?
00:38:02I'm only going to do it once.
00:38:05Do you understand?
00:38:08Only this time.
00:38:11Very good, but you'll be in your cage.
00:38:13I don't want to get used to you.
00:38:15Hey, let me talk.
00:38:17Not in bed, is that clear?
00:38:20I know you're lonely and I'm tired, so let's go to bed.
00:38:50No, no, no.
00:38:52Let's go outside, outside the bed.
00:39:20Yes, hello.
00:39:21I'll give you back the dog.
00:39:23I showed him where to go to the bathroom.
00:39:25I know where to go.
00:39:27Besides, I didn't know dogs were nocturnal.
00:39:29Why didn't you tell me?
00:39:30It's a puppy.
00:39:31They take a long time to learn.
00:39:32The key is consistency.
00:39:34And when am I going to be able to sleep?
00:39:36What if I fall asleep in a consultation?
00:39:38And how will you do the research for the book if you return it?
00:39:40Very good.
00:39:41That's not fair.
00:39:43I need help.
00:39:45I need help.
00:39:47Very good.
00:39:48That's not fair.
00:39:49I need help.
00:39:50Like a class.
00:39:51Let's see the basics.
00:40:06Very good.
00:40:07All very good.
00:40:09Sit down.
00:40:11Sit down.
00:40:12Sit down.
00:40:13Very good.
00:40:14Very good.
00:40:18No need to beg.
00:40:19When we want you to do something, use a tone that he recognizes as a command.
00:40:23Henry, sit down.
00:40:25Oh, I recognize that.
00:40:28Very good.
00:40:30Practice it several times, okay?
00:40:32Very good.
00:40:33Um, they're for Henry.
00:40:39Thank you for coming.
00:40:40See you next week.
00:40:41Good job.
00:40:43See you soon.
00:40:45Remember to walk close to each other.
00:40:47That was good, right?
00:40:49He's a good boy.
00:40:50Well, with you, everyone obeys.
00:40:52You have to celebrate when they do something new.
00:40:54I'll use it in my book.
00:40:56Has Justin called you yet?
00:40:58No, he hasn't.
00:41:00Not even a message to give signs of life, but...
00:41:02And have you done it?
00:41:04Um, my assistant follows him on Instagram.
00:41:07And if you call him?
00:41:08I will.
00:41:09Well, as you can see, it's not a children's game, and they're married.
00:41:12Do it.
00:41:13But he could also do it to talk.
00:41:16Do you want to reconcile?
00:41:18Take the initiative.
00:41:21And what should I say?
00:41:23You give marital therapy.
00:41:26You have more experience, but how about telling him...
00:41:29Where are you?
00:41:31How are you?
00:41:33Something like that.
00:41:35Very good.
00:41:37Yes, I will.
00:42:00Hi, I hope you're okay, Gillian.
00:42:08I'm fine.
00:42:10This is beautiful.
00:42:16How are you?
00:42:22Nice to meet you.
00:42:24I'm fine.
00:42:30That's good.
00:42:35I'll send you a picture, then we'll talk.
00:42:38I love you.
00:42:48Good night.
00:43:09I sensed something was wrong when you didn't show up.
00:43:12Henry, this is Mona.
00:43:14Mona, Henry.
00:43:16Cats are more civilized.
00:43:18I'm sorry, I completely forgot about today.
00:43:21Did your maid quit?
00:43:23No, I'm just making cookies.
00:43:26You don't eat cookies.
00:43:28Oh, I thought I'd learn when Justin gets here.
00:43:31When he gets here, from where?
00:43:33From Europe.
00:43:37Yes, for work.
00:43:39He wanted me to go with him, but...
00:43:41I have work.
00:43:43Shouldn't you be European to be a tourist guide there?
00:43:46He's a specialist in adventure expeditions.
00:43:49Excuse me, but what's the difference with a guide?
00:43:52It's how you say it. It's degrading.
00:43:54And how to say it? He's a lawyer, and now he's a mountain climber.
00:43:57But wasn't he happy?
00:43:59Everyone wants to be happy.
00:44:01But being happy is an illusion.
00:44:03How do you know you are?
00:44:05This is something that irritates me.
00:44:07But at least you do work.
00:44:09What is this?
00:44:11It's called,
00:44:12Discovering the Secret of Stable Marriage.
00:44:15Good. Let's see if it helps you.
