Nếu Âm Thanh Có Ký Ức Tập 14 Thuyết Minh

  • 10 hours ago
00:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team www.tombridersteam.com
00:10如果声音有记忆的话,那这会是我们最美好的回忆。 If the voice has a memory, then this will be our best memory.
00:14我喜欢你。 I like you.
00:16无论未来会发生什么样的事情,我都会陪在你身边。 No matter what happens in the future, I will be by your side.
00:21拉开天窗,沐浴阳光,保护你在身旁,在屋顶堵着时,胡思乱想。 Open the window, take a bath in the sun, and protect you by my side. When I'm on the roof, I think about you.
00:39好想把所有委屈对你讲,这样不会受伤。 I want to tell you all my grievances, so that I won't get hurt.
00:46现实在说谎,我依然守护阳光。 The truth is lying, I still protect the sun.
00:54而全身四海的光芒,来不及幻想晴朗绽放。 And the light of the whole world is too late to fantasize about the sunny day.
01:02若你和我都一样,别再守候着对方。 If you and I are the same, don't guard each other.
01:11而全身四海的光芒,在我只能写在不走的地方。 And the light of the whole world is in the places I can't go.
01:19如果你依然,请与我一路奔向。 If you still want to go with me.
01:41如果声音有记忆,第十四集。 If Sound Has Memories, Episode 14.
02:00余洛西,这是张总。 Mr. Zhang, this is Yu Luxi.
02:02张总,这就是我们剧场室内的余洛西。 Mr. Zhang, this is Yu Luxi.
02:06余洛西。 Yu Luxi.
02:11张总好。 Hello, Mr. Zhang.
02:21你就是余洛西啊? Are you Yu Luxi?
02:23嗯。 Yes.
02:29能挤掉她的衣服上面,看来就有点危险了。 You can take off her jacket to cover her shoes. It looks a little dangerous.
02:35这样吧,你现在就剪出一段剪片来。 How about this, now you cut a short clip for me.
02:40只要能征服我,我就认了。 As long as you can convince me, I'll do it.
02:58别紧张,可以的。 Don't be nervous, you can do it.
03:01停! Cut!
03:07不用进录影棚,也不用配合画案,就在这说就行。 You don't have to go into the studio, and you don't have to act. Just say it here.
03:12准备好了就开始吧。 Are you ready?
03:30三师兄,我在石楼看到了你的剑。 Senior, I saw your sword when I was in the studio.
03:34可是追出去的时候,却已经走了。 But you were gone when I was chasing you.
03:38我料想…… I thought...
03:40如果说真的…… If it's true...
03:44什么情况这是? What's going on here?
03:46这就是你们李总宣传的邪恶条件吗? This is your leader's evil plot?
03:49张总,余洛西刚刚到,有些事情。 Mr. Zhang, Yu Luxi has just arrived, there are some issues.
03:53我们先听听她说的。 Let's listen to her first.
03:55不用,我想听直接。 No need, I want to hear it directly.
03:58我再跟你说一遍。 I'll say it again.
04:00如果今天你愿意,我可以马上开始。 If you are willing, I can start right now.
04:03好啊。 Okay.
04:05那就让她稍微准备一下吧。 Let her prepare.
04:07一会儿进棚后。 I'll see you in the studio later.
04:09让我看看。 Let me see.
04:30什么情况? What's going on?
05:00我怎么会不记得小师兄呢? Why can't I remember my brother?
05:18他是最疼我的。 He is the one who loves me the most.
05:21再说,就算我真的忘了他,大师兄花了他快一百年,我怎么会不记得他呢? Even if I really forgot him, my brother spent almost a hundred years drawing him, why can't I recognize him?
05:45优秀人。 Excellent talent.
05:46几句台词是这样的? How many lines are there to read like this?
05:50师父,看来以后,别再叫我小师兄了。师父,叫我小杰伯吧。 Master, don't call me Little Master anymore. Call me Little Master.
06:16我就想通了,为什么一定要用这个小杰伯来代替梁亦毅呢? I just can't understand, why do you have to use this Little Master to replace Liang Yiyi?
06:27余洛西是新人,临场发挥她学习经验。 She's a newbie. She hasn't prepared well for the exam, so she's a little nervous.
06:32你们是很紧张吗?这些台词是这样的吗? Are you nervous? Are those lines like this?
06:34师父,我们会为梁亦毅争取中国传统。 Master, please calm down. We've tried everything to replace Liang Yiyi.
