ATRT Star Trek Films Part 2 V VII

  • 2 days ago
00:00:12You heard the order lieutenant I sir
00:01:53Welcome once again to as the real turns your place for all play all things movie and television
00:01:57And we have got another great show for you. We're even going to skip the entertainment update
00:02:01We are doing our summer of Star Trek
00:02:04Which means we last time we did all the series from the original to Enterprise
00:02:09But Star Trek is not just television it is movies and today. We are talking about the Star Trek films
00:02:37Yes the Star Trek films
00:02:40they have spanned 13 altogether, and we're going to cover only the first seven today and
00:02:46That means we're going to be crossing a little bit of casting and stuff like that
00:02:50But we're going to fit them all in and we've got some great Star Trek fans to talk about them with we got my good
00:02:54Friend Christy and my good friend Timothy hello. Well. Thank you guys so much for coming on the show
00:03:00We got we're going to try and fit in the first half of the films in so let's get right to it
00:03:06It seems like always always the case when you always have something great what follows
00:03:12Isn't always great
00:03:15So like I had mentioned negotiate
00:03:19contract issues with
00:03:21Leonard and
00:03:25When the series wrapped they were like okay?
00:03:28Here's what happens if we ever go more Leonard gets to direct something. I get to direct something and
00:03:37Now is his time
00:03:39So 1989 comes around even the cast knew that they were saying like well. We did Star Trek 4 we had to do Star Trek 5
00:03:47So Shatner not only takes the captain's chair, but the director's chair for Star Trek 5
00:03:53the final frontier
00:03:56Okay, let's not dwell on this one too long. Let's say our piece about it, and then get going so Star Trek 6 is a
00:04:03Good film. It's a great
00:04:06Okay in in its defense here's Star Trek 5 for you
00:04:11Can't even get through it sometimes
00:04:15The crew the Enterprise now has a brand new Enterprise the Enterprise a that's a good part
00:04:21And they are sent off to find this mysterious being
00:04:26Thanks to Spock's half-brother
00:04:29Cyborg taking control the ship and what they're sent off to find is a mystical being
00:04:36To the audience and basically to everyone else simply known as God. They're gonna go find God
00:04:44Um and what what God turns out to be is just an alien being who quote calls himself God
00:04:53And then let's throw some Klingons cuz we're Star Trek the end
00:05:00Let's talk about the pluses here as the trailer rolls
00:05:03Lawrence Luck Bill
00:05:04David Warner David Warner
00:05:07David Warner playing a human
00:05:10Kind of like advocate sort of or representative yeah ambassador ambassador. Thank you
00:05:16To a great job there. I think maybe his first appearance in Star Trek not his last not his last
00:05:23Lawrence Luck Bill as cyborg
00:05:26for what he was given and for what the character is good job Lawrence well done and
00:05:32The bookends of the movie the camping scenes are some of the most wholesome best
00:05:40Beloved scenes and all Star Trek just because the comedy or the the interaction of the comedy between them all are you about to say?
00:05:47You're joking no
00:05:48No, I love those scenes some of the other things though like the rocket boots and Scotty hitting his head there, and that's so much
00:05:56Timothy will start with you. Yeah, cuz I think he needs a moment to decompress. He's a moment here
00:06:03And what can we say here and like I said let's not dwell on it
00:06:07What can we say here about Star Trek 5 the final frontier um well? It's short I?
00:06:14Think it's only 90 minutes. Thank God for that
00:06:17so to speak
00:06:21You've heard me on other episodes. I'm an apologist. I will give reasons why anything should exist
00:06:28This one's really hard. I am
00:06:32Very annoyed at strange new worlds for having cybock in it. Yes. I know without that we could pretend this never happened
00:06:39I know we were going with that yep
00:06:41but um
00:06:43it basically
00:06:45Everything Star Trek 4 got right Star Trek 5 got wrong
00:06:51completely there
00:06:52You know we just got done saying the comedy shouldn't be forced most all the comedy scenes in here are very forced there
00:06:59They're almost vaudevillian Lee
00:07:03We do for it for the fans who have been wanting this
00:07:08Since Plato's stepchildren
00:07:10We do get to see a horror
00:07:13Naked yeah, we're doing a fan dance. Yes. We do covering the strategic areas
00:07:32She naked
00:08:17Hello boys. I've always wanted to play to a captive audience
00:08:31You know she gets to sing again everyone gets an opportunity for their character to
00:08:39To have if you will a dream come true, but it doesn't all belong in one film
00:08:45and one of the one of the really oh
00:08:49And again, you've heard me say this before one way you can tell that
00:08:56either a plot line shouldn't be there or or there's
00:09:00problem with the writing if you can take a
00:09:03Character or a plot line and pull it completely out of the story, and it does not affect the story
00:09:09It shouldn't have been there in the first place in this one
00:09:12Klingons yes, so the whole thing with the with the three ambassadors
00:09:17None of you can pull
00:09:20You can pull like at least half to two-thirds of this film out of the film
00:09:25And it won't affect the story at all. No it won't
00:09:33Gentlemen I'm Kaitlyn
00:09:39You Romulan
00:09:42Welcome to Paradise City my dear capital of the so-called planet of galactic peace
00:09:48I'm St. John Talbot the Federation representative here on Nimbus three my charming companion here
00:09:55on console
00:09:5820 years ago our three governments agreed to develop this planet together a
00:10:05New age was born our new age died a quick death
00:10:10And the settlers we come to coming here
