Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 164 HD

  • 9 hours ago
00:30Corresponde que pero ella piensan que
00:35Pues que esa chica merecía más el puesto que tú ahora lo entiendo todo no la jugué por esto porque no contratas a maté
00:41Y que te he hecho una mano hombre si hombre es que tú crees que aquí la cantina es la gallina de los huevos de
00:46Oro vamos con esa parte tienes esto a reventar todos los días está bien
00:50que mis hijos tengan sus acciones y sus cargos y yo volvería a tu maldita casa
00:56Mi vida yo creo que ya haciendo se ha enterado de que eres mi mario no no
01:02meridiano si vuelvo a la casa grande
01:06Es porque tengo un plan
01:08quiero que paguen por cada uno de los días
01:13Que han hecho sufrir a esta familia
01:27Vivir de otra manera
01:32Donde el alma quiera sueños de libertad el corazón no espera
01:39pidiendo otra oportunidad
01:42Sueños de libertad aunque el pasado duela volver a comenzar
01:49Amar a quien yo quiera
01:51Gritarles mi verdad
01:53Vivir sin miedo y sin mirar atrás
02:13Sueños de libertad
02:28Seguro que quieres más café
02:29Sí porque no voy a querer pues porque es tu primera junta y no hace falta que vayas cargado de cafeína no sería mejor
02:34una tila joaquín que no gema que estoy bien estoy estoy tranquilo
02:39Que no se va a decir que no se va a cambiar la vida de la noche a la mañana
02:43si es que por fin te van a reconocer toda esa entrega de todos estos años bueno a ver un momento son los de la
02:48reina se puede esperar cualquier cosa de ellos
02:51me quieres hacer el favor de disfrutar este momento porque llevamos años esperando esto
02:56gerente de la fábrica joaquín
02:59suena bien el título y dueño de un 20 por ciento no te olvides y ahora tú vas a tener muchas más
03:05responsabilidades no porque supongo que tienes que opinar sobre muchísimas cosas presupuestos balances y bueno viene con el cargo si y también sobre turnos
03:12horarios todo
03:13sí pero supongo que haber trabajado tantos años la empresa sirve de algo no si si tienes toda la razón y además ahora tienes la
03:19oportunidad de cambiar todas esas cosas de las que te quejabas del día a día en la fábrica a ver va a ser muchísimo trabajo
03:24eso sí pero seguro que lo consigues pues no lo sé que más porque me estás poniendo muy nervioso
03:28definitivamente te pongo una tila y a mí también es
03:34y no me has dado un beso
03:42Qué pasa
03:45Tenéis una casa para hacer esas cosas
03:48Desea algo
03:49Pues sí quiero mi café de sobremesa así que si no te importa hacer tu trabajo y servírmelo si no es mucho pedir claro
04:00Qué pasa joaquín de cómo no sé la cara
04:04que pronto vas a tener que dejaros de tratar con esa soberbia
04:09Así y porque debería de hacerlo
04:12Vaya me parece que hay alguien que no está bien informado
04:17Desde hoy mismo soy uno de los dueños de perfumerías de la reina
04:28Qué le has puesto a este en el café coñac ya has vuelto a las andadas señor carajillo
04:36El primito
04:39Nunca has tenido sentido el humor pero es un chiste muy bueno debería reconocerlo yo de usted dejaría de reírme y le escucharía
04:47En cuanto me acabe este café me voy a ir a la empresa a mi primera junta
04:51y allí se va a hacer oficial la entrada de mi hermano y mía como dueños de la empresa junto a marta y andrés
05:02Eso no es posible sí que lo es
05:06La de vueltas que da la vida verdad
05:09Ahora tienes un don nadie
05:13Que no decidido esa estupidez
05:16tu padre
05:17El dueño de todo y el que tiene la potestad para repartir la empresa como él quiera
05:23y por fin se ha hecho justicia y tú
05:26estás fuera
05:29Mi padre está perdiendo la cabeza tu padre está haciendo lo que debe
05:33y lo único que lamento es que tú no estés en esa junta para poder ver cómo los marinos recuperamos lo que es nuestro
05:55Estoy tan orgullosa
06:02Las cosas van a cambiar para nosotros
06:24Muy buenas para mi vida no tenía mucho trabajo hoy
06:28no siempre encuentra un momento para ver a su mujer
06:30pues nosotros estamos en el descanso haciéndonos un cafecito si te anima
06:33anda y qué es lo que pasa con las chicas y siempre sale las tres juntas
06:37mi vida siempre no te un amo
06:39Mira que suerte has tenido que vas a poder alternar con la jefa y yo encantado es y carmen es la jefa
06:45más amable y cercana que he tenido nunca es una mujer con muchos recursos es lo que estoy aprendiendo con ella
06:52pero tú en la tiña lo traes de casa que sí
07:06Vas a dar un beso mira no no me apetece mucho la verdad
07:17Pues fíjate que yo pensaba que querías quedar a solas con tu marido para pedirle disculpas por lo de antes
07:22El que de antes
07:26Que te fueras a solas a tomar algo con ese pupilo tuyo
07:30Madre mía de mi vida
07:32a ver cómo lo explico yo esto caballero
07:35si te he citado aquí
07:37es para decirte que ni se te ocurra volver a montarme un numerito como el de antes que vaya vergüenza más hecho pasar