06:38第一,梁亦毅的声音不像我想要的那种。 First, Liang Yiyi's voice is not what I want.
06:40第二,我们两个人私底下学习了,她肯定不会回来。 Second, we have a few personal misunderstandings. I'm sure she won't come back.
06:46那你倒是给我找个好的解决方案。 Then you have to find me a better solution.
06:50我有想,马上艾克宝就要上台了。 I have an idea. The ECHO competition is about to take place.
06:54本来我们就要借这个机会来宣传。 We were going to use this opportunity to promote our team.
06:57整个婚姻团队也可以通过成功出场,来证明他们的实力。 The whole wedding team can participate in the competition to prove their strength.
07:01你看这样可以吗? Do you think this is okay?
07:11好。 Yes.
07:13林楠,我最后再给你一个机会。 Lam Nam, I'll give you one last chance.
07:17你这个违法合同不是我最有类似的事情。 You violated the contract not once, but twice.
07:21如果这件事真的发生了,那你和你的团队就一起滚蛋。 If this happens again, you and your team should all get out of here.
07:36洛义,别哭了。 Don't be sad anymore.
07:38今天肯定是因为太紧张了。 You must be too nervous today.
07:42第一次犯错是很正常的。 It's normal to make a mistake for the first time.
07:52林楠,我没事。林楠,我没事。 Ling Ling, I'm fine.
07:56现在我想在这里待一会儿。 Now I want to be alone for a while.
08:00好。 Okay.
08:08好。 Okay.
08:38师父,对不起。 Master, I'm sorry.
09:03师父,你知道吗? Master, do you know?
09:04我小时候,我一直有一个梦想。 When I was a child, I always had a dream.
09:13某天,我会像天上的神一样,在七彩色的天空上出现。 One day, I will appear like a rainbow in the sky.
09:20让所有人都喜欢我。让所有人都喜欢我。 Let everyone admire me, love me.
09:26现在,你给了我一个机会。 Now, you gave me a chance.
09:38但是我没用,我笑不出来。 But I'm useless, I can't smile.
09:45我让所有人失望,让你失望。 I let everyone down, I let you down.
09:51我知道你很难过。我知道你很难过。 I know you're sad.
09:54不必自责。 No need to blame yourself.
09:56怪你。 It's not your fault.
09:58是我让大家失望。 It's me who let everyone down.
10:01让你说。 Let you say.
10:02让你失望。 Let you down.
10:07师父。师父。 If it's not my fault, then whose fault is it?
10:22师父。师父。 Sorry.
10:32师父。师父。 Sorry.
10:55香啊。好香啊。 It smells so good.
10:56慢慢来。 Take your time.
11:02什么时候回来? When will you come back?
11:03我和公司很忙。很忙。 I'm a little busy with my company. I'll be late.
11:06师父。你的手艺真棒。 You're so good at your craft.
11:08半个小时做这么多菜。 You can make so many dishes in half an hour.
11:10关键是有大能的工具。 The most important thing is that you have a lot of tools to help you.
11:13蒸烤。烤肉。什么都做得到。 Steaming, grilling. You can do anything.
11:16通常你不在家。 I'm not at home.
11:17每天三天两头都在家。 I'm always at home.
11:18每天几天都在家。 I'm always at home.
11:19每天几天两头都在家。 I'm always at home.
12:00Excellent talent,
12:02there are a few lines that read like that?
12:04When we see it later, let's not call it little senior or junior,
12:07call it little handsome baby.
12:15Uncle, why are you so good today?
12:17At 8 o'clock, you need to lead a team. You're really good.
12:20You can make a lot of sticky rice for me.
12:23How? If I don't make these dishes, can you make a living?
12:27That's right. If you don't cook, I'll have to eat noodles today.
12:34Are you a kid? I have food to eat.
12:36That's right. Where's your car? I'll take you there.
12:39No need. Give me.
12:40If the food is cold, I'll heat it up.
12:43Eat with me.
12:44Dan, be careful.
13:25You're back.
13:26I thought I wouldn't see you again this time.
13:31I just got home.
13:33I didn't wait for you.
13:35I made a lot of delicious food for you.
13:37I'll eat with Tieu Thien later.
13:39These are all your favorite dishes.
13:41Thank you, Dad.
13:42Thank you for what?
13:44As long as my daughter likes it, I'm happy.
13:52Dad, how long will you be back this time?
13:55Two weeks.
