The Return

  • 2 days ago
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00:00So stay with your Cheryl now.
00:04You both deserve each other.
00:08Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, please, wait, wait, please.
00:11Please tell me, please look at me.
00:15What do you mean, you were set up?
00:21Natalie, what do you mean you were set up?
00:46What are you doing here?
00:54What number is this?
01:01But, who is there?
01:08You damn traitor.
01:19Today I was supposed to marry Nick.
01:32How could you do that?
01:34Father, calm down.
01:35You have disgraced yourself.
01:37You have disgraced our entire family.
01:45But, please, it's not my fault.
01:49How can you say that?
01:51You cheated on your fiancé the day before your wedding.
01:55Don't you dare say it's not your fault.
01:58Don't you dare say it's not your fault.
02:03And how did I raise you to think that?
02:06Stop it.
02:07Cheryl, don't interrupt your father, he's right.
02:09I always knew that Natalie wouldn't grow up to be a decent person.
02:14My stepmother, Rosemary.
02:16She's never liked me, ever since I was a kid.
02:19So that day, she was very happy to finally tell me how she felt.
02:24Why did you do it?
02:26Was that man really better than me?
02:30No, Nick, of course not.
02:34I don't even know who this man was.
02:38I just was really drunk.
02:40And when I got into the room, I...
02:42I thought it was you.
02:46What a lot of crap.
02:48Oh, my God.
02:50Do you really believe this?
02:53Nick, I...
02:56I love you.
03:00He was right.
03:01It was really hard to believe.
03:03Especially seeing that stranger had already checked out
03:06and the hotel refused to give me his name.
03:10There was no way to find out what really happened.
03:14I couldn't prove anything.
03:17Nick, I need you.
03:21No, you don't.
03:23There will be no wedding.
03:27Nick, let's calm down.
03:29Nick, let's talk this through, Nick.
03:31Honey, don't go near him.
03:33He would've done the same.
03:37I need to talk to him.
03:49Help me, please.
03:54I have to figure it out.
03:56It's not my fault. Believe me, please.
03:58I believe you, honey.
04:01Of course.
04:02I know you're innocent.
04:08I set you up.
04:11Wait, wait, wait, wait.
04:13What did you say?
04:14Is that a joke?
04:15No, sir.
04:17According to the security cameras,
04:19you were at the bar last night getting drunk
04:22and some girl,
04:24she put something in your wine.
04:28You see that?
04:31And then she tempted you to meet her that evening.
04:35But half an hour later, instead of her,
04:38some other girl came to your room.
04:50The one brought by your...
04:55Being under the influence of those drugs,
04:57obviously, you were unable to notice this switch.
05:01It looks like she acted according to the precise plan.
05:04So, what do you do now?
05:10Oh, my God, sister.
05:12What a horror.
05:14Cheating on your fiance before the wedding.
05:17I would never thought of you like that.
05:21Cheryl, I...
05:23don't understand.
05:25You set this up.
05:28But how did you...
05:31It was really very simple.
05:35You and I celebrated all day yesterday.
05:39And while you were looking away,
05:42I just...
05:43While you were looking away,
05:45I just...
05:48Sleeping pills into your drink.
05:52And then I took you to someone else's room,
05:56telling you that Nick was waiting for you.
05:59You didn't think for a second it wasn't him.
06:09But why?
06:10But why?
06:12Why you did it to me?
06:16Because I want to marry Nick.
06:19This is a shock.
06:21My stepsister is in love with my fiance.
06:26And I can't stand a third of you being happy with him.
06:31And I'm ready to do pretty much anything to have him.
06:39It's her!
06:42What is going on here?
06:44Natalie, you crazy! Let her go!
06:46It was her! She set me up!
06:50How dare you accuse my daughter of anything?
06:53You're just as vile as your mother was.
06:55But she embarrassed everything! It was her!
07:02How could you? We're sisters.
07:05Tom, do you hear what your daughter is saying?
07:18Everything has to be destroyed.
07:20If the media comes out, the company is finished.
07:23I can't let that happen.
07:26Mike, you go to the hotel and destroy all the evidence.
07:31I'll do that, sir.
07:33What about the girl who was framed?
07:35Should we contact her? Maybe she needs our help.
07:38No, no, no.
07:41Don't think about her. She'll be fine.
07:45I hope we'll never meet again.
07:48From now on, she's no longer my daughter.
07:57Dad, what?
07:59What do you mean?
08:02You've disappointed me twice today.
08:07You're no longer worthy of this family.
08:12Pack your things.
08:14And get out.
08:32I love you.
08:48That day, I lost everything.
08:55They kicked me out of the house and forced me to leave the country.
09:02Almost an hour later, my father drove me to the airport and told me that I couldn't stay here.
09:11At that time, I was well aware of what I had gotten myself into.
09:17But one question kept nagging at me.
09:21Who was that man I was with that night?
09:33Nine years have passed since everything happened.
09:38From the moment my family kicked me out until now, we haven't spoken to each other.
09:45But yesterday morning, my father called me and said I had to come back.
09:52He didn't give me a reason. He just said it was urgent.