00:10:12They were the dregs of the galaxy immediately took to fighting amongst themselves we forbade the weapons they soon began to fashion their
00:10:25It won't and I mean the the Klingons themselves were even I I swear they were designed in a way
00:10:31They look like Klingons, but it's like they just look there were Klingons in the movie. That's exactly good question
00:10:37Yeah, you see that that self-defense has come
00:10:49Don't push it
00:11:29What you said about the camping scenes in the shore leave scenes they
00:11:34Perhaps not the comedy
00:11:36but the opportunity to see this cast that we always see in
00:11:42Business in their professional move to see them in a relaxed and friendship mode. Yeah
00:11:47Give me 90 minutes of that. Yes it and watch it
00:11:50Yeah, you know you say the Uhura thing was a dream for Star Trek fans
00:11:54But in a different sense that was also a dream. I want to sit around the campfire with these people
00:12:04It off we're right here and we're starving
00:12:09Bipolar sees dr. Bean Spock, but no ordinary beans
00:12:13These are from an old southern recipe handed down to me by my father
00:12:17And if you stick your fork and nose up at these you're not only insulting me
00:12:23But generations of McCoy's that case I have a little choice with the sample your beans
00:12:38Surprisingly good
00:12:40Does have a flavoring I'm not familiar with. Ah, that's a secret ingredient. You got any more of that secret ingredient bones
00:12:50Be my guest Thank You
00:12:52Am I to understand that your secret ingredient is alcohol
00:12:56Whiskey, Tennessee whiskey Spock you care for a little snort bourbon and beans an explosive combination. Thanks block and handle it
00:13:03Are you kidding with that Vulcan metabolism? He could eat a bowl of termites and it wouldn't bother
00:13:11As you were so fond of pointing out doctor, I'm half human well, it certainly doesn't show
00:13:18Thank you, how do you like that this guy never changes I insult him and he takes it as a compliment
00:13:27You know, you two could drive a man to drink me what did I do? What did you do?
00:13:33You really piss me off Jim
00:13:36Human life is far too precious to risk on crazy stunts
00:13:40Maybe didn't cross that macho mind of yours, but you should have been killed when you fell off that mountain
00:13:46they crossed my mind and
00:13:49And even as I fell I knew I wouldn't die. Oh
00:13:53I thought he was the only one who's immortal. Oh, no, it isn't that I knew I wouldn't die because the two of you
00:14:03I do not understand
00:14:06I've always known
00:14:09I'll die alone
00:14:15Well call the holler and have them reserve a room for you
00:14:25Mystery to me what draws us together all that time in space and we're getting on each other's nerves
00:14:31And what do we do when surely comes along we spend it together
00:14:38Other people have families
00:14:40Other people bones not us
00:14:49What are you doing
00:14:52I'm preparing to toast a marshmallow. I'll be there a
00:15:01Where'd you learn to do that before leaving the ship I consulted the computer library to familiarize myself with the customs associated with
00:15:09camping out
00:15:10Well, tell me Spock
00:15:13What do we do after we toast the Marsha marshmallow?
00:15:18We consume them. I know we consume them. I mean after that. Oh, I
00:15:24Believe we are required to engage in a ritual known as the sing-along
00:15:29That's great. I haven't sung around a campfire since I was a boy in Iowa. What are we gonna sing?
00:15:34What bones what are we gonna say? How about camptown races pack up your troubles? Are we leaving captain?
00:15:41It's a song tile Spock moon over Rigel seven
00:15:45Row row row your boat row row row your but I love row
00:15:49Do you know row row row row row your boat that song did not come up in my research captain
00:15:53The lyrics are very simple. It's
00:15:56Row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily
00:16:02Life is but a dream
00:16:04The doctor and I will start it off and then when we give you a signal you jump in
00:16:09Doctor it if you please
00:16:12Hmm don't say I didn't warn you
00:16:16Row row row your boat gently down the stream
00:16:22Merrily merrily merrily merrily gently down the stream
00:16:27Merrily merrily merrily merrily
00:16:29Lie, come on Spock. Why didn't you jump in? I was trying to comprehend the meaning of the words
00:16:37It's a song your green-blooded
00:16:40Vulcan you sing it the words aren't important. What's important is that you have a good time singing it. Oh
00:16:47I am sorry doctor
00:16:50We'll be having a good time God, I liked him better before he died. All right. All right
00:16:54Let's call it a night. Let's let's let's go to bed and just let's get some sleep
00:17:10Spock we're on leave. You can call me Jim Jim this one
00:17:15Life is not a dream
00:17:19Go to sleep
00:17:24Good night boss. Good night, Jim
00:17:28Come on Spock
00:17:31Good night doctor
00:17:33night Spock
00:17:36Good night, Jim
00:17:39Yeah, I
00:17:42Just don't I will say about the horror things is that
00:17:46She was going to sing the song but she was covered by a band called Hiroshima and
00:17:52They turned that song into a pop song called the moon's a window to heaven
00:17:57So you can now say Star Trek has a pop song
00:18:41Just in case because there's always some of those you know, what was this
00:18:46Actually, what you know CGI what having I went to a lot of conventions was that too with Nichelle Nichols?
00:18:52And she was very pleased as punch that at her age when this movie was made. She's like, oh, yes. That was me
00:19:01That's such a Nichelle answer and I love it. Yeah, so Christy, I mean, you know
00:19:06Yeah, you you asked are there Klingons in this movie? I
00:19:09Think the camping scenes are wholesome
00:19:12Clearly Shatner can sing. Um, I know right
00:19:17You know God is in this like Flintstones Chapel. I don't understand. What are your quick thoughts?
