PRANKING My BEST FRIEND In Minecraft! (Doodle Town)

  • avant-hier
00:00Welcome everyone to doodle town in the last episode. We built this beautiful bridge here to get her with
00:07Jelly, this is our side and that is jelly side leading to doodle town
00:14We build it to scribble town
00:17We're officially starting our own town to compete with jelly's town and we even kidnapped jelly sheep doodle
00:25I'm gonna do something to you today doodle and you're not gonna love it
00:29You're not even gonna like it. It's gonna be cruel. But before we can go and do that. I need to build a home
00:35I need to build a house. I need to build something. I'm pretty sure a sign over here says scribble town
00:41That is great. And I'm going to build something right over here. So this is my base that was trolled by jelly
00:48I'm just gonna close it and we're just gonna leave it right there. But somewhere over here. I can build a nice home
00:54I still have a bunch of sick blocks
00:56So let's go and use these blocks for now and maybe gather some resources in a minute
01:01But a house on the water, I mean who doesn't like house on the water. Am I right?
01:06We're gonna build this right over here and I make a floor because we need a floor Oh doodle
01:13I'm gonna do bad things to you. I'm gonna do terrible things. I'm going for a little like
01:18Casually look I know jelly is gone a little bit of a peaceful one. We're gonna go for
01:25Cyberpunk style. Oh, yes. I don't even know what that means. But it sounds like a cool world. Okay
01:32Placing all these things over here. Oh doodle
01:36I'm gonna do things to you. You just break these right over here
01:42Okay, and maybe we do a bit of stone and a bit of wood we can we can mix the two up, right?
01:49You have a spade. I don't even have a spade
01:51I don't have I ever even made a spade in this world world world word world
01:57Okay, there we go. Just like this just like that and that doesn't even work. Nope. I'm such an idiot
02:04Okay, just like this easy peasy
02:07Let's go and make a spade and dig this whole thing out
02:11We need to like build a foundation for our base or a little house. I don't like building really big houses
02:17I just like a little bit of like a small fancy house and we need a place to store
02:22Doodle soon cuz I'm going to kidnap him or all I have already kidnapped it
02:27I'm gonna do bad things to doodle doodles jelly sheep
02:30By the way for everyone wondering everyone who doesn't know and doodle is like the mayor of his town
02:35So he has some good jeans. Oh, yes, the jeans of doodle are superior
02:42They are the absolute best and they are prime
02:47Perfection. Let me just place everything right over here. Just like this. I'm a pretty big fast and quick builder
02:54Just like that just like that
02:56Okay, so this is like a little bit of the foundation of the house and then maybe build a door do we build a door
03:03Oh, wait, did I did I just really run out of blocks? You have to be joking, right?
03:08Well, then then that's got to be actually be perfect for the little base
03:11So we can put it just down here already and then we can put this thing there, too
03:16You know nice little like that we can look at doodle town, but I need something pretty important
03:21I need to get myself some wood. This was our trap. We troll jelly
03:25Didn't fall for the trap though. If I'm correct, let me go and chop down some spruce wood. Yes. Yes. Yes
03:32This one's actually really nice. Oh perfect. So many trees over here. I'm just gonna go and cut them all down
03:37Well, I'll be cutting down a bunch of them. Yes, break it break it break it just like that
03:42Okay, let's go and break the next one doodle. I cannot wait to do something to his sheep something so bad. Oh
03:50You're probably wondering what will come what are you gonna do to doodle the sheep?
03:54Well, you're gonna find out and let me tell you that it's it's not gonna be fun
03:59It's actually going to be pretty sick me thinking about it. I'm sick of my stomach, but we cannot do it just yet
04:06I need to take
04:09The sip of my coffee so everyone knows that I'm not an AI version of myself. Yeah, we need a house first
04:14We need a base and only then can we do something to doodle?
04:18Yep, jelly's pet. It's jelly's pet. Oh, yes
04:22Pranking someone with his pet is probably the worst thing that you can do. Well, I wouldn't really call this a prank
04:28This is actually more sicko mode than that is actually really psycho
04:32You know, if someone would do this to your sister, you'd be absolutely like in shock kidnap your oh, okay
04:38Sorry, I can't even say that it's that bad to your brother. What's your kid? Oh my goodness. Oh boy. Okay. Sorry
04:46Sorry, it's just I cannot unsee those things. Okay in Minecraft due to your cat. That's even worse
04:51Okay, we'd get the spruce wood and we can use the spruce wood in a nice way like this
04:57There you go. You see this is nice. We're gonna go for double windows double windows
05:06And then there's an issue here obviously we already noticed that there was an issue there I'm just gonna place these here
05:12It's gonna look nice shop the wood a little bit and we need a door. We definitely need a door
05:20Can I use I'll just use a regular one. Why do you even get three doors when you make doors?