07:43que ahora le vas a dar la vuelta a la tortilla no y te vas a hacer la ofendida después de reírte de mí delante de
07:47ese figurín
07:48Es que yo no sé cómo ha sido capaz de montarme semejante numerito de celos delante de un empleado mío tacio de celos yo
07:55mira carmen a mí lo que me parece indecoroso es que te haya sido a tomar algo con ese tipo a solas y ya está
08:00ese tipo como tú lo llamas compañero mío de trabajo
08:04a ver si va a resultar que yo ahora no puedo tener amigos si quiera
08:07a que es tu amigo también
08:09no sé rápido te amigas tú de la gente me parece a mí bueno es una forma de hablar natasio
08:12no pues ponte en mi situación me he puesto y no me gusta un pelo
08:16Al mojo se te ha olvidado la amiga que soy de claudia también
08:19la carmen eso no tiene nada que ver
08:21tú no ha visto cómo te mira el jacinto este y cómo te adula a ti te parece todo normal o mira más normal que tú
08:26sí hijo que parece que ha salido de la cabina
08:28haciendo un chico simpático y lo único que quieres agradar que es lo que quiere hacer todo el mundo cuando llega nueva un sitio
08:34que le agrada
08:37Estarías igual de celoso si haciendo fuera una defesión a que no
08:42Esa es la cuestión carmen hay que no es la cuestión de conocer ellos bien a natasio
08:47si el jacinto no fuera un guapero otro gallo cantaría
08:50pero claro el chico es guapísimo tiene el tipo que tiene y tú puedo te sientes inferior y te inventas tu historia
08:57pero eso es tu problema no el mío así que mi mujer reconoce que le parece guapo
09:02hombre guapo no es guapísimo nada más que hay que verlo vamos
09:06Te estás confundiendo Carmen
09:09Bueno y qué pasaría si yo le gustara
09:12no confía en mí pues en este caso no fíjate y creo que estás confundiendo el chico con tantas confianzas
09:19Madre mía de mi vida la película que te estás montando en la cabeza anastasio
09:23confianza claro que tenemos estamos todos juntos como no vamos a tener confianza después de todo el día junto como no habéis tenido
09:28suficiente tiempo juntos pues también te vas a tomar algo con él a solas después
09:31Pues mira si, porque es que resulta que la chica le están dando del agua en la tienda
09:36Pobrecito claro y tu eres sor maría del carmen de la cruz o como es esto
09:41mira si a tus amigas no le cae bien será por algo no que ellas no tienen un pelo de dondas
09:46Mira de verdad que lo tuyo es que no tiene soluciones no estoy para escuchar tonterías me voy a buscar a Marta que tengo mucha feina
09:54O vete con Jacinto a tomar algo que me has dado
09:56Y por eso estamos organizando la rifa para recaudar dinero para la casa
10:00pero vamos que la gente más agarrada un tango no hay manera de que me donen nada
10:05es que la clave para que la gente haga donaciones es no pedírselas
10:08pero eso no va a ser Jacinto si no pido no me dan
10:11vamos mi madre siempre me ha dicho que quien no llora no mama pero ese es un pensamiento muy antiguo
10:18Me da mucho miedo
10:21Pero no me da miedo
10:23But that's an old way of thinking, isn't it?
10:26Well, let's see if you can help me with your sales skills, because I'm lost.
10:31Well, look, what you should do is not ask, but offer the possibility of participating in a noble cause such as the Casa Cuna, which will also give a very good image to the business.
10:42I understand.
10:44By the way, you can tell me how you organize the warehouse, because I don't remember. I know you have a way to do it.
10:49Jacinto, I have to go. You just gave me a great idea.
10:52No, Claudia, it's just a second, explain to me ...
10:54I'm sorry, I'll help you later. I have to get things for the raffle.
11:10Is it true that he is going to make those bastards owners of the company?
11:13Close the door when you enter.
11:19I see that you have already found out.
11:21Yes, and in the worst possible way, with Joaquín rubbing it in my face. Can you explain to me what the hell he is up to?
11:28I don't have to give you any explanation. I have to remind you that you are no longer anyone in this company.
11:37But I'm going to make it clear to you forever.
11:41I'm going to distribute the property.
11:44One part will be given to Joaquín and Luis, the other part will be given to your brothers.
11:49And I'm going to stay with the greatest participation.
11:53Anyway, now you are aware.
11:57It wasn't enough for you to take away my address, right?
12:00You had to get to the point of kicking me out, humiliating me, leaving me without inheritance.
12:07This is not a punishment, Jesus. It is a reward for those who deserve it.
12:13For those who deserve it? Do you really think I don't deserve a part of the cake?
12:19Have I not invested a lot of time and effort to put this company where it is today?
12:25And now you are going to give it to our enemies and you are going to leave me out?