00:19:23Like I said, I don't want to dwell on it. But what are your quick thoughts? I feel Christy
00:19:26Okay, I barely I barely remember the movie probably because my brain probably was probably trying to save me
00:19:33I think I think it repressed a lot of you got one of the cons brain worms probably but anyway
00:19:39the camping scenes sure, but
00:19:42Row row row your boat. Like are you are you freaking kidding? Oh, come on
00:19:47That has to be like the one of the dumbest scenes and I will say this like I said about this movie
00:19:52This is something I will say now. I said last movie was stupid, but in a good way
00:19:57Yeah, this movie is stupid, but in a very bad way stupid period just stupid in the worst possible ways
00:20:03I mean the row row your boat the fact that the simple fact that they go looking for God is just
00:20:10And then they actually find him
00:20:13It's not actually God God that they find
00:20:17something like this just
00:20:57Is this a voice of God
00:21:16Does this better suit your expectations
00:21:35I'll say too
00:21:41It was not the barrier stood between us, but we breached
00:21:54We sought only your infinite wisdom and how did you breach the barrier with a starship?
00:22:06Could it carry
00:22:11It could yes, then I shall make use of this starship it will be your chariot
00:22:19Excuse me. It will carry my power to every corner of creation. Excuse me. I'd just like to ask a question
00:22:29What does God need with a starship
00:22:32Bring the ship closer
00:22:34seek proof
00:22:37You don't ask the Almighty for his ID
00:22:55Why is God angry why why have you done this to my friend he doubts me
00:23:03What what I was expecting them to just go around in circles until they could finally convince
00:23:08Cyborg they were never gonna find this guy like I was convinced. That's how the movie was gonna end
00:23:14They were just gonna be like you're friggin nuts, dude. I'm just I'm looking over to the window
00:23:18I want to see what our magic and tech team think of like this movie. I like what they we're gonna make you watch it
00:23:23Right. Yeah, there is one scene that made me and Mike because my dad and I watched all these movies together
00:23:27One thing that made my dad and I laugh was Kirk doing something that was very out of like you would have expected
00:23:34Bones to be saying this. What's this? It was when he finds out that he has a brother and he's like
00:23:39Spock has a brother like
00:23:41What are you kidding me? He's like when he freaks out when he finds out that
00:23:45Oh, I'm like you would have expected bones to be freaking out about that. He's your brother brother
00:23:50That's stuff. And yeah, we just thought it we were laughing because we thought it was so out of character for why Spock?
00:23:56Why I all you had to do was pull the trigger if I had pulled the trigger cyborg would be dead
00:24:01I ordered you to defend your ship
00:24:03You ordered me to kill my brother, but the man that be a fellow Vulcan with that doesn't know captain
00:24:08You do not understand
00:24:10Cyborg also is a son of Sarek. You mean he's your brother brother
00:24:16You made that up I did not you did too
00:24:19Cyborg couldn't possibly be your brother because I happen to know for a fact you don't have a brother
00:24:23Technically you are correct. I do not have a brother. Yeah, you see see I have a half-brother. I
00:24:31Gotta sit down
00:24:35Let me get this straight you and Cyborg have the same father but different mothers exactly that is correct
00:24:41Cyborg's mother was a Vulcan princess upon her death Cyborg and I were raised as brothers
00:24:47Why didn't you tell us this before I
00:24:50Was not disposed to discuss matters of a personal nature
00:24:53For that I am sorry. He's sorry. He's sorry that makes everything. All right. He's sorry. I'm a stop it Jim
00:25:00Spock can no more kill his own brother than he could kill you if you want to punish him for what he's done
00:25:04Why don't you throw him in the brig?
00:25:06Besides we've got bigger problems to deal with like how the hell to get out of here
00:25:12Say one thing Spock you never cease to amaze me nor I myself
00:25:17Well, the only the thing that I and it's kind of funny because I'll quickly go back to the number two very quickly
00:25:24They actually purposely gave
00:25:27Scotty the line that he's already dead. It was that line was supposed to be meant for bone
00:25:32Yes, they decided to switch it up at the last second because but still but you know, I mean, yeah
00:25:38No, he he's your brother brother. I have a half-brother. I gotta sit down. Yeah. Ah, yeah
00:25:44I've seen your file. I happen to know you don't have a brother which opens up all kinds of things, but we don't have time
00:25:50For yeah, I mean like I think I think
00:25:53Riftrack said it best when they said Star Trek 5 Shatner ruins the franchise
00:26:00No, this was the only a few more films along. Oh
00:26:04This is also
00:26:06Technically the only Star Trek film that William Shatner is seen and I say technically because he saw the unedited footage
00:26:13He hasn't seen the full product. Well, he has never watched a Star Trek. I'm gonna wrap this
00:26:17I'm gonna wrap this one up because
00:26:19I'm gonna be laughing through it all one more question. I will ask you this. Oh one more question
00:26:25Did you read the novelization for this? Uh a while ago and I've kind of flipped through it
00:26:31Depending on the question I may or may not have does it explain anything better in the book?
00:26:35Like is there anything that like it actually clears up better?
