• 2 days ago
Best movie in Hollywood 2002 the rats
00:01:28Oh, damn it.
00:01:31Oh, fuck.
00:01:51I hope you enjoy shopping.
00:02:16Oh, I adore shopping.
00:02:19Misaki, please.
00:02:22Oh, what did you think we were going to get?
00:02:26You're in charge of the whole store.
00:02:28I'm the operations manager.
00:02:30I handle everything from security issues
00:02:32to public relations.
00:02:33Meaning you spend your time babysitting the idle rich.
00:02:43Thank you very much for your hospitality, Ms. Costello.
00:02:46Thank you, Your Majesty.
00:02:47Our best shopper will help you personally.
00:03:00Hi, I'm Susan Costello.
00:03:01Oh, are you all right?
00:03:03Yeah, I think so.
00:03:04How'd you cut it?
00:03:05I don't know.
00:03:06I just reached down to get my clothes.
00:03:07Can you show me where?
00:03:13It was right over there.
00:03:36It was a carpet attack.
00:03:37But how can that just...
00:03:38I'm so sorry.
00:03:39I'll have maintenance check it out right away.
00:03:41Listen, you were having a fun day.
00:03:43We don't want to spoil it.
00:03:44I want you to take that outfit home.
00:03:46You mean, for free?
00:03:47Yeah, it looks great on you.
00:03:49Well, thank you.
00:03:53You don't think I'm needing a shot or anything, do you?
00:03:56Well, it's not rusty,
00:03:57but you should probably have your doctor look at it, okay?
00:04:01All right?
00:04:12Heading home, Ms. Page?
00:04:13How'd it go with the queen?
00:04:14Did she make you feel comfortable?
00:04:15Oh, she made us feel comfortable.
00:04:17$12,000 worth, with the discount.
00:04:21What about the girl with the finger?
00:04:22Oh, she's fine.
00:04:23She left here a happy camper.
00:04:24Did you get a release?
00:04:25No, I thought that would put her on guard.
00:04:27Her cut didn't amount to much.
00:04:28I did tell her to check with her doctor, though.
00:04:30An open door, Susan.
00:04:32Well, I felt negligent not to at least suggest it.
00:04:35Just be careful your compassion doesn't work
00:04:37to your disadvantage.
00:04:38Or mine.
00:04:40Come on, Juan.
00:04:42Keep your legs together.
00:04:48Come on, Amy, go.
00:04:52Good job.
00:04:54Good job.
00:04:56See you guys next week.
00:04:57Remember to do your laps.
00:04:59Come on, Amy.
00:05:01Come on, Juan.
00:05:02Mom, do we have to do that stroke?
00:05:04Yes, it's the next thing we're working on.
00:05:06I hate being last.
00:05:08No, you were first in freestyle heats.
00:05:12I want to be first in everything.
00:05:14Gee, I wonder where you get that from.
00:05:16Well, you know what the best way to practice is, don't you?
00:05:20Play tag with your mom.
00:05:22You're it.
00:05:28What are you talking about?
00:05:29It's a great story for the 11 o'clock news.
00:05:31Yeah, they'll be standing outside Garson's
00:05:33Thanksgiving night.
00:05:34You interview the first shopper in line,
00:05:36and cheesy.
00:05:38You know what?
00:05:39Fox has already jumped at this story.
00:05:41All right, we'll make arrangements next week.
00:05:43All right, talk to you later.
00:05:45Amy, muffins before dinner?
00:05:47How many have you eaten?
00:05:49Just one.
00:05:50We had half a dozen.
00:05:52No, I think maybe we only got six.
00:05:55Very funny.
00:05:57Dinner's almost ready.
00:05:59Do I have to send Daddy an e-mail?
00:06:02I don't even know what to write about.
00:06:04Tell him about the movie we saw.
00:06:06You said you liked it.
00:06:08I guess.
00:06:09And should I tell him you said hi?
00:06:12Are you ever going to be friends again?
00:06:15Maybe some day, but not right now.
00:06:19But not right now.
00:06:39I don't see no signs.
00:06:42As long as you keep your windows shut,
00:06:44you ought to be fine.
00:06:47Carl, it was outside the window.
00:06:49Please, will you just set some traps tomorrow?
00:06:52Well, you know, you live in the city,
00:06:54you're going to have rats.
00:06:56That's all there is to it.
00:06:58Carl, traps.
00:07:03Okay, my sister.
00:07:05Sure thing.
00:07:07Good night.
00:07:09Good night.
00:07:13Don't worry, honey.
00:07:14He'll take care of it.
00:07:16Mom, the rat was so nasty.
00:07:24Lady ought to wake up, you know, to reality.
00:07:28You just can't go around
00:07:32killing innocent little animals.
00:07:36I wish you'd understand.
00:07:38You know, you should take a good look around
00:07:41to see who, um,
00:07:44our real neighbors are.
00:07:48Well, come on now, wouldn't she?
00:07:53No, she wouldn't.
00:07:57She'd have to learn to get along
00:08:01with everybody.
00:08:03Please, I'll stay.
00:08:05For my sake.
00:08:06Maybe it will be.
00:08:07I beg you.
00:08:08Now, don't be scared, all right?
00:08:11I did say I'd put out a few traps.
00:08:15I didn't say nothing about satin.
00:08:18You see, what she don't understand
00:08:22is that every living thing
00:08:25has its place, okay?
00:08:28Like you guys, okay?
00:08:30You live over there.
00:08:33I live over here.
00:08:35We worked that out between us, didn't bother us.
00:08:38How am I supposed to explain something like that
00:08:40to somebody like that?
00:08:47Who are you?
00:08:50Hey, I haven't seen you before.
00:08:52You're a big fella.
00:08:54What, are you working out or something?
00:08:56No, no, don't be scared.
00:08:57Come here, come here.
00:08:59Come on, don't be, don't be afraid.
00:09:01Don't be afraid.
00:09:02Come on.