00:44:19Oh, I think Henry has to...
00:44:22I don't want to tell you, but no one buys books about
00:44:25losing weight from obese authors.
00:44:29Very well, today we will teach you to sit down.
00:44:32That's why we first teach you to sit down.
00:44:36Clearly it's an anxious hack.
00:44:38You learn very fast. You're doing very well.
00:44:42Self-esteem is very important.
00:44:44When they are given the order,
00:44:46they put the prize on their nose,
00:44:48guide them to the floor,
00:44:50and being on the floor,
00:44:52they say,
00:44:53yes, very good,
00:44:54and they give them the prize.
00:45:11Yes, like that. Well done. Keep practicing.
00:45:16Yes, that's how you do it.
00:45:20Good. Everyone practice during the week to perfect it.
00:45:24See you later.
00:45:26You've been practicing. That's great.
00:45:30Ah, I was talking to Henry, but you too.
00:45:32Very good.
00:45:34I contacted Justin last night.
00:45:36Ah, and how is he?
00:45:38I think he's fine. He doesn't write much.
00:45:40Good. You start with something, right?
00:45:44I bet he's the best in class.
00:45:46Um, he shouldn't have favorites, but...
00:45:49Yes, I know.
00:45:50Oh, I knew it!
00:45:56There's an exercise I'd like to try this week.
00:46:00Are you up for it?
00:46:02Of course.
00:46:03I'm sure you did it as a couple.
00:46:06I want you to say,
00:46:07thank you,
00:46:08and for nothing,
00:46:09as if you were strangers.
00:46:12Well, it's easy to forget over time,
00:46:14but a simple thank you...
00:46:16And thank you for what?
00:46:17The problem is also his. It's not just me.
00:46:20But not totally mine.
00:46:21I work more at home than he does.
00:46:24Tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it.
00:46:28We want the spouse to read our minds,
00:46:31which is extremely difficult.
00:46:35Because if we're honest, we know what we don't want,
00:46:39but we don't know what we do want.
00:46:42I know what I want, but I won't tell him.
00:46:46Why don't you tell Jack what you want?
00:46:48He's not a fortune teller.
00:46:51What are you afraid of?
00:46:54Give him a chance to meet your needs.
00:46:58They're not enemies.
00:47:05You're very good.
00:47:07What a pretty puppy.
00:47:10Yes, you are.
00:47:11You behaved very well.
00:47:15Go get your prize.
00:47:23I love you.
00:47:56I made it to the top of the mountain.
00:47:59It's beautiful.
00:48:02I'm still thinking about the way I said goodbye to you.
00:48:07Forgive me.
00:48:09I must be more aware of your way of thinking.
00:48:24I admit it. Justin didn't go to work.
00:48:26I knew it.
00:48:28I think he wants to come back, and he wants to know what I think.
00:48:31I think so.
00:48:33He's testing the terrain to see if it's safe to come back.
00:48:39It must be very clear.
00:48:41You can't go whenever he feels good, alone or accompanied,
00:48:44while you stay at home baking cookies.
00:48:47No, it's not about that.
00:48:49No, it's not about that.
00:48:51I just needed some time alone.
00:48:55Come on, Madura.
00:48:57Why do you think he left?
00:49:00Do you think I should look for him?
00:49:02No, relax.
00:49:03You have the advantage.
00:49:04No, Mom.
00:49:05The blame is shared.
00:49:06Do you want him to think you're not waiting for him to come back?
00:49:09Or to be surprised by everything he missed for leaving?
00:49:14Justin is not a dad.
00:49:16But he's a man.
00:49:18And he'll use your weaknesses in his favor if you let him.
00:49:27No, Henry, Henry!
00:49:28It's not yours.
00:49:29It's Mona's.
00:49:41I don't think Justin is the enemy.
00:49:44I didn't say he was.
00:49:46But it doesn't mean you should trust him.
00:49:59Let's go.
00:50:00Come on, Henry.
00:50:01We're leaving.
00:50:05Oh, what a beauty.
00:50:07She's pretty.
00:50:10So I sent Justin a message last night.
00:50:13I told him I missed him and that he should come back.
00:50:16And what did he say?
00:50:19He didn't say anything.
00:50:20I think I waited too long to answer him.
00:50:23You don't know.
00:50:24Well, he doesn't like to be indecisive.
00:50:26He knows what he wants.