00:26:39Well, here's my question to both of you what does God need with a starship
00:26:43Yeah moving on. Um, you know, there were there were gonna be more things Shatner was gonna have rock people in this chapel
00:26:50Which the test footage is so strange. Thank God they didn't do it
00:27:47Harve Bennett who's been a producer for the films gets a cameo which is kind of nice. So does Shatner's daughters
00:27:56We're dressing informally, aren't we you caught me on the way to the shower
00:28:01Well, I apologize for canceling shortly, but look
00:28:05We have a dangerous situation out on nimbus three on the planet of galactic peace the same
00:28:12From all we can make out a terrorist force has captured the only settlement
00:28:18The hallways from Next Generation
00:28:21Lazy, the special effects are not ILM and the bad puns particularly the pool table
00:28:27Oh the pool table
00:28:29Yep, I know the pool table and only Shatner would have that anatomy type woman there at the pool table too. So only he
00:28:36But no, it's just there are so many things strange with this movie if you want to watch it fine
00:28:44Be prepared though. It's not great. If you're complete us and want to say you've seen them all go ahead and watch it. That's it
00:28:51I will say if you want to see a slightly better version if you're a mystery science theater fan
00:28:56It's hard to find but you can maybe find it go check out this one fan of both Star Trek and MST 3k
00:29:02He made an entire
00:29:05Satellite a love set made his own robots and did the whole silhouette thing and they watched Star Trek 5 it was
00:29:12Amazing and it was really well done. So check out that version. Maybe it's it might be easier to swallow. Okay, we
00:29:20We're back and we're ready to rip
00:29:23Stop world
00:29:27I'll be ugly
00:29:28Star Trek 5 Shatner ruins the franchise
00:29:32Yeah story by William Shatner in the sense that he said we should do another Star Trek and I should direct it
00:29:37We'll enjoy your shore leave you you'll be able to relax. You'll be able to wear your camping ascot
00:29:44Yeah, when people come for my funeral make sure they get the best price on hotels at, uh
00:29:51I've reached the blue screen. I'm gonna be okay. Oh, these aren't just tall Ewoks. Are they?
00:30:01Shatner's already cashing his check in his mind a bear. Oh, no, it's
00:30:08Pack out your trash
00:30:10But we didn't bring a copy of the script with us
00:30:14I don't have to but I guess I will
00:30:17You know, that's not a bad effect for 1977 except I think this was 1989
00:30:23Yes, Spock nerve pinches a horse and Leonard Nimoy's dignity takes a vacation
00:30:30Yay, we can ransom them for some toothpaste and soap and I can get a new stick James T. Kirk
00:30:37Captain of the Enterprise I see
00:30:40You're that priceline idiot
00:30:43My cheese gun
00:30:45Do not force me to fill you with tasty cheese captain
00:30:50The pace of the movie pick it up
00:30:53Put him in the brig with Captain Kirk. No, no, he'll sing Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Please just kill me now
00:31:00We wahoo
00:31:07Where are your pants where's fun?
00:31:12Paint injected into water cool
00:31:16Wow fanboy porn time half of science fiction is just looking at things
00:31:24If that's Eden, I'm glad we got kicked out
00:31:27Okay line up for the production still very good
00:31:31We misplaced the end of the movie
00:31:33We got nothing to go on here the holy tabernacle of the Almighty and eternal creator of the universe
00:31:38Designed by the Flintstones
00:31:43He's just some hammy Canadians, yeah, and there's your fanboy money shot
00:31:47Yep, thousands of VHS copies snapped at this spot in the film from overuse
00:31:52This has got to be the lamest Star Trek movie since I don't know the one with the bald chick in the legs
00:31:56Oh, yeah. Yeah the first one right and you think this was worse. I think this was much worse
00:32:00I don't know. What about the one with Kim Cattrall? I was pretty weak
00:32:03Didn't even play to her strength like taking her clothes off
00:32:07No, no, I still think this one was the worst
00:32:09Okay, if I have to rank them, I'd say this the worst followed by bald chick with the legs followed by Kim Cattrall
00:32:16Okay. Well folks we're gonna scoot you can have your own Star Trek argument without us and truth is you probably will
00:32:22so Star Trek 5 was
00:32:25Star Trek 5 and
00:32:28Everybody knew that they said, oh my gosh, we've got to come back from this. We were in so much trouble
00:32:351991 Star Trek's 25th anniversary
00:32:40Quickly Star Trek 5 Shatner had a press conference to where everybody was on the bridge set too
00:32:45so he really had banking on this but
00:32:481991 comes around and
00:32:51They said okay
00:32:53We got to do something better Leonard come back and write the story, okay
00:32:58quick somebody get the producer and
00:33:01Director of Star Trek's four and two back Nicholas Meyer bring him back. Okay
00:33:07What else is happening in 1991 the Cold War is ending
00:33:12Mmm, we have a Cold War alien
00:33:15Write this all down. We get something a heck of a lot better in the form of Star Trek 6 now the undiscovered country
00:33:23All right. So if you likes if you like murder mysteries and Star Trek, this is the film for you
00:33:31It is the Cold War in space though because we have the Klingons and the Federation signing a peace treaty
00:33:37Shatner has some racism going on because the Klingons killed his son nice connection
00:33:42but what happens is the Enterprise crew is sent off to bring the Chancellor of the Klingons back to us
00:33:49Like a no-man's-land type of planet sign a peace treaty, but the Klingons and the Federation don't want that
00:33:55So there's a conspiracy going on the Chancellor gets murdered who done it
00:34:01We shall find out but Shatner and each Captain Kirk and dr. McCoy are framed for it. So they're sent off to a prison planet
00:34:08It's up to Spock and this group save the day and not get the president of the Federation
00:34:14Murdered who's framing them? It's Christopher Plummer. Yes from Sound of Mute mucus. I mean music
00:34:24I'm not dissing he called it back. Oh, really? Yeah
00:34:29So Christie will start with you it is murder mystery in space it's Cold War in space
00:34:35There are so many nice things though about this movie. What are your thoughts on Star Trek 6 the undiscovered country?