09:57And that's why I'm here.
10:00I came to buy plane tickets.
10:03One for myself.
10:05And the other...
10:10Mom, hurry up! It will leave without us!
10:13So what? What are we going to do?
10:16We'll walk. It's only a couple of kilometers. It's very good for us.
10:22I realized I was pregnant with Liam after I left the country.
10:26And although I was all alone, I decided to keep him.
10:32In his short life, he had never known who his real father was.
10:37It seemed like it was time to change that.
10:42Here you go. You'll be flying to first class.
10:46Come on, I'm sorry. Are you serious?
10:50Is this an airplane or kindergarten?
10:54I'm sorry, what?
10:56I don't buy expensive tickets to listen to children screaming. Mike...
11:04Take the tickets away from her. Please.
11:11I'm so sorry, but my child is adult and he isn't loud.
11:17Six or seven years old.
11:19Excellent! I'm eight!
11:20It doesn't matter. You're loud.
11:23I'm sorry, mind your tone with my child.
11:26Do you see the absurdity of the situation?
11:29At that moment, neither he nor I recognized each other at all.
11:34Even though we had spent the night together nine years ago.
11:38Please tell me, you have other flights leaving today?
11:41Just a moment, sir. Let me please find out.
11:44Be so kind.
11:45Be so kind.
11:47But knowing this one fact about our night,
11:51it becomes 100% clear that this man, who is now telling off my son, is his real father.
12:06I'm sorry.
12:10What are you doing? It's not funny making jokes about this.
12:15It's true. Look at his arm. He has a scar, the same as mine.
12:24Hey, it's just a coincidence. Don't get too excited about it.
12:29Why did you leave me and my mom?
12:31Liam, it's enough. It's not nice to behave like this.
12:34Oh, no, no, no. Go ahead. Act for me, actress.
12:37Do you know how many women send to me their child and ask to call me daddy?
12:45You wanted my money?
12:49I didn't send anyone to you. I'm really sorry, but now you're fantasizing.
12:54Was it your idea?
12:57I'm so sorry for that.
12:59Hey, why don't you give him a proper family mother of the year?
13:06Don't you dare tell me and my son how to live our lives.
13:10Liam, come on.
13:15No woman has ever put Bryce in his place before.
13:20They were all infatuated by his strength and authority.
13:25At that moment, he was pushed to the wall for the first time.
13:29And he liked it. He was definitely interested in me then.
13:34Mr. Bryce, are you all right?
13:37I'm fine. I'm good.
13:39The cashier says there is one more fly living today. Should we take it?
13:44No. We'll fly with her. Let's go.
13:48With her? Really?
13:51I didn't understand why Liam called this man dad.
13:54It was our first meeting after that night.
13:57A meeting in which neither I nor he realized that we had met each other a long time ago.
14:11But a few hours later, none of this mattered.
14:15I finally returned to my hometown where a meeting with my family,
14:20was waiting for me.
14:23My father didn't tell me why he invited me.
14:27But now I understand why he didn't say anything to me.
14:34Hey, Natalie.
14:40Finally. We were waiting for you.
14:45My sister and my ex-fiancé are getting married.
14:50They had just come to pick me up from the airport.
15:02Mister, you forgot your wallet.
15:07Did it fell out? Or maybe you pulled it out?
15:11Did it fell out? Or maybe you pulled it out?
15:15Where are your parents?
15:17Liam would never take something that wasn't his. He just gave you your wallet back.
15:22So, this is your son?
15:26Mother of God, I can't believe it.
15:29Who could have agreed to do that with you?
15:37Don't tell me you gave birth after you cheated on Nick.
15:42Oh, that's terrible. That's just pathetic.
15:46And you have been raising him all this time on your own.
15:50No wonder he's picking pockets.
15:53This is what happens when you get pregnant with the first guy you meet.
15:57It was all very painful to hear.
16:00I couldn't believe that my half-sister and ex-fiancé,
16:03who had once told me that he loved me, could now say such things.
16:08At that moment, I couldn't hold myself back.
16:15If you say that again, you'll get a second one.
16:18It goes for you too, fraud.
16:22How dare you?
16:24Do you think that because you're a woman, I will do anything to you?
16:28Don't touch my mom!
16:29Don't touch my mom!
16:32What's wrong with you?
16:34That's hurt.
16:36Stay away! You're bad people!
16:38It's your mother's fault that you have to grow up without a father.
16:41And you're calling us bad?
16:45Darling, there you are.
16:48I've been looking for you everywhere.
16:50I was getting worried.
16:55Have you decided where we are going for the lunch?
17:00Yeah, darling, yes.
17:04Liam really wants some ice cream.
17:06Should we go to look for some restaurants with their own ice cream?
17:11Of course, it's a good idea.
17:13Mike, bring the car around.
17:16Sure, Mr. Bryce.
17:18Nick and Cheryl couldn't believe what was happening.
17:21They had just been convinced that I had been raising an illegitimate child alone for eight years.
17:27And now it turned out that I had a rich husband abroad.
17:32I will never forget the look on their faces.
17:38I'm sorry, who are you?
