Re: Zero EP02 - Reunion with the Witch [English Audio]

  • 2 days ago
Re: Zero EP02 - Reunion with the Witch [English Audio]
00:00I'll ask one more time.
00:11Why did you call me by the name of the Witch of Envy?
00:14Well, because you said I should.
00:16I don't know who told you that, but they have a terrible sense of humor.
00:20The Witch of Envy is the very definition of taboo, and you call me by her name?
00:24Which most dare not even say?
00:25Yeah, she's right, kid.
00:26You crossed the line there, buddy.
00:29If you don't have anything to say, then I'm leaving.
00:31I have things to do.
00:37That's Veldt!
00:50Wait, were you a distraction?
00:52Are you working with her?
00:57Wait a minute!
00:58Stop right there!
00:59You've got it all wrong!
01:28I'm sorry.
01:29I'm sorry.
01:30I'm sorry.
01:31I'm sorry.
01:32I'm sorry.
01:33I'm sorry.
01:34I'm sorry.
01:35I'm sorry.
01:36I'm sorry.
01:37I'm sorry.
01:38I'm sorry.
01:39I'm sorry.
01:40I'm sorry.
01:41I'm sorry.
01:42I'm sorry.
01:43I'm sorry.
01:44I'm sorry.
01:45I'm sorry.
01:46I'm sorry.
01:47I'm sorry.
01:48I'm sorry.
01:49I'm sorry.
01:50I'm sorry.
01:51I'm sorry.
01:52I'm sorry.
01:53I'm sorry.
01:54I'm sorry.
01:55I'm sorry.
01:56I'm sorry.
01:57I'm sorry.
01:58I'm sorry.
01:59I'm sorry.
02:00I'm sorry.
02:01I'm sorry.
02:02I'm sorry.
02:03I'm sorry.
02:04I'm sorry.
02:05I'm sorry.
02:06I'm sorry.
02:07I'm sorry.
02:08I'm sorry.
02:09I'm sorry.
02:10I'm sorry.
02:11I'm sorry.
02:12I'm sorry.
02:13I'm sorry.
02:14I'm sorry.
02:15I'm sorry.
02:16I'm sorry.
02:17I'm sorry.
02:18I'm sorry.
02:19I'm sorry.
02:20I'm sorry.
02:21I'm sorry.
02:22I'm sorry.
02:23I'm sorry.
02:24I'm sorry.
02:25I'm sorry.
02:26I'm sorry.
02:27I'm sorry.
02:28I'm sorry.
02:29I'm sorry.
02:30I'm sorry.
02:31I'm sorry.
02:32I'm sorry.
02:33I'm sorry.
02:34I'm sorry.
02:35I'm sorry.
02:36I'm sorry.
02:37I'm sorry.
02:38I'm sorry.
02:39I'm sorry.
02:40I'm sorry.
02:41I'm sorry.
02:42I'm sorry.
02:43I'm sorry.
02:44I'm sorry.
02:45I'm sorry.
02:46I'm sorry.
02:47I'm sorry.
02:48I'm sorry.
02:49I'm sorry.
02:50I'm sorry.
02:51I'm sorry.
02:52I'm sorry.
02:53I'm sorry.
02:54I'm sorry.
02:55I'm sorry.
02:56I'm sorry.
02:57I'm sorry.
02:58I'm sorry.
02:59I'm sorry.
03:00I'm sorry.
03:01I'm sorry.
03:02I'm sorry.
03:03I'm sorry.
03:04I'm sorry.
03:05I'm sorry.
03:06I'm sorry.
03:07I'm sorry.
03:08I'm sorry.
03:09I'm sorry.
03:10I'm sorry.
03:11I'm sorry.
03:12I'm sorry.
03:13I'm sorry.
03:14I'm sorry.
03:15I'm sorry.
03:16I'm sorry.
03:17I'm sorry.
03:18I'm sorry.
03:19I'm sorry.
03:20I'm sorry.
03:21I'm sorry.
03:22I'm sorry.
03:23I'm sorry.
03:25It hurts, it hurts.
03:40But Old Man Rom ate those.
03:42How could this be?