00:34:41Well, one thing I one quick thing I will say
00:34:48Yes, she finally gets to place of it
00:34:53We'll come back to that go ahead finally, she's finally here you six talk about a 180
00:34:58This is probably I will argue that this is probably this is the best Star Trek of the first six
00:35:04So it's worse than Star Trek 5 got it. Oh, yeah
00:35:06Fuck screw you
00:35:10Don't do that anyway, so
00:35:14But yeah, it was really really well done just the plot is outstanding it is
00:35:19We get all kinds we get Kurtwood Smith as the president with Smith. Yeah
00:35:24It's unfortunate. He doesn't call anybody a dumbass in this but it would have but um
00:35:29And also we get we get a lot of just great effects. We get
00:35:33I love that star date there. That's yeah, we get uh, we get David Bowie's wife and mom. That's how you pronounce her name
00:35:40Oh, I didn't know that
00:36:05Alright Jim, I think so
00:36:07Don't respect you now. That's a comfort. I was lucky that thing had knees that was not his knee
00:36:15Not everybody keeps their genitals in the same place captain anything you want to tell me
00:36:21An accident wasn't good enough
00:36:25Good enough for one two would have looked suspicious
00:36:28Kill something escape now, that's convincing for both
00:36:39Surprise kill him. He's the one not me you idiot him
00:36:50And we also get and we also get a wharf before wharf we get his grandfather
00:36:56Yes ending defending them as which is kind of funny that it's a Klingon defending them. Well, you know, it's but yeah
00:37:03It's but it's but yeah, we get wharf before wharf and perhaps
00:37:16If the gravitational unit was not functioning, how could these men be walking they appeared to be wearing magnetic boots?
00:37:26Gravity boots. Tell us your sad story Kirk
00:37:31Tell us that you plan to take revenge for the death of your son
00:37:36That's not true
00:37:38Objection captain Kirk has not been identified as the assassin sustained
00:37:43Indeed the record shows that captain Kirk once held the rank of Admiral and that Admiral Kirk was broken for taking matters into his
00:37:51Own hands and defiance of regulations of the law. Do you deny me the motive of these charges?
00:37:55Don't wait for the translation. Answer me now. I
00:37:58Cannot deny you were demoted. Yes for insubordination on occasion
00:38:03I have disobeyed orders did in fact carry out such an assassination
00:38:08Jim they're setting him sir. Your honors do not answer captain Kirk. You will answer the question
00:38:17Wish to note for the record that the evidence against my clients is entirely circumstantial. I
00:38:23Beg the court to consider this and pronouncing its sentence so noted
00:38:29Captain James D. Kirk, dr. Leonard McCoy in the interest of
00:38:35fostering anarchy
00:38:37for the forthcoming peace talks
00:38:40the sentence of death is
00:38:47This just all of this is just just a great movie all around and not only is it a great movie
00:38:52But this is the sixth movie for this cast now and the original series never got a finale
00:38:58This is their finale. Yeah, the finale is they do get a very small one at the end
00:39:05But it's like 60 seconds long and it's just like okay. You guys are all retired by it's like kind of just kind of just
00:39:12In the end, it's just like okay. You guys are all done. Bye. Yeah, but I mean like the
00:39:17Timothy I mean it was
00:39:20There are some twists and turns in this, you know having it be like a murder mystery and
00:39:25David Warner's back. Yeah, there is as the murdered claim is the murder going on
00:39:31He gets some lines before he died
00:40:01Offer a toast the undiscovered country
00:40:09The future
00:40:13Hamlet act 3 scene 1 you have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original
00:40:29Well, I
00:40:34See we have a long way to go we must do this again sometime
00:40:45Don't trust me do I don't blame you
00:40:51If there is to be a brave new world our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it
00:41:03Captain Spock Chancellor
00:41:10Well, that's kind partying is such sweet sorrow
00:41:19Have we not heard the chimes at midnight
00:41:33Doc much. Yes. I
00:41:36I was gonna bring something up and now it's something Christy you mentioned, but the prison planet scenes are fantastic
00:41:57This is the Gulag rural petting there is no stockade
00:42:03No guard tower
00:42:05No electronic frontier
00:42:09Only a magnetic shield prevents beaming
00:42:13Punishment means exile from prison to the surface on the surface
00:42:20Nothing can survive
00:42:26Work well, and you will be treated well work badly
00:42:33And you will die
00:43:01Can control of course we can we can quickly dip on her and then
00:43:07Yeah, no, what are your quick thoughts here on Star Trek 6 a lot of Shakespeare to what but Star Trek's always had Shakespeare from
00:43:14the original series, I mean
00:43:16Off the top my head I could give you seven original series episodes that take their titles from Shakespeare. This is true. Yeah, but
00:43:24Star Trek 6. Yeah
00:43:27it is a brilliant wrap-up like you said to to the the
00:43:33The adventures of the original crew
00:43:36Some of them I think more than half
00:43:40Come back make cameos what have you in later series?
00:43:45You know, but yeah, this is a very nice wrap-up
00:43:51Spoiler alert, I'm going to tell you who did it because
00:43:56All right
00:43:58should Kim Cattrall
00:44:01Should have been playing Saavik. Yes
00:44:06stunning as the reveal at the end is
00:44:10Because because of everything that we've said happened in the in two three and four if she had been playing Saavik
00:44:18It would have been utterly
00:44:21Mind-blowing. Yes
00:44:23Obviously, you know, there there's you know, there's something between her and Spock
00:44:29Maybe it's just mentor-student. Maybe it's more
00:44:36Mind-meld basically where he's mind raping. Yeah. I mean it would just have had so much more
00:44:43gravitas on top of it
00:45:35Right, I'm a Starfleet
00:45:46Who else
00:46:03Who else
00:46:14Where is the peace conference, where is the peace conference?