05:24I never understood that. Okay, just turn it around
05:28Wait double door double door what it's a double door. Okay, that's funny
05:33But we're not gonna do a double door. I didn't even know that was possible
05:37Okay, so we got the door right over here
05:39Then we need more we need to get a roof on here, which we can probably do with spruce wood
05:45Yeah, we're gonna have to use spruce wood for this
05:48Okay, because we don't have enough but this is gonna look nice. Trust me. I'm pretty good at building houses in Minecraft
05:55I've built quite a few throughout my life. So I would say, you know, I've built with the best
06:00I used to have a friend who had a
06:02Minecraft build team
06:04Actually, you just build stuff for people you get hired and he put all their his kids to work and they would build like crazy
06:10Worlds in Minecraft it actually like really really impressive. So we've got them. We got this going. So that's nice
06:17Can we put some more blocks over here? I mean we could just go like this, but it looks a pretty sloppy
06:23It actually looks really sloppy. We're not gonna do that. We already have the strange-looking roof
06:27Maybe some slabs for the outside that actually would look really nice and then maybe some stairs too for the outside
06:35We need some more materials. I don't think we have enough materials. We can put these right here
06:40You see this is adds a little bit of a dynamic twist to this place. You see how this looks. Oh, yeah, baby
06:47That looks nice. Um, and then we put this right there
06:51Stairs here, you know, I'm saying you feel me buddy. You feel me? Okay. Look at that
06:56Look at that. Okay. This is starting to take shape. We've got a little a little bit of a home
07:02That is it's a bit funky. You know, I kind of like the funkiness of this home
07:07You can make a little like friend area here. What do you call that? What we even call that?
07:11It's a Dutch. We would call it over cupping. I think that's a correct word
07:15We can even put the stairs here not upside down. That looks strange. Just I did it upside down again
07:21This is the home
07:22I love building homes in Minecraft like a genuinely really enjoy it back in the day when I was still super young
07:27I wanted to become an architect. We need to get those polls
07:30I wanted to become an architect and I went to do an internship once at an architectural firm and I found it too boring
07:39It was too slow for me like I like my stuff fast, you know, like making YouTube videos that's quick
07:45But then an architectural firm it takes years before the building is done
07:49And to me that was just a little bit too much and then kind of lost interest in it
07:53But I used to draw a bunch. Okay, look at that. We need more of these
07:57Can I like maybe like steal a few that we don't see maybe like right here? That's a good one and then
08:05Right behind here else where you're gonna have to go and mine those again
08:08And that's gonna just be a pain in the butt just like this place in here. Boom. Boom. Boom
08:16Look at that that looks good
08:18Okay, then this I'm gonna fill up with glass, but we need a staircase to the top
08:23Yeah, this is a perfect spot for a staircase like that. You can just walk up or maybe we just do a double layer one
08:29But I need more spruce wood. So we're gonna go and get it
08:32Well, I take a sip of my coffee because I'm recording this really early since jelly is not on the server right now
08:40I always need to make sure jellies not on the server. I know he's waking up soon, though
08:43Just need to make sure that he is not away
08:46Let me go and get this. Let me go and get this and break all of the blocks
08:52We also have a really spicy announcement coming soon. By the way for everyone wondering maybe it's already live
08:57I don't think so. It'd be like October 4th. I think that's the announcement day or October 5th one of those days
09:03Oh, I know those days
09:05By the way, please leave some comments in the comment section below. I'm going to make a comment wall. Jelly has a comment wall
09:12I want to make one too. So in the comment section
09:15Give me something like what what should be the first thing on the comment wall?
09:20Actually, I know an even better one
09:22You need to tell me in the comment section below what I need to be putting on the comment wall
09:27So this can be just funny jokes. So you tell me if it's gonna be funny jokes
09:31We're only gonna put funny jokes if it's gonna be dad jokes, we're gonna put dad jokes
09:35Okay, really bad jokes. Maybe it should be suggestions of what I should be building in town
09:41You just let me know like what should it be that the comment wall should depict should it be?