00:09:04That's it.
00:09:05That's it, fella.
00:09:07That's it.
00:09:11Ah, you little, oh, you little piece of good-for-nothing!
00:09:15Piece of shit!
00:09:18That's it!
00:09:19Why'd you do that?
00:09:21Why'd you do that?
00:09:24Okay, that's...
00:09:26Okay, I shouldn't have...
00:09:29I didn't mean that that was...
00:09:32He had rabies or something.
00:09:37Guys, I would never do that to you.
00:09:45It was an accident.
00:09:47I swear, hey, I would never...
00:09:54Guys, what are you doing?
00:11:03She made me show it to her dads.
00:11:33Also, call your PCP and get me her letters, would you?
00:11:36I will.
00:11:37I want you to monitor TBC, Grav-Ran,
00:11:40and re-analyze her.
00:11:41That's going to be very helpful.
00:11:46Is she all right?
00:11:48She came in with a mild septicemia.
00:11:50Strange for someone so young with no drug history.
00:11:53She said she cut her finger at your store?
00:11:56It was on a carpet tack.
00:11:58Four hours after admission,
00:11:59she's got severe respiratory difficulties,
00:12:01threatening renal failure.
00:12:03She's very sick.
00:12:04If she hadn't come in, she'd be dead.
00:12:06I'm 99% certain it's Wheel's disease.
00:12:09Is that some form of tetanus, or...?
00:12:13You don't get this from a carpet tack.
00:12:15It was a bite wound.
00:12:16I can't say for sure, but I think it was a rat.
00:12:25Garson's does not have rats.
00:12:28No offense, but would you swear to that in court?
00:12:30My God, was the girl's lawyer there?
00:12:33What did the doctor say?
00:12:34Well, she said it was a rat bite.
00:12:36She's almost certain that it's Wheel's disease.
00:12:38Listen, if Garson's gets sued for a rat bite
00:12:40and it goes public, which it would,
00:12:42not only can you kiss your job goodbye,
00:12:44but so can everybody else here, including me.
00:12:47What do we do?
00:12:49Keep your eye on the girl.
00:12:50Make sure she gets well.
00:12:52Fire our so-called exterminators.
00:12:54Yank their names out of the Rolodex
00:12:56and sue their butts to kingdom come.
00:12:58Discreetly, of course.
00:12:59Bring in new rat people, completely unconnected.
00:13:01The best in town.
00:13:03I hate rats.
00:13:27I should probably give her a call.
00:13:29Excuse me?
00:13:30I don't know if you can help me.
00:13:32I'm looking for Susan Pastello.
00:13:34I'm Susan.
00:13:35Oh, hi.
00:13:37I'm Jack Carver.
00:13:38Oh, Jack Carver, the, um, the...
00:13:40Yeah, that's right.
00:13:42Are you expecting some guy in a yellow T-shirt
00:13:44with a big black rat on the back?
00:13:46Yeah, something like that.
00:13:47Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the discretion.
00:13:49All my clients do.
00:13:51So, uh, somebody got bitten in a dressing room?
00:13:56Not how we're putting it yet.
00:13:58I see.
00:13:59How are we putting it?
00:14:00We're not, yet.
00:14:02Look, Miss Pastello...
00:14:04Susan, your job and mine don't match up all that well.
00:14:08People like me go around finding things
00:14:10that the health department sometimes needs to know about.
00:14:12People like you go around trying to get people like me
00:14:15to keep their mouths shut.
00:14:16Mr. Carver.
00:14:18Jack, if you're suggesting that people like me
00:14:20would cover up something like this...
00:14:22Something like what?
00:14:23A rat bite?
00:14:24I thought we weren't going there.
00:14:26We're not.
00:14:27We're standing here in a cosmetic department,
00:14:29wasting time.
00:14:32Let's start over.
00:14:34I'm Jack, the person you called.
00:14:37And I believe there's something you need to show me.
00:14:40After you.
00:14:43Happened in here.
00:14:45She was over here...
00:14:46How many, uh, basement levels under this door?
00:14:48Uh, three floors, including the subway.
00:14:50But, see, she was over here, and she had a...
00:14:53She had a pile of clothes.
00:14:54She said she reached down, and...
00:14:56And I guess it happened there.
00:14:58I was thinking that maybe the rat went underneath the, uh...
00:15:02All right, here we go.
00:15:04Is that a possible entry point?
00:15:14Right here.
00:15:15You're kidding me.
00:15:17That tiny crack.
00:15:20A hole the size of a wedding ring's big enough.
00:15:25We had a rat outside our window last night.
00:15:29No, at home.
00:15:31Four legs or two.
00:15:33Let me guess.
00:15:34First time you ever told that joke?
00:15:36It's an occupational hazard. I'm sorry.
00:15:39I'll try not to annoy you.
00:15:44What is that?
00:15:45Fiber optics.
00:15:47A little something I whipped up myself.
00:15:49Comes in handy.
00:15:51Oh, boy.
00:15:53Bad news.
00:15:55Lots of clues.
00:15:58Come here. Take a look.
00:16:04You see where the wood is all scratched and chopped up?
00:16:09That's rats.
00:16:10They chew. They chew even when they're not hungry.
00:16:12Otherwise, their teeth grow so long,
00:16:14they can't eat, they starve.
00:16:16Concrete, metal, wood.
00:16:18So you're saying we have a rat problem.
00:16:21Certainly not giraffes.
00:16:25Look at that. You see that?
00:16:27Oh, no.
00:16:30Rat people have been sandbagging.
00:16:32What do you mean?
00:16:33Well, they cleaned up the rat litter.
00:16:36They didn't clean up the rats.
00:16:38It happens. Companies get overextended.
00:16:41They think they'll catch up. They never do.
00:16:44Yeah, listen, I'm down at Garson's.
00:16:46I need you here, man.
00:16:47The roads are real busy. You hear me?
00:16:52Short for roads.
