Re: Zero EP03 - Starting Life from Zero in Another World [English Audio]

  • 2 days ago
Re: Zero EP03 - Starting Life from Zero in Another World [English Audio]
00:01I'm glad you're here. You won't get away this time.
00:05What? Why is she here? It's still light out.
00:09Wait, is this how early she would have arrived if she hadn't been with me?
00:13What is wrong with you? Don't you know when to quit? I'm telling you, let it go already!
00:17I'm sorry, but this is something I simply cannot give up on. If you do as I say and cooperate, I won't hurt you.
00:31I have but one request to make of you. Return what is mine. My insignia is very important to me.
00:43Whoa. If she was just another run-of-the-mill magic user, I wouldn't back down, but this one's trouble.
00:49What's your problem? You're admitting defeat before we even start fighting?
00:53Young lady, so, uh, you're an elf, right?
01:03Not exactly. Technically speaking, I'm only a half-elf.
01:07Wait, seriously? Your hair! It's silver! Are you the—
01:11It's an accidental resemblance, and to be honest, it causes me a lot of trouble.
01:16I should have known better. You set me up, didn't you?
01:19Huh? No, I didn't do anything!
01:21All that I'm-gonna-return-it-to-its-owner crap? That just made you more suspicious!
01:25What do you mean? Are you saying that you two aren't working together?
01:39Her nature never changes, no matter how many times I start over in this world.
01:46Hey, jerk! What are you smirking about?
01:48Come on, hasn't this been enough? Give her insignia back already.
01:52And you set— Hurry up and get out of here, and try not to let anyone steal it again, okay?
01:57Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? Honestly, nothing you're doing is making any sense at all.
02:02I don't understand you either! What's going on? Did you hit your head or something?
02:07Puck, quick! Shield her!
02:13That was fast thinking. Cutting it a bit closer than I expected. You saved us!
02:18Nice one, Puck. Thank goodness it was before five while you're still on duty.
02:22Thanks, you're the best!
02:24Well, well. That's a spirit, isn't it?
02:28How wonderful. I've never had the pleasure of cutting open a spirit's stomach before.
02:37Hey! Now what do you mean by that?
02:39We can't really enter negotiations if the item's original owner is here now, can we?
02:43And because of that, I've changed my plans. I'm going to slaughter every last one of you.
02:48You failed to see your job all the way through to the end.
02:51You certainly talk a good game, but honestly, you do terrible work.
02:54I was hoping you were more than just another slum dweller.
03:00You bitch! Cut the crap! What kind of sicko gets their kicks from picking on a little kid, huh?
03:05You should be ashamed, you gut-slicing, sadistic woman!
03:08Felt is doing her best to stand her ground and live strong!
03:10Because your plan didn't go your way, you think you can throw a tantrum and flip tables?
03:14Grow up, you pathetic, spoiled brat! You should try to learn to value life a little more!
03:18Because having your belly cut hurts!
03:20Now what are you babbling about?
03:22I'm in the process of letting the justice and chivalry I never knew I had denounce all the unfairness in the world!
03:27And what I consider unfair is you, the situation, and...
03:30Okay, folks. Ready for the fun part?
03:32There! That should buy us enough time.
03:35All right! Get her, puck!
03:37I hope your brilliant display of awkwardness lives through the ages.
03:40Here we go! My turn!
03:42We haven't had a chance to introduce ourselves, have we?
03:45My name's Puck. Now do your best to remember it on the way to your grave!
03:54Did we get her or what?
03:56Don't say things like that! You'll jinx it!
04:02One should always be prepared.
04:08Don't underestimate a user of spirit arts!
04:14You're well-accustomed to battle. Poor girl.
04:17A girl, huh? My, it's been a while since I've been regarded in such simple terms.
04:21Well, from my perspective, all opponents are a little more than babies.
04:25Still, you're so strong, I almost pity you!
04:28I'm deeply touched to be praised by a spirit!
04:37If this thing turns into a battle of attrition, I'd say we stand a pretty good chance.
04:41Well, for a spirit, the real battle is how long they can stay in their bodies.
04:46That's right. It must be almost five.
04:48And when we were both having so much fun, too. What a bore!
04:51Just one of the drawbacks of a job.
04:53When you're a lady's man, the girls won't give you the chance to sleep.
04:56But you know, staying up late is bad for your skin, so I'd say it's about time we wrapped this up.
05:04Didn't think I was just throwing those around at random, did you?
05:07Looks like I've been had. Oh my.
05:09Say goodnight!
05:21My, how lovely.
05:25I thought I was going to die.
05:28I thought I was going to die.
05:32But you are a tricky girl, so I don't find that sort of thing very impressive.
05:36Puck, can you keep going?
05:38Sorry, but I'm sleepy.
05:40I think I underestimated her. My mana's gone, so I'm done.