12:29The Merinos are not enemies!
12:32Joaquín and Luis, apart from my nephews, are the children of the co-founder of this company.
12:38And today I am going to close an account that I have been pending with them for many years.
12:46As for you, you have done many things well.
12:51But many others have been terrible.
12:56So don't take yourself too seriously.
13:02Do you know what I think, Father?
13:06That it is nothing more than a sad and bitter old man who tries to buy the love that Digna has denied him.
13:11That's enough! I'm not going to put up with any more insults.
13:14Of that sadness, only you are responsible.
13:16You are to blame that I have lost the woman I love.
13:19And not only that, you have been able to keep my granddaughter away from her family just to punish Begoña.
13:24I don't understand anything.
13:25What I don't understand is how I have been able to have a person like you.
13:28I am his son.
13:29I am his son!
13:30And I have been your shield.
13:32I have done the impossible to protect you.
13:34So much so that it is hard for me to live in peace with my conscience.
13:42So from now on, and for the rest of my life, I'm going to be fair to the Merinos.
13:48And now get out of this office.
13:51I don't want to see you around here again.
14:01This is not going to stay that way. I swear.
14:05I can't hear you, son.
14:08He will hear me.
14:10Keep him safe.
14:30I'm sorry.
14:40Fina, thank goodness you arrived just now.
14:42Because I don't remember how you organized the warehouse and I'm getting in trouble.
14:45Can you refresh my memory?
14:47You're not that smart.
14:48Well, make up your mind.
14:50You're always like that.
14:52Like what?
14:53So unkind.
14:55You've only been looking for it.
14:56Well, I don't think so.
14:57And I know why you treat me like that.
14:59You're upset because they hired me, not your friend Mari Nieves.
15:02But I'm not to blame for that, you know?
15:04Where did you get all that from?
15:06I don't know. Someone must have said it.
15:10Well, that someone is right, Jacinto.
15:12Because Mari Nieves deserved much more than you in this position.
15:15That's why it's so hard for women to have a job.
15:17I've never wanted to take the job away from one of you, Fina.
15:20Well, you have, Jacinto. You have.
15:21And on top of that, you came in with the wrong foot.
15:23But why?
15:24There's nothing else to see.
15:25I kicked you that morning with Mrs. Marga.
15:27With these airs of always trying to stay above your colleagues.
15:30Sometimes you forget that we have more experience than you do.
15:33I just don't think it was that bad.
15:36A little humility wouldn't hurt you.
15:38At least I could admit your mistake.
15:39And you could admit that the promotion I came up with went very well.
15:42You haven't noticed, but the cream bottles you couldn't get out have flown away.
15:46See how much pride you have left?
15:48No, I'm just defending myself.
15:49And I don't want to keep arguing.
15:51Well, come on.
15:52In that case, if you remind me how you organize the warehouse,
15:55we're all done.
15:56Jacinto, you know perfectly well how the warehouse is organized.
15:58Don't make a mistake now to try to get along with us.
16:01You won't get along.
16:08Gaspar, just imagine what it must be like for the mothers of La Colonia
16:12to leave their children at home and go to work
16:15with the peace of mind that they will be well taken care of.
16:18Come on, that's modernity.
16:20Yes, sir.
16:21And a great help, of course.
16:23And this will also be thanks to you,
16:25who will have collaborated with us in the raffle.
16:29Look how beautiful the poster will be.
16:32How beautiful, really.
16:34Red letters.
16:35Yes, yes, yes.
16:36Let's find him a place of honor in the canteen right now.
16:40That's it.
16:41Come on.
16:45That's great.
16:47Great, great.
16:50Well, Gaspar, I'll bring you the tickets later.
16:53The printing press is in a hurry and you sell them all to me.
16:57You can count on it, come on.
17:00No one leaves here without a ticket in their hand.
17:03I'll put another one for you.
17:04Hey, what are you doing here?
17:06I was talking to Arnal.
17:09Hey, what are you doing here?
17:10You're the one who shouldn't be here.
17:12Yeah, well, I've been all over the center of Toledo
17:15looking for some business that someone will need, but nothing.
17:19Tell them you told them...
17:21No, no, no, no.
17:22I didn't tell them I was a priest.
17:24I don't get it, Mateo.
17:25You said you have a studio and you've worked here in the factory.
17:28I even got a bit of a bump, which has embarrassed me.
17:33Nothing, nothing.
17:34No way.
17:35Come on, we're good.
17:38What worries me is what happened to my father
17:42when he came from Colombia and found out everything.
17:45Don't worry, Mateo, it won't be worse than your mother.
17:51What did you say? Worse than your mother?
17:53Well, my father is very much his.
17:56Mateo, don't tell me that, please.
17:58I'm telling you that my mother is the understanding of the family.
18:03Mateo, don't tell me that, please.
18:09Mateo, I'm not ready for you to introduce me to your father
18:12if it's worse than your mother.
18:14I don't want you to introduce him to me.
18:16Yes, I understand you.
18:18Besides, for my father, work is the most important thing in life.
18:22A decent man has to have a good job.