00:16:54You know, clients seem to get upset if you go,
00:16:56Come over here. The place is crawling with rats.
00:16:58You know what I mean?
00:17:00So, how do you get rid of the roads?
00:17:06Depends on what we're up against.
00:17:08How soon does the store close?
00:17:11Two hours.
00:17:25You sure you want the lights off?
00:17:26It's a lot better in the dark.
00:17:28Susan, this is Ty, my up-and-coming apprentice.
00:17:30Ty, Susan.
00:17:31Who are you calling apprentice?
00:17:32I'm the guy that does all the dirty work.
00:17:34Nice to meet you.
00:17:35Nice to meet you.
00:17:37All right, lights off.
00:17:40Here we go.
00:17:42Let's see what we can't see.
00:17:47What is that?
00:17:48No, that's not...
00:17:49Where our little friends took a bathroom break?
00:17:51That's the ugly truth.
00:17:53The rats are permanently incontinent.
00:17:55It shows up under the ultraviolet light,
00:17:57Which gives us an accurate traffic pattern.
00:18:00Check that out.
00:18:02Oh, no, there's more.
00:18:03That's no big deal, really.
00:18:05Some of our finest restaurants are a lot worse.
00:18:07Dispersal patterns like these,
00:18:08They could be cleaned up overnight.
00:18:10Also, that's good.
00:18:11Not necessarily.
00:18:12We just started out.
00:18:24Maybe a little bit of action here.
00:18:36Oh, my god.
00:18:42Oh, my god.
00:18:59Thanks for taking me out, nyla.
00:19:01No problem.
00:19:02Now, are you actually gonna practice,
00:19:04Or are we just gonna look at guys?
00:19:06No, I have to practice my dance.
00:19:08I'm a good dancer.
00:19:10No, I have to practice my backstroke.
00:19:12Then we'll look at guys.
00:19:14Okay, well, then, let's do it.
00:19:16Give me your towel.
00:19:19Okay, go!
00:19:41Well, given the fact that they haven't destroyed much,
00:19:44And these dispersal patterns here and here,
00:19:48It's clear that your little visitors are recent.
00:19:51Now, the good news is that they're still contained.
00:19:54We can eliminate them,
00:19:56But, you know, we're gonna have to act immediately.
00:19:58All right, I'm convinced.
00:20:00What do you recommend?
00:20:01I recommend that we get rid of them.
00:20:03What do you recommend?
00:20:04I recommend that we get rid of them.
00:20:06What do you recommend?
00:20:07I recommend that we get rid of them.
00:20:09I'm convinced. What do you recommend?
00:20:11I recommend you close the store.
00:20:13Do you know what it would cost to close the store for one day, Mr. Carver?
00:20:17Not to mention explaining it to the press.
00:20:19Can't we just cordon off the third floor while you work?
00:20:24But I'm gonna have to file a report with the health department.
00:20:28It's the law.
00:20:30Look at this.
00:20:38Okay, go back.
00:22:10Amy, hurry up, baby!
00:22:12What's up with you?
00:22:20Amy, come on, baby, swim!
00:22:22Hurry up, come on!
00:22:28Amy, hurry up, baby, swim!
00:22:33Come on, you can do it!
00:22:35Amy, come on!
00:22:36Give me your hand, give me your hand, Amy!
00:22:50Well, these blueprints are great,
00:22:52but I need somebody who knows every nook and cranny of the store.
00:22:55Mrs. Costello fills the bill.
00:22:59With all due respect, I mean someone who knows the basements,
00:23:02the substructure, that sort of thing.
00:23:04I know what you meant. My recommendation still stands.
00:23:06If Mr. Carver's uncomfortable, I can arrange for someone else.
00:23:08Stop it.
00:23:09You're the best man for the job, and you know it.
00:23:12You'll see that soon enough.
00:23:16Excuse me.
00:23:20Is she okay?
00:23:23Wait, wait, wait, slow down.
00:23:27What do you mean, rats?
00:23:29I'll be right there.
00:23:35Harry, the health department wants you to drain the pool.
00:23:38It's gonna take two days at least.
00:23:40Just do it, okay?
00:23:41She said a rat tried to swim in her mouth.
00:23:43It was so sick.
00:23:44Hi, what's your name?
00:23:47Hi, Amy.
00:23:48Who are you?
00:23:49My name's Jack.
00:23:50Of course he's no exterminator, honey.
00:23:52Why would rats be in a pool?
00:23:54Well, they can swim just like us.
00:23:56They can hold their breath.
00:23:57They swim the Hudson River every day.
00:23:59They're commuters.
00:24:02Amy, why don't we go sit over here and relax for a second?
00:24:05What a crazy day, huh?
00:24:07So, Amy, tell me, tell me what happened in the pool.
00:24:11What did you see?
00:24:12Well, I was swimming, and then the rats just started coming after all the kids,
00:24:16and they chased us out of the pool.
00:24:19They chased you out of the pool?
00:24:20You sure about that?
00:24:21Yes, and they were even trying to bite us.
00:24:23And the biggest one was after me.
00:24:25Yeah, how big was it?
00:24:28Well, that's actually small for a New York City rat, you know.
00:24:33Well, maybe it was more like this, but it was really ugly,
00:24:36and it was like the one that was trying to get in the window the other day.
00:24:41It had its teeth buried in everything.
00:24:47This is really strange.
00:24:50It is?
00:24:52Can you do me a favor?
00:24:54Is this the window?
00:25:00Oh, well, we've got a hole in the screen here.
00:25:03You ever keep this window open?
00:25:06I mean, not since...
00:25:08Oh, because of the vent?
00:25:11Excuse me.
00:25:13Oh, sure.
00:25:20You really like your job, don't you?
00:25:23Well, the hunt's fun.
00:25:25It's not like my prey is an endangered species or anything.
00:25:30Rats are tough.
00:25:32They can adopt almost any condition,
00:25:35control their heartbeats.