00:50:27It's decided.
00:50:28But you told him how you feel, and it was good.
00:50:32What if my mother is right?
00:50:34That he didn't leave alone?
00:50:35What if he forgot his cell phone?
00:50:37What if he didn't have a service?
00:50:38Maybe he got to the top.
00:50:39He was enveloped by a storm.
00:50:41He fought wild animals, and then he broke his phone.
00:50:45In short, he's going to answer you.
00:50:50I hope so.
00:50:52Remember the girl at work, Jess the blonde?
00:50:55Well, she's not my friend anymore.
00:50:58She was very nice.
00:51:00Yes, I thought so too.
00:51:02Until she and Larry announced their romance.
00:51:05I mean, I introduced them.
00:51:08How awful.
00:51:09You think you have everything,
00:51:10and then they leave you with half of your possessions,
00:51:12minus the lawyer's salary.
00:51:14You run out of friends because they're also your friends,
00:51:17and they don't feel comfortable with the divorce,
00:51:19so they disappear.
00:51:21You have us.
00:51:23I know.
00:51:24Larry doesn't love them.
00:51:28Are you sure he's not cheating on you?
00:51:31Oh, no.
00:51:32I trust Justin.
00:51:33How's Henry?
00:51:34Oh, he's fine.
00:51:35You won't believe what he did the other day.
00:51:37It's very...
00:51:40Guess who I found just outside.
00:51:43Justin, what are you doing here?
00:51:45I didn't want you to know I was here until you got home and...
00:51:49Why didn't you call?
00:51:51I ran out of battery.
00:51:52Hey, Justin, why don't you eat something?
00:51:54I'm a little tired, but thanks.
00:51:56Of course, Aaron.
00:51:57Help me in the kitchen.
00:52:04how did it go?
00:52:09I'll tell you later.
00:52:11You look beautiful.
00:52:14No, of course not.
00:52:17Shall we go home?
00:52:20Who's Henry?
00:52:26Nicole asked how he's doing.
00:52:32Justin is guilty, Carla.
00:52:34Um, Henry is...
00:52:35a friend.
00:52:39Where did he meet you?
00:52:41in a group.
00:52:43He's a client.
00:52:47I didn't know you'd talk to Nicole about your clients.
00:52:49Well, sometimes.
00:52:52You're not jealous, are you?
00:52:54No, I just want to know...
00:52:57what I've missed.
00:52:58Oh, meeting me? Not much.
00:53:03Ready to go back?
00:53:05Of course. I'm exhausted.
00:53:07Very well.
00:53:10Let's go.
00:53:11Yes, let's go.
00:53:17I'm so tired I want to...
00:53:24Who's this dog?
00:53:26It's mine.
00:53:27Well, ours.
00:53:34You said they were dirty and you didn't want them.
00:53:37Yes, that's true.
00:53:38But look how cute he is.
00:53:41What's his name?
00:53:44I never thought you'd want a dog.
00:53:47Me neither, but look at me.
00:53:51How nice.
00:53:53I'm going to...
00:53:55take a shower and sleep a little.
00:53:57Then I'll go out with you tonight.
00:54:01Very well. I like that.
00:54:05Hey, you don't mind if I call you Jorge, right?
00:54:09Just for a while.
00:54:21You didn't have to wear a suit.
00:54:23But if I look good, you might want to dance with me.
00:54:27Now you're dancing?
00:54:29Oh, the trip made you feel good.
00:54:31It was amazing.
00:54:32Look at this.
00:54:34I would have liked you to see it.
00:54:36Oh, it looks beautiful.
00:54:38It does.
00:54:42I thought a lot about...
00:54:45the two of us and the future.
00:54:48Me too.
00:54:53I want to know if you believe in us.
00:54:57Not as an obligation for your career or for fear of what you'll say.
00:55:03But because...
00:55:05you want what's ours.
00:55:10I do.
00:55:12I really do, Justin.
00:55:33So he said he didn't want to take him out for a ride.
00:55:37Look who's there!
00:55:41You look a lot better than the last time.
00:55:43Oh, it's just...
00:55:45I slept like a log.
00:55:47And how are you?
00:55:50Have you adjusted to the schedule?
00:55:53Oh, yes.
00:55:54I was tired because of the shift.
00:55:56And what time is it there?
00:55:58I don't know.
00:55:59I suppose his name is Jorge.