18:24And if I don't have it, things get even worse.
18:29Mateo, don't worry about that.
18:32You'll see how you find something.
18:34You've just started looking.
18:36Besides, worse things have been found.
18:40Moisés didn't cross the Red Sea.
18:42Yes, I'd have to see Moisés looking for a job in Toledo.
18:51Hey, Mateo.
18:53Tell me.
18:54How do you manage to carry trays?
19:03This painting was commissioned by Gervasio and me shortly after opening the factory.
19:07It seems it was yesterday.
19:10But more than 30 years have passed and many things since then.
19:23In this time, our children have become men and women
19:27who have made the factory that Gervasio and I create grow.
19:32And it's time for the Merinos to receive their legacy.
19:40A new stage begins for this company
19:42in which the two families unite
19:45to guide Perfumerías de la Reina towards its future.
19:51And I can't attribute the merit of this.
19:54It's worthy.
19:57You asked me to make this gesture to your children.
20:02I appreciate that you have considered my request
20:05and that you two have agreed.
20:09To be honest, I must tell you that I would have preferred
20:13that this delivery was not caused by a demand.
20:20That said, I think my father's gesture is fair.
20:25And I sincerely hope that it can somehow compensate
20:29for the pain caused by Gervasio and you.
20:35I appreciate your clarity, niece.
20:38Although nothing can do justice to Gervasio.
20:42But that his children are owners of the company he created,
20:49Well, I just hope that from now on
20:51the four of you will be able to collaborate without problems.
20:56Because each of you is fundamental for this company.
21:00Marta, thanks to your vision and your leadership,
21:02you will know how to expand the company
21:04and take it to new generations of customers.
21:10Andrés will contribute the logistics,
21:12the best of his experience in the army,
21:14so that our products will go to their destination
21:17in the best possible way.
21:21Luis will continue to create the aromas
21:23that will seduce today's customers and the future.
21:30And Joaquín will debut as manager of the factory
21:33and member of this board.
21:36I am sure that he will know how to strengthen the ties
21:40between the workers and the management
21:43and will make that relationship flow in harmony.
21:51Things have been very complicated so far.
21:56And besides, Jesus has often made them more difficult
22:00and unfair.
22:03But now that he is no longer part of the company
22:05and that this board has taken a new course,
22:07I trust that we can all work together
22:10to take Perfumerías de la Reina
22:13much further than we would have imagined.
22:17As director, I would like to say
22:21that the four of us have always done well.
22:25And I trust that it will continue to be so.
22:27Welcome, Cousins.
22:35And the truth is that I would like some help.
22:40Wait, Gaspar, wait a minute.
22:42Have you always complained that the business is not good enough?
22:46So that the clients don't kick him out and let me work.
22:51But the business...
22:53The business is going well.
22:55And I've always thought about hiring someone.
23:00So what? Are you interested or not?
23:03Of course I'm interested.
23:05Let's see, Claudia, wait a minute.
23:07Let's see what I have to do and those things.
23:09Because if I'm not going to be able to...
23:11Well, a little bit of everything.
23:13A little help in the kitchen,
23:15cleaning, picking up the tables.
23:17You can imagine.
23:19Because I could do it.
23:21Well, anyone.
23:23I mean, someone with your preparation,
23:25with your studies, Mateo.
23:27With your good faith.
23:29You will get used to it.
23:31Well, you don't have to be an engineer,
23:33but you're going to have to be patient.
23:36Because sometimes the clientele puts your head like a drum.
23:39Well, imagine how they put him in the confessional.
23:44Well, Mateo, you understand me.
23:47When do I start?
23:49When do I start, he says.
23:51Right now?
23:53Right now.
23:55Come on, man, don't bite the tray.
23:57Of course, of course.
23:59Look, good luck.
24:01I'll see you later, I have to go back to the store.
24:05Well, I'll try, right?
24:07Of course.
24:12I want to thank you for all the facilities you have provided,
24:16Marta and you.
24:22Above all, I want to thank my mother.
24:29For fighting so hard.
24:31For being there for me.
24:33For being there for me.
24:36For fighting so hard.
24:39Because today we are here as equals.
24:44And nothing more.
24:51Well, then...
24:56In that case, we proceed to sign the statutes.
25:01Luis, we would need as soon as possible
25:04that you return the formula of the Queen's Essences
25:07that you did not bring.
25:09Yes, of course.
25:11And in fact, here I have it.
25:20I return to you the formula of the perfume
25:23and the instructions to be able to elaborate it.
25:28Of course.
25:32We will all agree that from now on
25:35the formulations of the products will not be kept under lock and key.
25:40Well, then we proceed to sign.
25:59Mrs. Montessori?
26:00Yes, with this ready.
26:02Do you store jewelry?
26:05Very well, we left these two prepared yesterday, right?
26:07Uh, well, wait a minute, let me see.
26:11No, these two are not yet.
26:15Well, the delivery man is about to arrive
26:17and we have a lot of orders to prepare.
26:20My God, can you see what's going on today?
26:22Carmen, there is no way to find anything.
26:24I don't know who has changed the whole place.
