• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Questa iniziativa è una grande festa in cui si vanno ad alternare momenti di gioco negli spazi del porto, come ad esempio il waterfront, nel nostro caso di oggi, a momenti di formazione, momenti di divulgazione, momenti di conoscenza dei mezzi anche nautici, di tutte quelle forze dell'ordine che lavorano per quell'aspetto di sicurezza della navigazione o di sicurezza dei commerci, una comunità istituzionale che lavora a favore del porto. Si vuole far comprendere che siamo attraverso il gioco, la musica, la cultura e il confronto”. Lo ha detto Fulvio Lino Di Blasio, presidente dell'Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Settentrionale Porti di Venezia e Chioggia - AdSPMAS, a margine della giornata di presentazione ai media dei Port Days, manifestazione realizzata in coordinamento con Assoporti e patrocinata dai Comuni di Venezia e Chioggia, che tra il 4 e il 6 ottobre proporrà a studenti, residenti, operatori del porto e curiosi un ricco programma di attività finalizzate ad approfondire la conoscenza del mondo portuale veneto e programmate a Venezia centro storico, Marghera e Chioggia.


00:00It's an initiative run by all the Italian ports, launched by Soporti, the national association of the Italian ports.
00:10There are 16 authorities that, in October, decide to open their doors to those who don't know the port.
00:19So, like us today, the children of primary and secondary schools, the citizens, the workers,
00:26all the forces of the order that work inside the port, the tourists.
00:29So, it's a big party where you alternate moments of play in the spaces of the port,
00:36like, for example, the waterfront, in our case today,
00:39moments of training, moments of disclosure, moments of knowledge of the vessels,
00:45also nautical, of all those forces of the order that work for that aspect of safety of navigation
00:51or the safety of trade.
00:53You see the captaincy, the finance guard, the border police, the firemen, the carabinieri.
01:01So, it's a community, an institutional community that works in favor of the port.
01:06Secondly, there are also musical moments,
01:11moments in which you want to make people understand who we are
01:16through the play, the music, the culture and the confrontation.
01:20An initiative that evolved mainly on the basis of the meeting we had.
01:24Many of the events of the past years made us understand that we did too few
01:28because not everyone found a place.
01:30And so, this year, we decided to launch the concept of village of the port.
01:35There are three days, one in Venice, Centro Storico,
01:38so along our waterfront, Dona San Basilio Santa Marta,
01:42one tomorrow in Pioggia, Saturday, and Sunday in Marghera.
01:47So, we decided to identify the three great environments in which our port operates
01:53and we decided to expand it, also increase the participation.
01:58This year, we have 32 partners,
02:00from institutions, maritime agents, technical and nautical services,
02:05propeller clubs, all those who love and work with us.
02:09So, it's more involved, it's longer,
02:12and there are more events and more possibilities to visit our port,
02:16to play, or to listen and to be together.
02:19Also in a fun way.
02:20Today, the kids are in collaboration with the CUS,
02:24doing play trips in an area that is a port area.
02:28So, they play and meanwhile,
02:30they are trips interspersed by moments of training.
02:33So, after two or three games, they meet the organizer,
02:37they meet another operator of the technical and nautical services
02:41that, maybe, with the uniform, shows images,
02:44shows tools of their work.
02:46So, it's a bit like an app,
02:48where you can see a future tomorrow,
02:52like, I don't know, people working inside the port.
02:56So, it's very fun.
02:58This afternoon, we will do, for example, double interviews,
03:00like the hyenas, with characters who work at the port,
03:03a representative of the port community,
03:06the director of the docks,
03:08a boy and a girl who work at the port.
03:10So, it's also a way to bring out that human part
03:13that is in all of us
03:15and that is what creates the cohesion,
03:18beyond what sometimes appears on the formal tables.
03:21It's a great opportunity for us,
03:23because beyond what then passes through the means of communication,
03:27which are often focused on individual events
03:30or initiatives of a commercial nature,
03:34today it's just, how to say,
03:36to be together with people who come with us.
03:40So, to confront each other, to make them understand
03:42how much is inside, how much passion, above all.
03:45There are so many people here, not only because it's a job,
03:47but because they have chosen to dedicate their lives to the sea.
03:50And this is one of the most beautiful things,
03:52and I think it's also the easiest thing to communicate at any age.