04:02Speak up you want it
04:05Hey mister
04:07Huh, how many times have you seen me here before? What are you talking about? I've never seen you before
04:13Well decide you want it
04:18Sorry, but I don't have any money at all totally broke then get the hell out of here
04:25Wallet cell phone corn potage cup of noodles. It looks like my tracksuit and sneakers are intact too and hopefully
04:35That's a relief because a wound to the back is a warrior's greatest shame for sure
04:42Well with this much circumstantial evidence, there's absolutely no denying it
04:47it's kind of hard to believe but this has to be a
04:51Time leap and each time I return to my initial state. I'll call it return by death
05:03So I have the ability to leap backwards in time
05:05But it only activates when I die guess even my special power knows what a loser I am
05:11If I've gone back in time to this moment once again, then Satella hasn't helped me. We haven't even met yet
05:17Consequently, that means the dead iota for saving me is completely gone
05:21That's actually a stroke of good luck
05:23I can forget everything sell this save some funds and use my knowledge of the modern world to create a paradise
05:30Things are finally looking up
05:32Am I right mister?
05:34Why are you asking me? I don't have any idea what you're talking about. All right, come on. Don't be like that
05:41I don't want to get caught up in other people's problems. So don't talk to me about him
05:47Well, I guess the old saying let sleeping dogs lie applies. No matter what world you're on
05:54Even so there are always softies
05:57People who will help others even when they really can't afford to
06:01She just had something precious stolen. She didn't have time for me
06:05Yet she saved some useless stranger and even healed him
06:09Then she let that useless stranger feel all pleased with himself
06:38Even if Satella doesn't know me that doesn't change everything
06:42Felt still stole her insignia and tells the will
06:47No matter how many times I repeat this that won't change history is a compelling force, right?
07:00Yeah, if I'm fully aware that people I used to know will be murdered
07:06And I can't just ignore it
07:14Hey, mister. What do you want now broke boy? There's something I need to ask you
07:20Have there been any pickpocketing incidents around here asking questions without buying? Huh? You got some nerve kid
07:27But yeah stuff like that happens all the time
07:30Though that last one was unusual
07:33They threw some magic around in the street a couple of times things that looked like icicles flew around and lodged in the wall
07:40They disappeared quick though, I was too late
07:42I thought if I could keep the insignia from being stolen then maybe things wouldn't have what are you going on about?
07:47Oh, it's nothing important. But uh
07:51Thanks, mister, really you helped me even though I didn't actually buy anything
07:56It's no big deal a broke kid a lot like yourself just helped my daughter after she got separated from her mother earlier. I
08:03Guess fate is a compelling force, too
08:08What are you smiling about? It's nothing
08:11I'll be sure to buy an appa next time. Okay, sounds good. Buy one and you'll be a customer get to work broke boy
08:17See ya later
08:20This means there's only one way I
08:22Have to buy the insignia from felt before Elsa comes to the loot house and return it to Satella
08:27Wait, so tell it was just an alias that she used wasn't it?
08:31And I'm gonna need to do whatever I can this time around to make sure she tells me what her real name actually is
08:38What are you going on and on about if you don't want to get hurt then cough up whatever you've got
08:44Listen dumb dumber and dumber est. I'm getting sick of seeing your faces after doing this four times. I've learned my lesson
09:00You bastard it seems my memory from before was right this world does have some kind of police force
09:22Don't scare me like that all that yelling freaked me out a little bit just a little bit though
09:28Yeah, just a teeny tiny little bit
09:32Trying to run away won't help you
09:35That's enough
09:42Red hair and a knight sword with scratches made by dragon cause
09:47Can that be?
09:49Reinhardt the master swordsman looks like I don't need to introduce myself
09:55Though to be honest that nickname is a bit much for me
09:58I don't know how much help my modest strength can be to him
10:01But if you wish to resort to extreme measures, let me warn you as a knight. I will have to fight back
10:15Glad we both came out of that unscathed lucky break, huh?