05:44Don't worry. I'll take care of things out here so you can rest. Thank you for your help.
05:49Remember, if anything happens to you, I'll act according to my contract.
05:53If it comes down to it, call me, even if you have to squeeze me out of my oath.
06:00Aw, you're going away?
06:09Well, that's terribly unfortunate.
06:24I know this is pretty interesting, Felt, but we can't afford to just sit around watching anymore.
06:29Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. If we're going to make a run for it, we need to get moving right now.
06:34Oh, and about before...
06:36Well, I guess you kind of saved me.
06:39But only just a little bit, okay?
06:41Also, don't call me a little kid. I am 15 years old, you know.
06:46I can't be much younger than you, jerk.
06:48Well, actually, I'll be turning 18 this year.
06:50Huh? No way! Really? Because you don't even look like you're old enough to shave yet!
07:05Here I come!
07:06Oh, how rude. Don't cut in on someone else's dance.
07:10If you want to dance, I'll show you the best dancing you've ever seen!
07:19Here we go, round and round!
07:27Huh? What in the...
07:32You're so strong I was able to stand on your cloth!
07:35Now, that's not going to happen!
07:45You bad girl.
07:48You've neither the resolve nor the strength to fight.
07:51You'd have been better off using your small stature to hide away in the corner.
07:55Damn, we're finished. There's really nothing I can do.
07:58I'll have to use Return by Death and start over.
08:04No, I don't want to feel that pain again.
08:08I don't want to die.
08:11I guess as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with everything I've got.
08:34Hey, are you going to be alright?
08:36Why'd you risk your life for...
08:38Never mind. Just listen to me carefully, Felt.
08:40I'm going to buy us some time, find a way to give you an opening somehow,
08:43and when I do, I want you to run as fast as you can.
08:46Not a chance! I'm supposed to tuck my tail between my legs and run?
08:49Yeah, that's right! Stick out your butt, tuck in your tail, and run!
08:52You're 15, and I'm 18.
08:54And that means that you're probably the youngest one out of everybody here.
08:57So it's a given that we're going to pick the method most likely to keep you alive and get you out of this place.
09:01You understand?
09:02Aw, give me a break! You were cowering in fear just a minute ago!
09:05Well, that was then. And this is now.
09:08Don't worry about me. Everything's fine.
09:16Take this!
09:20This is it! Now, run!
09:26You think I'll let her go.
09:29Oh, I'm awesome!
09:32But that hurt the tips of my toes more than I expected.
09:45It looks like you let one get away.
09:48For once, I'm feeling a tiny bit annoyed.
09:51Hey, don't forget about me!
09:55I hope you have some other attacks, because I've grown tired of that one.
09:59Do you think you can still keep me amused?
10:01If you've got some ultimate power hidden somewhere in your bag of tricks, I'm thinking now might be a good time.
10:07Well, I do have a trump card. But if I use it, I'll be the only one who's left standing.
10:11Whoa, easy! Now, don't do anything that'll blow us both up, okay?
10:15I have no intention of using it while you're still here.
10:18Doing your best. Fighting alongside me.
10:32I didn't see anything just now.
10:35None of that whole conversation ever happened.
10:38I finally remembered why I'm here in the first place.
10:42I'll kill you, you shitbag!
10:44Then you won't have to play your trump card!
10:47I'll blow you away and get...
10:50A happy ending.
10:54Energetic, huh? Too bad.
10:56You black widow!
10:58Well, there's no doubt you'll be the first one caught in my web.
11:04Nice cover!
11:10Dammit! How do you like that?!
11:15I've got you now.
11:17I've got you now.
11:25That's enough!
11:38Looks like I cut her pretty close. But I'm glad I made it in time.
11:44I know you.
11:48What do you say? Shall we put an end to this?
11:55Someone! Anyone!
11:58Isn't there anybody who can hear me?!
12:02God, please!
12:04Please, someone! Someone help!
12:07She's gonna kill him!
12:14Very well.
12:18I'll help you.
12:25Reinhardt? But... how?
12:27Hello there, Subaru. Seems we meet again.
12:30Sorry I'm late.
12:32Black hair, black clothes, and a blade unique to the Northern Provinces.
12:37There's no mistaking those characteristics.
12:40You are the Bowel Hunter.
12:42Seriously? What kind of evil nickname is that?
12:45It was derived from her unique style of killing those who oppose her.
12:49Her name is known far and wide as a menace to society.
12:52Ah, Reinhardt. Yes. A true knight among knights.
12:56Born to the Master Swordsman's line.
12:58It's quite remarkable that each of my opponents are so much fun.
13:02There are many things I'd like to ask you. I suggest you surrender.
13:06Now, do you honestly expect a starving predator like myself to resist the temptation of such delectable prey?