00:56:01Oh, yes.
00:56:02You're confused.
00:56:03We went out for a ride with Jorge,
00:56:06so he could learn how to walk with a leash.
00:56:09He doesn't like it.
00:56:10Well, make sure to cut his leash so he can walk with you.
00:56:14Of course.
00:56:15You've helped him a lot with Jorge.
00:56:18Who's Jorge?
00:56:19The dog.
00:56:20The dog.
00:56:21Oh, I thought his name was...
00:56:23Jorge, because you called him King Jorge.
00:56:26Oh, yes!
00:56:27You did!
00:56:28Oh, yes!
00:56:29Because Jillian treats him like a king.
00:56:31This dog is lucky.
00:56:33Speaking of which, we're leaving because I'm going to bake cookies.
00:56:37You know how to bake?
00:56:39Nicole gave me the recipe.
00:56:40They have a delicious secret ingredient.
00:56:42You'll see.
00:56:43Oh, that's great!
00:56:44Yes, great.
00:56:45See you later.
00:56:51Let's go, little friend.
00:56:52It's going really well.
00:56:53It's going really well on the right.
00:56:55It's going really well on the left.
00:57:01I just realized that I was dreaming.
00:57:03It smells so nice!
00:57:15I used to like my house.
00:57:18But now it's better.
00:57:25I was thinking, maybe an office job isn't so bad.
00:57:34I'd have a schedule to work five days and spend more time together.
00:57:41But that's not what you want.
00:57:45A mountaineering company has been looking for me.
00:57:50I don't know, maybe it's worth a try.
00:57:53Well, it's not bad to explore the options.
00:57:57And... what's the new book about?
00:58:02Oh, let's not talk about my job.
00:58:04I want to know what it's about. How to choose your third husband.
00:58:08Do you want to go out?
00:58:11Come on, Jorge, I'll take you.
00:58:14Do that often.
00:58:17I don't understand. Why do you call Henry, Jorge?
00:58:20It's complicated. I'm not even sure, but...
00:58:24When Justin arrived and surprised me, he heard you asking for a Henry.
00:58:29Yes, and?
00:58:31And he asked me who Henry was.
00:58:34I didn't want to tell him right away that it was a dog.
00:58:37I didn't want to tell him that when I came back from his trip.
00:58:41I wanted him to think I was sitting there waiting for him.
00:58:44And then Carla told me that he smelled like guilt and...
00:58:48I got paralyzed.
00:58:50Honey, what she smelled were the two days of travel.
00:58:53Besides, do you think telling Jorge the dog will help you?
00:58:56Well, I told him that Henry was a friend.
00:58:59Henry is not a friend, he's your dog.
00:59:02Well, I know, but when I got home,
00:59:05I couldn't tell him that the puppy was Henry.
00:59:09And I called him Jorge.
00:59:11It's not a big deal.
00:59:12Jill, you give therapies.
00:59:14And don't you find it strange to make your husband jealous of the dog?
00:59:17You're not listening to me. It wasn't my intention.
00:59:21That's how it happened.
00:59:22I'm sure he even forgot about it.
00:59:24Okay, except that.
00:59:26How's everything going with Justin?
00:59:28We went to dinner and then we danced.
00:59:30Justin doesn't dance.
00:59:32I know, I know, but it was his idea.
00:59:36I can't get him to dance.
00:59:38Nicole, I'm leaving. I have a client waiting for me.
00:59:40No, later. What happened?
00:59:42I'll call you later.
00:59:46Are you okay?
00:59:48I'm fine.
00:59:50You were very upset at dawn.
00:59:52Sorry for calling.
00:59:55Amy, I'm going to help you with Derrick.
00:59:58But Derrick must seek help.
01:00:01It doesn't matter what Derrick says.
01:00:03It doesn't matter what you say.
01:00:05It doesn't matter.
01:00:07You don't allow him.
01:00:09You want him to go on.
01:00:11I'm just trying to help him.
01:00:18And you think you have that power?
01:00:23Which one do you want?
01:00:25This one.
01:00:27Ah, very good.
01:00:29It looks good.
01:00:31Yes, very good. Let's order.
01:00:37Look at this one.
01:00:39I want one.
01:00:41I think it's time to try again.
01:00:43Choose soon. We have to get home.
01:00:45Are you sure you're ready?
01:00:47Well, we're finally fine.