00:46:55There's not no
00:46:56And she could have played Valerius through the whole movie and then just like have it be a cover maybe
00:47:02Possibly but that would have been a cheat. That would have been. Yeah. Um, no, I I think it's brilliant and
00:47:09I could say a lot more but we have more films to get to I do want to say the the end
00:47:16That the final I think the final spoken scene
00:47:20Spoken line is from Kirk where he's giving, you know, and say, you know, what's our course captain?
00:47:24And he says second star to the right and straight on till morning Peter Pan
00:47:30Yes, of course, you know people know that from Peter Pan, but you think about that
00:47:34That's the directions to Neverland where you never grow old
00:47:39Okay, and and then and you've mentioned this before they literally sign off
00:47:45Yeah, each of them sign their name one at a time at the end of the film
00:47:51Nice to see you in action one more time Captain Kirk
00:47:55Take care. I think it's about time we got under way ourselves
00:47:59Captain I have orders from Starfleet command. We're to put back to space dock immediately to be decommissioned
00:48:21If I were human I
00:48:24Believe my response would be
00:48:27Go to hell
00:48:32If I were human
00:48:38Of course heading captain
00:48:46Second star to the right and straight on till morning
00:49:08Captain's log stardate 95 29.1
00:49:12This is the final cruise of the Starship Enterprise under my command
00:49:16This ship and her history will shortly become the care of another crew to them and their posterity
00:49:23Will we commit our future?
00:49:25They will continue the voyage as we have begun and journey to all the undiscovered countries boldly going where no man
00:49:33where no one
00:49:35Has gone before
00:50:38So funny that one of my favorite scenes has no people in it
00:50:42It's literally those autographs which if I ever found a way to do that in one of my movies
00:50:47I do it in a heartbeat because I love that scene. It's so touching
00:50:50Of course Shatner had to get the bum bum bum bum bum, but you know
00:50:54Yeah, but it's it is such a great scene and there are so many good things about the movie
00:51:00And it really is their finale, which is finally what they got. So I
00:51:07Originally as I understand it was supposed to die and there's a line in in next generation
00:51:14Where the those episodes are being broadcast at the same time that this is going on
00:51:19yeah, and Kurt Picard has a line like well if it weren't for these events Kirk didn't have to die and
00:51:26In the sequel to that they had to backtrack backtracking. Yeah. Well, that's that's that's
00:51:33Star Trek for you. Yeah, I'll do that all the time
00:51:35But yes, Star Trek 6 the undiscovered country you like murder mysteries. You like the Cold War you like Shakespeare
00:51:41This is the Star Trek movie for you. But all that aside. It's also just a great movie, too
00:51:45You're gonna love it. I feel like I have to watch it tonight now
00:51:49So the last one we're gonna cover is
00:51:51You know all all movies can have a hidden secret
00:51:56Second title and this one is can be called Star Trek passing the torch because in
00:52:011994 right after next-generation wrapped filming they went into production of their own first feature film that being
00:52:09Star Trek generations
00:52:12So Star Trek generations literally is Star Trek passing the torch
00:52:15What we have going on here is that the Enterprise B's making its maiden voyage and
00:52:21Captain Kirk along with Chekov and Scotty see it off
00:52:25However, a weird energy ribbon called the Nexus appears the Enterprise B goes investigates it's a killing
00:52:32James T Kirk or does exactly
00:52:37They also
00:52:38Rescue two ships one of a race that we find out also with carrying them is the race that belongs to Guinan
00:52:45So it'd be Goldberg. There's nothing I can do flash forward a couple years now
00:52:49We have a weird scientist man in the form of Malcolm McDowell. Dr.
00:52:53Tolian Soren and he and the next-generation crew are also encountering this Nexus and
00:53:01Dr. Soren wants to reach it. He needs to get back there
00:53:04And Picard and crew kind of try to understand stop him Picard then jumps into it as well
00:53:09And that's where we have Captain Kirk Captain Picard meet each other
00:53:14One and only time and they team up to defeat Soren and now
00:53:20We lose Captain Kirk
00:53:23All right, Christy we'll start with you
00:53:28Star Trek generations, it's an odd number
00:53:31Star Trek generations, it's an odd number when it gets old it gets flack, but I mean
00:53:39Star Trek fans kind of wanted this they wanted to see at the time the only two captains in Star Trek there were
00:53:46Captain Kirk and Captain Kirk together on the big screen. This is not some TV special. This is a big screen venture
00:53:53What do we think of the plot? What do we think of generations your quick thoughts?