13:56When will you come back and cook delicious food for me?
13:59But I have a request.
14:01Whatever you like to eat, write it down for me.
14:04Whatever you want to eat, I'll do it for you, okay?
14:11I thought you went to lead a team.
14:13I forgot my phone.
14:15I'll get it for you.
14:22Your phone?
14:23Where's your phone?
14:31Hieu, I found my phone.
14:33I'll be right there.
14:36Goodbye, Dad.
14:41This time, your voice is still good.
14:48It's okay.
14:52It's pretty good.
14:55It will be better and better.
15:38Are you saying that I'm burning the stage?
15:44Let me ask you this.
15:46Do you value the expertise of Loc Hieu?
15:49Or because you like her?
15:52I value her very much.
15:54You should trust my professional judgment.
15:57That's right.
15:58If you don't have any personal feelings,
16:00what do you have to be afraid of?
16:03I don't have any personal feelings.
16:05What do you have to be afraid of?
16:09I'm just angry with myself.
16:11Today is such an important day.
16:13I should have helped her to adjust her mind first.
16:16They are all new people.
16:17It happened suddenly.
16:19Who is in charge?
16:24I thought...
16:26Today would be her brightest moment.
16:29But I didn't expect...
16:31It turned out to be gloomy.
16:36You see.
16:37When other new people have problems,
16:40you can quickly help them to adjust.
16:44The important thing is that you understand them enough.
16:48Have you ever thought about the problem of Loc Hieu?
16:52Don't you understand her very much?
16:57It seems that you don't understand anything about me.
17:00What do I like most?
17:02What do I hate most?
17:05What do I want most?
17:08Do I feel sad or happy every day?
17:11I don't know.
17:13You see, I don't know anything.
17:15Actually, you don't understand me.
17:26Du Loc Hieu
17:34Du Loc Hieu
17:45Du Loc Hieu
17:46Du Loc Hieu
18:02Don't answer the phone.
18:09Du Loc Hieu
18:11Obviously, you said
18:13you only needed to give yourself a chance,
18:15you would definitely catch it.
18:21But today
18:24you disappointed everyone.
18:35You also disappointed him.
18:41Sister, you're finally here.
18:44Why is it you?
18:46Is your sister not at home?
18:51Do you know where she goes?
18:52I'm looking for her.
18:53What's wrong with her?
18:54She had an accident today.
18:56I want to know more about her.
18:58Can you help me?
19:00My aunt has been gone for a long time.
19:03I went to school at that time.
19:05The topic was my mother.
19:07My sister wrote about her mother
19:09in her autobiography.
19:11It was very emotional.
19:12The teacher used it as a sample to read to you.
19:15My mother has a long black hair.
19:18She always smiles.
19:20Du Loc Hieu, you're a liar.
19:22Your mother has been dead for a long time.
19:24You're a liar.
19:25Du Loc Hieu, you're a liar.
19:28Don't shout anymore.
19:30Don't shout.
19:32Don't shout anymore.
19:33Be quiet.
19:38Du Loc Hieu, you're a liar.
19:40Your mother has been dead for a long time.
19:42I don't know how to explain it.
19:45She stood on the stage,
19:46crying and reading.
19:48From then on,
19:49as long as she was stressed or under any pressure,
19:51she would start talking nonsense.
19:54But I think normally,
19:55your sister is very talkative.
19:57She used to talk nonsense for a long time.
19:59Then she explained it to you.
20:01It's you.
20:03As long as you don't talk nonsense,
20:05it's you.
20:07As long as there is a big screen,
20:09she will sit in front of the cassette player
20:10and read each sentence.
20:12Since then,
20:13her illness has been getting worse.
20:17I said everything I should say
20:18because I love you so much.
20:20Now only you can help me.
20:23I hope you can do it.
20:36I'm so disappointed.
20:53I'm recording.
21:05I'm recording.
21:06I'm recording.
21:07I'm recording.
21:08I'm recording.
21:09I'm recording.
21:10I'm recording.
21:11I'm recording.
21:12I'm recording.
21:13I'm recording.
21:14I'm recording.
21:15I'm recording.
21:16I'm recording.
21:17I'm recording.
21:18I'm recording.
21:19I'm recording.
21:20I'm recording.
21:21I'm recording.
21:22I'm recording.
21:23I'm recording.
21:24I'm recording.
21:25I'm recording.
21:26I'm recording.
21:27I'm recording.
21:28I'm recording.