01:00:50And you don't ask about Henry anymore?
01:00:52No, no, I told you I forgot about him.
01:00:55That's it.
01:00:57No, no, I told you I forgot about him.
01:00:59That's it.
01:01:01Very good.
01:01:06Hi, where's Jill?
01:01:08I wanted to surprise her and invite her to dinner.
01:01:11She went out to do things, hair.
01:01:13I'll leave a note in her office.
01:01:19I'm jealous of you.
01:01:21I would like to do the same.
01:01:23Your trip? On Instagram?
01:01:26Oh yes, it was very good.
01:01:28But I missed my house.
01:01:30It was good that you arrived on time.
01:01:46Pick up Henry at 7.
01:02:02Justin, what's wrong?
01:02:04I don't know.
01:02:06Jillian bakes cookies and wants to spend time with me.
01:02:10Wow, that's serious.
01:02:13She's not the same person she was.
01:02:15Something must have happened when I left.
01:02:18You shouldn't have left her.
01:02:20So she went out with someone while I wasn't there?
01:02:24I would do it if you did it to me.
01:02:29I read a note.
01:02:31You should have left the note when you left.
01:02:36Did I have to tell you I was leaving?
01:02:38Very good.
01:02:40What did it cost you?
01:02:42Should I ask Nikki what she knows about Jillian?
01:02:45No, no.
01:02:46Don't tell her because she'll tell Jill.
01:02:49Then dare and ask her.
01:02:52I did it and she told me she was a friend.
01:02:57That's what they all say.
01:03:02It's not right.
01:03:03If Nikki knows about this, she'll be very upset.
01:03:05I need your location.
01:03:07I'll see you at 7.
01:03:09I need your key!
01:03:11Okay, we'll try.
01:03:13Let's go.
01:03:15Oh, someone's coming.
01:03:17I found the notes from the new book.
01:03:19I want to know what it's about.
01:03:21You'll know when they sell it.
01:03:22What are we going to say?
01:03:24Don't worry.
01:03:25I have the right to investigate it.
01:03:28Here he comes.
01:03:30I'll explain.
01:03:34The office is already closed.
01:03:37We'll give the computer maintenance.
01:03:41I just came for my glasses and Jillian said to wait for her.
01:03:48We're sorry.
01:03:49They're not here.
01:03:50Don't worry.
01:03:51I'll wait for her here.
01:03:57I don't think she'll be back soon.
01:04:00Here it is.
01:04:01My glasses?
01:04:02It says something about Henry.
01:04:04About me and you.
01:04:06About me what?
01:04:07Why would it say something about you?
01:04:08Well, I'm Henry.
01:04:09Hank is my nickname.
01:04:11You're Henry.
01:04:14And you were going to meet at...
01:04:22What does it say about me?
01:04:23You don't want to know.
01:04:24But I want to see.
01:04:27Similarities of training your husband and your puppy?
01:04:30I don't think this is the new book.
01:04:32I should have written it for Jorge.
01:04:35It's about us.
01:04:47We were trained.
01:04:50And I thought I had problems.
01:04:53Where are you going?
01:04:55You're not leaving until you know what's going on between you and my wife.
01:04:58Your wife?
01:05:00How long have you been seeing each other?
01:05:01Let's see.
01:05:02I don't know.
01:05:03Maybe two or three months.
01:05:05I don't know.
01:05:06I don't know.
01:05:07I don't know.
01:05:08I don't know.
01:05:09I don't know.
01:05:10I don't know.
01:05:11I don't know.
01:05:12I don't know.
01:05:13I don't know.
01:05:14I don't know.
01:05:15Three months.
01:05:16Your wife is amazing.
01:05:24What are you doing here?
01:05:25We came to find out some things.
01:05:27I came to pick up my glasses.
01:05:30In my office?
01:05:31Yes, maybe you can help me.
01:05:32Help you what?
01:05:33I think I'm leaving.
01:05:34No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:05:36I'm sorry.
01:05:37Here they are.
01:05:38See you later.
01:05:40No, you're not leaving.
01:05:42Until my wife explains to me what's going on between you two.
01:05:46What do you mean?
01:05:47No, don't worry.
01:05:48I'll fix it.
01:05:49See you later.
01:05:50No, it's fine.
01:05:52I think I can with my problems.
01:05:56What do you think?
01:05:57Harry is the dog, not him.