10:22Allow me to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You helped me out without ever once giving it a second thought I
10:27Subaru Natsuki deeply admire your selfless act of bravery and kindness. Hey, come on now
10:32There's no need for such formality once it was two of us against three those thugs lost their advantage on the situation
10:39Things might have been different if I were alone. Wow, he's nice guy indexes off the charts
10:48Master swordsman Reinhardt, right? It's Reinhardt Subaru. Just Reinhardt. We went from zero to buddy-buddy fast
10:56Well, thanks again Reinhardt. I appreciate it
10:59I shouted for help over and over but you're the only one who answered my call. I'm so pathetic
11:05Don't be so down on yourself for most it's too risky to face off against people like them
11:10Listen as far as I'm concerned you were right to call for the guards
11:15So would that make you a guard then? You don't look like one
11:19Well today I happen to be off-duty. So I'm not in the standard uniform and I know I don't look particularly intimidating either way
11:26But they did call you master swordsman, didn't they? So my family is a bit unique
11:33Most of the time I don't feel like I live up to their expectations
11:37Anyway, Subaru your name your clothes and that haircut are unusual. What nation are you from?
11:44At the moment Lagunica is a bit more on edge than in peacetime
11:48If you're having problems while you're here, I'm happy to help out in any way I can
11:53Would you come to the loot house with me? What?
11:58Never mind forget about it. I don't want to bother you, especially on your day off
12:03I'll handle the rest of this on my own somehow
12:09I'd appreciate it if you could deliver a message for me, of course, I'd be glad to what would you like me to say?
12:14And to whom?
12:16well, I don't exactly know her name, but
12:19Have you seen a girl with white robes and silver hair around here lately?
12:23White robes and silver hair, huh? Oh, and she's also exceptionally beautiful
12:29No, it doesn't ring a bell
12:32Well, if you do happen to see her tell her not to come near the loot house. No matter what
12:37I'll find what she's been looking for and bring it to her myself. No problem at all. Okay?
12:42Very well, then if I see her then I'll be sure to relay your message. Thanks a lot
12:49I'll repay you one day. Sure. Take care
12:58Looking for felts den, huh?
13:00You're close. Just head straight this way another two blocks or so. Great. Thanks. I appreciate it man
13:05Hey, not a problem at all kid now live strong and take care
13:10The question is whether felt will come back there before the meeting
13:13I'd rather catch up with her before she makes her way to the loot house and trade her the cell phone for the insignia
13:18Which should prevent oh
13:20Dear I'm sorry. Are you all right? Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry. I don't look it but toughness is one thing I've got
13:37What's wrong you don't have to be so scared I'm not gonna do anything to you what I'm not scared
13:44It's a little surprise. That's all whatever give you that idea. You're sent
13:48When people are scared I can smell the fear on them like a kind of perfume and
13:54You're definitely scared right now. You're angry as well. Aren't you at me?
14:08It's fine I am rather curious but now isn't the time to start a commotion
14:14That's not a very nice thing to say if you're too scary that beauty of yours will just go to waste. Oh, very good
14:21Conceal your hostility and you'll be even better
14:26Well, I'll be going now something tells me we'll meet again
14:44What a dump someone actually lives here
14:52If I didn't know any better I'd say Elsa had already been here and trashed the place
14:57It's fine. I'm sure I don't smell blood
15:00It does smell like a bunch of garbage though
15:05What do you think you're doing peeking into someone's house?
15:08You're wasting your time there's nothing worth stealing in there. Anyway, now beat it. No, hang on a second. That's not what I was doing
15:22Before then you'd better be gone. I already told you you've got it all wrong
15:37I told you to get out of here. So stop it
16:00Please listen to me. Just hear me out belt. Hmm. I'm here on important business. Okay
16:06How do you know my name? Anyway, do you want me to steal something for you? You should have just said so
16:12You're the one who attacked me right off the bat. This is a greedy business. You're running. You know that do you pride yourself on?
16:18Your sticky fingers. I'm just trying to stay alive out here if it weren't for this I'd be forced to sell my body
16:23So, what do you want with me spit it out?
16:27There's only one thing I want and that's to buy the insignia you stole right here
16:31My client didn't mention any partners when I was hired
16:35Hang on
16:35Are you a business rival or something?
16:37Call her a rival or color the one who killed my parents or the one who killed me even at the end of the day
16:41It doesn't make any difference
16:43You're not making any sense
16:45But when it comes down to it
16:46I only care about selling to whoever pays the most if you've got an offer that might be profitable to me
16:51I'll listen how shrewd it's all about the money. I
16:55Have a rare item in my possession that's worth more than 20. Holy coins. I want to buy your insignia with it
17:01And it's something that's in high demand nowadays. See Amitia
17:08That is the power of Amitia this little number is a one-of-a-kind item that can capture and freeze a moment in time
17:14So how about it?