21:29I'm recording.
21:30I'm recording.
21:31I'm recording.
21:32I'm recording.
21:33I'm recording.
21:34Even the death sentence can wake me up before it's too late.
21:40If the death sentence can wake me up.
21:46Then it may not be a dream.
21:51I have tried to let go of my emerging ancestry,
21:56but it may make me sway at the difficult past.
22:01I don't know.
22:02I'm just going to go.
22:04I'll be back in a minute.
23:24Nao, compare with�
23:26howattaste is chef Yu's noodles?
23:30It smells so good
23:33Thank you, dad
23:35Next time, don't hide your tongue
23:40I didn't hide anything
23:43It's like this
23:45I don't have time to cook for you
23:48I ran a few streets to buy it
23:51Try it
23:52Compare it to my cooking skills
23:54Which one is better?
24:03How can you say that?
24:06It's not as good as your cooking
24:08Is that so?
24:10You know how to eat
24:12Here, eat
24:14I still remember
24:16When I was a student
24:18I was bullied at school
24:21Suddenly I got a stomachache
24:24So I practiced cooking noodles for you
24:27for a few days
24:29Then I got better
24:37When did you know?
24:39I don't know
24:41I told you
24:43Today is a happy day
24:46I have to work overtime
24:48I don't have time
24:49When I was downstairs
24:52I saw you clasped your hands
24:55I thought
24:57Something must have happened
25:00when you clasped your hands
25:06Is it because
25:08my voice is not good this time?
25:12It's not your voice is not good
25:15It's your heart
25:18What's wrong with my heart?
25:20It's okay
25:22Here, eat noodles
25:24You'll get better after eating noodles
25:27I used to eat this kind of noodles
25:30It worked before
25:32Now it will definitely work
25:34That's right
25:40I'm not here
25:41No one is here for you
25:53Very delicious
25:55You eat noodles
25:57I'll talk to you about this
25:59In a few days
26:01There will be a special group
26:03Can we go together?
26:08We said we didn't want to travel
26:10Now you have time
26:13I also have time
26:14Let's travel together
26:20Do you have a cow tongue?
26:22Do you still have it?
26:24Do you still have it?
26:41What is the back view?
26:44What is the back view?
26:46What is the back view?
26:48How to hold a speech?
26:52Today we are in the fourth lesson
26:55About how to hold a speech
27:00Sometimes we will say
27:02Someone speaks well or not
27:04The way he expresses
27:06I hear it all the time
27:08It's like being repeated
27:10Say a few lines all the time
27:12It will be very difficult to express
27:14In the face of an actor
27:16So how can we improve this?
27:18In fact, we have a speech
27:20It's like a song
27:22For example, we
27:24This person says this
27:26The other person says these lines
27:28The other person also says the same thing
27:30But why do the three of them speak differently?
27:34Let's talk about the piano
27:36For example, with a stand-by
27:40This music
27:42Everyone has heard it
27:44Then we will play this music
27:48We didn't play it wrong
27:50Everything is right
27:52But how does it sound?
27:54Other people listen to me
27:56You play
27:58Sometimes it sounds bad
28:00Not as good as an artist
28:04Here is a problem
28:06About pitch
28:08The pitch will directly express the feeling
28:10This pitch
28:12How to express it
28:14You express
28:16For example
28:18There are people who talk very touching
28:20There are people who talk very easy to hear
28:24There are people who talk very funny
28:28There are people who talk very decisive
28:30In fact, these are all pitch
28:32What is pitch?
28:34Heavy, light, fast, slow
28:36Through heavy, light, fast, slow
28:38Will show your attitude
28:42Okay, that's all for today
28:44You are watching the movie
29:08My heart beats
29:12Touch your silhouette
29:18Never thought
29:20This result
29:24The encounter of a few days
29:28It turns out that fate has long decided
29:34Some hallucinations
29:38Every story is about you
29:42You are like a dream
29:44Falling tonight
29:48So let's fall in love
29:56Your eyes guide me
30:00Let the dream burn
30:02So let's never fall in love
30:06That's for sure
30:10Please forgive me
30:12Too persistent
30:14Just love you
30:16Love too deeply
30:36So let's never fall in love
30:46Your eyes guide me
30:50Let the dream burn
30:54So let's never fall in love
30:58That's for sure
31:02Please forgive me
31:04Too persistent
31:06Just love you
31:08Love too deeply
31:14Just love you
31:16Love too deeply