13:14Subaru, please move back a little bit. If you'd stand next to her, I'd appreciate it.
13:18Whatever you say. That woman is a monster, so don't let your guard down, okay?
13:23As luck would have it, hunting monsters happens to be a specialty of mine.
13:32Old Man Rom is still alive?
13:34He's not out of the woods yet. I'm gonna have to heal him now.
13:38Are you sure? I mean, he's part of the gang that stole your insignia and caused this mess.
13:42That's exactly why I'm doing this. If he recovers, he can repay the favor by giving me information.
13:47He wouldn't lie to me then, not after saving his life.
13:51See? This is for my own sake, too.
13:56I would rather not resort to using violence on a woman.
14:04Look at you. My! You're just as good as the rumors say. Maybe better.
14:09I hope that I can meet your expectations.
14:11Aren't you going to use that sword at your head? Love the chance to experience its legendary sharpness firsthand.
14:18This sword can only be drawn at times when it's truly needed.
14:21The fact that it hasn't left its sheath as of yet means that this is not one of those times.
14:26I believe you underestimate me.
14:28Truthfully, it's an upsetting judgment for me as well. Therefore, I will take you on with this instead.
14:36Any objections?
14:37Of course not. It's wonderful, wonderful. Do entertain me, please.
14:48If you've lost your weapon, then I suggest you surrender.
14:53Watch out, Reinhardt! She's got a second one!
14:58I'm impressed you knew.
14:59I've experienced your blades personally.
15:01But I have more than two fangs I'll have you know. You wouldn't mind if we started again, would you?
15:07If I deprive you of all of your weapons, will you be satisfied?
15:10If I lose my fangs, I'll use my claws. If I lose my claws, I'll use my bones.
15:15And if I lose my bones, I'll use my life. That's how a bow will hunt your fight!
15:21There's no way Reinhardt's going to fail to land the decisive blow, right?
15:25Unfortunately, he's not able to fight back.
15:27What do those have to do with each other?
15:29If Reinhardt were truly intent on fighting, all the mana in the atmosphere would turn away from me.
15:35I've almost finished healing him now. So be sure he knows when I give you the signal.
15:44He should be all right now. Go ahead.
15:46Hey, Reinhardt! I don't really get it, but do your thing!
15:49What are you going to show me?
15:51The swordplay of the Astraea family.
15:59You're facing the bow hunter, Miss Elsa Granheertz.
16:04Master Swordsman's line. I'm Reinhardt van Astraea.
16:09I'm Reinhardt van Astraea.
16:12I'm Reinhardt van Astraea.
16:15I'm Reinhardt van Astraea.
16:17I'm Reinhardt van Astraea.
16:54Hunting monsters is your specialty, my ass!
16:57Look at this place! You're a monster yourself, you freak!
17:00Even I'm a bit hurt by a cruel comment like that, Subaru.
17:05I'm sorry I asked too much of you. Rest well now.
17:10There's not a shadow of her left, let alone a body.
17:12He did all that with just one swing of a sword?
17:15Is it all over now?
17:16Looks like it. Figuratively and literally.
17:20Why are you staring at me? That is quite rude. You should know better.
17:24Oh, it's just... you still have your arms and legs, and even your head.
17:29Of course I do. Don't say such things.
17:32Yeah, you're right. Pretty obvious, huh?
17:35I still have my arms, too. And there's no knife in my back.
17:39No gaping hole in my gut, either. Phew!
17:41What strange things to point out. You talk as if you've experienced them before.
17:45Actually, there was a time when I did.
17:47Oh, yeah, and Reinhardt! I haven't thanked you yet.
17:50You saved my ass. You saved it back in the alley, too.
17:53Guess you just have a way of knowing when I could really use some help.
17:56If I had the ability to do that, I'd certainly be proud.
17:59This friend of yours... I found her running around the streets, quite frightened and desperate.
18:04And she asked for my help, so I came here.
18:07It's her.
18:08Now hang on a second.
18:10If she hadn't brought Reinhardt here, who knows if we'd even be having this conversation.
18:14Just take a look at this face, and spare me the ice statue punishment, okay?
18:18I wouldn't do anything that violent. And what does your face have to do with any...
18:34I'll go for the gut!
18:35Get away!
18:39That boy got in my way again.
18:41That's enough, Elsa!
18:45Before long, I will disembowel every last one of you here in this room.
18:52Until that moment comes, be sure to take care of yourselves.
18:57Are you all right?
18:58My being all right isn't what's most important right now, but...
19:02Are you all right? I was far too reckless.
19:05Oh, it was no problem.
19:08Now, it sure took a long time to get here, but the good news is I finally made it.
19:14My name is Subaru Natsuki.
19:16And I just risked it all to save your life from a dangerous and heinous villain.
19:20Is that okay?
19:24It means are we clear on that?