00:25:37Only the most experienced Indian yogis can do that,
00:25:40or come even close.
00:25:43They're a worthy adversary.
00:25:51Sorry about that.
00:25:52No, it's fine.
00:26:06All right.
00:26:08Um, do you store crumbs behind your radio?
00:26:12I knew there was more muffins.
00:26:16You've got a rat.
00:26:18Probably just one.
00:26:20Oh, we're out of here.
00:26:22Wait, wait a second.
00:26:24That doesn't make any sense.
00:26:25You get rid of the rat, you don't remove yourself.
00:26:27We can't live with a rat.
00:26:28Susan, where are you gonna go?
00:26:30Anywhere you go in this city,
00:26:31you're never more than five feet from a rat.
00:26:33Actually, about nine per person.
00:26:35Okay, way more information than I needed.
00:26:37Listen, can you just find it and get rid of it?
00:26:40If it's still here, I can.
00:26:42Do it.
00:27:15I'm going to make a brief statement.
00:27:17Unfortunately, I'm late for a meeting,
00:27:19so your questions will have to wait.
00:27:21What's the media doing here?
00:27:23Something about rats in swimming pools.
00:27:25I am pleased to report no evidence
00:27:27of what was thought to be a vermin infestation.
00:27:30I am pleased to report no evidence
00:27:32of what was thought to be a vermin infestation.
00:27:34Apparently, a prankster threw several domesticated roaches
00:27:37into a swimming pool, panicking several swimmers.
00:27:41No one was seriously injured,
00:27:42and I'm told the police are closing in on the suspect.
00:27:45Thanks, that's all for now.
00:27:46That's the health department for you.
00:27:48Come on.
00:27:57Looking mighty sharp there.
00:27:59Ray, this is Susan Costello from Garson's.
00:28:03Ray Jareth, deputy chief inspector for the health department.
00:28:07What the hell was that?
00:28:09I got an eyewitness with a completely different story.
00:28:14Come on, Jack, we need to talk.
00:28:21The rec center has a rat problem.
00:28:23Two blocks away, Garson's has a rat problem.
00:28:26I've got a feeling it doesn't end there.
00:28:29So you want to tell me how sitting on this
00:28:31doesn't end up with someone getting hurt?
00:28:33Jack, I'm not doing the sitting here.
00:28:35That's coming from higher up, a lot higher.
00:28:37I think the city's trying to buy a couple of weeks.
00:28:39There's a big trade fair going on right now,
00:28:41some kind of awards show next week,
00:28:43a couple of major conventions.
00:28:45You start hollering the R word, closing places down, uh-uh.
00:28:48Heavy people lose heavy bucks.
00:28:53We came here to report a problem at Garson's.
00:28:55I assume you don't want to hear about that,
00:28:57at least for a couple of days?
00:29:00I appreciate that.
00:29:04I want everything you've got.
00:29:09There has been an unprecedented increase
00:29:12of bite reports, infestations, localized here in Midtown.
00:29:16I'll give you copies of the reports.
00:29:18So what about this wheels disease?
00:29:20Until a couple of months ago, people had barely heard of it.
00:29:23Now it's showing up at hospitals all around here.
00:29:25Around here? You mean Midtown?
00:29:27Yeah, pretty much.
00:29:29Bites and sightings at fast-food joints,
00:29:31apartments, a library, a bus,
00:29:34and now the Midtown Rec Center and one major department store.
00:29:38This is big, Ray.
00:29:40It's weird, Jack, these rats.
00:29:42They just keep showing up, keep coming out at odd times, anytime.
00:29:46Like they're not afraid anymore.
00:29:48Yeah. They'd rather bite than run away.
00:29:54So you and Ray have a history.
00:29:56I used to work for him.
00:29:58He sold me the business.
00:30:00I guess it's good to have the city on your side.
00:30:03It's worked out well.
00:30:05Ray, he was always meant to be a politician, believe me.
00:30:18Now where the hell are they coming from?
00:30:20I checked all the obvious places.
00:30:23There's got to be another major port of entry here.
00:30:25What about the coops?
00:30:27Yeah, it's an old store.
00:30:29It has false interior walls. They used to call them coffins.
00:30:32Security would hide behind them and watch for shoplifters.
00:30:35Oh, and then video came along.
00:30:38They sealed them up.
00:30:58We're going exploring.
00:31:23Oh yeah.
00:31:25We got a rat playground here.
00:31:27I don't know how you do this.
00:31:29Beats nine to five with fluorescent lights.
00:31:32Guess Jackie boy never told you how he came to the Big Apple
00:31:35with a drum kit and a dream, huh?
00:31:37Then he settled for this.
00:31:40Yeah, well, Ty's the one born for this business.
00:31:42Used to make a dollar rat popping when he was 22,
00:31:44clearing building sites down at the Hudson.
00:31:46Yeah, well, I was paid for a very expensive comic book habit.
00:31:51There's a ladder in here somewhere.
00:31:53Yeah, where?
00:31:57Right through there.
00:31:59You are the best man for the job.
00:32:07This must be how they traveled, between floors.
00:32:23You okay?
00:32:24Yeah, I'm okay.
00:32:27Watch this rock down here.
00:32:30Your head?
00:32:32No, I'm good.
00:32:33That's all right.
00:32:34I got you.
00:32:40It chewed right through that.
00:32:41Look at that.
00:32:42That's something.
00:32:43You see rats everywhere, don't you?
00:32:45Yeah, I do.
00:32:47I've seen them.
00:32:48I've seen them.
00:32:49I've seen them.
00:32:50I've seen them.
00:32:51I've seen them.
00:32:52I've seen them.
00:32:53I've seen them.
00:32:54You see rats everywhere, don't you?
00:32:56One out of every four fires of unknown origin
00:32:59caused by a rat chewing through what it shouldn't be chewing through.
00:33:02They are everywhere.
00:33:19They may be in here.
00:33:24Hold on.
00:33:36It's big enough for a whole lot of rats.