01:06:03Look, I was going to tell you the truth.
01:06:07And what was the experiment about?
01:06:09See if you can train me like your dog.
01:06:11I can explain.
01:06:12Do it, Jill, because I want to hear it now.
01:06:16Well, I'm investigating the complex compatibility and differences between species.
01:06:22Because if we see it...
01:06:24This is difficult.
01:06:27Okay, I understand your confusion, but...
01:06:30It's something very funny.
01:06:34You made me believe there was someone else.
01:06:36That was a lie.
01:06:37You made me believe there was someone else.
01:06:39That was a confusion.
01:06:40It wasn't my fault.
01:06:41It was a simple mistake.
01:06:42I was furious when I thought you were someone else.
01:06:45I told you he was a friend.
01:06:47He's your pet, not a friend, Jill.
01:06:49Why did you lie to me?
01:06:51Hey, and when you thought he was someone else, you...
01:06:53And you think you know everything about a man, don't you?
01:06:57That we are creatures that mark territory of what is ours?
01:07:03Justin, forgive me.
01:07:05It was just a misunderstanding.
01:07:08They harmonize with the emotional state of their master.
01:07:13They express sadness when the owner is afflicted and they are able to show unconditional affection.
01:07:20They are a precious...
01:07:27Which of the two do you mean?
01:07:33I see.
01:07:35If Henry could, he would too.
01:07:37No, wait, Justin, come, please.
01:07:54Hi, Justin, it's me.
01:07:57Forgive me.
01:07:59Can we talk?
01:08:03Very well.
01:08:10Come here, Henry.
01:08:20I complicated everything, didn't I?
01:08:23I think so.
01:08:27What do I have to do, Henry?
01:08:32How did you let me do something like that?
01:08:35You didn't hurt him, you made him cookies.
01:08:38No, I denigrated his manliness.
01:08:41And everything so he could be who I wanted him to be.
01:08:45You didn't denigrate his manliness, it's intact, calm down.
01:08:50What he wanted was to see me happy.
01:08:53But no one can do it for you, right?
01:08:57I want to see him happy, but I also want to be happy.
01:09:01It doesn't matter anymore.
01:09:03He's hurt.
01:09:05Maybe he's proud, but that's it.
01:09:08I don't want cookies anymore.
01:09:12It has nothing to do with Justin.
01:09:15Yes, I trained him with them.
01:09:18He doesn't even look like Justin.
01:09:20He's Aaron.
01:09:22This isn't about Justin or Aaron.
01:09:25It's about you.
01:09:27Yes, I know.
01:09:28About what I did to Justin.
01:09:30You were the one who changed him, not Justin.
01:09:43How could you do something like that to me?
01:09:46You're my best friend.
01:09:48In your desperation, you didn't listen to my advice.
01:09:50It's not true, I consulted you and my grandmother.
01:09:52Yes, and you still didn't listen to us.
01:09:55But not because you're good at marriage, you're an expert in relationships.
01:10:00Oh, it was so annoying.
01:10:03Of course.
01:10:05You tried to make your dog jealous.
01:10:07Well, I was afraid he would be unfaithful, and I wanted to get his attention.
01:10:14Well, you got it.
01:10:18He finally came home, and I lost him again.
01:10:23You didn't lose him.
01:10:25Give him his space to vent.
01:10:27Yes, they will return to their horses.
01:10:40I have to sleep in the bed.
01:10:42It's my bed.
01:10:44It's your fault we ended up here.
01:10:46It was your wife who started it, don't forget that.
01:10:49Hey, don't you dare talk about my wife.
01:10:52Maybe you like to be mimed and treated like a dog, but not me.
01:10:55It smells bad here, and I want cookies.
01:10:58Nothing like those chocolate cookies.
01:11:05She gave Jillian the recipe.
01:11:07The secret ingredient is drugs.
01:11:09They drugged us to manipulate us.
01:11:12You should see how she treats her dogs.
01:11:16Jill is disgusted to drink from my glass, but she cleans the dog.
01:11:21Now you're jealous of your dog.
01:11:23Yes, I know, and the one who sleeps with Jill every day is Jorge, or Henry, whatever his name is.
01:11:30I don't know if I can help you, but 40% of the owners consider the dog as a member of the family.
01:11:37So they are socially compatible.
01:11:39No, it doesn't help me.
01:11:43I didn't need anything, and I escaped.