26:28I have done what I could
26:30and I have placed everything in alphabetical order
26:32to give it some meaning.
26:34But, Jacinto, how do you make such a change without consulting me?
26:38The products are placed by section,
26:40body treatment, facial treatment, perfume ...
26:42If I explain it to you, huh?
26:44I'm sorry, Carmen, I didn't remember.
26:46I tried to put it in following some logic.
26:49I'm sorry.
26:51Can you tell me what's going on?
26:53Because I'm not blind.
26:55What's going on?
26:57Maybe Jacinto is not as perfect as you thought.
27:00And he lost his memory.
27:06And if you didn't remember how the products are placed,
27:08as if you didn't ask your colleagues for help?
27:14I don't know.
27:16I don't remember.
27:18Did you ask your colleagues for help?
27:25You did, didn't you?
27:35Carmen, it's just that I had to run
27:37to put the raffle poster in the canteen.
27:39This is bigger than Barcelona.
27:40Have you gone mad? What's going on?
27:42One doesn't speak, the other doesn't help,
27:44the other is busy.
27:46Claudia, I think the Cuna house is great,
27:48but the first thing is the first thing, okay?
27:50Yes, I'm sorry, Carmen.
27:52And as for you two,
27:54you'd better learn to get along,
27:56this is not a school yard.
27:58The three of you are classmates,
28:00so whether you like it or not,
28:01you have to make this work.
28:03A new classmate will come in
28:05so that this goes better, not so that we go backwards.
28:07But, Carmen...
28:08Buts and buts, Claudia.
28:10If this doesn't get better, you'll have to take measures.
28:13I thought about it.
28:16Do we agree?
28:20If it's clear, I've asked Fina.
28:26Very well.
28:27And now I'll show you inside
28:29how the merchandise is placed.
28:34And with a smile.
28:36And if it doesn't work out, she'll make it up to you.
28:54Thank you very much for coming to my call, Father.
28:57It's a blessing to have your support
28:59and your guidance in such difficult times.
29:01You don't look well, daughter.
29:04I've had better times.
29:06Well, as far as I can help you,
29:08I only do my duty.
29:10Do you want me to take your confession?
29:20Today, I'd just like to have your spiritual guide.
29:24Of course, daughter.
29:26In fact, I was looking forward to coming to see you
29:28to tell you that I saw your husband a few days ago.
29:30I'd like to tell you that the conversation
29:33had its fruits, but...
29:35the truth is that it didn't.
29:37He wasn't very willing when I asked him to attend to God
29:39and forgive you, but I don't give up...
29:41You don't have to keep trying.
29:45Things have happened since then
29:47that have changed everything.
29:59My husband is with someone else.
30:02Are you sure, daughter?
30:07Unfortunately, I saw it with my own eyes.
30:12I almost surprised him by performing an act.
30:42Are you going to deny it now too?
30:46What do you mean?
30:51That you were about to do
30:53what only a husband and a wife should do in intimacy.
30:56Holy Virgin.
30:58Look, I know that you wouldn't ask me for details
31:00out of shame,
31:02nor for the identity of the person, but...
31:06No, I wouldn't normally ask, although...
31:08My own sister-in-law.
31:10She has no respect for anything.
31:13She even disobeyed her duties as a wife to Jesus
31:15and left this house.
31:17She has abandoned the marital home.
31:19And what does Jesus say?
31:21You can imagine.
31:23It's not right.
31:25As for Begoña, she has settled in the pantry
31:27with Dr. Borrell.
31:29In front of everyone.
31:31That doctor, what a bad influence
31:33with such a relaxed moral.
31:35God raises them and they get together,
31:37and also impart divine justice,
31:39and if not, time to time.
31:42And in the meantime,
31:44what position does all this leave me in?
31:48I have lost my husband and I feel very humiliated.
31:53I feel the bitter trance you are going through.
31:58I don't leave my room.
32:01I spend the day crying.
32:04I already know that I must be by my husband's side,
32:06but I just want to get out of here.
32:08Get out of what? You are not guilty of anything.
32:10You don't have to hide.
32:13I feel so ashamed.
32:14Shame is what that viper should feel
32:16who has tempted your husband.
32:18Please, can you hear him?
32:22What do I do? Live here forever?
32:25Daughter, you are a decent woman,
32:27a good Christian.
32:29You can go out there with your head held high.
32:31It is true that you have made a mistake,
32:33but you have already been forgiven.
32:36That's why you don't have to hide.
32:38In fact, now that your sister-in-law is gone,
32:40you will have to ensure
32:42decency and decorum in this house.
32:44Show that you are a true lady of the queen
32:46with your head held high.
32:49I will do what I can, but ...
32:51God will reward you.
32:53And I'm sure you'll get your husband back on the right track.
32:57As for your sister-in-law,
32:59I'll take care of her.
33:05Well, as I was saying,
33:07I consider it the best option
33:09because this body cream does wonders.
33:11It is also made with muscat rose,
33:13which has healing properties,
33:15and calendula, which calms the skin.
33:17And will it be good for me?