00:53:56I like this movie a lot. And you know when I watched this movie, I realized
00:54:01You know, it's funny after watching the first scene
00:54:04I realized that the original cast had so much better and so much more
00:54:10Chemistry with each other than next generation really. Okay, and I feel like the original cast just had so much
00:54:17Just they just had the best chemistry with each other. Okay, I really liked this movie. I
00:54:24Malcolm McDowell was really good in it. Yeah, I mean, I love Malcolm McDowell. He's just great people say to me. It's like
00:54:32I'm gonna watch a Malcolm McDowell movies and I'm gonna watch Clockwork Orange. You go do that. I'm gonna watch Generations
00:54:39Dr. Solomon. Yes. Ah, yes captain. Thank you for coming. Thank you. I understand there's something urgent you wish to discuss with me
00:54:46Yes, I must return to the observatory immediately. I must continue a critical experiment
00:54:52I've been running on the Amagosa star
00:54:54We're still conducting our investigation into the attack as soon as that is as soon as that is complete
00:54:58Then I will allow you and your colleagues to return but until then there's nothing I can do timing
00:55:02Is very important in my experiments if it's not completed in the next 12 hours
00:55:09Years of research will be lost. We're doing the best we can if you'll excuse me
00:55:16They say time is the fire in which we burn
00:55:22You don't have to do this Soren
00:55:25I'm sure we can find another way of getting you into this Nexus. I
00:55:29Spent 80 years looking for another way
00:55:34Believe me. This is the only one
00:55:43What you're about to do Saren is no different from when the Borg destroyed your world they killed millions, too
00:55:52including your wife
00:55:57You know, there was a time when I wouldn't hurt a fly
00:56:01Then the Borg came
00:56:05And they showed me that if there is one constant in this whole universe, it's death
00:56:13Afterwards I began to realize it didn't really matter
00:56:16We're all gonna die sometime just a question of how and when
00:56:20You will too captain aren't you beginning to feel time
00:56:30It's like a predator it's stalking you
00:56:35Yeah that I mean just the movie was just the movies just really good
00:56:40There were some you know, there were some issues, you know
00:56:43Spock does Spock was supposed to have a bigger role Spock and McCoy were supposed to be in it
00:56:47Yeah, Spock was supposed to be in it
00:56:49But apparently there was a character named Spock in the script
00:56:51But according to Nimoy the lines were so bland that anybody could have spoken. Yeah
00:56:57Oh, that's why that he didn't reprise his role
00:57:08So when did he find time for a family what like you always say if something's important you make the time
00:57:15Ah, so that's why you seem so restless
00:57:19Finding retirement a little lonely. Are we you know, I'm glad you're an engineer
00:57:24With tact like that. You'd make a lousy psychiatrist
00:57:28Take us out
00:57:30When you could say brought a tear to me, I'll be quiet sir, how big is your medical staff the medical staff?
00:57:40Doesn't arrive till Tuesday who they be tell no you and you you've just become nurses. Let's go main engineering reports fluctuations in the warplasma relays
00:57:51Scotty keep things together to like it back
00:57:54That's why they brought in Scotty and check off I will say something I really liked was data in the original series in the in the
00:58:02next generation near the end of the show in the final season of the show he gets the
00:58:07Emotion chip from his book from his evil brother Lord and this movie he finally
00:58:13Unleashes his evil brother and his evil brother-in-law
00:58:16And he's the one who's going to be the one who's going to be the one who's going to be the one who's going to be
00:58:20Lord and this movie he finally
00:58:23Puts it in after he was originally wasn't going to but this time he puts it in
00:58:28Leading to some very funny moments with a cat and well that's towards the end the drink the drinking scene
00:58:35I hate I hate this. I hate this and then he goes and they go. Would you like another one?
00:58:39Yes, and I love this scene working beer in a nutshell
00:58:44What I
00:58:46Believe this beverage has produced an emotional response
00:58:49Really, what do you feel?
00:58:54I am uncertain because I have had little experience with emotion. I am unable to articulate the sensation
00:59:05I'll explain later
00:59:07Oh, it looks like he hates it
00:59:12Yes, that is it I
00:59:15I hate this data. I think the chip is working. Oh
00:59:24Yes, I hate this it is revolting more please
00:59:30No, Geordie. I have not
00:59:33Have you?
00:59:34No, I have not it is most unusual
00:59:39Mr. Tricorder
00:59:42Just see if you can help me get these panels open way make it so
01:00:01Data over here. I found something
01:00:05One life sign very faint
01:00:25Am very happy to see you spot
01:00:31Another family reunited
01:00:37Data are you all right?
01:00:42I'm uncertain counselor. He's he's on the bridge and he's doing the life life life forms
01:00:50Yes, I love that. Very nice. I don't think I can do that. I just
01:00:56Love scanning for life forms
01:01:03You tiny little life
01:01:07You precious little life
01:01:11Where are you I
01:01:16Will say the way they kill off Kirk for good it was
01:01:20Incredibly stupid. I mean they brought that it inspired the TV trope dropped a bridge on it because I mean
01:01:27This is one of the most legendary cap. This is the boat. This is the OG captain sure and
01:01:33They kill him by a bridge falling. Yeah, I get that
01:01:37I hear that a lot from people, but it's you know, you overlook that and you enjoy the rest of the movie
01:01:43I mean Timothy you have
01:01:46Some wonderful scenes in this movie. I mean you have things like well, thank you. I thought nobody noticed me in there
01:01:53Hey, yes
01:01:58When we meet the next generation crew they're on the holodeck in the in the boat scene
01:02:04Worth promotion worse promotion
01:02:39Always knew this day would come. Are you prepared to face the charges answer him?
01:02:48I am prepared
01:02:54We the officers and crew of the USS Enterprise being of sound mind and judgment
01:03:00Hereby make the following charges against lieutenant wharf one that he did knowingly and willfully
01:03:08Perform above and beyond the call of duty on countless occasions to most seriously
01:03:14That he has earned the admiration and respect of the entire crew
01:03:19Mr. Walth I hereby promote you to the rank of lieutenant commander
01:03:24with all the rights and privileges thereto
01:03:27And may God have mercy on your soul
01:03:41Congratulations, thank you, sir. Extend the plank
01:03:52Lower the badge of office
01:03:56I'll never make it no one ever
01:04:27The one thing I've learned over the years never underestimate
01:04:36Computer remove the plank
01:04:38Number one, that's retract plank not remove. Of course, sir
01:04:49Which is great scene all the emotion chip scenes, of course when we get in the nexus
01:04:56Every single one of us is in the nexus
01:04:58We're all in the nexus and we're trying to figure out how to get out of the nexus
01:05:02We're all trying to figure out how to get out of the nexus
01:05:04We're all trying to figure out how to get out of the nexus
01:05:06The nexus
01:05:08everything from the Christmas scenes, which is a rarity in Star Trek with Picard's family and then the
01:05:15Horse scenes with him and Kirk, which I think Shatner were those are his horses. He's riding. What is this?