17:17Well, you don't seem to be lying
17:19But is that supposed to be me? I look much prettier than that if you look this good without makeup
17:24You're doing just fine. Don't complain about it. It is unusual
17:28I'll give you that much, but I really doubt it's worth more than 20. Holy coins. You're a prospective buyer in this situation
17:34You don't think I'm just gonna believe whatever you tell me as fact. Now, do you come on? I see your point
17:40No, probably not
17:41There's a lewd house down at the far edge of these slums
17:44Think the fair thing to do is have it appraised by the guy who lives there old man. Rom
17:50So it still comes to that, okay, got it, let's go right now let's get moving on the double
17:57We'll just have him take a look at it and then get out of there as soon as possible
18:05What's your problem slow down why are you in such a hurry?
18:12You're sweating like crazy oh
18:15Well, anyway live strong someone else here in the slum said that a little earlier. Is it like a slogan or something?
18:21Look, don't let me in with those other guys. They're all talk. They don't live strong at all
18:26They're nothing but a bunch of stingy losers who've got nothing going for them. Wow, that's kind of harsh judgmental much
18:36I'm not like the other people around here. Okay, I have no intention of living out the rest of my life in these dingy
18:42dirty back alleys
18:44Is that so and you think 20 holy coins will make these dreams of yours come true?
18:50Not by themselves, but it would be a huge leap toward my goal. Even if I were alone
18:54It's not as if I couldn't get by with some effort
18:57If you were alone
18:59Just forget it
19:06What are you standing there smirking about you really pissed me off, you know that don't worry about it
19:16I'll make this all work out somehow. It's something only I can do
19:21Don't get all sentimental on me while you're babbling nonsense, thank you. It's not just for her. I'll change the fate. That's waiting for me
19:30And to do that
19:43So this is a meteor well, I've heard of them, but I've never seen one with my own eyes
19:48It's a fairly delicate device. So I suggest you handle it with care
19:52Just think of it along the lines of if you break it you have to die in the sense that you get no do-overs
19:58Yeah, I'm definitely impressed
20:01If I were to sell this I'd take no less than 15
20:04No 20 holy coins cuz I'd likely not come across one again. So it's worth at least that
20:11All right
20:13Negotiations complete now if we're done talking let's go for drinks to celebrate a properly completed sale. What do you say?
20:19Hold it
20:22Why are you in such a hurry to leave?
20:26Well life doesn't last forever, you know make every second count don't waste any time live every moment
20:31Yeah, I don't care about all that stuff. That's up. Why exactly do you want the insignia so badly anyway?
20:38I mean if I've got two interested parties in this thing, it must be worth a lot more than it looks
20:43That's why everyone's gunning for it
20:45In other words in an open bidding this would sell for way more than a meteor hang on felt you're stepping in a dangerous
20:51Territory right now. You heard what the meaty is worth. You're getting a good deal here
20:56Just trade it to me and be done with it
20:57Oh, I mean the woman who asked you for it can't go higher than 20 either. She's not gonna pay more than that
21:06How do you know what she's willing to pay so you're not working together, huh, you're trying to con me
21:15It's not like that, please we're running out of time begging I'll get you nowhere
21:20I'll be fair and acknowledge you as a negotiating party, but it wouldn't be right not to hear from my original client
21:28Okay, fine the reason I want that insignia is so I can go and return it to its owner
21:34Huh? I need to take it back to the one it belongs to that's why I want the insignia. Okay, it's the truth. So, please
21:45Don't think he's lying. I've got a sense about these sorts of things now don't get taken in by his act
21:51He's obviously not sincere return it to the owner
21:55Ridiculous, if you're gonna lie make it believable, I won't be fooled you got that
22:03Fell please
22:07Who could that be it's probably for me
22:18Don't open it will be killed
22:38Not here to kill you why would you think I'd try and do something so insidious
24:25Don't miss
24:30Shikoku, no, you know, it's not
24:34It's got no money I got your book. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
24:40No, no, no
24:42Yeah, but yeah, I'm a talker. Oh my god. I think I did. Oh god. I'm a Louis. I think I do
24:51Nani katani