01:11:48Enough, I want to go home.
01:11:51Hey, hey, calm down.
01:11:53You can't go now.
01:11:55We must put conditions.
01:11:57Yes? Really?
01:11:59For the smell of your feet, you should beg Jillian to accept you.
01:12:05Maybe you don't have dignity, but I do.
01:12:09Stay with your dignity.
01:12:11I'm going home to apologize to my wife.
01:12:13Why should I forgive you?
01:12:15It doesn't matter.
01:12:24Hello, my love.
01:12:29You look beautiful, reading your book.
01:12:34I love you.
01:12:39I'm sorry.
01:12:41Today I want to sleep in my bed.
01:12:44You treat me better than I deserve.
01:12:47And I will never leave you again.
01:12:53Welcome home.
01:12:58You will have to intervene because he is not as domesticated as I am.
01:13:24Look how you are.
01:13:26There are limits, mom.
01:13:28You gave me the key.
01:13:30Yes, for emergencies.
01:13:32You haven't answered my phone in days.
01:13:35Well, I'm busy.
01:13:37Yes, I see.
01:13:43I'm sorry.
01:13:45I'm sorry.
01:13:47I'm sorry.
01:13:49I'm sorry.
01:13:51I'm sorry.
01:13:53Nothing has worked out as I planned.
01:13:56Why am I like this?
01:13:58Don't talk like that.
01:14:00I thought everything was going well.
01:14:02Yes, it was.
01:14:04But not anymore.
01:14:06Then fix it.
01:14:08I think it's too late.
01:14:10And you forgot that people are looking for you to fix their relationships.
01:14:15Everyone reads your books.
01:14:19I don't know why they do it if my own husband doesn't talk to me.
01:14:23Will you let that stop you?
01:14:25I don't know. Maybe you're right.
01:14:28Maybe I don't need anyone.
01:14:30I have Henry.
01:14:32Don't listen to me.
01:14:34I know you do.
01:14:36I just wanted to prevent you from making my mistakes.
01:14:40You must make yours.
01:14:43Very well. Where is my mom and what did you do to her?
01:14:47I took a self-awareness test.
01:14:50And I saw what I was missing.
01:14:53We all look for fairy tales.
01:14:59People change.
01:15:01You wouldn't be in your profession if it weren't true.
01:15:05I can't take this from you.
01:15:07What are you wearing?
01:15:09I left it for like an hour.
01:15:11We need firefighters.
01:15:18Here you go.
01:15:24We did it!
01:15:27You have no idea how happy I am.
01:15:30For you, of course.
01:15:32Happy for you.
01:15:37Henry, up.
01:15:39Henry, up.
01:15:41Henry, up.
01:15:44I don't think he's in the mood today.
01:15:47Well, maybe it's good to tell you that we found owners for Henry.
01:15:50He'll have a house, a fence, and a big garden.
01:15:54And you said you'd take care of him until he found a home.
01:15:58You can't take him.
01:16:00I'll keep him.
01:16:02But I promised him.
01:16:04I don't care. It's mine. I trained him.
01:16:06Jill, it's okay.
01:16:08I'll give you another one that looks like him.
01:16:10I'll let you train him and it'll even be better because you can put him however you want.
01:16:14Jorge, Henry, Carlos.
01:16:16No, he doesn't change.
01:16:18It's not that easy.
01:16:20It won't be the same.
01:16:22Tell them to choose another dog.
01:16:25I'll pay them whatever they want.
01:16:27They don't know him.
01:16:29They don't even know what he likes.
01:16:31You care a lot, don't you?
01:16:36Will you do everything you can to take care of him?
01:16:42Listen, I heard Justin will be with a girl named Susan this afternoon.
01:16:47Which Susan?
01:16:51I'd better go.
01:16:53Let's go, Henry.
01:16:55Henry, let's go.
01:16:57Henry, let's go.
01:16:59Henry, let's go.
01:17:03Let's run.
01:17:05Empatio Bistro!
01:17:21Let's go.
01:17:33Let's go.
01:17:50Let's go.
01:18:09It's over.
01:18:12Let's go.
01:18:14Henry, Henry, Henry!
01:18:21Let's go.
01:18:27Excuse me, can I have a minute?
01:18:33This is not the time.
01:18:35You can't ignore me forever.
01:18:39Why did you run to see me?