09:47Roasts jelly roasts or jelly pranks that I need to do it can be literally anything you decide and then I will make a nice
09:55Comment wall don't think I'll make it in the home
09:59Are you running the right direction? I hope so. I hope I'm not lost every shame
10:02I just have naturally like gifted way of like
10:06Traversing and finding my way back home in the wilderness. You can drop me in any city. I like I'll know where the hotel is
10:12It's pretty pretty strange. I think it's because I played so many video games. Okay, so we got the tree
10:18Which is super obnoxiously in the way, but it kind of adds to the atmosphere of the home and then you enter the home
10:24Place a nice block here. Now. We need to have the block like so look at that. So you enter and then
10:32Mmm, that one's in the way we can do
10:34Staircase here. Okay, and I'm gonna do like a staircase that direction. We got the blocks here. Let me just cut these into
10:42Slabs a lot. We need a lot of slabs. Okay, leave those on the floor
10:46Let me just go and start building this staircase
10:48I don't think this is the best way to do it, but it'll look a little bit nice and fancy
10:53And that's kind of what we like. Oh, this actually works perfect. Look at that. Oh, wow
10:59Okay, I was not expecting that and then we can continue to pillar right here. Look at that
11:04Okay, we got a nice little staircase here. You know, you just like walk up like this
11:09Maybe we should break these and turn this into a floating staircase. Yes. Yes
11:15This looks so nice. This looks so nice. This looks so nice. Okay, I'm actually really really happy with that
11:20It break this block first that makes that block the floating staircase. Okay, this look fancy and we can make it
11:26Oh, we can make a hidden room here. Yes. Okay. I'm gonna place a chest here for now
11:31So we know there's gonna be like our hidden chest can put my stuff in there and anything
11:36I still want to be putting in there. You can also open it up because it's a slab. It's brilliant. Sorry
11:40I just got really excited, but you see it from here. Okay, that's bad. So we go in place like this
11:45Would that be smart more like this? Yeah like this. Oh, this is so nice. This is so cool. Our home is looking
11:54Who anyone who says this isn't beauty needs to leave you need to leave?
11:59By the way, I just want to say to everyone watching super excited to be back making videos
12:04I have a lot of energies. I took like a sabbatical really always says retirement
12:09But it was more of sabbatical like a two-year break pretty crazy. And then I'm back. I feel great
12:14I think I was very like I was actually pretty burned out on making YouTube videos
12:18I did more stuff that you know, I'm passionate about like the bubble cup AI stuff the bubble cup AI journey
12:24I'm just super thankful that I was able to do that and really fulfill my dream of you know
12:29Creating something. I feel like it's a little bit bigger than me
12:32So I just want to say thank you for that and thank you for the opportunity someone calling me
12:36No, it's just someone texting me a million times. Like sometimes I get these phone calls during recordings
12:40I'm like, do you really have to go and call me? But this is just someone waking up and going
12:44Hey, buddy, are you doing cuz it's so early on my friends. I'm making the the outside slab area right now
12:51We're almost done with it. Once we have it think it'll look really nice
12:55I just need to figure out what to do for this topic because I don't have any stone anymore
12:59And it's kind of gonna look a little bit messy. Oh, actually, you know me continuing with wood will look nice
13:04It makes sense because if you're doing a build the bottom needs to be strong needs to be a strong foundation
13:10So it doesn't collapse and then afterwards you can use wood. So I'm gonna put wood up there
13:14I'm gonna leave this corner because that looks nice nice little touch
13:16We take the stairs up and then from here we can start placing the wood, but I'm curious
13:22Should we do it right here? One, two, three, should we do it like this?
13:28We do like this, yes, okay, they'll look nice and then we can make a roof that's even same dimension as this
13:35Oh, buddy. Yeah, he's gonna look at my house and be like buddy. This looks so bad
13:38He's gonna think it looks insane and then he's gonna realize I've done things to doodle. Oh, wow. Okay
13:43We're actually one block short just one really and I steal it from somewhere. You won't notice. Oh boy. Oh boy
13:51Okay, I need to go and get like literally one block and we need more wood
13:55Anyways, I don't think we'll make it with this because we also need to do the roof and we need to do glass
14:00We need to get glass to let me first get this stuff
14:02Yeah, I was just getting a little bit emotional really enjoying being back making YouTube videos
14:07I'm a little bit stressed or was very stressed last week because I have to do everything on my own
14:12We now have some backup
14:13Got quite a few very talented people joining me and helping me making sure that I can get these videos out
14:20You know if you want to post daily or at least post a few times a week and record a bunch of videos
14:24It requires quite a lot of planning. I've got a pretty busy life already
14:28So for me to do this on top of that, it's like it's tough
14:31You know a lot of people know that I I own the YouTube channel called blue and that was like my little
14:36Project when I stopped filming videos myself, but you know
14:40It's still it's still business that needs to be ran and then me and Jilly are doing some fun stuff together soon
14:46Which you might have already seen you might have not seen it depends. Okay. My axe is breaking
14:53That's always a good sign. Do we have enough? I'm just gonna go until the axe breaks. I don't want to get these big trees
14:59I don't want to leave floating blocks. I don't want to leave the floating blocks in the sky
15:03I want to go and prank Jilly soon
15:08This one gotta break everything just breaking the blocks breaking the blocks breaking the blocks. Okay
15:13I'm going to finish up the house now with the blocks that I have that should be enough
15:18I just need to go and steal some glass from Jilly, which should be fine. I don't think he minds it too much. Does he?