00:33:38Plenty of dark, wet corners for breeding.
00:33:43All right, so where are they?
00:33:45Well, that's the big question, isn't it?
00:33:48Have we reached the end of the line or not here?
00:33:55Knock, knock.
00:34:05Ah, here we go.
00:34:08Fantasy Christmas candles?
00:34:10One of the essential rat food loops.
00:34:21Let's get this to the lab.
00:34:25Is that where they live?
00:34:27No, it's their port of entry.
00:34:31I'm going in.
00:34:39Watch your head.
00:34:52We'll get through here, all right.
00:35:00I think we're off Garson's property.
00:35:03200 years of building basements, access tunnels, subways.
00:35:09That's where this leads.
00:35:30What's it say?
00:35:34It's night.
00:35:37We're getting close.
00:35:59I don't like this, Jack.
00:36:02Come on.
00:36:08This way.
00:36:10Yeah, this way and that way and everywhere.
00:36:13Jack, this isn't right. Let's go back.
00:36:16Yeah, she's right. We've got to cruise.
00:36:18We're right above the subway.
00:36:20Yep, it's the one and I signed on for. You call me or what?
00:36:23This is bad. Let's go.
00:36:25We're almost there. Come on.
00:36:27I'm going back.
00:36:29Jack, let's go.
00:37:00Shh, shh.
00:37:02Come on.
00:37:26Come on.
00:37:33All right.
00:37:35Uh, what do we do?
00:37:39Let's just, uh, walk out of here nice and slowly.
00:37:44All right.
00:37:46That's it.
00:37:48Watch your step.
00:37:58That's it.
00:39:03That was different.
00:39:05What about the rats that were just standing there looking at us?
00:39:08Is that normal?
00:39:10That's a new one on me. Gratitude.
00:39:12As soon as we nuke them, I'll be a lot happier.
00:39:15Yeah. We're certainly off store property.
00:39:18We're going to have to work and raise people on this.
00:39:23Hey, you all right?
00:39:25Uh, yeah.
00:39:27No, no, I'm not all right.
00:39:29How do you kill them?
00:39:31Well, we seal them off, and then we gas them.
00:39:34But you see, rats, they build up an immunity to poison in two generations.
00:39:38That's every six months.
00:39:40So we constantly have to customize the pesticides.
00:39:43Don't you run out of combinations?
00:39:45No. That's the game we play.
00:39:51You sure you're all right?
00:39:54Yeah, I'm fine.
00:39:56Hmm? Yeah.
00:39:58I'll see you later.
00:40:04So it all comes down to a big hole in the wall.
00:40:07No. It's more complicated than that.
00:40:09What we've found indicates a substantial rat colony nearby.
00:40:12Confirming what we suspected.
00:40:14It's a city problem. Or state.
00:40:17They'll have to call out the National Guard or whoever handles these things.
00:40:21It's not enough just to chase them over the fence, Miss Page.
00:40:24You tell Mr. Carver to patch up the hole in his wall,
00:40:27set his traps, and go home.
00:40:29And as for you, it is time for you to get back to your day job.
00:40:39Is that for me?
00:40:41Not unless you like women's lingerie.
00:40:45No, it's for the first and hopefully only casualty here at Garcia Cityway.
00:40:50That's very thoughtful of you.
00:40:52It's part of my job.
00:40:54I'd like to think you'd do it anyway.
00:40:57Jack, um...
00:40:59There's another part of my job I don't necessarily enjoy,
00:41:02but I have to do it.
00:41:07Go ahead.
00:41:09Well, Miss Page is very pleased with what you've discovered.
00:41:13In fact, she's so pleased, she feels there's no need to pursue it any further
00:41:17than patching the wall and setting some traps.
00:41:20Susan, we've got to move on this colony.
00:41:23The woman can't pretend it's not out there.
00:41:25The woman can do just about anything.
00:41:27Not with me she can't.
00:41:29We don't pull out until I say so.
00:41:31She won't authorize a payment.
00:41:33Then she'll be in breach, not to mention in deep trouble with the health department.
00:41:36Which doesn't care right now, Jack. I was with you.
00:41:39Oh, please, Susan, you're not... Why are you reacting this way?
00:41:41What do you expect? You have to see her point.
00:41:43She doesn't want to pay for something the authorities are responsible for.
00:41:46Even if her store is the cause of the problem?
00:41:49If her store is the breeding ground or the food source?
00:41:51You don't know that.
00:41:53I suggest you have Miss Page give me a call.
00:41:56I'll talk some sense into her.
00:42:00Trouble in Paradise?
00:42:02Of course, he's just trying to bail on us.
00:42:07That's typical.
00:42:09The bigger the name, the smaller the game, lady.
00:42:14Hey, let's take a walk.
00:42:16Come on, we'll do some of Ray's work. I mean, he's a know-how to do it, right?
00:42:19Come on.
00:42:21Come on, Ty.
00:42:49Come on.
00:43:19Come on.
00:43:49Come on.
00:44:19Come on.
00:44:49Come on.
00:45:04We must have come at least two blocks north.
00:45:06Yeah, about halfway between the Garson's and the Midtown Rec Center.
00:45:10But that'll be, like, right about here.
00:45:13Right below us.
00:45:15What's different about this street than any other street in New York?
00:45:18Nothing. Nothing at all.
00:45:20We know those rats are different.
00:45:24It's a rogue collar.
00:45:27All right. I'm gonna make that lab run.
00:45:30We'll see if they come up with it.
00:45:32All right.
00:45:35Let's go.
00:45:47Let's see.
00:45:49Um, blood sugar, calcium and minerals all normal.
00:45:53On the other hand, muscular development's exaggerated,
00:45:57and these guys' testosterone levels are off the charts.
00:46:00Yeah, I don't know if they're disease carriers yet.
00:46:03They'll just take a little longer.
00:46:05So they're more aggressive, and they have the muscle to back it up.