19:25So, okay?
19:29I, your rescuer, am the one who saved your life.
19:32And you are the heroine I saved from the clutches of evil.
19:34So wouldn't that mean you should repay me in kind, wouldn't it, huh?
19:38Yes, I understand.
19:39But only if whatever you want reward-wise is within my power, of course.
19:43That sounds fair to me.
19:44In that case, I have only one request.
19:48That request is...
19:55I want you to tell me what your name is.
20:04My name is Emilia.
20:06Only Emilia.
20:08Your price was easy to pay.
20:10Thanks so much for saving me, Subaru.
20:17All those times I got hurt.
20:18All the crying I did.
20:20All the pain I felt.
20:21All the fighting with my life on the line.
20:24And my reward was her name and a single smile.
20:29Oh, man.
20:31Talk about unequal compensation.
20:37Anyway, Subaru, I'm impressed you're still able to stand.
20:40I was lucky this thing was there to grab for protection.
20:43Otherwise, I'd be in two pieces right now.
20:46If not for this.
20:48What the...
20:55I should have seen this coming.
21:06She's so cute when she's panicking like that.
21:10A fantasy in another world.
21:15His treatment is complete.
21:16He should be over the hump now.
21:18By the way, Miss Emilia.
21:20What's the nature of your relation to Subaru?
21:24An acquaintance?
21:26Honestly, I don't recall ever seeing him before.
21:29When we met earlier today, I believe it was the very first time.
21:33But he was looking for you.
21:34Said he had something to give you.
21:36Odd behavior from a stranger.
21:38Yes, it is rather peculiar.
21:40So what do you propose we do with him, then?
21:42I'd be glad to take him to my home as a guest.
21:44At least while he's healing.
21:46I'll take him home with me.
21:48That way I can find out what's really going on.
21:51More importantly, what will become of that girl and the old man?
21:56In an official capacity, I cannot overlook what they've done here.
22:00However, as luck would have it, I just so happen to be off-duty today.
22:06Well, I know.
22:07So this old man is part of your family, I take it?
22:10Yeah, something like that, I guess.
22:12Old Man Rom's the only person I have in this world.
22:16I suppose he's like my grandpa.
22:18I see.
22:20I only have one family member, too.
22:22He's always asleep at the most important moments, though.
22:25Of course, I wouldn't say that out loud when he's awake.
22:27I'd never hear the end of it.
22:29I see.
22:30Well, then.
22:31I'll leave you to it.
22:33Of course, I wouldn't say that out loud when he's awake.
22:35I'd never hear the end of it.
22:37Considering what I did, I figured you'd be a lot harder on me.
22:42You saved my life back there, and I can't let a debt go unpaid,
22:45so I'll return what I stole from you, okay?
22:48If it's important, I suggest you keep it hidden so no one can steal it again.
22:51I appreciate the advice, though it's a little strange to hear it from you.
22:59What are you doing?
23:00Hey! You're hurting me! Let go of my arm!
23:04This can't be possible.
23:06What's your name?
23:07Huh? It's Felt. Why do you-
23:09Family name.
23:10And just how old are you?
23:12Look, I don't have anything fancy like a family name.
23:15I'm about 15 if I had to guess.
23:18I don't know my birthday.
23:19Just let me go!
23:21Sorry, Miss Amelia, but I'm afraid that I can't keep my promise to you at this time.
23:25I'll be taking this girl with me for further questioning.
23:28May I ask you why? If it's just for stealing my insignia, then-
23:32That theft alone is no small crime, certainly.
23:35But if I overlook what's unfolding before me at this moment,
23:38I know it would be the greatest crime of them all.
23:41I'll need you to come along with me.
23:43I'm sorry, but I simply can't allow you to refuse.
23:45Get over yourself! Just because you saved me doesn't mean you-
23:50That little move didn't seem very knightly either.
23:53I was careful not to use too much.
23:55Miss Amelia, I will most likely be calling upon you again very soon.
24:00I hope you understand.
24:03Please take good care of Subaru. He's been through a lot.
24:13Tonight may be our last chance to gaze calmly at the moon.
24:25Hey, do you know what a horoscope is?
24:28I don't know anything about horoscopes!
24:32It's a horoscope that predicts the fortune of the next week,
24:35based on the first fortune drop from my belly that bloomed with a knife.
24:38But that's the worst kind of fortune!
24:42You're going to die!
24:44Oh, look!
24:46Look at this beautiful Langelhans Tower!
24:48Look at the color! Look at the shine!
24:50Oh, but that's too bad.
24:52If it was the 12th horoscope, it would have been the best,
24:54but if it's the Langelhans Tower, what will happen next week?
24:56Next time, on Roswartei!
24:58There may be a fateful encounter with a girl with a S-shaped bloodline!
25:02Are you talking about Miss Amelia?