15:24I'm very curious how he's gonna react what I'm gonna do to doodle. Oh boy. It's gonna be a mess. It's gonna be messed up
15:31Okay, let me place these blocks down here
15:34This is an important part of the build and then I'm gonna go less windows on this floor
15:40Why because it'll make my house look like it's a perspective thing
15:45It makes the bottom floor look much larger than the top floor
15:49Is it this like funky vibe and feel to it and you'll see it'll look really nice from the bottom
15:54Especially once we add the roof and then we can we can make a little part that goes to the roof here or not
15:59But let's see what it looks like from the bottom right now
16:02You see this looks pretty condensed and then let's just add a roof to it. I think this looks nice
16:07You know don't want to spend a gazillion years on me building my home. Why am I so stupid? Let me build put this right here
16:15That's a bunch of slabs. It's a bunch of blocks. It's a bunch of slabs. Okay, we need a staircase to the roof
16:23Will this work this works? Yeah. Okay. Perfect. No, we can make a ladder here. Oh, yes a baby
16:29Oh, yes, it sticks and then like this. Yeah
16:33Okay, so you haven't played Minecraft in a while, but I still feel it two and a half blocks is a nice ceiling height
16:40It's not too high, you know three blocks sometimes feels just a little bit too high
16:44This is like the attic place all the blocks here and then we're gonna make a roof
16:50Okay, that one's miss gonna make a nice little roof. Oh, that actually looks pretty cool. If we do it like that sometimes yeah
16:57Do go that direction?
16:59Yeah, let me cover these up and
17:03This one up and then what we can do here is we can just build it out doesn't have to be perfect
17:08But leaving it a little bit open actually adds a little bit of you know
17:15Breaking to it and you kind of want to break your build sometimes if it looks too perfect
17:20It doesn't look good too. Perfect is never too good then
17:23It looks like you faked it or something like that, you know, like you don't want that
17:27You want it to tell a story like we built this in like half an hour type of story. That's that's bad
17:33That's the story that you're telling here. Like, okay, I'm not perfect. There you go. Then from the outside. This looks great
17:39This looks really solid, you know, nice little home filled up with glass, you know need a bed
17:44We need a bed for sure, you know walk up here. You're like, ah, this is so cool fill up these holes
17:49So no one falls down fill up that. Yes. Okay. That looks cool. Bump your head a little it looks cool
17:55You know, and that's that's what we're going for. I'm gonna fill this up. Oh, yes
18:00Such a nice it's gonna be the bedroom. By the way, I'm gonna steal a few things from jelly
18:04Then I'm going to you know, improve some stuff and then it's your time doodle
18:09We're gonna do some messed up things to you, buddy. Mwah. Ah
18:14And boom look at that look at this, oh yes, baby this looks so
18:21Insanely nice we got the glass here. We got doodle town over there. We're in scribble town
18:27We can just walk up the stairs right here and boom an orange bed. Oh, yes, then we go walk up here
18:34I made a little chimney why I don't know
18:36We just need a little chimney and now it's time to go and mess with doodle
18:41Yes, the moment everyone has been waiting for we're gonna do something
18:45Messed up. Okay. Well, here's the thing. This is doodle town. That's doodle
18:51Doodles the mayor. Okay. This is scribble town
18:54The only way scribble town exists is because jelly said it was allowed. All right, jelly just said yes scribble down
19:00You're fine. You can have scribble down and then let us build it there
19:03But you know, he also banned me before so he could it could change his mind
19:07So I came up with a brilliant plan
19:09I kidnapped doodle and jelly obviously thinks that I'm gonna do something to doodle and you know kill him or something
19:15I would never instead I'm gonna do something even more messed up doodle
19:20I'm gonna go and get you. Let me go. Yeah. Yeah, how about you? Follow me this direction?
19:24I'm gonna do something way way way way way worse doodle meet your new friend. Come in here
19:31Come in here. Come in here. Okay, perfect. This is gonna be doodles new friend
19:37You know what? I'm gonna do you to read give me babies. Yes. Oh, we got a green doodle, baby
19:44Oh boy, there's two things we need to do. First of all, you're orange now
19:53Second of all, oh wait, I can't name you just yet. You need to be an adult for me to name you
19:58You kidding me? Can I can I force you to corral? Come on. I need you to become an adult. There we go
20:03I'm such an idiot. I have a name tag, but I didn't name it be right back. Okay, we're back doodle
20:08That's your baby mama who you know, we don't really care about. I'm sorry. The baby mama needs to die. I'm so sorry
20:13Okay, sorry, baby. Mama. Rest in peace you on the other hand will now be named
20:18Scribble we got doodle. We got scribble and on that note. I'm gonna end the episode right over here
20:25I'm super curious how jelly has gotta react when he sees that doodle is now the father of
20:31Scribble and I'm gonna leave a sign here that says that because yeah, I need to make it clear that that's his son
20:37Okay. Thank you everyone for watching. See you the next episode. Bye. Bye