00:46:10Yep. What every little rat wants to grow up to be.
00:46:14Where'd you, uh, where'd you find them?
00:46:17Yeah, the rat olympics. Where else?
00:46:22You ever seen anything like this, Artie?
00:46:24Oh, not in the natural world.
00:46:27We do get some pretty weird specimens through here, though.
00:46:30You know, lab rats.
00:46:32Some of the stuff the different testing facilities put these guys through.
00:46:36It's really no surprise to see your occasional mutation.
00:46:54Oh, sorry. I'm sorry.
00:46:58If she wakes up and needs anything at all, please call me, okay?
00:47:01Now, listen, I think you need to get home and take the rest of the day off.
00:47:12Hey, there.
00:47:14How you doing?
00:47:16I don't know. I just got really scared, you know?
00:47:19What is it with you Costello women and rats, huh?
00:47:22You're not allowed to have better stories than me.
00:47:25Okay? Okay.
00:47:28How's she doing?
00:47:30I don't know. She's just not getting better.
00:47:35So, jack, I...
00:47:37I want to apologize.
00:47:39No, no, that's not necessary.
00:47:41Susan, you're just doing your job, right?
00:47:43Yes. I'm sorry.
00:47:45Sometimes my job gets in the way.
00:47:47You know, usually I'm a really good team player,
00:47:50and the story's always been the team, and then...
00:47:53Okay, what I'm trying to say is I want to help you.
00:47:56I want to help you.
00:48:02Jack Carver.
00:48:04Hey, it's Ty. I met Artie's.
00:48:06He thinks these things might be altered.
00:48:08Altered? What, lab rats?
00:48:12I looked online. There are three testing labs in Midtown,
00:48:15including one on...
00:48:17Polson Street?
00:48:19Bingo. 1444 Polson.
00:48:21Techworth Labs.
00:48:23Four blocks south of Gossips.
00:48:26I'll meet you down there.
00:48:30Listen, Susan, I got to go do a little detective work.
00:48:33I want to come with you.
00:48:35I don't think you want to come with me.
00:48:37I want to come with you.
00:48:39That's great.
00:48:56Come on.
00:49:07I thought this was supposed to be a lab.
00:49:09Test labs don't put up signs.
00:49:11Makes them too much of a target for animal rights groups.
00:49:15Is there any...?
00:49:37You want to take it in, right?
00:49:42You want to take it in, right?
00:49:46After you.
00:50:02Are you a juvenile delinquent?
00:50:06I just think you're bringing this out of me.
00:50:12You still never told me how you came
00:50:14to know every nook and cranny of Garson's.
00:50:17It's easy when your dad's a janitor.
00:50:20Are you kidding?
00:50:24It was the world's biggest playhouse.
00:50:26It's quite a picture.
00:50:28A little girl all alone in her very own department store.
00:50:33Didn't last.
00:50:36Dad died when I was 12.
00:50:41Maybe that's why he went back.
00:50:53Oh, my God, the smell.
00:50:55Wouldn't dead rats hold a taste?
00:51:02I'm sorry.
00:51:04I only do rats.
00:51:16All these dead animals.
00:51:18What is this?
00:51:42Okay, here we go.
00:51:44Notice from the health department to vacate.
00:51:46There's a whole list of violations.
00:51:49So, uh, one day,
00:51:51these people just locked up and walked out?
00:51:53Yeah, but if they just walked out,
00:51:55there'd still be rats in the cages, right?
00:51:57Unless whatever they were giving the rats
00:51:59made them so strong,
00:52:01they busted out on their own.
00:52:03And had a feast on all the other test animals.
00:52:07They hung out here, got fat,
00:52:09and munched on the occasional stray dog or cat?
00:52:14Acacia farnesiana.
00:52:16That's a scientific classification,
00:52:18but that's not an animal.
00:52:22What's that?
00:52:24Wait a minute.
00:52:26I saw a whole bunch of material on that right here.
00:52:35They must have been testing the medicinal properties
00:52:37of these plants on the rats.
00:52:39Now they've been out there multiplying for...
00:52:41how long?
00:52:43Well, it's been closed down for two years.
00:52:47You start with maybe 500.
00:52:49A new litter every six weeks?
00:52:51That's more than half a million.
00:52:57Take a look at this.
00:52:59Check this out.
00:53:03Oh, man.
00:53:05Looks like they chewed themselves a back door.
00:53:07Maybe to that tunnel we're in.
00:53:09Maybe to a dead length.
00:53:11A dead what?
00:53:15Empty sewers left behind when an area's redeveloped.
00:53:17They can be half a mile long.
00:53:19It's loose.
00:53:35This little rat highway could lead anywhere.
00:53:45Here's Garson's.
00:53:47The rec center.
00:53:49And Susan's apartment.
00:53:51And the incidents, the other ones, according to your reports,
00:53:53here, here, here, and here.
00:53:55It's all midtown within a ten-block radius.
00:53:57South of 45th Street, above 25th Street,
00:53:59and Broadway west to 10th Avenue.
00:54:01In the middle of it all,
00:54:03right here, right where we're standing,
00:54:05Techworth Labs.
00:54:07So this is your rogue colony theater?
00:54:09Makes sense.
00:54:11No way in hell these lab rats are doing all this.
00:54:13Why don't you go in there and look for yourself?
00:54:15The damage they did is unbelievable.
00:54:17Ray, look, you've got access to toys now that I don't.
00:54:19I need a remote camera unit
00:54:21so I can get down there and find them.
00:54:23I cannot have my people off working for you
00:54:25every time you get some crazy idea.
00:54:27We could do this ourselves quietly.
00:54:29No committees, no panels.
00:54:31I don't think so.
00:54:33You know what? This would make a great story for the 11 o'clock news.
00:54:35So would the truth about the rec center.
00:54:43This is the last time, Jack,
00:54:45and stay out of that building until my crew gets here tomorrow.
00:54:47Yes, sir.
00:54:51You should get them.