01:18:41I just want to explain.
01:18:43Why? Did you treat me like a dog?
01:18:45What did I do wrong?
01:18:47Positive affirmations, spending time with you, baking cookies?
01:18:50It was Nicole.
01:18:54You always blame others.
01:18:56Justin, wait!
01:18:59I have to go.
01:19:01Okay, thank you very much.
01:19:03I'll call you later.
01:19:05See you later.
01:19:11She's very pretty.
01:19:13She is. Are you done?
01:19:17I want to tell you no.
01:19:18It wasn't you I trained.
01:19:20It was me.
01:19:24I didn't ask you to change.
01:19:27I lived in a fantasy of how I wanted to live.
01:19:31And what was I?
01:19:38Maybe it's too late.
01:19:43But I love you.
01:19:45If I had to start from scratch, I'd choose you.
01:19:50I don't want anything else.
01:19:55Susan offered me a job in the legal field.
01:20:04Were you jealous?
01:20:10Did you feel jealous?
01:20:18There's no one better for me.
01:20:22I'm better because you're by my side.
01:20:26Even if I were a dog.
01:20:29I promise I won't leave you again.
01:20:40I love you.
01:20:46And your second husband?
01:20:50What would he be like?
01:20:51Someone attractive.
01:20:54He'd never wear a tie.
01:20:56In that case...
01:20:59Would he wear a jacket?
01:21:05That's what I thought.
01:21:10Let's clear something up.
01:21:15Should we call him Jorge or Henry?
01:21:22It's a pleasure to have Gilliam James back in the studio
01:21:25and his new book called How to Choose Your Second Husband First.
01:21:31I'd like to know what inspired you to write it.
01:21:33Unlike the first one, this one is very different.
01:21:36It was a personal experience
01:21:38that I wanted to share with the readers.
01:21:40You challenged my mind.
01:21:42I read the first one and I know this book will change people's lives.
01:21:45Is that true?
01:21:46That's the idea.
01:21:47It's not about who you choose.
01:21:49And choosing someone else won't always be the best option.
01:21:52But in your first book you said that women choose better
01:21:55who their second husband will be.
01:21:56Isn't that true?
01:21:57Yes, I said that.
01:21:58But if we treat the first husband the way we treat the second
01:22:02and stick to the evidence,
01:22:04it might be the best decision we make.
01:22:06For those who want to get a divorce, I tell you,
01:22:08it will hurt to read the truth.
01:22:10I know, but that's the truth.
01:22:13Gilliam, thank you for joining us and I wish you all the best.
01:22:16Thank you for inviting me.
01:22:17You were excellent.
01:22:18Five years later.
01:22:20Everything is still exactly the same.
01:22:22It's not true.
01:22:23We had three kids.
01:22:26It's totally different.
01:22:28Dogs have an advantage when it comes to having kids.
01:22:30You go down to another level of priority.
01:22:32Kids, dogs, and me.
01:22:35No one cares if you're the last one.
01:22:37Everyone wants to know if you adopted the already known and beloved Henry.
01:22:41Did you do it?
01:22:43It wasn't true.
01:22:44I made it up.
01:22:45How ingenious.
01:22:46You reconciled.
01:22:48It's true.
01:22:53So the family grew up.
01:22:55And Gill offers dog therapy.
01:22:58Yes, and these little ones help us focus on the problems instead of the anger.
01:23:03Gill accompanies me a few times a year on my expedition.
01:23:07It's a whole adventure.
01:23:09I taught her how to jump.
01:23:11And she taught me how to stand still.
01:23:14Hey, that's enough.
01:23:15It's not funny.
01:23:16It is.
01:23:17Watch it.
01:23:33I'll be just fine.
01:23:39I know you're gone but not for long.
01:23:42You'll be back someday.
01:23:44I know that for sure.
01:23:50But if you never stop smiling, I'll never start moving on.
01:24:02I love you.
01:24:03I love you.
01:24:04I love you.
01:24:05I love you.
01:24:06I love you.
01:24:07I love you.
01:24:08I love you.
01:24:09I love you.
01:24:10I love you.
01:24:11I love you.
01:24:12I love you.
01:24:13I love you.
01:24:14I love you.
01:24:15I love you.
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01:24:17I love you.
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01:24:20I love you.
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01:25:54I love you.
01:25:55I love you.
01:25:56I love you.
01:25:57I love you.