33:18I always have such dry skin.
33:20This is the best for dry skin.
33:22I use it myself and it works wonders for me.
33:24Look, I'm going to give it away.
33:26You do very well.
33:27You have to allow it, of course.
33:29It would be 35 pesetas, please.
33:31Very well.
33:33I assure you that it is a purchase success.
33:35I'm sure it is.
33:37What do you have?
33:38Well, just.
33:40It has been a pleasure.
33:42Likewise, thank you very much.
33:44Enjoy it a lot.
33:46I'm sure it is.
33:47See you later.
33:48See you soon.
33:50Jacinto, you could have told her about the raffle, right?
33:53And have sold her a ticket
33:54that showed that this woman had money.
33:56I haven't seen it appropriate, Claudia.
33:58I don't know why, son.
34:00What if she saw Amar D'Avuto with you?
34:02Because she was a new client and she didn't want to harass her.
34:05And if in her first purchase she tried to sell her a ticket,
34:08I don't know, maybe she won't come back, right?
34:10I don't know, Jacinto. I don't know.
34:14Jacinto, now that you know how the warehouse is organized,
34:17the work of the back store has to be done.
34:19That just showing off with the clients is very comfortable.
34:22That's it.
34:23That's it.
34:24You can't trust your colleagues.
34:26As soon as one is careless,
34:28they stab you in the back.
34:29And this mouth was quiet.
34:31Oh yeah?
34:33But if with the gestures you said everything to Carmen,
34:35what do you think? That I suck my finger?
34:37Don't call me innocent.
34:40What did you say to me?
34:41Oh, now you haven't read my gesture.
34:45Well, look, it's okay, huh?
34:46Do you want to stop both of you?
34:48What's up? You haven't heard Carmen.
34:50Look, I don't know about you two,
34:52but I need this job.
34:54So you can stop once.
34:55Come on.
34:56As good as we were, Claudia,
34:58before you got here this morning.
35:00As good as we were.
35:02Whatever you say.
35:03But I'm not leaving this job.
35:04I've earned it, honestly.
35:06But if you want war, you'll have it.
35:09Very well.
35:11May the best win.
35:19Are you okay?
35:20Yes, yes.
35:21Just a little tired.
35:25We'd better go home.
35:27Tomorrow we'll continue to inspect the area.
35:29No, I'm fine.
35:31Besides, four eyes see more than two.
35:34I have as much need as you to find
35:37what we're looking for.
35:39Every day I hide this secret from you worse and worse.
35:42You don't have to feel guilty.
35:44We still can't raise the hare.
35:46Yes, but she is one of the people I appreciate the most in this world
35:49and deserves to know the truth about the death of her son.
35:53That's why we're here.
35:59You see, the only problem with Cruzuela
36:02is knowing that she is no longer serving in the house
36:05where the murderer of her son and his henchman live.
36:09Isidro, that has actually changed.
36:15My cousins have not only become co-owners of the company,
36:18but there are more news.
36:20My aunt Dina will return to work in our house.
36:23Don't tell me your father forced her to come back.
36:25I can't assure you what happened, but it could be.
36:28Andrés, I'm sorry to talk to you like this,
36:30but your father has no shame.
36:32And you're right.
36:33I've accepted that in this case we can't do anything.
36:36Yes, yes, yes, he has accepted,
36:37but it would be necessary to see what would have happened
36:39if he had known the whole truth.
36:40That's why we must find all the evidence
36:42that shows how far your father is able to go.
36:44And if we have to comb the whole mountain and remove it
36:46to the last stone, I swear I'll make it.
36:51Are you okay?
36:53Isidro, tell me something, please.
36:55Andrés, take me home, please.
36:58No, no, no.
36:59Let's go to the dispensary.
37:00No, no, no.
37:01Take me home.
37:03I have more pills there.
37:05This is not necessary.
37:06Let's go.
37:07Don't worry about me.
37:08You can count on me.
37:15You count.
37:39Thank you very much, Carlos.
37:46What's that?
37:47You scared me, Carmen.
37:48The raffle tickets have arrived.
37:52But don't get mad.
37:53I'll get to work right away.
37:55No, no, don't worry.
37:58Give me one of those.
37:59I'll sell them.
38:01Thank you very much, Carmen.
38:03You're collaborating with a good cause.
38:07I'm sorry.
38:08I was a bit rude before.
38:10But this can't go on like this, Claudia.
38:12The warehouse as it is.
38:14The orders without going out.
38:15Carmen, you're right.
38:18Don't worry about me.
38:19I've learned my lesson.
38:22Thank you very much.
38:24I'm worried about the relationship between Jacinto and Fina.
38:28Don't worry.
38:29They'll get better over time.
38:33Well, not over time.
38:35I'm sure things will get better.
38:39Is there anything I should know?
38:43Carmen, give me a hand, please.
38:45Be careful.
38:46It's not good for your belly.
38:47Oh, my God.
38:52It's very delicate.
38:53I don't want it to break.
38:54But this is water.
38:55Who's getting married?
38:57It's a porcelain bowl for the raffle at Casa Cuna.