00:54:53I'm telling you, it's going to take forever to get them.
00:54:55Got them.
00:54:57Can't take you anywhere.
00:55:19Everything okay, tiger?
00:55:49Five, four, three, two, one.
00:56:19All right, well, thanks.
00:56:21You're welcome.
00:56:23You know, dinner's not going to be much,
00:56:25but you're more than welcome to join us.
00:56:27You sure?
00:56:31I'd love to.
00:56:41There was a rat in the toilet!
00:56:45I looked, but I didn't see anything.
00:57:17It's all clear.
00:57:19I checked.
00:57:21Will you stay all night?
00:57:23No, honey, jack can't stay the night.
00:57:25But, mom, I want him to.
00:57:27Please, mom.
00:57:29It's been a long day.
00:57:31I really want him to.
00:57:35I could sleep on the sofa.
00:57:37Yeah, he could stay on the sofa.
00:57:39Are you sure?
00:57:41I'm so tired, I could sleep on a cold sidewalk.
00:57:43That thing's speaking to me.
00:57:45All right.
00:57:47Hit me.
00:57:49You don't want me to do that.
00:57:55Of course.
00:57:57You never hit on a hard 17.
00:57:59But it's me.
00:58:01But it's you.
00:58:11You owe me 244 years of exterminating service.
00:58:13244 years?
00:58:15Yeah, I've been keeping track.
00:58:17God, I stick at this game with you.
00:58:19No, I'm just lucky.
00:58:21I don't think you're lucky.
00:58:25I think that you're exceptional.
00:58:27You know that?
00:58:31I don't think of myself as exceptional.
00:58:37You've got this wonderful little girl.
00:58:39You've got this great job
00:58:41and this great responsibility.
00:58:43And you're very clever.
00:58:47You know that?
00:58:49I mean, the thing today with Ray, that was...
00:58:53I think I was just inspired by you.
00:58:55The way you don't let anything derail you.
00:59:05I think it's time we get some rest.
00:59:11You guys from the health department
00:59:13get all the great toys, don't you?
00:59:15What's the range on this thing?
00:59:17Two miles, actually.
00:59:19Our new software was adapted
00:59:21from the bomb squad's robots,
00:59:23so it's pretty good.
00:59:41That pool was sucky.
00:59:43Definitely wasn't our rec center.
00:59:45But you know what?
00:59:47I didn't see one rat anywhere, did you?
00:59:49Good point.
00:59:51So, what do you want to do now?
00:59:55Well, honey,
00:59:57you know what?
00:59:59I'm feeling guilty
01:00:01because I feel like
01:00:03Jack's doing his job today
01:00:05and I'm not doing mine.
01:00:07Then you should go.
01:00:13Mom, do you like Jack?
01:00:15Yeah, we work together.
01:00:17I like him, yeah.
01:00:19No, I don't mean like that.
01:00:21I mean, do you like him?
01:00:23Do you really like him?
01:00:25Oh, do I like him?
01:00:29Well, I...
01:00:33I do.
01:00:39Good, because I do, too.
01:00:41You do?
01:00:43So you wouldn't feel weird
01:00:45if the three of us went
01:00:47and did something together?
01:00:49No, Jack's totally cool, Mom.
01:00:51All right, let's call Nyla
01:00:53and have her meet us at Garson's.
01:00:55Yeah, okay, come on.
01:00:57Here we go.
01:00:59How far is it to Ratville?
01:01:07That didn't take long.
01:01:29Here they come.
01:01:31Give me 180.
01:01:49Where are they all coming from?
01:01:51Keep going.
01:01:53Go deeper.
01:02:04Look at the debris in the pipe.
01:02:07It really caused some damage down there.
01:02:15Push through them.
01:02:17What's that?
01:02:20Good God.
01:02:32Home, sweet home.
01:02:34Ty, we're gonna need, uh,
01:02:36five tanks of phenylalkephine.
01:02:38Let's do this while we can.
01:02:42All right. Ten.
01:02:50Uh, wait a minute.
01:02:52Are we talking about a toxic substance
01:02:54right underneath us here?
01:02:56Don't worry.
01:02:58The head-san nervous system's not ours.
01:03:01They're all over us, man.
01:03:03Uh, back the camera off.
01:03:06You could just get a little closer.
01:03:08All right.
01:03:10I have to be careful.
01:03:12There's a lot of stuff I need to look out for down here.
01:03:22What up?
01:03:24Oh, no.
01:03:26What the hell is that?
01:03:29Damn it. It's making them crazy.
01:03:38Where are they going?
01:03:40Zoom in. Zoom in there.
01:03:59She went through the pipe.
01:04:04That light, what am I looking at?
01:04:06I think, um...
01:04:08Yes, it's the subway.
01:04:28Oh, no.
01:04:48What's that?
01:04:50It's research on plants.
01:04:54Yeah, these are rare plants.
01:04:56They test them on animals.
01:05:02Acacia farnesiana.
01:05:04Also called golden ranger.
01:05:08Delonix regia.
01:05:10It's part of the forest.
01:05:12Mom, that's like the stamp you gave me.
01:05:14See, look. It's right in my backpack.
01:05:16See, look. See, it has the same flower.
01:05:26Oh, no.
01:05:28Oh, no.
01:05:34Get off of me.
01:05:36Get off of me.
01:05:46Let's go.
01:05:48Let's go.
01:05:50Let's go.
01:05:56That's just got to be uptown.
01:05:58No, no, no, west.
01:06:02Mom, will you give me another one?
01:06:04Sure, honey.
01:06:08Hey, what's going on?
01:06:10Looks like we're dead on the track, folks,
01:06:12so I'm going to go check it out.
01:06:14It won't take a few minutes, so everybody just sit tight, okay?
01:06:16What, you're just going to leave us here alone?
01:06:18Sir, just calm down, just sit tight.
01:06:20I'll be right back, okay?
01:06:26We're trapped.
01:06:50I'm late enough.