17:41Honey, are these your friends?
17:44No. Honey, I don't know these people.
17:47They were looking for some money for the subway. Do you have some?
17:51Unfortunately, no.
17:53Oh, sorry.
17:57Let's go.
18:28Thanks for your help.
18:31Yes, thank you.
18:36I just don't like what those two were saying, that's all.
18:40That's right, they were really bad.
18:44I'm glad you intervened, Dad.
18:46Liam, you can't call someone dead.
18:51Liam, you can't call someone dead.
18:57Why not? It's the truth.
18:59Liam, please.
19:01What? It's him. I know it. I can feel it.
19:06To have a baby with a woman, at least she needs to be attractive.
19:11And that's not about your mother, kid.
19:16Those words were very painful.
19:18Of course, this Mr. Bryce protected me from Nick and Cheryl,
19:23but now he's hurting me just as much as they were.
19:28Stop the car.
19:32Stop the car, please!
19:38I know what's happened.
19:40We're leaving.
19:49What's wrong? Are you mad at me?
19:54What are you doing?
19:56It's for the taxi. Thank you for your help.
19:58I hope I never see you again.
20:09Mike, did you see that?
20:13Mike, did you see that?
20:19Let's go.
20:21This was the second time,
20:23the second time in Bryce's entire life that a woman has put him in his place.
20:30And both times, it was me.
20:33When we got out of Bryce's car,
20:36we didn't go to my father's mansion.
20:39We took a taxi to another place.
20:55It's me, too.
20:58I missed you so much.
21:00I missed you so much.
21:06How much suffering have you endured while you've been away?
21:11Hello, I'm Liam.
21:23Let's go.
21:29Let's go.
21:33Of course, my grandmother was happy to see me.
21:37And she was just infatuated with Liam.
21:40She fell in love with him at first sight.
21:44A woman of her experience knew what to ask a person and what not to ask.
21:50That's why she didn't ask me where my son came from.
21:54I was happy to come back to the place where I spent my childhood.
21:59It was good here.
22:01And nothing could destroy this idyllic feeling.
22:07Nothing except...
22:17Hello again, sis.
22:20I knew this was the place to look for you.
22:25I don't think we have anything else to talk about.
22:27Please, don't bother me, okay?
22:32We didn't really want to come here.
22:35Yeah, daddy asked us to come.
22:38He wants to see you right away.
22:41Your choice.
22:54On the way to the family mansion, none of us said a word.
23:09And the house seemed to be the same as it was nine years ago.
23:14But the people in it had changed.
23:18I couldn't look into their eyes anymore.
23:24Honey, I want some drink.
23:29Oh, Natalie, you are back.
23:32How was the flight? Are you hungry?
23:35I know you don't like me, so you shouldn't act like you do.
23:40Is that a way to talk to your mother?
23:55Hi, dad.
23:58I've sent you out of the country to think about your behavior.
24:05Instead, you...
24:08You've brought some strange kid here.
24:11Hello, I'm Liam.
24:17I will never accept him.
24:24This is the part of the Davidson family.
24:32Daddy, don't be so angry.
24:35This child is not his fault.
24:39Besides, he is your grandson.
24:44Don't you dare call him that.
24:47Of course she emphasized the word grandson.
24:50She knew that would make my father even angrier.
24:54When they kicked me out, I was so poor that I hardly ate anything.
24:59And even then, none of them called me once.
25:03And now they want to reject the only person who cares about me.
25:10Liam is my son.
25:12And I don't care if you accept him or not.
25:16I only came back here for the engagement party.
25:19And I'll be leaving as soon as it's over.
25:33You're welcome to come to the wedding.
25:40Not with him.
25:42I forbid you to embarrass our family in front of all the guests.
25:56Well, if that is what you want...
26:01It was very nice seeing you all.
26:06At that time, I felt nothing but disgust.
26:09I wanted to leave the house I had lived in for 20 years as soon as possible
26:15and go back to my grandmother's house.
26:18But on the way out, I was stopped.
26:23Natalie, please wait.
26:29What do you want from me?
26:31Did you come here to insult me even more?
26:33All this time here, Nick hasn't taken his eyes off Liam.
26:38He clearly couldn't stop thinking about the man who was with me yesterday.
26:43After all, Nick and I had been together for a few years.
26:48And I knew I held a very important place in his heart.
26:53He still felt something.
26:55I just want to ask you something.
27:00What did you mean when you called Cheryl a fraud yesterday?
27:06Are you serious?
27:11What right do you have to say something like that?
27:14You the fraud.
27:15You cheated on me behind my back.
27:16Are you done?
27:19Now you listen to me.
27:22Don't you ever bring up
27:25what happened then.
27:29I, I had been set up
27:32and you just walked away
27:35without asking any single question.
27:38Even though we had been together for so many years, you...
27:42You didn't give me an ounce of trust.
27:47You didn't.
27:54So stay with your Cheryl now.
27:58You both deserve each other.
28:02Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, please, wait, wait, please.
28:05Please, tell me. Please, look at me.
28:09What do you mean you were set up?
28:12Natalie, what do you mean you were set up?