01:05:46Helped decorate it. It took all day. Say Merry Christmas. See the presents. I love you
01:05:55Let's move back and give your father some room
01:06:11Cup of Earl Grey
01:06:23This one's for you, oh, thank you very much Renee
01:06:28Merry Christmas uncle and Merry Christmas to you, too
01:06:31Renee can you help me with the table?
01:06:39Come here
01:06:57Go help your aunt
01:08:31Must have jumped that 50 times
01:08:33Scared the hell out of me each time who doesn't want to see Captain Kirk and Captain Picard team up and fight a villain
01:08:39That's awesome
01:08:41What are your quick thoughts here on Star Trek generations?
01:08:44Yeah, and like like you said it is the official passing of the torch. There was
01:08:51Because missions in Britain production for many years and from from the first
01:08:58From the first year of next-gen
01:09:00There'd been a feud between fans of next-gen and fans of the original series
01:09:05Not quite the Hatfield in the McCoys, but just because people don't live in the hills that much anymore the dr. McCoy's
01:09:12Yes, the dr. McCoy's. Yes
01:09:15Yeah, and this was an opportunity to bring them together. I think
01:09:21Again everyone gets a chance to shine a little bit
01:09:27Do you have that that
01:09:30that not quite his last words, but when
01:09:35Well, let me back up. I'm when they first meet each other in the not the matrix in the Nexus. Thank you
01:09:42you know, there's a little back and forth, you know, and
01:09:47Kirk's finally has his reward. He doesn't want to leave
01:09:50Paradise and and you know Picard's basically says damn you sir
01:09:55How can you turn your back and Kirk's line is don't lecture to me?
01:09:59I was out saving the galaxy when your grandfather was in diapers
01:10:05And you know, yeah, no, he's got he's got the perfect life
01:10:08He's got the lady upstairs waiting for him. Yeah, and you know, everything's perfect. But I and that's the problem
01:10:15That's the problem. There's no challenge
01:10:17You know and he finally realizes that and yeah, they come back they drop the bridge on him, but that moment when
01:10:25Picard, you know, he knows Kirk is dying and he says, you know
01:10:29Thank you. And
01:10:30Kirk's line is it's the least I could do for the captain of the Enterprise
01:10:35Yeah, and I think all of fandom basically would agree with that line
01:10:40Everything's okay. Yes, everything's forgiven. Absolutely
01:11:13Make it different. Oh, yes
01:11:17We made a difference
01:11:19Thank you
01:11:25At least I could do
01:11:29But the captain of the Enterprise
01:11:39It was
01:11:55Or mine
01:12:18Again like I said with
01:12:20five I
01:12:22Love Larissa and Bator. They are two of the best Klingons sure Star Trek. They've had several really good
01:12:29Episodes in next-gen that they carry by themselves
01:12:32They don't belong in this film. You lift them out of the film doesn't matter. No problem
01:12:38Federation starship is entering the system. What we're still clumped. They can't see us
01:12:44Eliminate them that is a galaxy-class starship. We are no match for them. I
01:12:52Think it's time. We gave mr. LaForge his sight back
01:12:58I have established the link
01:13:03Put it on viewer
01:13:05It's working
01:13:07the visors transmitting
01:13:09And I think like
01:13:11LaVar Burton there
01:13:12He kind of went back to a little bit to his roots roots a little bit because he kind of got tortured there a little
01:13:18Bit it's it is a fun movie. It's a it's a nice passing of the torch. It's a nice adventure movie great score
01:13:25one of my favorite scores
01:13:28And and now we have next-generation off doing their own films, which is kind of cool
01:13:33The one thing though is that we've learned this is our first first attempt of it
01:13:37We never let Deanna drive the ship
01:13:40Because you thought losing the first Enterprise is bad. We lose the Enterprise D. Now. Thanks a lot Deanna
01:13:47Full impulse power once we're clear warp core is going critical
01:14:05Separation complete engaging impulse engines core breach in progress
01:14:20Engaging secondary systems
01:14:39Right around this corner
01:15:23Crashing it right down on the planet that they're orbiting, but regardless. It's still a fun movie
01:15:28It's still a really enjoyable movie. Oh and another thing about crashing the Enterprise
01:15:33Yeah, we're about to see that happen in like the other three movies, too
01:15:37Oh, we'll get to that and we'll get to that on the next show
01:15:40It's like you know it's it's it's just so funny because here's the thing I'll say this real quick
01:15:45It's so funny because you guys were making such a big deal about losing the Enterprise and the third movie and then in the next
01:15:51Generation they do it like every movie. They kill the Enterprise why not it's their version of South Park there we
01:15:58On that note I want to thank you guys so much for talking about the first half of the Star Trek movies
01:16:04We're we'll be back next time to talk about the other next generation films, and then the Kelvin timeline reboot things
01:16:11So until then thank you again so much for coming on. Thank you to our magic and tech team
01:16:16My name is Dan Saletti live long and prosper. This has been as the real turns. That's a wrap