01:06:52It's like being trapped
01:06:54in a Tijuana whorehouse.
01:06:56Hey, just settle down, mister.
01:06:58You're making everyone here nervous.
01:07:00Oh, so we should start taking orders from you?
01:07:10What's that?
01:07:12Mom, what's that?
01:07:14I don't know, honey, but the man's going to check it out.
01:08:52They've got to be down that side.
01:08:54Come on!
01:08:56Excuse me!
01:08:58Excuse me!
01:09:00Excuse me!
01:09:02Excuse me!
01:09:32Get to the front of the train!
01:10:02Get to the front of the train!
01:10:19Hello William.
01:10:30It's working!
01:10:32It's working!
01:10:51Get back to the station!
01:11:02Get back to the station!
01:11:29You guys okay?
01:11:30We're okay.
01:11:31They ate us. They're in the apartment, the train.
01:11:33Everywhere we go.
01:11:34No honey, it's not us. It's the perfume.
01:11:36Jack, they're attracted to Flame of the Forest.
01:11:39You mean the perfume bottle I broke on the train?
01:11:41Yeah, it's the perfume that's all over Garson's third floor.
01:11:44It's one of the plants they tested on the rats.
01:11:46It makes them swarm to it.
01:11:49Nyla, take Amy with you.
01:11:51Close everything up and I'll come get you, okay?
01:11:53Honey, I'm going to stay here and help Jack, alright?
01:11:55I love you.
01:11:57Mom, kill them. Kill them all.
01:12:00Jack, what are you doing here? What's going on?
01:12:02Ray, listen. I wasn't blowing smoke.
01:12:04It's a colony of rats. They bred them in a lab. They escaped.
01:12:07They got to be destroyed now. Now, Ray, before they spread.
01:12:10I'm not doing anything until there's been a thorough investigation.
01:12:13Ray, have you lost your mind since you joined forces with this city?
01:12:17These rats are carrying Wheel's Disease. They're aggressive.
01:12:20If they get out there and crossbreed with the rest of the rats in this city,
01:12:23we're really screwed. Do you understand that?
01:12:25No. You're going to be the one that's screwed.
01:12:27If you stick your face in this mess again, I'm going to personally suspend your license
01:12:30and I will throw your ass in jail.
01:12:32That'll fix the problem, Ray. That'll fix the problem.
01:12:38Alright, what do we do now?
01:12:42Okay. I got an idea. But I need your help.
01:12:49Thanks, Mr. Page.
01:12:51A man's got to do what a man's got to do.
01:12:56I thought I'd seen it all, Jack.
01:12:58Stick around. You might see another side or two if we're lucky.
01:13:02So, which way do we send this thing?
01:13:04Uptown. Towards the rec center, about four blocks.
01:13:11Listen, I can't guarantee Fetal Occupy won't find us.
01:13:16I can't guarantee Fetal Occupy will work.
01:13:19We're going to have to use some...
01:13:20Shut up.
01:13:21Let's figure out what we should do first.
01:13:30I'm ready, Jack. You ready?
01:13:31I'm ready. Let's go.
01:13:33We're out of here.
01:13:46Now, you guys from the city have a habit of dropping in without calling.
01:13:50Well, you know how the health department is.
01:13:52Yeah, I heard that.
01:13:54Think they were the secret service the way they strut around here.
01:13:56What are you going to do in here?
01:13:58Well, Harry, we're going to bait the pool.
01:14:01Then we're going to line the perimeter with a series of low-level incendiary devices.
01:14:05Then we're going to wait for it to fill up with rats.
01:14:09And then we're going to zap it.
01:14:12It's fine with me, so long as you got the paperwork.
01:14:28What's up?
01:14:29Oh, this is bad.
01:14:31Lost a servo. I don't have one to replace it with.
01:14:36I don't want to hear that.
01:14:38Not at all.
01:14:43Hey, that's going to hurt the pool.
01:14:46It's okay, Harry.
01:14:48Health department will pay for the whole thing to be redone when we're finished.
01:14:50Don't worry about it.
01:15:51It's time to go.
01:16:10Ty, talk to me.
01:16:14Yeah, I'm here.
01:16:16Not getting paid nearly enough money for what I'm given.
01:16:19Where are you? Why aren't you here?
01:16:22Little ass wagon broke down.
01:16:24Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You get out of there.
01:16:26We got our first customers here already.
01:16:28You got places to bail?
01:16:30Yeah. About every 20 feet or so.
01:16:33Watch your ass.
01:17:09Oh, my God.
01:17:11This is working.
01:17:13A lot faster than I thought.
01:17:15Okay, ladies out.
01:17:17We're gonna set 80 of these around the pool.
01:17:19Space them evenly.
01:17:21We're gonna wire them together and blow them all at once.
01:17:23No shrapnel.
01:17:25Just one major concussive blast.
01:17:27As long as they kill him.
01:17:29Here, run this down.
01:17:57We're set.
01:18:01Ty, I'm ready to go. Where are you?
01:18:03Keep your shirt on, Ty.
01:18:11Ty, where the hell are you, damn it?
01:18:25One more to go.
01:18:27Ty, I'm ready to go, but I can't do it without you here.
01:19:13Joseph! Joseph, where are you?
01:19:31Reach up! Reach up to my hand!
01:19:39Reach up to my hand!
01:19:55I've got you! Hold on!
01:20:41I told you I was lucky.
01:21:04Not lucky, exceptional.
01:21:07Even the doctor said so.
01:21:09So what do you guys want to do now?
01:21:11How about some lunch?
01:21:13Yeah, I'm really hungry.
01:21:15I know a great mom and pop place in Little Italy.
01:21:17Yes, but is it safe?
01:21:19What do you mean, is it safe?
01:21:20Well, you know.
01:21:21I hear the city's finest have a reputation.
01:21:25Susan, don't worry.
01:21:28They're a client.
01:21:30All right.
01:21:38Come on, honey.