39:00Where did you get it from?
39:02I talked to Mrs. Flora.
39:03From Porcelana Romero, from the initiative.
39:05She's very devoted.
39:06I managed to get her to donate it.
39:08That's great.
39:10With the Queen's perfumery lot,
39:12we already had a porcelain raffle.
39:14Now, with this, we're going to be crowned.
39:16What I ask of you is that it is very clear
39:18that it was a donation from the parish.
39:20Well, thank you, Mrs. Flora.
39:22Well, I wouldn't have donated it if it weren't for me.
39:25I mean, the parish, to be precise.
39:27If you have a pen, I'll write it myself in the box.
39:29Well, don't worry.
39:30It's not a matter of arguing.
39:32I'll make it clear.
39:34The point is that we needed a donation for the raffle
39:37and we already have it.
39:38So, thank you very much.
39:40What I'm thinking, Mrs. Agustín,
39:42is that what you could do
39:44is buy the first tickets for the raffle,
39:46which have already arrived.
39:47A lot of contribution has already been made, right?
39:49Well, thank you, Mrs. Flora.
39:50Here we are again.
39:51Or, look, we'd better do one thing.
39:53We're going to give you the taquito so you can sell it to your daughter-in-law.
39:56With the admiration they have for you,
39:58I'm sure they'll take it out of their hands.
39:59That's a good idea, Carmen.
40:00Very well, I'll take it.
40:01Would you be able to sell ice to an Esquimal?
40:09Come on, let's go.
40:12How are the pills?
40:15In the bedroom.
40:17In the night kiss.
40:19A blue and white bottle.
40:20Well, well.
40:21Yes, but breathe, man.
40:22You've only been to a bar.
40:23You've already seen that when I got into the car,
40:26I felt much better.
40:28The truth is that I don't know what to do anymore.
40:30We should open the dispensary.
40:31I'll ask Dr. Borrego.
40:32No, it's not necessary, Andrés, no.
40:34I just need my pills,
40:36rest a little,
40:37and I'll be fine.
40:38Of course, no one beats a big head.
40:41I'm going to get the pills.
40:48Where are you going?
40:50I've been looking for you to take a look at the car.
40:52It makes a strange noise.
40:53I had to go out to make a message.
40:56If you want, I'll take a look at it now.
40:57No, no, no, no.
40:58It's no longer necessary.
40:59I left it in the workshop, back from the factory.
41:03I just needed that now,
41:04for the car to break.
41:07And where was that message?
41:08In the middle of nowhere?
41:10He had to go to a friend's garden.
41:12He's digging a well.
41:14And he has put himself like that,
41:15in his friend's garden?
41:21Here you go, Lidia.
41:25In addition to the minority shareholder of the company,
41:28you are also Isidro's nurse.
41:30Let's get this over with, Jesús.
41:32And I'll bring the pills.
41:37So, you've gone out to celebrate your triumph
41:40with one of your mountain routes.
41:44You should take your responsibility more seriously.
41:50To run a business,
41:51you have to be at the top of the barrel,
41:53and not wasting time picking flowers in the field.
41:58Get better, Isidro.
42:05Do you think he has noticed anything?
42:08No, he doesn't seem to.
42:10But, from now on, we must be more careful.
42:16How is he?
42:18Much better.
42:19And there is still light to return to La Robera.
42:21No, no, no.
42:22Let it go.
42:23From now on, I'll go alone.
42:24No, no.
42:25I want to do it.
42:26I want to help you,
42:27and I will continue to go out with you.
42:28Isidro, please.
42:29Listen to me.
42:30I will continue to do it,
42:31and no more talk.
42:33We will find out if Valentín is in La Robera,
42:36no matter what it takes.
42:47Everything has been very solemn.
42:49I admit that Damian has been very correct
42:51in his welcome speech to my children.
42:53Oh, it takes a weight off my shoulders.
42:55And Jesús wasn't there, he didn't show up.
42:57No, no, no.
42:58It seems that it is true that he will not be there again.
43:00Well, that's what makes me calm.
43:02Especially because Joaquín doesn't know the tension
43:05that was this morning.
43:06I can imagine.
43:08Why are you laughing?
43:09I should have seen the face that Jesús had
43:12when Joaquín told him.
43:15It was worth waiting all these years
43:18just to enjoy this moment.
43:21It seems that we are in our moment.
43:25But now that we are inside,
43:26we have to keep our heads very cool.
43:29We can't let ourselves be carried away
43:31by the euphoria of what we have achieved.
43:33Well, yes, I agree.
43:34We can't trust ourselves, can we?
43:36If something has made it clear to any of the members
43:38of this family, it is that they are ...
43:41very unreliable.
43:43And with them, we cannot lower our guard.
43:48I have left a piece for you.
43:51Why do you say that?
43:52Because it is even braver than I imagined.
43:55How he has taken the reins of this situation.
43:57I have done what I had to do.
43:59This family had been occupying a place
44:01that does not belong to him for too long.
44:05And I am hoping that Joaquín will come back
44:07and tell us how his first day as manager has gone.
44:09It will have gone well for him.
44:11He has a lot of talent.
44:12He just needed the opportunity to prove it.
44:18And I, Digna,
44:19I have been throwing my numbers
44:21and I think that with the salary
44:23that Joaquín is going to charge now,
44:25Joaquín will not need me
44:26to continue serving in the big house.
44:30Stop working?
44:33Well, I don't feel like it at all.
44:35Keep ...
44:37Keep serving those people
44:38with how bad they have always treated us.
44:40And I have to keep picking up
44:41Jesus' dirty dishes, his socks ...
44:44It's humiliating.
44:53I need you there.
44:55With all due respect,
44:56I just don't understand
44:57how you came back to that house.
44:59I admit that for me it is not pleasant at all.
45:02But if I have done it,
45:03it is to defend what we have achieved.
45:06Yes, I understand that, but ...
45:11Working in the big house
45:12is not an economic issue.
45:16That is part of a long-term plan.
45:19And we are all part of it.
45:26I need you to be with me in the big house.
45:30I need it because
45:31four eyes see more than two
45:34and four ears hear more.
45:37All help is little
45:38to achieve the final goal.
45:44I'll stay in the house.
45:47I will help you in everything you need.
45:50Thank you, daughter.
45:54A new stage of our lives begins today.
45:58For my children.
46:00And also for us.
46:04And I am very happy
46:05that you are by my side.
46:22Man, have you already regretted it
46:23and are you going home?
46:25I come from Sigüenza.
46:27What a beautiful place.
46:29But it's a bit far, isn't it?
46:30To spend the day.
46:31Why isn't Julia in that boarding school anymore?
46:33What have you done with her?
46:34That's it.
46:35Yes, that's it.
46:36They told me that you have ordered
46:37the transfer this morning.
46:38And that by express order of yours
46:39they can no longer tell me
46:40where the girl is.
46:42Well, I'm glad to see
46:43how the nuns comply with my orders.
46:45The truth is that
46:47I convince them with little effort
46:48and they are very helpful.
46:49That's why I offer them, sisters.
46:51I can't stand your mockery anymore.
46:53Where is the girl, Jesus?
46:58Are you referring to my daughter?
47:01Because I have to make it clear to you
47:02that if you no longer act like my wife,
47:05you can't act like her mother either.
47:08So why should I tell you?
47:10Because whether or not she is your wife,
47:11Julia will always be my daughter
47:12even if you take her to the end of the world.
47:14You are the one who is not her father.
47:16I see that you are a little confused, huh, Begoña?
47:18Any judge will tell you that this is not the case.
47:23Although if you reconsider what you have done
47:24and go home, it is possible...
47:27It is certain that you would have no problem
47:29in getting in touch with her again.
47:31You are a miserable.
47:33You are a miserable, Jesus.
47:34Where is the girl?
47:35Where is she?
47:37What's going on here?
47:39Jesus took the girl out of the boarding school
47:40and he doesn't want to tell me where he sent her.
47:45Do you also want to hit me
47:46for acting like a father to my daughter?
47:49But keep acting like this
47:50and I warn you that not only will you lose
47:51your position in the company
47:52and your family,
47:54you will also lose your daughter.
47:56Are you telling me
47:57that it is the right thing or not?
48:00Don Perfecto,
48:01El Puro,
48:02the Adalid of justice,
48:03when in reality
48:04you are nothing more than a thief of wives?
48:07I have not stolen you, Jesus.
48:09You have lost it yourself.
48:10You have lost everything.
48:12Has your sermon already ended, Father Andrés?
48:15I try to make you understand this once.
48:17I have not forced anything, Begoña.
48:20You have thrown it at me.
48:22I don't know,
48:23in the end you are going to make me cry
48:24with your speeches.
48:25You are so moving.
48:26Let's go, Andrés, please.
48:28listen to my little woman.
48:30Don't go nailing her,
48:31you've already seen how she spends them.
48:33Let's go.
48:35Goodbye, little couple.
49:01Excuse me for bothering you, sir,
49:03but are you interested in social causes?
49:06Some more than others.
49:08But you can change shifts with someone, right?
49:10No, because I thought I was freeing Claudia,
49:11but no,
49:12I'm freeing Jacinto.
49:13And I'm not going to ask him for anything.
49:15I was cutting cheese,
49:16I couldn't do anything else.
49:24I have already asked for it.
49:26Now you have given me my word.
49:28Well, badly done.
49:30You should have consulted it with me
49:31before promising them anything.
49:33The infidelity you have committed
49:34is not typical of a good Christian.
49:36You are accusing me of something very serious.
49:38Penalty both on earth and in heaven,
49:39my daughter.
49:40I have always loved you for good.
49:41Well, my friend Pedro,
49:43what a joy to see you.
49:45I'm also glad to see you, Damien.
49:47I won't be able to pay Mateo's salary.
49:49And I like having him here,
49:51even if it's just a slap in the face.
49:57don't do it again, please.
49:59How much do you want
50:00to bring Julia back?
50:02Another million pesetas?
50:03Is that enough?